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tv   Al- Nakba 2013 Ep 3  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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kids. al-jazeera. hello and welcome to this al-jazeera news hour life and i'm martine dennis coming up in the next sixty minutes getting out of gaza or a boat in search of medical assistance tries to breach the blockade and several rockets into set by israel. a chance to end the years of civil war the political factions of libya try to find common ground. the talks that neither side can afford to miss a top north korean official heads to washington to resurrect the proposed nuclear summit. the and turning the art of war into the art of
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peace how iraq is cultivating the spirit of reconciliation. with the day's sport it's golden state against cleveland in the n.b.a. finals for a fourth time in a road at the defending champion moreas beat the rock. but first israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has lashed out at hamas and islamic jihad after a number of mortars were fired from gaza the prime minister says israel will it a heavy price on anyone who tries to harm it well the rockets and shells were intercepted by israel's iron dome defense system the military says at least twenty five rockets were launched towards communities in the south. and those rockets were fired as a boat carrying patients and students is attempting to break israel's eleven year
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long naval blockade of gaza demonstrations say it's a peaceful protest as part of recent demonstrations close to these really friends. well ever since two thousand and seven after hamas rose to power in gaza israel has continued to impose a land sea and blockade israel bans fishing beyond six nautical miles that's eleven kilometers which has had a devastating impact on the local fishing industry and the israeli navy routinely uses live ammunition against palestinian fishermen last year there were at least two hundred thirteen such attacks resulting in deaths and injuries let's speak now to our correspondent harry forsett he is in ashkelon and harry you're in southern israel which is where these projectiles were aimed at. yes we're in in ashdod just slightly up the coast from ashkelon
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a little bit further away from the border areas with gaza but yes what happened early on tuesday morning over the course of about three hours was that nearly thirty projectiles were fired it's believe the mortar shells that were fired from inside gaza and territory into israeli territory this is the biggest such barash since the twenty fourteen war one of those shells falling within the grounds of a kindergarten before any of the children had arrived so that is what is prompted this very strong reaction from the israeli government the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that this would be met with great force as you say saying that israel would exact a heavy price for such actions it followed what had taken place on sunday which was an israeli attack on an observation post in which three men were killed thought to be islamic jihad fighters that after an explosive device was found on the fence so
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now we have this latest retaliatory action by israel the israeli military confirming to us in the last few minutes that there is an ongoing operation inside gaza reports of israeli air strikes on two separate places one being a training ground an empty training ground for the military wing of hamas the other being an islamic jihad. base of some kind as well so this is the response so far the question is whether the israeli reaction will continue whether it will be more forceful and then in turn whether that will prompt any further escalation from the other side at the same time as these protests continue and next week on tuesday we have the fifty first anniversary of the nine hundred sixty seven war known as the knocks at the palestinians hamas had already promised a major protest along that same fence again on that day so these demonstrate. obviously get it continue how we now moving to girls the polls and what's happening
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there so a boat which has got those in need of medical care only bullet attempting to breach the blockade i mean how serious is this really an attempt. to break through what is an eleven year blockade of gaza is it really serious or is it merely symbolic well i think it's largely symbolic but that it in itself is part of according to the organizers part of the show of peaceful resistance that has been going on for some time now nobody expects them to be able to get through the israeli naval blockade there are questions as well as to whether they will even attempt to to reach the blockade there is some reporting and some officials or some some organizers involved in this is saying they mainly get three nautical miles out to sea there others are saying that they will try and at least reach the israeli lines if they do so and then we expect them to be picked up and
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brought here to the port of ashdod to the naval base close to us here as you say there are students there are injured people about thirty people in all we understand they're going to try and at least make some sort of gesture of defiance and really highlight just how difficult it is to get out of gaza for medical reasons for educational reasons for any reason for the more than two million inhabitants of the gaza strip all right for now harry thank you very much gary full sit there live in southern israel. now the leaders of libya's rival factions they're meeting the french president in paris the talks which are aimed at ending the seven years of political instability and unrest now libya has not had a stable government since the leader of forty two years moammar gadhafi was toppled and that was in twenty eleven and it led to a power vacuum with no one with already having full control and a myriad of armed groups including i saw carving out their own spaces there are now
