tv newsgrid Al Jazeera June 18, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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al-jazeera where every. this is al-jazeera and live from studio fourteen here at al-jazeera headquarters in doha. welcome to the. home. unconditionally that one has come from the united arab emirates and saudi arabia continue attacking yemen's major city but the un's outgoing human rights chief is also warning of enormous civilian casualties if the assault. on the grid the crisis in the us mexico border we're looking at the so-called zero tolerance initiative
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and not just how it's separating hundreds if not thousands of children from their parents but how it's being used as a political tool. and to us first ladies are calling for an end separating children from their parents at the mexican border but are comments in particular contradicting her husband's policy. for. the world cup it's the beginning of england's campaign against just a few away but where england it is as much about their families as it is the football they live in russia. on the west front. streaming online through facebook live in an al-jazeera dot com it is a key battle potential turning point in yemen's war but with the potential for a humanitarian disaster this is the concern around the. the m.r.c.
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coalition offensive to take back the port city of data has been held by iranian backed hutu rebels and twenty fifteen but these some of the iraqi coalition of now reached the airport on who day it is southern outskirts they say who the rebels are using the area to smuggle in weapons now in the last twenty four hours they've been more than forty years strikes on hooty held areas thousands of families fleeing that fison and the u.n. and others say the coalition offensive is preventing food and medicine getting to those who need it most remember twenty three million people require you to live day to day in yemen seven million are on the brink of famine so as the united nations special envoy is attempting to mediate between the who is in the coalition the organizations human rights chief is warning of the devastating impact on everyday yemenis. emphasize my grave warring regarding the saudi monarchy led coalition's ongoing attacks in the data and which could
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result in enormous civilian casualties and have a disastrous impact on lifesaving humanitarian aid to millions of people which comes through the port just before we go any further quick reminder of the sides in this battle this is from al jazeera dot com you see very clearly those who oppose military action in yemen and in iran's case that's not working for some reason a country which backs the hooty rebels who the coalition of fighting against the coalition does have wide support mostly from arab countries but it is very much lead and mostly carried out by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates so let's hear now from a representative of the united arab emirates the minister of state for foreign affairs and what got us. indeed we are careful not to hit the surrounding residential areas so as not to hurt the people there the current dealing with the airport suits us for two reasons the first it gives us the opportunity to press
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well and to avoid as much as we can the civilians secondly it gives the international envoy a chance to have his say before leaving sana'a today we think rationally and we always behave in a responsible way putting in mind all the circumstances in london for us now but he is a former member of yemen's national dialogue between twenty twelve and twenty fourteen and but i thank you for joining us we'll talk more about the idea of dialogue in a moment first tell me about your thoughts on this offensive is it just a case of the saudis and the emirates is in their coalition using absolute brute force to take back the city. i mean quite honestly i think it was quite naive from the un to think that the coalition backed forces and the yemeni government that they're going to who have been out by the way residing like they were in the southern part of part of the data that they were just going to stay the just going to stay there forever we as yemenis have been
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anticipating and expecting this for a long time so these attempts by the u.n. envoy and the warnings to it of a much much earlier and he should have secured a better deal for him data a long time a long time ago the thought of having an attack on the on the ports has been going on for quite quite a long time for the yemeni government it is essential to get back up or it has accused who he is of smuggling weapons through that port but in addition to that it is a main source of revenue that have enabled the who sees to sustain for quite for quite a long time so for the yemeni government and for the coalition it is essential to get back to get control of that. port and they cannot keep keep it in the house for the who it is forever but in the meantime if you have all this fighting going on these airstrikes i mean it's people and this is always the case it's people who will suffer in the interim. yeah i mean the people i mean i've
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spent all my weekend literally talking to people in the data their main concern is that they just don't want to be trapped in a city that's been fighting you know fighting over for four for quite a long time. they are concerned and worried but at the same time again like you have two bad options either like people like and it's not good for for force civilians conflict is always not good for civilians either that they a conflict happens or they remain and and the who rule which is for them is not also a good good alternative the best alternative was that the u.n. envoy secured a better deal for data at an early stage before this escalation happens happened last year last weeks or so you're saying that that's not working the un's approach at the moment the u.n. special envoys approach what is the right approach and if you were
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a member previously of the national dialogue where and how should the dialogue be happening now. well i mean that's quite the whole the whole point i mean we are in a conflict today because of a reason and that's reason is that the who sees did lead a coup against the yemeni government to avoid having a referendum on the outcomes of the national the national dialogue in order to have a genuine genuine dialogue we need to return back to the transitional process that what happened there happened before where actually the voice of the voice of reason and politicians can come back instead of the voice of of. guns and shelling and shelling and airstrikes and. when you don't have been you have that political process messing the alternative is is usually conflict and since two thousand and fourteen september two thousand and fourteen when the who things took
