tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 15, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm +03
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talk to al jazeera. this is al-jazeera. this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes clamping down on china donald trump announces tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods beijing slams the move as myopic. and u.s. charge sends former campaign manager full manifolds to jail pending trial. migration takes center stage in paris as if when your home meets the new italian prime minister just days after rome rejected a boatload of refugees. i'm joined again to endure how we could days world cup news will be live to russia spain play european champions portugal as they open their
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campaign for the title. it's already started a trade war with canada mexico and the e.u. now donald trump has added china to the list the u.s. president has announced a twenty five percent tariff on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods and he says more terrorists will come if beijing strikes back so insists his relations with china i find i spoke with china very happy i actually they were much happier now they may not be as happy today because of what i'm doing with trade you probably heard that i assume it's been announced by now but we're putting tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of technology and other things because we have to because we've been treated very unfairly but china has been terrific president she has been terrific. and fishes live for us at the white house or trump it saying
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everything is terrific with china but it is an escalation isn't it. is certainly not what the chinese wanted they thought there were things have been put on hold in fact stephen mission is the treasury secretary said exactly that just at the end of last month donald trump then countermanded m and the thought that things were going through the negotiation process the americans and the chinese have been meeting on a regular basis but it now seems that donald trump has decided that emboldened after the singapore summit and i'll get to that in a second that he can start to act against china on trade delivering a promise that he made during the election campaigns are hard to singapore fit into all this well for many years the americans thought that china or helped regulate north korea helped make sure that they didn't go too far in the nuclear program could almost keep them in check but no donald trump believes he's built the solution ship with kim jong un which means that he can no move forward on trade because he believes he doesn't need china quite so much whether that's actually the
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case in this instance doesn't really matter it certainly would donald trump believes and that is why he's pushing ahead with these trade measures and could a trade war be actually quite damaging for trouble domestically. well donald trump believes it could be a good thing he said that on a number of occasions that of the law is spoken to in the past in order to very well see he's not actually a chess player he eats very situational he responds to what's happening in the moment rather than thinking two or three or four or five stages ahead he doesn't see the entire board there are those in this town and there are those in the white house who privately believe that any sort of trade war would be bad for the u.s. economy and certainly by for u.s. consumers in the long run but he's delivering on a campaign promise so politically the base the support to donald trump republicans who think that this is a good idea will be very pleased with this but here is the difficulty for him there are many republicans who are free trade who believe in the global economy who think
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that opening up avenues of trade are a good idea and talent at a bad idea and so if this continues and the economy gets hit then going into the midterms it won't be a good thing and we know there are experts who say that if it continues for four or five months which would take it up to the midterms and then there is the difficulty that all the gains that have been made by the tax cut that the republican house brought in with donald trump's backing will be completely wiped out and it's interesting that the chinese are talking about reciprocal tariffs and they're talking about pork they're talking about agriculture they're talking about states that export things to china that donald trump one in the election in twenty sixteen and so they are deliberately targeting areas that could suffer the most they could actually turn on donald trump and therefore mean that the midterms which were
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always a difficult possibility and prospect for a sitting president could become a lot tougher and tony thank you very much indeed. oh yes judge has revoked for donald trump's former campaign manager who manifold he'll remain in custody until he faces trial on money laundering charges in september. the quote for us in washington patty one of the judge make the decision will pull a metaphor it was always facing a whole host of issues for a money laundering to tax fraud as a foreign agent now he has another one the prosecution came out an indicted him again saying that he tried to tamper with the testimony of two witnesses. encrypted absent text messages making phone calls and that the prosecution said is against the terms of his agreement he was allowed to stay out of jail before his trial as long as he stayed in this house now the judge said that she really went after him
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she said this was a very difficult choice but that he abused the trust of the charges were the credibility of the court so she said you're going to jail and that's happened in the courtroom today paul man afore i was in the courtroom he was expressionless he didn't look good considering that this is a man who's literally lived a life of decadent luxury for decades he didn't look like a man who was about to go put on a prison jumpsuit simply got up with the ballads walked to the door remembered to say goodbye to his family turned around gave away a bit a smile and walked back in and so he is going to be spending the next three months three months in jail in all of those difficult conditions and that's going to a lot of pressure on him potentially flip and petty and just recently trump has just tweeted saying that the judge's decision to hold manifolds in jail pending trial is very unfair not surprising is it that he should weigh in on this given that he's trying to distance himself from manifold. you know i think when it comes to twitter sometimes the president just can't help himself from reacting to what he
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sees of fox news which is the channel that he watches the tweet he said wow what a tough sentence let's just take a pause real quick and say it wasn't a sentence he was just told he had stayed in jail until his trial he went on to say that metaphor worked with all these other republican campaigns he did no man afore it was the head of the mob so you may be scratching your head what does that mean he seems to be implying that what man affords accused of very serious charges are not actually all that serious because it didn't involve any sort of violent crime and then he went on to say what he always says what about. kirk and hilary and james komi and all the others very unfair so this is what the president's strategy is he is repeating day after day on twitter on television that this is a witch hunt he lies about who's conducting the investigation he says it's democrats it's not it's republicans but it is having an impact people are especially his base republicans are starting to say more and more that they don't trust robert mueller who before these attacks really was unimpeachable because he's been a vietnam veteran and it is a former f.b.i.
