tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 13, 2018 2:00am-3:00am +03
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revisited on out is iraq. this is al jazeera. has him safe here this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes and shake smiles and now apparently home visits donald trump and kim jong un accept mutual invitations to each other's countries. the media mega merger eighteen t. is given the green light to buy time warner but what will this mean for consumers. the shia cleric with other southern allies with a pro iranian group to form the biggest block in the iraqi parliament. and
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what's in a name why macedonia will no longer be known as macedonia. for the warning the warming us north korea relationship has taken another unexpected turn kim jong un and donald trump of apparently accepted invitations to visit each other's countries that's according to a report from the north korean state news agency the long time adversaries met for the first time in singapore on tuesday there's no timeline for the visit simply that they would happen at a convenient time when hay is live for us from seoul so wayne if this report is to be believed it would seem that this singapore summit is or already reaping some dividends. yes it certainly years it seems that the relations between the
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two leaders are improving rapidly a very long report as you mentioned issued by the korean central news agency within the last hour or so following that summit on tuesday between donald trump and kim jong un in singapore and there are some slight differences in this very long report released from pyongyang compared to what we heard from donald trump on tuesday particularly in that very long media conference that he gave after the summit and one of the differences is that related to this withdrawal of joint military exercises that donald trump outlined these are joint military exercises between the united states and south korea that are held every year in fact there's another exercise coming up in august and donald trump said these are provided of which is something north korea has always said and he said that they will end them partly because they're very expensive well it calling to the korean central news agency the north koreans see that slightly differently they say that trump has agreed to
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suspend or halt those military exercises during dialogue so there is a slight difference between the looks of it and how it all is being seen in south korea where you are. well i think you know people in south korea were schooled up they were told not to expect too much in the way of details from this joint statements in the days leading up to and we even heard from the president moon jay and saying look we can't expect there to be huge agreements or big announcements made in the first meeting between these two leaders but i think most south koreans will be concerned that there is not a lot of detail in there perhaps less detail than people were expecting because it appears that the north koreans have really given up very little and it seems that the united states and its allies south korea included of course in japan have given up things the joint military exercises as an example so the concern going forward
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for south koreans will be well what happens next when are the concrete measures going to start coming to the fore from north korea in the name of denuclearization working towards and into the korean war and as we've been saying this is something that the south koreans have seen many times before agreements like this meetings between leaders and there are amounted to nothing so the concern is that that will happen again when thanks for that wayne hale live for us in seoul now it was billed as a historic summit but beyond the handshakes and smiles the question is now who came out on top kim jong un pledged to destroy his nuclear arms but with no specifics or timelines and donald trump blindsided many with a promise to stop joint military exercises with south korea adrian brown reports. no one was sure quite what to expect from the summit but it is
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a reality for. many of those going through very. the good news they seem to get on well but as expected u.s. president donald trump and the north korean leader kim jong un's signed a deal vague on details it says the united states and north korea will work towards denuclearization but missing the words verified and irreversible at a news conference trump was pressed on that saying he now trusts the north korean leader it does take a long time to you know pull off a complete de nuclearization you takes a long time scientifically you have to wait certain periods of time and a lot of things happen but despite that once you start the process it means it's pretty much over can't use them that's the good news and that's going to start very very soon i believe it's going to start very soon we will do it as fast as it can mechanically and physically be done in the meantime sanctions will remain but trump
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said the regular exercises between the militaries of south korea and the u.s. would end but again no specifics or mention of a peace treaty either act one in this diplomatic drama that began almost five hours earlier with a handshake that may have changed the course of history. u.s. president donald trump said he had no within a minute of meeting him if he'd get on with it so this was the moment he began sizing him up. the start perhaps of an improbable relationship in probable times. to nuclear armed leaders one of whom a real estate developer and reality t.v. star the other an international pariah and why aren't. you atlanta there speaking through an interpreter kim said the way here had not been easy for. the old practices and prejudices worked against this but we are
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here and now. their day started at nine am local time in singapore prime time viewing in the united states. the two leaders were joined by their officials if the two sides stick to what they've agreed here will be many more meetings. in the garden all seemed amicable as the two leaders strolled in talk together and there was something trump was keen for kim to see the inside of his official limousine known as the beast both leaders will feel they've got something out of this summit each gets the prestige of meeting the other kim gets to appear committed to denuclearize ation while trump may yet be credited as being the first u.s. president to bring peace to the korean peninsula the deal makes no mention either of north korea's harsh human rights history you know this is a fundamental freedom this is a principle of human existence and you know for donald trump to say that kim jong