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over the capital the prospect of having a political deal has been shrinking to the to the benefit of having a of having a conflict and this is where we are we're stuck in this more than three years now in conflict but joining us from london are talking yemen. in the sound of war planes never ceases to fame has written this place it out to zero com she's been speaking to people in her day there as well by phone hearing about their experiences first hands not just about the air strikes but as we've also discussed the hunger brought on by lack of access there is another day the hungry have a read of it for yourself search for yemen her day there al-jazeera dot com has actually been on the front page most of today you can always get in touch with us if you like as well content details on screen for you now hashtags a.j. news group of course already had a comment from who was that silly watching on facebook live al jazeera dot com now
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facebook dot com slash al-jazeera as we can watch the live stream there it is he's just said this is saudis and abu dhabi as in the u.a.e. playing war games in yemen that number plus nine seven four five or one triple one four nine what's happened telegram if you want to get in touch with us or if you want to send us any photos or video to help us tell the stories that we are bringing to you we'll move on now in the last hour or so u.s. president donald trump has again raised the issue of border immigration in his country but he's done so by attacking the leadership and policies of his supposed ally the german chancellor angela merkel here's the tweet the people of germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous berlin coalition crime in germany's way up big mistake made all over europe in allowing millions of people sorry allow millions of people in who have so strongly and violently change their culture very general claim there about crime however it's incorrect crime in germany is actually at its lowest rate since one thousand nine
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hundred two according to data released last month private german interior ministry . and chancellor merkel certainly won't be welcoming his comments they come as she's trying to hold together a coalition which is at odds on the government's approach to migration after lengthy talks or service of partners in government the sea is you have agreed not to pull out they've given her time to renegotiate a new e.u. wide approach to migration at a summit at the end of the month. we are of the opinion the c.d.u. and c.s.u. has the joint goal to better direct migration into our country and we do so number of people are driving in the country so that we do not have a situation like we had in two thousand and fifteen. let's check in with dominic carrying on this one for us live in berlin hi dominic let's talk first of all about that's going to read from donald trump i mean you actually start to wonder can we call the u.s. and germany allies at the moment because the clash particularly of immigration just keeps coming back. well the point to say here is that angle
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america probably doesn't have the time to respond as it were to the president's tweets because it's a busy day that she has today she's been trying to broker this negotiation this kind of temporary solution to the storm that had grown blown up around her and her party and her allies regarding integration in the course of the next hour or so should be meeting the italian prime minister is the consulate in the building behind me the chancellor one thing to say that the reaction from other people to mr trump's tweets has been very considerable certainly as you were saying in the your introduction. that the crime rate here has is at its lowest in twenty five years one other thing that people are saying is that anglo-american remains the most popular politician in this country the most recent surveys opinion polls about which politician was favored by most people clearly put angle america looked at top so that's the sort of reaction you're getting from from people on twitter but as i
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say from an official perspective angela merkel has other fish to fry today and clearly one of those other fish to fry is as you were alluding to in the introduction there is this issue of immigration not just here as a political story but what it represents across europe let's talk about those fish then shall we and take us through what happens now as we said there's an e.u. summit to come and it looks like on the move has been given a sort of buffer zone until the end. yes in some ways it's a sort of reprieve as it were temporary at least in so far as germany is concerned the point at issue here is what to do with the people who have come to germany claiming asylum who already claimed asylum in another e.u. country people who are bound by the dublin three regulation allies in the c.s.u. the varian party will they say we want to be able to return those people back to the countries they first made landfall in the e.u. and i'm going to medical disagrees with that her issue is going to be how she is
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able to broker a solution at a european level that will play cakes people like mr conti people like mr mccarthy and the heads of government in other countries certainly in the fore in the countries of the former yugoslavia and elsewhere in the balkan area of europe and at the same time placate her allies of the varian party the c.s.u. who it seems have slightly divergent demands or desires regarding immigration so that is the conundrum that she has to solve in the course of the next two weeks and people here some analysts here suggest that that if there may not necessarily be an e.u. wide deal certainly she will be looking to find some sort of accommodation official accommodation is it works with the leaders of the countries where many of the through which rather many of the people who come here as refugees first make landfall that's the thing to look out for will be interesting to see when we see the news conference between mr conti and ms mrs merkel what sort of progress they might have made because these are the two countries who you would consider will
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have the vote the most number of people to deal with in this immigration scenario thank you john mccain in berlin. well donald trump angry tweets tweets because they were about five of them today all about migration they might be an attempt to deflect attention from his own problems with immigration there is growing criticism of the white house's zero tolerance policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the mexico border now on sunday we had these pictures several groups including members of congress who were given a tour of a facility in texas which is housing these kids who've been separated from their parents some trump officials are saying actually it's the fault of the democrats who are refusing to back why the immigration law reforms now the hunter and security secretary has also falsely claimed the government doesn't even have such a policy separating families but have a look at this this is from their own website if you can see here i'll zoom it up a little bit first of all this is for someone who has been charged with the crime
