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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 11, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03

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we don't believe that in the end you are the u.s. president not how do you get here. there's no security there. you. don't see. i don't think they understood what was happening while trump he's leaving another trending twitter storm behind after his visit to canada for the g. seven summit on saturday you've probably seen this picture you saw it in james bays packages package just a little bit earlier the world leaders here discussing trade tariffs what's interesting though is this is not the only version of this situation that we're seeing online white house spokeswoman sarah huckabee sanders she released the first photo from inside that room in the u.s. version of this picture we see donald trump in the center there surrounded by the world leaders people seem to be paying attention to him while he's talking about ten minutes later though the french president's office responded with quite
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a different view of the very same scene taking from the other side of the room showing french president emmanuel macro as the center leader while he negotiates with chop but it's this version the one i started out showing you that is making the rounds online interesting we enough it was taken by a journalist named just go denzel he's german as you can see here this is the one that features chancellor angela merkel at the center people are creating their own versions of this one online too you may have seen it here's one i found earlier you can make of that what you will. thank you later we do need to talk about the g. seven summit as well in a bit more depth because it really didn't go well trump left that meeting in canada early and then announced he was rejecting a previously agreed joint statement he accused the canadian prime minister of being weak and dishonest while france condemned trump's actions warning that fits of anger cannot dictate international cooperation john hendren for now from quebec city. the g.
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seven summit in canada began in crisis in ended in conflict u.s. president donald trump came late left early and ceded no ground as united states has been taken advantage of for decades and decades and we can't do that anymore i can graduate the leaders of other countries for so. being able to be able to make these trade deals that was so good for their country and so bad for the united states neither did the six other world leaders at the g. seven summit they were united in opposing trump's tariffs on steel and aluminum a move they say is likely to spark a trade war after trump left early the host of this summit canadian prime minister justin trudeau fired back i highlighted directly to the president that canadians did not take it lightly that the united states has moved forward with significant tariffs on our steel and aluminum industry particularly did not take
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lightly the fact that it's based on a national security reason that it's kind of insulting but we also will not be pushed around. trump from air force one on his way to singapore to meet north korean leader kim jong un sent off an angry tweet calling trudeau dishonest and weak all seven nations had papered over their trades bad signing an agreement that vaguely endorsed quote free fair and mutually beneficial trade without defining it that agreement is now moot in another tweet from air force one revoked his signature saying quote based on justin's false statements at his news conference and the fact that canada is charging massive tariffs to our u.s. farmers workers and companies i have instructed our reps not to endorse the communique trudeau's office tweeted back quote the prime minister said nothing he hasn't said before both in public and in private conversations with the president. this picture captures the global tension and that was before the twitter war this
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year's g seven is already going down is the g six plus one six members on one side and president trump on the other is a summit six of the members hoped would end by escalating a budding trade war that instead has ended up accelerating but it was trudeau who had the support of his fellow g. seven members where we disagree with allies on something it is right that we say so and the issue openly and frankly we have done just that at this summit registry of deep disappointment at the unjustified decision by the u.s. to apply terrorists to e.u. steel and on the medium imports as the g seven leaders returned home they leave more divided than ever john hendren al-jazeera quebec city canada and just in the last hour that ill feeling has continued have a listen to donald trump's trade advisor peter navarro hitting out again it just introduced there's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy
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with president donald trump and then tries to stab them in the back on the way out the door and that's what bad face justin trudeau did with that stunt press conference that's what we dishonest justin trudeau did let's talk to police you know what jeff says he is a u.s. foreign policy analyst former state department official as well focusing on u.s. asia relations jeff almost hesitant to use the word diplomacy because there's nothing diplomatic about what's going on at the moment do you think what we've seen in the last few days in in canada is something which could continue into singapore . quite possibly yes unfortunately i mean we have a president to go in from sort of being way laid in québec at the g. seven summit to be kind of if you will played by the north koreans in the chinese in the sense that there's been very little preparation done for the summit
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a bit on logistics but very little on the substance and that means that already the u.s. has in effect issue numerous concessions to the north koreans before the summit even got under way what do you think about just to go back to quebec for a moment in fact i think we've got some pictures we might just roll them of the the pictures of donald trump sitting there with with angela merkel looking at him and he's got that sort of look on his face was his i'm just not going to whatever you say i don't want to do it i don't want to do it i mean again how does how does the president of the united states go about that. i just lost the vote for jeff you can you hear me. there we are there we are oh you got me going ok so here let me tell you we're looking at the picture of donald trump and and angela merkel there and he sort of just sitting there and he's got a look in his face just is not i'm not going to whatever you say i'm not going to
