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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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shop showers rolling in here then say the possibility of some wet weather to hispaniola maybe into to make room also there into cuba not too bad into mexico here it is fine and dry and data across the deep south of the us we have got clearer conditions coming through still very lively storms easing across louisiana mississippi alabama that making their way across georgia further north sixteen celsius in new york not too bad twenty two in denver on monday but snow says be cola for choose day. the with sponsored by race. on counting the cost trade war a real war and rising debt find out why the i.m.f. and the world bank a warning of risks to the global economy what saudi arabia is ideal oil price and the castro era ends in cuba but an economic blockade remains counting the cost.
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this is al-jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan this is the al-jazeera news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes a show of force the day the military joins street protests as prime minister quits . twenty years in prison for a shootout in belgium the only surviving suspect of the paris attacks is convicted of attempted murder plus. what do you have a bit there and i don't see the french president on a mission to convince donald trump to save the iran nuclear deal. and we go shopping around north korea to see how it's coping with tough international sanctions.
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welcome to the program people forced out media's prime minister within the past. has announced his resignation he stepped down after eleven days of protests hundreds of thousands of people have demonstrated in the capital and other parts of the country where the earlier on monday three opposition m.p.'s were freed from police detention and just a few hours ago hundreds of troops marched in support of the protests well al jazeera was robin forester walker joins us now on the phone from. little yerevan dramatic news then that's up to the prime minister has resigned how much pressure was he on it's a go robin. i mean that things happened so quickly and i mean is it so that she really i don't think the crowd was expecting this i don't think this group is expecting it. but at least if you discuss what they want is it just became who have those three. thousand. three. hundred
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published thank you so the house is sort of jumping the pope you know hold the leader he sees. this is. this is real i see here they say. our. face to the system that we are widely regarded as the rock. with taking this to these. stadiums powerful. as the president said in this thread it's safe to say facetiously yet has been the did. ok well apologize for that we're having a some problems with our link to your of on there but as you can see thousands of
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people in the streets of the capital celebrating the prime minister's suggestion has finally stepped down people power as always he played out they if we can about the robin in a bit late in the program but let's bring in austin a tangential the canadian armenian activist and member of the grassroots group justice for armenia and she joins us live now from berlin so sandusky and has resigned presumably this will come as great news to those protesters on the streets of the of the capital. and not only for the protesters in the streets of iran who have carried out this immense overwhelming task of making history today a few minutes ago literally but also for the whole for the whole nation itself and i refer to the nation because armenia exists as our homeland our historical homeland but also we have an incredible incredibly large community of the sporran
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armenians who are right now i'm sure jumping up and down wherever they are in whatever part of the world as well because this was a long you necessary change that we were hoping that it will come from within the country and it has come through the voice of the people and this organization in the last ten days and this these gatherings from around the country has been the most beautiful almost i may say miraculous political shift that armenia needed and was looking forward to so we are all very thrilled that mr sarkozy on head the modesty if i may call it in gentle words to these resolutions ryan so that now the word of the the word of people can be heard and we also saw members of the military and the clergy join those street protests today how significant was that.
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i would say very significant because in a situation like this in a small country like armenia where the population is under three million we need all institutions we need all groups and communities to come together from civil society individual bases to a more organized institutional perspective and we know that the country has been suffering specifically under the rule of the. mandates of the president with absolute lack of institutional freedom so be it the judicial be the the police fear be it the. the health or culture or even the religious institutions they were on the under the grasp of his dictates so the fact that they really took the initiative on individual individual basis to come to the street shows that ultimately institutions are formed by human beings and human minds and intentions
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and earlier we saw the opposition leader in the call to shimmy and some of his employees were released from detention was that a sign that the government was coming under extreme pressure. definitely it was a sign because we could hear the people i mean just simply practically the voices of hundreds of thousands in the streets and coming from all parts of the country also we have to remember that two more is april twenty four which is a very important commemorative day for armenians it's a commemoration of the armenian genocide and it would have been not only ironic but practically shameful to think that within the country that would be this kind of oppression armenians versus armenians and i think. they did the state had a real. insight to understand that question young and his
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colleagues cannot kept be kept in jail as. image of what we have known one hundred five years ago on april twenty fourth one nine hundred fifteen actually just a final thought from you the big question now i suppose is what happens next who will take over the country's leadership and i will look at elections in the very near future. i cannot tell because first of all i'm not a citizen of armenia so my knowledge is always based on research and connection and contact and actually on the sea the question is not right now who will be taking the leadership because i believe that there are many many out there if they can have a free voice and free speech especially in the use especially the in the young generation and also the political parties also the opposition weak is that it has seemed until