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un is now a nice guy when he's got one hundred twenty thousand people in gulags in the mountains is just not on a few diplomatic encounters have been so eagerly anticipated the question now is whether all this will prove to be a little more than just a series of photo opportunities adrian brown al jazeera singapore. or during those talks donald trump played kim jong un a video making the case for peace which was later shown at a news conference from the. view. resembling a film trail a feature of the two leaders and laid out the opportunities for north korea if it chooses to denuclearize it showed images of missiles and warplanes and artillery voiceover in the ration asked what if history can be changed and will the world embrace this change. he joins us now to talk more about this from san francisco is paul carrol senior advisor at n square an initiative focused on nuclear
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security innovation thanks very much for being with us now there's no there's no arguing the historic value of this summit but beyond the sort of photo opportunities was there anything here of real substance for you from this summit what does it actually mean. i think a lot of the discussion you know that leading up to this with the other correspondents hit many of the points that i would i would agree with that that the joint statement that was signed this is the most sort of substantive thing that we can hang our hats on to was familiar we've been over this ground before the statement resembled statements from the early ninety's during president bill clinton's efforts to negotiate with the north that represented sort of resembled statements from the early two thousand and seven the bush administration and so but i would say even more vague and weaker with respect to any commitments by the north
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koreans so i would actually go a step further i mean when i heard the phrases is this just a follow up from the north korean perspective they got a meaningful benefit out of this this is been a quest for the north to meet with a sitting u.s. president for decades and our current president donald trump gave it to them and what did he get in return nothing he got nothing in return he got a vague statement aspirational goals now having said that we don't know everything that went into this summit secretary of state pompei or apparently has been meeting with the north along with a team of people who do have expertise so i want to withhold judgment i think we all should withhold judgment until we really see what happens at the working group level over the days and weeks ahead just picking up on that question of sort of who came out on top here who got what out of they say. president trump that said that
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the u.s. would suspend they did the joint military drills with south korea and by all accounts this is something that took the south koreans by surprise how much how much of a concession was that from from from the u.s. standpoint. i think it's a huge concession these are exercises that he used loose phrasing we call them war games well they're not war games they're standard routinized exercises are they large yes they're quite large from the north korean perspective could they be viewed as threatening or provocative given north korea's standing in north korea's shoes of course they could be seen that way but these are training exercises not war games and so for the president to make that statement in an off the cuff remark during a press conference was quite frankly flabbergasted was flabbergasted as were many in the security community not telling the south koreans ahead of time not sharing this with our own u.s.
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forces in korea this is classic donald trump remember when he agreed to meet with the north korean leader back in march his own staff was was aghast and so it's again an example of him so committing to something or saying he will do something and basically all the marbles or else scrambling on the floor it's unclear what will come of that and then as we said at the top there this announcement from the no north korean news agency that there will be reciprocal visits that each leader will visit each other's countries at some point in the future and is this kind of another indication of north korea emerging from from years of being this this hermit nation. i think it is kim jong un demonstrating his his of his amazing skills at propaganda and at playing a we can't quite well and for the president for president trump to accept an
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invitation to pyongyang and to offer in return or per visit to washington again it's premature if i understood the phrasing right they said when it is convenient what i would advise the president to say is when it is appropriate you don't offer yet another face to face meeting particularly in the white house until you have had some concrete to liberals from the north and so are we going to see two more singapore style meetings and shaking hands with absolutely nothing but north korea i would say that is even at the height of theater with no substance at all all right good to speak with you paul callan joining us they have from san francisco my family's my pleasure now trump's promise to stop those joint military drills with their long time ally south korea was as we are saying now a big concession it's something the north has demanded for decades and it is sure
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to rattle not just south korea but japan as well patty calhoun reports from washington. there was plenty of unprecedented things happening here but this was a pretty big one we will be stopping the war games which will save us a tremendous amount of money unless and until we see the the future negotiation is not going along like it should. but will be saving a tremendous amount of money plus i think it's very provocative those words have never been uttered by a u.s. president who in the past have called the massive drills with south korea defensive and military exercises war games provocation that is what the north koreans call this many in the pentagon and south korea were shocked at the concession and experts say that might have a real world impact and there's unexpectedness and unpredictability that comes along with a temp administration that could make them turn tell turn of. operations where