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director and no one's ever called into question any of his conduct but the president's words are having an impact with the president wants to see happen is if muller comes out and says yes you did collude with the russians here's all the evidence because keep in mind twenty two people and companies have already been indicted five has pled guilty to different charges so if miller targets the president if you present as evidence the president wants to be able to say to his base i told you fake news it's just a which i don't believe and you can't trust. thank you very much indeed. and he does in france and italy have met in paris to end a diplomatic row over how to handle europe's migration crisis the french president . had criticised the italian government for refusing to accept a rescue ship carrying more than six hundred migrants from libya the ship is now on route to spain but no comment sparked a war of words with the italian leadership accused france of hypocrisy italian prime minister called for a change to current e.u. policy which states refugees must be in the first country they arrive in. we've
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been giving many of these through our new nobody in europe and washed their hands with regard to the migration problem the new approach must constantly keep human rights in mind particularly with regard to human traffickers that are profiting from this inhumane trade we have to change the treaty of dublin not only in the interest of italy which today has been left alone to confront the current crisis but we have to strengthen our solidarity. less force fronts just like italy has to manage this migration crisis and we have to provide solutions together i think all of our discussions of allowed us to illustrate this joint responsibility and this desire to have at the same time more humanity and more effectiveness in dealing with the subject of having a cooperative approach and to apply european solutions a leading charity says child refugees are being abused detained and illegally sent back to italy by french border guards the report by oxfam says young migrants are often physically and verbally abused they say they're held in cells overnight
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without food water or blankets the charity says some border guards cut of souls or children's shoes stole their phone sim cards or change their birth date on documents so they wouldn't qualify for special treatment as minors others say they were pushed off trains going into france oxfam says the practice is a contrary to french and e.u. law a tribunal in ne says ruled that border guards acted illegally when they sent back twenty children to italy sixteen and a half thousand migrants been stuck in the italian town of ventimiglia since france tightened its borders in twenty fifteen but residents there are getting increasingly frustrated with the refugee presence as the tash about to report. the colorful northern italian town of fenton faces the mediterranean sea in recent years it's become a stopping point for migrants trying to cross into france just a few kilometers away many in the city say they're frustrated with the situation most say france should share the burden instead of tightening its border and
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turning its back on its neighbor the miracle of birth is that it and i think france should take some of the migrants because we have too many here italy takes them all but from doesn't want them it's not fair europe and france have to do their part these women say the rome's recent decision to block a charity migrant risky boat sends a message to the european union that italians like them have had enough. off get out if they say thanks to salvage any of legere he's helping reduce insecurity we don't know where to put all these people the city center left mayor is cautious when talking about italy's new anti immigration government but he says there's no doubt that people are frustrated with europe more the beauty of it i can't complain about the way people have approached this and help the migrants but it's a big white to bear and people feel abandoned by our neighboring countries and europe. as patience runs out so does goodwill
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this church was once a refuge for migrants but it was forced to shut up two years ago the colombian praise that was serving in this parish decided to open up the church course for the migrants and at any time now opt out thousand five hundred people sleeping here behind the church and inside the building but local residents became fed up and after bearing to pressure city officials decided to close it down. with the new government has decided it is italians first those of us helping got a ready feeling more pressure and they see less migrants coming the people who come here are mainly refugees from sudan and eritrea this young man didn't wish to be identified but he described his terrifying crossing from libya is what i will be able to see as being there as many people lost their lives what i did as a way of not because they're struggling or. i make it you know. people invent to me or may not be united in their approach to the crisis but nearly all agree on one
