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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2018 5:00am-6:01am +03

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this is al jazeera. jordan this is the al-jazeera news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes when both tragedies claim at least sixty lives as desperate refugees continue their dangerous journeys to europe. their deaths come as an immigration leader wins most votes in elections in slovenia plus. pushing for changes the fourth straight day of protests in jordan as the pressure grows on the prime minister to step down also. the idea that we are somehow a national security threat to the united states is quite frankly insulting and
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unacceptable the canadian prime minister hits out at donald trump and the latest fallout over the u.s. president's trade policies plus. we take a look at how singapore is gearing up to host one of the biggest diplomatic events in decades. at least sixty people including six children have died in two boats carrying migrants trying to enter europe their deaths come as anti immigrant sentiment continues to grow across europe in slovenia an anti immigrant party leads in sunday's parliamentary election the central european country was one of the main transit points during the twenty fifteen refugee crisis about half a million people pass through in search for a better life well on the same day italy's new interior minister matteo salvini says sicily with a long to be europe's refugee camp the far right leader warned what he calls the illegals to pack their bags we start our coverage this news with the deaths of
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those migrants in the waters often easier and turkey has our report. on the safety of land and back where they began after the nine metre boat sank leaving two missing at bound for europe she knew a lizard a citizen a boat had a capacity for seventy five to ninety people maximum but we were between one hundred eighty and one hundred ninety on board. nearly seventy people were rescued by the two new zealand coast guard and brought to the city is farkas it's unclear exactly how many people are missing it's the most deadly ship break in the mediterranean since people are. illiterate a good goalie had a better water was coming into the boat though she could escape or fled others drowned we stayed there until almost five am then fisherman came to help us and the coast guard arrived. it was a dark night on the mediterranean some two thousand kilometers away three adults and six children drowned off the coast of turkey the turkish coast guard pulled
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five people out alive. the toll of dead or missing in these waters is up to six hundred fifty people since january and yet it's a far cry from twenty fifteen when this was the main route to europe more than a million people crossed and there were three times as many deaths most migrants now come through northern africa search and rescue n.g.o.s have diverted to deploy from italy all motor he says we are witnessing a decrease in arrivals in recent months this figure of the decrease does not stop us running into people who come are in terrible physical and psychological condition with. these with the latest arrivals more than one hundred fifty people reach south in sicily on friday we are here and we will perform. as long as we will be able to perform we are performing rescue and we would be performing in the future but this was. the day and sometimes there is good news ten days
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ago a baby was born on risky ship the aquarius at two point take kilograms she was named miracle. the mother was found stranded off the coast of libya the now insistently. life or death the two outcomes migrants must consider the flu they blew the boat to europe charlotte dallas. a right wing opposition party led by former prime minister younis young has won the most votes in slovenia's parliamentary election with more than ninety percent of the ballots counted the slovenian democratic party has received about twenty five percent of the vote and anti-establishment party is trailing behind in second with twelve percent and the ruling s.m.c. came in third or since no group secured a majority which means there have to be a coalition government from the several cheap complaining fails to see the difference between refugees any legal immigrants there is a difference between people fleeing death or political persecution and those only seeking the benefits of the european welfare networks ever fails to see that it
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goes to see the problem the e.u. now faces we told those to some of our european partners that a better life should be assured to people back in their countries and not in europe italy's new interior minister says the island of sicily will no longer be what he calls europe's refugee camp salving he who visited sicily on sunday says his plans to deport illegal migrants are not hardline but common sense here is one of the main arrival points for migrants who make the dangerous in crossing from north africa more now for some again. as if to make a provocative point. new interior minister turned up to one of the hot spots in italy's refugee crisis that is one of the. poorer areas the point of arrival where refugees and asylum seekers turn the city popstar low in sicily there he said that he wanted to stop this from being europe's refugee center strong rhetoric as
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you well designed to appeal to his supporters but not everyone who turned up to see him was necessarily convinced by his argument there were a handful of protesters there saying that really what was needed to be seen was the difficulties that people face exactly what it was that was driving them to italy in the first place and that is of course many of them fleeing war fleeing destitution and repression but of course mr salvini is keen to point out that this is a first move as the interior minister he wants to show italy and also to a certain extent the european union that he wants to play hardball with this here in the coming weeks post to be meeting up in brussels with other european union interior ministers what he wants is a renegotiation on the doppler accord that is to put an end to people turning up to the first e.u. member states and claiming asylum there he says that puts it in a bit unfair position but whether he's able to do this in the face of of the european union is another matter the beleaguered jordanian prime minister may be on
