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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2018 10:00am-10:34am +03

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to stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al jazeera he was the world's most wanted man and last meeting i had with him was asked to live. in london was very nervous about nature has not met a western reporter before in part two of an exclusive two part documentary al-jazeera speaks to those who met osama bin laden he never showed me how to achieve towards me of the west our new bin ladin continues on on zero. zero. every.
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decision time a u.s. president donald trump says he's ready to announce what he'll do about the iran nuclear deal. one of them or a kyle this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up saad hariri likely to hang on as lebanon's prime minister despite suffering big election losses. thousands of armenians a gathering outside parliament for a mass protest leader is widely expected to be named prime minister. and. three new cracks in the ground in hawaii destroying more homes and cars.
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because president donald trump will announce later on tuesday whether he will pull america out of the a wrong nuclear deal or stay in and work with european allies who insist it's functioning well trump has consistently threatened to walk away from the agreement saying it fails to address a wrong ballistic missile program and doesn't personally prevent it from developing nuclear weapons is our white house correspondent kimberly. after months of diplomacy and high level meetings at the white house between the u.s. president and his counterparts in france germany and a monday the foreign secretary of the u.k. donald trump announced he had finally made his decision trump tweeted he would make his decision public on tuesday or whether to withdraw the united states from the iran nuclear agreement. the announcement follows a last minute effort by u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson to persuade try to keep the u.s. within the deal even with top trump administrators including secretary of state
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mike pompei oh but not donald trump in the absence of a presidential meeting johnson penned an editorial in the new york times newspaper and has been appearing on multiple u.s. t.v. networks urging trump to remain in the agreement he will be tougher on iran but not throw away that the heart of the deal which is all about stopping them getting nuclear weapons the deal was negotiated in twenty fifty and under the administration of u.s. president barack obama and included other european countries as well as russia and china is designed to contain iran's nuclear program for civilian use only. trouble was to get out of the deal unless it's fixed to address iran's missile program a tehran's other military activities in the region on monday on twitter he called the deal a mess and criticized the man who helped negotiate it former secretary of state.
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john kerry along with the president trump advisor rudolph giuliani is also criticizing kerry on what they call his shadow diplomacy this follows media reports kerry recently met with the iranian foreign minister job as a relief at the united nations i don't think that we would take advice from somebody who created what the president seems to be one of the worst deals ever made is the latest signal us president donald trump is preparing to withdraw from the iran deal still france britain and germany have indicated they'll remain in the agreement regardless of the u.s. decision kimberly health at al-jazeera at the white house or senators from the u.s. democratic process have written to president trump him to stick with the deal and gallica has more. well this is the letter from some of the democratic party's leading lights it is essentially an eleventh hour appeal to president donald trump for him not to pull out of this iran nuclear deal they say it's perhaps not a perfect agreement but it is working in their views and they're not the only ones
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that are appealing to president trump over the last few weeks he's met with people like angela merkel from germany president maicon of france and britain's foreign secretary boris johnson who is in washington d.c. on monday all of them telling him look this is not a perfect deal but it's the best we can do at the moment boris johnson didn't actually meet with president trump but he wrote an op ed in one of the big newspapers here went on all the news channels to make sure he got his message across which was basically mr president please don't throw out the baby with the bathwater of course donald trump has never hidden his hatred for this deal as candidate trump and he said it was a horrible deal he says the same thing as president and it's one of his central promises that he will do away with this deal president micron told reporters that he thinks that for domestic reasons the president will pull out of the iran nuclear deal but the big question is where does that leave his european allies because it seems they are going to stay in this deal does that mean the united states will
