tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera June 4, 2018 5:00pm-5:35pm +03
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catalonia as president is meeting the jailed leaders of october's failed bid for session from spain. is visiting that i leaders a few days after his government was sworn in he was handpicked by the former president carter's push to mount dora is pushing for talks with spain's new prime minister pedro sanchez on the catalan region's future let's go live out of a trade office here is david chase or is there so what is the tour of the cattle. doing right now meeting these these people in prison. a journey where at the main prison about an hour outside madrid where five of the cattle and politicians are being held in free trial custody now kim tour i went in about an hour and a half ago to talk to them to examine their condition perhaps get get their advice on the the few weeks and days ahead and exactly what their tactics should be
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but we'll be getting a press conference from him in about half an hour when he comes out so we'll be able to get a clear idea but essentially the two towers that he wanted to progress major the was to try and get the cattle on prisoners moved much closer to barcelona much much closer to their families because the families are facing a very long four hundred kilometer around journey they can only do it once a month they meet once a month behind a large glass screen and they talk on the telephone now this is really causing distress to the families to the wives and to these politicians themselves because the trial will not be held until the autumn so i was hoping very much to try and get the prisoners moved much closer to home and also of course a second task and that's a much more difficult one would be to try and get an amnesty. all that for all
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these prisoners but the situation is very tense at the moment because the the window of opportunity is so short at the moment to try and get talks on the catalan crisis and. sun chess of course it's been like a house of cards the whole deck is on it's on the floor the moment the shuffling we haven't even got to a cabinet in madrid at the moment whereas kim torah is now the president of the region administration in barcelona and that's an ironic situation so no government in madrid or and the government in place in barcelona david if and when kim torah gets a meeting with the prime minister pederast sanchez is he likely to get a more sympathetic hearing on the catalonia issue that he would have done from his predecessor. that's for sure if he does get that meeting petro sanchez of course is in
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a very difficult situation he's only got eighty four seats out of three hundred fifty in the parliament he doesn't have any sort of real mandate and you opened up with those pictures of the rally in madrid where most of the right wing sentiments hear him in spain is pushing for a new election because they don't say that it's there's no real mandate for pedro sanchez at the moment they say with those eighty four seats they want fresh elections and this is amounted to nothing but a constitutional qubit are so it's very difficult for sanchez what's he going to do it moaned he's treading water politically going through. a diplomatic diary meeting the president petro poroshenko of ukraine but he's got a lot to do is go to form the cabinet will he take ministers into his cabinet from but damn us who supported the no confidence motion on the far left will he take more help from the catalog. it's very very difficult simply to try and get
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a budget through it's going to be huge problem because the the conservative. peoples party have a majority in the senate so there's a bit of an icky here there's a huge amount of work for sanchez to do and it only starts today david many thanks . to the reporting live from just outside madrid where the staff here with. tropical storms in the south china sea next on the. philippines president appears in court for a vaccination campaign that may have put lives at risk. a bleak future for the children of gaza worries over how many of them fronting mental health problems. will show you why you're better off leaving racecourses to the professional.