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thing the migration should be a european issue not just an italian one a new strategies are urgently needed to help those on the front line and protect those who are vulnerable its national butler al-jazeera and to mia italy. well you speak now to julian layman who's a project manager at the global public policy institute in berlin and specialised in refugee policy i just go back to that meeting between my horn and called it today is the italian seem to want this idea that refugees should claim asylum in the first place they arrive in to be to be changed how likely is that to happen on a europe wide basis well the negotiations on a reform on the dublin law which is the law that regulates this very rule that you just explain have been gone going on for years and basically on that very question on on whether it's possible to change the rule on first arrival there is
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a deadlock the proposal is to include a mechanism of solidarity which would foresee that in every time you have an influx of a large number of people there would be a kind of redistribution mechanism but there are obviously states that are not in favor for this and that's not the states at the front line but that's the states in the geographic center of the european union but if we think about how. much quero there is on the issue of redistribution i think it would be very important for the dublin regulation to include such rule to include a mechanism on on solidarity that is triggered whenever there is a fairness and fairness mechanisms but currently i'm a bit pessimistic as to that happening at the end of june at the e.u. summit when you leaders normally want to agree on that and what about michael suggestion that this all should be sort of decided at bilateral level between with all the other cunt heads of state is that a workable scenario. i think not
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i think you've seen that. the the quero between italy and france has clearly shown that there are limits as to these kinds of bilateral agreements now we have a big dispute in in germany. basically chancellor merkel to negotiate bilateral agreements with other european states in order to facilitate and fastened mission by people who arrive at the german borders it's very unlikely that that happens it's very unlikely that. all european states agree to these kinds of agreements so in theory preferable it's still preferable to have a european wide solution you mentioned that the rao in germany how how dangerous is it to wrangle america at this kind of locked into a dispute with it with her own sister party the c.s.u. what what's what's the outcome going to be without you think. so the the
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dispute is over whether or not it is possible to send asylum seekers immediately back at the border when these people have already been registered in other european states merkel says no her interior minister says yes and that's what's threatening possibly threatening the coalition merkel has asked for a two weeks deadline in which she wants to negotiate bilateral agreements that i think seek to as i said fasten readmission to other european states but if she returns with empty hands then it could be politically very dangerous for her to talk us through how the political it is in terms of what the public opinion is saying in germany does does the fact that italy is taking a hard line on migrants have an effect somewhere like germany do they think that actually they want to be taking it up a lot as well. you know how there is this german word of the very common school to
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would sort of it's a german term that describes how many people were welcoming at the height of the refugee crisis in two thousand and fifty that has changed and we see a clear support in the polls for what the sister party of merkel is proposing so we see support in public for a hard stance on migrants that being said i think it's all about the illusion of. control there is basically a perception that there is no control at the borders and we have to be very careful about that perception because i think this perception is also being created by politicians who want to exhausted for political or exploited rather want to exploit it for political means so in italy you seem that the predecessor off so really the current interior ministry has negotiated with swallow its to keep away. with wallets in libya still he has lost the elections together with the other moderates
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right so the perception is clearly when i be when i am moderate on matters of immigration and asylum i don't get any political games out of this and it's the more promising strategy politically speaking to first leak a very dark picture and then to. to position yourself as the savior who brings back law and order and i think we should all be challenging that that that exploitation of the situation because the situation has in fact improved the numbers have gone down we've seen a drop in numbers from one point three million from the height of the crisis to two now it's probably almost half the number right so we probably shouldn't even speak of a crisis anymore julian lehmann thank you very much indeed for your analysis thank you. much more to come on the program including a very different immigration fight in the u.s.
