tv newsgrid Al Jazeera June 12, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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been exhibited the number of people on the street see the protest has reached our doorstep so in which as a whip and legs all attempts to contradict something it's. this is al jazeera. live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha i'm coming to maria welcome to the newsgroup when donald met kim and the world stopped to watch the singapore summit has ended with the u.s. president and north korean leader signing a document committing to nuclearization there is no timeline there are no concrete steps just yet but these two men meeting face to face off to so many threats it is powerful in itself but of a global roundup of the reaction to the trauma kim summit. and it's causing us still on the on line high stakes meeting between donald trump and kim jong un we'll
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be breaking down all the latest details and developments on social media i have a habit to show this in the hash tag things that we're not forgetting other news though because the fate of six hundred migrants in the mediterranean sea is still uncertain spain's offer to take in enough it's really a mole to refuse but it's not that simple or rough seas ahead and as the closest country to the boat italy was still being asked to step up and in the u.k. brags it goes to a vote this time in parliament it's about deciding how much of a say these british m.p.'s will have over the way the u.k. exits the european union and it's putting prime minister tourism may in a pretty tight spot we will be live in westminster. with the news gridlock on air and streaming online through you tube facebook live on at al-jazeera dot com three hundred eight days ago u.s. president donald trump threatened fire and fury like the world has never seen on
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north korea so few would have believed today he would be amazing north korea's leader kim jong un and signing a declaration on a commitment to denuclearization and yet that is exactly what happened in singapore these images broadcasted posted reposed it all. all over the world of a sitting u.s. president shaking hands with the north korean leader they will go down in history regardless of how any deal pans out the two men held a one on one meeting also a working lunch and then the signing of a document. it's been an extraordinary turnaround for both nations and their leaders and on today's news grid we will take you right around the world for reaction and analysis in the region of course will be in singapore where the summit happens you'll see a full report from there shortly and we'll talk to kimberly halkett also reaction from the north from south korea which held its own historic meeting with him back in april and has been watching this one closer than most beijing to because china's
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influence in the region and over north korea directly will be crucial and we'll also check in on iran the country which did have a nuclear deal but one truck wasn't willing to continue with even though he's working on the same thing now with north korea all that to come but we're going to start in singapore the summit in detail with this from adrian brown. no one was sure quite what to expect from this summit these are very talented. if this is going very well just the good news they seem to get on but as expected u.s. president donald trump and the north korean leader kim jong un's signed a deal vague on details it says the united states and north korea will work towards a denuclearization but missing the words verified and irreversible at a news conference trump was pressed on that saying he now trusts the north korean leader it does take a long time to you know pull off complete d.
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nuclearization it takes a long time scientifically you have to wait certain periods of time and a lot of things happen but despite that once you start the process it means it's pretty much over can't use them that's the good news and that's going to a very very i believe it's going to start version we will do it as fast as it can mechanically and physically be done in the meantime sanctions will remain the trump said the regular exercises between the military's of south korea and the u.s. would end but again no specifics or mention of apiece. treaty eva act one in this diplomatic drama that began almost five hours earlier with a handshake that may have changed the course of history. u.s. president donald trump said he'd know within a minute of meeting him if he'd get on with it so this was the moment he began sizing him up. the start perhaps of an improbable relationship in probable
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times. to nuclear armed leaders one of whom a real estate developer and reality t.v. star the other an international pariah it's going to. do all that. they're speaking through an interpreter kim said the way here had not been easy. practices and prejudices worked against this but we are here and now. their day started at nine am local time in singapore prime time viewing in the united states . the two leaders were joined by their officials if the two sides stick to what they've agreed here will be many more meetings. in the garden all seemed amicable as the two leaders strolled in talk together and there was something trump was keen for kim to see the inside of his official limousine known as the beast both leaders
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will feel they've got something out of this summit each gets the prestige of meeting the other kim gets to appear committed to denuclearize ation while trump may yet be credited as being the first u.s. president to bring peace to the korean peninsula the deal makes no mention either of north korea's harsh human rights history you know this is a fundamental freedom this is a principle of human existence and you know for donald trump to say that kim jong un is now a nice guy when he's got one hundred twenty thousand people in gulags in the mountains is just not on a few diplomatic encounters have been so eagerly anticipated the question now is whether all this will prove to be a little more than just a series of photo opportunities adrian brown al jazeera in singapore right now eleven pm in singapore here is our white house correspondent kimberly calc it's a long day for you kimberly and i long few days but let's maybe just take a step back here in your position as a white house correspondent have
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a front row seat to all the things donald trump says he will do and guess what he did this one he said he would and he got it done. right and certainly there was no question that leading up to this this is something that donald trump watch it you have to remember donald trump often has a motivation of ego in a lot of what he does there's no question he also believes that he has a tremendous opportunity he repeatedly said he's bringing a message of peace he wants to do this for the world but he also knows that his supporters have suggested that he maybe even deserves the nobel peace prize for the accomplishment so far that's probably a little bit premature but certainly that may be part of the calculus donald trump is very concerned about branding he's concerned about his image there's no question as a former reality t.v. star he has produced the story up to this moment and so in this is a bit of a signature donald trump when you talk about sort of the presentation of all of