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agree with again how does how does the u.s. move forward when that is the style of negotiation i'm afraid it it's very difficult for them they've dug themselves an enormous hole it started all the way back when this summit was prematurely called off. likely because now john bolton said some things that the north koreans didn't like very much comparing it to the libya situation that ended in the death of moammar gadhafi that didn't go very well but then we saw in fact that the north koreans are almost as desperate to have the summit as the americans are because normally they speak as much about fire and fury as donald trump did a little while ago and yet right after that happened they had the nicest set of statements coming out and of course the north koreans sent one of the very top people right to washington promptly and indeed president moon and kim met quickly as well so both sides are in
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a way desperate for this major show in front of the world but what the rest of us are worried about the result how important are some of those other players who you mentioned because they've all gone they have i might compare is there. kim jong un has got his entourage as well do we focus too much on the two main men do these other players have an important role they really do because one of the odd things about the trump administration is that we really have not just a single unified u.s. foreign policy we really have two three four maybe five different u.s. foreign policies depending on which top official is influencing things at the moment and of course all of that can be trumped if you will by the president himself so we've got well why don't we pivot and talk about the other players on the other side because we also see the hands of the chinese and the russians in the preparation for this in the press and indeed the substance itself and this is why the americans may be walking into
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a trip including the top advisors to china is very important here is and obviously not at the summit but i mean holding its own regional summit at the moment and whatever comes out of singapore china will be key to it wanting. it will indeed in fact it will be the most key even more than the south koreans unfortunately but . i mean one hopes that as we're looking at the entire range of outcomes here we really haven't a situation where that we have either total peace or total war as a distinct possibility but being optimistic the chinese have probably been helping kim and his top advisors for weeks and weeks now and it's hopeful and possible that they've sort of scripted this that they will give the americans just enough maybe not enough for the president to come home and say he got a great deal but just enough to keep negotiations going in the meantime kim will start to meet a series of other world leaders and that shows you one of the things that the
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americans have done they have basically conceded all of this without getting anything yet in return that's what we're all watching that's what the result would want to be fascinating jeff they see a pleasure to talk to you thank you for joining us. i'm not a bit of context here if you were down to zero dot com author michael pembroke points out how eleven previous u.s. presidents have failed to make peace with north korea he says they've all failed to offer and guarantee a security arrangement which is acceptable to pyongyang and repeatedly walked away from opportunities to strike a deal like as we know in a few days when we have that record will continue how eleven presidents failed to make peace with north korea it's in the opinion section at al-jazeera dot com and i like this facebook comment from william who says world leaders shouldn't communicate through twitter and i think we're inclined to agree the summits do not end there though lawrence taylor is in london now with more on that i mentioned this before the shanghai cooperation organization on it got their eye on global trade and the iran nuclear deal. yes that's right the president of china
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russia and iran are among those meeting at the shanghai cooperation organization summit it takes place in the chinese city of king dower and the iran nuclear deal has been one of the top issues as florence nearly reports. a pledge of support for iran's nuclear deal russia iran kazakstan promising to fully imagine that the three year old agreement is despite the u.s. pulling out. of course our country cannot be but worried about iran nuclear program u.s. withdrawal from the comprehensive plan of action can further destabilize the situation . russia is in favor of consistent and unconditional implementation of the deal. i. put in spoke at the shanghai cooperation organization or s.e.u. summit held in the eastern city of qingdao russia is one of the eight s. and you know members together these countries represent forty percent of the
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world's population and twenty percent of global g.d.p. so. well for germany and a power politics still disease in the world the growing call for a more just and equitable international order must be heeded the mocker see international relations is an unstoppable trend of the times the aesir was formed seventeen years ago mainly to strengthen security cooperation but trade issues have become important to some s.c.l. members i involved in building infrastructure for china's belton road project dubbed as the new silk road to boost twenty first century economies in the coming years. as your most likely will pick up more security concern the regions or jewel political considerations and the corporation a model as your members involving the observer states in security or even for
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example moving into quasar military cooperation will not be impossible therefore as c.e.o. is expanding its mission is moving forward to deal better with the new challenges in the world and as the u.s. is apparently becoming increasingly isolated from its allies because of troubles policies and tariffs and his readiness to withdraw from trade climate educating is the unity presented at the aesir is in stark contrast to the g seven summits in canada where dog trump refused to endorse the final communique some analysts say the unified message from china also presents a challenge to the west in that world order florence the al-jazeera beijing at least fourteen people have been killed in syrian government airstrikes in the rebel held province of idlib the northern province of idlib is meant to be one of the so-called deescalation zones activists say the truce was respected and it lived for