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. protests are held across the u.s. against the trumpet ministrations policy of separating immigrant families. reports from malaysia suggest former prime minister najib razak could face charges over a corruption scandal. and where with egypt's fans as their team returns to the world cup for the first time in twenty eight years joe will have the details in sport. afghan president says the head of the pakistani taliban has been killed by a u.s. drone strike more the first ludo was responsible for a number of high profile attacks including the shooting of schoolgirl malala yousafzai in twenty twelve from kabul jennifer glass reports. mullah fazlullah was at the top of pakistan's most wanted list as leader of the pakistani taliban he planned attacks including one of the school in the shower in
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two thousand and fourteen they killed one hundred fifty one people many of them children. two years earlier he ordered the murder of schoolgirl malala yousafzai she was shot in the head on a school bus by taliban fighters but survived and was later awarded the nobel peace prize. for those who met mila first listen he was ruthless radical and uncompromising his speeches were often directed against the united states pakistan female education and the polio vaccine. oh i'm warning the people are sworn to stay away from the security forces otherwise the alone will be responsible and we also want the people not to buy land from the local landlords otherwise the a lot will be accountable. lula broadcast daily sermons on illegal radio stations and use them to spread his message it earned him the nickname on a radio. for his little group in the mountainous swat valley and spent years as
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head of the region's taliban before taking over as leader from hakimullah masoud in two thousand and thirteen. puzzle is believed to have been operating from hideouts in the forests of eastern afghanistan he's been falsely reported killed on numerous occasions his apparent killing by a u.s. airstrike could open the door for stronger cooperation between pakistan afghanistan and the united states the u.s. wants to get pakistan on board taking out pakistan's or salma bin laden really is quite quite a strong incentive for marcus to not to cooperate with his death will mean for the pakistani taliban is unclear the pakistani taliban is separate from the afghan taliban that's active here and the spiders are in a cease fire with the government for the three days of the holiday and president hopes it will last longer jennifer glassed al jazeera kabul. asserting that coalition in yemen has seized the entrance to an airport in the country's main port city the operation to retake her data from hoofy rebels was launched three days ago
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the coalition says it can capture the area without disrupting aid to the millions of yemenis who need it most to be a menace humanitarian and food shipments pass through her data. thousands of mourners have attended the funeral of a leading journalist who was shot dead on thursday in indian of news to kashmir sure john le carre was the editor of the english language newspaper rising kashmir he was killed by a man on a motorbike as he left his office in srinagar. yes yes except. iran's footballers have just kicked off their world cup campaign with a one nil win over morocco but whatever the result of the match their female fans were just happy to be allowed to attend in iran women a ban from football stadiums nation of the world cup to do so to raise awareness
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and put pressure on governing body fever to take action iranian band of g.'s has released a protest song. i . am. i. i. speak now to one of the musicians behind the song melody safavi is a founding member of the group of jesus she joins us from new york thanks thanks for being with us so have the authorities reacted to your song in your campaign. part of me can you please repeat the question i didn't have the iranian authorities reacted to your song and your campaign well i don't know about that authority his reaction but the people's reaction have been great so far
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so what is it about the situation in iran that you object to because our women keen to go to football matches are that do they all really want to go. well. as any other sports fan i think women. are also. they would love to enter stadiums and watch their favorite team. play live and you know sports is like music it doesn't really understand gender and if you're passionate about something you will do whatever you can to do it and i think the iranian women that are interested in sports they want to be able to go to this and that's what they're fighting for and they are risking. many things actually. and we've had this situation bizarre scenes of women disguised as men and try to
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get into the stadium to watch football tell you about that particular effort yes well as i mentioned i believe that these are the women that are partly activists that have been trying for many many years. are trying to you know cross all borders that are. in front of them but they're also football fans and they want to be able to watch. the games and they actually risk detain to be to get detained and imprisonment but they take that risk because that's the only way they can do it right now and that's why we as musicians arch yeah you know carry a line to amplify their voices. we saw today that iranian fans had actually unfold
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a banner precious banner at the football match in russia instant petersburg do you think those kind of momentum behind behind your campaign in the world this world cup will be the moment it changes for women in iran and be able to watch football in other sports events. i really hope i'm sorry i really hope that this is this is the time that's change will happen because there are so many. different groups activists and human rights organizations such as the center for human rights in iran that helped us to produce this video they're fighting for they're helping the iranian women we're just amplifying the voices of these women because. they're not being harried enough and . hopefully with the help of media and with the help of every
