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tv   Mandatory Sentencing  Al Jazeera  June 25, 2018 3:00pm-4:01pm +03

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and there where every. so there are a calendar how these the top stories on al-jazeera is present which up type is returning to office with sweeping new powers after an election victory that he's calling a win for democracy he secured more than fifty percent of the vote meaning there'll be no runoff the main opposition candidate said the election was unfair but as accepted the result n.j. warned that iran's growing power is a danger to the turkish state. has more on the public reaction from istanbul the election was full of surprises especially for instance add ons unexpected majority in the first round it was welcomed by his supporters and by many media outlets saying that add on storm so
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a victory and the people's alliance the alliance of the ruling party and the nationalists m.h.d. secured a majority in the parliament can occasionally was i think that this is all to be beneficial for turkey in the hope that this new system of governance will be good for our country but in the book i think it was quite surprising that every each view was able to induce me to watch the will of the people there is looking more to say. our society is going through somewhat of a stockholm syndrome how long can we go with the current system i cheered for the opposition so i can say i'm very happy. this is how turkish media sees the election results one of the leading tabloid newspapers of turkey says that. i had done as a superhero all front pages are spared for the election results saying that aired on had a historical victory with the people's alliance the alliance between the ruling party and the nationalist m h p but now wanted to remind that most of the newspapers are in directly quantrill by the government and its supporters however
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there are still some opposition newspapers and the leading opposition face for. say is that the palace is trapped by the rule wolf is the nickname for the turkish nationalist on the other hand there are other no opposition papers saying that they will be scoring two new in the struggle against the one man rule this is how tricky media sees the election. to increase coverage of libya to deal with europe's migration crisis the age of the far right league party is in tripoli a day after libya's coast guard picked up another nine hundred forty eight migrants and refugees in the mediterranean sea he wants for an charities to back off and libya take care of rescue operations. we believe that it should only be the libyan authorities who control libyan waters. government organizations from these
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borders who want to replace governments and help illegal immigrants. we reassured italy and europe that libya is ready to deal with migration we agree in many areas when it comes to illegal migration however we refused completely uncategorically the creation of any camps inside libya for illegal migrants this issue is forbidden under the libyan law and it does not apply in any rights aspect. algeria is being accused of abandoning more than thirteen thousand migrants in the sahara desert without food or water associated press news agency is a collective video showing hundreds of people walking away from buses and trucks as they head into the desert has not commented but in the past it's denied that living migrants in the desert constitutes a rights abuse. more people have been killed in ongoing violence in central nigeria bringing the number of dead over the past three days to ninety four the fighting in central plateau state involves mostly muslim herders and christian farmers
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president mohamed has called for calm and imposed a twenty four hour curfew in the area the decades old conflict over land has escalated sharply this year even hundreds dead in central states. u.s. backed forces controlling the syrian city of raka have to close a state of emergency and imposed a three day curfew commanders say they have information that i saw fighters who infiltrated the city planning a bombing campaign i saw was pushed out by the syrian democratic forces last october they were in iraq a been complaining about discrimination from the s.d.f. which is dominated by kurdish fighters. as i heard last we're back with another news update on al jazeera after the system.
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what took place that night my oldest daughter runs along here and she gets her father and says young man is attacking sarah my husband he's holding the pistol down at the floor and he says to him you have four seconds to leave this house instead of leaving the house. a young man decides to come forward. the state of florida requires the rest of my life in here. as a tradeoff for my family's life to park and i'll do it i firmly believe had i not done what i did. my daughter is here would be dead. well for instance this is the american criminal justice system in forces our laws and keeps watch over us that person. but who is watching the system. i'm joe berlinger and
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i've used my camera for twenty years to knock down doors and pursue the truth. now we're going inside the american criminal justice system and coming from a judge from law enforcement to elected officials the court system the corrections to find out if justice is being served. mandatory minimums which are fixed prison sentences that judges are required to impose for certain crimes have been used for decades advocates believe these laws deter crime keep criminals off the street and ensure uniform sentencing but in recent years mandatory minimums have come under fire mandatory minimums have been tried for forty years we fill prisons with low level and nonviolent offenders they don't impact the crime rates they're tremendously expensive to taxpayers without offering any benefit in return. in this episode of the system we'll explore the impact of mandatory minimums as they relate to gun crime.
