tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera June 17, 2018 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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q operations longer term what is a fact is that people are still fleeing libya and the thing is that we had to travel here means that we also can't be in the rescue and as we know our people are still fleeing i think they have been evidences since the last days they have been rubber bullets which have not been rescued and we have to be here and we should be in the rescue zone and of course we need a framework which we can operate and we're an emergency vessel we are rescue people but we don't want to be there and the european union has to find a solution for them thank you much for very much but i know that was then a part of the charity s.o.s. many and of course the ship operated by s.o.s. many time now the aquarius well that is due to dock here perhaps within an hour perhaps within a couple of hours really depending a little bit on the speed of progress getting the migrants off this ship processing them registering them and then moving them off to their first reception center. for
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the moment thanks very much will come back to you later in the day. i think straight back to like press pass were both the greek and former yugoslav republic of macedonia prime minister are about to speak they're taking a standing ovation for signing the beginning of what will be a very long process in both respective parliaments to change the name of that independent state to the north from the former yugoslav republic of macedonia to the republic of north macedonia. great opposition on both sides of the border let's just listen in to what the prime ministers have to say. if you. actually mean the. minimum of.
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up as the man. you become a celebrity special good maybe shift this is good for us because ben ferguson right now dollar is this period for the past twenty five years is that. ladies and gentlemen this is. making here today. at a late press. shared by three. for our own neurons with a history. you are at a point with me. music has been crossed in the course of time and man. strays when there's a new loser's trialling front sense and tragic heroes as secure tears in the passage you think. this is not. a song nullus stories and images handed over to us by the great narrators the
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great storytellers of human history and here we are here. and now to come face to face to the with the weight of our own historic responsibility to address all peoples first and foremost. and also our address ourselves to everybody. people slag have suffered and a lot in the course of history. to the poison of chauvinism and without you defy save nationalistic a trail. of peoples. is me. owners. i have been the victims of a regional i mentioned national conflicts and as you have been saying this change is a border is a national rewriting of historical truth. impersonation.
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prevalence of fear. we are standing here today noted to duke. straight in the world and you know to fulfill our patriotic you go to serve us. here and not meeting here today to mourn not only the. last in the past but taken a historic step just for that to be a witness in a future room so that the loonies of time lunacy be healed. and the road for peace consolation cooperation and joint developed and it is paved. not just for the sake of our country's but for the sake off the ball comes and europe as a whole. takes a course off
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a new era of regional stability prosperity and security. today's signature will lay the groundwork for this new era. of friends around when we met six months ago. it was snow it was fair good. morning. you. and it wasn't cold at the location where we're mad all her relations how to countries relations have been frozen in the twenty five years very feel of us let me remind you believed they could make it would it change to leave behind twenty six years of unconstructive the spirit image in the two countries he however this
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was how shared. it was i shared will that help there's no difficulty obstacles. i wish. to extend a special thanks to them and for this huge effort to our two foreign ministers. as it's thanks to them. standing here today. and also like this hanging press by our person into the us and them in the face of us the carlow and the special lovers the limits of who has incessantly fought for twenty four years of the four solution to this issue. we face an ideal day of for the signing of this signature this is best day. everybody else i wish to express my appreciation to our european family either
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a higher percentage of the me and commissioner him or a large man mr han. following tireless efforts and lots of strangulation that we handed out through the mutual of an official a great mentor that is in full respect of the fundamental principle isn't entirely research both parties. and i deal them in the last us today to your address people post look the been the us and. to read it and support it i mean without prejudice. if the history of the whole is they are sold. and this as a green lantern reflects the souls of people and. this is why it is a patriotic aliens and peoples. in everybody in the same goals are complicit in
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this agreement. with you belarus mao forces a new person countries that attempt to exploit. the understandable use of the clothes of the spectator sensitivity so much people. at the bottom of the sensitivities were guy to the negotiations and the signature of the drafting and the signature now of this agreement. because most of them were given a course that will continue to guide us in our future jon taffer one of them in a given. it's on today. sustainable sustainability of an agreement for certain legal aspects to fast jointly so that it takes the conscience of. yes.