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penalize them somehow but it certainly seems clear that president trump knows what the other world leaders involved in this want to do but ultimately president trump will do what he wants to do for himself and ultimately for his base. saudi arabia has admitted there is a disagreement over a yemeni island in the arabian sea and that it will try to resolve it have been protests katra demanding that forces from south. leave troops leave and troops arrived on thursday forcing local soldiers to leave their posts they say their own to deal with the rebels say there were no. part of a saudi led coalition supporting exiled yemeni president i would rather. i'm still busy are just a senior saudi delegation to visit the island of so called and met with the prime minister of yemen and members of the local government there have been some differences in opinion between brothers and the local government over how to deal
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with some issues on the island an agreement has been reached develop a joint and comprehensive coordination between the coalition and the yemeni government and the two sides emphasize their shared vision but stand behind operation decisive storm until all yemeni islands are liberated and legitimacy is reinstated. saad hariri is likely to keep his job as lebanon's prime minister despite his party's poor showing in sunday's election her he says his sunni backed future movement appears to have lost a furred of its seats he says he's heard the message and is willing to work with political rivals to deal with lebanon's problems the new results show big gains from the share movement hezbollah and its allies joins us now live from beirut so having a significant victory for hezbollah are we likely to see it as saying more influence in lebanon. it will definitely have a huge impact on the future of the country because this puts hezbollah as likely as
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the kingmaker eleven and they will have a bigger say in forming the government and decision making process in the near future it's a major setback for sad that had he was hoping in his own political calculus to expand further and gain more votes in tripoli and also in the capital beirut to be able to stand as the unchallenged sunni leader eleven and that didn't happen now he has to deal with a new a with more so in the candidates who will join the parliament i think his safest bet now is to try to reach out to his blunt to the three patriotic movement and to the lebanese forces and form a government but in terms of leverage that leverage is definitely going to diminish over the next coming years this side then how do you reinvents himself and come up with a new message that can rally the whole sunni community around him with a lot of new young voters facing for the first time there's
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a lot of optimism surrounding civil society candidates how did they fare. i have to say the hope was basically to try just to raise awareness about the need to change politics in lebanon they almost had two candidates in this parliament but . so now they're left with only one prominent t.v. personality paula yeah but they say that they've managed to break through the ceiling of the dominance of the establishment political parties of that hoping to continue to build the momentum i think of the government and this government fails to deliver on the promises it has been making for ages the civil society can do this will tap into that resentment and in four years from now they could easily get more seats in the parliament if that happens this saying there would be able to have adjourned and force a change in the political life in lebanon i have to say that we've been talking to people and they basically say that their political elite is completely disconnected
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from reality if you like the talk about regional implications about the sectarian divide by the number there to solve the a min and pressing problems of the lebanese and employment poverty and the poor public services of lebanon ok many thanks for that joining us that from. all medias parliament is missing in the next hour to elect a new prime minister and already huge crowds have gathered outside waiting see opposition leader nicole passing out named for the job is that massive anti-government rallies into the resignation of the former prime minister. of a prime minister is not chosen this time around hala meant it will be dissolved and elections it will be called robin forrester walker has more now on how the anti protest leader just. came here. with the band
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performs this song to tens of thousands of armenians on tuesday the crowd would know how to sing it. my step has become the anthem the revolution. composed the music. we came to the conclusion that it needed to be in a courageous rock style as the song as a call to step up those steps should constantly be heard in the music. on the. opposition leader. on the lyrics along with his protest walk inspired thousands of armenians to join the movement both the resignation of former presidents and prime ministers said. bringing passion to the threshold of power or you are
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a smart young beanie and such as hiking his brother have led a highly effective image driven campaign our success has many many many details you know all about this. in me. look target helped craft nonviolent revolution reports soda dress called all the people who should join us. yeah dad we didn't allow him to shave all the details we discussed so we had to plan in universe and street stalls you can pick up a passion you know and t. shirts or a baseball cap that says have courage. in his movements messaging it's been so effective they've become like a brand. placards like rubin have become the part of the movement.