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months until friday when the government attacked is are down or killed forty four people. syria's president is accusing the west of trying to topple him and fueling the eight year civil war bush told the british newspaper the mail on sunday that western nations are supporting what he calls terrorist groups in syria or russia supporting his government against foreign invasion. we are fighting the terrorists and those terrorists supported by the british government the french government and the americans and their pockets within your boarding in our region and we are fighting them and we have public support in syria to fight both terrorists versus why we are burning we cannot make these advances just because we have russian enduring support we cannot substitute the popular support and the proof of my what i'm talking about or feel are the worst dump operates he couldn't with the. backlash of. your public hearing him. and
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he for collapse the whole system collapsed in a few weeks and he had to flip this country the battle for control of a besieged city in eastern libya is intensifying downer's the last eastern city not held by forces loyal to renegade general holly for have to his troops are bombarding the coastal city from the east and west using machine guns and heavy artillery and trying to oust armed groups some linked to al qaida which are controlled down a few years the u.n. says it's worried about the safety of an estimated one hundred fifty thousand civilians indiana. humanitarian workers say access to medical care has been cut off and supplies of food water and electricity have been badly disrupted the red crescent is appealing for safe corridors to be set up to allow people who fear revenge attacks by have to us forces to escape or whatever lied as war from tripoli . the situation in the libyan eastern city of there is going from bad to worse as
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street battles and fights from one street to another and from one building to another go on between forces loyal to libya's really good general khalifa haftar and others loyal to the dead in a protection force that is that evil arm of the group defending the city against have to his forces now have those forces have been very we'll equipped and they have been supported by egyptian and warplanes and local sources and say that egyptian and immorality warplanes have been targeted have been targeting civil areas inside the city of the net now the humanitarian situation is excessive abating and human suffering is increasing in the city especially with the siege is that it's taken its toll on people especially civilians in the city the city has been very short of everything including basic needs food medications and medical
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equipment and the red crescent members in the city of there now say that they have help with more than three hundred tamil is leaving the city activists from the city of the say that they are planning to file a suit against the renegade general city for help to accusing his forces of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity and then especially after footage online have been secure lading online showing to have his forces lynching and mutilating a body of a rival fighter tens of thousands of people have linked arms in the basque country to demand a vote on independence from spain they formed a human chain covering more than two hundred kilometers across the three main cities in the past provinces campaigners want the spanish government to give them a vote on their political future and who has more from victoria. with chants of it's in our hands the tales of thousands of people have turned out in
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spain's basque country to link hands and form a human chain their aim is to link the three main cities in this region right up to the border with france now their demand is straightforward they're calling for the chance to vote on their political future here in the basque country whether that means more self rule and devolve powers or even if it means independence i'm breaking away from the rest of spain now because of past nationalism is nothing new but sunday's event comes a month after the armed separatists group announced it was formally dissolving and that is allowing peaceful campaigners like these to step out of the shadow of that armed uprising it also comes at turbulent political times the spy amos a nation don't forget that the calls for independence in a breakaway of the catalonia region that issue is not resolved yet and earlier this month the central government was toppled in a no confidence motion i made
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a political corruption scandal now sunday's event may not be the significant defining moment of basque nationalism but nevertheless it is an indication that there are rare fresh calls here for political and territorial issues to be resolved . and that's all from a commitment backed out of command and lauren thank you this is the news good if you're with us through facebook by everybody next a story coming up for you in the break about why a north carolina teacher's had to quit the job she loves that is my friends and then later call off the search what some other another eruptions brought rescue efforts to while funerals of ocean have been sounded followed by protests the latest from the disaster zone just. however we've still got
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a few showers into the middle east nothing much to speak all for us but usually it's lossy for say hasa and try quite a rash. just spinning out of the black sea they are heading towards the caspian sea driving across georgia armenia azerbaijan wanted to shout was also a possibility into the fall north of iran as we go on through the next couple of days so it's a very similar picture to what we've seen over the past few days russia was to a possibility just around the high ground of the himalayan placer eastern parts of afghanistan because he wanted to shout shout is disproportionate way up a little further north woods into too many stan and he's let me go but i shall is just around northern parts of iran pushing over towards the black sea fine and dry there across seas and saw the met this is the place to be twenty celsius in by road or just sunshine so another hot one the full round baghdad forty one celsius could be hostile still to that full kuwait city some more big downpours coming in here.
