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tv   Decline  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2018 4:00am-5:01am +03

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two worlds meet we can get to washington d.c. two hours we can get to the rest of central bankers about the same time we're born leaves where those two cultures north and south america. it's a very important place for the roots of the. within the borders of exclusion zone the toxic nuclear wasteland touching any vegetation is forbidden. to find any surviving on the they band together and combination violence. unshakable sense of. witness.
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and we shall carry on doha these are the top stories on al-jazeera france has opposed negotiating a new deal with the ron that builds on the two thousand and fifteen agreement to curb its nuclear program president. made the pitch to u.s. president donald trump who is threatening to pull out of the deal she can see here micron is in washington for a three day visit he is at a state dinner right now the first of donald trump's presidency and his wife are being honored with this state and our it's at the white house live pictures of him at the podium right there. more from washington d.c. . and a labyrinth military welcome on the south lawn of the white house as u.s. president donald trump greeted france's president emmanuelle back from. what appears to be a warm friendship was on full display tromping even somewhat oddly perhaps deciding
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to wipe some dandruff off of a cross shoulder if we have to make a burger he is perfect but as the parent barked on the substance of their bilateral meeting froth had a stern warning for iran they restart their nuclear program they will have bigger problems than they have ever had before his statement underscores the leader's key foreign policy differences truck favors was drawing from the iran nuclear deal as one of the signatories to it mccraw and wants to preserve the twenty fifteen agreement to limit tehran's nuclear powers before may deadline on whether to pull the u.s. out or not trump wants his concerns addressed those include a plan to stop iran's ballistic missile testing and limit iran's influence in iraq yemen levet on and syria a chronic greed they may need to address those issues to keep the deal alive. news on iran we disagree on the j.c. but i believe we can come up with something that can deal with the fundamental
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issue of the j.c. which is the nuclear issue but also deal with these other three issues that are included. trump again suggested gulf nations need to make a larger financial investment in syria's future stability and security following the defeat of eisel the countries that. are there that you all know very well are immensely wealthy they're going to have to pay for this but the meeting appeared to do little to ease fears of a looming trade war with no sign trump had agreed to exempt the european union from tariffs on steel and aluminum imports set to take effect on may first we have a very first issue on trade which is overcapacity in steel in a limb in him it doesn't come from europe and not even from friends the meeting between u.s. president donald trump and french president emanuel mccraw has highlighted key policy differences between the two leaders their divisions mccraw may address on
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wednesday before a joint session of the u.s. congress can really help get al-jazeera at the white house syrian government forces and their allies have intensified their operation in southern damascus rami wants to regain all the territory surrounding the capital i saw controls one of the pockets targeted by the army next to another area held by rebel factions. the man accused of killing ten people by driving a van into pedestrians and toronto has appeared in court allan asin a start with ten counts of murder and thirteen of attempted murder place for investigating social media posts that may offer clues to his motive tens of thousands of people have marched to commemorate the mass killing of armenians during world war one the demonstrations come hours after the resignation of prime minister serge sarkozy in he stepped down following almost two weeks of mass protests. united nations is calling for an investigation into the deaths of
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anti-government protesters in nicaragua homan rights groups human rights groups say at least twenty six people have been killed in a violent crackdown by police in the demonstrations which began last week three suicide bombers have attacked the pakistani city of killing at least six police officers one bomber detonated his explosives near a police truck on the road towards the airport while two others attacked a paramilitary checkpoint on the outskirts of the city and so the headlines keep it here on al-jazeera the caliph is next and more news after that. the caliphate. a form of rule in islam. that lasted for almost thirteen centuries. from the death of the prophet muhammad.
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to the overthrow of the last ottoman caliph in one thousand nine hundred twenty four. the arabic term for caylee thing. which actually in essence simply means a successor or a adept. the ruler of the islamic world would call himself resort in law the success of god's message. through the centuries. the title of color is a term that has been used. in the times of use. in june two thousand and fourteen a militant group calling itself the islamic state in iraq and the levant or ice or . declared the establishment of a caliphate. they call rejected by most muslims around the world.