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some say our first case in polk county florida is an example of the tragic unintended consequences of mandatory minimum laws. in two thousand and nine fifty three year old. was convicted of aggravated assault with a firearm in the state of florida. wyler claims he was firing a warning shot to scare away his teenage daughter's boyfriend who threatened his family with violence. if you would sentence me to twenty years and go to state prison as a mandatory minimum places been inactive by the legislature with all due respect here. i protect myself and i grieve no i don't expect this from the former soviet union or some from somebody not. refusing a plea deal while he went to trial and was found guilty under florida mandatory minimum law he was sentenced to twenty years without parole it's crazy no matter
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what happens if you fire a gun twenty years not it doesn't matter why our current system has gone very far a wry. after a failed appeal while he had resigned himself to the twenty years behind bars until a stranger sharon l. malloy a medical malpractise lawyer unexpectedly gave him some hope. elmo a is currently paying for waller's post conviction relief thanks to an article that i found two years ago in the new york times i have a side occupation which is that i am dedicating. my free time to the effort to get orrible lee waller and out of jail what specifically outraged this case because i really felt that there hadn't been any wrongdoing on his part and because he was
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a person who acted on principle and rejected a plea deal that was offered by the prosecutors. that this ended up biting him in the butt you seem pretty confident going into the trial what happened right well it it seems like everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong i mean the level of preparation was just not there according to elma lay wallers the original lawyer did not conduct in person interviews with his witnesses and failed to call additional witnesses who could have helped the case. to break that lee needed was a new trial there's no doubt in my mind that were this case to be retried with a really gung ho attorney with a team of experts behind him or her. lee would have gone for a. job here are you
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doing well i'm just going through these transcripts we finally got them in now we can start going forward with the appeal at ever own pocket elbel they hired florida defense attorney jaya bologna to work on wyler's appeal. my crew and i are headed down to orlando to talk with giant learn more about wallers case. pretty unbelievable case you know i have children i have two daughters and if i felt like children or my wife being threatened i'd want to protect myself whenever you have a jury listening to family members usually one time to tell and discredit a found them vs being biased so it came down to a story of believers is the boyfriend well the boyfriend story you have a saying that someone's pointing a gun in their face and shooting it and there's both a hole that lines up so i think the jury just decided to discredit the self-defense
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and boyfriend at the time of the shooting the boyfriend whose name we've agreed to keep anonymous was dating sarah while her sixteen year old daughter was the jury aware firing a gun could result in a twenty year sentence when you go to a jury as an attorney and you know the judge they're not allowed to tell you what the maximum penalty is or what the sentence is going to be because as to influential on their jury and on their decision and their deliberations so they didn't know they may have just thought he'd begun a slap on the rest and be like oh i don't believe they actually knew the severity of what was going to be said. defense team is currently waiting for the judge's ruling and his appeal. granted to interview while there that what color correctional facility just south of tallahassee or so far he has served six of his twenty year sentence from what i can tell well or doesn't fit the. description of your average gun felon he's a middle aged married man with two daughters no prior criminal record worked in
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business management at sea world and lived in the suburbs of orlando. both drover later he was nice to me just makes you sort. of just curious how it's been i'm not doing too poorly except my skin seems to be boiling off from something i picked up. here about a year and a half ago but i took some damage early on and it just. i mean i had my teeth when i came in here six years ago and you ever imagined you would end up in a place like this oh my gosh no i mean i've taught college i have a master's degree. this is about the last thing in the world i ever thought i would end up doing for retirement plan it is a gated community so. has a retirement plan this would never i can't believe i still can't believe it i got twenty years for firing a gun but again the gun was in my house it's my gun in my house the bullet never left the house it got stopped by two by fours in the wall and no one was hurt. i
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can be didn't take the plea deal i didn't take it because i hadn't done anything wrong i defended my family in a legal way in my house with my gun and didn't hurt anybody. a week before his trial the prosecutor tried to persuade waller to take five years probation with no jail time believing in his innocence rejected the plea deal risking being sentenced to a mandatory twenty years. mandatory minimums are a tremendously powerful and blunt instrument the prosecutors routinely use to coerce plea bargains from defendants because they know if if the defendant goes to trial the judge has no option but to give the mandatory minimum if the judge had an option the defendant can say you know i'm not a thug who is robbing a liquor store i'm a family man i have a good job i have no criminal record i think the judge is going to be lenient here they don't have that option with a mandatory minimum and so the prosecutor can just say take this or you're going to
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prison for twenty years why is stand your ground argument in this case the argument is that if you really feel threatened you would just shoot the person if you really felt that your life was in danger you would fire a warning shot you would fire at the person who's causing the threat. newburn raises some eye opening points if waller had actually shot the boyfriend would he have gone free based on florida's stand your ground defense or if the judge was allowed to use his discretion to decide the length of the prison sentence how much time would have gotten probably not twenty years. critics point out that mandatory minimums trapped people like wyler in the system but what happens when no mandatory minimum soren forrest for certain gun crimes. were heading to chicago a city where gun violence has spiraled out of control in two thousand and thirteen there were over two thousand victims of gun violence and four hundred fourteen
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homicides an f.b.i. report. released just this week branding chicago is the murder capital of america the murder of fifteen year old had dia pendleton an honor student captured national attention and inspired a mandatory minimum gun bill in chicago pendleton was shot and killed while hanging out with friends at a kenwood park michael ward kenneth williams had been charged with her murder idea pendleton was me. and i was her but i got to grow up to carry. and the person that that murdered our daughter. he was. already on a gun charge and had he been there and he got the mandatory minimum he would have been out so i don't it would still be alive today.