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of illegal entry into the united states now what it says quite clearly is that your child or children will be transferred to the u.s. department of health and human services where your child will be held in a temporary child shelter or hosted by a foster family it's pretty much there in black and white isn't it meanwhile border patrol agents overseeing the policy have talked to reporters about the current situation have a listen six hundred six hundred. are under the zero tolerance initiative. out of those six hundred zero tolerance prosecutions one thousand one hundred seventy four children have been temporarily separated as the adult goes through the judicial process and after touring the facility some members of congress and a former member of the obama administration also had some words to say. the administration says they want to do this as to send a message to families overseas about how you'll be treated if you come to the
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united states of america where we used to have a message about how you'll be treated it was called lady liberty who held up the torch who said give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free but now there is a new message from the trop in ministration and that new message if you come here fleeing persecution we will greet you on our shore we will handcuff you we will treat you as a criminal we will take away your children and you will never know when you might possibly see them again this is absolutely un-american and wrong we must end this policy of family separation rule. they sponsor child abuse donald trump you do it and donald trump you fix it immediately if you won't then the congress fixative you his i white house correspondent kimberly how clint to talk through some of that kimberly migration story it's a political story and it's a story that's not going away in fact i would send it from where i see both sides
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seem to be even more firmly entrenched in their positions these days. yeah it's the political football that often comes back time and time again in fact it's been one that's been going back and forth between the parties for almost twenty years and continues to get worse what this really is shaping up to be is a top election issue as we go into the congressional elections to for control of congress in november but essentially well donald trump has had a tweet storm that you talked about a little earlier blaming his political opponents the democrats for this really both political parties share blame in the fact that we are where we are right now and to give some context because i have been covering the immigration issue for almost twenty years obama administration bush administration before that this is not a new policy it's actually been around for more than ten years but no one ever enforced it before the way we've seen in recent months under the trumpet ministration the sort of zero tolerance policy that you hear bandied about essentially that means they pulled the trigger on what was always considered the
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nuclear option and that is separating children from their families a standard practice we should point out when it comes to criminal matters in the united states if the parents are prosecuted the children are kept away separately it's one that in the last couple of hours the homeland security secretary while saying initially as you pointed out that they don't have this practice is now defending it we will not apologize for the job we do or for the job law enforcement for do for doing the job that the american people expect us to do unfortunately for political gain as we have seen some politicians are trying to pit state and local law enforcement officials against federal officials this blue on blue approach is it just service to the public and every law enforcement official around the country and it must stop kimberly is anyone out there suggesting a way forward here because the most vocal one i hear is obviously donald trump who's saying democrats if you just back what i want to do as far as immigration
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then all of this goes away. right again the both parties really have to share the blame in all of this now what's happening is there a couple of congressional bills that could be voted on coming up but none of them look like they're bipartisan come out which means it's not going to get resolved donald trump is making a big show of going up to capitol hill on tuesday to speak to republican lawmakers to try and resolve this but again it appears that this is particularly becoming an election issue which means we're going to be hearing about this this is going to be a long summer what this could do though as the outrage grows is pressure of these lawmakers to act in ways they haven't before is specially when you have sort of the dueling first ladies right now laura bush george w. bush's wife the former first lady penning a scathing editorial saying that this is particularly cruel and inhumane and even malani a trump the current first lady saying there needs to be a governing with heart it seems this is in the spotlight in a way we've not seen in the past that could finally push these lawmakers who've
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essentially abdicated the responsibility to make laws to change and improve people's lives so they might actually do something that's the hope ok thanks kimberly can really help at the white house correspondent. who we got to joining us from skype it is from new york is evelyn mayo who is the president of project hope three sixty this is a foundation dedicated to global humanitarian outreach for peace and empowerment and i believe you advocate for change in u.s. immigration policy. just listening to what kimberly was saying the change is a difficult thing to come by at the moment how would you best attack this actually effecting the change. well it's very interesting it's a few things that i was listening to your plane and you know as far as the congressman thing you know we're changing the message of the united states what to expect when you come to the united states we're not changing the message discrimination has always been very much present in the you know just as there
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happens with you know whether undocumented folks or you know minorities particularly latinos and it's been very very prevalent in the united states this is not a new message that it's just something that it's now been highlighted in the media so we're not changing the message this is just now living now this is in the face of everyone but this has been existing for a very long time so when we talk about a nation that is ruled by liberty and justice we're not there we're not there and you know we're just listening about how this is becoming you know number one topic for the new elections and this is this is the problem with current events when it comes to things like immigration you know they become about politics it doesn't become about human lives that are suffering you know we're not talking about the children that are being separated we're again caught in a fog and caps by when in reality these are real lives that are being affected