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two rival governments in the country in the east and west and one in tripoli is backed by the u.n. the other though is in the eastern city of to brooke and that's been supported by the u.a.e. by egypt and russia and they've been coordinating with the renegade general haftar now he has proved to be the most powerful political figure in the east of the country and france too has supported have to militarily by deploying advisers and special forces soldiers on the ground we can go live there to occur as well in the trash about that she's there at those talks empower us so an impressive list of invitees how many people have turned up more importantly who hasn't. what we have here is as you say an impressive list of invitees emanual mark or has called together some of libya's main rival leaders he has brought to the un backed
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prime minister fires also raj and also the renegade commander of eastern libya khalifa haftar who they are here with two other libyan leaders we have representatives from international organizations a special envoy for the u.n. gas on salami as well as of course representatives from nineteen countries that in some way all into libya now the aim of the meeting says the french president is to try and find some way to end the chaos and instability in libya and more he says will happen at the end of this meeting what he's hoping or have. then of course is that the libyan leaders here will sign an agreement to try and pave the way to elections this year and other points they all he also wants to see the central bank unified as soon as possible and support for a national army now the thing is the french president held a similar missing to this last july that meeting he had only to end back to the prime minister and the renegade general after presents and it was deemed an
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representative of the makeup of libya that many factions were not there in fact we have thirteen factions today who are here at this meeting now mccaul has tried to widen it by inviting those of others because as you as i just said there are many who are not present so there is a feeling that it may be difficult to reach some sort of consensus begin to this meeting all right natasha for now thank you very much indeed and of course we'll go back to the tasha as soon as those talks are over. now as those rival libyan factions are trying to find common ground that will also be the goal of another upcoming discussion between the u.s. russia and jordan on syria's southern deescalation zone now the announcement comes as washington warns of stronger measures after several trees violations in the region well the deescalation zone includes the rock and connla where rebel factions are preparing for a possible syrian government offensive the group say such an attack would
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compromise an area that is part of the deescalation zone agreement let's go live now to moscow our correspondent there rory chalons rory why says so much concern about the violation of this deescalation zone in syria when that's happened time and time again in many of the other so-called deescalation. well i think this one is particularly concerning for jordan because it is right on the jordanian border the united states is also concerned as well this is a deescalation zone there was agreed between these three countries russia the united states and jordan other deescalation zones in syria have been the product of talks between russia turkey and iran so this one is a little bit different it's right down on the jordanian border also near the
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israeli border. it's been essentially sort of a reasonably peaceful part of syria for as long as this deal has been in place which is the best part of a year now so the concern amongst these three countries is certainly the united states and jordan is that the syrian government is about to tear this deal up and effectively go marching in there and doing what they have done in other parts of the country which is forcing the rebel groups either to surrender or to flee to. loop. now the reason why the united states and jordan feel this might be on the cards is because last week there were there was an air drop of leaflets from the for the syrian military basically telling the armed groups in this is to do just that to get out so the united states basically says look you know if you go ahead if you push into this zone there will be as they put
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it a firm appropriate measure measures that are taken by the u.s. in response jordan is concerned because it has security issues along the border and they want to have a conversation with russia to try to head off this crisis and russia seems to be amenable to that saying that they can have these talks as soon as possible right and wrong really often imagined deadly that the syrians are taking their orders their instructions from the russians clearly that the syrians are they have a will of their own and are prepared to go against what the russians are advising them to do. absolutely there's a big and longstanding debate about just quite how much pressure moscow can bring to bear on damascus in some areas it could bring a lot in other areas actually damascus is a relatively free agent. you know then you throw teheran into the mix as well