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his way out sources have told down to zero that king abdullah the last prime minister. to resign in the meeting on monday that in days of protests in the kingdom after the government proposed raising income tax by at least five percent the government was also planned to increase corporation tax by as much as forty percent so as the hikes are needed to kick start the economy. if the government doesn't respond to and mons the move will be a general strike on wednesday just like the one last week will be calling for the government to step down because we do not want to go. pressured by external involvement we need a government that represents the nation al-jazeera is timing all saudis in amman where protesters have gathered near the prime minister's residence. protester asking for the removal of the jordanian government and the removal of any and milky there also demanding the removal of the taxes sparked initial protest as you can see only a few meters separate the protesters from the prime minister's residence and this
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is only one of many streets leading to the prime minister's home where protesters have gathered for the fourth consecutive day main roads leading to the prime minister's home have been cut off the entire area has been classified as a military zone and no one has been permitted to get close according to high government sources the king of jordan has invited the prime minister to his palace tomorrow where he along with other members of the jordanian government are expected to submit their resignation let's talk to iran my good is that middle east analyst and former based journalist who joins us live from washington d c m how significant are these reports that king abdullah is going to ask the prime minister resign and why now. it's very significant that the protests only began on wednesday and we've been moving very quickly to the point where on friday the king canceled the fuel tax and already according to many reports monday the prime minister will resign this has been one of the key demands of the protesters in addition to the canceling of the tax law. and we've seen these mass protests on the street
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particularly the capital let me know how angry jordanians and what started this. well the immediate reason for these protests was the recent tax. but. the focus of this anger has gone way back you have unemployment rising to about eighteen percent amman is one of the most expensive cities in the arab region you have deep seated economic issues with twenty one percent of jordanians below the poverty level in addition to the country of serving over six hundred fifty five thousand syrian refugees so many jordanian feel deeply unhappy with the current economic situation and that has caused them to go to the streets and say that enough is enough and iran what about jordan's regional neighbors i mean how worried will they be about the impact all of this is having across the region particular as jordan holds a huge refugee population. so jordan holds the third largest number of syrian
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refugees after turkey and lebanon so jordan's place is very important in the region as you mentioned but it's not just regarding the syrian crisis you also have saudi arabia one of the largest powers who borders jordan and they would be extremely concerned if a monarchy like jordan experienced instability because that would question whether the kingdom of saudi arabia could also face protests from there and there are people in addition you have israel borders jordan jordan is one of two arab countries has a peace treaty with the jewish state and israel would be very concerned if jordan stability were at risk and then finally you have larger powers like the united states and russia who both maintain very strong security ties with jordan and would be extremely worried that if the stability of the hashemite kingdom would be at risk how would that impact their larger middle east plans ok so final thought from iran what's the solution than jordan's financial worries and which key players into mash to help it get out of this crisis well the reason why this
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situation is so difficult is because there are no easy solutions so while unemployment has risen the reason for these tax hikes was because only about five percent of jordanians are paying income tax so you have very few and i'm jordanians contributing so jordan the government has said that we need to have more money coming into the budget the debt has spiked to about forty billion dollars the debt to g.d.p. ratio is at ninety five percent so the reason that the jordanian government backed by the international monetary fund has increased taxes because this current situation is unstable if jordan removes the prime minister the deep seated economic woes are going to continue therefore there are no easy fixes and this situation is going to be very dangerous in the coming days if not weeks then my good thank you for talking to al-jazeera. now insulting and unacceptable that south canada's prime minister just introduced described the new u.s. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports president donald trump invoked national
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security concerns as justification for the towers which is also imposed on metal imports from mexico and the european union canada plans to impose reciprocal measures on its southern neighbor. first of all we're putting the same kinds of tariffs exactly on steel and aluminum coming from the united states into canada to be directly reciprocal but we are also putting a number of tariffs on consumer goods finished products for which canadians have easy alternatives one of the either made in canada or made from another partner with the tariffs one of the truths about tariffs is they drive up costs for consumers and on top of that these tariffs are going to be hurting american workers and canadian workers the idea that we are somehow a national security threat to the united states is quite frankly insulting and unacceptable well donald trump's top economic adviser called that response by justin trudeau an overreaction laurie could lows as the u.s.
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has to protect itself i don't think we're satisfied yet that they will protect or uphold all the shipments of steel coming into canada from around the world could be china could be brazil could be a lot of different places this tranche shipping effort is something that has been troubling to us look the president has declared our steel industry a national security matter. my comments in washington with more. well the u.s. is now at the center of trade disputes on a number of fronts with traditional allies canada the e.u. mexico they all absolutely furious at the decision to impose new tariffs and even more upset by the contention that it's a national security issue and talks with china have fallen apart it would appear the commerce secretary was two days of talks in beijing with the chinese vice premier but no agreement reached china absolutely furious at the fact that the u.s.
