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tv   newsgrid  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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as the crisis in yemen worsens some have fled the horror of war only to be entangled in bureaucratic limbo with their lives and dreams of a future with on the. fault lines explores the old to legal effect of trumps immigration policies. between warring on the ban on a dozen. and
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live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha i'm fully back to bow welcome to the news great defiance and determined yemen's hoofy rebels and hundreds of thousands of their supporters marched on the streets of sanaa to pay tribute to top commanders killed in recent as strikes as the war rages on the sounded at coalition appears not to be directly targeting the with the leadership we'll explore what this shift in strategy could mean for the conflict also on the great praise and optimism after the historic summit between the north and south korean leaders the focus now shifts to kim jong un's upcoming meeting with donald trump what will be the u.s. strategy towards north korea going forward and russia's attempt to block the messaging app telegram isn't going well in fact it's managed to drop pretty much
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everything but telegram many russians including some government officials are still using the encrypted message until will tell you how it's remained excess and thousands of people in spain are protesting online and on the streets again so of course decision to clear five men all right we're going to sharing their stories throughout the house site i believe you system you follow me on twitter i thought a fire and cigarettes and such to us throughout the. year with the news grid live on air and streaming online for you tube facebook live and at al-jazeera dot com thank you for joining us the war in yemen has ended its fourth year and an escalation from both sides in the call fake shows there is no end in sight saudi air defenses every four to be intercepted for miss. fired by who the rebels at the southern province near the border with yemen saudi officials say
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one person was killed by shrapnel saudi arabia and its arab allies have been fighting against the rebels since twenty fifteen when they intervened to support the exiled government more than ten thousand people have been killed in the conflict now on saturday who the rebels stage a large scale funeral in yemen's capital sanaa for two of their leaders and dozens of fighters killed in sound yet coalition air strikes victoria gayton b. has our report. he supposes descend on the center of santa protesting against the death of the most senior official to be killed by the saudi led coalition in yemen's three year war salah the mad died in an airstrike on the coastal hood data province last week. you will get revenge for the death of the president of the republic. and i have message for the saudi aggressors you bring invaders here from all over the world we will kill them and we will burn them to move you the leaders and dozens of fighters were killed in another saudi led
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coalition air strike on saturday saudi state television says the strike targeted a high level meeting at the these interior ministry in santa after three years of fighting and no end to the war in sight analysts say the saudi led coalition is trying something new the saudis are stepping up their game. targeting higher higher level officials and the hope is as well are also are there also to stepping up their game firing more and more ballistic missiles into saudi territory i think the message is clear that they still believe both parties still believe that they're the only solution is a military solution but it's a risky strategy the fighters say their mood determined than ever to continue their fight for control of yemen. this protest was made for our president. and we tell him that we will keep going on your path and we will not drift away his death strengthened us and provided us with resistance god willing we will not drift
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away. it's a conflict that's already killed thousands of people and caused what the united nations says is the world's worst humanitarian crisis now there are signs of an escalation from both sides saudi arabia says it intercepted for the missiles fired from yemen targeting the city of just then victoria gates and be al jazeera. i joining us now on the news great is our correspondent hashim i had barry has covered the conflict in yemen extensively hashim first of all what impact will the killing of. some might have on the whole of the movement how big of a blow is this to them it's a major setback for the movement in a way or another because i mean if you look at the organization of the the way the movement is going to the top leader is are the american who is the he's of sort of spiritual leader then other than saleh as some other who is was acting like a president of yemen because he was the head of the political council he's someone who has been trying over the last few years to reach out as different political
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parties to negotiate a political compromise when he was killed who things announced that they were appointing men had the hard liner within the group to take over me is that we're going to see more in the coming days and weeks so an escalation from the host the side but we're also seeing an escalation from the other side the saudis now seem to be changing their strategy against somewhat targeting their top leadership why do you think this day a change in strategy from the saudi led coalition at this stage of the conflict and you know what will it achieve whether the different reasons or the shift in the your the saudi strategy because they've been noshing this campaign from for more than three years with massive weapons supplies and backing from different countries with no major gains on the ground the hope is to control the huge area that's russia's from. all of the border with saudi arabia all the way to ties in the south so the saudis are desperate for some. symbolic gains there for now they're moving
