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tv   Decline  Al Jazeera  April 19, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am +03

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we understand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it al-jazeera will bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you al-jazeera. big story it's generating thousands of headlines with different angles from different perspectives separate the spin from the facts that's why i'm gone. with the listening stuff on al-jazeera.
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and though i maryam namazie in london the top stories this hour on al-jazeera the south korean president munge i n says the north has expressed its commitment to complete denuclearize ation it comes as u.s. president donald trump warns he'll walk away from planned talks with north korea's leader if they are not fruitful the meeting is expected to take place next month or in early june cia director and secretary of state nominee might pompei o held a secret meeting with kim jong un in pyongyang earlier this month as part of an effort to lay the groundwork for talks trump says he hopes they'll be a success but adds he is willing to call them off if not. well the south korean president says his north korean counterpart kim jong un won't demand the withdrawal of u.s. soldiers as a precondition for denuclearization america's military presence in south korea has been a major sticking point in negotiations with pyongyang it's hoped the talks between
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the korean leaders will smooth the way for trump's summit with kim. editor james bass is inside north korea. there's clearly plenty for both sides to continue to discuss one of the things they must work out is the venue for this historic summit where are they going to meet could it be here in pyongyang and some diplomats i've spoken to say that might be giving too much to the north korean side for a u.s. president to actually step foot in this country could it be in the the militarized zone where that intra korean summit is taking place in one week's time could it perhaps be in china in beijing again diplomats saying that that would effectively give china a seat at the table something the u.s. may not like there are other countries neutral countries that are offering to be a venue for the talks we have norway we have sweden one in the region that's been mentioned is the capital of mongolia battle then you get what they might get out of
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a first summit most observers hope that there would be after a big meeting a process an ongoing process to deal with all the details but both sides would probably want something out of a meeting of this level and certainly the u.s. will be concerned about the three u.s. citizens of korean descent who are being held prisoner here in north korea president trump has already mentioned them and the fact that he's working to get their release in our other top stories cuba's new president has vowed to continue the socialist revolution as the nation turns the page on nearly six decades of castro rule miguel diaz canal has been sworn in by m.p.'s in havana after raul castro stepped down having completed ten years as president he has canal is the first cuban leader on up to fidel castro's nine hundred fifty five revolution and also the first not to a fortunate. among the global to. the peoples mandate given to this legislature is
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to ensure the continuity of the cuban revolution in a crucial and historic moment marked by advances in the development of our economic and social model perfecting and strengthening our work in all aspects of the life of the nation the iraqi government has launched as strikes against i still targets in syria prime minister hydrilla bodies office says iraqi fighter jets carried out a deadly raid against eisel fighters in a border area syrian an iraqi forces have driven eisel from nearly all of its previous territory meanwhile rebels in a syrian town near damascus agreed to hand in their weapons under a deal negotiated by russia the fighters into marriage being evacuated to rebel held areas in northern syria hundreds of rebels are leaving along with their families. riot police in paris have used pepper spray and tear gas on people protesting against president emanuel macron nearly one
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hundred twenty thousand people took part in strikes and rallies across france it's the latest in weeks of demonstrations by reli employees public sector workers and students against micron's planned reforms for public services and universities. you're up to date with all of our top stories coming up next al jazeera follows the rise and fall of the ottoman caliphate and its islamic empire i'll be back with more news after that in about half an hour's time. the caliph are. a form of rule in islam. that lasted for almost thirteen centuries. from the death of the prophet muhammad.
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to the overthrow of the last ottoman caliph in one thousand nine hundred twenty four. the arabic term for k. anything. which actually in essence simply means a successor or an adept. the ruler of the islamic world would call himself clifford resort in law the success of god's message. through the centuries. the title of caliph is a term that has been used. in the time abuse. in june two thousand and fourteen and militant group calling itself the islamic state in iraq and the levant or ice or. declared the establishment of a caliphate. they call rejected by most muslims around the world.
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reached into the pause to appropriate the title of caliph. the group claimed its leader abducted by the dead. as a descendant of the prophet muhammad's own tried. to walk into an article put a shoe on him a can of one out of a flash. and out of a flash. they have shot be. maybe if you have a look. this is the story. the title of caliph began in the prophet's tribe. and how nine centuries later the title was used by people of a different race. our different dentist these rosenfeld. ending with the decline of the ottoman caliphate.