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despite the national trend away from mandatory minimums chicago politicians and law enforcement are rallying behind a proposed gun bill with longer prison sentences in hopes of stemming the violence . before it was murder i didn't really think. the law is the way they've been structured because in a climate gun laws actually it never crossed my mind. we made sure that our children hung around you know other decent children. you know even more all of the ideas finance they were really good kids. idea was very. vibrancy to love. today is she was a. major if your daughter ever talk about what she wanted to be when she grew up
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many thanks just like any t. yeah but i like. a lawyer an area her heart was here this is. what i miss most about ideas. her smile took everything you have. idea pendleton's under student who went to the president's wearing and has a majorette and. she was on track for greatness no two ways about it i want to talk to the superintendent of the chicago police department gary mccarthy mccarthy gained national attention as police chief of newark new jersey where he reduced shootings and murders by forty percent in two thousand and eleven he was brought in by mayor rahm emanuel to combat chicago's gun violence and a case of id a penalty the individual who allegedly fired those shots was
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a gang member. who was taking retribution for a friend of his who had been shot at by a rival gang. they were driving around and they saw a bunch of kids how old in a park in the rain. one of them snuck up behind and fired shots into the crowd. and it turns out that that crowd was not a crowd of gang members was a crowd of kids who were coming from high school who were not gang members many of whom were honor students including idea penalty two men were eventually caught and charged twenty year old kenneth williams and eighteen year old michael ward ward allegedly confessed to being the shooter the case didn't have to happen because the actual shooter in that case was convicted of illegal possession of a firearm in november of two thousand and twelve and should have been incarcerated instead he was on the streets two and a half months later to kill somebody. prior to head the is murder ward received no
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jail time for an illegal weapons charge and violated his probation three times. we need laws. that are going to stem the tide of those guns reaching our streets and then we need significant mandatory minimums to ensure that when we take that kind of of a criminal they go to jail for actually talking about war for state representative michaels dyleski is the author of the mandatory minimum gun bill which is up for a vote in the houses next session. to protect mccarthy told us was that our gun laws just didn't work well enough he would find that after arrest and conviction for a gun offense the same offender would be back out on the streets in a short amount of time and too short amount of time for him to adequately be able to police those streets in a way that he felt comfortable doing so the theory behind my bill is if you raise the amount of time imprisonment he's going to break that cycle of people going through the system so fast that they end up back out on the streets committing the
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very same crimes senate bill thirteen forty two would increase prison sentences for several gun crimes including possession of an illegal firearm and require offenders to serve at least eighty five percent of their sentences. twelve hundred miles away in florida it's estimated that one out of one thousand people on. firearm nickname the gun shine state florida is home to more gun permits than any other state in america while gun regulation in florida could be called lax the penalties for violent gun crime is anything but. the case of orval the while or it is living proof of these tough laws waller claims he was just protecting his family from his daughter's boyfriend but he got twenty years in prison under florida's ten twenty life law for aggravated assault with a firearm. i'm heading to see grady judd the sheriff of polk county to learn more about florida's law he's been
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a part of florida law enforcement for forty years and was there when ten twenty life was passed i can tell you that back in the day in florida we were having a lot of problems people were robbing stealing shooting so crime was out of control inmates were serving about a third of their sentence there were other folks that were complaining well this judge gives you five years and this judge gives you twenty years and this judge gives you know years for violent acts so the legislature acted to make a difference. in one thousand nine hundred nine florida enacted the ten twenty life law this mandatory minimum statute requires a ten year prison sentence for pulling out a gun and a twenty year sentence for firing a gun and a life sentence for shooting or killing someone if done during the commission of a crime. why do you think minimum mandatory why do you think that works minimal mandatories makes a difference for several reasons one if you commit a crime and if you're convicted you're absolutely going to prison for this man of
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time you can't get one lenient judge to send you to the less time in prison you can't get a nother judge to sentence you to more time in prison a whole goal is to reduce gun cry and now we've got a few people saying well this isn't fair. but i can show you another group on the other side whose child was just shot in a drive by saying yes let's keep the ten twenty life and go find that person that shot my child play it in the front yard in the drive by that's what we can't forget the victims. it's interesting to hear the narrative refrain from the law enforcement perspective and it just shows there's no easy answers he made a very compelling case for the role of mandatory minimums in crime reduction. judge statement about victims is really powerful especially after meeting the pendleton's