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to worse targeting the top leaders the top brass of the ministry establishment of the what is they've managed to kill. a few of the military commanders by the that move that resulted in making gains on the ground no territorial. idolaters we make major impact on the ground the earth is remain intact as a political organization as. and also as a military organization we haven't see them retreating from the areas they have control system two thousand and fifteen definitely this is going to lead to further escalation we have also to bury him by the international community has been putting more pressure on the saudis to stop the getting civilians so it seems like the south is now opening for this new york show she's basically to tell the world if we can get to the leaders of the hoses that could be a sign of the hurt these are all the of collapse you know so what about any political settlement then to this conflict about a month ago there was talk of dialogue resuming between the warring sides is that
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all forgotten about now while the there was a united nations old boy he completely failed than he is though succeeded by a new united nations old boy who is trying to revive the political process it doesn't seem that he's going to make any gains in the near future because both parties remain entrenched the saudis say that the earth is how to pull out from the areas they control that they have to hand over their weapons or that he has to be reinstated as the legitimate president of yemen the hokies are saying that all chapter we are the ones who control the ground and therefore if you want to compromise to negotiate a settlement it has to be under. own terms and the strikes the ten thousand civilians killed over the last three years that has backfired in a way the sentiment is or is really very high in parts of yemen that explains why many people we saw today taking part in the funeral huge crowd and it was a sign of solidarity with the hutus yet ten thousand people killed in a catastrophic humanitarian situation thank you very much for that and you know
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what more can the international community do to stop the war in yemen that's a question our discussion program inside story has tackled jane dutton and her guest debate whether world leaders are doing enough to stop the war a very insightful discussion watch it by clicking on the show's tab at al-jazeera dot com and then on inside story and comment here from one of our viewers on this conflict in yemen. comment from sherry found facebook who says both sides need to stop fighting and concentrate on getting aid into yemen we're looking forward of course to hearing your thoughts on this story and others we're covering on the news great today connects with us on facebook at facebook dot com slash there on twitter our handle is that a.j. english or use the hash tag a.j. news great and we're also on whatsapp and telegram at present seven four five zero one triple one four nine the world news nine israeli army says it has had six dogs in gaza belonging to the naval forces of the armed group hamas the palestinian health ministry says one person has been killed and several injured in the strikes
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israel says it targeted both in gaza sports that were preparing to receive a surprise for the ongoing protests on its border meanwhile hundreds of palestinian scattered on saturday for the funeral of ifft of a fifteen year old boy who was killed in those protests as died after being hit by an israeli gun shot in the head he is one of four victims of israeli gunfire on friday more than nine hundred protesters were injured let's speak to seventy deco's covering this story for us from gaza joins us now live on the news great seventy despite the threats of violence and despite the deaths these palestinian protesters are not backing down it seems. they're not and certainly what we saw yesterday which was the fifth friday protest of the great march of return was quite extraordinary thousands of people running right up to israel's border fence despite the fact that israel had warned and has killed by sniper fire many people in that
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area it was quite extraordinary to see and many people will tell you that they have lost their fear that they have nothing left to lose and i want to speak about that a little more with the. activists palestinian activist born and raised in gaza i want you to explain to us a little bit what it is like for the youth here i mean you are i think we can say you speak english you're not indicative you're more privileged let's say than most of the people who live here tell me what it is like what you know the blockade that we've seen almost eleven years now on gaza what is done to the youth why are people willing to go and risk being shot at. first of all thank you for having me. about this activist and i know if i will that one of its demands is that i must implement then i think nations resolution one land for what should be the calls for. from which we were. back in one thousand and four. but as it has been defining it very soon get international but but what does i want
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what does that mean for people living here. for us i mean we've offered up with them we offered up and that's why we decided to divert to the been the bulk of the people to change the. we believe. you're not assistance and including b.b.'s. and that's why you listening people decided to accept this they're willing. to change. things ok but tell me for people sitting at home in a different country they don't know what life is like for a family for a young person who goes to school will he get a job can people feed their. tell me what it is like for you for other people in gaza what is the consequence of the blockade and why are we seeing people say to you i will i'm willing to go to the fence this is what we're being told and being shot and i will go back again to even if i've been shot once why is this you know
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the sort of that's going to last for more than eleven years. and said that in two thousand and two thousand and twenty it will be a liveable the world bank says what does that mean under the bill to you i live on how do you live here. the kid means the end of the life. to those kind of go to the schools and if they go then over the world there will be new few. of them and no dignity and that this look here is that. is that it doesn't allow anybody to go outside gaza doesn't allow anybody to go i have a dream to. complete my studies i'm not allowed to go there why because simply i wasn't born for a jewish mother i was born to afghanistan for photos of. the of a girl you deserve to live we have to languish in the miserable miserable sort of my senses you know you see the contamination in the sea you know