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these are children i mean it's gotten so bad and now we have children that are missing children that are being separated from their families if this is how america is i mean what kind of future are we really setting up for but then you know we talk about the election of what are we really creating right now sorry evans or interrupt you what can be done no now and then because you're saying that you know your message won't change because it's only that we're actually seeing this now and i face it but the reason we're seeing it now is because there's a government that's forcing it and something has to be done to to to the it's like there's an acute problem to deal with on the border right now and then there's the bigger problem of actual policy and law which one do you deal with how do you deal with them both. well i agree with with the previous statement that this is both a republican and a democratic issue this is a problem that both are equally responsible for this is you know immigration issues
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have never been really at the forefront of our conversation and we've never really sat down and done anything in a bipartisan way that has long term sustainable solutions for the families that are entering into our courts into our country so when you talk about creating solutions i mean the very first thing is that we need to try to form some type of unity and some type of bipartisan agreement that our number one concern is that we will be treating the families that enter into our current jews in the most humane possible way and that's the number one thing and you would think that is you know something that would come naturally is bestial in you know the united states but we try to preach a great this message there we are on top of the came when it comes to human rights in choosing people with dignity but no that is actually not true and that is the first thing that we need to put on the table and you know when it comes to
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children's issues the united states it's not a stranger to putting these things on the backburner you know on and on an average there are six million children there are reported as abused and neglected yearly basis in the united states it's an epidemic that has never been in the forefront now we're trying to start to see what our institution is doing to our children in this form of treatment of children separating them you know in an in just wait from their family and not giving them a secure plink. you know to to continue to further their development of personal development i mean this is not i mean this is not foreign to the united states and it's not something that we've been taught. going about human trafficking it's something very prevalent in the united states and one of them and you're talking about children that are from the age of you know three to seven so these children
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fall on the pool of children that are being neglected by our governments evelyn thank you for talking about it and thank you for keeping the conversation going with us thank you so much. kimberly mention this a little bit a month ago the former first ladies can you build a nice for us right so this is definitely a conversation that we're seeing build online with the dueling first ladies i believe as kimberly put it earlier i'll get to that in a second but for now see it is trending but so is the word border and cage along with trump those are some of the top hashtags at the moment and along with them we're seeing a blame game going on we have this tweet by donald trump saying that the democrats should get together with their republican counterparts and work something out on border security and safety he says don't wait until after the election because you are going to lose writer scott gilmore also took to twitter saying it's easy to say that trump did all of this but that's a fiction we're telling ourselves to paper over the real horror he says ordinary
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americans are doing this civil servants border agents ice officers nonprofit workers all citizens neighbors family and friends america is eating itself he says many are saying this should have all been expected though this video is resurfacing online it's from the day donald trump announced that he was running for president back in two thousand and fifteen when mexico's sends his people to not sending their best they're not sending you they're not sending you to sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. they're bringing drugs to bring in crime they're rapists and some i assume are good people but i speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting at it only makes common sense it only makes common sense this sending us not the right people it's coming from more than mexico it's coming from all over south and latin america and it's
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coming probably. probably from the middle east but we don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence we don't know what's happening and it's got to stop and it's got to stop fast. for former first our first lady malani a trump released a statement through her spokeswoman about the border crisis saying that mrs trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform she believes we need to be a country that follows all laws but also a country that governs with heart the former first lady laura bush also weighed in with an opinion piece in the washington post took this excerpt from it saying i don't live in a border state in texas i appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries but this is zero tolerance policy is cruel it is immoral
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and it breaks my heart these images are eerily reminiscent of the japanese american internment camps of world war two now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in u.s. history. author michael hayden is liking what's happening in texas to the nazi concentration camps he posted this image with a caption that simply reads other governments have separated mothers and children if you're following this conversation on line let us know what you think of what's going on or what you think should be done you can get in touch me directly at leo harding a.j. you can use our whatsapp or telegram platforms and on all platforms you can use a hash tag a.j. news grid and patricia sabga wrote this over a year ago for al-jazeera dot com but it still holds true today an opinion piece on how much immigrants actually bring to the u.s. economy contrasting with how trump is portrayed on all thrived immigrants as a threat to vulnerable american workers admittedly this is broader than you know