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reached into the past to appropriate the title of color. the group claimed its leader can but that. as a descendant of the prophet muhammad's own tried. to walk into an article put a shoe on him a can of one out of a flash. and out of a flash usually they have to be out. maybe if you have an. this is the story of how the title of caliph began in the prophet's tribe. and how nine centuries later the title was used by people of a different race. our different dentist these rosenfeld. ending with the decline of the ottoman caliphate.
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this is the story. of the calif. saudi arabia. the holiest city islam. it was here in the spring of the year five seventy one but muhammad the prophet of
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islam was born into a family belonging to a tribe called what you. will waste land and be more covered less as i'm a fugitive a lot of me you know how to just get out of here. what i can that. modifies the act well be that then i'll be what i use gonna die if not i'm going to gamble up up. sixty one years later. my homage to medina the capital of the new islamic states. with his death in the problem of who should be successor. one thing seemed clear. new kind of how to come from the prophets trying. they had the in front of a milk that i love being in lefty had the. lack in how the us and the other to have a shot of your own womb is emmanuel snow any other thirty feet in modern one and
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gun i don't but i must go by feel all of that if you listen to him. for three hundred years after the prophets death the kind of it remains strong. but by the mid tenth century. the most of the road had from. divided now between three colors all three descendants of cornish. and centuries to come one by one each of those three kind of fits would crumble and fall.
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short. of the spain. competent of the under the sea into my youth kind of. this is the end of the youth in a city that ruled from the mask. in the seventh and eighth century. the death of the second caliph. in the hof a century of chaos among members of his family. and ten thirty one the ninth and last minute callous the sham. was forced to stand down. to the most of the most authentic. a look on the board in the levee what the south you know the committee that was in bed you
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know yes you know you got it under those and said i'm going to answer. you know full well. that out of. the eye of. the. across the mediterranean the phantom it's in cairo also fell victim to better info . in ten twenty one zero six colors but how can. mysteriously disappeared in the cut them hills outside his capital. his death almost certainly at the hands of his own family. would be the start of the fact that it's long claws. from the late eleventh century onward
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far to tell if it's increasingly losing control of affairs and that the political and military elites are starting to take over the state difficult. in baghdad. bassett's are suffering a similar effect. by the middle of the eleventh century. the sense jukes arising turk in a city that seized control of the caliphate. and how government is allowed to hot certain i love the moon what go on in but out what do you lack in the eleven via let me. why in the am i gonna shout son but. me was sherry. the subject rulers were the first to take the
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title song. and arabic words meaning authority. and in the trials to come the defenders of islam. would be sold thongs of non arab birth. let them all fronts. the statue of pope urban the second pointing east. in november tenth ninety five from the city. he launched a christian campaign to recapture jerusalem in the holy land from the muslims. the crusades. lemoore was lent by
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the pope to assembly with new research says authority to declare war. and attend ninety six. the crusaders set out on arduous overland eastward journey. and. after three years of demanding travel and fierce battles. they finally reached their goal. and delight ten ninety nine kristie and it's captured jerusalem. there's a major massacre muslims died jews dead even some eastern christian. who the pins
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didn't recognize as christians died and the chroniclers from the crusaders perspective present this is vengeance for the blasphemy that these saracens had done to the jesus's holy city of jerusalem. for no half century sturdier jerusalem had surrendered to the second caliph of a slam almost. but in ten months you knowing. as muslim saul to confront the marauding crusaders islam faced a burning question where was the caliph. the a bastard at that point had no military thoughts which they could have sent the father caliphate they had lost their syrian lands to. local warlords so when they saw the crusaders coming in they probably were quite happy to see that
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these was up us we're now facing a major problem with these clearly quite strong military contingency moving in from europe. large areas of the levant were occupied. divided by the christians into four distinct fiefdoms. but after half a century of crusaders success muslim slowly began to fight back. but it was not the caliphs were led to fight. damascus syria. in the middle of the twelfth century this city was the capital of the zinc it's a turkish dentistry founded by
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a man. the governor of northern living. in eleven forty four he had secured the first muslim victory against the crusaders. wellwood him out of the whole product him out of the saddle eleusinian be heaven into sought and the be infallible meant islamia and to. be and then to be in kenya and the head of all the bun. in eleven forty six. succeeded his father in the struggle against the crusaders and deliverance. two decades later he would be fighting over another progs. corner of the house and the store. owner has had him fall to meet him in his
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inky and you second all the war jihad salumi and the other seller who ascended be sure to call what and kill him a chair call from the l a said. after five years of data. should call noted deans kurdish generals succeeded both in defeating the crusaders and seizing control of the fata mcallister. he was succeeded by his nephew salaheddine. a man known to the west a solid. so he saw that his political career as the was leader of the falcons so he had to acknowledge the supremacy of the father of the for two years.