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this is the story. of the calif. saudi arabia. the holiest city islam. is here in the spring of the year five seventy one but muhammad the prophet of islam was born into a family belonging to
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a tribe called. well aged man and more covered less as i am of the just a lot of me you know how to just get out of me. what i can that. modifies the as well be that then i'll be what i use gonna die if not i'm going to gamble up up. sixty one years later. my homage to medina the capital of the new islamic states. with his death in the problem of who should be successor. one thing seemed clear to new kind of how to come from the prophets trying. they had the infant the milk the i that's it i love being in lefty had the. lack in how the us and the other to have a shot of your own womb is a man in the snow me other than
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a feeling what it was and can i don't but i. know buffy and all of that if you listen. for three hundred years after the prophets death the counterfeit remains strong. but by the mid tenth century. the most of the road had from. divided now between three colors all three descendants of course. in centuries to come one by one. each of those three kind of fits would crumble and fall. forward.
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to the spain. capital of the under the sea into my youth kind of. this is the way you did history that drew from the mask. in the seventh and eighth century. the death of the second caliph. in the hof a century of chaos among members of his family. and ten thirty one the ninth and last minute caliph the shan. was forced to stand down. i'm going to the most of the most authentic. a lot on the board because saying let me without you know if you don't listen but you
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know if you're not doesn't know yet you know you've got it under those and said i'm going to answer some of. them is the. one. that out of. the eye of. the. across the mediterranean the phantom it's in cairo also fell victim to better inform. in ten twenty one the sixth color attack in. mysteriously disappeared in the book at them hills outside his capital. his death almost certainly at the hands of his own family. would be the start of the fact that it's long claws. from the late eleventh century onward
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farting in calif is increasingly losing control of affairs and that the political and military elites are starting to take over the state difficult. in baghdad. best cities are suffering a similar thing. by the middle of the eleventh century mrs jewkes a rising turk in a city that seize control of the calif. i love the moon walk a one in but out the what do you lack in the eleven via let me. why in the am i gonna shout son but law. me was sherry. the subject rulers were the first to take the title song. and arabic words meaning
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authority. in the trials to come the defenders of islam. would be sold tons of non arab birth. platinum all fronts. the statue of pope urban the second one to east. in november ten ninety five from the city. he launched a christian campaign to recapture jerusalem in the holy land from the muslims. the crusades. there more was lent by
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the pope to assembly with the results his authority to declare war. and attend ninety six. the crusaders set out on an arduous overland eastward journey. after three years of demanding travel and fierce battles. they finally reached their goal. and delight ten ninety nine kristie and it's captured jerusalem. there's a major massacre muslims died jews dead even some eastern christian. to the pins and recognizes christians died and the chroniclers from the crusaders perspective
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present this is vengeance for the blasphemy that these saracens had done to the jesus's holy city of jerusalem. for not half century sturdier jerusalem had surrendered to the second caliph of aslan. but intend not to knowing. as muslim saul to confront the marauding crusaders a slam faced a burning question where was the caliph. the a bastard at that point had no military thoughts which they could have sent the father caliphate they had lost their syrian lands to local warlords so when they saw the crusaders coming in they probably were quite happy to
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see that these was up us we're now facing a major problem with these community quite strong military contingents moving in from europe. large areas of the levant were occupied. divided by the christians into four distinct fiefdoms. but after half a century of crusaders success muslim slowly began to fight back. but it was not the caliphs were led to fight. damascus syria. in the middle of the twelfth century this city was the capital of the zinc it's a turkish history founded by a man. the governor of northern live. in
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eleven forty four he had secured the first muslim victory against the crusaders. well with him out of the heart of it hit him out of the saddle eleusinian the heaven and to stop and the be infinitely misled me and to. be and then to be in kenya and the had all the blood. in eleven forty six the succeeded his father in the struggle against the crusaders and deliverance. two decades later he would be fighting over another crisis. to have us on the story. as have him and fall to meet him in his inky and you
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second dolphy watch out so me and the other seller who ascended be sure to call what any committee chair call from the l. a said. after five years of data. should call noted dean's kurdish generals succeeded both in defeating the crusaders and seizing control of the fata miss cullison. he was succeeded by his nephew salaheddine. the. man known to the west side of things. so he saw that his political career as the was leader of the falcons so he had to acknowledge the supremacy of the father he kept the foot two years. but in eleven seventy one.
