tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 1, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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zero. zero zero zero zero zero i maryam namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes kim jong un's right hand man makes a historic visit to the white house and deliver a lecture from a north korean leader. in a change in strain marianna laborious to south africa by socialist leader pedro sanchez i mean it's the. government is finally sworn in after three months of deadlock. the palestinian paramedic his shot dead by israeli forces during protests along the gaza border. i'm tatyana sanchez in doha with the
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day's sport including finals frustration the cards lose game one to the bar is join me later to find out why le bron james was so annoyed at his team by. both korean leader kim jong un's right hand man is currently at the white house making him the highest ranking north korean official to visit in eighteen years kim yong chal is hand deliver in a letter from his lead up to president donald trump as a try to put the u.s. korea summit on for this month back on track it comes a day after he held talks with the u.s. secretary of state in new york a former spy chief is the most senior north korean to hold talks at the white house since a senior and boy met former president bill clinton in the two thousand let's go live to our white house correspondent kimberly how it can be they have been meeting
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in the oval office for quite a while now those discussions still taking place. there are still ongoing we saw some very brief mode movement through the windows of the oval office we thought at one point that they may be accident but they are still in there where that hand delivered letter from the north korean leader kim jong un by his vice chair kim young cho is in fact taking place we don't know the contents of the letter but certainly what is happening here is an exercise in trust building at the very minimum whether or not this letter also contains perhaps what the north koreans believe is their understanding of the definition of nuclear eyes ation the goal of a possible summit between the north korean leader in the u.s. president is unclear we have reached out to the white house trying to get clarification on whether or not in fact the contents of this letter will be made public we still don't know if that will occur but certainly there is
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a lot of speculation about not only what is in the letter but what will happen after this oval office meeting we know that the president is scheduled to go to camp david just north of here in the u.s. state of maryland it's a secure location and he will be scheduled to be departing approximately nineteen g.m.t. but that could be moved if this oval office meeting continues whether or not the vice chair of north korea will attend is also a big question mark none of these questions have been answered the white house staff doesn't know the answers to these questions because things are that fluid at right now at the white house things could change on a moment's notice you have to remember just the the acceptance of a meeting between the u.s. president in the north korean leader that it happened weeks ago was a spontaneous movement that was agreed to by the u.s. president at the invitation of north korea that his staff never even knew about so
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all of this has been unexpected. all of this has been fluid and we are waiting for the smallest indications about what might happen next i can tell you behind the scenes the white house they have been actively working even though the u.s. president canceled the june twelfth summit in singapore in a letter just last week to the north korean leader the white house never stop preparing and that preparing continues not only with teams in the. border village of the demilitarized zone in singapore and even daily calls that involve the national security advisor john bolton a man north korea does not like these preparations have been ongoing and these talks in the oval office are still ongoing as i look at my monitor right now where we have just the exterior of the oval office where the u.s. president and the vice chair of north korea sitting down in the oval office talking something that is historic in and of itself given this has not happened in eighteen
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years that's right there seems to be this mad rush now in the days and weeks leading up to the summit to try and improve conditions between the two sides to make a president trump and kim jong un feel comfortable about this meeting which may or may not take place and yet can when it comes at a time when there's been this new u.s. intelligence assessment the cia saying that north korea has no intention and will not denuclearize on their concerns there in washington about the u.s. investing a great deal and even making concessions in receiving kim kim young children and and other things it was in when they might not get very much in return. absolutely. you know there is so much that could go wrong and that is what many who have worked on this file at the state department who have worked on this file in think tanks around washington around the world are so concerned about
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because you have to remember donald trump is not your typical president he wasn't a senator before he hasn't had a political career he's a businessman who takes chances takes risks and what could go wrong when you're talking about denuclearization everything and that is what most people who are privately concerned are overtly concerned are saying exactly what you have pointed out whether or not what donald trump is doing there's no question most people believe it's a historic opportunity but it could be squandered given the fact that there is a real fear that what north korea wants is legitimacy and they are getting it from this president and in turn donald trump has given up or are seated a piece of a position of power that the united states currently believes it is holding and so this is the fear that there is no genuine desire to denuclearize the korean peninsula even though the white house has said that they will accept nothing less