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and so you get this situation which is so combustible for so many different countries. in the area. you know jordan has concerns about this border has concerns about the presence of. iranian backed militias down there similar concerns so those held by jerusalem as well jerusalem would like russia to pressure damascus to basically get those iranian backed militias out and to reinforce the south of the country with it with syrian army troops essentially kicking out the militias and reestablishing government control that pure government control but this is a very delicate situation as i said there are countries in the region bordering syria which have different objectives different concerns and of course within the syrian battle space itself russia iran and syria although they are allies are not
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always seeing eye so why all right rory thank you for that. we have a lot more to come on this al-jazeera news hour including. chaos and scarcity across brazil as a trucker strike handles its second week. antivirus training my coffee chain starbucks has closed thousands of its shops in the u.s. for a day. and they guess continues it stream on the ice we'll have the best of the action from game one. now at least three people including two police officers have been killed in a shooting in the eastern belgian city of liaise now a gunman opened fire on a police patrol he also held a woman hostage in a nearby school before being shot dead by security forces. now is the strongest
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indication yet that a summit between u.s. president donald trump and the north korean leader may still take place kim jong un's right hand man has been seen on his way to the u.s. kim jung il is the vice chairman of north korea's ruling workers' party doesn't it thomas reports from the south korean capital there's been plenty of movement too with other players involved. with just one flight daily from pyongyang to beijing sharp eyed camera operators can watch and wait to see who steps off it's the man in the white shirt is kim yong stopping over in china before connecting on to a flight to the united states on wednesday kim yong heads north korea's into korean relations department and he's essentially the north korean leader on denuclearization talks he came to the winter olympics closing ceremony in south korea in february that events was the catalyst for the positive into korean relations since earlier this month he was at kim jong un side when u.s.
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secretary of state's mike pompei o visited pyongyang and last saturday he was in the room when the leaders of the two koreas met for that surprise summit that he's on his way now to the u.s. probably to meet pompei again bodes well for the trump kim jong un summit so to the ongoing talks between the u.s. and north korean delegations happening inside the demilitarized zone this was the u.s. team leaving the seoul hotel early on tuesday morning led by an experienced south korean born u.s. diplomat soon kim their focus will be on the issues that donald trump and kim jong un would discuss trying to move from the general to the specific the u.s. delegation is staying hair and so they drove an hour north and just across the border on sunday possibly again on monday it's thought that's where they were heading again on tuesday in a phone call on monday the u.s. president and japanese prime minister agreed to meet in person. we agreed to have
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a tapan yes summit before the us north korea summit it's likely that will happen just before or after a g seven meeting in canada on the eighth of june like south korea's move. it wants to ensure his concerns are addressed in any u.s. north korea summit not just those exclusive to donald trump and to thomas al-jazeera so right now it is going to lead petrol for his electorate in korean studies at the australian national university college of asia in the pacific he's live from sydney thank you for joining us it would just heard an indication have we have just how complex this summit is likely to be if indeed it does occur let's assume it's going to happen ok talk to talk to us first of all about what the other interests are what are shinzo abbes interest what are the south korean interests and of course the chinese they've got to be the main other players aside from north korea and the us. well you're absolutely right the
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multi left or all interests have been damaging the dynamic of negotiations for too long remember there were six party talks between two thousand and three and two thousand and eight which were made a futile attempt to reconcile the expectations of the west to have north korea denuclearized and also didn't provide anything in return of where north korea really wanted security assurance but this time it looks like the completely different format for negotiations we saw north and south korean leaders meeting last month also a president of so the president of china seizing met twice with leader kim jong un . prompts summit is now being prepared we don't know whether it's going to happen on the twelfth of june or not but it looks like it's an indication that the. diplomats are really working hard to make its possibility certain and even the
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prime minister expressed the opinion that he would like to meet with leader kim jong il and so probably president putin these next on the line so altogether it seems that the by literal format of negotiations is going to be much more fruitful and more productive rather than. multilateral and we can see that say japan is expecting also subsea curator assurance from north korea while the united states would be simply happy to see a north korea denuclearized whether what it means to nuclearization that's the complexity of sedately term which north korea and the united states and south korea probably have different opinion absolutely so we just we just hinted at the complexity of all of the interconnected issues that are on the table pretty much i'm just wondering whether you think that donald trump as the president of the united states claiming an historic victory just in having the meeting and whether