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body who's working. in their own capacity they will reach their goal but at the safavi thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you. with the news hour live from london still ahead south africa's muslim community reels from a stabbing attack at a mosque that left two men dead. stephen hawkings voice lives on a message of peace from the late astrophysicist is beamed into outer space as a service in london. bus route is an rica's will tell you why there were tears on the pitch in rockers game with iran for the action on the welcome to the nature of . great change in the weather across the middle east and dry we have some shallows
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though and once again as has been the case over the last few days those showers will drift out of turkey they'll just make their way through the black sea over towards the caspian sea along with some wet weather coming in here i mean the a georgia that could see some showers along the spells of frying little try others and all the possibly robert has some showers here hotter in toronto as a result of that thirty five celsius sunny a possibility over the next couple of days still a few shows over towards eastern there was of afghanistan into tuchman this don the showers continue because northern parts of turkey up towards the caucasus further south this hearts and fraud the small wind hopefully easing down for that eastern sod off the gulf just around the gulf states here on cots our temperatures getting up to forty three celsius on saturday similar value as we go on into sunday and as you can see it pretty much pretty much is wall to wall sunshine with that persistent wind still coming through it is going to be dry low as you try to across southern africa but we've had some useful rifle just around the western cape the
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southern town has seen some cloud and right temperatures here with about eighteen celsius showers pulling away on sas day she be dry but cloudy the sun. charlie it's a fourth we're football for good unthinkable goldberg really had that he'd explain when real madrid of love worth five hundred million euros expresses a position on something the world anti-doping agency has to take notice. al-jazeera continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase. stories generate thousands of headlines copper each with different angles from different perspectives. this is the only evidence that russia was responsible for
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the separate the spin from the facts that's why i only got. the misinformation from the journalism the issues here go far beyond one data mining company and one election with the listening post on al-jazeera. among the top stories. the u.s. has announced a twenty five percent tariff on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods pushing the world's largest economies to the brink of a trade war china says it will strike back. presidential campaign manager has been jailed ahead of his trial prosecutors. attempted to tamper with witnesses and it.
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interference in the twenty six thousand election. the leaders of france and italy have met in paris to end a diplomatic route. to try to end to your both insist that the migration policy needs to be overhauled. or the sign of just how divided europe is over the migration issue is also scrambling to save her government after part of her ruling coalition threatened to walk away the concept of christian union the bavarian sister party to christian democrats is demanding to talk to checks on migrants at the border dominic cain reports. these are difficult days for angela merkel her coalition government is at a crossroads brought there by a rout over immigration with her interior minister horst zero offer he's one of her strongest allies on the center right with his very invasive christian social union
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c.s.u. the sister party to her c d's he wants her to change course she does not suppose anything to be in a god but soon i personally think illegal immigration is one of the big challenges for the european union so i don't believe we should act unilaterally we should not act in an uncoordinated way and we should not act at the expense of third parties but the c.s.u. and zero offer disagree vehemently they want to abandon the scheme in place since merkel open the borders in twenty fifteen allowing in more than a million refugees instead they say germany must be prepared to act unilaterally to control its borders independent of you commit it's interior ministers a whole for his even threatened to put border controls back into place next week a move that would leave his position in miracles cabinet untenable really need fresh. i do not wish to hide from you that we're in a very serious situation there's been talk of
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a historic situation our colleagues from the c.s.u. have unanimously expressed their one hundred percent support of course to see hope for the master plan and the rejection of migrants at our borders. the problem for medical is that without the c.s. use votes in parliament she would lose her majority as a strong part of three girls the court of throne britain. so it's possible that the coalition falls apart because the c.s.u. part of it is really in an ideological conflict with the non nationalist and non nationalist orientated chancellor that means that the populist right that the c.s.u. has become and merkel's centrist approach do not fit together. angela merkel believes it's only at the europe wide level that a comprehensive solution can be found she's pinning her hopes on the coming summer in brussels but critics on the right say a glance around europe's capitals suggests that many governments don't share her views and all the while this round with the c.s.u.