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than complete verifiable irreversible but we know there already is an expectation gap in terms of how to achieve that the north korean side believes that it perhaps should be incremental with financial incentives attached certainly the u.s. president has also personally offered kim jong un the security guarantee that he is looking for that the u.s. is not seeking to topple or regime change in north korea but again there is this real fear that they could get to this place of the summit on june twelfth that is not officially back on the calendar but if that were to happen that this would really be an achievement for kim jong un not the us president because what he desired. many speculate and fear is simply to gain that photo opportunity that would elevate his position on the world stage without civi achieving the u.s. goal which is denuclearization and i all thanks very much for now our white house
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cars want to bring us all the latest on that story as that meeting continues there in the oval office well peace talks have resumed between north and south korea in the demilitarized zone a high level delegation has agreed to push forward with joint military talks and even discuss efforts to reunite separated families algis there is wayne has a brings us all the latest now from seoul. after the fanfare of the leaders' summit this was the two koreas getting down to work senior representatives from the north crossed the border at the demilitarized zone to meet the delegation from the south the aim was to begin implementing what their leaders had discussed. we should in front of all the media here take on and follow the will of the leaders the leaders are walking far ahead of us why can't we follow them they did agreeing to set up a joint liaison office at the case on industrial complex just north of the border that's been closed since two thousand and sixteen following the north's missile and nuclear tests. most of all go south and north came to shared
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a common understanding of the basics breed of trust respect and mutual understanding that the two leaders showed. they've also agreed to consider staging an event on june the fifteenth to mark the anniversary of the first into korean summit eighteen years ago the talks between the two koreas have been positive and practical steps appear to have been taken towards improving relations but much depends on whether a potential summit between u.s. president donald trump and north korean leader kim jong un takes place and if it does what the outcome may be as we've seen recently the situation is changeable. friday's meeting was supposed to be held two weeks ago but the north koreans with drew in protest over joint military exercises being held by south korea and the united states a few days later donald trump withdrew from a proposed summit with kim jong un citing tremendous anger and open hostility from pyongyang but after kim and south korea's president moon julian had
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a surprise second meeting last week all sides are once again working towards a kim trump summit on june the twelfth wayne hay al-jazeera sole has been a changing of the guard in spain after prime minister a man or a lost a no confidence motion was forced out of office the man who brought that motion socialist party leader address and has now replaces him is valid to root out corruption and promise to help people affected by years of austerity are always conservative government we've barker ports from madrid. a new political dawn for spain forty six year old former economics professor pedro sanchez is now the country's new prime minister. do not is what i really i guess i'm all in a moment i am aware of the responsibility that i assume in such a complex political moment in our country and what i can say is that apart from been totally aware of it i am going to face all our country's challenges with
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humility and commitment and above all with a lot of determination of my first transform and modernize our country which is what the socialist party has always done when we have been in the government and secondly to attend the urgent social matters of many people living in precarious conditions and suffering from inequality i am going to do it with consensus with humility hard work and commitment from. the head of the socialist party pushed for friday's no confidence motion and won by a large margin m.p.'s from six different parties voted overwhelmingly to house marianna and his center right people's party from office ahead of the vote apologize for his party's past mistakes. it has been an honor to be the prime minister of spain it has been an honor to leave behind a better spain than the one that i found when i took over government i wish my substitute will be able to say the same i think i have improved the well being of
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the people of spain if anyone has been offended by my actions i think everyone especially my party without whom none of this would be possible thank you to all spaniards for their support and understanding and good luck to all of you and to spain the vote follows a long running corruption scandal involving leading members of roy's party he became the first prime minister in office to give evidence in a trial last year. for the people's party treasure lewis busyness was among twenty nine people convicted on corruption charges he was once a close ally of wrong. he was given a thirty three year jail sentence and fined fifty one million dollars the people's party was also ordered to pay back two hundred ninety five thousand dollars but roy has remained defiant accusing sanchez of political opportunism spain's new prime minister will have to unite the country's branch of parliament to be the leader of a minority government and need the support of rival political parties to pass
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crucial legislation sanchez inherits a troubled economy and political instability over the future of catalonia where the independence movement remains strong he's also under pressure from other parties to cool new elections as soon as possible sanchez is now spain's seventh prime minister since his return to democracy in the one nine hundred seventy s. but his hold on power faces immediate challenges leave barca out zero madrid. petra sanchez's comeback is remarkable considering that his party has less than an order of the seats in parliament or in one thousand nine hundred two in madrid sanchez grew up in a wealthy family he studied economics before working for the european parliament and the united nations he was a virtual unknown when he won the leadership of the spanish socialist party in two thousand and fourteen promising to unite the divided party and to post it back in power instead the socialist suffered humbling election defeats in two thousand and