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this and the the complements it's as much about accomplishing the goal of denuclearization as it is contributing to his legacy even this early in his short presidency what was that line today campbell you obviously we've all been glued to the t.v. watching today i saw you live from the the news conference earlier where it was you know it was a big event going on where what was it like how are people reacting to belittle detail that we do have. you know it's interesting here on the ground the reporters are always skeptical that's our job to be skeptical to question to ask why there wasn't more substance in that agreement why wasn't it handed out the president seemed to be under the impression that it had been passed around to reporters when he suggested that by the third time you heard them sort of screaming shouting no we don't have a copy of this document you know the devil is always in the details and anyone who has covered any presidency for some time realizes that often what's said and what
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actually happens are two different things and you have to remember when it comes to trying to achieve denuclearization trying to achieve peace the united states has been here before there have been agreements signed before and both sides not just north korea who are often the the international community likes to point to but also the united states not living up to its end of the bargain and so the fear is is that we've seen this movie before to use the sort of the script in the diplomatic drama imagery and all of this the fear is that this could happen again that this is nothing more than a photo op and we never actually move beyond it one little surprise that came in the kimberley was the talk about the military exercises with south korea that's always been a feature between the united states and south korea don't trouble might seem to casually drop in that oh yeah we're going to stop doing those by the way because they're too expensive. i think it was a bit of a surprise to the south korean leader. because it's our understanding that that was
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not something that was sort of readily discussed before hand and so even donald trump said that this was something that kind of came after the fact and so there weren't a lot of details in that written agreement the president explaining that was because it was done in haste but certainly alarming given the fact that the presence of some thirty two thousand military u.s. troops in the region those joint military exercises donald trump saying that the war games are over in other words saying that those joint exercises that have been a bit a point of contention for north korea that's ending but also that he wanted to bring those soldiers home certainly unnerving for a top u.s. ally particularly one that has worked so closely with donald trump has really been instrumental in bringing about this meeting between kim jong un and the u.s. president and is counting on the united states' support in terms of security moving forward as this delicate process of denuclearization moves forward great stuff
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kimberly from you and the whole team in singapore in front of and behind the camera thank you and we will talk to you again when you back in washington let's get the reaction from south korea now as we were talking about that president says he hopes the summit will be ushering in a new era for the two koreas and the u.s. role mcbride has this from seoul. south korean president watched with members of his cabinet as the summit going on the way his smile will move deep satisfaction . this was the culmination of friendly engagement that he started months earlier. i long with all our people sincerely hope that it will be a successful summit that will open a new era of complete the nuclear isolation piece and the new relationship between south korea north korea and the united states understatement later from the president's office praised what moon called the courage of the u.s. and north korean leaders even have. building upon the agreement reached today we
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will take a new path going forward leaving the dark days of one conflict behind we will write a new chapter of peace and cooperation we will be there together with north korea along the way when moon met kim at the landmark summit that paved the way for this meeting viewing figures peaked at thirty four percent almost the same number watched kim meet with trump people in seoul following events thousands of kilometers away that could shape the relationship with their fractious neighbor fifty kilometers to the north. america with what i thought that meeting reunification is not far off. non-negative. so let's see what's going on. can you condone when you have to condemn and has a different open mindset compared with his father and grandfather that in previous declarations too didn't you clear eyes were made with kim's pretty decisive only to end in failure and some north korea watchers a warning against over optimism sometimes it looks i would say in slightly comical
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to see their exit derated expectations and of course our public is going to be dealt sometimes it's very strange to see how files say for what what what have been happening here for decades and will happen again and again and again it's not only people in south korea who've been following events closely north koreans have also been seeing carefully crafted news coverage of their leader in. singapore president trump will be able to sell this agreement is a major win for kim jong un explaining to his people how he has just signed a deal with his country sworn enemy will take a lot more tact bright al-jazeera. more regional reaction now we're heading to china florence laurie is in the capital beijing after the press conference given by donald trump chinese officials could be walking away feeling like perhaps they have got something out of this summit and we're talking about trump's announcement that
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the war games between south korea and the u.s. will stop now and this is in line with china's policy china's policy quote jubal suspension where argues for north korea stopping its new missile and nuclear tests in return for south korea and the u.s. stopping their military maneuvers. the u.s. and north korea have been contradictory and even hostile to each other for more than half a century today the fact that the two leaders can sit together and conduct equal dialogue itself has a major and positive significance and is creating a new history with china of course supports it because this is exactly what we look forward to and what we have been endeavoring for we hope the leaders of the two countries will get rid of interferences overcome difficulties and all be able to reach a basic consensus on the denuclearization of the peninsula it also has to be said that the vague wording when it comes to denuclearize ation on the korean peninsula
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contained in that document signed by trump and kemp could give some leeway for the parties concerned to implement china's stand on denuclearization which in essence is a phased denuclearization of north korea giving up parts of its nuclear program in phases in return for getting something from the united states and from china to japan where prime minister shinzo albert spoke after the signing of the agreement. i support the signing of the agreement confirming leader kim jong un's commitment towards complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula as a first step towards resolving various issues comprehensively i very much appreciate president trump for thermally referring to the abduction issue which is important to japan which i did ask president trump about earlier on we will continue to do our best to resolve the issue of abduction of nuclear missiles by coordinating between japan and the united states as well as between japan u.s.