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really is hot across the right in peninsula but temperatures pick back a little forty three forty four celsius here in qatar over the next couple of days with a high of forty three further south is generally try but a little more cloud down to the gulf of aden. uncovering full d. forensic analysis by the f.b.i. more than twenty years ago reports being written without my knowledge or authorization equipment's dirty testimony is being given that's way beyond people's
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expertise the state has announced its intention to attempt to retry john obviously for these crimes for which he's already served thirty two years their evidence was the only physical evidence that put willie manning in that car this ystem with joe lynch out on al-jazeera.
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the. headlines are down to zero dot com and what's trending as well just in the china summit actually the lawn is telling about earlier is at the top there but then plenty of trump plenty of g seven news plenty of north korea news it's all there for you without fear dot com number five actually that opinion page i told you about a little bit earlier how eleven u.s. presidents failed to make peace with north korea. you know what activist has been arrested in saudi arabia for posting support for another woman who was detained on whedon's state honesty international says ten activists have been arrested recently including at least seven women several of them have been pushing for the lifting of the ban on women drivers which will happen on june
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twenty fourth in fact is usually the first law since as have already been issued state media has accused the activist of being foreign agents. this is a story which needs the internet doesn't it forward and it's been using the internet to do that the fight for equal rights in saudi is putting many women behind bars as we just said but this week my a funny was detained for posting a support for journalist. who got arrested on wednesday security forces raided her home many online pointed out that she was arrested only after she changed the twitter. banner on her account to a picture of the m.r.i. the human rights activists ahmed months sure you can see him here months or was sentenced to ten years in prison last week in abu dhabi for quote defaming the nation on social media one of newf tweets went like this she said quote i never bow down to any authority never flattened any official and never turned my back on any
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oppressed this is enough honor the two arrests were also reported by prisoners of conscious our rights group that documents the arrests of saudi nationals both human rights groups argue that saudi authorities want to silence the voices that speak out against their opinion pro-government media outlets have splashed the activists photos online and in newspapers accusing them of betrayal and of being traitors. is a researcher for human rights watch she says there's a real concern for the safety of saudi female activists. and crackdown on women's rights activists and freedom of expression in saudi arabia has been widening both in scope and severity and it is honestly pretty perplexing given that the former you know the so there mitoy m.p.'s kind of the imam and some man is one of of reform and modernization but so far what we've seen are limited social
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reforms when it comes to more people wanting to speak out to you know dare to dream about having a say in their own futures we're seeing that. the man is completely controlling the narrative he alone gets credit for for these minimum forms he alone gets to decide when he wants to give to these minimum forms to people or not but no one is able to speak out it appears as if it's a you know a clear and clear calculated move to shut down all activism inside the country i mean how could this be you know this couldn't look like reform this modernization when you have you know women currently behind bars who have called for the same things that you know from one of the things that he's about to introduce the right to drive this month you know you've got families who are afraid to speak out about the plight of their of their sons and daughters in jail today you know because of fear of prison retaliation and other activists incites i mean it catches on and
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there is you because they're afraid that they might be next. last month the government announced that a number of activists were being held for having suspicious contacts with foreign entities eight of the seventeenth of detained activists including five women were later temporary released until quote the completion of their procedural review the other activists who worked in the driving ban on women are still behind bars none of them have yet been officially charged but they could face twenty years in jail amnesty international's been vocal online about this by spreading the use of the hash tag women to drive despite the social media or stick restrictions the first saudi women who were issued driving licenses have been posting pictures of their new licenses online including here who described the day as exceptional and said the dream finally came true there she has a picture on a new driver's license we'd like to hear from you especially if you're in saudi you
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can tweet me directly at leo harding agency or you can use or hashtag your hash tag a.j. news good thankfully back in september when it was announced women would be allowed to drive in saudi arabia the online team put together this the reaction it is amusing in parts to repeat those reactions to use i should say there was some genuine. happiness at the news something like this you want to statement here's one saudi arabia will never be the same the rain begins with a single drop and it's that women to drive hashtag leo talked about but then for the one you get things like here we go breaking saudi arabia to join the twentieth century in june of next year and that was probably one of the more polite ones it is happening the latest updates will be there for you at al-jazeera dot com this one was called euphoria and sarcasm in saudi arabia if you want to have a look at it for yourself. now emergency teams in guatemala have stopped searching for survivors from the month for a go eruption and ordered more evacuations this was after another flow of mulch and mud in ash but
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a halt to the rescue mission last sunday's eruption killed at least one hundred ten people but nearly two hundred are still missing here is money for us live now in guatemala it's been a week now since the eruption tell us what people are well i mean the same for us behind you it looks extraordinary we'll come all we are here in the village of that also very close to the area that was most devastated by the volcano eruption one week ago and there's been a lot of activity here but a lot of questioning from the people here and from people everywhere beginning from the prosecutor in the country questioning whether investigating whether the response agencies were negligent or not so we've lost there but she does have a report which she filed