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fifteen and two thousand and sixteen and he was ousted by his own party artery trying to block for hoy's bid to form a government plunging spain into a prolonged political stalemate but thanks to strong support among the party's grassroots he returned as leader last year. well i'm joined in the studio now by public calderon martinez an expert on spanish politics at last university in birmingham thank you very much for taking time to come in and speak to us so he managed to ousts mariano rajoy by taking a bold risk which is clearly paid off despite the pressure that was already facing are you surprised that address sanchez managed to unseat him in this way yes i am surprised particular because as you said he was a relatively unknown a few years ago and then the arithmetic of parliament didn't really work in his favor i mean he tried before from government didn't work out so it was it was a it was a brave move by him i think to
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a certain extent but the whole his position was very very fragile so it wasn't quite a surprise but i'm still impressed in certain ways he's managed to pull it off sanchez is keen to make his impact on the country isn't he but the problem is he's going to be leading a minority government will he be able to get things done not a lot i wouldn't think so but then again it all depends about the internal range most of the coalition that they form though i think they're going to have to be elections relatively soon and he said is going to be a matter of months he might try to prove to push some social reforms in social policies maybe in education things like that but i don't see major changes certainly in terms of economic policy and he might try to deal with obviously the situation in gaza loony which is obviously the you know the big problem in spain right now how do you see that developing what might is approach be because he supported rai's imposition of direct rule on the region but he managed to get the cattle and parties on side when ousting roy well historically the socialist party
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has been a little bit more supportive of a federal spain and that is the proposition of of better sunshine and socialist party they want federal spain on their open stadia so they famously speaking the councillors should be more open to negotiation with the socialist. vermont having said you know the situation has been festering for so long that it seems that anything other than independence is a no go for certain political forces in that saloon or certainly the socialist party doesn't want to do that either so we'll have to wait and see if there's a little bit more political goodwill between these two new negotiating forces but i don't see a massive change now there won't be much goodwill from alberta rivera head of the citizens' party he wants elections right now he's going to be in opposition to sanchez. i mean how long would you give sanchez how long does he have before elections have to be called it all very much the bens i would say more than sooner than most it really depends on where they're most and how much patience yours has
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with with the socialist party if they're not seem to be moving forward quickly enough of they seem to be too conciliatory then there may be a break up in their own i read methinks of the little coalition and i think that is really the key i really don't expect them to last more than a year there's certainly going to be elections within the next few months i don't see that. any other way forward really not something else to try to endear it thank you very much appreciate your thoughts and analysis of cauldron martinez from asin university in. meanwhile prosecutors in germany a filed a new request to extradite the deposed catalunya karla's pitched amount to spain but it was detained in march on a european arrest warrant his role in catalonia has failed independence but last year he's facing charges of rebellion and collapse if ound guilty could spend up to thirty years in prison well italy's first populist government has been sworn in brain an end to three months of political deadlock little known law professor just
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happy conti leads a coalition of the and he establishment five star movement and far right league party at the barber has more from rome. handing over to the new prime minister paolo gentle only makes way for law professor conti marking the first time italy's so-called populists have been in government. i swear to be a lot of the public to faithfully respect its constitution and its laws and to exercise my role in the exclusive interest of the public. the financial markets have reacted positively to the new government with shares in italian banks gaining more than three percent on friday but this is unknown territory for italy and the new administration is promising big changes the incoming interior minister matteo salvini head of the far right league wants to expel hundreds of thousands of undocumented migrants he's recently talked about setting up detention centers across the country while he's equally ambitious rival five star leader luigi to my
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old labor and industry minister has promised a basic minimum income then that is how italy will interact with the european union . a euro skeptic prevented from being economy minister just days ago would be in charge of e.u. affairs and giovanni tria the replacement economy minister has criticised germany and called for changes in e.u. fiscal rules to allow more state investment can be a bit more of a diplomat and they played a good cop bad cop. role play in any case what we have to expect from the two men from this government is a much more vocal standing of the thirty i wouldn't say against europe but in face of europe and this is worrying and somehow international observers. the new cabinet should easily pass a vote of confidence expected early next week but the real test will be whether this highly unusual coalition can hold together and push for reforms that many
