tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 4, 2018 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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in route to europe more than a million people crossed and there were three times as many dates most migrants now come through northern africa search and rescue n.g.o.s have diverted to deploy from italy all motor he says the north the moment we are witnessing a decrease in arrivals in recent months the figure of the decrease does not stop us running with people who come are in terrible physical and psychological condition. these were the latest arrivals more than one hundred fifty people reach south in sicily on friday we are here and we will perform. as long as we will be able to perform we are performing rescue and we would be performing in the future that is possible. and sometimes there is good news ten days ago a baby was born on risky ship the aquarius at two point take kilograms she was named miracle the mother was found stranded off the coast of libya the now unsisterly.
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life would be if the two outcomes migrants must consider before they board a boat to europe charlotte ballasts. anti immigrant sentiment seems to be rising across europe with slovenia becoming the latest country to elect a populist party following its neighbors italy and hungry but although former prime minister younis young right wing party won the most votes in the election it fell far short of a majority and you know back as more from libya. is a former prime minister once disgraced by a corruption scandal but now you understand and his slovenian democratic party are back on the political map. his hardline on immigration secured his party victory in this election immigration has been at the top of the political agenda since two thousand and fifteen when half a million people playing ball pass through slovenia on their way to the best in europe close a playful pose almost foreign challenges that are part of the domestic challenges
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including modern crisis so it's a challenge for the whole of the e.u. during a biggest wave of mass migration we told our european partners that a better large should be in short supply back in their countries and not in europe listed on his nearest challenger was comedian turned politician martin charles leader of the new center left party whose three more trussell trust the first it is impossible to bias he said it publicly before the elections that we will not enter a yani stance as coalition let's give time to the relative let's give him the chance to form a government and then we will see what happens if we have this opportunity they will form the government. the snap election was called after the sudden resignation of prime minister. he stepped down in much due to a failed railway a project he's credited with boosting slovenia's economy up to recession but it wasn't enough for voters here. slovenia once a part of former yugoslavia joined the european union in two thousand and four
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a government led by an agenda which if slovenia to the right and add an anti immigrant voice to the analysts say young has a big challenges ahead the electorate is here in the voices are hungry are all and it's ocular to you know go after go after and immigration policies after say that you will draw a crowd you know dream the song. said he's a leader who has had the chance he hasn't done it so far will he do it this time around it's a big question but the bigger question is can he even form a government even though young is young says martin vaughan most votes in this election when you find yourself in a difficult position it will be very hard for him to find a willing partner in the other party won a coalition most of them don't share his political beliefs. so in your local as a former m.p.'s living in his social democratic party she's now the executive
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director of the central and eastern european network for gender issues she joins us on skype from libya on a very good to see you why is immigration such an issue. we can see how. in my gut i think our country going to west and north. and. we realize. you need not have. issue of how to deal with. and this is why i think the. right. really if it was. ok but the refugees don't stop in the country
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they prefer to go somewhere else they just protecting themselves in case this changes is that what it's all of us. i think we saw a little on the micro end so it. would be. sent back to the front of the. not living shows and only that. and when it comes to solid is there going to be any sort of solidarity any common ground in order to form a government. i'm sure that we would have a very big because. the first. government we would be of but two of the we know that actually want to leave the my. god i'm quite sure that the government. the first.