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says it's threatening to reintroduce new tariffs this just a matter of weeks after it seemed that agreement had been reached on some form of truce now all of this is likely to come to a head in the next few days when the leaders of the g. seven nations gather for talks in canada. also to come on the news hour including hacking the cattle news agency new information about how big a role saudi arabia played in the cyber crime that led to the gulf crisis. and government workers face a backlash in nicaragua as weeks of protests showed no signs of letting up and in support brazilian strike a name makes the perfect return from injury just in time for the world cup. now residents of a libyan town will be allowed to return home for the first time in almost seven years after a reconciliation deal was signed between the town of to work and the city of
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misrata to work has been a ghost town since twenty eleven when was rather officials expelled its residents for allegedly committing atrocities against rebels during the uprising that toppled moammar gadhafi mahmoud of the war has more from misrata. here in this room right behind me a representative from both state is the city of misrata and the city of the world that have just finished signing a reconciliation deal that is called their reconciliation a charter and that allows the people of that would have to return back home after almost six years of this placement the people of whatever i q's by misrata rebels of committing atrocities against rebels and yet twenty eleven during the revolution that toppled of moammar gadhafi also the people of there were they have been living in camps all over libya for almost six years now and they are accused of killing civilians of shelling of targeting civilian areas during the
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seventy's of revolution and twenty eleven that toppled the regime of moammar gadhafi now after signing this deal today the people of the whatever who are stuck on the way back home to to whatever and those who are living in camps all over libya the can finally return home both sides here blame the government the government of national court for not delivering on its promises of north korea's state news agency says the syrian president bashar al assad is planning a visit to meet kim jong il in pyongyang the report hasn't been confirmed by damascus and there's no indication that a trip has been set up the two countries have maintain good relations for decades united nations monitors and accuse north korea of corporation syrian chemical weapons a charge the north. now
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al jazeera investigative reporters found that saudi arabia played a bigger role in causing the gulf crisis than previously thought the report shows the cell that hacked the website of the cut on news agency in may twenty seventeen work from a saudi government ministry in riyadh on the phones and computers all connected to a saudi communication company the hacking of the cattle news agency led to the fallout between canada and its gulf neighbors out here rabia bahrain and the u.a.e. last june. a second french newspaper is reporting that saudi arabia is threatening military action against cats are if it acquires russian weapons le figaro says the saudi crown prince has written to u.s. president donald trump and the british prime minister to reserve made to warn that it's ready to retaliate if caught out choir's the s four hundred anti-aircraft defense system it was revealed he'd written a similar letter to the french president emmanuel micro on friday cattles ambassador to moscow said in january but his country intended to reduce our system
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well below is a journalist an analyst with the gulf matters he says he doesn't think the saudi threat is serious. to begins with going to macron and then to washington then we're told to london why would you go to the russians this is a question that i don't understand which is that simply if you're upset about the russians selling this s four hundred a very sophisticated missile defense system to the country is why don't you go to the russian and say look because the russians are already in a deal with the saudis on selling this system to the saudis they've already sold it to the turks for two point five billion they're in the process of doing a deal with the egyptians and the saudis can simply say if you go ahead with this. you don't have to deal with us i don't think the threat is that serious i think it's all part of the posturing that's going on and clearly whereas the outside world the u.k. the europeans we hear the americans rather want to see this dispute settled.
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this saudis and the iraqis keep upping the ante i think the qataris have said look we'll sit down we'll have a conversation let's have a dialogue and they had to keeps getting pushed up by the saudis and the amorality so i think what we're seeing here is a bit of gamesmanship to put more pressure on qatar using this as weapons dealers as part of the. defense minister has warned against any confrontation with iran he says the twenty fifty nuclear deal should be worked on despite the u.s. pulling out of it in my. own judgment i think the united states this was. the you know war with iran. maybe more pressure. maybe it will get to a result but i think the five plus one. is a good outcome everyone should keep holding on this. advance with its
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know with any third party. is trying to push the region or some country in the region to start a war with iran this is will be very dangerous because i am sure no one from the western hemisphere or countries where you know protected by the western hemisphere will go directly with iran maybe they will try to push a lot of neighbors to go against iran and this is dangerous what tuesday will mock one years since the blockade began and we'll have a special program looking at the political economic and human impact of the crisis that's an eight hundred g.m.t. on tuesday right here on al-jazeera. ongoing violence in nicaragua has claimed more lies after another attack on anti-government demonstrators more than a hundred people have been killed since the start of a political crisis that began of a proposed cuts to the country's social security system but have grown into calls
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for the resignation of president allègre al-jazeera has more from the nicaraguan capital. confrontations between anti-government protesters and paramilitary forces have left more dead in the site following the killings tensions remain high as mass demonstrators managed barricades to block access into the city making our way to the scene of the violence we encountered several checkpoints demonstrators here are suspicious of anyone trying to pass the barricades ok moving slingshots and homemade mortar weapons opposition supporters say attacks by paramilitary groups loyal to president daniel ortega happen almost every day. all in the co-actor as you to mock to death they used and against this weapons of war. arriving in the town of like concepcion we find a community divided local residents who support the government faced off with opponents even though it will be and everything was fine until the morning when the