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affectively south korea and japan decide to develop their own nuclear weapons because they feel like they can't depend on the u.s. nuclear umbrella anymore the political reaction was largely split along the political divide even the most hawkish republicans holding back criticizing the president i don't think canceling a war a war game is going to matter over the arc of time but one thing that i would violently disagree with is removing our troops kim jong il is a butcher and he's a butcher of his own people. and. trying to reason with someone like that is like trying to hand feed a shark. doesn't mean you can't do it but you get to do it very very carefully democrats were less supportive i have to be honest with you this is the weakest statement i have ever seen come out of any engagement with north korea much less
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at the highest ranking of the president of the united states meeting with can joe what the united states has gained is vague and on verifiable at best what north korea has gained however just and jubal and lasting it's not clear if this will change anything over the long term for the relationship but it will change what these military exercises are called in the future provocative workings even the u.s. president thinks so. al-jazeera washington. now a u.s. federal judge has approved the merger of two of the world's biggest media companies the ruling allows communications giant. to take over time warner in an eighty five billion dollars deal the judge said the government that fail to approve the deal would harm competition or adversely affect consumers john hendren joins us live now
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from washington such on this is a merger that's been in the works for several months now is there is this is this the kind of the final hurdle now is how much closer is it all these two companies to becoming one. it's looking pretty final the judge was very clear in this case. this was a case one of the biggest mergers in recent memory and it's rare that the u.s. justice department opposes a merger like this on antitrust grounds it's rarer still that they lose and this judge dealt a complete rebuke to the trumpet ministration president trump had stated his opinion on this saying this will not happen in my administration at one of the rallies he particularly objected to the inclusion of c.n.n. a network he despises and there was talk that c.n.n. would have to be spun off if the merger were ever to go forward this is a vertical merger so if it mixes one company that it's a distributor of media and another company that actually makes the media and that
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is a response to amazon and netflix which were content distributors who became content providers eighteen t. and time warner said we really need to merge in order to compete with this the trumpet ministration said that would drive up prices and concentrate power too much in one set of hands the judge said no and in fact the judge went on to say you can appeal this to the department of justice but don't ask us to block the merger in the meanwhile he said that would be excessively damaging and that's because of this merger doesn't go through by june twenty first either side can walk away would end up having to pay a five hundred million dollars breakup fee so now that merger is likely to go ahead within the next week or so what is this going to mean then for consumers i mean you mentioned the head of this is this is a vertical much is that is that a good thing for consumers in terms of. what they're going to pay for content and all the rest of it. well for consumers the thing they're going to notice the most
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is that they going to have a lot of content all of a sudden they're going to have h.b.o.'s game of thrones c.n.n. warner brothers d.c. comics all under one company that will be distributed by that same company wirelessly over the telephone network and via satellite over time warner's direct could actually drive down prices we'll see if that actually happens and any time you see. further merges within the industry are we are we likely to see the same thing here we are likely according to analysts here we are likely to see an explosion of mergers in media and other industries and that's because a lot of companies have been watching this decision and gauging what they're going to do as a result of that already disney and comcast are expected to do battle for the t.v.'s it's a twenty first century fox sprint wants to buy telephone rival or telecommunication
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rival team mobile that would be a horizontal merger of the kind that justice department is more likely to oppose nevertheless both of those stocks went up and they're likely to be other vertical mergers as there have been in recent months such as the one between the insurer aetna and the drugstore c.v.s. on the one hand and amazon and whole foods in grocery stores so we're likely to see a lot of different companies feel like they don't have to worry as much about the opposition of the department of justice and even if the department of justice objects that the courts will not uphold those views john thanks for that john hendren live for us in washington. now the nationalist iraqi shiite cleric mctaggart saw there has formed a coalition with a pro iranian bloc led by head the mirror to form the biggest political group in iraq's parliament these pictures show the two men meeting late last month after an election in which our solders party took first place and bad party came in second
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the two groups are still short of an overall majority the united nations envoy to yemen is negotiating with the major warring sides to prevent fighting in the main port city for a deliveries forces led by saudi arabia the united arab emirates are ten kilometers from the data which is held by hooty rebels the u.a.e. gave the who these until tuesday to withdraw before military assault data has been a vital lifeline for millions of yemeni suffering from food and medical shortages. judges of the international criminal court have ordered the release of a former vice president of the democratic republic of congo john pierre bemba was sentenced to eighteen years in prison after he was found guilty of atrocities committed by his troops they've been sent to the central african republic to put down a coup attempt but on friday an appeals court judge said bamber could not be held criminally responsible for their crimes meanwhile the country's president the