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remains unresolved dominic cain al-jazeera well in. protesters across the united states have rallied against the trumpet ministrations policy of separating migrant families thousands of children have been forcibly removed from their parents and placed in detention facilities report. i. outraged by the trumpet ministrations policy of taking migrant children away from their parents' protesters rallied in los angeles. the right day it was one of dozens of similar demonstrations in cities around the country this policy is reprehensible we feel like it's it's it's forcing its manufacturing a crisis on top of the crisis that already existed the trumpet ministration says it is seizing children and separating families as a deterrent scaring other would be migrant parents away it's part of a so-called zero tolerance policy meanwhile news came of nearly one thousand five
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hundred migrant boys between the ages of ten and seventeen being detained in a sprawling former wal-mart store in texas reporters were given a monitored tour of the building which is run by a private company under contract with the u.s. government but were not permitted to speak with the boys or film the site these pictures were distributed by the government the government says it has contracts with one hundred holding facilities in seventeen states detaining immigrant minors those facilities now hold more than eleven thousand children congress plans to vote on immigration proposals next week including one that deals with family separation lawmakers from the opposition democratic party called the trumpet ministrations harsh policies a disgrace babies as young as eighteen months being ripped from the arms of their
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mothers but is psychological torture leaders of major us religious denominations have condemned the family separation policy but attorney general jeff sessions offer justification for it in the bible and i would cite. each of the apostle paul in his clear and wise command in romans thirteen to a phase of the government one protester said sessions is wrong i really dislike that he's taking my bible in and. doing something anti-political with it many of the parents and children seeking refuge in the u.s. are fleeing extreme gang violence in central america protesters and immigrants rights advocates say sending them back to their homeland could amount to a death sentence robbery most al-jazeera los angeles. we caracas government has resume talks with local civic groups to try to end two months of anti-government
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protests but now the president does you know take noise deputy are expected to attend the negotiations take his attempt to push through welfare cuts in april triggered deadly clashes between pro and anti-government protesters more than one hundred sixty people have died there are reports that greece and macedonia will sign a controversial deal on sunday which would end a decades old name dispute with macedonia the agreement has angered nationalists on both sides of the border hundreds of greeks have been protesting outside parliament while m.p.'s debate a no confidence motion against the government macedonia agreed to change its name to the republic of north macedonia and a landmark deal on tuesday we saw that the name macedonian plies a territorial claim to a greek province with the same name. malaysian authorities are reportedly planning to charge former prime minister najib razak with money laundering and misappropriation of property tax and edged involvement in
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a major corruption scandal but in large part in his shock and action also earlier this year the nation's new prime minister mahathir mohamad is about to bring back money that was stolen from a state fund and punish those responsible to be upon reports from patricia. no it's one of the biggest ever turnouts for prime ministers open house the annual celebrations held at the residence of malaysia's leader to mark the start of the muslim holiday of either addressing the crowd might there mohammed thank the supporters who helped him and his coalition and the sixty year rule of the previous government last month. this is democracy and it means the people are free to trust their government if they find it a government and it's no longer suitable true votes we can change the government and the people here are well aware of it. but. based on my observation they sit in promises that they may fulfill but we won something that is
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fair and transparent so we are informed of what had happened to our country which is the new government i think i suspect nation of the feet and the sites you know the old woman. quite a lot but the former prime minister najib razak is being investigated for money laundering and misappropriation of property it's related to a corruption scandal in which state money was allegedly used to pay for the lifestyle of politicians and businessmen around the world sending the country into debt. it's tears says forced him out of retirement with a promise to clean up the government prime minister mahathir mohamad is credited with bringing together not only a divided population but also the various political parties with one common goal change but as the new government forms there are concerns he won't be able to keep the different groups united long enough to deliver the proposed reforms. the ruling coalition known as the alliance of hope is made up of politicians across the
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spectrum many had been jailed by mark there himself when he was prime minister from one nine hundred eighty two to two thousand and three the opposition coming to join you know it can lead to fractious relationship it depends on whether his ideas can be tolerated because some may not like you see the choice of you know the top people one month on there is still putting together a cabinet with the eventual aim of a clean and transparent government but get watching. whatever changes that has been promised to take for. the actually meeting and what it might there mohammad at the age of ninety three is now responsible for ending a system of corny ism and corruption that has been a problem for malaysia ever since he was last in power if you go palin al-jazeera puts or jaya malaysia. at least twelve people have died in fowls and have been forced into relief shelters after days of torrential rain in northeast india flash
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floods and landslides have cut off parts of money for state in neighboring tripper hospitals and shops were flooded and closed for his annual problem during the monsoon season but the effect has been worsened by crumbling infrastructure and clogged drains. people in the south african town of moms mourning the death of two men killed in a mosque attack on thursday stabbings are shocked south africa and raise questions about the safety of muslims in the country. reports. some would bust is grateful that is by the faisal survive thursday's attack at a mosque in cape town he was stabbed in the face and by a stranger with said he needed a place to sleep for the night their father and a somali national were killed and you need to try to escape and. i had to chase and call. the police came and. because.