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government's paramilitaries began to attack us for no reason that it. was demonstrators detained a local government worker beating him with clubs and nearly severing his ear with a machete he was carried into a nearby church where protesters accuse the thirty one year old who works for the office of the mayor of financing hit men who are targeting opposition supporters see what i mean for me. they told me they're going to kill my family i said they're going to send a box to my family filled with my body looks. great. when i'm not getting the balance from the political unrest has become common in this part of the country father in mind when he says the church has assumed the responsibility of keeping the peace. our commitments to our faith means that we cannot be indifference to the needs of the people especially those who are being repressed and suffer injustice please them i mean yes i mean tempers flared during
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talks between local residents over who's to blame for starting to and rest argument at times between physical. and you can i was capital managua catholic bishops are hosting a third week of peace talks between civil society groups and representatives of president daniel ortega administration but progress has stalled the catholic church remains the main mediators in the ongoing political crisis but the archdiocese says they will no longer facilitate a national dialogue until the nicaraguan government can commit to putting an end to the violence but ended up in. the united nations has called for calm in mali off a dozens of people were hurt during band anti-government protests security forces have been accused of firing live ammunition at protesters the government rejected the claims demonstrators are calling for transparent elections fair political campaigning and equal access to public media the demands lead up to next month's presidential poll which will see president abraham pay to run for reelection more
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opposition protests are expected on friday. in just eight days time singapore would play host to the historic summit between donald trump and kim jong il and excitement is building in the country for the first time a talks between the u.s. and north korean head of state will take place but the high stakes nature of the event means secrecy surrounds much of the planning it's got high last been checking the progress. one of the smallest countries in the world is about to host a summit that could very well be the biggest diplomatic event in decades. u.s. president donald trump and north korean leader kim jong are due to meet at last and potentially diffuse one of the world's most dangerous flashpoints versing. because of the dramatic back and forth mystery over the location and the personalities involved the summit is in gauging people who previously had scant interest in geopolitics. singapore has a history of hosting top level high security events including two critical taiwan
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chinese meetings and the annual shangri-la security and defense summit the whole security apparatus is very robust there's a lot of surveillance around the island as significant control of dissent as control of the media such that any events that may be deemed unhappy unhelpful can be quite tightly controlled and put down. is a big story in japan. as network has had teams in singapore since it was first named as the summit venue a great deal of the time playing cat and mouse with the north korean delegation to do could we have covered news in singapore a lot before this time though the security is strict and more difficult for us to work with the police presence is heavy news underlying the interest and excitement for the summit singapore newspaper the straits times conducted a readers' poll asking singapore where they felt the summit would take place most doubt there would be at one of the large hotels here that can be locked down for security singapore will reportedly pay some of the expenses of the north korean
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delegation people here are proud to host the summit but maybe not to pay for some of it if we had neutral he just makes it would be peaceful to thank god i'm posing to eat but i don't think we have to be free to be doing in singapore. because. being a small of the country but we are able to host such a big event. it's good for us the government says so much preparations are moving forward smoothly but with it intricate maze of protocol to. navigate from the proper amount of doors in meeting rooms to making the delegations from one of the richest nations in the world appear equal to one of the poorest singapore certainly has a tough eight days ahead a task they say that was happily taken on it's got to either al-jazeera singapore. time for a short break here on just iraq when we come back forecasting a bright future tenuous hopes of the rags to riches story one of its poorest regions. on the brink of
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a mental health crisis how an entire generation of children is being traumatized by life guards. and in sports the u.s. open champion produces the best of a woman's right in god's morning stay with us. oh you just told. me the weather sponsored by qatar airways hello there we've got a lot of wet weather over parts of southeastern china at the moment our charts for monday show plenty of cloud across the central belt and you can tell from the dog flus that we're expecting some of that what weather to be really quite heavy you can see the circulation towards the south as a developing system we're watching as it's working its way towards the north it is beginning to intensify a little bit more so we're going to enhance the rains across the southern parts of china and across many parts of vietnam as well so this is still just a very large
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a pretty wet as we head through the next few days that we're already seeing it to have it for the south here it is on the satellite picture it's in hans the rain is already over the southern parts of vietnam and now it's just tracking its way towards the north so force in the southern parts of it now men still plenty of what weather as we head through monday and that stretches all the way across into parts of maine model as well further south of more in the way of drawing where they have a still a ham for the showers to be found for you in the west that's looking dry and bright as we are java at the moment is well over towards india and here plenty of cloud disease expected this time of year as the monsoon gradually pushes its way northward we're seeing particularly heavy downpours over the western parts of southern india and also in the northeastern states and through bangladesh and that's what we're expecting for monday and tuesday to. the weather sponsored by cattle waste. they help build clean and feed the capital but they're not welcome anymore when he says when this is the massive dictions and demolitions
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forcing two hundred thousand of beijing's poor from their homes one of many used on al-jazeera june on al-jazeera. with media trends constantly changing the listening post continues to analyze how the news is covered it's the most widely viewed sporting event on the planet as russia prepares to host the football world cup we'll bring you stories from on and off the field from afghanistan one o one east investigates why so few girls are in school despite billions of dollars of donations one year since the imposed blockade of qatar al-jazeera examines the political economic and human impact of the crisis unfold provoking documentaries witness brings world issues into focus through personal stories june on al-jazeera .