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and south korea together with china and russia i just had a tweet on the hashtag a.j. news good from up there as i said it could be a good deal but don't forget trump ended a more substantial nuclear deal with iran and no we haven't forgotten that because on the day that these leaders of the united states north korea met an advisor to iran's president hassan rouhani said negotiating with a man like donald trump is a waste of time because iran currently in the position where its own nuclear deal is under threat with more than to harm. iran's leaders are still coming to grips with the economic and political fallout of the american exit from the twenty fifteen nuclear deal and while they hope for the best possible outcome for the summit in singapore they say they expect the worst. iran wants peace and stability on the korean peninsula iran welcomes any step towards peace in the welfare of the people but given the past record of the u.s.
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and president trump who has violated international treaties especially the twenty fifteen nuclear deal iran in maine steeply pessimistic about intentions. with course the nature of the u.s. government is not the one to be optimistic about it. in perhaps the clearest sign of iran's frustration last week supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei ordered the country's nuclear agency to get ready to build more centrifuges and in rich more uranium a warning to world leaders now turning their attention to north korea as its nuclear deal falls apart iran intends on taking action donald trump's approach to foreign policy is very much rooted in power politics north korea already has a nuclear weapon it has an i.c.b.m. it has tested a nuclear weapon or is iran fortunately or unfortunately depends on how you view it it his even by the estimate of u.s.
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intelligence agencies have gone down the path of building a nuclear weapon have you on had a nuclear weapon i think the game would have been completely different with the trump administration which actually respect the power american leaders have labeled iran and north korea state sponsors of terror trump himself accused them of military cooperation and iran of funding the north korean government. iranian say strategic ties with north korea have been exaggerated but the two countries do have a relationship dating back to the one nine hundred eighty s. during the eight year war with iraq iranians were so desperate for weapons they bought them from anyone they could including north korea fast forward to the two thousand and where as president barack obama tried to isolate north korea and embrace iran trump has flipped the script pulling out of a deal with a signatory to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and warming up to another country that not only has
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a nuclear arsenal but has also made direct threats against the united states and its allies for iran perhaps the lesson is that in the long run america's affections are reserved for nuclear armed nations zain bus ravi old a zero on his way the now we said to you this morning regular can you connect on this one and there was more of a case of what what you couldn't put in there was just so much that the hash tag trump can summits is dominating the online called the sation around the world from the u.s. to sing a pole australia to kenya and the u.k. we've seen millions of tweets in many different languages and while people online have had a lot to say about the body language between donald trump and kim jong un it was a woman's reaction with them smiling and laughing but it really was the handshake they got people's attention some thought that it looked far less fun in comparison to president trump's greetings with other leaders is known to have
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a still small group. well trump is the first u.s. president to meet with a leader from north korea and many are praising him and calling this a historic event and some are sharing cuttings like this one with trump reaching out for the nobel peace prize on his efforts to solve the nuclear crisis and this one from seoul which is south korea's leader in playing the role of matchmaker as you can see present and kim meeting them on a date and now one of the main issues is really about human rights like brian clough says here it was missed in the official communique of the united nations report from twenty fourteen is being said widely at the moment and it details the human rights violations and crimes taking place in north korea and human rights watch says that north korea is one of the world's most repressive states we heard from this representative. both korea's human rights record is one of the worst in the world united nations accused of crimes against humanity it has gulags in the
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mountains that prison over a hundred thousand people they have a public education system complete denial of basic freedoms and highlight penalizes people who try to flee the country yet for some reason human rights does not appear in the joint communique between president from in jim jones and this is shameful and it betrays the interests and the rights of the north korean people. and you may recall last year former n.b.a. star dennis rodman was the first person to have met kim jong un and donald trump he met ken several times on trips that he called basketball diplomacy and he also praised trump's plans to hold a meeting with the north korean leader but it's this tweet that's been shed a lot at the moment and it just basically shows the ups and downs and even perhaps the contradictions made in the lead up to the summit in may twenty fourth when donald trump said i quote dennis rodman was either drunk or on drugs when he said i wanted to go to north korea with him glad i fired him on the apprentice while
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rodman was live on american television early on cheers day wiping away tears of joy calling the trunk of it success. what are called. the living award ok what we. could do everybody. how do you ever go. and you may be wondering what's happening inside north korea and its important to point out though that all local media is state owned and reports often come out a day after a news event now steve herman shares the front page of the road on simoun paper in pyongyang showing kim jong un on a sightseeing tour of singapore and the korean central news agency is also sharing very similar pictures there is no mention at all of the meeting with president trump today so what do you make of this first meeting between the u.s. and north korean leaders is the hash tag