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the very acute issue at the border that was in right now but it's good context if you want to talk about immigrants coming to already in america how times immigration policies could cost the economy it's in the opinion section at al-jazeera dot com you have got plenty of opinions online the facebook live stream is full of people speaking quite passionately about this story coming from the us mexico border just reject a couple of quick comments here we go the action of separating unsuspecting children from their parents is inhumane cruel wicked barbaric and a manifestation of modern day slavery we must stand against it ali khan facebook live has also said eventually people will just stop going to america legally or illegally regardless you can send in your comments to us the hash tag as you see on screen is a genius. so this is the news good if you're watching us through facebook live the story for you know about how the me too movement is sweeping through the cooking world one woman is championing a change in how female chefs and then later colombia has a new president even election is described as a new era but it could lead to
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a setback for the country's peace deal the front rebels as well that story and the headlines in a moment. welcome back look at weather conditions across the levant on to western parts of asia we've still got a few showers across parts of stan and through into did becky stan otherwise run the southern side the caspian sea chants of the old shall i think for tehran will probably stay dry we've got showers through the caucasus and on the southern side of the black sea there for turkey otherwise these aside the mediterranean not looking too bad cyprus may be seeing the old shower but it head on through into wednesday weather conditions expect to be dry and fine looks like being a warm one in baghdad there with highs of forty one here in the arabian peninsula weather conditions pretty quiet at the moment forty two the high in doha on the
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other side of the pincher medina expected to come in at forty four degrees rising to forty five now as we head across into southern portions of africa it's looking largely fine here some cloud for southern parts of south africa cape town there probably staying dry during the course of choose day fine conditions across much of the rest of the region and not a great deal of change expect as we had on through into wednesday so let's head up into central parts of africa and big storm systems here moving across in the flow all the way from south sudan towards the gulf of guinea quite a long way towards the west too with some showers as far west as guinea. on october the sixth one thousand nine hundred seventy three when muslims were observing ramadan and jews were celebrating young people. egypt and syria known to surprise war against israel carter's world permitted so to get into the situation
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of disaster now in the first of the three part series al-jazeera explores what really happened during the first week of the war in october on al-jazeera. the diagnosis he has been sick for around six months now the challenge ahead the ring one of these ninety six could be a new cure or a basis of a new cure all for colors are in your illness or disability al-jazeera examines priam meaning in treatment so this is the explosive yes it's basically a wearable robot like iraq revisited on al-jazeera.
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headlines from al-jazeera dot com and what's trending as well but brave warrior as it says there from the united nations about what's happening at either of them are plenty of coverage on that a little bit. the limo cooler as well. and rising homophobia in russia the world cup this is going to concern about what people would face when they went to russia we're going to have more on the world cup coming up a little bit later in sport with sana. for now but we got along here is mary on the
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miles here with more international news. i that yes we begin with turkish forces having end to the outskirts of the syrian city of man beach as part of an agreement with the us earlier this month turkish and u.s. military officials agreed to a road map for the withdrawal of the kurdish y.p. chief from the city was been under white b.g. control since driving i still out in two thousand and sixteen this was done with the help of us as support ankara considers the white peachey a terrorist group and has strongly criticised washington for using them as an ally on the ground in syria for all moving to other developments in syria the regime is accusing the u.s. led coalition of bombing military positions in the east of the country on sunday but the claim has been disputed by u.s.
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central command this video posted online allegedly shows the aftermath of the air strikes on the become law area which killed a number of iraqi a mom armed fighters the syrian observatory for human rights says the attack killed at least thirty eight people mama vaal has more now from the the turkey syria border. there are so far conflicting reports about what exactly happened the syrian official media talk about a strike against their forces near and become a close to the iraqi border but also the city observatory for human rights talks about a strike against rocket militias which work with the syrian government about area and the killing of about forty members of those militia the syrian government usually doesn't show its casualties and apology there could be two strikes and the city government has accused the american americans of being behind these strikes americans of course have denied sponsibility for them so the picture is north korea
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so far and the videos that are being circulated are not seen on any of the official sites either of the militias or hezbollah or also the syrian government. well police in munich arrested the chief executive of common factor audi in relation to germany's emissions cheating scandal rupert sadler has been remanded in custody investigators say they saw they saw a risk that saddam might seek to suppress evidence or let relevant to the investigation out he is accused of selling will than two hundred thousand diesel engine cars fitted with software to hype the extent of their carbon emissions well now i want to join it and i'm casio because she's in istanbul for much more detail on the turkish military operation taking place in and around that city of strategic significance man be in syria just tell us a bit more about turkish plans for man jeep's annan. well
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merriam turkey's see is why p.j. entity by its southern border as a security threat to its territorial and national integrity that's why turkish officers have to clear the border from y p g and as you said turkey considers them as a terrorist group that's why tricky launch an operation in our friend and both sides americans and turks have been negotiating over members for a long time and finally last week top military officers from both sides said that two countries agreed on a road map so what is next is that today turkey and new u.s. troops begin a joint patrolling in the outskirts of the of the northern syrian town member and turkey wants to go inside members because turkey says members looks to the a rabs mainly as it would remember membership was taken over by eisel and then was taken over by wife p.g. sort turks insists that there is a demography change after why p.g.