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welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on the al-jazeera at least fifty thought people including six children have died in two boats carrying migrants trying to enter europe and legally a speedboat son quote crossing from turkey to the greek islands and in a separate incident to his u.s. defense ministry says it's recovered forty six bodies after a boat capsized near the port city of spock's. the beleaguered jordanian prime minister maybe on his way out sources have told al-jazeera the king abdullah lost by mr honey i'll move to resign at a meeting on monday and. days of protests in the kingdom after the government proposed raising income tax is five percent. and canadian prime minister justin trudeau has called us tariffs on steel and aluminum imports insulting and
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unacceptable as the fall out of a donald trump's trade policies continue china's also warning any trade deals with the u.s. will not go ahead if trump's threaten terrify can china his goods is implemented. by one more on the now on our top story those twin boat tragedies which killed at least sixty refugees trying to enter europe on the rising anti immigrant sentiment across the continent well according to the u.n. migration agency over thirty two thousand undocumented people have entered europe by seeing twenty eighteen so far of these about forty two percent arrived in italy which is a rising sentiment against immigrants thirty four percent of them landed in greece which is where the boat that capsized off turkey on sunday was heading and more than a half a million migrants and refugees traveled through slovenia on the way to other e.u. countries in twenty fifteen and sixteen that in a country of just two million gave rise to the anti immigrant s.t.'s party which as you mentioned earlier one of sunday's parliamentary elections but bill for his from human rights watch he says the e.u.
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has the capacity to manage the flow of refugees if all member states share the burden. it could have been managed and still could be managed in a reasonable way and an efficient way that wouldn't put the burden on and italy or greece but instead we're germany for that matter which really does this point to the lion's share of the burden but. what really is happened has been a race to the bottom with everyone pushing and trying to impose border controls on their own borders and push people back to the neighboring countries this process this essentially externalizing migration controls so that rather than have the controls taking place within the european union within the dublin regulation for example. there's this outward push and so the onus really falls on to libya which doesn't have a functioning government doesn't have refugee laws not
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a party to the refugee convention or to turkey for example which is part of the e.u. turkey deal turkey already has the largest number of refugees of any country in the world and yet it actually is the country that is most likely to be the dumping ground for the european union and what we're already seeing in turkey we've been documenting it for the last few months is their own push back in pushing refugees back into syria shooting them at the border beating them as they try to cross into turkey from syria. hundreds of supporters of a right wing party in spain have held demonstrations calling for new elections they are unhappy that the socialist leader pederast sanchez with him. he was given the top job after m.p.'s approved a no confidence vote against his predecessor money out of the hallways over a massive corruption scandal sanchez expect to see out the remaining two years of the parliamentary term david changes more. they want an election they want to make sure that whoever is in charge of the country whoever is prime minister is not
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reliant on just eighty four votes that's a tiny minority of the votes in spain they want a real election they wanted now they want to make sure that whoever is the prime minister has much more support within the country and it's very clear the pederast sanchez does not have that support and that the socialist policies do not have the broad support of the whole of the country said they want to early elections many of the right wing throughout the country want to hear lecturing and i think many analysts to me realise that the instability that this is creating is going to be no good for spain despite the fact that it is doing extremely well in economic terms compared to the rest of europe unemployment is still very very high especially amongst the youth so they want real policies they want a real budget they want real measures taken and it just doesn't appear that the mathematics are right politically ok there is time she has to come through with what the people want. turkey's president. held
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a massive campaign rally in the predominantly kurdish city of the other care trying to gain support from a group the government has been at odds with for years he told thousands of supporters that the turkish state also belongs to he's campaigning ahead of the june twenty four presidential and parliamentary elections some crossover. should the armory go to turkey's prisons are drawn addresses an election rally in d r book or the south the sin city known to be in the kurdish heartland he made it clear that no one should be seeking an independent state for turkey's kurds. all citizens including kurds are assured by the ticket for public other demands should be legitimate and within the rule of law the spite the kurds disappointment in the ruling party in the failed peace process and on still has strong support among some of them. he values people the previous leaders didn't treat us well especially kurds. the ruling out party launched
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a peace process in the two thousand tends to find a way to end turkey's decades long conflict with the altgeld kurdistan workers' party or the p.k. k. a conflict that claimed one of them for two thousand lives but the for a job peace was short lived it effectively ended in two thousand and fifteen when both sides resume tossed ality the situation got more complicated when a state of emergency was declared following a failed coup in two thousand and sixteen. each one of which i first the government promised to lift the state of emergency in three months but then it was used as a tool to design politics in opposition and now it stands as the biggest obstacle against democratic channels people of the makati party h d p is the largest pro kodesh bloc and could be a game changer if it wins more than ten percent of the vote this would likely wrap the ruling party off its majority in parliament over the last three years he has