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now can gather this is the opportunity this is the momentum to come together and elect in a democratic way the good thing about the change of the constitution in the last year is that now it is a parliamentary voice therefore it's the people's voice so now people have to after destroying for a moment of knowing that sense sarkisyan is no longer going to use its grip his grip on the people that people start organizing themselves with their representatives in parliament and have fair transparent inclusive elections that will translate the wish and the will of the people who want governors who serve their country their interests are some they can jump thank you very much for talking to al-jazeera not the only surviving suspect of the paris attacks and twenty fifteen has been sentenced to twenty years in prison twenty eight year old son of the salaam was convicted of attempted murder during the shoot out in belgium
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that led to his arrest he was europe's most wanted fugitive after the paris attacks separate trials due for the killing of one hundred thirty people in the french capital well a compass was also sentenced in brussels has the details. well the judge in the brussels courts gave the twenty year jail sentence to both and sophie and iare saying that this was for attempted murder in a terrorist context she said that it was clear that these two men had the intention to kill now this is in connection with a shootout with belgian police the two men were involved in back in march twenty sixth it was a few days later the solid dislodged was finally caught by police in the mall in back district of brussels well obviously was not present at the court his voice said he did not wish to attend and it was no surprise because in february at his trial he was present only on the first day he said that he believed that the trial was a false that muslims are not judged fairly and the silence was going to be his defense
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and he said that he wouldn't speak well he'll be learning all of this verdict in fraud's way he is in jail in a high security prison he is waiting for another trial the trial into the paris attacks in twenty fifteen hundred thirty people were killed on november the thirteenth solid islam is the last surviving suspect. also to come here in the news hour including manhunt in malaysia the first pictures of the suspects who shot a palestinian engineer fourteen times plus. protecting our rainforests leaders an environmentalist gather for a summit in indonesia. and support someone tell us to live in their playoff series against defending n.b.a. champions details still to come. now the foreign ministers of russia and china have pledged to block any attempts to sabotage the iran nuclear deal u.s. president donald trump has until may twelve to decide whether to keep the twenty fifteen agreement he's previously called that one of america's worst ever deals the
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u.n. is also urging trump to stick to the agreement. the secretary general remains convinced that the joint comprehensive plan of action continues to be the best way to ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of iran's nuclear program and to realize the promised tangible economic benefits for the iranian people we hope that all of its participants remain fully committed to its implementation and long term preserve ration well that appeal follows another one from french president among your micro ahead of a state visit to the u.s. for talks with donald trump. what do you have a better option i don't seat what is a what if scenario or your plan b. i don't have any plan b. for nuclear against against iran so that's a question we will discuss but that's why i just want to see on nuclear let's
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preserve this framework because it's better than a sort of north korean type of situation so again i'm not satisfied with the situation was iran i want to fight against ballastic may find i want to contain their influence in the region so my point is to say don't leave now as a g.c. pewee as long as you have not a bitter regime for nuclear and let's complete it with benefit me sign an original containment with a strong report between mark wrong trumbull be tested on iran as well as other foreign policy issues can help it has more now from the white house. no european leader enjoys a better bond with u.s. president donald trump than french president emmanuelle. mccraw has carefully cultured their relationship inviting trump to paris for bastille day celebrations playing to trucks of well known admiration for the military the result troubles consulted with matt on the telephone with an any other world leader that ross says
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he even managed to convince trump to prolong u.s. involvement in syria. president trump was saying the united states of america had a duty to disengage from syria i assure you we have convinced him that it is necessary to stay for the long term the white house denies shifted in syria position iterating trump hopes to soon withdraw u.s. forces. arrives in washington on monday for a three day visit which includes tribes first state dinner as president. his influence over the u.s. president will be tested on issues ranging from syria to the future of the iran nuclear. iran maintains it's in compliance with the twenty fifteen agreement which the us signed with iran and european allies makarov favors keeping the deal as does german chancellor angela merkel who also visits the white house this week the iran
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deal was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the united states has ever entered into but trump has vowed to withdraw by mid may unless european allies fix certain aspects of the agreement including improving inspections of iran's nuclear programs so far that hasn't happened trumps recent appointment of john bolton to national security advisor and his nomination of mike pompei oh to be secretary of state both of whom have criticized the agreement have caused even more concern about the deals future in less than a month donald trump must decide whether to allow iran sanctions to be put back in place affectively killing the deal that makes the influence of emanuel macro and angle a merkel pivotal in ensuring whether or not the iran agreement remains intact kimberly help at al-jazeera at the white house. joins us live now from washington