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time. and then we would have the. whole. nation. migrants. tried to call on the government but they also have that problem they have enough in the parliament but they are on the scene what sort of impact do you think this will have on the country right now the longer it takes to form a government. i think. we are looking for. the big. and. even any government. really. is very different. and. i think. we have a lot of. money. and
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we would need. a government. more on that. and the. hosting but. i. am trying to answer the question. by. keeping an eye on this thank you very much for talking to us. i think there's been a large explosion at a polytechnic university in afghanistan we know that it happened in the capital kabul women of the country's top clerics gathering that's fine up more from jennifer glass joins us now from kabul what happened jennifer. it was
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a gathering of the top clerics and bullets from around the country about two thousand they predict. that the things that make their gathering minister when that suicide bomber went off actually they had just come to an agreement saying that suicide bombings were they issued a fatwa against suicide bombings of an islamic really against suicide bombing saying that bombing of of muslims was an islamic and then that's when this a suicide bomber set himself off at the gate this explosion happened at the gate the police chief confirms at least four people have been killed we do know that some of the injured were taken to a nearby police hospital not far from that area but it was a very very large gathering really intend to shore up support for the peace process they called on the taliban to accept the government's under the government's deal for peace in february president ghani offered the taleban to come to the peace table really an unreserved deal to come to the peace table the clerics calling on
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the taliban to do that and then this bomb happened and talk us through what do you think the message is we don't obviously know who it is at the moment but what the message might be and what it suggests about if it is the taliban the strength that the have at the moment. well look what we've seen here both the taliban and beisel have proven themselves to be able to disrupt major events areas places here in kabul and around the country and i think it really is a message to the government that they can attack where they want when they want despite heightened security despite heightened intelligence everyone had been on high alert because this gathering was going on a lot of roads have been closed down to try and keep this from happening but this is a huge city very difficult to protect these attacks even the head of the commander of nato says he wish it wasn't it is difficult it wasn't so easy for these people to get in the country because of the afghan security forces the police and nato forces supporting them and training them are doing their very best but we've seen
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a series of attacks here in the afghan capital and around the country as the taliban exerts its power and we see a resurgence i saw as well jennifer thank you still ahead on al-jazeera. for a large grocery make an awful lot of money just a costly crisis the battle between count on getting nations to win over washington . make future for the children of gaza many of them fronting mental health problems. oh you just told. me today the weather sponsored by qatar airways hello there we've got plenty of thunderstorms over europe still those in the east have been giving us very large hail stones also very heavy downpours and some
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pretty gusty winds but they have eased just over the last hour or so for the west these ones are still going in there be plenty more of them during the day today very very heavy here as well and giving us a few problems with some localized flooding there is in the east will also get going once more so still plenty of warm weather and plenty of active thunderstorms here the further north there's a bit of a change happening so for stockholm then twenty two degrees will be our maximum on monday but by the time we get to choose day the winds will be firing down from the north dragging insofar as they still won't get any higher than around fifteen degrees on tuesday a lot cooler than it has been and that cool air is also filtering further south so warsaw will get to around twenty three and no high not for the other side of the mediterranean where we've got a lot of cloud hey that's galloping its way towards the northeast that's over parts of our area and into to near zero as well that's moving away though as we head into tuesday a broad today on tuesday here the further west another weather systems pushing its
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way in from the west and that will give us a some fairly gray clouds one might just give us one or two showers the temperatures in robots no higher than around twenty what. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. singapore is being accused of expanding its coastal. illegally dredged so some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanish it's a big business when it will take the same there in the sand is arthur if you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so profound tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals on al-jazeera.
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and again you're watching al-jazeera mind of our top stories at least twenty five people are being killed in guatemala in one of the most violent organic eruptions in decades thousands more being forced to leave their homes as a volcano spews rocks hot ash and smoke several kilometers into the sky lava flows have buried at least one village. jordan's prime minister may be forced out after days of anti austerity protests in the capital amman sources have told al-jazeera that king abdullah is expected to ask hani a market to resign in a meeting at the royal palace. there's been a large explosion near a polytechnic university in afghanistan at least four people have been killed happened in the capital kabul where many of the country's top clerics were gathering.