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whose fifteen year old daughter had dia was murdered while or didn't murder anybody nobody was even hurt is the justice system working by locking away waller for twenty years and taking him away from his family for a while or to this family of victims of the system. we arrange for waller's wife sandy and youngest daughter sarah to come to florida from wausau wisconsin where they live now due to the financial fallout from wallers incarceration they've been unable to return to florida and see him in over five years. all right how are you standing by i certainly am here are you fine. thank you i hear nice music you know it's crazy that someone would be punished for something like this and that so extremely you know i was just absolutely stunned when they when they told me that he was going to be in prison for twenty years for
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shooting a hole in our living room wall i couldn't believe it. how do you feel about this whole thing i felt horrible. you know he's going to be like seventy's eighty's once he does get out if he does stay the twenty years and that's pretty much is life over in a cell somewhere. and it brings me down a lot of the time i. have asked sandy to take me back to where it all started so i can understand what happened the new owners of her old house have allowed us to visit. it feels like i'm coming back home plus mr yes it is for five years when he was arrested i just had to give up the house. i just couldn't do it. we didn't have his income and my income alone wasn't enough to keep up with the bills and the mortgage. and you found this house to live in and the stories
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behind it well my husband said just going find a house you like. just let me know and then i saw this one and i thought this is the perfect house it's beautiful. and it was really really hard just having to walk away from the house thinking maybe you know we'd never happen other house again. they painted it. and they changed the fence oh it's a small right this is a. look at it. we were going to retire in the house. when you see the impact that this has had on on this family you know a guy with no criminal record wanting to protect his family and to think this guy has is being punished. twenty years in prison without the possibility of parole because of a mandatory minimum sentence. it really makes you wonder whether these laws make
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sense or not. the families of victims like the pendleton's whose daughter had dia was murdered are advocating for the mandatory minimum gun bill as our mayor rahm emanuel law enforce. and other politicians but as the bill gets closer to a vote a number of groups are raising opposition so the bill thirty forty two simply is a knee jerk political reaction to the violence in the city chicago by the mayor of chicago is merely a political haven i'm tough on crime i caught up with representative ten duncan and i residential housing project to hear more about his concerns. the mayor of chicago he is having us regress back to mandatory minimums from the eighty's in the ninety's and up until now where we clearly have seen that it does not deter crime
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it does nothing but simply close the prison system it puts a significant strain on our criminal justice system and when you introduce bills like senate bill of thirteen forty two there is a real cost structure that comes with that was the real cost was a real financial impact on every citizen in the state of illinois. that question was never answered. under the current law it would cost state about twenty four hundred inmates over ten years or two hundred forty year which would be about five hundred forty million dollars over ten years or fifty four million dollars a year heavy price tag in a state government isn't exactly falling with cash right now but my feeling was this was an important policy interest. and i've heard people talk about the cost and the fact is what's the what's the cost of gunboats what i want to the peerage of heidi a penalty to pay to have her back. this is not a dollars were spent this from moral issue so at the end of the day it's not going
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to cost more to incarcerate people if we put the right people in jail. in florida it will cost taxpayers over four hundred thousand dollars to keep wallowed in prison for twenty years if the system's job is to keep bad guys behind bars isn't doing its job. it was a war that united egypt and syria and against israel but in the heat of the battle that different agendas soon became apparent i suppose the screen was to the fringe to see tonight's a sixty seven when president sadat came to be told us just give me ten centimeters of land in the east the second of a three part series the israeli population were told that their troops were on the west bank of the su is going to explore the second week of the war in october on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. you wherever you are. the story of a british italian man experiencing life close up in a palestinian refugee camp in big it's. coming face to face with the daily lives of its residents some of you have lived there for seventy years but it's been a refugio most sold as long as it's not been known to show seven days in beirut. on al-jazeera.