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moves that from members of the real owners the arabs can come back to the city and according to the open source is there at least five to seven thousand y.p. to fighters in the city and the rolled map requires them to leave the town of member and cross to the instance side of the euphrates river where you have the tons of other places but there is a fact miriam because again the open source the say that is the inside of the euphrates river there are about seventy thousand y p g fighters and turkey has a six hundred kilometer border with that area so. what would stop the troops i mean after clearing the men bits the town of members for a y.p. as you probably turkish authorities would like to cross to the other side and no one knows whether us will. light
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a green light for turkey that time. thank you very much jim castle in istanbul drains up to speed on turkish military movements in and around the syrian city of man beach well now at least one person has died after a wooden boat carrying eighty people capsized in indonesian waters it happened on lake toba near symon into and the northern region of sinatra police say bad weather and big waves cools the boat to sink so far six people have been rescued and taken to hospital the rescue operation has been called off though due to dangerous conditions and will resume on choose day i have more from london for you in about twenty minutes time now back to kemal thanks mary i'm looking at colombia now which has a new president at the youngest ever forty one year old right wing even duke a and says he wants to unite the country but he also wants to renegotiate the controversial peace deal with former leaders of the fog rebel group that was agreed back in twenty six days that still very much
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a sensitive topic for many people in the country we've got army gallagher with us now from bogota to talk about this when we say renegotiate and what exactly does that mean or do we even know that. what we don't quite know is not talk so much about renegotiation this modification remember this peace accord with the park governors and the fifty years of conflict in which two hundred thousand people were killed millions more displaced so it's a very important subject in this election and a very big challenge for inviting duquesne because the supreme court say all of those parts of the police peace process can't be changed so it's not clear whether we can actually deliver on those promises of renegotiating or modifying those peace accords last night in his victory speech and u.k. talked about unifying the whole country but remember this is an electorate that was divided gustavo petro his left wing candidate who was defeated he made a concession speech last night that sounded more like a victory speech and with good reason because democrats really did what you know
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what the leftist candidate has done here the board not only in getting this far in a presidential election but also in securing eight million colombian votes so his voice is still strong in all this one of the questions is the shadow of alvarado is kind of looming over this whole presidency he is a hard liner someone that was fighting tooth and nail against the fog rebels as someone who hands the u.k. he wasn't on stage last night when you k. took to the stage to make that celebration speech i think that was a very deliberate move but evander kane really has to show colombians that he will be his own president not simply a puppet of a former president it's easy and the i think to get caught up in the deal as being the only thing i'm sure has a lot more problems than is. any president to deal with in colombia take us through some of those. well let's look at criteria for a moment he is somebody that wants to tackle inequality in colombia he's somebody
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that wants to tackle climate change and reduce this country's reliance on carbon fuels that in essence means he really appeal to young voters we said we spent a lot of time with young voters a couple of days ago that loved us. so he will still be in the senate he will still have a fairly powerful voice and those are real issues that colombians face it and do care of course is the pro-business candidate is seen as someone that will get foreign investment into the fairly sluggish economy reduce business taxes so the business community likes it but that issue of the peace accords is really central many people saw this vote as a second referendum on those peace accords do case saying look the guerrillas got too good a deal and the red carpet was rolled out for them where's the justice for the victims but if it does modify those peace accords it could mean people who lost loved ones may never get the answers they seek but as i said the supreme court says you cannot change this as they stand so lots of uncertainty here in colombia and lots of people waiting to see what kind of president what kind of person even.