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as the one year anniversary of the blockade of qatar pro-choice efforts in the u.s. to win support president donald trump initially backed the blockade in countries of saudi arabia the u.a.e. egypt and bahrain before calling on all sides to resolve the dispute political head looks at the role lobbying has played. the nation of qatar on fortunately has historically been a funder of terrorism it was a shock in washington and across the globe a u.s. president publicly going after cutter a close ally that houses the biggest u.s. base in the middle east siding with the blockading countries. at the time many believe the saudis fawning treatment of him in riyadh played a part but we now know thanks to e-mails leaked to the associated press that the push to get the president to side with saudi arabia and the united arab emirates began months before the emails are from brodie
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a big time republican fundraiser according to the a.p. he was working with george nader who said he was close to both of the crown princes from saudi arabia and the u.a.e. broady reportedly lobbied the president and later received hundreds of millions of dollars worth of defense deals from the u.a.e. in one e-mail bertie boasted about his role writing trumps vocal support of saudi arabia at this summit quote is a direct result of the campaign we have led over the past two months to highlight the funding of terrorism by cutter and the muslim brotherhood brody is suing cutter he says they hacked his e-mails a charge they deny but cutters facing more scrutiny because of another court case prominent guitars are being sued by rapper ice cube he says they didn't pay him as promised in a business deal and his partner testified that they tried to use them to get to steve bannon in testimony describing their offer as a bribe which they also deny all sides of spent millions of dollars on lobbyist trying to sway the traffic in a straight line country in the gulf region is
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a threat to global security are put ads in the president's favor cable channels placing op eds in prominent papers lobbying lawmakers stand with the united states to defeat terrorism and. there are a lot of guys who are making an awful lot of money and mr former lobbyist stephen billet thinks they're likely waste. millions of dollars because you never really see any evidence of it later on you know you see decisions made at a later time that indicate that. there was a policy. according to the new york times the saudis and u.a.e. offered to help the drone campaign before the election it's unclear if anything was done on his behalf with their money but it's an allegation special counsel robert muller is likely looking at the man at the center of many of these questions george nader is cooperating with the investigation. al-jazeera washington tuesday will mark one year since the blockade began we'll have
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a special program looking at the political economic and human impact of the crisis that's at eight hundred g.m.t. on tuesday here on al-jazeera the wall street journal is reporting the u.a.e. has asked the united states to help to take control of yemen's port of had data from who think rebels the red sea port serves as the main entry point for aid to reach millions of yemenis and there are ten american forces work together inside the country but the u.s. has so far stayed away from fighting around the port thousands of people could return to their homes in libya after a deal between two feuding communities people living in taba get accused of supporting for many to mama gadhafi joining the twenty eleven uprising opposition forces in neighboring misrata cleared away again and it's been largely empty ever since mom would go ahead has more from misrata.
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it is taken seven years to reach this moment finally with the stroke of the pen the people of told a law are being allowed home they've signed a reconciliation deal with their former enemies in nearby misrata but into an eleven it was a war zone and it is still unsafe. for sure the return will take place alongside measures to guarantee a safe return and above all ridding to work a tone of minus law searching for the bodies of those who are missing in action. the charter is an initiative by the people for the people away from the central government in tripoli it is not perfect but for the people of the world it's a start. but the couple of. the controversial article of the charter come be dealt with but let's first of all send those who live in tents to their houses then later
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we can compromise on this controversial article during the last six years local mediators alongside the united nations supporting mission in libya have tried to in castilla to between misrata but yet the people of the world that remained india asked for it and they say the government's broken promises have left them stranded halfway to their home town about thirty five thousand have been living in camps across libya their enemies in misrata say the bag the former leader moammar gadhafi and killed people who supported the twenty eleven uprising against him last december the tripoli based a government of national accord agreed to compensate victims on both sides the people of the world were to start returning home in february but they were stopped by armed groups from misrata since then they've been stuck in the desert. twenty five miles from their destination the new reconsolidation deal is designed to get