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it. says he was stabbed to first he thinks the attacker was acting alone so he's not just a congregation or a specific. this is the guy he used to be blamed despite our kindness to him unfortunately. but he will be judged with you will be judged by a lot of behind accordingly. the. western cape province is home to the largest community of muslims in south africa all thursday's attack comes more than a month after armed men killed one person at a mosque near durban in problems police say so far there is no link between the two attacks. it's a small farming town family said they are still in shock and some are nervous community leaders are telling people to stay calm and not speculate until the police find out why the attack happened. the family and friends of the two murdered
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men say they want answers they need to know why the attack happened some say it won't bring their loved ones back but it could help them and the community. there are the spirit of what south africa. former tennis star boris becker is strictly unusual step of claiming diplomatic immunity to avoid bankruptcy proceedings in the u.k. becker was appointed attash for sport humanitarian and cultural affairs by the central african republic in april is lodged a claim in the london high court saying this role in titles him to immunity a british bank is pursuing because assets in court after he was declared bankrupt last year. the for.
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the diagnosis he has been sick for around six months now the challenge ahead there when one of these ninety six could be a new cure or a basis of a new cure all for colors are there illness or disability al-jazeera examines pyaar mein treatments so this is the next i see yes it's basically a wearable robot like iraq revisited on al-jazeera.
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the man who spent his life investigating the origins of the universe has had his voice beamed into the nearest black hole with a message of peace and hope stephen hawking's remains have now been interred between the graves of fellow science greats isaac newton and charles darwin and the hayward reports on the moor memorial service for britain's most renowned astrophysicist. we have entrusted brother stephen to god's mercy he was one of the world's best known scientists now laid to rest behind some of history's greatest thank those who also changed the way we understand the world.
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it would have britain's oldest churches thousands gathered to remember the remarkable life the professor stated whole cake the stars of screen and science coming together to celebrate his work for it is he who gave me an erring knowledge of what exists to know the structure of the world and the activity of the elements . hawking who died in march led an extraordinary life for a cambridge graduate who was just twenty one when he was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease doctors said he would only survive a few years but he lived for more than half a century when an illness will tell him of his ability to speak hawking's found another voice using a synthesizer it will become a mock. press of stephen hawking to the universe it's all regions its structure from big bang to black hole at
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a cheap global acclaim with the release of his book a brief history of time which sold more than ten million copies of his work was inspirational thousands of members of the public took part in a palace to attend his memorial here it's so trapped in his body but look at the sky it's incredible he was an inspiration to people even within the military in general if we didn't look at that more integrated for us the universe is extraordinary it was her current condition was not unusual was it our evolution was to be displacing destroying history as. britain has been burying its kings and its queens its prolific poets performers and explorers tear at westminster abbey for centuries stephen hawking will be laid to rest in and austria scientific company alongside the likes of charles darwin and
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isaac newton. it is an auto which sails stephen hawking's legacy the years to come emma hayward al-jazeera. yes. when the news breaks. on the mailman city and the story builds to be forced to leave it would just be all when people need to be heard women and girls are being bought and given away in refugee camps al-jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you the award winning documentaries and live news and on al-jazeera i got to commend you all i'm hearing is good journalism on air and online. al-jazeera for me is different because there's a maturity about its views government and the israeli generally
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a whole series channel but the feds take the risk of a story i feel. like they're not going anywhere al-jazeera is setting out to the face of the reality on the ground that the reality of the drought can only become the fanatics of all the people and that's what we do i think as we do well. with bureaus spawning six continents across the globe. al-jazeera is correspondents living brains the stories they tell of this. i think is one of us not to let the scouts. were at the mercy of the russian camp for palestinian refugees i'll just zero fluent in world news the most memorable moment of al-jazeera was when i was on air as hosni mubarak fell with the crowds in tahrir square don
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talking. as. if something happens anywhere in the world al jazeera is in place we're able to cover news like no other news organizations. were able to do it properly. and that is our strength. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be foolish is you know it's very challenging but in this particular because you have a lot of people that are devoid of political issues. the people who believe that tell the real story i'll just mend it used to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe.