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that kid that has been lost by the egyptian government by the government. so i'm not standing with us how do people feel here are a lot of people have been telling us about the disappointment in their own leadership whether it's here whether it's in the west bank. how do you see your own leadership in this situation like i said to you we the people know decided to do been only on the part of the people and we have been negotiations without leadership and didn't. we have the two state solution. we have we have understood what we do not have to equal but this is in the military question and that's why we've been only in support of the people to change the status quo to demand and that's why that the national community must expect must
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act because we are but. a message that has been described by. the child for. a bit it looked on the side and then by. side to that the fact that it has been described as an open air prison you have you have to imagine what open prison means in the twenty first first century thank you very much so that is the words of one young palestinian male who's been born and bred here and this is what many people will tell you is that you know the lack of freedom of movement the lack of job opportunities sixty percent of the youth here fully are without a job many of the youth we spoke to at these protests will tell you i have nothing left to do i have nothing left to lose i can't get married i don't have money it's very complicated i think certainly everyone you speak to here will tell you that it's the worst it's been in the eleven years that have must take took over here and that israel has imposed its blockade stephanie decker in gaza thank you very much
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for that stephanie and don't forget we've got a spotlight page up on al-jazeera dot com on the gaza protests the demonstrations are part of what is called the great march of return which will continue until may fifteenth that's the day palestinians refer to as a knock. when hundreds of thousands of palestinians were forced off their land in the conflict that made to the creation of israel in one nine hundred forty eight all the latest updates on our web site at al-jazeera dot com. now friday's historic summit between the leaders of north and south korea is being hailed as the start of a new era the north as kim jong un and south korea have agreed to work to rid the korean peninsula of nuclear weapons attention is now switching to a proposed meeting between kim and the u.s. president donald trump tweeted this a short while ago just had a long and very good talk with president moaned of south korea things are going very well time and location of meeting with north korea is being set while millions of south koreans followed the summit between their president and the north korean
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leader on live television but up north the narrative has been tightly controlled by state media i didn't mattick as james frey's as this report from seoul. across south korea people watching the historic summit closely some were overwhelmed by the images the first time they'd seen a north korean leader step foot in the country the declaration that was signed was a declaration of intent nothing is actually changed yet but it could mean a very different political future for the next generation of koreans. well south korea had wall to wall coverage of the events in north korea on state controlled media a more edited version was presented people here of not yet been told of the possibility of the next meeting being between their leader and president trump experts say one of the people closest to kim is likely to be involved in changing the official
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narrative. well for north korea the all of the media are controlled by the propaganda and agitation department which kim your junk consignments younger sister who we saw you know company him she also came here to the olympic games she works in that department which indicates a very very high priority for the north korean regime joining the summit president moon j. in and supreme leader kim jong un met alone face to face for over thirty minutes trump is also said to favor a meeting one on one with no eggs a former senior official who worked on north korea both at the white house and later at the u.n. has this advice for the u.s. president a stablish in a good personal relationship that would then lay the groundwork for real detailed talks among experts i think is the best way to go and this can be
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a very highly successful meeting if done the right way. after the very high profile summit the next stage of the diplomatic process will take place well away from the spotlight the lines of communication between pyongyang seoul and washington remain open as they discuss the substance and venue or possible trump kim summit james out zero seoul. well for more on this s. i'll speak to john feffer who is director of foreign policy in focus at the institute for policy studies his via skype from washington d.c. very good to have you with us on the news great so all eyes are now on the came trump meeting the trump administration says a meeting won't happen unless concrete moves towards the nuclear clearly demonstrated what signs or proof is washington seeking exactly that's hard to say because of course north korea's already frozen that's uclear tests tested by see the close down its nuclear site not sure what else the trunk administration
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like to see book for the meeting perhaps and like to see a timeline perhaps it would like to see a willingness to hold inspections international inspections but ideally that would come as a result of negotiations rather than being done by north korea prior to negotiation now if north korea is living up to its side of the bargain. you know what can we expect from the trump administration they're going to have to make a gesture are they not take it take a listen to what the defense secretary james mattis had to say when he was asked about the future presence of u.s. troops on the korean peninsula if there is a complete reach if they talk about it i mean john earlier today did do us if you need to face a station on the korean peninsula with all that that part of the if you will be discussed in a negotiation our allies first and of course with north korea so i think right now