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hello there across the southeast in parts of a.j. looks like we've got some pretty stormy weather on the cards over the next few days this whole region has plenty of cloud but it's behind me this bright white blob here just to the east of viet nam where we're seeing some of the worst of the weather currently just the last twenty four hours or so we've had one hundred seventy eight millimeters of rain reported that's enough rain to give us a bit of flooding and it's all thanks to a tropical depression that's just formed off the coast we're also watching another area just to the east of the philippines that looks like it's developing some kind of rotation now and it's certainly in a diverse area where there is positive development so they could well be another cycling developing here and even further to the east is another area that we've got to keep a close eye on so this whole region is breeding the storms at the moment this one
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that's actually already developed there that's running its way towards the north unfortunately the winds high up in the atmosphere a pretty strong in this region so that means there's a chance it won't get quite as strong as it might do otherwise it looks like it's going to run straight into the island of heine and there and as it does so we're expecting landfall to be around twelve g.m.t. on tuesday so that's around eight pm local time the winds there shouldn't be too much of a boulder eighty kilometers per hour but it's the rain that's going to cause most problems. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. it starts in core rural communities with the promise of a prosperous mary. but countless young indian women find themselves gene commodifying stolen and sold again. to toil by day. only to be violated by night. slavery
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a twenty first century evil continues with bridal slaves announces iraq. it's been one year since its neighbors imposed a blockade on qatar by land sea and air. a move that shattered the region's geopolitical landscape alliances have shifted and qatar has grown more self-reliant . but what caused the rifts between the g.c.c. countries is there and insights and can the gulf ever be the same again the siege of qatar on a just zero. this
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is the news up from al-jazeera hello adrian from going to here in doha the top stories this hour at least seven people have been killed in a suicide bombing in afghanistan's capital it happened as more than two thousand religious scholars were leaving a gathering at kabul polytechnic university earlier they dirge the taliban to accept the government's peace offer. at least twenty five people have been killed in guatemala in one of the most violent volcanic eruptions in decades thousands more of them forced to leave their homes as the volcano spews rocks hot ash spoke several kilometers into the sky lava flows buried at least one village. jordan's prime minister may be forced out after days of m.t.s. terrace the protests in the capital sources have told us here that king abdullah is expected to ask any album to resign at a meeting at the world alice. is on the brink of a mental health crisis that's the stark warning from the charity save the children which interviewed one hundred fifty kids in the palestinian territory it found that
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two thirds of them experience nightmares isolation or aggression because of conditions that carry for supports. in gaza sundown truly is magic hour a time to turn eyes to the horizon and at the day's hardships fall for a while into the shadows. during ramadan it's also a time to break fast with a simple if tar dinner on the beach but get talking to some of the parents here it is clear that such moments a fleeting everyone worries about what kind of future their children face about what life here is doing to them or when i don't wish going on what are going to look at how can i meet my children's needs when everything is so expensive and our income so limited. the future is difficult even if i can provide my children a good education i can't give them jobs that's the main problem that's white and for them. hindi has lived all of her eleven years under the israeli blockade a childhood of blighted by three wars with israel during the last in twenty
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fourteen she became too scared to sleep alone started bedwetting becoming terrified by loud noises the symptoms persisted for years she became withdrawn at school her father's joblessness adding to the stress as sad because of course i will be sad with all these catastrophes especially when my father can't buy me clothes or help me to continue my education i feel sad when there's no food at home and i'm hungry i feel sad too for my father who is struggling without an income. the last year daughter has been getting treatment so-called resilience training building her confidence her ability to cope with stress new research by the charity save the children suggest such help is needed by hundreds of thousands more children in gaza save the children interviewed one hundred fifty children for their research ninety five percent of whom reported at least one of four key symptoms hyperactivity depression aggression or a wish to be alone experts tell us that anxiety is the overarching problem prompted
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by conflict the poor economy and the continuing deterioration of life in gaza. gaza's deepening poverty is deepening despair the u.n. says two hundred ninety thousand of its children are in need of psychosocial support that a fifth of twelve to seventeen year olds have suffered psychological violence more than a third of experienced physical violence when the response all of their family was the father is an employer and cannot provide them in our need as they said to the family of course it wouldn't be predicted on the children for example that the event over the father in somehow an unconscious way to the wives of their would be nervous in the wife will displace it on their children so their children will be by themselves unhealthy and not behaving well. he says some of his young patients through suffering post-traumatic stress from the last war have been taking part in the recent protests at the border to some he says it can exacerbate the symptoms