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but i don't like the rigid. framework of that we're not selling anything we're just trying to set ourselves free from from tyranny. opposition organizes and now providing him with his paint but the inspiration ruben says is here it's a love i'm trying through filtering through my stuff over express what my friends are feeling good people are feeling on the street and when people see that those works they emotional connect so it becomes a dialogue. armenia just about connecting and communicating with this culture a culture of resistance. of adversity walker al-jazeera. ok check on the weather next and then reversing a wildlife park in south africa where mining project as threatening conservation and tourism. but the battle of political heavyweights why things might have created
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the tightest election race in malaysia's modern history. through the big hello there we've got lots of sunshine over many parts of europe at the moment it's in the north where the brightest weather isn't this is what it looks like in the northern parts of france everybody they're going to the beach huts and we've also got plenty of sunshine all the way across in better roofs as well it was a glorious there but that sunshine is slowly being nibbled away we've got this area of cloud here that's working its way in from the atlantic making things cooler and also at times roll the wet and we've also got more unsettled weather in the south and not spreading so for more of us on tuesday we'll see those showers that we gradually drifting their way through parts of spain as well and then all the way up
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towards the east into parts of russia and then more of us will see those showers even as we head through wednesday they'll be pushing further north into poland into germany and we'll also see some in the southern parts of spain as well so all of that sunshine is gradually becoming confined to the phone north across the other side of the mediterranean there is plenty of sunshine here but also a few areas of cloud a few showers perhaps a pulse in morocco as well this area of cloud over libya that's gradually drifting its way eastwards and it will be picking up a fair amount of dust in haze as it does so i was well so hot along the north coast of egypt in libya but certainly to fifty. yards. children. become in the past. few the from the stars and so. on the wrong.
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society. yes. this documentary on al-jazeera. hello again you're watching al-jazeera has remind you of our top stories this hour the face of the iran nuclear deal hangs in the balance with donald trump set to announce whether or not the u.s. will walk away from european allies have lobbied washington intensely not pull out of some democratic party senators who listen to the president urging him to stick
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with the deal. saudi arabia has admitted there is a disagreement over yemeni island in the arabian sea and that they'll try and resolve it iraqi troops arrived on thursday forcing local soldiers to leave their posts they say there are still with which to grapple they are know. as are her areas lightly as he keep his job as lebanon's prime minister despite his party's poor showing in sunday's election. back future movement appears to have lost a third of its seats he says he's heard the message and is willing to work with political rivals to deal with lebanon's problems. nine fighters loyal to libya's rebel grade renegade general have been killed in the eastern city of daraa forces have been battling to capture from rival militia groups why don't you find the now if you have you with us i announce that the victory hour for liberation has been reached and that your forces are not targeting the hideouts of their terrorists in during or this is after we gave instructions to avoid civilian casualties and to protect
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civilians while securing their safety and respecting the rules of engagement and international humanitarian law. a convoy carrying hundreds of syrian rebels and civilians has left southern damascus as part of an evacuation deal forty seven buses are taking them to rebel held areas of. northern syria is the fifth day of evacuations as the government gets ready to take control of the towns and him. government forces are continuing to bombard eisel fighters who remain in control of yarmouk refugee camp and that's where the soldier convicted of killing a wounded palestinian has been released from prison and. nine months in jail for shooting. a reef as he lay wounded on the ground killing was caught on video by human rights group already been shot once by israeli soldiers who say he attacks them with a knife and sorry it was initially sentenced to eighteen months but this was later reduced. how much is the authorities in hawaii more people to leave their homes as
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the volcano continues to spew fountains of lava new cracks opening up in the ground putting more houses at risk rob runnels reports from the lani estates one of the worst hit areas. racing against time and the relentlessly advancing lava residents of lay low states rescued property on monday still hoping their homes would survive kill away as onslaught eighteen year old marcus moylan and his family evacuated the only home he's ever known i walk this road every day you know by this river dance and saying what's happening it's just i don't know where we're able to get their money and stuff so you know kind of essential paperwork and stuff but you know something's just gotta leave behind his father says there's no use getting upset the volcano is calling all the shots thank god for the years i've given he's taken away now and at sixty two i'm going to start