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and i got. these the top stories on al-jazeera turkish president. for tending to office with sweeping new powers after an election victory that he's calling a win for democracy is a cure more than fifty percent of the vote meaning they'll be no runoff but international want to say the ruling party had unfair advantages including influence over the media the main opposition guns that warn that growing power is a danger to the texas state. italy's deputy prime minister tears salvini has vowed to increase collaboration with libya to deal with europe's migration crisis the age of the far right league party is in tripoli he wants foreign charities to back off and let libya take care of rescue operations. we believe that it should only be the
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libyan authorities who control libyan waters. government organizations from these borders who want to replace governments and help illegal immigrants. we reassured italy in europe that libya is ready to deal with migration we agree in many areas when it comes to illegal migration. we refuse completely uncategorically the creation of any camps inside libya for illegal migrant issues for being in libyan law and it does not apply in any of its aspects algeria is being accused of abandoning more than thirteen thousand migrants in the sahara desert without food or water he says they suppressed news agency has collected video showing hundreds of people walking away from buses and trucks as they head into the desert hasn't commented but in the past has denied that leaving my purse in the desert constitutes our rights. more people have been killed in ongoing violence in central nigeria bringing the number of dead over the past three days to ninety four the
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fighting in central plateau state involves mostly muslim herders and christian farmers president mohamed has called for calm and imposed a twenty four hour curfew in the area u.s. forces controlling the syrian city of raka have to clear the state of emergency and impose a three day curfew commanders say they have information that i saw fighters who infiltrated the city planning a bombing campaign i said was pushed out by the syrian democratic forces last october people in iraq been complaining about discrimination from the s.d.f. which is dominated by kurdish fighters. that say though the headlines that gets you back out to the system head on out there. in two thousand and nine fifty three year old or bully waller was convicted of aggravated assault with a firearm in the state of florida while there claims he was firing
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a warning shot to scare away his teenage daughter's boyfriend threatened his family with violence. toward him sentenced to twenty years and go to state prison as a mandatory minimum places been inactive by the legislature with all due respect. i protect myself and i know what. i speak with jason geary a court reporter for the local newspaper because he covered trial in two thousand and nine i'm hoping he'll have some insight into both sides of the argument the defense argument and what they presented to the jury was that mr ward was you know somebody who's was weak physically but also health wise the i think he was he was undergoing some significant health problems at that time and as far as i know he seems very mellow he doesn't really seem like somebody who gets very upset but then
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again this this case revolved around a lot of family dynamic where you know there was clearly some agitation in the in the household between the various members including mr willard's daughter and her then boyfriend this is who happened this boy standing on the porch with sarah and i told this is you have to just go away and leave us alone leave us and my daughter alone. and. he took her by the arm and was going to was going to lead off so i grabbed her arm and he jumped on me and to break my hold of my daughter loose which which he did get it ripped the stitches to an internal stitches from my surgery i mean i was no shape for wrestling this kid was about my weight about my height but seventeen instead of fifty three. i've asked sandy to take me back to where it all started so i can understand what happened on. the new owners of the old house and allowed us to visit.