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because eight months ago nobody even knew who was. in bogota thank you. the inside story same looked at the possibility of a government after the first round of voting back in late may it is interesting to go back to that discussion at this the sea and human here what our expert panel had to say about the threat to the even the possibility of the armed conflict reigniting hosting this one you can find inside story in the program section at al-jazeera dot com. now a terminally ill refugee has been refused entry into australia however around a thousand doctors have signed a petition calling for a change of heart on that one leaves looking at this for us i guess the key thing is where he's been refused entry for a raid from australia so ali as he's known and he has lung cancer and this is in australia's offshore detention center on the island of now rule in the pacific ocean if you google it tiny little island there his plight has received much
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attention because of the petition that kemal just mentioned by doctors the sixty three year old is part of the has are a minority in afghanistan he has family in australia but because of the never australia policy anyone trying to enter by boat is sent offshore to detention centers and papa new guinea or now over in his case australia offered to transfer ali to a hospital in taiwan but he has refused to go saying he wants to die with family here's tim costello of the charity organisation world vision in australia sending any people who arrive by boat to islands in the pacific menace island off papa new guinea and in the room where literally there's been psychological torture for them being told there is no chance of resettlement othello's under strain and doctors have signed a petition saying this man with lung cancer should be able to come from the road to australia and be treated they know what's morally right the strains deep down know
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what's morally right will our government do the right thing at last then just last week an iranian man died on nauru he's believed to have committed suicide he is the twelfth person to take their own life in australia's off short detention centers also on nora's suicide is considered a criminal offense in an iranian man was fined one hundred fifty five dollars for trying to do so two years ago now matthew phillips says his case is another example of the dire conditions that many refugees are facing on the island. the whole situation on the roof and minutes on end is deteriorating seriously and the israeli government's insistence on not complying with independent medical advice is costing lives that's why as thousands of us try to. have come together to call for a senate inquiry into these training government's treatment of medical advice on menace island and never we believe that the only way that the israeli government
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can show these people safety is to evacuate them immediately from the camps and bring them to australia now we've been talking to batteries but johnny he's an iranian refugee and a journalist who's still on menace island he tweeted saying that the australian government is responsible for this he says these deaths cannot be ignored australia wake up others are posting pictures of badges in this case made by children with different slogans that are also being used online this one most notably bring them here let them stay in reference to bringing them to australia let us know what you think about this especially if you're following this conversation online you can get in touch with us as always with our hash tag thanks lee we have a lot of content from dollar in madison al jazeera com i found this one though it's only a week ago it's the story of shafiq who did manage to leave mannus island under a deal struck between australia and the obama administration imagine this journey from pakistan to manage to manhattan it is
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a fantasy writing rate is in the features section of al-jazeera dot com i can't believe i'm here at the title pretty much says it all. well i spoke. to the cast man of the sound of the sanctuary for injured tad's in the you're about to see that story and then in sports where unfolded. are about to begin their world cup campaign what about the fans study i study
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something this is all their three games on monday sweden got off to a great stop by beating south korea one nil proving that the saga and that game those teams are in group f. it with brazil and switzerland and it is a nail all almost a half time in the match between one of the pre-tournament favorites belgium and pumla and england meeting is yet and a few hours time. sports correspondent andy richardson is in volgograd where the england entities a game is being painted and he joins us live now where there is a andy just with the build up to that we heard that there was a possible fan of violence ahead of the game what's the atmosphere has been like. yes some of that's right but the reality is the atmosphere has been really relaxed in the build up to this game there are a number of factors at play in the build up to this world cup the heightened
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political tensions between london and moscow there was the violence between england and russia fans at the european championships in france two years ago as a consequence perhaps of some of those factors that are only around two thousand england fans in volgograd for this game which is a very small number for england at a world cup in fact there are about as many tunisians in volgograd as there are in sports i'm sorry just swallowed a fly is a lot of the young around here. it's gone now don't worry yet so this is a part of many as many england and she is tunisian fans here in the city at the moment what's really noticeable what i've noticed at the other games as well is the the huge number of international fans from all over the world. in the game itself and russian fans as well but funds from all over the world who are here to watch that the plays they see playing in the premier league and the league every week let's have a listen to what a few of them had to say to us. i graduated from college last year so i put all my
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money i had saved for this world cup the first one visiting right now so i have high hopes from of course england and of course. it's been amazing. has been amazing the organization has been great so far so we hope to continue this we're from taiwan and. russia forces like foreign country and. we don't really know very much about it but. as we are here people are friendly like we when we're talking to them they're very nice and even they don't speak english but they want to. buy translate we just took a twenty four hour wooden or conditioned train it's pretty intense now we're going back to moscow and you have seen how the big teams have been struggling since the start of the world cup do you think england will cause