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a genius great. thank you here we've got alexander bell with us now senior policy director with the center for arms and nonproliferation in washington d.c. nice to have you with us alexander one of our viewers on facebook live just misadjusted listed the quote unquote nuclear deal that north korea's already signed ninety ninety five ninety two ninety four ninety nine two thousand two thousand and one i guess the point being that we've been here before haven't we and there is an alarming lack of detail at this point we have been here before and while the summit itself was a positive modest positive step forward the devil's in the details there wasn't a lot of substance in the joint statement between tromping kim so it's going to be up to secretary pump aoe hopefully using the expertise that is available in the u.s. government to negotiate an actual nuclear deal to deal with the tensions on the korean peninsula and hopefully find a way forward it's going to be a process of months though to your mind what would that way forward be as far as
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well i guess some sort of his the take the use the word roadmap some sort of track for them to follow on for will however many months or years that my type. yes we have the expertise available both here in the united states and in the international community we've been negotiating arms control and nonproliferation agreements for sixty years we know how to do this but it is a slow process it's a tedious process and it will require patience and persistence those are really things that president trump is known for so hopefully he will appreciate the the adulation he seems to be getting for having this meeting and continue to support diplomatic efforts we kept hearing the phrase alexandra complete verifiable irreversible. forgotten the law to nuclear station i could swear you heard it so
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many times over go it's so we've heard that over and over again isn't the key there that there is so much for north korea to give up and not a lot for the u.s. to give up and that would probably be the sticking point it at some point yes complete irreversible verifiable disarmament has never been achieved ever so what we're embarking upon is the most complicated and robust nuclear agreement ever achieved so that needs to be taken into account when we think about not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good there are steps that we can take in the interim that can continue to decrease nuclear tensions without expecting a sort of a miracle all at once this is as you said at the beginning a road we've been on before and things have gone wrong in the past not only for technical reasons but for political reasons so we're going to need to empower the technocrats take megaphone diplomacy off the table keep surrogates off of cable
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news channels that could possibly rail what will be a very sensitive process good luck with that is what i really had legs under a bell joining us from washington d.c. thank you so much. of all the unconventional ways in which donald trump has approached this summit a sales pitch in the form of a video made especially for kim jong un that's right up there. this was played before the news conference in singapore that laid out the opportunities for north korea you'll notice it resembles a a film trailer with images of war planes and artillery saying in the big movie voice there can only be two results one of moving back or moving forward like we said it's unconventional but i'm sure donald trump would say. successful. so much online coverage for you picked out a couple of pieces there one is this video report from kimberly how could it's called from insults to handshakes a great little timeline detailing how in just under
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a year we got to this point pretty remarkable really when you think back on on where we were and of course we have the latest updates page everything in one place a lot to take in but the teams work very hard to keep it updated and concise if you're in the picture it is all at al-jazeera dot com the trump kim summit is what you can look for. and thank you for getting in touch with us as the person who posted all those details on facebook laugh we do appreciate that had a few other comments actually one of them just actually here saying at this right trump we president until twenty twenty four he is the man for the job well as we discussed with him before he did say he would get this done and he's got it done the meeting at least of course the hard work is what starts now that number there plus one seven four five or one triple one four nine you can use that on your mobile phone or facebook now not as i spoke what is it what's that what's happened telegram you can send us not just your questions and comments but also any video contributions to help us to tell the stories the rest of the day's big stories are
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coming up on the newsgroup but if you are watching us on facebook live stick around for an extra a.j. plus story right now about the g. seven dispute between canada and the u.s. and then later on world cup football. kickoff just days away actually but some countries are already looking ahead to two tournament from now we're going to have a look at who's in the running to host feat this showpiece in twenty twenty six. hello there is still thunderstorms wandering around the caucasus and around the mountains of northern iraq and satellite picks them up and they're going to keep going as well i suspect of the next to say for the most part of course we're talking about a dry picture across the ground back towards the plains of iraq only on the coast the evidence or denser israel and syria do you find kuta rather more pleasant i
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think you'll find twenty seven twenty eight in beirut occasional showers same is true of cyprus and sudden turkey bags temperatures coming up again forty three degrees that's about right for this time the year there's been a hot breeze blowing out of that crowd a strong showing through kuwait bahrain and qatar keeping attempt a surprisingly high forty four still in the forecast that has been forty seven already this week it's cooler around the u.a.e. it's about where it should be on the western side of society and this cloud you see around somalia and around the coast from east seas know it's coming in going out again it's with the monsoon southern africa has been enjoying big open blue skies recently occasional schild bit of fog around the coast of the eastern cape but you don't see much on the satellite picture and you see very little in the full cost twenty five in durban not so woman johannesburg but you have got dawn to dusk sunshine.