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very nice we did a really good job there too that was a little rough that's where everything took place that's where the boy attacked my husband he attacked my daughter and the shooting took place. it just scares me. what about this roeser this is the room that was sarah's room. that's the window he was constantly opening out to take her out. all right so on that day the young man injured my husband and i see him coming along this wall here holding his stomach and he goes into the bedroom and lays down so a couple hours later they come back. sarah bursts into the house slams the
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front door runs into her bedroom then the young man follows her in and they proceed to argue screaming and yelling and it sounds like somebody is throwing large furniture or large objects at the wall. that was either a body that was being thrown around or it was large pieces of furniture being tossed around but it made her renda sound my husband is laying in here sleeping. my oldest daughter runs along here and she gets her father and says you know man is attacking sarah can you help us my oldest daughter killed me i'm very briefly on what was going on and she could he's out of control he's crazy so i mean i'd already lost a battle with him one day i wasn't going to go out there with my family safety on the line and can confront him and have another battle so i grabbed my three fifty
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seven which is i legally own and been trained. and i put shelves in it. so that i go out in the living room i have the three fifty seven down by my side and he's in there beating on my daughter then the young man bursts out of the bedroom and he's angry. all of a sudden he turns around. and puts a whole right into the wall. and i was just shocked. he actually was capable of punching a hole in my living room wall so my husband standing beside me he's holding the pistol down at the floor. and he says to him you have four seconds to leave this house. that's all he says instead of leaving the house
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a young man decides to come forward. he's closing the distance he's coming towards him. so what does the do. he pulls the gun. and shoots one warning shot. into the wall right underneath the hole that the boy had made. just one warning shot. after he heard the shot by turned around and hurried out the door and that's all we heard from him. about the thing was over we thought it was over but two months later he came back he wanted to remove her once again from the house and when my husband refused to allow her to leave a young man calls the police and when the police said he has every right to hold his daughter in the house and keep her from running off. then he says well what if
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he shot a hole in the wall. more than a month after the shooting incident the sheriff's department was called to the waller home to investigate a complaint that wyler had assaulted his daughter. when the sheriff's department found no grounds to support the battery complaint sara or her boyfriend then told the deputies about wyler firing his gun several weeks earlier sheriff grady judd agreed to share his perspective about what happened i'm confused why two months later a month and half later they actually came we came to the house on a battery complaint who was complaining to i presume this daughter and the deputies did this term and that it was corporal punishment violated the law but apparently they took the opportunity to say well while back he shot at us with a gun and that's when that investigation began but they did never call the sheriff's office. no harm no foul right we did know about it
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but when we came there we're obligated to do a complete and thorough investigation and we did and that's why i've been locked up the initial information was that he came out of the bedroom with the. loaded. she. who is the suspects daughter wanted to leave with a seventeen year old he grabbed him said you're not doing that you go for seconds to leave him shot. the gun went through a strap on a bag he was holding. of course they deny that that was a gun shot. evidence that it was the tech those who see gunshot holes said it was wyler's defense attorneys point out that the strap from the boyfriend's bag was never tested to determine whether the damage was done by a gunshot. headwall or actually shot the boyfriend it's possible he could have used
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a stand your ground defense which allows somebody to use deadly force if they believe they are facing imminent danger ultimately the authorities determined that waller wasn't trying to shoot the boyfriend and he was charged with aggravated assault without the intent to kill. the state's theory of the case was that mr willard got angry and then again that he came out of the bedroom not so much in fear for his family but that he was angry and that he and that he didn't just fire a warning shot but that he fired toward the then boyfriend the cross-examination of the then boyfriend in the case was i'm scared and i'm you know i'm the one that's in fear for my life it just was you know raised a lot of questions as to you know what exactly took place there was this an act of self-defense was this more of what the prosecution was saying was was a gun related crime four years after the original trial or was granted an appeal hearing during the hearing two witnesses were called to testify about sarah's then
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boyfriend will hear the testimony and care. tell me a little bit about what you know about he had a lot of anger problems. he was very heavily mixed on drugs i don't personally. know him to be very bob i have seen him is glee beat up his brother he's lied to me about several different occasions he's been a bitch or why i think he believes his own months i was actually standing next to sarah and. when i said we're going to put your dad. for amber it was it was like it was planned these witnesses were never called in the original trial and wallowed believes they could have changed the verdict.