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he'll be able to manage the details of such a complex brief. well it looks like that all trump would like to have a nobel peace prize for. for this meeting but it was kim jong un who initiated this summit and it was president of south korea mungy in that who facilitated and mediated the discussions between the two leaders and i think that is noble peace prize should go to prison monday in a rather than the present time we still don't know with an already met twice with kim jong il just in the last month while we still don't know what the united states is expected i believe that the summit itself is not really necessary in the twenty first century when two leaders really want to talk or they can pick up the phone or teleconferencing would help them to iron out their disagreements and the meeting could simply consumate the ultimate agreement on the peace treaty on the korean
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peninsula for example or complete the nuclearization complete very five will irreversible denuclearization of north korea but again there's a disagreement between pyongyang and washington where americans want the nuclearization happen instantly while north koreans say it should be a phased approach where step by step to freeze for a freeze should ultimately lead to the nuclearization off of the north of the whole korean peninsula because it's not just north koreans but also the american troops going in the middle of minutes to arrive in south korea and then the nuclear conflict would be unavoidable how this is what war is china and russia japan of course as really concerned about potential developments and they're all eyes are now on on pyongyang and washington whether the two leaders are going to have some agreement on this rather complex concept of the nuclearization war and peace thank you very much indeed led petra of talking to us live from sydney. now two writers
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journalists detained in miramar have now appeared in court accused of possessing secret government pain is why and also. who could face up to fourteen years in prison if they're convicted they were arrested while working on an investigation into the killing of muslim red state a police officer revealed the journalists mobile phones were searched without a warrant the men have been in custody since december that's one of the greatest aviation mysteries and now it seems the disappearance of malaysia airlines flight m h three seventy will remain just that the malaysian government has announced it won't extend the current search for the aircraft which vanished in twenty fourteen about the pollen reports from kuala lumpur many of the families of the passengers the search to continue. the search for m.h. three seventy has been an emotional journey for the families of the two hundred
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ninety eight people on board the plane when it disappeared grace nothin's mother was a passenger she has been following the investigation closely at one point she along with other relatives of m h three seventy passengers traveled to madagascar to look for debris from the aircraft the trip yielded few answers like the numerous searches over the past four years it's definitely gone beyond our closure it has become all about them keeping their promise as it's about accountability and above all it is about prevention of something like this from happening again it is completely unacceptable that we have no idea how a plane vanished into thin air a three year long search by a stray chinese and malaysian investigators covering one hundred twenty thousand square kilometers and ended in january last year under pressure from the families of those on board the flight the malaysian government reopen the investigation twelve months later this time signing a seventy million dollar no find no fee deal with a u.s. exploration company. ocean infinity has been using one of the world's most advanced
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civilian survey vessels to scan more than eighty thousand square kilometers of the southern indian ocean but the mission has yet to reveal any significant clues the echo is now six thousand meters under the water. the loss of a quick stanley. lotsof strong current movement and we don't know if it has broken up or soil so far if it has then we need to know what station has gone where. fourteen different nationalities were on board the boeing triple seven more than half of the passengers were from china john hood still hopes to find out what happened to his mother who is traveling home to beijing he has written a letter to mahathir mohamad urging malaysia's prime minister to pursue a long term search for songs here i firmly believe m h three seventy will be found technology wise we see the efficiency has been raised almost ten times and in another three or four years it will be easier and cheaper and more efficient to do
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the search. the recently elected malaysian government sides budgetary constraints for its decision to stop looking for the plane the families of the m h three seventy passengers say the two hundred million dollars cost of the search so far doesn't even come up to the price tag of a brand new boeing triple seven the bigger pollen al-jazeera full import. and police in malaysia have caesar largest ever hole of the drug crystal meth finding more than a ton of it disguised as t.v. it was hidden in a shipment for me and ma and what is it is worth around eighteen million dollars six suspected traffickers have been arrested into these here and talent have also made record seizures the share. now two weeks after iraq's election and politicians are busy forming blocks for a government politics a siege into all forms of expression and iraqis say out is a powerful tool for holding to account those impasse both new and old and some