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we just have to go along with the process have them go here and and not cry or to make precondition or. presumptions about how it's going to go we the diplomats are going to have to go to work now so john feffer could we soon see u.s. troops out of south korea. it's a possibility but north korea has already said that that's not a precondition for a peace regime and in the past there a christmas several statements about its willingness to accept merican troops in south korea in part because they are eyeing other issues in the region namely a re militarizing japan and to a certain extent american troops are better option in some sense for north korea than a real armed japan coming back to president trump has significantly tone down his rhetoric against came john own but is a top administration speaking with one voice you think when it comes to north korea because the new u.s. national security advisor john bolton has been very skeptical of diplomacy and very
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distrustful of north korea in fact has made an entire korea the u.n. saying you can't believe anything that north korea says doesn't ministration anything have a clear strategy going into this meeting with the north koreans. well i don't think the trumpet ministrations spoken with one voice since its very inception donald trump tweets gives announcements based on his own gut feelings and often is the problem members of the administration have to scramble to keep up with them it's often contradictory nikki haley has been put on the spot saying things that run counter to what trump himself said when it comes to north korea i think trump would like to basically get an agreement that has eluded his predecessor so that he can say he's not the worst american president ever but in fact has done things that barack obama and bill clinton and george w. bush have failed to do his advisors are considerably more cautious and of course
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john bolton is on the other side of the spectrum not cautious at all but as you said has backed military solutions to the problem with north korea sure as long as that problems exist thank you very much for sharing your views with us john feffer of the institute for policy studies joining us there from washington very good to have you with us on the news grades as i bring in our social media producer. you know they move in kim jong un meeting was a huge topic of conversation online on friday and it's still going today it still is and fact so the summit was trending in plenty of countries bonce politics aside people online were really interested in the north korean leader and we were in for a bit so sort of a surprise because those whose is were picked up would have notes is that kim jong un swiss influence x. and yet you know seemingly odd for a country that prides itself on ethnic and cultural purity but there is an explanation because there are points that came apparently spends part of his teenage is outside gemilang which school near the swiss city of been and he was
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living under the city name pack and from the age of about fifteen both koreas speak the same language but kim's accent does defense of that of south koreans especially . me with north korea being the most isolated country in the world it's difficult for informational cultural influence even to move in or out south korea is quite different in fact it's the most connected in the world and many in the country tend to borrow words from english constantly those related to technology such as computers and the word internet but still came and south korea's president in major points of speaking alone without their stuff translates as now was a lot of media attention on the lead his body language with experts saying they both exhibited a lot of warmth and friendship and with many south koreans impressed with what they heard from historic visit to their country now some of those south koreans have
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described the reader as friendly humorous and even called him a teddy bear quite the dramatic change in the way kim has usually been viewed globally until now but some are still skeptical in fact this president tweeted as her freshening and her giving it is to see north and south korea move towards peace and unity that is not collectively forget the crimes against humanity kim jong un has committed but what were your takeaways from friday's summit yes they were talking about noodles three we're talking about language we'd love to hear your thoughts thank you sarah for that and al-jazeera recently gained rare access inside north korea just days before the summit between kim jong un and in our diplomatic editor james space travel to pyongyang to take a look at life inside the secretive country in this story he reports on the effects of international sanctions on north korea watch all of his reports on our web site at al-jazeera dot com our time now for a check of the day's other news his maryam namazie in a london new center. ali thanks so much will we begin with news of the newly
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appointed u.s. secretary of state might pompei o who has arrived in saudi arabia's capital riyadh as part of his three day trip to the region is due to hold talks with the saudi foreign minister job better before having dinner with the crown prince mohammed bin sunline are expected to discuss the iran nuclear deal following donald trump's threats to pull the united states out of the accord next month. a chinese president xi jinping in the indian prime minister and the random odia of ended the informal meetings with a promise to reduce border tensions follows a standoff over the disputed area last year the leaders you met in the chinese city of wire and also promised to enhance military and security cooperation but key divisions remain china saying it would not be changing its bells and road infrastructure project to suit india even though it runs through pakistan administered kashmir and india support for tibet also remains unchanged southeast
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asian leaders have been warned the growing trade dispute between the us and china is pushing the economic growth at risk speaking at a regional summit singapore's prime minister urged the leaders of the country bloc to do more to promote free trade but human rights groups have criticized the region for failing to protect its own people lawrence louis reports from singapore. trade and security top the agenda when heads of state from the ten countries met on friday and saturday in his opening address singapore prime minister lee hsien loong warned that the spats between china and the us could affect the bloc. many countries has shifted against retreat and in particular the recent trip tensions between the united states and china. are what concerns. i certain countries would have to react to these major external trends u.s.