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all over and. it's all gone finished my looks like my legs going to be gone and my business is gone i really don't know what to do but it's kind of like when i first went to the simon. one day at a time from the air the destruction of leylandii estates is a dramatic sight you can see some of the twelve lava rifts that have opened up since thursday cutting a burning scar across the rural community also visible are the remains of the dozens of homes that have already been destroyed this time lapse video shows the magma surging to overwhelm of vehicles caught in its path we entered leylandii estates scored by national guard sergeant jake keogh hero he carried a portable air monitor constantly checking it for high levels of sulfur dioxide as if to broach critters whose consciousness or even yeah definitely there's always
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the potential that could be fatal yeah. vents open up the amount of lava that loses out is astonishing this is a fresh lava flow it's probably less than twenty four hours old and i can feel the heat right from where i'm standing you can see the flames down there at the base and beyond it. there. are many homes have been destroyed the local civil defense administrator says despite the destruction seen so far the intensity of the eruption seems to have eased now it's kind of waiting for the bump in to stabilize. see if it's going to just stay put in one van and just erupt or. you know hopefully go away what with those it's going to happen. the big question for people here of course is when kill away is rampage will end rob reynolds al-jazeera lonny estates. the national rifle association in the us has
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named its new president conservative commentator all over north north as best known for his role in the one nine hundred eighty s. iran contra scandal and president reagan was one of the rows over secret arms sales to iran and fun to fund anti communist rebels in nicaragua known as the contras north already serves on the n.r.a. board of directors was chosen after the weekend annual meeting in dallas where president ronald trump biology would not tighten far on laws. york's attorney general eric schneiderman has resigned following accusations he physically abused four women schneiderman had positioned himself as a voice in the me to come pay use his authority as new york's chief law enforcement officer to sue film producer harvey weinstein who faces multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and has issued a statement on social media saying in the privacy of intimate relationships i have engaged in role playing and other consensual sexual activity i have not assaulted
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anyone i have never engaged in consensual sex which is a line i would not cross nigeria's army has confirmed it has rescued more than a thousand bako her captives hostages were rescued from several villages in borno state mainly women and children and some young men who were forced to become fighters for the armed group operation involved twenty two brigades and the multinational joint task force address has more from the state capital my degree. the one thousand people who have been rescued by the military actually rescued were actually rescued along around the bomb area which is on the fringes of the some piece of forest we've known and have heard of boko haram fighters trying to infiltrate that particular area and they've extended actually they reach into neighboring atom of state while some book or i'm suicide bombers deter native bombs
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last weekend killing at least fifty people in the town of movies they've also from that particular area extended their reach into cameroon so the fighters actually members of the multinational joint task force that comprises soldiers from cameroon nigeria nizkor chad republic as well as the new republic which is not directly affected by boko haram yet it's contributing forces to the fight against boko haram now that operation is called named operation deponent it's holding simultaneously as the army or regional forces launch another operation called operation last fall of on the shores of the lecture targeting particular islands why they suspect that book what our fighters are holed up and are carrying from where they're carrying attacks now with that particular faction of the koran is actually a lie to the islamic state in west africa a group that the military in the region is trying to see that they've been denied access to arms and ammunition and freedom to operate in that part of the electorate region of almost came to
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a communist party official has been sentenced to life and prison in china for corruption when jon kyl is found guilty of taking twenty seven million dollars worth of bribes last month have two four year olds one of the highest level politicians and charged under president xi jinping is anti corruption crackdown before he was expelled from the parties and was the youngest member of the politburo made up of the ruling party's top members. malaysia's election on wednesday is billed as the nation's tightest ever incumbent party barris a national has held power for more than six decades but discontent among voters over the rising cost of living and the corruption scandal could bring political change parents louis reports. fourteenth general election could be described as a battle between having the incumbent is not the son of a former prime minister he's seeking reelection on a promise to among others increase cash handouts to lower income groups and raise
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the minimum wage to offset the rising cost of living down in needy. if there are this year we will study the increase from a filing bring it to a higher salary and want to know how much we're till after the ninth of may the rule applies to me not me and b. so in this recently released campaign video he urges voters to look at the polling coalition's track record but he's also been linked to a corruption scandal involving one m. d. a state owned investment fund allegations he denied. you his challenge is a man nearly thirty years his senior so enraged by the scandal that he's returned to politics. i've returned to work to rebuild our country perhaps because of some mistakes i've made in the past and because of the current situation and. former prime minister mahathir mohamad formed a new party and forced an alliance with old animals including people he had once in