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but then eleven seventy one. is alive and switched his allegiance. bringing an end to a hospice centuries of the faults of its caliphate and declaring egypt's loyalty to the opposite caliph in but that is. why that is but most certainly is that i've been had one problem that he had no legitimacy so the main selling point for so he didn't throughout his career was about. the cutting costs of jordan. one of the largest crusader forts and the levant. from this powerful position the crusaders began to harass muslim trade caravans threatening even make it so. some had been unified
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the syrian and egyptian political landscape and the only remaining. you would polities with it was say the states so it was natural for them to move against them . in july eleventh eighty seven here and also in palestine but the place known as the homes of. solid dean's forces crushed the crusaders. zero zero. zero zero. zero zero four months later jerusalem surrender. this time not one. but two occurred that sold clones. and. and if allowed bessie. life and.
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let it be when it was. a lot of different. hank in. the defeat at the team was a turning point for the crusaders. driven back to a strip of much to rein in coastline. they consolidated their position with massive costs a strategic points like side eleven. but just as this threat to the islamic world was subsiding. a danger of even greater proportions was gathering strength. this time. in beasts.
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an ancient school in better. built by the ambassador. it was part of a desperate effort to recapture the golden age of the early our best calif. in twelve forty two and most awesome succeeded his father as the thirty seventh calif. but he would soon face a new danger. the approach of the moment boards to. be phased by the mongols over all was seen as the major turning point in the recent history and when the moments came there was a clear sense of. the way of holding things. they will continue.
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in january twelve fifty eight. the mongols reached back that. within two weeks the opposite capital had been brought to its knees. the caliph and the stasi was executed. the great city reduced to ashes. a five hundred year caliphate had come to an end. it was a moment that was but is a watershed but also a confirmation of a situation which it actually existed for quite a long time. some scholars of all get that it was of not any great significance because the real power of the abbasids had faded away hundreds of years ago when
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they were just sitting around in that baghdad's palace and that their existence had very little meaning for the majority of. the slam was now in peril. the only remaining hope was the new soto's of egypt the man who looks. right at the slaves from central asia to form an army for the e.u. bits. they had supplanted some odd dealings dentist. in september twelve sixteen here at the in general in palestine. the member army but the mongols and that's. was a decisive victory for the most. the member looks at save the muslim
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world. and their tenuous legitimacy. was about to be struck. there was a member of the abbas and family who managed to escape from the slaughter in baghdad and make his way to cairo where the mamelukes of egypt subsequently recognised his descendents as k.f.c. in cairo and derive benefit in the seat from this kind of shadow puppet caliphate. bolstered by the caliphs indorsement in twelve months he won. the man looks put an end to two centuries of christian crusades. aker. the last crusade the fortress on the mediterranean was captured.
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meanwhile in anatolia a new muslim power was on the rise. a power which would carry the banner of islam to the gates of constantinople. in six twenty nine joining the life of the prophet muhammad. the first ever battle between muslims and by sun times took place here in. southern jordan. the fight ended with the muslims defeated and their withdrawal to medina. but the setback would be temporary. the progress great. eyes of constantinople
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still back and. stumbled into the pavement i found they miss that one measure of pity how these evil you let it die under costantini evelyn m.l.a. miriam middle when any measure. if you can only see the stumble to fit the did. you read arab jargon for most of the tenth and eleventh century constantinople is described as the apple the ultimate prize that someday muslims will win and often the taking of constant noble is presented almost apocalyptic terms of something that will bring on the final victory of islam. that final victory would fall to the ultimate ends the turkic muslim tried to emigrate from central asia to settle in i'm told.
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they get these a month out of that with a shot lot of mud the money of it the protestant on them at the beginning it died in it is that in a quarter to that yet. then you stumble a little. in april fourteenth fifty three minutes army siege to the great city. seven weeks later the ultimate spot for their way to constantinople. and as the victorious. entered the city through this gate. an eight hundred year old prophecy had come to pass.