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ninety percent of the wild special dogs are being fished out or beyond the sustainable limits growing demand an industrial fishing techniques are pushing some populations of cod and china to the brink of collapse while millions of tons of other less marketable species are being used to fast eliza fish food or simply discard it i'm so we are rightly in london u.k. where marine scientists are working together with local fisherman can see. miss hooked on sustainable seafood is. based in east london a tiny startup by the name of social is hoping to change london his relationship with fish. to fish for dinner gents. order now over disappoints. you choose how much for if you want health and you want to encumber get it from oh it's a bit like a budget box but let's say. we work with a couple of ensure fischman we bother and try and then handed out to those it's a really good way of getting your hands on amazing fish trying things that maybe
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you haven't tried before and also supporting the got a call to mostyn fin it is one of five or three and a half thousand small scale fishermen working in english motives but unlike many out this piece families have been in the business but generations to come to the trade a decade ago. the oysters my fish let's go the problem was out of the one that told us what the drought situation of the school said it all for the stronger for it made it take that lot out of the trucks down so that lots of the concentrate they stay right. here on the continent is nothing that they haven't got a card for you know to tie it all in there are. six touches the bigger fish. the alternate still such a big fish but some of the actual small fish as well which are trolling the only thing you know kind of thing by the way and. the so i'm told you could avoid every
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bit of that. unlike industrial bottom truly minutes which try to long to see flume and can kill a wide array of marine life. stay still in the woods and the notch holes means he's not undermining feature fish stocks by catching up some juveniles. those he does like standing that come in and i. say that's legal so he's the lawyer. now i work for backyards but. how much more would you get the same for a place if you sent it three don't rub it in just sort of also jack because it's a flat right for her and the cable. on the house side of the morgue email to my to offer in crude for for the sign plights says quite a big difference that is yeah so share members help keep martin in business by giving him a good price and buying a set wait each week of whatever he brings in and you also going to fishmonger what
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i seldom i still get a break simon called from provence and sure you know they're beautiful friends of ours so more than anything else and there are also some of the most kind of moments fish exactly. every one of someone's office or which. is go all day because i've had to accept whatever turns up and have a car or different spaces and that spanking first figure given a child. who think into congress is going to quit it really is invested royale made significant this meant that for we end up in boy. the business is not just missing from a lot of the way that we know we eat today you know it is such a big disconnect between what's on our plates the merits come from. that sap people want to buy didn't that there's something about it we're not so sure i started in twenty thirteen and now has eighty members in london you buy from martin and a few up a small scale fish and. from the boat to
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a new series of rewind a can bring your people back to life i'm sorry and brand new updates on the best of al-jazeera documentaries the struggle continues from the till now or use distance rewind continues with australia's lost generation of recovery. is a really important issue. do a mind very high still twice the national average rewind on al-jazeera the sams in archaeology graduate from iraq he's also a part time going to pergamon museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous ishtar gate in babylon most of the people he's
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showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several berlin museums taking part in the project called meeting point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasise the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture. because i've been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that moves us forward to me the great thing is it's not just about museums about forming a new life here and part of life is culture getting to the heart of the matter if the turkish cypriot leader calls you today and says let's have talks would you accept facing the realities what do you think reunification of look like relative people think the peace for unification is the only option for prosperity or for south korea hear their story on talk to al-jazeera.
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the tariff tit for tat the us president donald trump imposes tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese goods china responds in kind. a low i maryam namazie in london you with al jazeera also coming out. all smiles for the cameras in paris but the leaders of france and italy have been heads over their policy on migration. afghanistan says pakistani taliban leader mullah fazlullah who ordered the attack on schoolgirl malala yousafzai.
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