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voters expect and many e.u. leaders fear. al-jazeera rome. at the news hour live from london much more still ahead a c.e.o. brazil state controlled oil company resigns over the government's handling of diesel prices. a new law giving the syria's government the power to confiscate property refugees worried they'll never return home. number two carolina was an iraqi cruises into the french open fourth round tatiana will be here to say how she did it. a palestinian paramedic has been killed by israeli forces during protests along the gaza border twenty one year old volunteer paramedic. had been volunteering at the border since march when weekly friday demonstrations began several more palestinians have been injured. from gaza. well
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another volley of tear gas has been fired into the crowd which remains just a couple hundred meters away from the border fence this has been yet another friday of protest here on the gaza israel border it's been going on since march thirtieth and shows no sign yet of stopping these protesters have once again been met with live fire from israeli forces and repeated use very heavy use of tear gas as well the question now is really how long this is sustainable it is still seen by many palestinians here in gaza as a way of venting the continued desperation with the humanitarian situation as it continues to get worse here the real question though is when the political decision from hamas will come to end these protests if it does i was speaking to a senior advisor to the hamas leadership and he was saying that it is a question of israel lifting the siege and blockade at that point the strategy of
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peaceful protest could perhaps change however the question really is whether a long term ceasefire can be agreed between israel and hamas there's all sorts of reporting about that with egypt as the main broker there also reports in the israeli media today that these really army is once again urging its government to act and try to come to some kind of accommodation with hamas as the humanitarian situation can used to it continues to worsen because they're worried that that is further going to worsen the security situation as well both sides though remain a long way apart in terms of what they would want from any such kind of deal and for now the protests continue. a french newspaper is reporting that saudi arabia is threatening military action against cata if it acquires russian weapons and one news paper says the saudi crown prince has written to the french president to warn that it is ready to retaliate if catterick why is the s four hundred anti aircraft defense system the paper says the crown prince asked emmanuel lack on to put pressure on cattle not to buy the weapons count as ambassador to moscow said in
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january that his country intended to acquire the missile system. saudi arabia along with the u.a.e. in bahrain cost off ties with cash last june and joining me now via skype from moscow is defense analyst bill felgenhauer thanks very much for speaking to us is there a new type of partnership developing between russia and cattle. you know to some extent yes the mirror cantars being quite often in marco and the russia. that have a good friend the go. course money and. has been investing in the fund in russia and this is going to buy weapons back again good for russia that money coming in. the hands are but actually has been for some years trying to build up a. kind of arms trade relationship with saudi arabia but that's not really worked
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out. there have been a lot of talk but there had be no real deal that happening does that mean that sound opposition to any potential deal wasn't effect russian count collations. a low down low class queer rasher with bowie back to the states to figure out sound via raise the i have seen them clearly a attaching with equal training to any possible deal with russia on buying russian weapons it's going to mean that russia should down that cooperation with iran primarily and may be modified by vission syria but iran is more even more important russia is not fully ready to do that for a car the continent frankly is not attaching that bring back again good. russia not
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militarily trying to get involved and then the thing that's happening in the gulf russia simply does not have really because i keep the bill at the military capability for that ball that's getting in there and with constant be good russia had selling weapons to be. an american and so there are russian kind of military specialists in the arab emirates russia glad to have also found what followed in qatar two i can i can i ask you that according to this report and along that the saudis have. certain military action if the countries acquire this russian system is that just rhetoric or is it a threat that would be carried out. well i mean in any case the myths on the aircraft may sound as if they ever appear in consarned won't appear there any time soon. the russian suction people abilities are actually all
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looked at least still twenty four twenty five or contract right now there's a contract being delivered to china there's a contract that should be delivered to the server and of course there's a lot of those but you miss out of going to the russian. military themselves so this is not something happening right now and then. and the of them producing these very complicated then big systems i mean this is a great launcher this is not just simply something one one truck so it's a it's a big system built at least two years from beginning to end produces and again there's a backlog. so that on paper the south that may be covered by or large pots of saudi arabia so they could say that that's a threat but when they have to are there i mean they have to give they have that
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will be in place a number of years so it would most likely saudi arabia is more bluffing right now or at least trying to get this her. deal happening before it has been. ok thank you very much pavel felgenhauer a defense analyst joining us that from moscow. thank you. so ahead for you this hour we're going to bring you more on the u.s. discovery that scientists are calling the holy grail of cancer research. two tigers two lions ad a jaguar recaptured after escaping from a german zoo sparking an alert. and feeling the pressure france's coach knows there is and you man waiting to take over that's coming up in sport with tatiana.