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are you comfortable talking about what happened that that you know i really don't remember much of it at all what part do you remember i remember the gun going off and him leaving the house and then that's pretty much it i was in my little rebellious stage when i lived in florida and then switching to wash everything had to change and i kind of cleaned up my act and everything what was he like you know and that's where. my question was really cocky and really strong headed stubborn and this was such a long time ago and i haven't really thought about him in a while in that way so i really don't remember the rest. sarah seems to have recovered from all of this week getting her to wisconsin was a good move because it got her away from all her drug connections it seemed like
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you know all the negative feelings towards god yes you know i don't hold any any negative feelings towards their i was a teenager cards and i wasn't perfect but it's got to be devastating you're stuck in jail. indeed indeed kate and here but but again that's that's not sarah's phone. you know that's that's just this crazy system run amok. months after had to pendleton's tragic murder in two thousand and thirteen another mass shooting terrorized chicago's south side and intensifies the push to pass the mandatory minimum gun bill more than a dozen people were shot when the gunfire erupted shortly after ten pm near cornell square park among the victims a three year old boy shot in the head by a stray bullet exam a baby and he. were at cornell square park where the
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shooting took place we're meeting a survivor the youngest i've ever encountered say hey listen to. how old are you. elaborately you were. the day of the yard sales first day back in the park says the shooting. he's very active he loves to rabbi he loves cars anything the wheels. he really doesn't like the park anymore you mind talking about that night around ten o'clock alison none of that's one of the core. i heard gunshots and it was like at least thirty gunshots a pulse for many. twas deonte i never noticed that he was shot because he was still running around and when i caught up with him i turned around
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he had a big bullet hole on the rise and. i was screaming they shot my baby a shotgun baby he was being grilled it was i mean everyone. could i was shocked and they were just like all over this best walk but really. what do you know about the shooter's. only thing i know what i really knows what the detectives tell me and they know enough to think that. i don't know the. specs are not being held without bail in the mass shooting that injured thirteen people. earlier in that they suffered a great wounds from a shooting prosecutors say that he conspired to get a rival gang back the alleged ringleader ryan champ like suspect michael ward in the case at a previous arrest for an unlawful gun charge it was sentenced to boot camp and set of prison who would have been behind bars had the mandatory minimum gun bill been
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in effect. we need state and federal laws that are going to support and prevent people from being shot and murdered. guns drive find. illegal guns drive murder. and if we don't provide real punishment for the criminals who carry the messages of that wish and. the ember seventh two thousand and thirteen at the illinois capitol members of the house are inside preparing to vote on the mandatory minimum gun bill turque advice is there are snooty notes on the bill a surprise request for a cost report on the bill filed by representative duncan forced the house to adjourn without voting the reaction among the sponsors can best be described as you've got to be kidding. an unwillingness to you have a debate about public policy and public safety and they resorted to tricks because
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the votes were there there was not a parliamentary trick it was a parliamentary procedure that we have in the illinois house rule book the bill is currently postponed. want to stop and deal with crime. you have to put in programs job training just like create jobs and aerials give incentives for businesses to come and some of these tough communities people feel a sense of hopelessness but i find the net. best underground economy to support themselves and their family and they don't have a blatant disregard for themselves in any and everyone else they're going to go to the sort of super crazy fantasy going to gun is going to be the conflict resolution mandatory minimums don't even come into their psyche they can care less about what the what the statutes are and i was like you can't do the whole list a couple of them currently representative michael is a leskie is working with opposing groups to reform the gun bill and preparing for a vote in the next session of the illinois congress.
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the pendleton's who lost their fifteen year old daughter had dia to gun violence and created a foundation in her honor we need to have more after school activities are just like rank centers things that keep the enemy and women off the street we are trying to build the best legacy we possibly can five our door. she meant a lot and she has impacted a whole lot of people when. i was born and raised in the projects as seen a lot of you know gun violence and that's not the land that i chose doves as well as they have lives given to. the aren't they still has a couple fresh balls in his eyes and he has has surgery for the next fifteen twenty years. i want. to have a better future. after
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months of waiting while her defense team finally receives news regarding his appeal . the judge has denied while his request for a retrial the judge's opinion states that while the testimony of the new with this is was relevant it was not strong enough to overturn a guilty verdict. it saddens me that this judge was the one remaining person who could have given the break that he needs and he didn't take that opportunity i didn't want to be the one to tell sandy and she. took it a lot better than i expected sanders trooper. listens we can talk on the telephone and we couldn't there's a. the only form of communication we had left was letters every letter he writes s y i. which means see you in my dreams and that he's going to see you for real
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today for real. sandy couldn't afford to travel to florida to see her husband we've arranged for sandy to meet waller for the first time in over five years my husband wanted to see me along here so i grew it. so i drew him a couple pictures he loves florida so. that's good since i can't see him or talk to him then hopefully my mom will be able to give these to him. i feel guilty about pretty much the entire situation. because sarah is considered one of the victims of the crime she isn't allowed to visit her father in prison. i'm really sad that i'm not able to actually be there in person and give him a big hug. i think it was so nice to see here. buried there.