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d.c. shops all indications are that iran will be a major topic in these talks. right and we see a certain amount of traffic a head of macros meeting with donald trump and we you know as kimberly and you mentioned we're all waiting with anticipation for that may the twelfth deadline that's when trump could effectively end the deal by not waiving sanctions on iran we should add there that there is perhaps some wiggle room might compare who can be mentioned did say in his congressional hearings that the u.s. could stay in the deal as far as he was concerned if the europeans and the americans were close to some sort of amendment of the deal however that does ignore the facts so that it's not just up to the europeans will the americans to amend the deal this was signed by germany france the u.k. the u.s. and china russia and iran notably so we have a tweet this morning from the iranian foreign minister ahead of macro's meeting there is no plan b. on nuclear deal with it's either all or nothing that's from foreign minister zarif very similar to the sentiment we heard from macro we also heard
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a german minister say european leaders will want to own that situation would significantly deteriorate if u.s. pulls out of the iran nuclear deal and the interfax news agency in russia is reporting that mackerel had a trash without him or putin ahead of his meeting with donald trump where they agreed that the iranian nuclear deal should be continued so a great test now of macro we keep hearing about his close relationship with donald trump we have yet to see any evidence that macro has been able to persuade trump to change his mind on anything but clearly there is that hope that this relationship will lead to trump wavering on his stated commitment to leave the iranian nuclear deal if no changes were concretely made in that in the yeah and she had to talk about those international stakeholders i mean the foreign ministers of russia and china have pledged to block all attempts to scuttle the deal in the un's also urging trump to stick to it so how is he like to then to respond to all of this international pressure. right well i mean he tends not to respond terribly well to
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international pressure we do as i mentioned how that idea that if the europeans and the americans have negotiate in the midst of negotiations which the barack and decide is fruitful so again these are the issues off including iranians ballistic missile program expanding military inspections and would rather inspections of military sites in iran to inspectors removing sunset clauses from the deal we know that there have been working groups in place between the u.s. and the europeans working on various issues but again it's not really up to the europeans to change the deal not only that it does leave it does suggest as do the iranians have said in another interview which i noticed in the new yorker which is just being published right now that what message does this give the world about what the u.s. means what signs a deal that it just simply will just walk away as soon as it decides it doesn't really want to hang out wasn't doesn't want to abide by the deal particularly particularly relevant in the context of the upcoming north korean negotiations so there is that problem but then pompei did say if we're close to
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a fix then perhaps we'll stay and maybe that's the wiggle room that so that the people are hoping for that they can say look we were getting that we're getting that we will waive the sanctions on may the twelfth so how thank you i was there was david chase has more from paris some what the french are expecting out of michael's visit. they're an odd couple both politically and psychologically both men could be described as mavericks now they have common interests of course because of their respective positions but there's little common ground between the two men what's happening here is the beginning of a special relationship why because two reason may the british prime minister is more or less buried by the brakes in negotiations at the moment and the german chancellor angela merkel has spent six months trying to get together a grand coalition so there's been if you like a vacuum of political leadership in the heart of europe and this is where president macro has seized with alacrity this position now he's in constant telephone contact
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with president trump but as for any policy changes will have to wait and see the result of this three day state visit now he obviously wants america to stay on board with the the climate pact he's also said that he persuaded the american president to keep troops in the syria conflict and he hopes also that perhaps he can try and persuade him on the iran nuclear deal but the problem here is there are many skeptical voices amongst the analysis here in paris they feel like tony blair he could be getting too close to an american president and the american president will benefit from the relationship but it could actually scar the new political face of france and president. now just days before a rare summit between rival leaders on the korean peninsula al-jazeera has been taking a look at life inside north korea we've been granted rare access to the capital
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pyongyang our diplomatic editor james bays has been looking at the impact of sanctions on the communist nation. north korea has been targeted with tougher and tougher sanctions by the u.s. and the international community of a what persuaded the country's leadership to pursue a diplomatic course and what effect to the having on ordinary people in this isolated country. we've been taken to a department store in the center of pyongyang despite the international sanctions the shelves here are full. we managed to visit a number of shops in the city center all were upmarket places catering to the elite we found no shortages and luxury items like chocolates and bottles of alcohol that were clearly smuggled in in defiance of the sanctions the official line is that foreign imports have been replaced by increase domestic production. do you believe
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i don't know why others around us are starving us dear reporter when we return please tell them we are indomitable no matter what sanctions are upon us. the only medical facility we were taken to was a gleaming new hospital most of the equipment here was imported clearly a problem in the future when spare parts become needed we were shown the eyeglasses which is subsidized for north korean citizens you know what it will mean yes what's the name of the north korean browned zero hour. yeah yet not yet not ok but a recent u.n. report says the humanitarian situation particularly in rural areas outside the capital is poor before traveling to north korea i spoke to the un's top humanitarian official in new york. their. nutrition problem also malnourished children especially there are too many women having