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welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the levant into western parts of asia we've got some fairly big storms developing across cyprus moving in towards lebanon and also syria so some major storms are likely here also looking pretty stormy across parts of turkey through into the caucuses further towards the south where we solicited dust around parts of iraq through into ward q eight and heading into sunday not a great deal of change across this region really hot in baghdad forty one showers also likely across iran so moving down into the arabian peninsula here in the gulf states we start to pick up some really quite high humidity which is unusual this early in the late spring and summer period forty two is the high in doha but it feels more press of not because of the humidity level meanwhile for the sun sea temperatures highs forty seven on the other side the potential actually not too bad forty two is a nice room in mecca and heading through into sunday not much change expected so
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let's head down into southern parts of africa where the conditions here are cloudy on the eastern cape durban there will see some closure but she clear way brighter conditions expected to follow and then across so much the region we're looking fine weather conditions sunshine through much of botswana looking fine across with highs of twenty five in harare. it's been one year since its neighbors imposed a blockade on by land sea and air. a move that shattered the region's jew political landscape alliances have shifted and qatar has grown more self-reliant. but what caused the rift between the g.c.c. countries is there an end in sight and can the gulf ever be the same again the siege of qatar on a just zero. we have
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a newsgathering team here that is second term and they're all over the world and they do a fantastic job when information is coming in very quickly all at once you've got to be able to react to all of the changes and al-jazeera we adapt to that. my job is is to break it all down and we help give you understand and make sense of it. quick look at the top stories this hour a north korean leader's right hand man e.'s car it white house delivering
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a letter to u.s. president and kim jong il and kim young child is meeting donald trump in the oval office. spain's conservative government has been toppled by a no confidence vote in parliament brian orakpo he was replaced as prime minister by the socialist party leader pedro sanchez. and italy's first government has been sworn in ending three months of political deadlock. it's a coalition of politicians from the anti establishment five star movement on the far right party now the c.e.o. of brazil state controlled oil producer petro has resigned after the government intervened in diesel prices president michel tamer announced plans to bring fuel prices down after a truck driver strike crippled the country the nine day protest calls fuel shortages that gas stations and airports and left some supermarket shelves empty pedre piron day except of the top job in two thousand and sixteen on the condition he had the freedom to control fuel prices. joins us now from when his ira so
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a budget is without a chief executive at this time but what are the implications of this for the government's role in setting prices. well the government has now has a more or less a free reign to set prices one of the conditions we've put in she. had when he took over as the c.e.o. of paper back in two thousand and sixteen was that the government as you mentioned did not interfere in the setting of those prices the government has been forced to act alone diesel prices fuel prices by up to twelve percent on a month by month basis to placate those striking truck drivers who have now gone back to work but again it's a very temporary reprieve they are back working they are delivering but if those prices go up again not just the truck drivers but much of the rest of the population of brazil would be unhappy with that the truck drivers enjoyed enormous
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support opinion polls given the more than eighty percent of the support of the population the all workers themselves working at the refineries at the all platforms also joining the strike a seventy two hours strike on wednesday calling for the resignation of the chief executive so in many ways the strikers with the backing of the people are gaining the upper hand here the government in a desperate situation there are elections presidential elections due in october president michel tamper with popularity ratings at a time low in a very difficult situation i magine of those not yet spoken that the c.e.o. really felt his position was untenable and has had to resign and how do people feel about all of this the truck drivers enjoy a great deal of support that strike crippled he economy and of course forced the government to cave in. i've just come back from brazil and we were seeing queues long lines up to five kilometers long outside the filling stations people
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were sleeping in their cars overnight and it really brought it home to people that without fuel the country really can't function and in a very short time in four or five days brazil was pretty much brought to a standstill as you mentioned before supermarket shelves were empty the wholesale markets were getting ten percent of their deliveries sixty five million chickens had to be killed because the feed was not reaching them so the country really in a very difficult situation despite that the population were supporting the the truck drivers because they feel that the fuel prices are too high so the government's hands very much tied and it really is struggling limping towards these elections in october with no support with this truck driver truck drivers gaining the upper hand and with your workers now having their say with the resignation of the c.e.o. also saw shares in the majority a majority owned by the government but it does deal on the stock markets it lost something like fourteen fifteen percent of its value on the stock markets after the
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government gave that all subsidy for the for the truck drivers so the company in a very difficult situation brazil also in a very difficult situation with obviously more problems to follow thank you very much for the latest from buenos aires daniel shimer the european union has launched a dispute settlement case at the world trade organization in response to the u.s. decision to an arab science deal in allen many of the e.u. along with canada and mexico says or tally eight against the move promising levies on billions of dollars of u.s. goods it's actually the has mall. the european union must defend itself is the message from the block's trade commissioner who says e.u. leaders are united in imposing retaliatory tariffs on u.s. exports we are not seeking to to escalate any situation but but we need to respond and we do so in a measured manner. but not responding would be the same as accepting these these