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taken a very hawkish a very militaristic a very aggressive very masculine take on the kurdish issue and this is it because he's trying to survive kurds in southeastern turkey has suffered almost because of the government security policy its presence erred on is promising increase democracy and more embracing policies towards all citizens of the trickle but the kurds who have supported air john during the peace process i'm curious as to how this will include that if the state of emergency is not lifted. the major question now is how to lose the foot of the kurds again in this crucial legislative and presidential elections elections that will mark turkey's transition to a new governance system headed by a very strong president. of al-jazeera. a generation of children in gaza is on the brink of a mental health crisis that's according to research by the aid group save the
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children which says nearly two thirds of kids there are troubled by nightmares and that warns more violence could seriously threaten what it calls their fragile coping systems are a force that has this report from gaza. in gaza sundown truly is magic hour a time to turn our eyes to the horizon and other days hardships fall for a while into the shadows. during ramadan it's also a time to break fast with a simple if tar dinner on the beach a good talking to some of the parents here in. it's clear that such moments of meeting everyone worries about what kind of future their children face about what life here is doing to them or when i do mostly like how going to look at how can i meet my children's needs when everything is so expensive and our income so limited up the future is difficult and even if i can provide my children a good education i can't give them jobs that's the main problem that's waiting for them. hindi has lived all of her eleven years under the israeli blockade her childhood blighted by three wars with israel during the last in twenty fourteen she
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became too scared to sleep alone started bedwetting becoming terrified by loud noises the symptoms persisted for years she became withdrawn at school her father's joblessness adding to the stress as sad because of course i will be sad with all these catastrophes especially when my father can't buy me clothes or help me to continue my education i feel sad when there's no food at home and i'm hungry i feel sad too for my father who's struggling without an income. the last year daughter has been getting treatment so-called resilience training building her confidence her ability to cope with stress new research by the charity save the children suggest such help is needed by hundreds of thousands more children in gaza save the children interviewed one hundred fifty children for their research ninety five percent of whom reported at least one of four key symptoms hyperactivity depression aggression or a wish to be alone experts tell us that anxiety is the overarching problem prompted
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by conflict the poor economy and the continuing deterioration of life in gaza. gaza's deepening poverty is deepening despair the u.n. says two hundred ninety thousand of its children are in need of psycho social support but a fifth of twelve to seventeen year olds have suffered psychological violence more than fifty have experienced physical violence when the responsible of their family it was the father is an employer and cannot provide them in our need as they said to the family of course it will be reflected on the children for example that even it over the father in somehow an unconscious way to the wives of their will be nervous when the wife will displace it on their children so that children will be by themselves and healthy and not behaving well he says some of his young patients still suffering post-traumatic stress from the last war have been taking part in the recent protests at the border for some he says it can exacerbate the
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symptoms for others it brings a rare opportunity for self-expression such is the torment for so many in gaza but among tear gas snipers bullets and death children can find moments of solace for sit out to syria gaza. nearly three point seven million afghan children are missing out on school that's according to a new report from the u.n. children's fund unicef it found almost half of all children between the ages of seven and seventeen weren't receiving an education it's because of ongoing conflict poverty and discrimination against girls it's a first time here out of school rate has increased since two thousand and two adele hodder is unicef's afghanistan officials who told us what's behind the worsening figures. i think it's also society that it is also related to security because in the areas where there is active fighting war and where there is conflict it is very difficult for the parents to send troops to school because they i want
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it about that on the way to school it could be at that something happened to them even while they are in school so that's one reason the insecurity and the second one always has to do of course with society the attitudes. and so we find that we go to school up to the end of the primary school but then after that once they reach their puberty because they don't who female teachers the majority of children who grow up from that school are really good so that's mainly that isn't why we have this large number of girls who go to school now leaving to have peace as well known but baghdad also has a time with a tendency to tilt it's one of the many heritage buildings suffering from poor maintenance and neglect a solid binge of a drip order from the iraqi capital the block read sixteen sixty the year when the with the mosque was built but this is all that's left of it the cracks in the
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arches and fading tiles are reminders of the golden days of baghdad this is the victorian facade of the iraqi capital old government building it was damaged during the two thousand and three u.s. invasion and has been abandoned since this area was part of the ottoman military complex on the banks of the tigris river it's decrypt state symbolizes the dig lect of iraq's rich cultural heritage. management. and many people nowadays are not aware of the importance of these sites and how the reason is that recently iraq has faced violence and internal fighting which led to a weak government. the. feeding. after centuries of an invasion the only original structure left and it didn't always lean. the government because of the danger.