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country's current president joseph kabila will not seek a third term in december's election that's according to the prime minister congolese presidents are only allowed to serve two terms of kabila second and final term was meant to end in two thousand and sixteen but he's perspire and elections twice due to fighting in the country the opposition says the delays were arranged by kabila to keep himself in office. french president has called italy cynical and irresponsible for refusing to allow a ship carrying six hundred twenty nine refugees to dock ship will now head to spain which has offered to take them in refugees were rescued from the sea off libya at the weekend but then found themselves stranded when both italy and malta refused to give their rescue boat permission to dock another journey to the spanish puerto valencia will take three to four days the ship will be accompanied by two italian coast guard boats john hall reports from rome for four days they've been
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aboard the aquarius relief at being rescued short lived now uncomfortable in the searing mediterranean heat and yet really for this very place. the rescue ship denied access in italy overcrowded and with supplies running low has been directed to volunteer in spain two italian naval vessels will take on four hundred of the six hundred twenty nine migrants and refugees that's what the italian government now sees as the extent of its cooperation with n.g.o.s rescues are seen. for far right leader and new interior minister. it is an election promise me good italy has said it will no longer europe's refugee camp. i'm happy to be able to give the italian people the first piece of what they asked for. is italy's new strongman leading the charge with his anti establishment
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coalition partners the five star movement and basking in high approval ratings for it. what is astonishing in this despite being judges populists this poll this is also very popular in italy there isn't a tremendous amount of people in this data saying yes we have to close the borders yes we have to control the access of immigrants yes we have to send them back home the timing isn't coincidental there's a meeting at the end of june that will consider changing the rule that asylum must be claimed in the country of first entry it's that rule that has put italy on the front line of europe's migration crisis italy's treatment of those aboard the aquarius is notice to the rules a sea change in each state has the right to manage his boundaries. but this should not put into doubt the. human rights our deepest concern is that if the rescue
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will be weakened by different policies by different arrangements this risk this journey might become even more risky. i mean women and children will continue to make the crossing gluten free kick to southern europe at the hands of unscrupulous people smugglers they probably won't be told but it just got a much harder and more dangerous journey home road one of the british government has conceded that parliament will have some say in the final deal to leave the european union it's seen as a defeat for hard line breaks it hears who also want to leave the e.u. customs union but it doesn't resolve the lack of clarity over what breaks it will actually look like honestly report. she spoke about all about courage it's
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tortuously slow and it's painful to watch so many times the british government has said it wants to do one thing over breakfast it's only to be overturned and so again prime minister to resign may have not wanted parliament to have any say in what deal she negotiates with the european union but enough of her own m.p.'s threatened to rebel to force yet another climb down one minister even resigned so he could speak more freely. i urged my parliamentary colleagues to follow my lead and vote to give our greatest this house of commons our constituents and our country the powers it needs to leave our children a legacy of which we can all be proud to career so what to make of the government's continuing inability to make sense of brecht's it on behalf of people in places like sunderland in northeastern england who voted for it see it runs a small business selling machine parts to begin destry he wants out of the european
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union completely and he can't understand why the government seems incapable of doing its pretty standard which is stand up for england stand up for the table. push around and. they just don't let the new do it to the frightened what is it you think i don't. see all the right things and then when it comes to doing it. the work. of those businessmen who would back the conservative rebels like the boss of this factory are just as frustrated they rely on an economic relationship with the european union and yet the government can give them no assurances that that will carry on i'm a strong supporter of the u.k. in general however i think the only norm is the thing that we're frightened of morse and i don't think the government's doing the best it could to give us the information and communication on the next steps in what's likely to happen on an exit from the entire economy of some zealand relies on the giants nisson and its
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feeder companies a failed brecht's it could easily lead to this factory relocating to continent will europe get neither nissen nor anyone else knows what shape bricks it will take and back in london all is discord perhaps the best indication of the divide in society over what's happening in parliament moments is on the front page of some of the newspapers in the brics it supporting press the conservative rebels who want parliament to be given the final say on a votes or describes as betrayers and traces and yes in those newspapers which supports them they described as heroes it's hard to escape the conclusion that this continues to be a country politically speaking at war with itself lawrence lee al-jazeera in westminster our fans of video games will be playing close attention to what happens in los angeles over the next few days the top games companies are showing off their new products at the electronic entertainment expo or
