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tv   Food For Thought  Al Jazeera  May 10, 2018 7:32pm-8:01pm +03

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hosts a u.s. military base as well as the north korean embassy and it is a country experienced in holes in hosting these high stakes diplomatic talks at the last minute we saw that in two thousand and fifteen when it successfully hosted a summit between the leaders of china and taiwan israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is defending overnight strikes in syria which the israelis say destroyed nearly all of iran's military infrastructure that is saying iran crossed a red line israeli army says it dozens of targets across southwestern syria has yet to respond officially but senior iranian politicians have denied iran was behind any attacks. to mohammed has been sworn in as malaysia's prime minister following his unexpected election victory the ninety two year old was sworn in as the seventh leader by king sultan home of the fifth day latera govern malaysia in the eighty's and ninety's when makes him the oldest elected leader in the world he replaces not who was tainted by corruption scandal rescuers in kenya searching for survivors of
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a dam disaster that killed at least forty nine people with several more still missing a dam in the rift valley around one hundred fifty kilometers north of the capital nairobi bust its banks on wednesday evening washing away almost an entire village the dam is one of seven in the area and by a commercial farm residents are worried about more of them possibly being unsafe update with the top stories of the more news in twenty five minutes time do join me then but a price starts now. i
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am. there are seven and a half billion people on earth and they all need to be bad. but producing food requires huge amounts of land and water and is one of the major contributors to pollution and climate change. half the planet's comfortable surface is cultivated for crops while forests are being cleared for industrial animal farming and commercial fishing is emptying our steve of marine life. with the worldwide population predicted to grow to ten billion by twenty fifty it's clear our planet's kaante part of the pace something has to change. a muscle build on the east
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coast of the us where a community of scientists fishermen and foodies of redefining our relationship. and i'm going to robbie and khalid are scientists are wasting to futureproof our planet against our love of meat. for centuries we've been harvesting the oceans without much thought of sustainability and today we poison as much fish as we did fifty years ago the result is that the oceans have been depleted to cats. strong physically unsustainable levels ninety percent of the fish stocks that we rely on being fully fished overfished. to make matters worse the use of a group chemical stews in the sea and on the land is creating soon areas of high acidity and lou or exigent which one of the biggest global threats to marine life there are already around five hundred of them were weighed the biggest in the gulf
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of mexico covering twenty three thousand square kilometers. for the seas to thrive far into the future we need to fundamentally rethink our relationship with the oceans and here on the coast of connecticut doing just that. fishing is always been big business on the long island sound in recent decades industrial and agricultural pollutants kill the fish stocks have come here to meet some of the locals tackling the problem. they are also right yeah thank you egypt thanks so much for having us and. britain smith is an ocean farmer who's made its mission to reconfigure how we harvest the sea ok welcome aboard. for a. good thing about the ocean farming is we don't need to chase fish right it's the quick run out right. usually efficient yeah yeah i was in the bering sea fishing cod and just at the height of industrialized fishing and most of the
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fish i was catching was going to mcdonald's for the fish sandwich that is the quintessential the epitome of the industrial fashion exactly so then you know i was on the bering sea in the cod stocks rasta new for lion backwards from so i went to become a farmer on the salmon farms as i was was that he answered overfishing but it was just as bad you know using pesticides and thereby audix polluting you know we were essentially running pig farms at sea so i ended up down here to make remade myself . what were called the three d. ocean floor what is the what is a three d. ocean far. imagine an underwater garden where you're using the entire water column means we have a very small footprint vertical right. the entire farm is cultivated officers to move lines and boys which act like scaffolding crews from the horizontal lines closest to the surface then vertically downwards their muscles and then below that
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oyster clamps on the ocean floor. and that. brain has a twenty acre farm which produces fifty three thousand kilos of killed every year alone with two hundred shellfish today i'm going to help check the lines. in the great work of james hill's going to come aboard and. learn how to do some help farming a high. today. all right if you tell her. there's the vegetable of the sea right there let's attack some muscle soft thank you fashion. and i call now that i've found. unlike conventional aquaculture britain's ocean farming has no need for group chemicals in fact to be even seems to clean the water of pollution and sequesters