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but there are being made to repair it the government's priorities are the provision of basic services and with a struggling economy preservation efforts inevitably take a back seat there are no worshipers in the compound. because of the fear that the minaret could fall on the hall these days when people pray they do it in the courtyard spiderwebs have replaced the curtains inside and we are told there are no books left in the library upstairs. we need to value these sites not only there were but also historic sites like the assyrian and babylonian sites it would help to strengthen the national identity and that iraqi national identity has been blurred by years of sectarian strife corruption and mismanagement. envelop the symbolic eternal flame of the iraqi flag. built in the one nine hundred eighty
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s. used to represent iraqis now many government departments claim ownership of the multi-million dollar. was used by u.s. forces and then the iraqi military as a base. its museum and library. these days the halls remain empty and the general public is not allowed in. rich tapestry of ancient and modern history is fading fast many people are afraid that unless action is taken to protect and preserve it it could be lost forever. at least seven people have been killed and twenty injured when a volcano erupted in guatemala city before you go volcano that's been spewing black smoke and ash into the sky many living nearby were forced to evacuate the capital's airport was shut down. more than eighty plastic bags have been found in the stomach of a dead pilot whale in thailand veterinarians found the plastic when
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a total of eight kilograms after a five day effort to save the whale failed it had already spat out five plastic bags since being discovered in the southern province of song on monday an estimated eight million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year kenya has launched a pilot scheme to export crude oil as part of efforts to capitalize on the country's reserves it's believed that estimated seven hundred fifty million barrels lie beneath to con a county in the north west the first convoy of trucks carrying crude meant for export set off from like a char heading for the coastal city of mombasa on sunday catherine sort of course. the president. a significant moment in kenya six years after all was discovered here president symbolically started the planting of crude oil into one of the trucks transporting two thousand barrels to the coast about a thousand kilometers away it will take roughly ten days to get there and months
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before all seventy thousand barrels in storage arrive for export if the beginning of a pilot program to see how the international market reacts before full production is expected to start in a few yes but we can leave believe that it's. manageable resources. let it. all in another natural resources. in the country's good. it's estimated about seven hundred fifty million barrels of oil lie beneath this dry region home to some of the poorest and most marginalized people in the country trucking the oil from here will not be easy or cheap one of the big problems is dealing with the bad food from here. construction is now quickly going want to make for the best. place on safely and on time but it's going to take at least two years to properly stretch. it.
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knows little about the statistics all of just sticks as a hard to helps one of his goods get fast he only hopes that he's village will benefit from the all bomb the local community has been a located five percent of the oil revenue while the national and county governments share the rest and. the five percent i was hoping for ten percent but because it has been decided we have to money go expectation and hope the profit really gets to us. on the other side of this riverbed fifteen year old moria fetches drinking water for her family and animals she's walked for thirty minutes to get here. i would want to earn money to help a porter to religion i would like my school fees to be paid and more classrooms built so many hopes in two can are pinned on this oil expectations are high that
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prosperity will come quickly but just how well the oil will sell abroad and how fast the benefits will trickle down to the village as will be the real test catherine soy al-jazeera to cannes and nothing kenya. stay with us.