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a really hard time to often dying in childbirth it's the u.n. security council that voted in the international sanctions and the netherlands is the council member that administers them. in all resolutions there's a view very clear passage where it says. these sanctions are not meant to have adverse negative effects on the people of the poor again that's the official line privately even western diplomats will tell you there's a stigma to donate in humanitarian aid to north korea for example an important program by the n.g.o.s the global fund to fight malaria and tuberculosis was cut earlier this year sanctions are having an effect in north korea but perhaps not the one the international community wanted james plays out zero pyongyang. police in malaysia heavily sketches of two suspects in the targeted killing of a palestinian engineering lecture bash was repeatedly shot on saturday his family
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say by israeli mossad agents israel denies causing the death of the hamas member israel's defense minister says he was working on improving the accuracy of rockets fired from gaza from a slowly has more from kuala lumpur. malaysian police don't yet have the names of the two suspects but they have released computer generated images of the two men based on eyewitness accounts they've distributed at these images at various checkpoints throughout malaysia to try and nab those two men should they still be in malaysia now the police also say the two men are thought to be about one hundred eighty centimeters tall fair skinned believed to be of middle eastern or european descent they were at the scene of crime and fled on a motorbike a high powered motorbike police have narratives down to two possible models photos of which were also distributed or released at a press conference on monday and they've also appealed for members of the public to come forward if they have information about the two men now a postmortem on friday has now been completed and fourteen bullets were recovered
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police say he died of multiple injuries to his body and head the bullets will now be sent for firearms and ballistics analysis to try and determine the type of weapon that was used the police chief did not say who is suspected of being behind the killing of. but a couple of days ago the deputy prime minister who is also the home minister of malaysia said he believed the suspects are thought to have links to a foreign intelligence organization to more palestinians have died from wounds by israeli gunfire during protests of the gaza border at least thirty million palestinians have been killed in the four weeks of demonstrations against the israeli blockade. according for the united nations probe into israel's tactics of shooting unarmed demonstrators the number of people killed in an airstrike on a wedding party by sutherland forces in yemen has risen to at least twenty it
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happened in the western province of huldah more than a dozen of those were injured who the rebels say six people died in another attack on sunday the un's criticize the campaign for killing large numbers of civilians. the former mayor of new york michael bloomberg says he will write a check covering this year's u.s. commitment to the paris climate agreement the billionaire businessman says he will contribute for a half million dollars last year president from pull the u.s. out of the parts making it the only country opposed to it bloomberg who's a democrat says he'll continue to provide money if the u.s. doesn't rejoin the agreement environmentalist and politicians are joining forces to try and save fragile rainforest in the asia pacific region at a summit in indonesia and delegates to build on the commitments made in the paris climate deal on the agenda will be the rapid rate of deforestation in papua new guinea andrew thomas reports from tell you. this machine should not be
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operating these logs should still be standing as trees most of this land should still be forest in twenty sixteen papua new guinea's supreme court ruled that the special agricultural business lease or a.b.l. which allowed logging in this part of the east sipek region was invalid and illegal logging did stop for a few months but it's restarted since the same is true across the country. according to some there isn't the political will to enforce logging bans after s.a.b. else were made illegal new types of licenses were issued for the same areas instead in rural areas many say logging companies have more sway than the government does over police and officials basically paralyze the public service system so that those public service systems sort of there rather than the interests of a nation or its people people here in a remote part of east new breton island say representatives of logging companies trick to them into signing away their rights to log their land giving very little
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in return even for there was no proper clearance for the local communities at all people weren't aware of what was going to happen to the forests and the land local say deforestation has taken away a source of food and traditional medicine they say that the local weather has changed and that the locals leave a barren often burned landscape in their wake the logging doesn't just change the way this landscape looks it completely changes the way it feels as well it's cool in their hearts out here just two years ago this entire area was covered with virgin rainforest. now where i've been walking marks the dividing line between that forests and the devastation all around of broader consequences what the rapid deforestation means for southeast asia as a whole is the on and off part is third largest forest block on the planet and it's see major regulator off the climate in this solar specific but it's where we would
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write so with the loss of forest we have a large negative impact on the climate the malaysian company operating here. or r.h. accuses the tractor's of trying to stifle p n g's economic growth it says here in east new britain it funds infrastructure upgrades and provide significant support for education services and health logging companies in papua new guinea are certainly a powerful economic force also own shopping centers hotels and businesses in i.t. and media when al-jazeera first ran reports on communities logging industry in january the country's main national newspaper ran an article accusing us of being biased and politically motivated the article did not mention that the newspaper it appeared in is also by andrew thomas al-jazeera papa new guinea. our spring time storms are stumbling their way through the u.s. southern states time for the weather his role has been all spring so far stumbling