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so long switched his allegiance. bringing an end to a hop centuries of the faults of its kind of fits and declaring egypt's loyalty to the opposite caliph and but that. why. is that most certainly is that i've been had one problem that he had no legitimacy. so the main selling point for so he didn't throughout his career was about. the cutting costs of jordan. one of the largest crusader forts in the live on. from this powerful position the crusaders began to harass muslim trade caravans threatening even make it so. so i've been unified
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to syria and egyptian political landscape and the only remaining. you would qualities were the crusaders states so it was natural for them to move against them . in july eleventh eighty seven here in northern palestine but the place known as the horns of. forces crossed the crusaders. zero zero. zero zero. zero zero four months later jerusalem surrender. this time not to an arab calif but to a kurdish soltani. assault on the shed like can you make any feel little if. and if allowed bessie get.
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life. let it be when i'm asleep and i'm like a lot of different. hank in. the defeat at the team was a turning point for the crusaders. driven back to a strip of my rainy and coastline. they consolidated their position with massive costs a strategic points like side and left. but just as this threat to the islamic world was subsiding. a danger of even greater proportions was gathering strength. this time. in the east.
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and ancient school in. built by the ambassador. it was part of a desperate effort to recapture the golden age of the early our best caliphate. in twelve forty two and most awesome succeeded his father as the thirty seventh calif. but he would soon face a new danger. the approach of the moment boards. the phases of the mongols overall all seen as the major turning point in the recent history and when the moments came there was a clear sense of. the way of holding things. they will continue.
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in january twelfth fifty eight. the mongols reached back then. within two weeks the us a capital of been brought to its knees. the caliph and the stasi was executed. the great city reduced to ashes. a five hundred year caliphate had come to an end. it was a moment that was but a watershed but also a confirmation of a situation which it actually existed for quite a long time. some spoke as of august that it was if not any great significance because the real power of the apostates had faded away hundreds of years ago when
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they were just sitting around in that baghdad's palace and that their existence had very little meaning for the majority it's. a slam was now in peril. the only remaining hope was the new soto's of egypt the man who looks. right at the slaves from central asia to form an army for the e.u. bits. they had supplanted some odd demus dentist. in september twelve sixteen here i thought in general in palestine. remember army but the mongols and bats. was a decisive victory for the most. the member looks at save the muslim
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world. and their tenuous legitimacy. was about to be struck. there was a member of the boston family who managed to escape from the slaughter in baghdad and make his way to cairo where the man luke's in egypt subsequently recognized his descendents as k.f.c. in cairo and derive benefit in the sea from this kind of shadow puppet caliphate. bolstered by the caliphs indorsement in twelve months he won. the man looks put an end to two centuries of christian crusades. aker. the last crusade the fortress on the mediterranean was captured.
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meanwhile in anatolia a new muslim power was on the rise. a power which would carry the banner of islam to the gates of constantinople. in six twenty nine during the life of the prophet muhammad. the first ever battle between muslims and by sun times took place here in. southern jordan. the fight ended with the muslims defeated and their withdrawal to medina. but the setback would be temporary. the progress great. as of constantinople still beckons. stumbled into the pavan but if in the mists that one
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of these think any of the costantini of an m.l.a. meeting i mean when any man. is down you can only see the stumble to fit the did. you read. the tenth and eleventh century constantinople us describe the apple the ultimate prize that someday muslims will win and often the taking of constant no pulis presented almost apocalyptic terms of something that will bring on the final victory of islam. that final victory would fall to the ultimate it's a turkic most i'm trying to emigrated from central asia to settle in i'm told.
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they get these a month i have to shut lot of my demon of it the protestant on it. is that in a quarter to that yet it's been a little yeah then you stumble a little. april fourteenth fifty three minutes on me they'd siege to the great city. seven weeks later the altar months back from their way to constantinople. and as the victorious. entered the city through this gate. an eight hundred year old prophecy had come to pass. this involved importance was militant muslims and also for european christians
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suddenly one of the major capitals of kristen to become a muslim. but just as they tasted the fruits of victory. at the far end of the mediterranean. eight hundred years of muslim civilization. was about. to come crashing down. fast furious and sometimes fatal mongolia's child jockeys are risking their young lives writing to women are they being exploited in the name of tradition one on one east investigates on al-jazeera.