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this involves importance was known to muslims and also for european christians suddenly one of the major capitals of cristen them had become a muslim. but just as they tasted the fruits of victory. at the far end of the mediterranean. eight hundred years of muslim civilization. was about. to come crashing down. big stories generate thousands of headlines with different angles from different perspectives separate the spin from the facts that's why i am done. with the listening post on al-jazeera.
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i'm richelle carey and these are the top stories on al-jazeera for as is proposed negotiating a new deal with iran that builds on the two thousand and fifteen agreement to curb its nuclear program president mandela marker on made the pitch to u.s. president donald trump who is threatening to pull out of that deal because in washington for a three day state visit and his wife are being honored with the state dinner at the white house the first of trump's presidency alan fischer has more from washington d.c. . he said that he wouldn't hold a state dinner until the balance of payments of the united states wasn't in deficit anymore and he really killed barack obama for holding state dinners during the election campaign obviously he gets on very well with the manual mccrone he's decided that he wants to own a home with the very first state dinner that is of a hailed of course donald trump has been the receiving end particularly in south korea and also in france sales he was the guest of honor during the bus still the
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celebrations syrian government forces and their allies have intensified their operation in southern damascus the army wants to retain all the territory surrounding the capital its campaign began last week after nearby eastern ghouta eisel controls one of the pockets targeted by the army next to another area held by rebel factions and accused of killing ten people by driving a van into pedestrians and toronto has appeared in court alan asin is charged with ten counts of murder and thirteen attempted murder police are investigating social media posts that may offer clues to his motive. tens of thousands of people have marched to commemorate the mass killing of armenians during world war one the demonstrations come hours after the resignation of the prime minister of serge sarkozy and he stepped down following almost two weeks of mass protests. the united nations is calling for an investigation into the deaths of anti-government protesters in nicaragua human rights groups say at least twenty six people have
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been killed in a violent crackdown by police and the demonstrations which began last week demonstrators are demanding the president and ortega resign and three suicide bombers have attacked the pakistani city of quote killing at least six police officers and detonated his explosives police truck on the road towards the airport while two others attacked a paramilitary checkpoint on the outskirts of the city. as are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera keep it here the calla is next. the alhambra. a muslim citadel and palace.
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one of spain's most famous spawning winds. for more than two and a half centuries this palace in granada was the scene of the last it's. the last muslim dentist in the iberian peninsula. lombok south a dark one those pick and you already know not side the road it's listed up any further than the output lady or they say and to the court of law but in a medical circles he will not get the buddha a tickle my fatalist but what is the notice with other than i am business there.
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in the early eighth century. muslims conquered most of the idea and peninsula the province they called and that of see. her the compering on me was on able to drive home their success. the remnants of the former rumors the physical fights took shelter in the mountains in the north. of the cult of them it's a call to look at if you want to show that it is when you allow. the d.-day academy live it's of the e.c. allotments the. mountains of northern spain would become the cradle of new christy kingdoms. kingdoms that would start a holy war not
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a complete stop three conquered by barry and peninsula and and what they saw as most of the capacious. was the fact. that it's like us all kind of look at them did anyone see the illusion it's you can it's a cutter fiji's but. look at that it's a gun and there was an e.m.t. . you know i mean and also lee you know i mean it's how dad hokum you know i mean it's so i did it. and ten thirty one. after the folder made colorful of called the wall. under the sea a broke up into several minor city states. easy prey for the christian kingdoms. help was needed from across the mediterranean.