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president donald trump has threatened to impose tariffs on chinese imports with china promising retaliation if he does. for many r.c.m. countries the u.s. and china are the two biggest trading partners on the issue of security members discussed the threat of violent extremism and cyber attacks the ten countries are also negotiating an extradition treaty as well as a code of conduct with china to ease tensions in the disputed south china sea but there is an area where r.t. and member states have been criticized for not doing enough human rights activists have said the bloc fails to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. the bloc largely stood by in silence when cambodia shuttered its independent media organizations and dissolved the main opposition party there was very little censure philippines so-called war on drugs in which thousands have died in extrajudicial killings and their ongoing crisis in myanmar fighting has
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intensified in the chin state in the north displacing thousands in rakhine state seven hundred thousand revenge have fled across the border into bangladesh since august to escape persecution by the military needs to pressure myanmar to be accountable for what's happened and to investigate or allow investigators like us human rights watch and others to go into these areas ascertain exactly who was responsible for the atrocities committed against the rohingya and then hold them accountable again we're seeing nothing from us iran but for a group that prefers to keep a policy of noninterference in the member states of domestic affairs that might be a tall order florence three al-jazeera singapore. or now to me and my wife thousands of people are fleeing renewed fighting between the army and rebel fighters in northern catchin state the u.n. says more than ten thousand people have been forced from their homes since the start of the year four thousand of them in the last three weeks military is said to
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be pounding rebel positions with air and artillery strikes the catchin are a christian minority group in myanmar. greater autonomy and control of predominantly but it's nation since the ninety's sixty's and thousands of armenians are continuing to rally in the second largest city of gomery against the ruling elite prime minister resigned on monday after almost two weeks of mass street protests that have punched the public into a political crisis but his resignation hasn't stopped the demonstrations which are calling for the opposition made a nickel. to be installed as interim prime me a before the parliamentary polls are held and in the past few minutes amin is ruling parties announce that it will not put forward any candidate to become prime minister so more on that story and all the day's other top stories at the top of the hour in half an hour's time now back to don merriam thank you very much for that if you're watching us on facebook live coming up next a social video story about how robots are being used to reduce anxiety and
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loneliness. and still ahead on the news grid the latest on an iso control camp in seven damascus and how it's being targeted by pro syrian government forces. how it was still got some rather lively showers across parts of the middle east northern parts of the middle east in particular just around the event's area clouds swirling away but it should drier and quiet as we go on through the next few days they will still be want to see showers they've towards but root for example could catch a sharp twenty four celsius i think it will be largely dry the wetter weather starting to push its way further east we're starting to peter out to go through sunday on into monday the showers become fewer and further between but a bit of cloud there over towards afghanistan kabul the twenty nine celsius for the
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north tashkent a little cloudy here as well as of around twenty eight degrees some cloud to into the arabian peninsula but generally winding down nicely thirty four celsius here in doha think of cloud is down towards the southern end of the red sea western parts of yemen just around the gulf of aden over the next couple of days you might just catch one or two showers along the coastal fringes dohan there just temperatures picking up thirty five celsius dry fine and sunny fog and sunny to across the western cape at present after a recent spell of useful rainfall into cape town dry brush the weather is coming back in cape town eighteen degrees celsius on sunday and a touch warmer for monday. australia's multibillion dollar international student industry is booming but it has a dark start when used examines widespread revelations of sexual assault on foreign
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university students on al-jazeera. with a big breaking news story it can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. people shouting instructions and if you're trying to provide the best most curious up to date information as quickly as you can. it's when you come off on things seem petty that you realize even witness history in the making. on counting the cost why iran's nuclear deal and all the powerful factors are at play in a new game of oil it could mean steeper prices at the pump. and into korean summit but what would a saw in relations mean for their economies. counting the cost on a. bad
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line zoologists here in the stories trending on our website on dizzier dot com britain's. nation ship with its former colonies in the spotlight with the descendants of people from the charles islands hoping a proposed new law can grant them british citizenship but number two of the palestinian council discussing ending ties with israel also trending the situation
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in yemen where dozens of new sci fi discipline killed in a saudi led strike according to saudi state television and number four the historic summit between the north korean and south korean leader is all those stories and much more on our website at al-jazeera dot com. the news grade on al-jazeera and we've got people watching today from ireland south sudan and thailand thank you so much for your company don't forget to connect with us one facebook at facebook dot com slash on twitter our handle is that you can also use the hashtag major news but of course and we're also on what's up and telegram of past nine seven four five a one trip a one four nine all the different ways to get in touch on the bottom right of your screen not to the war in syria and russia's foreign minister has accused the u.s. of trying to divide syria into parts sergey lavrov was speaking with his turkish and iranian counterparts following talks on the syrian conflict in moscow they're