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i know i'm maryam namazie in london a quick look at the top stories for you now a south korean president lungi in says the north has expressed its commitment to completely denuclearize it comes as u.s. president donald trump warns he'll walk away from any planned talks with north korea's leader if they are not fruitful the meeting is expected to take place next month or in early june cia director and secretary of state nominee might pompei i held a secret meeting with kim jong un in pyongyang earlier this month as part of an effort to lay the groundwork for talks. trump says he hopes they'll be a success but adds that he is willing to call them off if not. cuba's new president has vowed to continue the socialist revolution as the nation turns the page on nearly six decades of castro rufe miguel diaz has been sworn in by m.p.'s in havana as roe castro stepped down after ten years as president. is the first cuban leader
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born after fidel castro's nine hundred fifty nine revolution and also the first not to a fortunate among the global to work that he loved the people's mandate given to this legislature is to ensure the continuity of the cuban revolution in a crucial and historic moment marked by advances in the development of our economic and social model perfecting and strengthening our work in all aspects of the life of the nation iraq has launched airstrikes against i still targets in syria prime minister bodies office says iraqi fighter jets carried out a deadly raid against i still in a border area syrian and iraqi forces have driven i still from nearly all of its previous territory. rebels in a syrian town near damascus have agreed to hand in their weapons under a deal negotiated by russia a fight is in demand of being evacuated to rebel held areas in northern syria hundreds of rebels are leaving along with their families. and riot police in paris
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have used pepper spray and tear gas to break up protests against french president emanuel macron nearly one hundred twenty thousand people took part in the strikes and rallies across the country it's the latest in weeks of demonstrations by the way employees public sector workers and students against mat khan's plan reforms for public services and universities are going to bring you more on all of those stories and about twenty five minutes time watch more coming up in the news hour i'll see you a bit later on this day without his era by for now. the alhambra. a muslim citadel and palace.
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one of spain's most famous spahn humans. for more than two and a half centuries this palace in granada was the scene of the last of its. the last muslim ministry in the iberian peninsula. dr seth ajak one of those pick and you already know not cite ico who are sort of sort of stood up and he forget that he had pulled a deal they say and to the court of law but in a medical circles he will not get to buddha a pickle might there be a list but what is the notice with other than i am business there.
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in the early eighth century. muslims conquered most of the i bury in peninsula the province they called under seal. but the compering on it was on able to drive home their success. the remnants of the former rumors the physical fights took shelter in the mountains in the north. of the cult but some of them it's called a lot of you want to show that it is when you allow. the d.-day academy to be to the e.c. a lot of the. mountains of northern spain would become the cradle of new christy kingdom. thanks. kingdoms that would start a holy war not
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a complete stop three conquered by darian peninsula and end what they saw as muslim occupation. last. can remember. that it will cause all kind of look at that and does anyone see the illusion as she lets it can it's a party to feed his body up. look at that he got on and do sonny and all had oh a minute to said you know i mean and also know i mean it's how dad who can know i mean it so i did it. and ten thirty one after the folder made conifer of cordoba. under the sea a broke up into several minor city states. easy prey for the christian kingdoms. help was needed from across the mediterranean.
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marrakesh miracle. founded the eleventh century capital of the middle of. the sperber dynasty and the success of. the young ones crossed the sea to under the sea and to confront the threats from the spanish christian kingdoms. good and wonderful it what it enough is that it also if don't know that the hut that the mothers assemble to muddy will go to what would your feet visit when you
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most in the community and those who. live the leather the humbleness only as a whole jihad if you defend one if you do that and then those as a whole while the other one. for more than a century that it. was held at bay. until the year twelve hundred twelve when the christine kingdoms of custody. are gone and portugal united against them one. here east of called them a battle took place which immortalized the name of this morning for. us thomas to come up. and walk the forces to heaven he defeated by the united christine. and has a month of what has he got is
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a miss but he didn't seem to fit and that was that he got to have this wasn't done in libya why not how does the old guy that you know if it's not if a suburban he ought to build in one of the up. he has even. with the unified modoc of the above and others. christian forces continue to press southward. and by the late thirteenth century the most impreza it's in spain was reduced to the tiny mosque with kingdom of crown on them. but you bet it. didn't and that was many who did what was deemed heavy and medina any. more of them by this was what i mean it's fuck yes and it's funny. how do you need a new idea to win with. this animal it's
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a world with. no you're doing it hope millen missed it is used as the wow team. in fourteen ninety one united on me's of the two christian monex is a battle of custom and king for non-doing of god a gong made siege to bring out the. muhammad the twelfth the nasir it's a long sentence desperate your quest for help. but this time there was no answer. was. he. come. in.