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tariffs which we consider are illegal and against w two there's no word on exactly what the terrorists would be owned or when they'd be imposed but they're expected to target a range of u.s. imports from jeans to motorcycles the e.u.'s foreign policy chief says the dispute settlement procedure. taking it to the white house now way you can see u.s. president donald trump having concluded his meeting with kim jong un's top adviser you can see kim a young child alongside him there and u.s. secretary of state might pay zero meeting appears to have cleared it concluded this after kim yong charles had delivered a letter from his boss kim jong il and we're not sure about what was inside that letter or if it will be publicly disclosed but nonetheless a clearly is an effort on both sides to really improve the conditions and to set the scene with positive atmospherics ahead of what could be
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a historic summit between president trump and kim jong un in june we know that can young child was in new york having meetings with u.s. secretary of state might he is came to put a very positive spin on this he is saying that real progress has been made but despite the symbolic significance of what we're seeing here today it's not clear if that gap has been closed or if the u.s. and north korea are any closer on the definition and pace of denuclearization and you can go to our white house correspondent kelly holcomb who is of course been following this story can really just describe what's happening there now. yeah from what i can see we're looking at the south side of the white house where the s.u.v.s are awaiting the sport utility vehicles that is are awaiting. the departure of we believe the u.s. secretary of state pompei o but it is his honored guest that is capturing the most
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attention here at the white house right now and that of course is the vice chair kim yong cholbi former spy chief of north korea who handed a letter as you pointed out that was written or authored by the north korean leader directly to the u.s. president appears that they are still talking so for my stopwatch here at the white house that i'm looking to see the meeting started and wrapped up in the oval office about eighty minutes in length but it appears to be ongoing now on the lawn of the white house just outside what is called the south portico where we typically see the u.s. president greeting heads of state and other dignitaries that visit the white house and now it appears that they are walking towards the vehicles and we do know that there is a very small pool of reporters there so of course much anticipation to see what
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might be said by the u.s. president and his honored guest that's right. we know that there's been some tension as well surrounding the son mason and whether or not it will go ahead and take communion following comments by john bolton which. with the north koreans do we know who was in this meeting. we do know and forgive me if i look distracted as we discuss that i'll try to multitask here because i'm watching the monitor as well to see what exactly is happening but what i can tell you about the meeting area is that there were a number of high level of fish. that were present not just on the north korean side but also from the us down as we saw kim young shoulders walking into the oval office historic in and of itself given this is the first time in eighteen years a north korean has been allowed to come to the grounds of the white house given the
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heavy sanctions that are in place we saw him walking with the chief of staff john kelly and now as we continue to watch these pictures the man who has been very instrumental in orchestrating this moment the u.s. secretary of state another former spy chief there beside the u.s. president serving us his right hand man he himself pompei of course went to north korea on two separate occasions the first time too over the easter weekend a surprise visit the second time when he went to bring back americans who had been detained there three individuals who had been detained we know that at that time there with a ninety minute meeting between the u.s. secretary of state and the north korean leader kim jong il and a lot has happened since that we've had letters back and forth not just the one that's just been delivered where the president now is personally along with the secretary of state seeing the departure of the north korean vice chair but we have
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the letter from donald trump canceling the summit on june twelfth in singapore but it sure doesn't look like. the summit is off given many of the movements we've seen in just the last twenty four to forty eight hours involving the white house and involved with clearance it seems that. they are going to jump in that thing sorry to jump in there but it looks like we're going to hear from president. people very well we will people are going to have to travel. i never said it goes think it's going to be. but the relationships are building and that's a very positive difference in what your stance what the north koreans are willing to do on the issue of denuclearization something well i don't want and i think they want to do that i don't i know they want to give that they want other things nice along the line they want to develop as a country that's going to happen i have no doubt japan is involved as you know and
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south korea is very much involved. we're involved in terms of getting everything everybody wants the united states that we're going to help in the process very much without us it wouldn't happen but i think that you see a lot of very positive things including with china i think you see a lot of very positive things happening with president xi who is. me quite a bit with this so we'll see where it leads but we're going to be june twelfth will be in singapore and it'll be a beginning i don't say and i've never said it happens in one meeting you're talking about years of hostility here's a problem. is it really hatred between so many different nations but i think you can have a very positive result in the end now from one meeting if you look at it very seriously here to question or care to question yourself to get people to question their sincerity in your letter and she's been gone the last week after you've gone far enough now we're going to get you my dear and my letter was
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a response to their letter the media forgot that you know the media said oh you had a meeting than you can so i didn't cancel the media canceling in response to a very tough statement. and i think we're over that totally over that and now we're going to deal and we're going to really start a process we're meeting with the chairman on june twelfth and i think it's probably going to be a very successful ultimately a successful process will soon remember what i say we will see what we will see but i think it's going to be a process that we deserve to have i mean we really deserve they they want it. we think it's important and i thought. we would be making a big mistake if we didn't have it i think we're going to have a relationship and it will start in june when you got it done and what you can you get done it's just cute well this isn't going to get me to go to get this was a meeting where a letter was given to me by kim young's turns and that letter was this third nice