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them back on the move and back to their homes what of estate those homes are now in . misrata gaza is on the brink of a mental health crisis that's the warning from the charity save the children which interviewed one hundred fifty palestinian kids and found two thirds of them experience nightmares isolation or aggression because of the conditions there a force that has more. in gaza sundown truly is magic hour a time to turn eyes to the horizon and other days hardships fall for a while into the shadows. during ramadan it's also a time to break fast with a simple if tar dinner on the beach but get talking to some of the parents here it is clear that such moments a fleeting everyone worries about what kind of future their children face about what life here is doing to them now i don't misquote him or her going to look at how can i meet my children's needs when everything is so expensive and our income
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so limited. the future is difficult even if i can provide my children a good education i can't give them jobs that's the main problem that's waiting for them. hindi has lived all of her eleven years under the israeli blockade a childhood of blighted by three wars with israel during the last in twenty fourteen she became too scared to sleep alone started bed wetting becoming terrified by loud noises the symptoms persisted for years she became withdrawn at school her father's joblessness adding to the stress as sad because of course i will be sad with all these catastrophes especially when my father can't buy me clothes or help me to continue my education i feel sad when there's no food at home and i'm hungry i feel sad too for my father who is struggling without an income. the last year dor has been getting treatment so-called resilience training building her confidence her ability to cope with stress new research by the charity save the
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children suggest such help is needed by hundreds of thousands more children in gaza save the children interviewed one hundred fifty children for their research ninety five percent of whom reported at least one of four key symptoms hyperactivity depression aggression or a wish to be alone experts tell us that anxiety is the overarching problem prompted by conflict the poor economy and the continuing deterioration of life in gaza. gaza's deepening poverty is deepening despair the un says two hundred ninety thousand of its children are in need of psychosocial support but a fifth of twelve to seventeen year olds have suffered psychological violence more than a third have experienced physical violence when there is sponsible of their family it was the father is an employer and cannot provide them in our need as they said to the family of course it wouldn't be reflected on the children for example that even it over the father in somehow an unconscious way to the wives of their would
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be nervous in the wife will displace it on their children so their children will be by themselves unhealthy and not behaving well. he says some of his young patients still suffering post-traumatic stress from the last war have been taking part in the recent protests at the border for some he says it can exacerbate the symptoms brothers it brings a rare opportunity for self-expression such is the torment for so many in gaza that among tear gas snipers bullets and death children can find moments of solace for sit out zero gaza. and again the top stories on al-jazeera at least twenty five people have been killed in guatemala in one of the most violent volcanic eruptions in decades thousands more being forced to flee their homes as the volcano spews rocks hot ash and smoke several kilometers into the sky lava flows have buried at least one
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village there's been a large explosion near a polytechnic university in afghanistan at least four people have been killed it happened in the capital kabul where many of the country's top clerics were gathering jennifer glasses more from there. was a gathering of the top three example this around the country about. their gathering when that suicide bomber went on i actually they had just come to an agreement as saying that suicide bombings were the issue the fact was against suicide bombings and islamic really against suicide bombing saying the bombing of of muslims was an islamic and then that's when this suicide bomber set himself off . jordan's prime minister may be forced out after days of anti austerity protests in the capital amman sources have told al-jazeera that king abdullah is expected to
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ask canyon mulkey to resign in a meeting at the royal palace the government and unions have been unable to reach a deal to end the standoff over price increases and a new income tax the wall street journal is reporting the u.a.e. has asked the united states to help to take control of yemen's port of data from the rebels the red sea port is the main entry point for aid to reach millions of yemenis immorality american forces work together inside the country but the u.s. has so far stayed away from fighting around the port search and rescue missions are underway in the mediterranean sea after two boats carrying refugees capsized while heading for europe at least fifty five people including seven children died in the two separate incidents of greece and. police in france are carrying two more migrants camps in paris after some operation last week hundreds of people have been living in the temporary accommodation last wednesday police moved more than
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a thousand people from another camp under the main paris ring road as the headlines the news continues on al-jazeera but first it is rewind. we do not and will not tolerate with people who. we believe one year into the gulf crisis al-jazeera examines its political economic and human impacts join us for special coverage on june the fifth.