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america she. founded the eleventh century capital of the middle of. the sperber dennistoun and the success of. the young ones crossed the sea to under the sea and to confront the threats from the spanish christian kingdoms. done wonderful if i wanted to enough is that if don't know that the hut that the mothers assemble to muddy. feet visit one of them within
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a few minutes of them. let the let the humbleness only as a whole jihad if you defend one you think you know that and then knows. the whole while the other one. for more than a century that it. was held at bay. until the year twelve hundred twelve when the christine kingdoms of custody. are gone and portugal united against them one. here east of called them a battle took place which immortalized the name of this morning for. us thomas to come up. and walk the forces to heaven he defeated by the united states. and has among them to what has he must have
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missed but he didn't see me different and that was that he got killed is that of this wasn't done in libya why not have that the old guy that you know if it's not if i suburban he ought to build in one of the up. but you has even and i was in with the in a few mock of the above at a. pristine forces continue to press south winds and by the late thirteenth century the muslim presence in spain was reduced to the tiny mustard kingdom of granada. and the media who did what was team heavy and made enough that any of. the more of the why this was why me to forget it it's gone smoke. how do you need the idea to win with. this animal it's
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a world where they know you're doing it hope millen missed it is using it as the wow team. in fourteen ninety one united on these of the two christine moments when isabelle lost custody and king for nanda ovata gone they'd siege to bring out the. muhammad the twelfth the nasir it's a long sentence desperate your must for help. but this time there was no answer. was. he. come. in.
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with no sign of help appearing. the city surrendered to the spaniards. down on bottom her son. son on the. coming. in january fourteenth ninety two. the spanish and to drum up.
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on a computer stuff. was complete. then we sure. got off the. a minute. to do well and. a father for the i think there's. fourteen ninety two. marked the end of muslim rule in spain. that same year christopher columbus arrived back in grenada. he brought news of his discoveries to a sponsor. is about. a new word was about to
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open for the christian. while the muslims were about to start fighting each other over an old title. the cattle. fourteen fifty three. the stumble. no longer called constantinople was made captain of the autumn and. an empire of the already made inroads into christie in europe. but the soul tom was remains lay here in this mosque of the difference from.
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selim the first came to power in fifteen twelve. five years later he had toppled the man looked in history in egypt tripled the size of the ottoman empire. when the ottomans conquer egypt they take over from the mamelukes they can claim to be protective of their holy muslim sites mecca and medina and they feel like inherit the mantle of being caleb's from shadowline of apostate canucks in cairo. so consider you know one of those who do quite a few good to to have been covered based on. wasn't it that a good book on if it did it they've been quite a good to be can get away that you stumble but you don't write. you could turn it
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the way we can do it and hung it's kind of a lot of dumb. but it is the. the top cop game. palace. legendary residents of the martin autumn are so gongs. that fifteen seventeen. the songs awarded themselves another on are targets. of. the most annoying centuries after the foundation of the cult of six there's. a title that slipped from the hands of arabs on the koran. the prophet strong. the ottomans don't seem to have made a huge amount of being k.f.c.
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and whilst they did claim the title it was more of an honorific all something that indicated that they were first among muslim on. so the ottomans were not initially in the sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth century really claiming to be universal muslim really. yet after a slow decline of three centuries. the successors of these great ottomans all tones . were turned once again to the caliphate. in a desperate attempt to rescue their falling empire. palace istanbul. the residence of so far not the the second who came to the
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throne in eighteen seventy six. he was a skilled carpenter. crafted most of his furniture. but as he chiseled in plain the carpenter saw. was contemplating the gradual loss of territories. by the late nineteenth century. much of the mighty ottoman empire was disappearing from the mouth. of the yet well a couple he left. but if but if it got to jemaah islamiya it's something that's
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monumental joe and how will. you add that what you thought of cricket at. the moment that the bonus money and the match. that. bob just i mean cut them down or else funny it would be if a but she's a cut then had to be in it and i like that he's just the onion and medina and the work done but those commission. use them as a model. but the sole tones attempts to exploit the spiritual power of the title kind of could not save. in one thousand zero nine after honey it was deposed. measurement that. was it's told us the thirty fifth so-called ottoman states.
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and go his coronation was marked by lavish traditional festivals in truth he was powerless. little fishies book is that he divided all smaller then let the they stay down to a small a day that did it up the paths shouted out at me i may fade out it here because that that i keep good name is bit of the truth of that is that you did good by the committee who got it here. in november nineteen fourteen. the ultimates entered world war one on the side of the central powers. whole evil in the name of the conduct a war that which is bizarre strikes for the common folks. on the other side of the treacherous western powers saw an officer.