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unpack it for us what were you hearing what when seeing whether on line horrendous things humans will disturb as i was looking for doubt about that or if you join us on sacked a lot of the major countries in the commonwealth have far bigger fish to fry than chips to eat bass is a dialogue to talk to us about some of the successes perhaps everyone has a voice what happens when the robots themselves are making the decisions join the colobus conversation amount is iraq.
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worth checking out what is in the what's trending six and six there what is next for north korea after the cynical summit as we were trying to discuss there without this little one. to hit there what's trending it's on the front page about zero dot com. what's happening elsewhere in the world this chews up over sarah in london with more international headlines about a. hey there come on let's start in yemen where the president is preparing to visit with the in an attempt to mend the rift with leaders of the united arab emirates president that put up women so high they met the iraqi foreign minister on monday in saudi arabia where he's living in exile he's been increasingly sidelined by the u.a.e. despite his forces being part of a saudi emmy rossum coalition fighting who the rebels in yemen there was a major dispute last month when him iraqi troops forced the government personnel to leave parts of the yemeni island of so-called trap israeli police have started a victory in jewish settlers from fifteen homes built illegally in the west bank
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israel supreme court ordered the eviction on tuesday because the homes were built on private palestinian land about six hundred thousand settlers live there most of the international community considers them to either illegal or illegitimate. israelis prime minister benjamin netanyahu has faced a third round of questioning over his involvement in a corruption case police visited gentle meow at his home to discuss alleged dealings with israel's biggest telecommunications company there's a now is accused of securing regulatory favors for the company while he was communications minister he denies any wrongdoing. the u.n. says it's concerned an increase in extreme weather could result in more damage and loss of life for range of muslims living in camps primo and soon rain in southeast bangladesh has triggered landslides which have further deteriorated the conditions that are living in. this is an early test for refugees and humanitarian agencies
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working to support the government of bangladesh and the response efforts to ensure rains and winds up to seventy kilometers per hour caused at least eighty nine reported incidents including thirty seven landslides causing several injuries and one confirmed fatality a child. nearly two thousand five hundred refugee families some eleven thousand people in all are affected for us this is now all hands on deck. rights groups in the u.s. have criticized the decision to deny asylum to immigrants escaping domestic abuse and gang violence attorney general jeff sessions refused to sign them to a salvadoran woman whose husband raped and beat her for fifteen years the landmark ruling limits the reasons needed to qualify for asylum by its groups to say will take the lifeline away from victims of domestic abuse and could harm women and families. the vast majority of the current asylum claims we're seeing are not valid
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and you're not finding them valid for the last five years only twenty percent of claims have been found to be meritorious after a hearing before an immigration judge more news out of london in half an hour now let's go back to come thanks for that barbara moving on hundreds of migrants stranded on board a rescue ship in the mediterranean are being transferred to a tally in boats before they head to the spanish porter valencia six hundred and twenty nine people stuck on board the aquarius ship for more than three days after being rescued off the libyan coast the boat had been turned away by both italy and malta until spain offered to take them in but it's been stuck in the med as authorities try to work out the logistics of getting them to safety oh yes spain's deputy prime minister addressed the decision to take in the migrants after it's in the and refused comment however says her country is just fulfilling its duty. good that a lot of women sat in that we took the decision so that from europe and as part of
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europe a clear message would be sent out that in a humanitarian crisis we cannot remain indifferent to what the spanish government did was to try to fulfill its international obligations and the fundamental obligation of a democratic state is not only to strictly follow the rule of law but also to feel responsibilities in the international sphere. but that sentiment not shared by hungary's prime minister here is that there obama's response when asked about it have a news conference i mean i want to get the letter as for the attending case of the ship with risk of migrants and gold when i first heard about it was a sigh and i said finally i tell you honestly that it was so depressing to continuously here for years that we cannot protect our borders that one practically lost the world to live with a hole is in rome for us jonah we'll talk more about the politics of european migration in a moment but first of all tell us about reaction initially. broadly
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speaking i mean i don't think there's been time for opinion polls to be conducted but i think broadly speaking you'll find that this move by. mainly of course the interior minister the head of the league party the far right league party is going to be quite widely welcomed his lead party did very well in the election seventeen percent it got it's now part of a government with the five star movement that has a very clear majority and much of the support behind that government rallied around an anti immigration message and one analyst i spoke to earlier talked about a sixty percent approval rating i think that's largely and it does give you a little flavor of what mr salvini has tweeted to his supporters saving lives he said today is a duty turning italy into a huge refugee camp is not italy is done bending over backwards and obeying this time and there is someone who says no well clearly there will be people in italy