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a little bit earlier let's have a look at that. this is one of more than one hundred fifty lives of the eruption. feel that we've blown nearly two kilometers into the sky much of it landed in a serious village she didn't have time to escape. two sons and two grandchildren died with her. in total eleven family members died sissy's may go to see her brother in law her body was one of the last to be recovered. it was the most of medical clinic irruption weatherman in decades nearly two hundred people remain missing more than twelve thousand others lost their homes . twenty one year old madeline the letter keene and her two children are adjusting to their new life in a shelter they flagged down a passing car and swingle blew leaving everything behind our you. know both
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of my children cried in fear and i begged god to save them so many children have died survivors have been helped by teams of social workers and volunteers children are showing clear signs of stress we must persevere. in their drawings they showed rocks red water like love our trees without leaves i'm not a psychologist speak and tell they are traumatized there are twenty one shelters like this house and more than ten thousand survivors have been given food and water and medical care the expectation is that they'll be here for a while experts say the danger may not yet be over apart from the. heavy rains. further putting at risk the lives of people in communities around the volcano. where it will continues to spew deadly clouds of. rocks and films
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experts say the volcano will calm down but it may take a few weeks before that happens. hopefully technology is with us and we've been able to reestablish communication with marianna sun says mariana tell us more about as we say what's happening there and what happens with the search operation. yes i was saying that the love got in my lungs were a very are agrarian get the government to there's been a protest last night in the city of what the mylan the capital against the president president. asking for his resignation and asking for. his resignation because they say that his government was too slow and too inefficient in the beginning about why at golf club that was in the in the same area where the that the towns that were hard hit by the volcano eruption was it if this simply and plainly evacuated the tourists and the personnel and working there were all
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evacuated in time in the meantime the rescue operations for survivors stopped however we are here in something in the road there are still many groups official and unofficial groups of rescuers and i mean private groups that are going to try to find bodies members of families that are disappeared officially they say two hundred disappeared however when you talk to people they say my family lost ten members my family lost eight members and so on and it's like this will people believe that the number of dead in this tragedy is much higher so in the meantime the effort to find more bodies continues to come all the money on a thank you for that update not in a sense is in guatemala where. you know still pictures can tell the story just as well as video sometimes and that is what this picture gallery does at al-jazeera dot com there are some quite harrowing pictures of what looks like look at that
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it's an absolute moonscape in guatemala and yes it's the kind of thing which is hard to imagine without actually being there those chickens are been rescued i should point out as was this lovely picture at the top here of a dog being rescued as well which i think it's nice to see those sorts of things as well as in it in a terrible disaster zone like that guatemala's volcano of fire it is in the in pictures section at al-jazeera dot com what you can find by clicking more at the top in the democratic republic of congo thousands of people are rallied in support of the exiled opposition leader morsy could turn the he is seen as the leading opposition candidate for december's election a vote which could could end president joseph kabila seventeen years in power this report is from. thousands gathered to hear the man they believe is the democratic republic of congo's best hope for change but moyes
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could tumbi hasn't set foot in the country for more than two years in this video message sent from exile he promised to unite the opposition and bring an end to the rule of longtime leader joseph. this was a demonstration to everyone showing that moyes is alive and is preoccupied with the situation of all congolese and also to say that we have a project which can properly resolve all these problems we want to transform the congo and restore its greatness but also we want to unify the congolese people the support today about people is showing that we will overcome them. let the d.r. see in two thousand and sixteen when prosecutors accused him of hiring foreign mercenaries one month later he was sentenced to three years in prison for real estate fraud he denies all the charges against him as promising to return for a presidential run. president joseph kabila has ruled that the r.c. for seventeen years his term in office officially ended in december twenty sixth
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enough but elections have been repeatedly delayed was brought out of the protesters are accusing him of trying to hang on to power the constitution bars him from seeking a third term but could be still hasn't confirmed that he won't run again elections are now separate december but whoever emerges as leader will have major challenges to deal with more than a million people have been forced from their homes in eastern province as the military battles armed groups the chaos has left nearly eight million people on the verge of starvation. the opposition are optimistic but there's still a great deal of uncertainty. will risk arrest to be returned home it's also still unknown it could be a will seek to hold on to power or if the election will be delayed once again since monohan how jazeera. as we build up now to the world cup in russia just five days to go in one team has got more than just scoring goals on their mind this is the
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nigeria football team hoping that the pay issues won't affect their performance this time around back in brazil in two thousand and fourteen it all got a bit ugly for them and interest has a report now from port harcourt. nigeria supriya goes up training hard for these years world cup in russia the focus is on winning in advancing in the biggest sporting event in the world i dispute over salaries and bonuses course to control the city during the last world cup in brazil four years ago officials here say that was a turning point. we sat down with the players of the cups in a new way the course and agree clearly what is your bonus for this what's present in the world cup already we agree on the money they're going to put up front but i'm sure money is no. one knows what the world is so many have been put aside officials say the players were paid two point eight million dollars for qualifying team officials say they want to avoid a repeat of what happened in