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i realize that this is the kind of the solution to. a decades long. which is why we attach particular importance today to new infrastructure projects such a railway connection between thessaloniki of the press. as well as to projects that have been agreed on the basis of the confidence building measures such as. road crossing which is actually quite important as comes. region and cross border relations. those are and ladies and gentlemen. it is our right. in the face of history as we making sure that step to get it is our duty to make sure without. making solid steps i am certain we really do that i am optimistic and i'm not mistake that i was to set the example in times of fraternization during and when there is
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a general law is destabilization and political clashes in conflicts because it's not just our beaches and not the area but actually the entire humanity mankind as. examples such as your comrades example of people will see examples of countries to get rid of the. then proceed with building a shared future. of the people. countries of the bakken soft to go through this intense point in the same. as concerns the fate of the future of the people who are out of. phase two either will be faced with which china. political economic financial or environment one of the social one says the only path to do only that are successful in. the application enforcement. and effective and efficient cross border policy. this is a policy of extroversion
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a policy based on the shatt. an itinerary of those within the european family this is actually going to make sure that it does away with the various forces and instability and will this will be a definitive ending to the chapter changing the world does. come and. let me come finding general i love balkan music myself with the wonderful music with the brass instruments. to the sounds of the dancers that we only have the peoples of the balkans. those this huge balkan music for the show . and the moving song. the song. actually a very important place with. a history of balcony music i'm actually referring to
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those songs that were sung mostly by wives sisters and doctors who were in that i have to. say goodbye to that loved ones who would go to. detect place because a fanatic says a conflict and then next to those songs of loss and mourning that are also joyful and songs in the balcony is it history actually losing the battle of nature the beauty of our people and now because this is a new song that we are writing today to get that. yes those of us here and then as we started writing the leaks to those song i'll check davis to make sure that the song off joy and happiness will be sanct centuries to come by many generations in both languages our language and yours is
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in your country in our country both countries from our people and your people. and that will be a song that will be a celebration. for. me a success because barry chambers and good neighborly relations between our two people who saw through the previous generation seeing the i have had enough have met me now it's high time we see you once again celebrate and you became a hard time winning example babies and those of our shared future it's high time we'll soon joyful songs about them in the same boat and with us to take a listen to those tied up towards the future just to ascribe it so brave and bold like that it's one of historical significance that our people suddenly thank you very much in
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the. which. my dear friend. minister so foreign affairs minister could see as the meter of. the arab ministers of the governments of the two countries on the secretary general only to go affairs at the un. here maybe trade ambassador name here high representative for enough air security. and vice president of the commission giving commission european neighborhood policy and large. representatives of the media. or citizens. what
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a beautiful magnificent story they. may. be made happiness be upon him. at the outset of my address i wound care for thoughts by the famous greek philosopher. if. you will never do anything in this world without scott h. the greatest quality of the mind next and that. dream. by others tell us. that you have faith that each and. you can move mountains. mind sentiment they. share sincerely with. by signing the final agreement for the settlement of the
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different. partnership between our two countries. we have moved mountains. at times when many very severe doubts we have proven that yes. can be done it turns. to game we're putting an end to a dispute they're putting on to a yearlong difference. raising the reason. that has the friendly relations between the brits. has been known for its three decades these have been three decades of uncertainty for our future words great decades of serious concerns about possible i'm desired. therefore prime minister. the ministers of foreign affairs could hear. the members of our government together without collaborators with the support of the united nations of the european union
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and with the support of our common strategic friends we have so i keep searching a solution. except of gold to both sides and we have come to such a solution. is a. halfords this is an expression of our commitment to find. the interests of the future and citizens of our two countries dear friends. course three decades we have been resolved. this very important or made three decades have taught us very important lessons great visions can be attained only by undertaking action by undertaking courageous initiatives. have been focused on reaching our goal and we have been calling upon continually building
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confidence building triumphs and creating a climate of friendships which will def give us a chance to creative talent and potential solutions what we have learned is that we need to learn from history and. not repeat. the lesson with that when countries are in the world isn't peace and when countries are in agony and the world suffers through the. foundations of the past we are building the future what has the agreement cause the agreement has grabbed us courage to reach greater trust between the two countries. rationed to raising if should peace which will certainly bring better life for six months of both countries. and the person that has brought us to a solution has brought a friend a friend until yesterday's. environment have convinced the.
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enemy that cannot be appeased we are building a friendship with free greece with partners and allies there will be asa poor choice together we have. for the strategic partnership that will bring benefits for citizens so both countries. has now a reality we cannot can no longer ignore the fact that we live in a world in which we are even if. this is the reality. friendship and. the democratic government governance peace and prosperity not down to me and the region to gather we are building a regional community. centered on citizens work hard the next steps. up relation with.
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the right time. to refer to the values of the european union and to help each other and. the president of the european council has it we can survive we can persist. with. comprehensive this is security we have another goal to reach. shared prosperity by pursuing more intensive economic cooperation. the agreements we are signing today creates an opportunity for. chance and we have in a historic opportunity to downsize our cooperation to great economic ties and together to reach higher rates of development. we have to
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trade investments flow of people and transfer. we have seen. isolation yourself in isolation has brought benefits to country. to attain something. very. close to this agreement. our. greek societies are part of the european common system of values our citizens and. the rule of law. forms our countries of the. nations. european concept is a stabilizing now you which is democratic and which is a. driving from populism in spreading fear.
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stronger than fear greeks macedonia europeans stronger than fear the european family does not recognize. does not matter and does not. accept. these have never been and must never be the time it is for your country democracy reacts the problems fights fear and. builds hope for the future and this is a message for for you to run i. agree they have the right to filibuster of you and to who is their arguments. becomes. cordons with the european spirit but to something accordance with the european spirit to engage and to debate and to give the solution an opportunity.
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through the. decision. to give an opportunity to the all for solution entire democratic world to hold our friends partners and purchase. the green movement by which both countries leave the past behind and go for the future and when everybody thought that there is no we. have taken the car in china have me. dear friends. very grateful to you and to the minister to minister could see is for your virtues for your courage. to commit yourself together with this historic and a lasting solution i know it hasn't been easy for you to. have.