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letter always you like to see what was in that letter and tell you like with how much how much how much like your business. it was a very interesting letter and at some point i may be it may be appropriate and maybe i'll be able to give it to you maybe you'll be able to see it and maybe fairly soon but. there's really this was a letter presentation that ended up being a two hour conversation why did it. because we found we found the whole subject matter very interesting and because i really think they want to do something if it's possible certainly possible. i think global going to do is be there on june twelfth and we'll have to see what happens mike has been dealing very well they have a very good relationship with mike buff a.o.r. secretary of state. it was actually very interesting because this was literally going to be the delivery of a letter in and ended up being a two hour conversation with. with the second. most powerful man
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in north korea. talked about almost everything was talked about a lot. and we talked about sanctions it really. i don't want to say. that we talked about a lot of things we really did but the big the big deal will be on june twelfth and again it's a process doesn't go we're not going to sign a we're going to go in and sign something on june twelfth that we never were we're going to start a process and i told him today take it times go fast we go slowly but i. i think they'd like to see something happen and if we can work out whether to get it but just the process will begin on june twelfth in singapore easily just as industries you need to realise you think so i like to see it happen yes wants to be careful he wants to be stuck in a run and do things but i tell them to be honest with you look we have sanctions on
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the very powerful sanctions we would not take sanctions off unless they do that the sanctions are very powerful you've seen how powerful in other words you're going to see how powerful sanctions are when it comes to iran you see what that's doing to iran so we have sates and so on and and a certain point out there when i look forward to the day when i can take the sanctions off of north korea. right you fact you can't deny it took effect human rights that. could be could be i think we probably will and maybe in great detail we did not talk about human rights. yeah we did we talked about yes they asked about sanctions. she has made reference. it's kids going to remain what it is now i don't want to use the term maximum pressure anymore because i don't want to use that term because we're getting along you see the relationship we're getting close is not a question of maximum pressure saying essentially it's the way it is at some point
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hopefully a deal for the good of millions of people a deal will be worked out printings ready steaming leashing snappy clean try to escape to north korea and if you can well i think they're ok i mean i think they're good this intend to be like the relationships we have with a couple of other countries probably not right but i think the relationship we have right now with north korea is as good as it's been a long time they had no relationship under the previous administration it was there was nothing it was nothing they were exploiting it was just a nothing nothing was done hey. this should not be up to me this should have been handed. a long time ago. to a very critical point to should have been handled many years ago not only by president obama but by the presidents that preceded me this should be done now the should have been done years ago. if you can or three and economic well what's going to happen in south korea will do that no i don't think the united states is going
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to have to spend it i think south korea will do it i think china i think frankly china will help out i think that japan will help out no i don't see the united states spending a lot of money you know we have three hostages how much money they spent for the hostages and look we're very far away we have very far away so those places are very close that's their neighborhood with thousands listen thousand miles away so i'd already told south korea said you know you have to get ready and japan also and i think they really want to see something great happen japan does south diligence and i think china denice but that's their neighborhood it's not our never as your president used to think you are you sure you just do your work is curious about the media class what was happy with kim jong un in like it where are you and that's it i didn't like it but it could be very positive to say i didn't like the russian meeting yesterday i said what's the purpose of that but it could be a positive meeting if it's a positive meeting i love it if it's
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a negative meeting i'm not happy and it could very well be a positive thing. that could happen they could happen we talked about it we talked about ending the war and you know this war has been going on got to be the longest war said almost seventy years right and there is a possibility something like that that's more of a signing of a document that. it's very important in one way historically it's very important but we'll see it we did discuss that the ending of the korean war can you believe that we're talking about the ending of the korean what is that are you talking about seventy years. if he were willing to discuss it prior to the meeting that something that could come out of the meeting i think really there's something that maybe could come out of the trial where scott. i think china would like to see a very positive result i have a lot of good relations with as you know chairman she he's a great he's really
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a very wonderful guy he's a man that loves china however he wants to do what's best for china i think china and president xi would love to see something happen. here you know security and. security how would you that i would not want to make sure it's secure we're going to make sure when this is over it's over it's not going to be starting up again and they have the potential to be a great country and i think south korea is going to help a lot depends a lot i think china is going to have a lot. well that's a very complicated question frankly but you'll see that over a period when you get this treaty still last november you talked about the bright promise of north korea should choose to join the company of nations but if you lead cubans use can you really put this race relations i really think you can and i think it's going to be very successful here incredible people i think it's going to be a very great success so we'll see what happens but we'll see you we will see you on
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june twelfth but i'm sure we'll see you a little bit before that in the meantime house eridu is ok to take you through. the which ones he's just he's i tell them i think you're going to have probably others hey wouldn't it be wonderful if we walked out and everything was settled all of a sudden from sitting down for a couple of hours i don't see that happening but i see over a period of time in frankly i said take your time your time is going to be made as is my take is just one thing i did zero and it was very important we had. hundreds of new sanctions ready to go on. and he did not the director did not ask me but i said i'm not. going to put them on until such time as the talks break down we have very significant sanctions or now but we have hundreds we have hundreds that are ready to go but i said i'm not going to but why would i do that when we're talking so nicely so. words personal diplomacy work. getting to