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with no sign of help appearing. the city surrendered to the spaniards. done on her son. son on the. get go you know we. come. in january fourteenth ninety two. responded and three grown up.
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on a computer stuff. was complete. then we sure. got off the. a minute. to do well and. a father for the i think there's. fourteen ninety two. marked the end of muslim rule in spain. that same year christopher columbus arrived back in grenada. he broke news of his discoveries to sponsor. isabel. a new word was about to open for the christian.
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while the muslims were about to start fighting each other over an old title. the caliphate. fourteen fifty three. the stumble. no longer called constantinople. was made capital of the autumn and. an empire of the already made inroads into christian europe. but the salt on whose remains lay here in this mosque of the difference from.
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selim the first came to power in fifteen twelve. five years later he had toppled the man looked in history in egypt a triple the size of the ottoman empire. when the ottomans conquer egypt they take over from the mamelukes they can claim to be protective of the holy muslim sites mecca and medina and they feel like in harry the mantle of being kay less from shadowline of apostate canucks in cairo. so consider you are one of those who do for you if you knew the truth to have been covered based on. wasn't it that it got to move on if it did it have been pretty good to be a kid you don't worry that you stumble but you don't. you could try to do it we
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could do it and hung it's dirty trick or smoke kind of a lot of the. but it is the yoke. the topkapi palace. legendary residence of the mike to. see. it fifteen seventeen. tons awarded themselves another honor targets. of. the most annoying centuries after the foundation of the kind of six the two. in the title that slipped from the hands of arabs on the porridge the prophet strong. the ottomans don't seem to have made a huge amount of being k.f.c.
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and whilst they did claim the title it was more of an honorific or something that indicated that they were first among muslim on. so the ottomans were not initially in the sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth century really claiming to be universal muslim really. yet after a slow decline of three centuries. the successors of these great ottomans all tones . were turned once again to the colorful. and a desperate attempt to rescue their falling empire. palace istanbul. the residence of so far not the the second who came to the
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throne in eighteen seventy six. he was a skilled carpenter. crafted most of his furniture. as he children playing the carpenter salt. was contemplating the gradual loss of territories. by the late nineteenth century. much of the mighty ottoman empire was disappearing from the mouth. of the yet well a couple he laughed at that but if but if it got to jemaah islamiya it's something that's monumental joe oh how will. you add that what you thought of to figure out.
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at the moment that the bonus money and that of the match. it could be that. it's a bomb just i mean cut them down or else funny it would be of a but she's a couple of b.b. . and i like his us the onion and medina and the work. you've done. nothing. but the soul tones attempts to exploit the spiritual power of the title kind of could not save. a nineteen zero nine after honey it was deposed. with little shawled was it's told us the thirty fifth so-called ottoman states.