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a previous well crappy two thousand and fourteen when i didn't play as they refused to train ahead of their match the promise prompt payment of allowances this time i promise not officious i feel to keep in the past. some players say well the signed agreement their pay worries are put aside for now the focus is on the task at hand fighting their way out of a deal where they're considered the underdogs we like where we've been placed we don't want to be one of the favorites i think this will give the team a bit more motivation to prove to try to prove that you know the critics prove people wrong that we can actually do much better i think we can do so. general will be playing argentina away share in iceland as they try to advance from the group stages many will be watching to see if indeed full of issues and players have learned lessons from twenty fourteen. i'll just point out.
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we have a football podcast about this here if you didn't know i didn't actually know this is a let's go game of our lives you find it on the website and see the whole lot of episodes there but the two most recent ones are about the world cup in russia in fact it's called everything you don't understand about russia the host david gold but says if i can just find it here where do i start so many things on my mind one of the most politically complex and controversial events of the last thirty or forty years it's worth a listen if you head over to the more menu and out. zero dot com at the top there and you can see where around halfway down it says podcasts the game of our lives lots of you getting in touch with us today on the kim trump summit as i would imagine a lot of you sort of saying look we just need this to go well yes i think we have had a comment here from the denuclearization but schuman rights must not elude the agenda or as well agreeing to agree is significant but there must be substantial issues
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and clear decision on how to proceed and that's true because obviously there is a very big focus on denuclearization of peoples and don't forget the other issues particularly human rights labor camps that type of thing which have long been a problem in north korea the malnutrition of the people there as well it's a huge issue and there is so much to do we've got so much coverage coming up you so kimberly how could live a little bit early james bays is there as well adrian brown is there we have the summit completely covered starting twenty three hundred hours g.m.t. on monday going into tuesday in singapore and once again for a facebook live community will get about a story for you plus one about an artist who escaped life as a child soldier in the second sudanese civil war and then turkey's biggest city alive with the sound of music the music festival is underway but the talent on questionable some have to go abroad to play we're going to look at that first though a quick look to the international level. she
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said. in this. each one a story. one of these seem. to be. demonstrably. it is a. witness document. he's
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everywhere and it's choking our planet very toxic and very dangerously we get spanked years claiming this. but breakthroughs are being made showing that it is possible to change our relationship with nature substance. i think it may be that we pick up. more on plastic waste. on al-jazeera how do you. want to view the music festival five hundred. different styles of interpretations a good and a young classical musicians but they're the ones who often have to go abroad to
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further their careers because of a lack of government support. as a report. as well as some of the world's most renowned classical musicians young talent is taking to the stage all over stumble. including twenty two year old. but talent she says needs to be polish with practice. fingers pay the price and as is often with artists her three warts have little to do with money. some other art is expensive no one produces hops in turkey my instrument cost twenty thousand euros at least these are all beyond my parents' budget i am dependent on funds. it is much the same story with her fellow musicians the molester among the instrument i buy its case its bow all
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a very expensive for us considering the euro is very high in turkey and we send all mark being a musician is all about what's in your heart in a way but besides education you must have financial support. classical music is not as popular in turkey as many other countries private institutions and companies tend to fund artists and events through what are called social responsibility budgets. this festival lasers with sponsors to support young talent while ensuring their educational needs are met. direct this are not doing arts and music together pushes us to think collectively about the world's problems and act together i believe music has an indirect wish and for peace the soul of some concert tickets will help fourteen girls who are studying music of rote with young female musicians friend i will play the maintenance of my cello and i will buy new hair from my balls so it's
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a mazing help for me these young stars are already known outside turkey but that's home it is difficult for him. school musicians to make a name for themselves and the government doesn't have an incentive or scholarship for special arts students. but most of these girls agree they are promoting their country with their talents and the government should recognise that and provide more help seen i'm close although al-jazeera stumble. stuff just before we go i fixed the flight right i remember i tried to do this before so just quickly look at the bottom it says pyongyang to singapore flight c i sixty one but it doesn't originate in pyongyang it originates well mid-air over beijing and then it just starts flying from there that's because they changed the flight number halfway through the flight i just to keep a little bit of mystery as to wake him joan actually was and if it lowered further on you see he gets all his way down to singapore i just wanted to show that i
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didn't imagine it and i can make it all work that will do for you news grid didn't talk to us if you want to join news get on twitter facebook the whatsapp number have a telegram it's there as well and we will see you right back here in studio three a today down to zero fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. once again tomorrow monday. thank you. south america i was.