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the guarantor states in the so-called asthana process aimed at ending the violence but u.s. led strikes on syria earlier this month exposed differences between the three powers. local church books while we are building options to please some of the other colleagues are trying to destroy the results of our joint constructive efforts not even following the international law like in the recent operation by the u.s. u.k. and france against syria. meanwhile iran's foreign minister condemned the use of chemical weapons in syria and expressed support for international inspections. beat up on e.-bay no doubt we hope that an impartial international investigation on site will be carried out as soon as possible and will bear fruit and we hope the overall trajectory of the global community to adhere to the chemical weapons probation convention will act in the same vein or a challenge has more on the talks now from moscow. this meeting was
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a way for russia turkey and iran co-sponsors of the standard talks to set the scene for the next round of those negotiations which are in a couple of week's time a the fourteenth and fifteenth the three countries here although they have been pushing these negotiations into their ninth rounds now. do have disagreements they have disagreements over the future of president bashar al assad turkey has always thought that he shouldn't be part of syria's future and turkey also disagrees with russia on iran over the recent u.s. u.k. and french airstrikes which were a response to what those three countries said was. a chemical weapons attack in duma now turkey supports though that view and i think the russian perspective that this has set back the political process in syria is not necessarily true but the turks do have criticisms of the united states saying that they should give
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up their ongoing support for the kurds when we do get to the next round of a start of talks in a couple of weeks we're likely to see. a similar situation to previous times which is that the opposition are reluctance to come now the route the opposition has always felt the. talks were essentially a sideshow a distraction from what should be taking place which is the resumption of negotiations in geneva the official u.n. sponsored talks and the opposition has long felt that water star is essentially doing is just hollowing out geneva stripping it of all the main political platforms political points and essentially giving cover for russia and the syrian government forces on the ground to continue pushing home their military advantage. rory chalons in moscow there meanwhile government forces are continuing
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to target the iso controlled yarmouk palestinian camp in southern damascus activists on the ground estimate at least eight hundred civilians have been killed since april nineteenth they say about sixty percent of the camp has been destroyed most of the eighteen thousand palestinians along with tens of thousands of syrians in yarmouk have fled the fighting and that displacement of more palestinian refugees in syria follows the u.s. decision to cut funding to the un agency assigned to help them the u.n. has launched an emergency appeal to cover the shortfall and warns it won't be able to provide cash assistance for much longer than a harder has this report from beirut. he was born a refugee thirty years later she became a refugee again a palestinian from syria into lebanon with her family to escape the war in neighboring syria it's been hard she needs a kidney operation her sons need medical care as well but the little money she
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earns as a cleaner is used for food and rent jumana receives cash assistance from the united nations relief and works agency underwire but the organization is warning that it is running out of money and the money balls. i am sick but i have to work i clean garbage on the streets and people's homes my husband finds occasional jobs underwire gives us around two hundred forty dollars a month but it can't be the four thousand five hundred dollars i need for my kidney operation under what can only give me one thousand five hundred dollars. the arrival of more than thirty thousand. years has added strain to the u.n. agency provide services like health care education to almost two hundred thousand palestinians living here the u.s. decision to cut back funding has made the agency's financial situation worse it's appealing for more money to be able to continue helping. those in neighboring countries. there are almost half
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a million palestinians in syria at least one hundred twenty thousand of the population have since fled to jordan lebanon turkey. nearly sixty percent have been internally displaced by the war. before the war seven percent. more dependent on. government services. and. five percent of those still living in syria are entirely dependent on the services it provides. he had a good life back home now he. has been halved. used to give us. the case. think about. his many. children and. they're not.
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forced to work he earns seven dollars a day. without additional. cash assistance to refugees. who at such a young age is the breadwinner of the family. the great now and a new protest movement in spain following a controversial rape case is here with more nuts out here on the newsgroup of extensively covered the anti harassment me two campaign which started in hollywood now it spread worldwide and as far as pakistan a week ago and now are saying mass protests on the spanish streets in fact thousands of people have been protesting in madrid barcelona and several other cities and they're accusing the spanish legal system of failing to protect women from now the movement response by this trial five men including a former soldier a former policeman as well were accused of gang raping an eighteen year old woman
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during the running of the bulls festival two years ago in the trial ended on thursday the men were sentenced to nine years in prison for sexual abuse a verdict process say is far too lenient now the three judge panel concluded that since there wasn't enough evidence of violence the men continually sexually abused the woman but did not rape and therefore only receiving nine years as a prison sentence instead of twenty two years in jail bought the public prosecutor has already announced he'll be appealing that verdict and you may have seen of the story trending online with the hash tag a lot of that means wolf pack which is what the group of five men have been calling themselves but in the last twenty four hours that's hashtags i'm just here in reggie can see that there has been overshadowed by another related topic in spain oh shown in yellow that means tell it and it's been used by thousands of women coming forward with their own stories of sexual harassment now many women like
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maria have joined the connection to the me to campaign you can see she also used the hash tag bevis's you'll see take prayer at amman now which means i believe you sister and calls for the law in spain to be changes echoed across social media with political parties including the party of european socialist also adding their voice and they have been to eating about just as well now officials have come out since these protests to say they'll do just that and here's what the spanish government spokesman had to say. yes. i want to emphasize that this government is always has been and always will be with the victims but that's why the first thing that we're going to do is we go to make a state pact against gender related violence we will keep fighting to make sure this scourge leads now the commission responsible for creating that pact is set to meet on thursday in the meantime women are continuing to share their stories online