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for others it brings a rare opportunity to so expression such is the torment of so many in gaza that among tear gas snipers bullets and death children can find movements of solace. gaza but speak now to jennifer morehead who's the country director for the occupied palestinian territories with the save the children she joins us now live from ramallah good to have you with us jennifer what are the long term consequences of this this mental health crisis. well this is what we fear i have the results of the survey that we conducted with children and their caregivers indicate a worrying convergence of a number of. very worrying trends as you pointed out before around depression and the difficulty sleeping and aggression and these these things lead into longer term mental health issues for for children i mean save the children recently has made it our our business to understand the long term impact that conflict has on children
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and it isn't and we we are are raising this issue now because of our sense of urgency our sense of urgency that these children need to be reached immediately. there's always this repeated talk of the international community needing to to help the just doesn't seem to be the political will the to stabilize anything is someone who works with kids in the palestinian territories first hand just how frustrating is it and how how much tougher does that does that make your job. well not having a horizon and not having a future to look forward to is one of the most impactful things for for a child throughout the time i've been here and certainly the political situation hasn't improved and the conflict has continued in the risk for another conflict in particular in gaza compounded with the blockade has. a wide ranging and
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you know important impact on these kids it is important for all of us not just the international agencies and our partners that are responding for children but the international community the palestinian israeli side everyone is required must make additional steps redouble efforts to resolve the conflict and in particular in gaza and the blockade of the gravity here is the but if nothing is done to help these kids we're looking at a lost generation. we. can you can you paint a picture of. your own experience in the cases that you've dealt with. well the point here is that we do not want to talk about another lost generation now we've had two or three that have are the second generation since the oslo negotiations were were begun and now with the latest generation in gaza it's it's
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the most stressful of the most complicated situation children have lived through in this country in its in its history so the prospects of the future the only process the only future to consider is one in which we are addressing these issues addressing the root cause and and ending the conflict there isn't another way forward that's a really good to talk to many fixed. in ramallah. the former president of the philippines for the acknowledge you know has appeared in court accused of ordering a vaccination campaign before the drug was fully tested and despite warnings of health risks some eight hundred thousand children received the vaccine against the mosquito borne virus it's now though being linked to a number of deaths general allen dog and reports from the. former president been ignored keno appeared before a court here at the department of justice together with several members all these former cabinet they submitted their counter affidavits they're accused all the
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station of government funds criminal negligence and. there's been no tchiowa until now that has started and even members of the prosecution did not appear today but this scandal is something that has been dragging on for many months in fact government keno together with several members of his cabinet already appeared before a long dragged out long rational hearing led by the allies all of the current president he says that they are ready to file and to answer all the allegations but he also wonders whether this is all part of an attempt to discredit his government as you know several members and appointees of president big government the removed or have been put behind bars the u.s. is urging china for a full account of those killed or jail during the tiananmen square massacre in beijing twenty nine years ago the chinese government has never released the death
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toll from its crackdown on the pro-democracy protests and nine hundred eighty nine estimates from human rights groups range from several hundred to several thousand the subject is not discussed in china and remains a point of contention with many western countries. thousands of people could return to their homes in libya after a deal between two feuding communities living in to work were accused of supporting the formerly them one a gadhafi during the two thousand and eleven uprising opposition forces in neighboring misrata cleared to work and it's been largely empty ever since the one hundred reports from misrata. it is take in seventy years to reach this moment finally with a stroke of the pen the people of the law are being get allowed home they've signed a reconciliation deal with their former enemies in nearby misrata but into an eleven was
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a war zone and it's still unsafe. for sure the return will take place alongside measures to guarantee a safe return and above all ridding to work a tone of minds lost searching for the bodies of those who are missing in action. the charter is an initiative by the people for the people away from the central government in tripoli it is not perfect but for the people of the world it's a start. but the couple of. the controversial article of the charter come be dealt with but let's first of all send those who live in tents to their houses then later we can compromise on this controversial article during the last six years local mediators alongside the united nations support the mission in libya have tried to in castilla to between misrata but yet the people of the would have remained in the asked for and they say the government's broken promises have left them stranded
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halfway to their home town about thirty five thousand have been living in camps across libya their enemies in misrata say the bag the former leader of i'm a good death and killed people who supported the twenty. eleven uprising against him last december the tripoli based a government of national accord agreed to compensate victims on both sides the people of the wood were to start returning home in february but they were stopped by armed groups or from misrata since then they've been stuck in the desert twenty five miles from their destination the new reconsolidation deal is designed to get them back on the move and back to their homes whatever estate those homes are now in. misrata the united nations is calling for calm in mali after dozens of people were injured during band anti-government protests opposition
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