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is probably the right word that this is what we have by satellite picture a nice curl of cloud and the north coast of the gulf of mexico where the storms have been showing up with occasional tornadoes they're not physically strong to these of they do some damage that's one running through that's just south of louisiana let me go one state beyond to pick up the damage in trailer park unlike in alabama so just because if you have an eye these are e.f. north so e.f. ones of the low end of the scale didn't kill anybody and it was spotted off florida interesting again not especially damaging you'd think by this time you know with a long lived winter really cold to communicate to the gulf push of warms which is the sort of thing that happens when you get the spin is that you get some really violent tornadoes but so far not it's all come mustn't benign the temperatures either side of that cold front different that's what the signal is normally if we had twenty there say eight down here that the big change that's it already to get rid of but no that's not the case either this lot of rain with some thunderstorms
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and possibly tornadoes will move up through with this diet georgia parts of florida up towards the carolinas in the next twenty four hours and that's the most major weather in the u.s. some stories to showing up in the mountains in the west otherwise you know it's still quite a quiet spring. rob thanks for that time. when we come back nicaragua's president says he'll drop plans to change the pension system after days of violent protests by artists in south sudan struggle to protect their work from piracy. and in sports liverpool star for solid gets a big boost to have the club's champions league summit but it's also possible. getting to the heart of the matter if. the supreme leader calls you today and says let's have talks would you accept facing the realities what do you think
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reunification of look like there are two people think the peace for unification is the only option for prosperity of south korea hear their story on talk to al-jazeera. the new poll ranks mexico city is the pulled worst in the world for sexual violence many women are attacked while moving in the crowded spaces of the metro buses and even at the hands of taxi drivers the conversation starts with do you have a boyfriend you're very pretty young you feel unsafe threatened i think about how to react what do i do if this gets worse no money on the uses a new service it's called lateral drive it's for women passages only and drawn by women drivers pull for some extra features like a panic button and twenty four seventh's monitoring of drivers.
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welcome back a quick recap the top stories here on al-jazeera armenia's prime minister has resigned. up to eleven days of mass protests hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating against him in the capital yerevan and other parts of the country he was accused of a power grab and corruption. the only surviving suspect in the paris attacks and twenty fifteen has been sentenced to twenty years in prison twenty eight year old was convicted of attempted murder during the shoot out in belgium that led to his arrest a separate trials due for the killing of one hundred thirty people in the french capital. and the foreign ministers of russia and china have pledged to block any attempts to sabotage the iran nuclear deal us president donald trump has three weeks to decide whether to keep the twenty fifteen accord he's previously called it
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one of america's worst ever deal. to make or are going to where president daniel ortega has withdrawn the proposed pension reforms that sparked a wave of violent protests killing twenty six people among the dead a journalist who was shot during clashes imran khan reports. on the fifth day of anti-government protests residents are trying to stop motion ops from being looted. but if we're defending this supermarket and these stores because we're not going to allow looting or vandalism. police are being criticized for what demonstrators say is the heavy handed response including gunfire a t.v. journalist is among the dead. angel governor was shot while reporting live on facebook one of his colleagues blames a government sniper. so far the police haven't commented on the desk but some expect more unrest despite the president's announcement that we are protecting our
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hundred everything that has cost us so much that we have gotten i don't want anyone to target us we're ready for anything protesters were infuriated when the government approved the social security changes last wednesday to try and stop the widening deficit the united nations human rights office criticize the government for not allowing free assembly of protesters president daniel ortega said on sunday he would withdraw the proposed reforms but that hasn't been enough to call the ngo . groups in our representatives and delegates will be ready to go to the table for talks and make sure the first thing they approach is pensions. protesters still have other grievances including what they say is ortega's influence over the national assembly the law in the constitution such as eliminating presidential term limits iran code which is a. parable as president elect is promising more economic growth and opposition to social change such as same sex marriage and abortion laws but he tears will take up
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an organist he's on the road in colorado party which is dominated powered want politics for more than seventy is has more from neighboring argentina. now come was never in doubt. this is called. the paraguayan. four years since nine hundred forty seven his daughter his private secretary the long serving dictator of footage. the only surprise is that the margin of victory was not as great as suggested by the opinion polls. to let them or not talk to you about are why i hold my dear paraguayan here and i will not bring dishonor i will honor with the transparent understood ministration and with the character to confront the vices that destroy the hope of our nation it doesn't matter who the adversaries of our people are the adversaries of the people are going to be the adversaries of the next president of the republican party. it's not