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who aren't in favor of this policy take a listen to a sampling of some of their comments. if you see how much we should be embarrassed with ourselves it's the first time in our history we have closed the ports i have no words you know because they said you still. i just don't think it was right i think it's really looks bad now spain has had to intervene i think unfortunately what our interior minister has done is supported by a majority of people in our country this is what he said during his electoral campaign many times stop the invasion it's clearly his point of view. he's moved on with regard to them being the migrants and well we are just need to remember how we were one hundred years ago. we have touched the lowest point in our geopolitical vision in our vision of man. sojourner this position that italy is taking now is it a major change the policy migration policy in europe i mean given what we heard
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viktor orban say just a moment ago we already know that he is very much anti immigration but does this represent as some sort of change. oh yeah i think it probably will i mean certainly if it if it is if it is stuck to a cement cemented policy as it were by the italian government and there's every indication that this is now the way they intend to proceed saying as much mr salvini that foreign flagged n.g.o.s rescue vessels will not be allowed in future to dock here in italy after all we've been speaking to the u.n. h.c.r. here in rome a short while ago they said look if the ability of n.g.o.s vessels to carry out rescues in the mediterranean is impeded in any way that is only going to have the effect that the people who make this journey across the mediterranean and make no mistake they will continue to do so because the people smugglers who set them on their way are not going to do anything to dissuade them will then find their journey even harder even more perilous if there are these boats out there
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conducting these rescues and let me tell you that as we speak there's a german n.g.o.s vessel called see what that is making its way to rescue about twenty nautical miles off the libyan coast a u.s. naval naval vessel intercepted boats in distress picking up some forty people and have told them that there are twelve dead among those the ngo boat see watch heading off to the area to pick them all up this is an ongoing crisis it is a daily event that these people are being rescued albeit in smaller numbers and they were a year ago but as i say it's not going to stop and this move by the italians is going to make the situation worse not better good talking to you jonah live in rome for us thank you just before we move on and speak to i guess they want to remind you of something and this info graphic from al-jazeera dot com have used it before but it really does explain some of the arguments very clearly does have a look in twenty sixteen and twenty seventeen look at the sheer number of migrants
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italy was taking and coming up one hundred thousand every year that is why is are these now so staunch about keeping its borders closed spain by comparison between two. and eight thousand shall we say in the same period now it's not to say that any particular country isn't pulling its weight but it does illustrate how geography basically ends up putting most of the pressure on really and those southern european countries with us now. who is the humanitarian affairs advisor at the doctors without borders operational center in amsterdam nice to have you with us i say but you able to give us any update on what you know about the situation with the migrants who are on board the aquarius. yes are currently our in team and the air carriers together with our partner organization as i stated to her . transferring people at the request of the tell you are not very nice to italian ships this is the result of several days of negotiations
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and the offer of spain to allow us to do is invite people in insane rather than in italy so what happened let's remind ourselves about the fact . they yet craggy us proceeded to a number of rescues but also to transfers from the italian authorities both to the italian coast guard and italia navy around four hundred people were transferred to our boat and we headed north as we had and we still especially as we had been doing these rescues under the coordination of detail in our thirty's and you can imagine our shock when we were denied the pulled a safe border put isn't by gauge what is what is shameful here carefully choosing this word is the fact d'italia not the ideas in order to settle political schools
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we do european partners have toyed with the lives of people six hundred twenty nine people including women pregnant women and children many unaccompanied minors many people who are coming from countries where they have been persecuted where they're fleeing walls and who have had to cross the desert in very difficult conditions who might have spent time in libya in very difficult conditions in detention centers or in captivity and imagine in their state of shock as well hearing. we didn't know what would happen so currently people are being transferred. this is going to take a long time this is going to take worse it's not necessary we would have preferred to be allowed to disembark people in the closest force of safety and that would have been good to be all mouth for the well being of the
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people and as you've mentioned it yourselves here for all as you or your reporter in rome mentioned if you're going to fund your own mentioned it is one of the reasons why we didn't want to go as far as they more than a thousand miles away we see four out of four days who is going to do the search and rescue while we are away and that's a real question so not only are we punishing people who have just been rescued but we are also risking the lives of order people who might be right now on this rubber dinghies with nobody to rescue them well we'll keep a close eye on the story as you say it's got a few more days to run until valencia is reached has a behind salary from doctors without borders thank you take this online for us here because there's a few different elements to pull together here so the story really began call with these very terrifying images of the dark sea of people screaming for help.