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been such a hard time. on to dan and rose that's serious nick to tell sarah i was i was really hoping i get to see her tell her i love her dearly i like your hair by the way with speculation that i gathered along that line down. the three trips and. it's wonderful to see seeing you again i was afraid i might never see you again i mean because you see if something doesn't happen i'll probably die here and i mean it'll be i'll be seventy three by the time i'm leaving at the rate i'm connie and i'm not going to make it in that you know. thank you for let me see my best friend again so nice to see her again.
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do you think there's any place for mandatory minimum i don't think there should be a mandatory minimum for anything i don't think that i think that every crime should be individual ie judged. a lot of laws make no sense you have the right to defend yourself but in a lot of circumstances you defend yourself and that gets twisted and you get in trouble. i think i really think that we need to take a look at our justice system and straighten it out. while it in this team is now focusing on clemency the success of the clemency effort rests on
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a proposed bill by florida representative neil come to. one of the reasons for this bill i imagine is your belief in the secular man oh yeah that is a polite society and what i want to you know prevent from happening in the future is somebody who is not physically harmed anyone being sent to prison for twenty years the bill would make warning shots legal in the state of florida and was inspired by waller and others like him who said they were protecting themselves or their families by firing a warning shot. it's ironic that one law can set wyler free while another has the potential to trap him for twenty years. here's the bottom line i think when this is all over and i'm fifty eight you know i'm not not planning on checking out immediately but it's coming you know i'm getting older. my neck comes and going to look at the book and he says well did you do a good job i did the best i could i gave it everything i had i tried to do the
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right thing for the right reason no matter the consequences and that i can live with. when i saw the condition that my husband was then and the fact that he had resigned himself to. spending twenty years in prison for shooting on a wall. i went from being sad and depressed. to being angry. i think the system has failed me the system fails lazy. and the system is going to fail a lot of other people. if we don't do something.
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i'm not. going to. how reliable is an eyewitness when you have an eyewitness to say i was there i saw him do it that is the best evidence about thirty percent of the time witness is a real cases who pick someone and say yes that's the person to terminate the prime are wrong these are being falsely accused incarcerated for something he did not do the exploring the dark side of american justice the system with job earn and on al-jazeera. i phone. me the weather sponsored by cattle i always
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how i weather's looking pretty cold and want to say i was at the moment we got a family of clouds just of the north has just a round of applied because he has slides this way for a.b.i. there we are going to say a little bit of cloud and right making its way further north was that wessel whether you see just talking into that southeast and kona all of brazil but look at that on the eleven degree celsius for want to sever synoptically get crisps on the side that has put a positive spin on it thirteen celsius again in the sunshine i want to say it was will not be getting up to fourteen degrees by choose they still that rain they're up to was at least the sata power why the west weather of course of course in northern parts of the continent pushing up into the caribbean the western side of the caribbean still seeing some lively showers panama looking rather just a regular costa rica some show us the place across a good pasta of cuba has never really so far away from jamaica the easterly winds continue to drive that cloud for a lot of fun by the end of the sunshine it has to be said but the west weather will be across the western side of the region will see some wet weather as you can see
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just making its way up into cuba some hot so florida also seeing some lively showers and longer spells of prime got a fair bit of cloud parents essential parts of the u.s. over its walls the west will the wildfires keep. the weather sponsored by cateye always. an esteemed have new generations growing up to understand that other nations which are the natural. soon. you know will be nothing left and will suffer primatologist and conservationist dr jane goodall towards to al-jazeera. when the news is restricted and send said the press is not free and is external interference and influence and the moves is used to exploit not explained. when journalists access to information she hinted. at the time but i want us press for the most of the
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costs. and just as never sees the light of day no idea about anybody in. the team of course. what the show will have. and the stories that matter go on told and the press is not. and neither are we. we will maintain the finest fighting force the world has ever known the united states army was so reliant on the private sector i would call it a dependency we have a mismatch between the way we. are to be and the reality of the twenty first century enough to get here in a billion euro for you and i would to show you how many of the persons that you're sending out you should be child soldiers not. child soldiers reloaded on al-jazeera.
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zero. hello there and welcome to this news hour with me laura cottle at all global headquarters and coming up in the next sixty minutes takis president returns to office with a comfortable win as his main challenger wants him to be careful with the extra powers he's been given. ontario is accused of abandoning thirteen thousand refugees and migrants in the sahara desert. the battle over land in nigeria close to one hundred people were killed in three days of fighting between farmers and herders. also.


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