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clear which bursaries he's referring to paraguayans economy especially agriculture is growing all the more than a quarter of its nearly seven million inhabitants live in poverty and the landlocked country in the heart of south america it is little known by its neighbors and less so but the rest of the world the defeated candidate is hoping to tackle that situation do you think that nationally i think it just i handle international relations so i know about your concerns you don't need to worry our international relations are in very good hands hands for that will also different human rights you will face the defense of freedom her dog you know me this is not just a speech this is my life testimony i don't trick nor negotiate the outgoing president or i. was prevented from changing the constitution to allow him to stand for reelection by the electorate often suspicious of its politicians that invested in democracy after generations of political turmoil followed by
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a brutal dictatorship. the truth is that the people are very hopeful about these elections because we are dealing with an exorbitant amount of corruption where the parliamentarians themselves have committed gross acts of corruption in these elections we hope to establish a better future for the country because lately we've been disappointed with the government's economic plan. we are living through total uncertainty we are voting for change for hope although there is complete uncertainty about the candidates proposals let's see what happens. the newly elected president known as murray hill to his followers takes off this inaugural he's promised to continue driving economic growth while opposing social change so this is the legalization of abortion and same sex marriage i think the majority would like paraguay just the way it is then fly. what aside it was. the first of three presidential debates in mexico has taken place with drug related violence and trafficking the
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top talking points the front runner a leftist candidate and the rest of the door has been defending his idea of an amnesty to fight drug violence proposing to speak with everyone to tackle rising crime other candidates criticize that proposal saying siding with criminals. it has been claimed that i want to release all criminals or prison that have committed a crime what i consider is that we have to tackle the origins the causes of violence was your comment about just be kind enough for me to ask how are you going to explain to families that you want to sit down with these criminals and hold dialogue with your ambition for power and your fear of losing again you have become a pop at the criminals i will put them in jail. police are still searching for a gunman who shot and killed four people in the us state of tennessee officers say they have been no credible sightings of travis ranking the suspect who fled to nashville restaurant semi-naked after the shooting was last seen on sunday behind his apartment complex afghanistan's military is confirming at least eleven soldiers
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and policemen have been killed in two separate attacks the first time in the city of galle know in back just province in western afghanistan taliban fighters attacked a new outpost meant to secure a voter registration center in the same province the taliban hit another check post and cut his district have been a series of attacks on voter registration centers since they opened last week. somali troops have taken over a military base in the capital mogadishu run by the united arab emirates the order to end military cooperation between the two countries follows the closure of a u.a.e. funded hospital mohammed reports from audition senior somali military off source one or two of the u.a.e. base in mogadishu they say then play mentoring a government order to disband any morality military training program what i wonder if we have taken over everything at this base from now on the government will fund the training and equip the soldiers twenty. hours earlier you
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a minute to train is how did they left the base with almost everything they could moving military hardware and other material to the port to be shipped back home that follows the u.a.e. suspending treatment a few days ago of the ship's side hospital which had funded operated in mogadishu a sign of the gate reminds patients that the hospital remains closed security's tight staff or called in on saturday paid their final deal use and told more time for the past three years this facility has offered free medical treatment to many the poor displaced here in mogadishu those of how that shit was disrupted by something closure now for the sick house where. most of them end up here the turkish run at dawn hospital staff say they've seen an increasing number of patients in the past week the somali ministry of health says it's keen to take over
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reopen the hospital earth our plan was to reopen the hospital immediately if them or already said they are out completely which leaves our people in limbo so they should quickly make up their minds relations between mogadishu and have been frosty since june last year when somali government leaders desist that pressure from the u.a.e. and so did it b.-a to cut ties and join the brocade important qatar. last month the u.a.e. shipping company dubai ports world was barred from doing business in somalia somali leaders condemned the u.a.e. agreement with your pm the breakaway and clip of some island to manage the portal. and two weeks ago somali police intercepted a plane chartered by u.a.e. diplomats almost ten million dollars in cash was confiscated while the intended purpose of the funds was investigated as tension continues to rise it seems neither side is willing to back down mohamed at all just what issues somali. now the absence of copyright law in south sudan leaves poets musicians and other artists
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with little control over the sale of their works in fact it's likely that others will make more money from their songs or literary work and as he the morgan reports that's forcing them to leave the country just to get published. it takes days sometimes weeks for one of south sudan's most popular musicians emanuel to write record and produce his songs yet despite his dedication he benefits very little from the finished product. in south sudan visibly. copyright law does not exist so we musicians we spend time money and energy to produce but. there's no law that protects our right like in other countries than it were in the neighboring countries like uganda so when musicians produce music at least to earn something out of their work. but.