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alongside purses and pictures like this saying no means no in spanish and as we mentioned this is a global movement seems to queue to keep coming up every so often and we want to hear from you so tell us your stories in the area that your living and what people are doing to combat sexual abuse and assault as well we'd love to hear from me sara thank you very much for that it's been almost two weeks since a court in russia ruled to bring the country's most popular messaging application telegram but despite all efforts is still mostly accessible it was banned after the developers rejected a request by security forces to give access to users communication they claim the application was used to prepare terrorist attacks in russia but the absa poorest say it's part of the state's offensive on internet freedoms that speak to our talker about this his director of net brock's dot org an international technology initiative to promote freedom of information and he received the index on censorship freedom award in twenty seventeen years via skype from london thank you so much for being with us on the news great so why has it russia's communications
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regulator been able to effectively block telegram from being used. so what we see here is it's an epic battle between the government and a tech company that's running a very popular mr exception in russia telegram has two hundred million users worldwide it's very popular in russia where it came from the owner pavel dura of has taken a hard line he's saying that he won't hand over the encryption keys to the service now these encrypted keys basically a way with which the government can read people's messages they could impersonate users in theory but they can also possibly solve crimes or see people running terrorist attacks now the question here is is this actually a move to have better and simpler sense for all citizens to close down on one of the very few men open spaces for independent speech and private communication or is it simply legal istic muth that we see maybe in the west and this is really divided
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lines in russia but why haven't they been able to block it i've read that they have managed to block pretty much everything but telegram in russia what consequences for the web at large and what disruptions have they been as every salt. right so telegram have been exceptionally clever and how they've implemented their service now they're using a system called domain fronting domain fronting allows them to basically piggyback on services like google and amazon which are too big to block they would cost too much to look at these entire services so they're relying on a loophole that allows their traffic their messages the telegram uses messages to go through these third party services now can be like google neither promote this nor block it explicitly but they've been recently cracking down on this because it means that governments start looking those services to night so we've seen this impacts where you know millions of i peters are suddenly blocked we've seen so it's
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completely unrelated to telegrams now unavailable like a game of whack a mole the government is trying to block it that they're actually blocking all variety of other services and not getting through telegram and so i am pretty chaotic it seems that telegram as he said was developed by a team and founder that has a history with russia they made a point that this was something made for russia this is a source of pride for many russians how does the russian government reconciled with this and what does it say about the government's ambitions to control social media in the country. right so mr de has always said that his products his something that is sourced from his activism and experiences in russia and you know this is a credible story russia is a tree with a very advanced internet usage and very technical literate technically literate population but yet russia's controls an internet have also moved fast because of that technical expertise now the question is will will telegram survive will it
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stay online now he's not going to have this case i think that red line has been drawn and this is part of a larger series of controls of information that we've seen in russia but also wider and also if you look at iran now they're watching russia closely because they're also interested in blocking telegram so the question for iran is simply will we be able to do it without destroying a quarter of an internet service and you know when russia is of there's a good chance that iran will follow yeah interesting to see what happens next thank you very much for speaking to us op toca live on the news great from london thank you for your time now and a bit to rival messaging apps like telegrams snap chat and whatsapp g. mail is rolling out a new feature disappearing messages size here to tell us more about this hour. now he said e-mail is that because a whopping one point four billion people still use g. mail every day but in the wake of personal data let me just bring up three there it has rolled out a lot of need security features that you might already recognize in the world and
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you might share member last year when a bunch of google users were hit with the google dog phishing attack won't the new feature it says to be better and highlight suspicious e-mails with a big red box that's hard for the uses to overlook is hard to miss that to be honest if you're checking your e-mails it's the disappearing messages option seems to be the biggest feature in fact our promise is to give users more control over who sees the emails they send and for how long if you don't want to resurface days or five years later it can now self-destruct through an expiry date meaning receive a call and store it the confidential mode also prevents recipients from downloading downloading copying or printing e-mails and messages received but some people online are baffled because you can technically still make a copy some say by screen shotting that's contents and many people have been talking about online but also people like john here he says it's
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a great way for trolls and harasses to send threatening emails and then later deny it's even happened and some online privacy experts argue that calling the new feature confidential mode is misleading. cyborg right side to this incur found in the spoke to us and sent us his thoughts. confidential mode is actually a misnomer because the only way you can have confidential e-mail is with and to encrypt ssion does not implement that if you're talking about expiring messages well the messages don't expire from google's servers and it's also important that we don't forget what google's core business model is their business model is based on knowing as much about you as possible profiling you and then monetizing that information so there's no reason to believe that that has in any way changed because it's very successful and that's how they make their billions. in there but if you've been using these new features let us know what you think i'm on switzer