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a three for short rob reynolds is there for us in los angeles so rob what can we expect there what are some of the highlights. well you know you three been covering this for several years now and it's always this kind of a kaleidoscope of a loud noise crowds and some excitement but the the the. sort of jokey nature i think of some of the games the sky says the fact that this is a huge industry it's bigger than recorded music and movies combined this year it's on track to be raking in revenues of one hundred thirty eight billion dollars and by twenty twenty one hundred eighty billion dollars so this is a big industry it's a worldwide industry where i'd like to bring in justin paywall he's a veteran observer here with game spot justin what have you seen so far at this
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three that you thought was cool foam one of the cool things that i've seen for me personally is super smash brothers it's a it's a new came from nintendo and it's it's kind of like taking little characters like these these guys that you play with when you're a when you're a kid but as a grown up against one another to get mario playing these very recognizable to new characters and in fighting one another in kind of a big playful arena and the term battle royale is on everyone's lips tell us what battle royale is so a battle royale is definitely something that's come into the public consciousness recently through the game fortnight which i don't think you can go into a school and not hear about battle royale is basically taking a large number of people in this case for a fortnight taking a hundred characters and you have a slowly condensing map and as you leave that in the areas the confines of the map you you might die you're also finding against the other characters to be the last man standing so essentially it's one hundred people versus one another to see who can be the last person alive in the end of the match and everybody wants to emulate
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that battle royale load right yet not only for tonight's incredible success so i think there are some reports the. making over one hundred million dollars a month in revenue on phone and on console but we've seen this from other companies that are very well established in the shooter franchise a call of duty battlefield both of them earlier this year announced that don't also have battle royale modes in their games. just this is such a a big industry and dominated by some very big country companies but is it possible for an independent artist and game designer with a good idea to break through i think that is totally possible the headlines are always going to be dominated by the big franchises that take a lot of money to build and make hundreds of millions of dollars but there are still beautiful small artistic teams you see a lot of them on the steam marketplace that's where p.c. players get a lot of their games and there are teams of seventeen people ten people sometimes
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even one person who's able to make a game that it transcends like every other game it just becomes for the cultural zeitgeist just thanks very much for speaking with us so that's it from the center of the gaming world for now back to you all right thanks very much rob rob around live for us there in los angeles and three us still ahead on al-jazeera will we feel bad because the government is not giving us any answers about a future. survivors of guatemala's volcanic eruption our school when they can stop to rebuild their lives. tell you why america's biggest civil liberties group is targeting president trump. and later in sport well cup hosts russia confident they can advance past the group stage for the first time in more than thirty days.
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hello the slow wandering shops in the midwest down to the southeast these dots easy here do bring occasional flooding in iowa for example and you can guess why when they look pretty big down there and they're in an area that's actually quite warm thirty degrees typically holds a lot of water but behind it things are slightly cooler chicago's twenty four sees it slow drop in temperature not much admittedly but the showers are dotted around the not concentrated now and i think the northeast in particular see dry weather coming in one sign of hope here more or less in southern colorado that's a shower directly over where the fire for one six is currently but it's a wild father's but in dry weather and fanned by the wind so but a shower and quite helpful off the coast of mexico has an active hurricane been bringing rain already inland in mexico south of that and we got typical for this
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time of year showers big showers they look at the drifting away from panama and costa rica but the focus will still have been there there also you'll notice in cuba and jamaica and probably still in florida in the bahamas it's the time of the year actually when you see fairly regular daily shaz even in the lesser around tilly's but there are more especially as you can see to the west. a new series of rewind a care bring your people back to life i'm sorry and brand new updates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries the struggle continues for. our use distance rewind continues with australia's lost generation recovery. is a really important issue suicide writes do a mind very high still twice the national average rewind on al-jazeera and monday
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put it on. us and british companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped natural resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for dry riverbed like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country have been truly unable to escape the war. and again you're watching actually in our mind of our top stories this hour the leaders of north korea and the u.s. have accepted invitations to visit each other's countries that's according to the
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north korean state news agency kim jong un and donald trump met for the first time in singapore and choose that they signed an agreement aimed at denuclearizing the korean peninsula but was vague on specifics. u.s. federal judge has approved the merger of two of the world's biggest media companies in allows communications giant aig to take over time warner in an eighty five billion dollars deal judge says the government had failed to approve the deal would harm competent. iraq's nationalist shia cleric matar saddam has formed a coalition with a pro iranian bloc the alliance is now the biggest political group in the parliament after last month's election but it still doesn't have the numbers to form a government that has opposed iran's influence in iraq. now macedonia has agreed to change its name to resolve a decades old dispute with greece its new name is the republic of northern