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a surprise tonight. well i don't think england really would consider themselves or even their fans now one of the favorites to go particularly deep in this tournament it's one of the reasons there are not many fans here it's not just concerns over their safety in russia and this diminished expectations and i think after what happened at the euros two years ago when they were knocked out by iceland a lot of england fans when enough's enough is very expensive to come to fully team in a world cup and at the last world cup in brazil four years ago they were out of the sort of after two games they held by their draws no doubt about if you look at their group it's one of the few ones where you'd say probably there are two strong teams in belgium and england and then you have panama and tune is you who both belgium england would expect us to beat so they should make it out of their group gareth southgate who of course came in when sam allardyce was far just one game into his reign when he was the victim of a newspaper sting he does seem to have got a young fast squad playing together in the past in squads of tended to fall out so
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long club lines and this being disharmony in the squad that doesn't appear to be the case this time around he has a system that seems to suit the players in a three five two and he's got a striker in hurricane you could make a big impact in this tournament the teams met at the world cup in one nine hundred ninety eight twenty years ago and on that occasion england want to know that expect to get out of the group but anything beyond the quarterfinals i think would be a surprise. and let's go to the group g. match that's happening right now between belgium and panama we know that belgium in twenty four teams have reached the quarter finals do you think they will go third this year. i mean they're probably looking at this tournament as are some folded and thinking well why not the big three tournament favorites in brazil germany. belgium spain and portugal haven't won a game between any fronts really out of the favorites of picked up a win and a lot less than convincing against australia there's no question that they've got
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world class players but have they got a world class coach in roberto martinez he got time in the premier league with week in and i would say and he showed time and time again that he couldn't organize a defense they looked great in qualifying if they can get the likes of kevin de bruyne and sought to gel together in this tournament and they can go deep into the competition and do it just and live for us from russia enjoy the game and stay away from the flies. is a range of tatto on social media and to the game former england international wayne rooney says he can't wait to a full of the kickoff and cheering for the lads on good luck hash tag three lions well while on the more serious note and he views group a safe lives tweeted this thought that domestic abuse increases by a third when england didn't use the tweeted this hot full of message the wolves can be tense and worrying time whatever the result is never an excuse to hurt your
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partner and that's it for me i had you back to come on and it's extraordinary thank you for that sun and now. needle between belgium and panama as well as what i just said now we're going to stay with football a moment longer because the the beautiful game is helping amputees in gaza to play sport like anyone else hundreds of palestinians have lost their legs in the wars with israel as well as during the weeks of recent protests but rehabilitation center is helping some of those disabled get back in the game and convert this from gaza. the heroes f.c. team take to the pitch for an exhibition match in this about the refugee camp they've split into two teams with a game designed to showcase disabled people. each of these players lost a leg in the last three wars israel has forty goals a full one hundred eighteen at the time but football's given them some hope a charge to take part in a physical activity and give them confidence there's life beyond injury i know if
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a sentence in. two thousand and seven i was walking near my house when there was an explosion and i was fifteen they had to amputate my leg i used to play football at school but to play football like this has been brilliant for me we can play sports like everybody else was heroes f.c. is part of the data rehabilitation society that helps people cope with injury this is a new initiative for them. because i felt. you know i came up with the idea after watching disabled on television i started to research and said to myself we should do this we have more disabled here than anywhere in the world to do the occupation and the siege i talked to people and realised you could do this we started our first training session in march twenty seventeen was despite all the challenges the team has ambitions was the stable football is still very you have the players are very confident they want to be able fully and maybe even one day fight on the
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international stage. fourteen thousand seven hundred palestinians were injured in recent and he's running protests many have been shot in the leg by israeli snipers and can't get proper treatment because of shortages of painkillers and medical supplies thirty three patients have had to have their leg amputated to stop the disease from spreading doctors could normally treat injuries if it wasn't for the shortages. heroes f.c. hope that one day amputees can find something that will give them hope beyond their injury the players say despite their life changing injuries a game of football is the new goal in life among. the salt refugee camp girls. of a story that will do it for this newsgroup thank you for getting in touch with us i've been replying to some tweets actually from the hash good ones we didn't get to during the show so thank you for sending those keep you coming in be it on twitter facebook or whatsapp that number also have an telegrams with a few using the telegram and we will see you back here in studio fourteen fifteen
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hundred hours g.m.t. tomorrow tuesday. on counting the costs what economists are saying about warmer relations between the u.s. and north korea as america's trade ties with canada sour. and why business is a warning the u.k. car industry risks being wiped out. counting the cost on al-jazeera. al-jazeera as their want us to embrace the good schools today to see what happens next if wishing to unpredictable fired by the barriers for
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a model barricaded the old seventh street that we need to hear the middle east now is being all about change people have gone to hospital here the area the mission of the national army is just sixteen tie up the oil company x. and i'm just your stories about telling it from the people's perspective what they think is happening in their country. back it for us when you hear a lot. whether i'm lying horrendous things. about that or if you join us on the set of the major countries in the commonwealth how far bigger fish to fry and chips to eat this is a dialogue. about some of this successes perhaps everyone has a voice what happens when the world watched them so are breaking to. join the colobus conversation. we understand the difference. and the similarities of cultures across the world
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so no matter how you take it. we'll bring you the news and current affairs that matter to you. as strikes hit who has dug in around the airport in the yemeni city of data as the saudi led coalition called render to save the civilian population. hello i'm in london you know with al jazeera also coming up donald trump waves in to europe's migration crisis as angela merkel gets a two week deadline from her coalition partner for a deal on refugees. turkish troops into the northern syrian city of man beach to occupy an area previously held by the kurdish y p g. battle for libya's
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