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had the right side of history. i would like to also express my sincere appreciation to ambassador murphy. as the personal envoy of the united nations. secretary-general he. has. three kids so his life. is something that demands that. and the least we can do today is to celebrate his birthday together with celebrating this our final agreement and i should also like to express my appreciation to the european representatives of the european union that have helped us throughout the past few years the presence of representatives of current affairs and security policy of the here. commissioner. today here
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at our. conference and will remain by our side in the future joining endeavors. great supported me throughout this period from the united. states of america and from. allies the family did get in the security of the region and. i would like to. have the government of our neighboring countries. there encourage men to assist have been of the signs if importance at certain points dear friends i will conclude by saying that today. we can for we say that we are proud of this agreement we are proud because we. are finding a solution to
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a dispute that has divided us and we have to chosen a solution that unite this stand united to day and for africa thank you. you're watching al-jazeera and they're on the side of lake press but in greece are the greek prime minister alexis tsipras holding his hand with the macedonia and prime ministers or in their view just heard there as well in front of an audience of diplomats and received a standing ovation as they head towards the signing table to sign an understanding that the name of the former yugoslav republic of macedonia will be changed to the republic of north macedonia this is just the first step in a very long journey that both countries still have yet to walk down to make sure that this agreement to change the name that has been at the center of
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a dispute for nearly three decades is finalized it will allow of course the republic of macedonia as and when it takes that new name to open its borders perhaps join the e.u. and even nato and while that is being signed by the foreign ministers of both countries georgia even offers macedonia there on the left of your screen and on the right of your screen is nicholas sees the greek foreign minister we will of course bring in our correspondents and your guy a guy who's also been following events there a great deal was pending for both prime ministers on this deal they've received a great deal of criticism for the position that they're in now but yet i think the speech that they were making wasn't just to the dignitaries assembled
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at lake press bus but really trying to explain their position and the position of their respective governments to their own nationals. absolutely and certainly this is more about trying to put those issues to the past really as as promised desire of had so that. in reference to this that this is an opportunity for both countries to leave the past behind and of course what's quite notable there are many references to opportunities that lie in that with sort of further ties to to europe as well and the validity of that as well and of course this is. goes back to this point as well because for years greece has blocked any attempts at ascensions to you and any of macedonia is essential to the e.u.
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and nato as well with everything that is going on with europe within the e.u. right now the the various discords the. sort of splits that lie between east and west this area in particular in the balkans is being seen as particularly crucial and in fact the greek prime minister himself said that this was again a time to be able to stabilize the region there is a volatility here which could well be exploited by other players for example russia sees the balkans as part of its sphere of influence this is perhaps one way for the european union and nato allies to be able to try and get some sort of control within this part of the balkans which has seen of course so much division certainly not even mentioning the the yugoslav was but the fallout
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from that as well and they see it as being absolutely crucial to try and maintain some sort of stability and to one day perhaps see the republic of north macedonia to accede to the european union and maybe into nato as well. of course with sonia what we have certainly heard from the greek prime minister alexis tsipras was very much a sort of a history lesson in terms of the what's three decades old frozen relations between the two countries the real chance to overcome fear and obstacles to get to this point it's very much in his interest to have a positive foreign policy on is. perhaps what woeful domestic policy but is rather shaky domestic standing at the moment. absolutely and as has been mentioned in in reports about the fact that there is
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this fierce opposition on both sides from hardliners and especially who would seek to one do that as well i mean of course this is going to go through are going to have to be ratified by both parliaments by the greek parliament and the macedonian parliament but there are plenty of opportunities for this to really dissolve in their own respective political issues as well and cause instability within their own countries there is still that sense that they need to be able to secure the support on in both countries to be able to carry this through once the ratification process takes place and if they go through then macedonia has another hurdle as well it is is going to have to put that to a referendum in september as well if that gets passed then of course it has to wind back all of what greek what greece says is cultural appropriation of of greek
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macedonian culture that has taken place there so really an awful lot of hurdles and this is by no means something which is going to be resolved quickly is going to take months and months and there is still going to have to be a lot of delicate. a lot of delicate sort of partnerships and. steps being taken place to be able to make sure that this goes through without disturbing the balance too much on either side of borders of course on you you know when you say sort of misappropriating macedonia cultural titles for international audiences just give them an idea we're talking about scorpions port which has the name of alexander the great port we're also looking at the alexander the great highway that leads from the former yugoslav republic of macedonia towards greece that's going to be called the freedom highway these changes have yet to be made so lots of hurdles really for the macedonian politicians and specially for prime
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ministers because his president doesn't agree with him on quite a lot of these issues. no he certainly doesn't but the prime minister is the one who holds the power in the country of course the president south of oliver said that he would use his veto to try and block that whether he will be able to have a full success or not but he will have the support of hardliners in that in that respect he will have a lot of support and of course there is this sense that what is really being done his undoing really decades of work of fallout from the cold war and also just from the the situation that has been occurring in the balkans as well so really a lot of of of decades really of work to be rolled back there but of course we'll continue to follow events with you at that press person you're going to get there our correspondent let's take you across to the other top story that we're covering
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