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get off. my phone and most attempts by migrants to cross the mediterranean end in disaster and drownings the story had a different scenario the people were rescued but left stranded at sea. now assessing the hash tag aquarius online but the focus has turned the story from one of rescue and rejection to one of accusation people on twitter say that those operating the ship called aquarius a guilty of human trafficking this is a says the ngos that ends in libya shores are indirectly supporting horrific human trafficking encouraging smugglers to continue to put lives at risk on. rather boats as another prize as it is decision to refuse them entry saying this is human trafficking it is doing the right thing spain join the long slow goodbye and this one as if the aquarius picked that up off the coast of libya it should return then
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then stop enabling and encouraging people trafficking well we spoke to let it boil from the international crisis of a migration about rescue efforts just because somebody is drowning and you see them doesn't mean that they. are going more people are going to jump into the water because you save one person nobody wants to put themselves in harm's way and the migrants certainly don't expect to drown when they're getting to these small friend robert river denise austin forcibly so i think it's a nonsense to suggest that rescuing people brings more people to see. and the migrants and refugees on board the aquarius have been told that they're going to spain but if unclear when that's going to happen now we're tracking the ship online and for the past twenty four hours icarus has been in a nautical holding pattern in other words this means circling the same area in the mediterranean between sicily and malta and will continue to do so until two other ships arrive to help take the passengers to spain well get in touch with us on the
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story tweet us or use the hash tag is great thank you here in the u.k. tourism a's government is hoping it's got the votes to win a debate on a key piece of bragg's that legislation the prime minister says if the government loses then the u.k.'s position in negotiations with the e.u. will be undermined but just before the debate began a minister in the justice department actually resigned philip levy he quit in protest of the government's approach to the negotiations decision has raised questions about whether tourism is facing some sort of backbench rebellion now this is proving to be quite a challenge moment in the present story some of the you can newspapers of really gone big on their front pages just a couple have a son telling him pays that they have a choice great britain or great betrayal while the daily express it ignore the will of the people at your peril is obviously newspapers with an opening towards bragg's it but i guess they would argue that these are the views of the majority the majority which wanted to leave the e.u.
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lawrence leigh is in london outside the house of the parliament watching what's been going on there can you bring us up to date with the actual voting situation lawrence. it's a real mess that's the headline for you. basically there is a rebellion it's absolutely in full tilt a number of m.p.'s from the ruling conservative party here who basically want parliament's ok so they're given a final say in whether they like or don't like the deal that the u.k. government does with the european union and whenever that happens they basically said we're going to revolt against the government because the did government didn't want parliaments have a say and so the government now basically. has said that it will do a deal with them this there are many months to a bill and an amendment to an amendment to an amendment and it's enough to make your head spin but effectively and they're voting on this right now what it looks like is going to happen. parliament will have some sort of say in the autumn ok the
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government has until november under this arrangement to come back to parliament and say here's the deal with the e.u. deal like you don't like it and parliament then says other we do it we don't and if they don't like it the government has to then else parliaments ok for us to carry on the go shades thing and if parliament says yes then they have until next february to get some sort of deal sorted out it doesn't work by then then of god no i think happens but that seems to be the compromise they've got to buy the rebels off for the time being but it's so slow and it's so protracted and what it tells you is that you know for all the people in there and in what is society here who don't like the european union and want to get out and get on with aids they get it they they they just can't delete you know that it's all about taking back control and yet they think they have no control of the process because society in parliament split right down the middle and you mention traitors in the front page some of these papers say need these rebel m.p.'s are traces look this is the alternative points of view is adverse in the f.t.
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by a campaign group is the same m.p. the census rates as they call them heroes so you have these absolute links you know all these people good for democracy all of the terrible for democracy it's a it's a really defining moment i think in british democracy because the country doesn't really know where it wants to go at the moment and you see it being played out in all these torturous detail here day after day at the moment so to make sure i'm understanding it properly laurenson so that our view is a clear is well it's basically people those who wanted out of the e.u. and the supporters are saying they don't trust the government or they just don't want that barge that vote two years ago now to be ignored they want people to remember no we did vote to go out and that's the decision you have to to stick. yeah but the charlie said at every turn you know that there's the government says that with negotiating on these terms but there's there's enough people inside poland and what is actually said nothing and we didn't we didn't vote for that at all even some who voted breck's it don't want for example to leave the customs
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union this economic arrangement for free trade and so but the point at the moment is the government has said we did the negotiation parliament's has agreed that we did the go see asian we don't want to have to go back to parliament and say are you happy with this deal with done with the european union which want to get on with it because that's what they people voted for lots of parliament in a no that's no good because if you say we want to hold bricks at this all this part of the northern ireland border customs arrangement all this stuff we want on behalf of our constituents who might want to stay in the european union to inspect your deal government says no they say we've got to see you know and they just go on and on and on like this they can't get a clear path forward on glad you're covering it lawrence because it is making my head spin for sure thank you lawrence lee in westminster. sport now two days to go until the fee for world cup kicks off in russia and while many countries a focused on lacing up their boots for that competition others are looking further ahead to twenty twenty six to be precise the wellings has more for us from moscow.