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just told. me. that. this place. thanks shoes will soon. come. more than forty thousand africans are facing deportation from israel more than ninety. point one percent.
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two of those in danger of being thrown out of the country in which the refuge. at this time. the world cup two thousand and eight is nearly upon us and for the second time in for you. the planet's biggest sporting events can russia overcome the security fears and put on a great policy for the world follow all the action on and off the pitch here. u.s. president donald trump arrives in singapore for his historic summit with north korea's leader kim jong il. kim met singapore's prime minister ahead of the groundbreaking talks.
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from london coming up. emergency workers say there's little hope of finding survivors in guatemala as the volcano. ash plus. i'm andrew thomas in southeastern australia where there's outrage the state government is using taxpayers' money to prop up the tame bird distrait. around here destroys not just forests of the wildlife that relies on the. we begin in singapore where the stage is now set for tuesday's historic summit between the leaders of the united states and north korea president donald trump touched down just a few hours ago kim jong un arrived earlier on sunday before being whisked away to a heavily guarded hotel trump hopes to win a legacy making deal with the north to give up their nuclear weapons but concedes it may take more than one meeting will be live in singapore shortly but first this
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report want to communicate a to james bass a moment of history the leader of north korea first and then the u.s. president several hours later arriving in the same city this all of summit is now effectively on the way the face to face meeting aimed at diverting a nuclear crisis taking place on choose day kim jong borrowed a plane from china to bring him here he's probably the least well traveled leader on earth in charge of his isolated nation for six years he had met no other foreign leader until this year. he came to singapore with his own body guard unit and brought his own armored limousine on a cargo plane again supplied by china remarkably it's only nine months since president trump told the u.n. general assembly he was prepared to annihilate pyongyang diplomacy did finally kick
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in with north korea sending a delegation to south korea's winter olympics in february. a historic summit at the demilitarized zone between the two koreas was followed by a secret trip by then cia director mike pompei oh the first of two visits he made to pyongyang they pave the way for this summit in singapore trump briefly canceled this summit last month and he's repeatedly threatened to walk away if he doesn't believe the negotiations is serious a tough line but at the same time trump has been sending mixed messages to kim before he flew to singapore he was asked what he wanted to achieve at this historic summit but i had a minimum i do believe at least we'll have met each other we will have. seen each other hopefully we will have like each other and will start that process i would say that would be the minimal no demand then for the north korean leader to commit
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to completely give up his nuclear capability but experts say that kim is also well aware that trump is unpredictable and that he's coming from another summit the g seven where he fell out with his closest allies a meeting where the optics are positive meaning trum gets a handshake with can from and it agreeing to some kind of nuclear the need nuclear deal would go a long way to mescaline for president from as much as it would for the. north korean state community so in in all likelihood i think the north koreans are. upbeat but they are careful with the same time as kim had a brief courtesy meeting with singapore's prime minister news emerged that he was planning to leave the city just five hours after his meeting with trump that suggests there will not be lengthy substantive talks but we shouldn't discount the idea that the north korean side may perhaps of leaked those proposed timings as
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a negotiation tactic james ways al-jazeera singapore can be how could it live in singapore for us now is what happens after the two leaders in the lead up to today's meeting. well there at their respective hotels for the evening here in singapore earlier in the day the north korean leader did meet with the singaporean prime minister and read out that meeting the residents pression of the hope from the singaporean prime minister that this meeting between the north korean leader and the u.s. president take place on tuesday that it would in some way advance peace and prosperity for the region we expect that there will be sort of a similar message sent to the u.s. president when he meets with the singapore and prime minister on monday at six g.m.t. but there's so much work is going on behind the scenes as well both sides have extensive advisory teams from the u.s. side the u.s. secretary of state might come pale the one american who last met with the north
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korean leader not once but twice is consulting donald trump in the lead up and of course we know that the vice chair of north korea kim yong chill is the right hand man of the north korean leader is also working actively to advise him so both working and focusing towards that meeting on tuesday at the capella hotel and sentosa island about five kilometers from where i'm standing and i can tell you it's not just the diplomatic aides it's not just the audiences around the world but even ordinary singaporeans that are feeling particularly special that history could be made right here on their soil in the midst of so much optimism there is that is there a real possibility that nothing comes out of this summit. absolutely there's that possibility and that's the private fear that many sort of harbor in all of this from the man on the street to the very top aides that we speak to us we interact here in the preparations for all of this james based mentions what just happened at