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a binge of aid has messer feel bad that creative minds. in its creativity. is cumbersome and recycled. in this piece the horns represent evil and even unfair treatment and the dangling keys for the beard are twisted it's a corrupt politician he says someone who hides the solutions and continues to make iraq the suffer. today i can't work on a lot of topics why see my country in ruin is the lack of honest politicians and missing respectable representatives shows iraq's image to the world and that's unfortunate. since the us invasion which overthrew the government of saddam hussein fifteen years ago iraqis have been going through one crisis after the other but creative iraqis have continued their work despite a myriad of problems. for generations to not be street has attracted artists
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writers scholars as well as those who value creative works here's one rest in iraq has had an impact on the national discourse whether it's art or media almost every form of expression has a sectarian or political tone and many here in baghdad's cultural hub are hoping that a resurgence of art and culture will bring change to the national dialogue find out what a writer criticizes issues in society then his views and his artistic projection will be reflected that makes people interact with different forms of expression and that has an effect in molding people's stands for or against issues young people argue social media also needs to be included in traditional modes of communication and expression. r.t. the powerful tool that is used to guide and influence the pulse of the iraqi street and that is apparent through many works which lead to the correction of crucial issues on the political spectrum and. negative role he muses his caricature is to reflect on the shortcomings of those in power destroying depicts the hypocrisy of
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politicians who fight in public and are friends in private since the election is two weeks ago there's been a flurry of meetings between the same politicians who are calling each other names before the vote his play on the dot on this arabic word changes the meaning from alliances to infighting. in the hope of my drawings became a vehicle for what is in people's hearts and minds that interaction of people transcended across social media as well as for protestors at the harir square. back at st it's time for a different mode of expression lyrics which reminded rocky's of times gone by when a carefree society focused on culture not politics. some of been down to zero. rubble have the weather in just a moment or two and also coming up on this out is their new. president has appointed an interim prime minister but the country's political crisis is far from
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over colombia's military says it's killed eleven dissidents a former rebel group fox has its place still looms large in next month's runoff. and european champions portugal begin their welcome joe will have the details and i . from long flowing island winds to an enchanting desert breeze. out of the refugee camps on the borderline the tween me in ma and back today preparing for the onset of the monsoon as best they can and has already showing itself. the last twenty four hours thirty six hours or so shows big white masses of cloud here and two hundred twenty eight millimeters in twenty four hours is a significant read this is flatland easily flooded of course this is fairly typical
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when the monsoon starts to burst which is exactly what it's doing in the next two days is the same sort of very rocky in the state rather than just of the border where that little red heart shows two days' worth of concentrated rain so this is clearly the front of the upcoming monsoon change of course it's not just me and miles affected we expected to come into the university work its way through and you get a similar effect sunny grazer imagine right in the small islands off the southwest three hundred twenty five millimeters in the last two days and this is fairly typical of the position where you expect the monsoon. to be advised well first of june so a couple of days time so it's all the time and it's showing itself quite typically ahead of it a little thing of course the highest temperature the last two days near fifteen budget pradesh and register on. the weather sponsored by qatar and place.
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time president a lot of the top stories here in the news hour israel is hitting positions of hamas and islamic jihad in gaza this after a barrel of rockets and mortar shells were fired from the besieged strip toward southern israel israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu promised a response to those attacks with what he called great force. north korean spy chief and senior official kim young chong is heading to the united states after stopping off in beijing is likely to hold discussions with the u.s. officials about the possible summit between kim jong un and donald trump. the leaders of libya's factions are meeting in the french capital they are talking to
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end the seven year political crisis the base renegade general is there along with the head of the u.n. backed government in tripoli the prime minister. well we can discuss that summit taking place in paris now with cloudier in the she's a senior analyst.


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