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carbon thereby helping to tackle climate change. is there a reason why you you've chosen muscles so they're really lean proteins packed full of bull to make it serious but also so nitrogen they filter and they use nitrogen to grow filter it out of the water column sandusky you know this farm filters millions of gallons of water we can waste your filters up to fifty gallons a day we just want to easter you could you were to take a number of these farms totaling five percent of u.s. waters you could remove the equivalent carbon output of over a million cars what the kelp does is it reduces the acidification rate it pulls so much carbon nitrogen out it changes the water called the so we've done studies and it's called the halo effect of the kelp actually working together with the oyster companion companion species exactly exactly you know they're meant to be
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together. with. brooms couldn't so certainly intriguing but can the system really help coop did soon once those seeds. of the sea weed marine biotechnology love at the university of connecticut stem food instead of just the school system. this is proper science what's going on in here so we have a lot of the caliph might not be any really right here people. go to simona it's leading research in some calls so estuaries like long island sound we have a lot of nutrient runoff so from fertilizer or from wastewater treatment plants a lot of those nutrients get concentrated into the water and then they can cause problems like harmful algal blooms or you know hypoxic conditions and so by growing seaweed us in addition to shellfish. take some of those nutrients
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and clean up the waters and the hypoxic that's a lawsuit so right yes exactly which is not good for or for exactly. simone is going to show me how they use killed to both monitor and clean the waters in the sand so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take some of those harvested cows that we pulled off the long lines they were going to grind it up in the in this little machine. simona can calculate that little nitrogen in the kilt which in turn helps to learn how much needs to be groomed to clean the waters of pollutants. based on that then we can say you know based on that percentage if we grow this much seaweed on this long of a line than we're taking up that much nitrogen from the water. information
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like this is for you to food brynne who uses it to determine how much cope you have to kowtow be in order to improve the water in his patch of the sun. three d. farming proposes a close collaboration between fishermen and scientists but that's not yet another important partnership is happening on dry land to be fisher is a farmer who recently started working with brant used to use conventional fertilizer until six months ago when he switched to kill. as well processing the. fertilizer has a nice a nice smell to it for you know and that's all you know it's the good stuff so i was actually going on here like why why do you not just put it straight on the fields the nutrients from the kelp. will transfer over to the water and you see the kelp just turns into a spring like i do you know and so all the nutrients reaches out
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into the liquid and then we can have a waypoint to fertilize not going to get like some crab jumping. you never know. tobie's farm grows over twenty five different kinds of fruit and vege supplying the local community and it's this organic plant based fertilizer that you know uses on all these crops. this is killed later today look we're going to ruin kale through your never to scale it a staggering. do you feel a kind of connection to the sea because of this operation most land based farmers don't think about their actions and how they affect the sea the nature of runoff from the land they got into the ocean the kalpa uses it to grow and then it comes back here to really close a sea seed away and loop. closing this land to see loop is
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a huge part of three d. farming's appeal but in the center of new haven there's another collaboration which is putting sustainability on the menu. i'm off to meet the shapiro head chef at royal to find out more. brand came to me with the help and it's like here it is you that once you started telling me the story once we started dialogue benefit more than anything sustainability perspective i started playing around i started using a number idea of different ways that i can feel like man this has lacked and so i just go ahead and yeah go ahead and and as you would regular pasta he smells fantastic right you go. there's very good we're going to actually see this kind of ocean farming have a significant impact on ocean cleanup on climate change you need we need our we need to eat most of the stuff we need to get you know what he you've got to do is
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a customer if i suppose across the river a way that people start asking for it then let brand figure out. producer but from my thoughts on my department my goal and if they like it. i've done my bit. changes of food here in new haven and three d. farming is that hard. i mean we've got to tell a story and i'm hopeful story about the future right you know it's all bad news about climate change and food sick and security stuff like that but i think out here we can say arrow things are a blank slate in the search chance to really build something new and build some from the bottom up that is sustainable restorative and doesn't make all the mistakes of industrial agriculture and thus industrial agriculture. it's estimated that each week we lose an area the size of manhattan as a result of intensive over farming. nearly one third of the planet's land is