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outside of. thank you very much just ahead on the news great professional wrestling heads to saudi arabia but great is while rumble as it was called divided opinion in the country with that story and much more in just a few minutes to stay with us. the fact. this morning place on the planet money could soon be lost. with an international team of scientists is determined not to let that happen without intervention give that the key i would say here to a vast now it's a race against time to try and save each. take a crisis that's in the measure. extinction tag no zero. and monday put it well on the. u.s. and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already
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a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of the days looking forward to for the dry river beds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their countries have been truly unable to escape the war. let's find out what people are talking about and what is tatiana thank you for much of those many people who might augie the w w a or wild wrestling entertainment isn't a sport but they say scripted show has a massive global following and a visit to saudi arabia on friday has generated
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a huge amount of online discussion. of people. telling their story that. we. saw during. an event billed as the greatest royal rumble took place at the main football stadium and judged the several reports that the event was entirely funded by the thousand general sports authority as part of a racing campaign to modernize the country that when my female wrestlers competing bought women and children were allowed in that titan. the main hash tag for this event generated almost hof and million tweets across the globe this showing us where that one coming from forty five percent of tweets generated from the united states fifteen percent from the u.k. is saudi arabia with next best with seven percent followed by india canada and mexico were the most like to tweet using about came from w w c e
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o vince mcmahon he said thank you to the kingdom of saudi arabia for giving the greatest world run ball to the w w e universe an event that is truly the first of its kind but a couple of w w e's female wrestlers who weren't allowed to compete also tweeting one day said sasha bands something that did upset some people however was the promotion played in the stadium before the main show that included women in skimpy clothing one that saudi tweed ponded this day in a club in panko paris is our sports channel another in our big tweeted sports authority both behind the event saying shame for this filth fuel storage see earlier today issued an apology for the video sharing women quote while wearing indecent clothing there was also criticism of the stunt that included a wrestler entering with an iranian flag saudi arabia and iran have exceptionally strained political relations well khaled binmen sort of verified saudi twisties a
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with forty thousand plus followers said even if it was a sure rod is provoking every saudi it wasn't all bad there was a trending hash tag there right i like the news the audi plenty thanking the country's crown prince mohammed bin. so plenty if i was the end the bad you can get used to it w w e have signed a ten year deal with the arabia remits to be worth two hundred million dollars. now the n.b.a. playoffs are generating a huge amount of online traffic every day in the united states there were plenty talking about the utah jazz as they advance to the western conference semifinals off to beat in the oklahoma city thunder on side a russell westbrook scored forty six points for the thunder in that loss but it's an incident off to woods that has a lot of people talking he appeared to have a mind of scuffle with
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a courtside fan and offered this explanation in a post smart conference. from friends from school from me here you talk a lot of disrespectful things are said to the players or it with these fears of malice true disrespectful talk about your family's uki it's malicious disrespect to the game and i think it's something that needs to be brought up. just gone out of play and let's face it would hell they want to say i'm now with that because if there ever was on a street they would just come up to me say anything because i know i don't play so i just think disrespect when i get a chance to do whatever i want to do well fans have been having that say on twitter many of whom are criticizing westbrook's reaction this tweet saying russell westberg your press conference just showed why your trash while the crowd was mean to you you just played in utah bramshaw king james or jordan never had anything as bad as you did that was also those out there in support of him this person tweeted
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this loved the post-game press conference he said all the right thing you can share your thoughts with us using the hash tag eight a news group or tweet me directly on it i am tatiana i'll have more sport with the in the eighteen hundred g.m.t. news hour the finale fully it's up to you tatiana thank you very much for that that will do it for today's show remember to keep in touch with us on social media at all times the hash tag as ever a.j. news great round twitter and facebook as well as what's up and telegram plus line seven four five zero one trouble one for light is our number from me fully back to bill and the whole news great team thank you very much for watching we'll see you back here in studio fourteen at fifteen hundred g.m.t. tomorrow or sunday bye for now.
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each one. of these seems. to be. the. document. was just ten years old when a devastating earthquake struck mexico city in one thousand nine hundred five the quake damaged her family's apartment and the government moved them to. around
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seventy families who lost their homes and still live in this camp so. the government hopes. politicians have promised that they won't allow a repeat of what happened after the earthquake in one thousand eight hundred five but the cost complexity of hundreds of people living in camps is a major task that many people here think the government failed. from planting forests with drones to surviving drought small funds al-jazeera award winning environmental solutions program with tons of a mood out there back then to a real job but. making the people communities and organizations addressing some of the greatest manmade environmental problems threatening our planet. a new season of birthright sort of al-jazeera.


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