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macedonia issue has been a stumbling block to the country's bid to join the european union and nato dancer applets reports from athens the agreement between prime ministers and alexis tsipras is the fruit of six months of negotiation that ends a twenty seven year standoff between the countries both men heralded the deal as a new era for the whole of south eastern europe renamed savannah macedonia the republic of northern macedonia reeses neighbor takes a step closer to e.u. and nato membership see for me a look at the leaks. in the agreement that we reached and all the neighbors have nothing to do with the ancient greeks given a zation of macedonia and cannot claim any connection to it in the future. somebody asked well folks. i call on all citizens to seize the future twenty five years of being stuck is enough many generations have been lost macedonia must go forward and be equal with the west to compete with them and to have the same
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quality of life. at the heart of the dispute as a question of identity slav macedonians have lain claim to ancient macedonian heritage since world war two the greeks see that as a vital component of their own sense of nationhood and cultural heritage so the agreement makes it clear that savannah macedonia is a slug nation and also forgotten tribe of the ancient greeks the macedonian language will be described as slavic and passports will state nationality as macedonian from savannah macedonia both governments say they've defended their red lines but the hard work now begins at convincing their peoples to accept the compromises greece will no longer hold a monopoly on the word macedonia and greece's northern neighbors cannot claim to be the descendants of alexander if all goes according to plan greece will recommend that the european union open accession talks with savannah macedonia at a meeting of foreign ministers in two weeks time it will do the same at
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a nato summit next month the pressure will then be on the zionist government to approve the agreement in a referendum and toss constitutional amendments in parliament. greece would then ratify the agreement by the end of the year and savannah macedonia could theoretically hope to join the e.u. and nato next year jumpstart awful us al-jazeera athens. dubai's real estate market has been branded as a haven for money laundering by war profiteers terra finances and drug traffic it's a report by the washington based center for dance defense studies has identified around one hundred million dollars in what it calls suspicious purchases of apartments and villas across the city the government run dubai media office said he could not comment on the report or donald trump wrapped up his charm offensive with north korea by aiming another barber at america's neighbor and close ally canada at a news conference after the summit trump again attacked prime minister justin
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trudeau saying no one can take advantage of the u.s. on trade that's despite the white house trade advisor apologizing for his own attack on trudeau alan fisher has more. i see was making friends with this enemy in singapore u.s. president donald trump also talked about making enemies of his friends the fallout from the g. seven summit in canada has followed him here but the president insists his goal is fair or treat the united states because of bad management because of presidents that didn't care about trade or didn't understand it or whatever reason for many years with china being obviously the most successful at it but the european union the second one hundred fifty one billion we lost they were represented at the meeting and we're being taken advantage of on tray one economics expert says any trade dispute creates problems for everyone the skirmishes are losing proposition down and i said at the beginning trade is something the benefit of around.
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nine times and that it has been benefiting all around the well so far the president also talked about that viral photo the one where other g seven leaders seem to be confronting him over his position on key issues german chancellor angela merkel and french president manual mccrone have been highly critical of the president in recent days but he says they were simply waiting for a document and it was all very friendly and he confirmed he pulled the support for the final g seven document because of a news conference held by canadian prime minister justin trudeau i have a good relationship with justin trudeau i really did other than he had a news conference that he had because he assumed i was in or near a planet i wasn't watching. he learned that's going to cost a lot of money for the people of canada he learned you can't do that you can't do that speaking before his weekly cabinet meeting the canadian prime minister brushed off this latest verbal spat with his closest neighbor and his comments as i said in
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the say focused on defending jobs for canadians and support including interests here it was very well. known from flies but from singapore clearly a huge international success we have abetted the worries of an immediate nuclear war in korea but now he faces fighting your trade war on his border alan fischer al-jazeera washington one of the biggest rights groups in the united states is changing its strategy to fight president donald trump's agenda the american civil liberties union is meeting in washington with a focus on political activism she have a tendency reporters. the almost one hundred year old american civil liberties union or a.c.l.u. is joining what's known as the resistance groups activism against donald trump since election scores of groups have been formed into that resistance the goal is to the republican party through direct action on the ballot box we're throwing down about the issues we care deeply about it's not simply to litigate them and find
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them in court and a lot of justice or a judge decide it's also to employ people to fight for them in every other possible arena that we can money is pouring in for the a.c.l.u. is campaigns to protect migrants' rights and preventing republicans from acting vote suppression policies the a.c.l.u. gathered pounds in washington this week to receive what's called resistance training and hear from progressive leaders such as senator elizabeth warren. but warns presence at the a.c.l.u. conference illustrates the contradictions of the resistance one is against corporate political donations that lead to corruption inequality and help to make trump attractive to voters sick of the establishment in the first place but the a.c.l.u. is a storage defender of money in politics arguing that it's constitutionally protected free speech they sell you as a political organization partisan organization it's a reminder that the resistance is in fact a diverse set of groups with different interests from the progressive left to wool