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emanuel is one of more than fifty artist in south sudan all facing the same problem musicians writers and poets are all suffering because there are no laws in place to protect their work now many prefer to have their work produced in other countries where there is copyright legislation. where in south sudan and south hundreds and i too have a coprime society system here. i wanted to try to publish in uganda i would publish them and you're going to give me that but he would i would still maintain that i didn't you know solace in the news poet who's publishing in the ram there are no distribution companies in south sudan it's not seen as a worthwhile investment but that doesn't mean artists works are not being sold distributing the work of art without their permission and then difficult to bring a stick or drive to meet a fellow here in the markets and choose the music you want he'll copy it and you'll pay and it'll cost less than
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a dollar then you can reproduce songs using the music and the lyrics and the artists don't even know that their music is being sold on government has taken little interest in the arts and literature sector especially after a civil war broke out in twenty thirteen tens of thousands of people have been killed and a third of the country's twelve million population displaced but the government says it is now working on a bill and forming a council to protect the intellectual property of artists and will be formed soon by the by the approval of the cabinet so that it. will become. and then at this same time would confirm that we have a body that we can give him we can give this policy these these. laws so that we we talked about protection. for emmanuel and other artists this provides some hope that in the future it is they who will benefit financially from their words and music not an unknown third party. people more going on
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to their own jubal.
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welcome back now with britain increasing the cold with traffic business. network a two hundred year old. reports.
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in life on britain's waterways moves at an unhurried pace. rows upon its pilots pleasure boats and reaches canal in london these ones to collecting backwaters of attracting new life. before i worked on the waterways i was close to leaving london i think there's something about the community that lives around the water is something about water in itself that's quite call me place i mean to think that you can do down here this is a small section of a three thousand kilometer network of canals and navigable rivers in the u.k. many can also built in the early nineteenth century joining britain's industrial revolution to move heavy goods such as ion and coal today only five percent are used to transport goods most a simply about fun. with british roads becoming increasingly congested environmental groups are encouraging more companies to move from wheels to water
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today there are more boats on the waterways than there were at the height of the industrial revolution but they tend to be used for leisure purposes for living and for holidays the canals have become a focus for revival whether used to be kind of a national disgrace they now the focus for some of the some of the kind of biggest urban regeneration projects across the country shipping emits less carbon than other forms of transport according to government findings the most damaging way of hauling congo is by road for air quality and costly to maintain. so why don't more companies use in the waterways water transport is slow only eight kilometers an hour in a city canals. where there's an attractive economy of scale the fast growing ports like this on london's river thames are exploiting. the rivers being deep into allow must of time because closer to the capital. britain's waterways were once the
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arteries of the industrial revolution and with the u.k. now poised to exit the new they could play another volatile rolling bringing the world's goods to the u.k. and the u.k.'s goods to the rest of the world. during the building of london's olympic park two million tons of building material arrived at construction sites by water hoping to deliver one of the greenest games in history several british supermarkets are now also conducting shipping trials of the country's waterways many of these industrial relics could soon play a role in steering the economy of the future the balkan al-jazeera. sport now his far daryn thank you so much we start with basketball in the san antonio spurs are still alive in their playoff series against golden state warriors they clinched game four to avoid a series sweep kevin durant's was on fire for the warriors with thirty four points but inspire a win for the defending champions marcus aldridge
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a lead lead for the spurs with twenty two points and ten rebounds but managing openly took over in the final minutes of the game scoring a pair of three pointers giving sam and tony are the one hundred and three hundred ninety when the warriors who still have a three one lead can wrap up the series on choose to say. we'll see if we can maintain that for next game i mean there's not much you can do you try to get the best shots possible try to find the open teammate today we did i think the game before us to give it to we did too he just didn't go in. but we did many other things good too so he said it was a good overall game. you know we were down fourteen we're almost twenty eight points and i want to point the game you know we simplified everything. we got some great looks and you know goes back in the game but you know i said a missed. let me game and we missed some some good looks is wooing us this was just
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a game the play of the game went in j.r. smith says the cleveland cavaliers level they were serious with the indiana pacers to two but it was le bron james that led them to victory has thirty two points helping make our field game four hundred four to one hundred. two were the results to tell you about on sunday the malaki box winning a close one against boston celtics one hundred and four to one hundred and two that series now tied to all as is the trauma washington series with the wizards winning game for one hundred and six to ninety eight. the top seeds in the n.h.l. playoffs the nashville predators have advanced to the second round the visiting predators scored two goals in the first period and two in the second in front of a stunned denver crowd nashville went on to thrash the colorado avalanche five nothing to clinch the first round series four to the presenters to win a prize in the next round. over in philadelphia the defending stanley cup champions