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and go his coronation was mocked by lavish traditional festivals in truth it was powerless. little fishies book and study it divided or smaller then let the they stay down all small a day that did it up the pa the shouted out at me i may fade out it here because that that i keep good name is getting the truth of that is that you did good by committing god of the year. in november nineteen fourteen. the ultimates entered world war one on the side of the central powers. whole evil in the name of the conduct a war that refused disastrous for the common folks. on the other side of a treacherous western powers saw an officer. put
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it on a conflict in the caribbean monopoly and neck and back and may summon monopolists not. when you get it from going to know how to fix up my phone a friend said that somebody had on with a hobby and what we thought of the men who survived. and to encourage the arabs to rise up in revolt. the british to return to the ancient power of the caliphate. and the person of. the custodian of my. mad as shit for him not to support the international law even i would know something. opposite of. what a day he had been in kidney of some of. the folks. in
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june one thousand sixteen. what was called the great arab revolt erupted in. a desert region in the west of what is now saudi arabia. under the. sun. and with the help of a british officer. lawrence. forces advanced northwards supported by the british one tacked on to. within two years in one thousand nine hundred eighteen the joint forces had taken the whole of the levant and iraq. in october of that here an armistice was concluded. that suffered a humiliating defeat it. in
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july nineteenth eighty. four months before the end of world war one. a new super spring. he was to rule over what was left of the ultimate empire. virtually nothing on a totally a and to stumble. but even this would soon be lost. just two days after the end of the war french or british troops marched into lucky boy in the autumn and companies of. anatolia was
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divided between the western powers. to make it what do ya is it in they can't take this fog swan they have it. with them it's because in the things in the the other one a change of bombs is still on david because that yoke. turkish nationalist resistance broke out. after three years of bloody fighting. the turks succeeded the british and it took. only a stumble was left occupied. and in it was a small town now if you would buy nationalist turks as a traitor. if they can put the selection in because it was me that they lick their
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diploma but i believe their culture say them not a bunch of the same eastenders. shit is either shut i know as a monday sign. but i don't want to mustn't use them yet. how ticket akashi given those that are let. in on cairo on the first of november nineteen twenty two. the turkish national assembly abolished the sultan it's. two weeks later. midway did dean soltani and khalaf. left the dome a budget palace. the residence of ottoman rulers through this gate bound for exile.
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obgyn majid the second was chosen to hold the now largely symbolic try to come. to the kitchen with the bomb says they got it down the aisle but they get that. at the next civic made that they can order. on the love them in the honey thing called the let's see the surrounding us that without all the bush and bush all money that had come for them to leave it there to be many that. on the third of march nineteenth twenty four. the last vestiges of the caliphate were dismantled by the new turkish republic. the title of the universal movie slam. a title for thirteen centuries old. and been terminated by muslims themselves.
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optima g. . the last autumn in color. was sent into permanent exile. tend not to get. washed dualists let me move. you move from with putting. them in the can be. one of the top of my. head. that high new feel and yet. the name nor lock. all up. to the call the call that all of the. state. of the. honey thing that should the doctors that. get on there.
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that caylee is meant to be a universal figure who draws support from the misnamed community as a whole that is obviously not the case with abu bakar and the fact that all the historical records also shows that when people con game broad based consensus that caliphate automatically becomes invalidate. the caliphate is such an extraordinary entity. as an outsider i wish that the islamic world like you had something to represent them all that stops the traditions of political violence or civil war what about the other side of islam which i'm afraid the west doesn't really understand.
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the. leak the leak. however we're looking at some welcome salah since eastern parts of australia over the next few days have had a few showers here recently new south wales you can see how the the fun the heads have been erupting away because there was some wetter weather into that eastern side of victoria is one of the thing to see too much of that over the next hour so
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we can see the possibility of a few showers into the eastern areas of the south wales is generally dry across much of australia might catch the odd shout just creeping towards adelaide temperatures in perth around twenty one celsius picking up to around twenty four for sas they are going to stay strong and dry right across the country as we go on into saturday maybe just one or two coastal phallus tools in northeastern new south wales pushing towards the gold coast the west of weathers across the other side of the tasman sea making its way towards new zealand a little bit of cloud rolling across saath island at the moment so we will see that thinking enough to produce a few spots of rain as we go on through friday and on into saturday and he some bright skies across northern parts of the country that will cleanse out around twenty degrees celsius now we're looking at those kind of temperatures across japan over the next dial it's a whole region high a soccer at twenty one degrees is five and dry high pressure in charge that dry weather stretches right across the korean peninsula.
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with its leaders in jail a greek neo nazi party when eyes on the lives mothers and daughters of the imprisoned leaders to represent them meet the women behind the fearsome right wing nationalist party going to do not start it when you say i'm not going to what exactly does it mean it means nationalized golden dawn girls a witness documentary on al-jazeera do you support the massive. it's impossible to underestimate the size and scale of the economic crisis it's not just about the billion trillion dollars of debt it's not just about the banks it's not just about the government's it's about real people.


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