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hello and welcome again to rewind i'm laura kyle and this series we're revisiting some of the best documentaries on al-jazeera english since we launched more than a decade ago back in twenty thousand the people in power series traveled to west africa to expose the shocking story of how young gone and children were being murdered because of the mistaken belief they were possessed by evil spirits no one knows the exact numbers of these ritual deaths across gonna b'nei became a fast so and parts of nigeria but some believe it could be in the thousands the killing of these so-called spirits children is the consequence of ancient customs shaped by ignorance and poverty in this compelling program award winning gone then investigative reporter and mass r m a o n a s used hidden cameras to bring some of those behind these killings to justice from two thousand and thirteen his spirit child some west african communities have branded children born deformed or with
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disabilities as evil spirits they are seen as a drain on limited resources and so medicine men often acts to perform rituals and prepare poisonous concoctions to kill them thousands of defenseless children have been made of this. my name is a mass area and mass i am an investigative reporter because of the work i do i never show my face. i've come to non being done not to investigate disparate child phenomena food is scarce here even children must wait for the family to. mount a long grey season has come all families move into the big city looking for work or to sell the animals. living on the edge of survival there before for a disabled child is greatly feared it's seen as a terrible burden on their family an extra month to feet their child won't be able to help in their field and neither will its mother who will have to devote
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a precious time to it out of this fear and tradition has gone they believe that such a child is a spirit child an evil presence that must be destroyed before it threatens the survival of the family it doesn't even need to be disabled image child in a family where things are wrong can be branded as evil and when this happens all this in the community known as compulsion mean paul didn't poison the child. i'm a marked out poor. is it even if. that hugely. emotional. intellectual. immoral. well. they will. abuse. i'm ok but.
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who are. you my lad my man of my mid. i don't need a solid bad to me if you can. add by saying laziness it is done to you. and. i'm heading for a place known locally as they will forests because the bodies of spiritual drain have been buried here for centuries. this is here at the only indication to show that if children were varied here the concoction men had their bodies under the stones to prevent animals from digging them up this forest remains green and still standing because the local people are afraid they
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are scared that the evil forest would eat them up local and jews have often used dialogue to talk to community members to stop this practice advocacy has been successful to some extent but has not been able to eradicate this from the community. we are in a more democratic than now law enforcement must take over to stamp out this once and for all but we can't find any record of anyone ever been arrested for what can only be described as a dreadful crime i've come to police headquarters in bogotá than that to meet their original commander and fame out why it is a very difficult thing to do it is a very difficult thing to do even if you get the information one is new where it is happening who are behind and who in current events so you come mount machine and good and it's unfortunate we have no idea why this is happening who are behind or these and why or this why the of morgan obviously. it
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is being done on the quiet and you never know. if the police can find the everything maybe i can my plan is to find some concoction men to invent a so-called problem child and see if they will diagnose it as an evil spirit then i am to catch them in the act of trying to poison a colleague has agreed to let us use coffee is eighteen month old son to play the part of my spirits up when the concoction men come to do the deed but obviously i can't risk his life so at the last moment we will be straight with the contents of this suit a similar looking of a child made from silicon by a movie props company in london. shortly i suppose you can feel. my first step is to integrate into the community i'm moving to see the historical headlamp of this bridge you know me where i have rented this property. would
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separate buildings and two entrances it's perfect for my plant. in three weeks of investigation i've already met fourteen individuals spread over an area the size of libya from nodding their head to neighboring booking. person who admittedly did kill spirit children before him of this said they were willing to poison my chops now it's time to do a deal with one of them a broker who has a good beat i've told him that he's my son was born nothing has gone right i've lost money and make us have broken down now we are meeting to make the final arrangements. to lend it up. here lend it to you. eleven emphatic and never let. me take you i thought extinct about two and more. than that i mean. do you
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really think you. must pack it in and allow you. to do what. i'm told. morning. if you do it that acutely. thank. god i'm broke. when you know you won't be gone for good or what d.c. happened was i was doing a little. part of it without you you know you could. be noble a bunk one oh we're talking a little brown love you some moves i know this you know will open up putting us alone. in your beauty should i want to do you view shit man lab. because you're going to attack. it agree to
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