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statutory nations ready for the russia world cup but british. there is going to be some big action going on around favor with the twenty twenty six right now the last time i made a decision on world cups it was arguably the most controversial decision in the history they awarded two world cups there which i just wish they embrace it was a mistake and i went to russia here we are i mean of course to qatar twenty twenty two now this one has the potential to be controversial because you're dealing with the united states paid with the add on's of canada and mexico to the favorites i'm sorry for me not bad so winning. can't say so explicitly but it does for financial reasons that bade will make a lot of money for fay for there's no doubt that's where the experts would say it's mostly seagal but also for political reasons because if the usa win that bodes well
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then the u.s. attorney general the f.b.i. will be a father a wife from for johnny in france or the president definitely wants the usa to win but morocco has come up with a strong posable bait i had a bit of problems with the evaluation where i scored two point seven out of five if i that was nearly low enough to knock them out of this two holes rice but as it gets to wednesday's vote where we're in a position that i could win if i did it would cause some very interesting problems for for a few years but it would also be an incredible achievement for a walk on of course it would only be the second time that an african nation has hosted the world cup usa gate twenty twenty six with mexico and canada must be considered favorites. yeah so as they point out there are two bits just the two bits approved for the final vote there is this north american joint if it would be canada the united states and mexico and here is the down from our correspondents in
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both of those regions. a football party just as good as the promotional video promises that's what the united states mexico and canada are saying together they're bidding to jointly host the two thousand and twenty six world cup it would be the first time three countries simultaneously host world football's marquee attraction two thousand and twenty six will be the first world cup to expand from thirty two to forty eight teams and the north americans say a bigger tournaments calls for bigger hosts the official name of the bid is united twenty twenty six perhaps ironic considering the potential host nations are anything but united right now but it is signing ceremony last year soccer chiefs from the three countries seemed unconcerned saying the beat is about sports and not politics but it still could prove for some awkward moments
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a tournament that promises to be the biggest and best ever north america hoping the world agrees that three countries are better than one. all you need is a football and the place to play in the neighborhoods of robots in the rock and capital that can be in a backyard a patch of waste ground or the streets everybody it seems is a football fan. this year enthusiasm is greater than ever with morocco at the world cup finals for the first time in twenty years and with an eye on the future morocco's bit into stage a tournament in twenty twenty six morocco is facing not one opponent but three to win the rights to host the world cup in two thousand and twenty six it needs to
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secure the votes of a majority of members of the sport's governing body fifa morocco is planning to invest sixteen billion dollars if it gets the go ahead to stage the world cup six new stadia would be built and six existing ones renovated to comply with standards this is the fifth time morocco is bid in for the holstein rights to the football world cup they're calling it the dream of a nation they now hope members would share that dream before we go let's return to singapore and the memorable twenty four hours that there have been there in singapore have been filled with pictures and sights we probably thought we'd never see high on ceremony but behind them hope that this summit would lead to some stability on the korean peninsula here are some of the most memorable images from a memorable day. there's. a nation really.
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going right down. the road from here. because. and that'll do it for this newsgroup if you want to get in touch with us the contact details are going to appear in second other. news great on twitter facebook and what's that but as mentioned before that what's on the couple's telegram is all you can join a telegram channel a way of sending out information content about the show or you can just send us a video what the seeing what's happening in the news or video will be great as well in the meantime we will see you right back here in studio fourteen
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and i was a kids' school for me was a pleasure and oppression it wasn't always found the ball to play with a toll in the living room and i had to pick out one playa who's made the difference to me it's all right. to be so who can make things up and people can make things change you know thank you football tuireann brahimi on al-jazeera world. new yorkers are very receptive to al jazeera because it is such an international city they are very interested in that global perspective that al-jazeera provides a history of guerrilla warfare. against the insisting. the organisation created from still in this population. to fight for their land while. fighting for independence from the purse. chronicling the turn
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to instill in struggle palestinians. in the history of the revolution just a. little he is going to clubs donald trump historic summit with king john on ends with a promise to stop u.s. military exercises with south korea and vague pledges of denuclearization. hello i'm barbara sara this is al jazeera live from london also coming up on the program the u.k. government makes concessions to see off a highly damaging rebellion over to reason raise it breaks it plans it really sends two ships the help transport the six hundred twenty nine migrants it's refusing to
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