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street billionaires and there's a fear that some groups presenting themselves as the resistance are just the establishment trying to reclaim their power from trump jeff weaver was bernie sanders campaign manager during the twenty sixteen presidential campaign there was clearly a real failure on the part of many part of the democratic establishment and elements that support the democratic establishment in opposing i mean he's in the white house you know you really should look at you know not only are they resisting trump and his outrageous agenda but are they offering the type of alternative which is going to make this country better in the post trump. it's important to scrutinize who is claiming to be part of the resistance and what precisely they represent she overcomes the outer zero washington. a more than four thousand people remain homeless in guatemala after last week's eruption of mt most of the victims are living in temporary shelters the government says it will provide housing but there may be a long wait my ana sanchez reports from s.
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continued up near the volcano. happy to be alive the survivors have got to my last worst full county corruption in decades maybe hopeless but they're together and receiving care more than five hundred people in this school in this city of the screen one of twenty one shelters around among women. you see a woman says she thanks god for having saved all her family but now she begins to think about their future without a home to go back to and yet to say to me that i think it's the president's juji to help us we're not sure that will happen because we haven't seen much going on for example there hasn't been an official to check to say how many people here. her daughter say that sis a member of the malice disaster agency helped all her family get together in this shelter but though she feels they're on their own. we feel bad because the
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government is not giving us any answers about our future. homes farms and now they were destroyed here the government is promising thirty four million dollars to rebuild it will be after you see. the government has a plan an apologist to provide four hundred new homes. the mayor of the screen glasses that they are working nonstop to accommodate more homeless people the mayor says this shelter will be ready in three days it will be two large tents each one will house three hundred people but it is unclear when and where the victims will have a home. officials say they have plans to provide proper housing for the victims but critics say the government is inefficient they don't trust the government to take care of the victims in the long run and they want the president to resign. after the tragic mudslide two years ago the government still hasn't given any homes to
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thank you very much the final warm up games have been play the head of the world cup and the valar system has featured heavily the video assistant referee technology is being used at the walk up for the first time in russia poland leading goalscorer robert of the dusky and surely had his second goal disallowed a but the review showed that the ball landed over the line that you referrals were also used in the second half to deny a goal for handball and to award a penalty in the four nil win over the spring. it was just two days until the world cup gets on the way and host russia go into the term into as the lowest ranked of
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the thirty two teams they have in progress out of the group stage since at nineteen eighty six their best hope for the victory comes in the tournaments opening match against saudi arabia on thursday. but before this year's world cup gets underway the fee for congress will decide on wednesday who will host the twenty twenty six event the photo is between morocco and the combined bid from the united states canada mexico he welling's has more from moscow. thirty two nations ready for the russia world cup but with full of art there is going to be some big action going on around favor with the twenty twenty six now the last time face and made a decision on world cups it was arguably the most controversial decision in the history they would have to world cup so tightly which they embrace it was a mistake and i want to russia here we are and then of course the qatar twenty twentieth's oh no this one has the potential to be controversial because you're
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dealing with the united states paid with the add on's of canada and mexico that is a favorite i'm needs that big so when it can fire you so explicitly but it does for financial reasons that bade will make a lot of money for favre there's no doubt that's where the experts would say it's mostly cigar but also for political reasons because if the usa win that bodes well then the u.s. attorney general the f.b.i. will be a father a wife from for germany and france or the president definitely wants the usa to win but morocco has come up with a strong posable bait i had a bit of problems with the evaluation where i scored two point seven out of five if i that was nearly low enough to knock them out of this two holes rice but as it gets to wednesday's vote where we're in a position that i could win if i did it would cause some very interesting problems
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for for a few years but it would also be an incredible achievement for overcoming of course it would only be the second time that an african nation has hosted the world cup. yes i did twenty twenty six when mexico and canada must be considered favorites. of the joint us canada mexico bid wins the vote it will be the first time the tournaments will be hosted in three different countries as gabrielle is on the reports it's an ambitious plan but one with some drawbacks. a football party just as good as the promotional video promise is that's what the united states mexico and canada are saying together they're bidding to jointly host the two thousand and twenty six world cup it would be the first time three countries simultaneously host world football's marquee attraction the bid has three key strengths experience mexico and the u.s.