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prison he still has the stop to draw in the crowds at opposition rallies the alliance made up of four parties is campaigning on a promise to rid the country of corruption it's also pledged to remove the goods and services tax that was introduced three years ago the latest survey by my take offense that suggests the main opposition bloc. for alliance of house has made some gains it's also likely to win the popular vote. but in malaysia's first past the post system is the party that wins the most seats in parliament that takes power but gerrymandering of the melody. that has conspired over the past few years and also recently. was done in a manner to allow the bison national to continue to perpetuate its power in this country it will be a close fight jointly al-jazeera. one of the world's fastest growing tourist destinations south africa as hosting the constance biggest travel trade
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show this week the growth of the tourism sector there is often hindered by another industry mining which provides huge numbers of jobs. reports. it's the first time the medic easel a family has visited a wildlife park the first louis in follows a park a few hours drive from their home in south africa it's the continent's oldest reserve famous for its leopard and herds of endangered white rhino skin futa full you know it's a great experience to see these things liars been seeing them in television the parks wildlife and vast stretches of untouched wilderness attract tens of thousands of visitors from all over the world every yeah most of the surrounding countryside is also pristine but not all of it just four kilometers from the park is there. an open cast call mine has been here for more than ten years and the company that
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runs it's now wants to expand right up to the park boundary. people living around here complain of the frequent blasting and coal dust and then the park the manager says if the mine comes into its buffer zone it'll be disastrous. if caught elephants are sensitive to sounds of course crocodiles so if there's disturbance elephants cannot communicate this disappearance and explore seas crocodiles finding their nests and so forth this well innes area once is gone . you never recovered the managers of the mining company called him delhi say they're looking into using digging machines instead of blasting and they say they employ more than a thousand people from the community and more expand. tourism creates thousands of jobs in the surrounding area selling services and goods such as ham craft as well as the sixteen hundred people employed in the park itself jobs that
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conservationists say on the threat if the mining expands the municipal mayor doesn't agree he backs the expansion if forty two percent of all of our youth is unemployed it's a ticking bomb if. there is just negotiated. because you want to see them getting job opportunities putting food on the table ten bellies coal mines one of many cases in south africa and across the continent where mining conflicts with conservation and the tourism it brings extractive industries make up about thirty percent of africa's g.d.p. but four times as much as tourism campaigners say the sector has blighted by corruption and benefits far fewer people. back in the park people working here with the mining won't drive the wildlife away and with it the tourists and their jobs. al-jazeera. south africa. and you can find plenty more on our website
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address that wasn't just planes al-jazeera don't. go with us there are these are our top stories the face of the iran nuclear deal hangs in the balance with president donald trump set to announce later on tuesday whether or not the u.s. will walk away from its european allies have lobbied washington intensely not to pull out and serve some democratic party senators who've written to the president to stick with the deal. saudi arabia has admitted there is a disagreement over a yemeni island in the arabian sea and that they'll try to resolve it and troops arrived on thursday forcing local soldiers to leave their posts they say they're on the island to deal with the rebels but residents say there were no who sees the u.a.e. as part of a saudi led coalition supporting xology yemeni president. busy
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other diseases a senior saudi delegation visited the island of so-called and met with the prime minister of yemen and members of the local government there have been some differences in opinion between brothers and the local government over how to deal with some issues on the island an agreement has been reached develop a joint and comprehensive coordination between the coalition and the yemeni government the two sides emphasize their shared vision but stand behind operation decisive storm until all yemeni islands are liberated and legitimacy is reinstated saad hariri is likely to keep his job as lebanon's prime minister despite his party's poor showing in sunday's election really says his sunny back future movement appears to have lost a third of its seats he says he's heard the message and is willing to work with political rivals to deal with lebanon's problems can result show big gains for the share movement hezbollah and its allies. i mean is in the next hour to elect a new prime minister huge crowds gathering outside waiting to see opposition leader
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. named for the job he's left massive anti-government rallies leave the resignation of the former prime minister. if a promise was not chosen. for early elections. and a convoy carrying hundreds of syrian rebels and civilians as left southern damascus as part of an evacuation deal forty seven bosses are taking them to rebel held areas of. us in northern syria is the fifth day of evacuations those are your headlines to stay with us inside story is up next. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. so no matter where you call home al-jazeera will bring in the news and current affairs that matter to you. al-jazeera. the matter of arab everest's appears to
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have taken over the island of so-called throughout its troops aren't he positions thinking.


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