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put it on a camp in the caribbean monopoly and locked the can back in and now you summon monopolists not to. when you get it from going to know how do you know my. friend said that somebody in the dhamma to have been a formal result of the men who survived. and to encourage the arabs to rise up and revolt. the british to return to the ancient power of the coliseum. and the person of. the custodian of much. the super tornado stuff even i would know something. about a follow up was not a. day he had been kidney of some of.
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the four. in june one thousand nine hundred sixteen. what was called the great arab revolt erupted in. a desert region in the west of what is now saudi arabia. under the. sun. and with the help of a british officer. lawrence. forces of france northwards supported by the british were tacked on to. within two years in one thousand nine hundred eighteen the joint forces had taken the whole of the levant and iraq. in october of that here an armistice was concluded. the ultimate suffered a humiliating defeat it. and
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july nineteenth eighty. four months before the end before or one. a new super off spring. he was to rule over what was left of your thumb and. virtually nothing anatolia and istanbul. but even this would soon be lost. just two days after the end of the war french or british troops marched into lucky boy in the autumn and companies of. anatolia was
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divided between the western powers. to make it what do ya is it and they can't take this flaw was to mandate it. with them it's. in the things the on the d. other want to achieve a bombs is strong that it's just that yoke. turkish nationalist resistance broke out. after three years of bloody fighting. the turks accept the brits and it's. only a stumble was left occupied. and in it was a small town now if you would buy nationalist turks as a traitor. if they can go to such a new cousin or was it out there like that to follow it up i'd be fair cautious
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a little not a bunch of the same eastenders. shit is either shut i know as a monday signed. but i don't want to mustn't use them yet. how to get a caution given those that are let. in on camera on the first of november nineteenth twenty two. the turkish national assembly abolished the sultanate. two weeks later. midway did deep soul tone and calif. left the dome a budget palace. the residence of ultimate rulers through this gate bound for exile.
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up in madrid the second was chosen to hold the now largely symbolic tie to come. to the kitchen with the bomb society got it down the aisle for that that it. could either at the national civic need that they make it or that you push back on the love them in the one you think all the while see that someday as that of it all ali the bush and bush all molly that how. they did it they had to be made. on the third of march nineteenth twenty four. the last vestiges of the caliphate were dismantled by the new turkish republic. the title of the universal movie slam. title thirteen centuries old. and been terminated by muslims themselves.
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optima g. . the last autumn in color. was sent into permanent. washington dualists not me i'm a predator she got an email from. one. figured i'd. be in the. top of the market here. before you jump. that high you feel india. the name your love. all over the call the call that a lot. of the. question that you get a call that should the doctors that. you get on the air.
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that caylee is meant to be a universal figure who draws support from the misnamed community as a whole that is obviously not the case with a bucket and the fact that all the historical record also shows that when people con game broad based consensus that caliphate automatically becomes invalidate. the caliphate is such an extraordinary entity. as an outsider i wish that the islamic world like to have something represent them all that stops the traditions of political violence or civil war what about the other side of islam which i'm afraid the west doesn't really understand.
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eat eat eat eat eat eat eat . however we have had some rather lively down poles pushing away from the southeastern corner of the u.s. across the carolinas easing out into the open waters process guys coming back in behind like my for the next weather system actually this area
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a cloud and maybe some wintry bits as well sinking for the south with so some wet weather coming into oklahoma into all console pushing down into northern parts of texas clearer skies dry weather if they wanted to shastri the night it's north carolina up towards the genius was the weather that just around new england are just pulling out of new york and notice some snow on the leading edge on the northern flank of this system it will ease father reese was full thursday prices guys come back in between we are going to say a little bit whether it making its way towards louisiana by that stay sick clearing out there for much of texas further north what you can see the snow that stretches up its central canada home territory say some wintry weather then as we go through thursday so west prng really struggling to break through the west is generally fine and dry generally fun to draw across a good part of the caribbean as well want to see showers there into that he's decide all of mexico because see some wet weather here already heavy rice and a possibility in sioux northern and southern parts of keeping maybe what has to showers there for jamaica as well and also his banjara.
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if you were in beijing looking out the pacific ocean you'd see american warships when mess was that somehow time as aiming to replace america and going to run the world for the chinese are not that stupid things guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet this sounds like a preparation for our first president george washington said if you want peace prepare for war the coming war on china part one on a jersey you know. al-jazeera . where ever you.


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