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severely degraded and agriculture is largely to blame. if we don't act fast the un projects the world has only sixty years of harvests left. but there are glimmers of hope. seemingly barren landscapes can hide an underground forest of living tree stumps groups and seeds in africa a technique called farmer managed natural regeneration is nurturing this hidden vegetation to bring fertility back to damaged land developed an asiatic and is now used by farmers across the continent it uses restore it of methods such as selective pruning and filling of shrubs to stimulate rapid growth leading to taller stronger trees and healthier soils. over farms lands once prone to soil erosion deserts vacation and drought a coming back to life. so far around seventy million hectares of land have been
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revived improving the food security and livelihoods of communities across africa. the african union has to play to the to further one hundred million hectares of degraded land must be restored by twenty thirty. a seminar is one of the techniques being used to achieve this. over the past century meat consumption has risen dramatically a growing and more affluent population wants more and more of it and industrialized farming has made it a staple. by twenty fifty global appetites are set to more than double which is environmentally unsustainable of scientists have come up with a breakthrough solution to the problem which means in the future the meat we see here won't come from the farm but from a laboratory. it's places hopping through really busy in there and it's not even new people are serious about their me. and i ask you
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where you're trying to find it if you fell for this thing my husband friday that this trade actually it's hard to deny the good every friday was friday a rifle shot cubby hole five after the. how much money would you say you guys go through in a week or. take. you back. a little bit. like a whole noah's ark ten years serving up everywhere. on average britons get through eighty four kilos a week per person per year and it isn't just an eat at home treat at corrigan's in mayfair they cater to a mainly meat eating clientele. how important would you say meat is to them and you really. it doesn't matter how much the french keep changing there's always going to
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be some even. something that you could you imagine and her day where you're placing in me that was grown in a laboratory on that master barbecue. i find it hard to believe our unique selling point will be gone on their feet like this getting it from the farm here to the park is what we're all about. for me what is appealing about the lab grown option is that no animals are killed and it takes up less environmental space and there's less of an impact on the waterways of the land and i feel like that could cut his navy off for sort of an alternative to this demand that isn't diminishing what do you think about that like you eat it and try and. are trying to sell it to consumer i think here it is it's really hard to. i can understand even skepticism but lab grown meat is already a reality and it's only
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a matter of time different reaches the public in two thousand and thirteen dr mark pasta and his team at the university of maastricht in holland made headline news when they proved it was possible to meet with a single cow muscle sample. if you like conventional amber and now the race is on with scientists competing to be the first to create a lab grown burger to market to the masses. i've come to the university of maastricht in holland where dr pasta has agreed to talk me through how they make cultured meat. morning hillary i remark who reads here mark in his colleagues are one of a number of teams around the world who are searching for a way to scale up production of lab grown meat if they succeed the environmental impact could be enormous college or ruminants they have to use for the multi stomach things where they basically back here in their stomach from it and
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indiscriminately shoot process and methane gets released that's affecting global warming and climate methane is actually very powerful the house can see it's twenty times more powerful than c o two. so yeah and livestock is accountable for forty percent of all methane emissions. the impact of farming cattle on climate change is so significant that some experts believe giving up beef reduces our carbon footprint more than giving up cars. but how do you get a hamburger from a test tube. so this is a small. piece of muscle taken from a with a biopsy with a needle biopsy this is taken. half an hour ago from what's the next step then once you do the exception that the stem cells in
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a muscle are just sitting there waiting to repair the tissue when it's injury to muscle fibers is more then celsus stem cells come in the midst of the fruit in forming new muscle tissue that's what they do in the body so what we're doing right now is. every single muscle fiber so that the stem cells kind of think well there's an injury here we need to start coming out and start to pull that helps a multiply everything into thinking they need to repair a part of the body right so out of the small extraction that we've taken how many paddies does everything grow. eighty thousand eighty thousand burger patties just from this bit of liquid right that's unbelievable the tissue is then placed into a blender before an enzyme is added to break it down even further into individual muscle fibers so by maximizing how much you break down the tissue and encourage the