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have both hosted world cups before and canada received high praise for its smooth organization while hosting the women's world cup three years ago and there's money u.s. canada mexico option promises a record eleven billion in profits more than double the other world cup and size two thousand and twenty six will be the first world cup to expand from thirty two to forty eight teams and the north americans say a bigger tournaments calls for bigger hosts we want to focus on the game we're ready made and our cities are prepared to host today the u.s. mexico canada bit does have a lot of a lot of the bases covered but in recent memory you know england's bid for instance had a lot of those same strengths and fifa gave the world cup the cutter which you know we all know is going to have to build a lot of stadiums. there are potential drawbacks the big calls for canada and mexico to host ten games each sixty matches would be played in the u.s.
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that an even distribution has left some feeling the tournaments would be too u.s. focused. the official name of the bid is united twenty twenty six perhaps ironic considering the potential host nations are anything but united right now u.s. president donald trump has disparaged mexicans on multiple occasions and continues to talk about building a border wall separating the two countries relations between the u.s. and canada are rocky. yes well both countries threatening a trade war over tariffs but it is signing ceremony last year soccer chiefs from the three countries seemed unconcerned saying the beat is about sports and not politics but it still could prove for some awkward moments a tournament that promises to be the biggest and best ever north america hoping the world agrees that three countries are better than one give us on dope new york.
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making its fifth a bid to host the world cup the fear that political factors could derail its prospects but football fever in the country has never been higher with the side in the finals for the first time in decades ob than one on the reports from rob but. all you need is a football and the place to play in the neighborhoods of robots in iraq and capital it can be in a back yard a patch of waste ground on the street everybody it seems is a football fan this year enthusiasm is greater than ever with morocco at the world cup finals for the first time in twenty years and with an eye on the future welcomes but into stage a tournament in twenty twenty six. the shot lobbied me learn so look i think we'll win the bit we're ready to organize the world cup none whatever. i think we can organize the world cup but thief is voting process makes me skeptical. morocco is
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facing not one open and but three to win the rights to host the world cup in two thousand and twenty six it's competing against a joint bid from the united states canada and mexico it needs to secure the votes of a majority of members of the sport's governing body. who want to be. well there are a lot of geo strategic considerations in the voting for instance that morocco will not be winning all that it's for african affairs because of some political issues we have with some southern african countries and with it there's also the ties in the pressures of the americans on some arabic and islamic states. morocco is planning to invest sixteen billion dollars if it gets the go ahead to stage the world cup six new stadia would be built and six existing ones renovated to comply with standards and in a country with just one times over the longest trip between the host cities will be
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a seventy five minutes flight this is the fifth time morocco is britain for the holstein rights to the football world cup they're calling it the dream of a nation they now hope members would share that dream. and that's a sport for me we'll have more later on and that is it for this news hour but stay with us we'll have lots more news for you and about two minutes from now and as always there's lots more on our website al jazeera dot com get the latest on all the stories we're following plenty of news and analysis it's all there for you al jazeera dot com.
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thanks michel. one of the really special things that work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be pushes you know it's thirty. liberty but the good because you have a lot of people that are deployed their own political issues we are we the people
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who believe to tell the real story so i'll just mend it is to do the work in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. he admitted to unique circumstances that point her to this murder confessions are useless without corroboration she thought that they are questioning her about her being a victim of a rape not a suspect in a murder case not only a false confession involves a completely made up story some will say anything thinking they can fix it later but there's no fixing it later when the statements are used against them to the board along the system whose job early on al-jazeera.
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can shake smiles and now apparently home visits don't trump and kim jong un except mutually invitations to each other's countries. has a stake in this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the mega merger telecoms giant eighteen gets the green light to buy media time warner. plus resignations threats of a rebellion and concessions as the u.k. parliament debates a key bragg's it bill and what's in a name greece and macedonia settle.
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