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but about now a groundbreaking study says that thousands of women with early stage breast cancer
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may be able to avoid chemotherapy the new report funded by the national cancer institute in the us as in many cases there is little benefit in the treatment more than ten thousand patients were tested for the research which showed those with a low intermediate risk of cancer recurring responded just as well to hormone therapy in theory means up to seventy percent of patients won't need chemotherapy after surgery time for the sport is up thank you very much for brazilian striken neymar has made the perfect return from injury three months after breaking his foot the striker is back scoring goals just in song for the world cup neymar came on at half time in this friendly played at liverpool's anfield stadium and scored the first goal in a two you know when of a curry the twenty six year old fractured a bone in his right foot while playing for parsons your man back in february now it's interesting to know. i'm not one hundred percent recovered but then can't be viewed my comeback kid be to be back at the national team to be varying these
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jersey and sharing moments of my teammates i'm very happy after so much time away. or bunch of other world cup sayings in action twenty four seemed quite a finalist costa rica beating northern ireland three nil per rule be back in the world cup for the first time in thirty six years they beat saudi arabia three nil twenty ten champions spain they were held to a one one draw there by switzerland now the trophy all the same will soon be aiming to win has gone on show in moscow hard fans might not be too optimistic about their team's chances of success russia have never made it out of the group stages out of world cup and are without a win in their last six games their fun a warm up match coming up against turkey on choose day or a fair on the down may be the favorite to win the french open title but another big name looks to be playing his white back into form after an injury hit yet twelve time grand slam champion of a joke of it is into the last eight after a convincing win over finance i would ask our son homesh reports. two thousand and
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sixteen champion know about the joke of it is looking better though with every match at the online garth the said the long term injury problems appear to be forgotten in this fourth round win over fernando but that i. joke of it is winning the match in three. considering all the or the circumstances that i was in in the last fifteen months or i mean. it's. quite achievement to get two quarters of. the slam for me and i always played well in slams i always try to. kind of build my form in order to peak at the slams well number two i'll xander stev was made to sweat for his place in the last eight for the third straight match the german endured a five set battle this time it was against the question of russia to have
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three and a half hours to close out the match and reach his first ever grand slam quarter final i'm very happy about being in the quarterfinals you know with you know going to hard we're going to the long distance every single time and. you know showing showing myself enjoying everybody that i can play for as long as i need to. the spirit world faces a dominant team in the last eight after the austrian. in four says. if. all the title hopefuls will be fearing a match up with this man defending champion rafael nadal it was the king of clay's big day on a day off from playing the well number one had time to celebrate his thirty second birthday dollars up against on t. the german maximillian marked air on monday and will be hoping his wishes do come
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true as he aims for an eleventh title in paris son who was just a year. u.s. open champion sloane stephens into the last state of the french open for the first time in her career stevens beating twenty fifth seed and it's concert art for the loss of just two games in under an hour stevens has now reached at least the quarter finals every grand slams. think michael the exciting. yeah doing well here obviously doing well and say making the fourth round four times or whatever is pretty good but to finally get over that hump of quarter finals feels very nice another american player has had a career best performance at roland garros madison keys also entered our state the twenty seventh seed u.s. open runner up beating remain is the highlight was an s.q. . on the washington capitals of taking a two one lead in the stanley cup finals alex reach and lead the way from
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washington against a vegas goal tonight this was his all saints goal of the playoffs. rushing yevgeny soft also scored in a three one win for the first time vegas have lost two straight games in the playoffs. capsules rhyming for their first ever championship title others who were great and so are the series. of friends. excited and you know. but again it's only two. we deserve to move forward and don't think about too much england's cricketers have won the second test to draw all the series with pakistan and end a run of eight tests without a victory the home team winning by naming and fifty five runs at headingley if they hit back from a big loss in the first test england's next test challenge will be a five match series against india very tough week last week for the group we had to show a lot of character asked
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a lot of things from from the group of players and everything i asked was delivered on the field which ultimately e.-commerce for more as a captain really pleased. how we've gone about things and i spin a bad day for championship leader and reigning moto g.p. world champion mark mark has the spaniard spun out here at the italian groom prince fail to score a point but gave her the chance to finish on top of the podium for the first time in two years mark has that still leaves the title standings. ok that is how the sport is looking for now more later and you thank you for that now three astronauts from the international space station average turned safely after spending more than five months in orbit the russian soyuz capsule parachuted down in kazakhstan three arsenals also on board and three more will join them on wednesday that's it for me down in jordan for the news hour elizabeth is up next with more of the day's news state your thoughts about that and a. june
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nineteenth sixty seven sixty's they redrew the map of the middle east this would mean record of victory of the israeli army in that war or the greatest tragedy in the history of islam al-jazeera explores the events leading to the war and its consequences which are still felt today we tried everything to be right with nation try to make you lose contact through different countries and it was clear all of this was to do with the war in june on al-jazeera new possibilities treeless journalists or medical facility if they got that either way he declared a state of emergency several weeks ago gripping documentary it's good to discover a wealth of award winning programming from around the globe our. debates and discussion on one side of the split screen dignitaries mingling on the other card
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see the world from a different perspective only on al-jazeera being as i want to finally we're being asked about it but that's the balls of. more listeners that are not the set says they're lost. brothers out of all of our cars and the bunch is approaching at the bottom in the first episode of a two part series al-jazeera investigates the world of performance enhancing drugs . sports doping the endless chase.
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we're entering. the way of desperation twin boat tragedies in the mediterranean claimed the lives of at least sixty refugees trying to reach europe. but the european taught of anti immigrant sentiment richest of denia nationals particular just as the largest group of the general election. and i welcome to al-jazeera live from my headquarters and dog hall with me at the soprano also ahead of. the protests against tax rises in jordan for each boarding point the king is ready to demand the resignation of the prime minister.


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