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know you meeting plus. and that could be a very positive step. back no i didn't i haven't seen the letter yet i purposely didn't open the letter. i haven't opened it i didn't open it in front of the director i said would you want me to open it he said you can read it later i may be in for a big surprise notice. how long everybody next. nafta look it's been a terrible deal for the united states people are starting to say if. we lose over one hundred billion dollars a year with mexico we loose many many many billions of dollars with canada canada doesn't take i mean they're very restrictive as to taking our agricultural products . and other things. and you know all of these countries including the european union they charge five times the terror we have to charge sheriffs essentially they
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charge five times what we charge and dallas and i believe in the word reciprocal you're going to charge five times with every charge five times that hasn't been done no other president ever brought it up and it's going to be done now so. we're negotiating goobers as we're talking about nafta to be honest with you i wouldn't say nasty i wouldn't mind seeing nafta where you go by a different name where you make a separate deal with canada and a separate deal with mexico because you're talking about a very different two countries but i wouldn't mind seeing a separate tier with canada where you have one type of product so to speak and a separate deal with mexico. these are two very different countries it's been a lousy deal for the united states from day one we lose a lot of money with canada that would lose a fortune with mexico and this are going to happen like that's what i mean rick's ago has taken our car companies a big percentage of and we can't do that and look the american worker
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agrees with me obviously the stock market agrees because when you look at what's going on with the stocks this starting to see a bright but if you take the european union and you see the kind of tariff they charge and then we don't that's not fair trade i want fair trade i like free trade but i want fair trade in a minimum i want fair trade and we're going to have it for a workers and for a companies and you know what the other side understands it to be honest with you they cannot believe that they've gotten away with this for so many decades and you're. right so we've been listening to president donald trump there are vastly different tone from him he's gone from saying that a nuclear deal with north korea is imminent. playing down expectations now of any breakthrough listening to all of this can believe. that and so he confirmed that a meeting will indeed take place in singapore a bit it's the only the beginning of
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a process on denuclearization so reality bites. absolutely i think that that was a sobering two hour conversation that occurred in the oval office as we have been discussing here on al-jazeera there was a delivering of a letter from the vice chair of north korea that is what prompted this meeting that has yielded a number of headlines but most interesting lee is that donald trump says he did not read the letter that was delivered to him from the north korean leader kim jong un but instead they discussed a number of of issues. mutual concern between the united states and north korea laying the very important groundwork template if you will for what we now know is the summit is back on in singapore for june twelfth previously canceled by the u.s. president now north korea's vice chair in a meeting with the u.s.
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president the headline being that that summit in singapore is now back on but you're right a process donald trump says one that he believes will ultimately be successful but that we think it is important to have a relationship and that relationship starting on june twelfth but the president also saying that although it was north korean and u.s. officials in the oval office that many players regional players involved in getting to this point he thanked president xi a complicated relationship between the united states and china but thanking china's leader as well as saying repeatedly that japan and south korea are also involved he talked about also very notably the fact that he confirmed what we had known and had been rumored here in washington that the u.s. was on the cusp of putting in place even more sanctions on north korea but that plan on hold because the feeling of the u.s. president was that in fact the relationship between the united states and north
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korea was improving he said he looks forward to the day that he could quote take those sanctions off but not now but that he did have hundreds of sanctions standing by at acknowledge that this is a significant and historic moment given in the words of the u.s. president there have previously been years of hostility and hatred. that's right thank you very much kimberly with all the natives from the white house going to be hearing much more from kimberly in just a couple of minutes time but we've been watching the president speaking that the white house after his meeting with the north korean leader's top advisor the second most powerful man in north korea he delivered a letter from kim jong il and all those committee was saying president trump said that he did not read that letter but fundamentally what we learned there is president trumpet playing down expectations for that summit in singapore which we know now will take place it's all part of the confidence building exercise he said not to expect a breakthrough on that. a
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new series of rewind a care bring your people back to life from sars and brian you updates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries in libya i was the top of the gloves and no i like and the other student rewind continues with spirit child who do stories that have impacts also cites i testify in the court of law to make sure that the bad guys behind bars so many people have gone to jail as a result of my work rewind on al jazeera june on al-jazeera. with media trends constantly changing belittling post continues to analyze how the news
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the process will begin on june twelfth ensuring that the u.s. president spends any cho hours with kim jong un is right hand man as he makes a historic. so the white tiles. alarm suits us and this is al jazeera live from london also coming up a palestinian paramedic is shot dead by israeli forces during protests along the gaza border. a change in spain mariano rajoy is forced out of office by socialist leader had just sanchez replaced his illness prime minister. and good guerrilla news from.
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