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the penguins are also through the second round. scored four goals to lead his side to win eight don't reply or six pittsburgh advance having clinched the series for two. football now and these title race has been thrown wide open months after napoli scored a dramatic win over you ventus on sunday's second place napoli beat the league leaders thanks to a ninetieth minute winner from cali do. now police are looking for their first league title since the legendary diego maradona fired them to the skid at zero in one nine hundred ninety. that win for napoli means just one point separates the two sides with four games to go with seven straight title for you bay looks in real jeopardy especially since they still have to play third place runaway and fifth place internet. you know it's true that according to everyone not only is the favorite because of their remaining games but i believe
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that you've been to some capable of great matches you have to play and win every match i've seen this many times now we have a day and a half to recover and get our energies back on tuesday to prepare for the intervention that will for sure be a decisive much. liverpool star forward mohamed salah has received a huge boost ahead of his five champions league semifinal tie against roma on choose day he has been voted player of the year in england by his fellow professionals mohamed salah living. has had a huge season so far the egyptian international has scored forty one golson forty six liverpool appearances following his forty seven million dollar move from rome on the war and marks a huge change from solid first stint in the e.p.l. you previously played for chelsea but struggled to secure a regular first team football it was always in my mind i want success here i didn't have my chance to chance. it was very clear in my mind i will turn back to the
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premier league and i will choice every one my for. i'm going to have both of them didn't have before my teammates for what we are doing the premier league and or so in the champions league and you know we have to carry on because some games to go wrong are well aware of the threat salo will present the italians are in the champions league semi final for the first time since one thousand nine hundred forty thanks to bounce stunning comeback against barcelona they hit back from four one down after the first leg to win three know at home and qualify on away goals. new york city f.c.s. undefeated start to the major league soccer season came to a crushing and on sunday having gone seven games without losing they were taken apart by the portland timbers three no despite the loss to york are still top of the eastern conference or portland or down in the ninth and the west. the reigning moto g.p. world champion has won his first race of the season in texas mark marquez started fourth on the grid after being penalized for blocking mavericks in alice in
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qualifying but the spaniard put in a solid performance on his honda finish ahead of the now is set the grand prix of the americas to mark as a sixth straight victory at the circuit in austin. and a new record has been set in major league baseball's san francisco giants brandon belt stepped up to the plate in their top of the first inning against the l.a. and jules jamie birria and batted batted and batted some more and he fought through twenty one pitches in a single at bat appearance that lasted a total of twelve minutes and forty five seconds breaking a twenty pitch record set in one thousand nine hundred eighty. and that's all you sport for now daryn back to you for us thank you very much indeed the world this day has passed but in the u.s. city of chicago beekeepers are still doing their bit to ensure the planet's most important pollinators don't die old well we met one man who tells us why he's
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a truncheon honeybees to the top of skyscrapers. i'm bill whitney i'm a beekeeper i take care of honey bees on skyscrapers in chicago the community in chicago the beekeeping news mall and so there are a handful of us that everyone seems to know one of those we're talking about tall buildings here in illinois at that flat syndrome were flat and so we think that honeybees well they've got to go out and plant but if you go into the western states like california and you just hike in yosemite mountains you go down in the valleys there's honeybees down there you go all the way that the top equivalent to a fifty story building and there's honey bees up there and they're traveling up and down that mountain as the flowers are marching up and down the mountain in this case we've got a green roof top and honeybees are very opportunistic if there is a blossom and there's nectar to be gotten it's going to that blossom the honey that
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the bees produce here in the city on top of these buildings is identical to the honey that is produced out in the suburbs twenty thirty miles away and you can have garbage everywhere you can have cans of pop everywhere honeybees aren't going to go anywhere near them they don't care about they don't want they're going to go directly to the flowers and only visit flowers we have a spring we have a midsummer and we have a fall on it and their distinctive they taste differently this think in that way because of that page. all right that's it for me darling for this news hour but don't go away because of it back in a moment with more on today's news station status but so much. travel often. by tranquil board tubes and local forests need provide
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global. hawks if only. i can. land long valleys and scotland's. live for adventure. discover new jobs because faraway places closer thing going on since to get these cats home i always. keep. the frustration. the nature's news as it breaks this was in grade a lecture about it was going to win but it was about by how much with detailed
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coverage of the syrian civil war and the moves into the states what is new different is that each state some people will live until to morrow so many innocent people will die from around the world the bats and balls are several years old believe a good play at the end upgraded cricket academy and maybe one day play for the next nineteen. rewind returns with. a can bring your people back to life i'm sorry i'm brand new updates on the best of. continues. we will following orders we sing young people to fight these wars put them in the most complex situations you can imagine and have them make life and death decisions rewind on al-jazeera.


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