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cells to multiply you're getting more product out of that bit of liquid. once broken down further and fed a special culturing solution the cells are placed in an incubator so the conditions in here replicating the conditions inside the cow right temperature temperature. everything. in the warmth they will begin to multiply and once there are enough cells they're taken out and grouped together where they automatically contract to form tissue. in the moment i've been waiting for actually seeing a tangible. well i'll tell you what a time they said yes. so this is this is the end result where you have the individual fibers so this is about four hundred of those fibers entire hamburgers about ten thousand i mean that wherever statements made that's absolutely man and grown purely in a lab this is. this is pure meat though mark and his colleagues have
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proved that the science works the challenge for his team and others all around the world is producing cultured meat in a cost effective way. i'm hoping peter straight marks business partner can offer some thoughts on who. i'd be the first to get this product to supermarket shelves. by an american gallery so if you know me thanks. the initial breakthrough has really happened in the lab here but the idea is really taken off in the us and silicon valley where all the tech startups are and there seems to be a space race to get this product on the shelves what's going on over there and how does that compete with what's happening here well to be honest we don't exactly know what's going on there we know that a lot of money invested money is going to wear into several companies and they all sort of have to say tentative timing with respect to them going to the market as we
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have being that in a couple of years the first initial small introduction in the market over a product will have. it was going to be the first we want to see. there's no question the future of meat will be different for all of us but if i'm honest i'm not sure what i think about eating meat grown in a lab and i suspect that i'm not alone. than i am gallery i placed a wreath there well for course vonn men's ford announced to them based artist is determined to get us to confront our discomfort starting with the future forward cookbook. not every fish and yet is a must yes it's forty five recipes you cannot get so all these dishes they are specifically made to start a conversation i hope it will familiarize more people with this new technology so that it's less scary and it will facilitate a conversation around it so that we can make better choices on which what we
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actually want when i say a classic of of in there as an iranian the quantum. of this indeed. in vitro kabob it has its own bio into bird flu so basically this will be growing infinitely it's interesting when i when i think of the barber and my culture i mean the slaughter of the animal and the preparation of the for the whole ritual is such a big part of different cultures that i think it might be really hard to sort of separate that's your absolutely yes and we can only do it if we place it with new kinds of rituals or behavior such as have new meaning as well course expects that within the next ten years we will all be confronted by lab grown meat on our plates in readiness of that he's taking reservations at an unusual restaurant. is this an actual restaurant that you go there or is it an online waterhead how does
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it work it's called in vitro. right now it's only an online restaurant. we serve food for because thought. if you want to take reservations from two thousand and twenty eight what you do is pick a star for main course and dessert this one is for more korean people. because in korea are there is this headed for eating life octopus and this is something similar for them completely synthetic and did. what it does doesn't have a celebrity justice and it doesn't feel pain and there goes not who you are no note from april yet we have room it will two thousand and twenty nine mil got something for my birthday. ok i think your book is you need someone who doesn't really know. across the world's large scale food production increases demands on natural
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resources and leads to habitat loss but there are ways to reduce these effects. in costa rica tree planting to create living fences reversing the deforestation once caused by cattle ranching absorbing c o two and fixing the soil around the ranch. was to cut out the mixing of a naturally occurring fungus with the local soil as unable plants to absorb water more efficiently reducing the pressure on staff water supply. and in cameroon instead of large monoculture cocoa plantations pharma supplanting i mixed your fruit trees leaving natural forests untapped increasing diversity and providing regular income. changes like these however loads of vital if we are to feed our growing population in ways that also say thought the planets.
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whether it's cute and cuddly in australia wild and ferocious in bangladesh earthrise blue dress is the balance between endangered wildlife and then noisy neighbors. that. is right there and there's nothing between how you have it that and human habitat learning to live together on al-jazeera how many people here have seen a tiger but they get over really. the birth of the zionist movement. and the establishment of
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a jewish homeland in palestine the crucial battle listed as risk simply getting jews into palestine at any cost hundreds of thousands forced to leave their homes. seventy years on al-jazeera tells the history of what palestinians call the catastrophe. once the strategy of war now the conflict is long over but the abduction is continued one on one east investigates why so many sri lankans disappeared without a trace on al-jazeera.


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