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the g. seven summit donald trump essentially not allowing the united states to participate in that joint statement with the leaders that was a decision he made on air force one on route to singapore there is this recognition that donald trump doesn't always have the patience for delicate diplomacy which is traditionally what is necessary to bring about something monumental such as denuclearization of the korean peninsula so well donald trump has expressed openness saying that he believes that there is a willingness on the part of the north korean leader to get this done to get things done he's also dialing down expectations himself saying very much so that he believes there is a chance in his words that this could not work out communicate thank you very much indeed. korea's closest ally china has not been invited to take part in the single singapore summit but beijing has a strong influence behind the scenes as for the reports. welcome to dandong
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city on the chinese border with north korea here you get a sense of china's relationship with its neighbor a large part of it to even by trade chinese goods flow across the border although international sanctions have slow this down somewhat china has long been a close ally of north korea siding with the north in the korean war in one nine hundred fifty and then providing it with political and economic backing since. in recent years though north korea's pursuit of nuclear arms it's celebrated under its young leader kim jong un has strained relations but it's in both countries interest to preserve the alliance especially when it comes to dealing with the world's superpower the united states. china uses north korea as a poll to tell the u.s. if you press me on the trip war i can exert more influence on north korea as for north korea it goes say to the u.s. it's not just me negotiating with you i have china supporting me so you can be too
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harsh on me and knew to take things out of my own pace many analysts say the upcoming summit between u.s. president donald trump and north korean leader kim jong would not be taking place if not for china's backing in announcing that the summit would take place on tuesday trumpet mentioned chinese president xi jinping whom he said had helped out quite a bit with this but only a week before that he had blamed china for north korea's hostile attitude which had led him to cancel the meeting last month or in early may kim met president xi in the chinese city of dalin and trump suggested that kim's attitude changed after that meeting but with the summit now back on many will be looking to see what china gets out of it. china doesn't want western in floors at the door china was a buffer zone but it is paying
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a heavy price to maintain the keim regime china wants to join the reconstruction work in north korea was this is. the news that the summit is now back on has generated optimism that sanctions on north korea may ease and with that a boom in business and property prices have soared leading the local government to tighten regulations china recently resumed flights between beijing and pyongyang china may not be at the negotiation table but i'll be looking to make its presence felt florence. beijing. also central asian leaders met for summit and the shanghai cooperation organization in china iranian president hassan rouhani used the meeting to criticize the us again for withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal saying it's unilateral policies
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are a threat to all the twenty fifteen agreement between iran and world powers lifted international sanctions on tehran in return for restrictions on its nuclear activities praised china and russia for their commitment to keeping the deal alive . my country's in full compliance with the nuclear deal all the parties to the nuclear deal or responsible towards fulfilling all the obligations they have admitted in line with the agreement. of course our country cannot be but worried about iran nuclear program us withdrawal from the comprehensive plan of action can further destabilize the situation. russia is in favor of a consistent and unconditional implementation of the deals. another flow ashley frager volcano in guatemala has forced emergency teams to abandon their search for survivors they say there's little hope of finding anyone else alive after last
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sunday's eruption killed at least one hundred ten people mariano sanchez reports from inside the disaster zone. this is one of more than one hundred victims of the eruption. of boiling ash works in fields were blown nearly two kilometers into the sky much of it landed a serious bill each she and many others didn't have time to escape the barrier but there were two sons and two grandchildren died with her. in total eleven family members died sissy's may get to see her brother in law her body was one of the last to be recovered it was the most traumatic locally corruption weatherman in decades yearly two hundred people remain missing more than twelve thousand others lost their homes. twenty one year old lady better keane and her two children are just.


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