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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  June 27, 2018 5:00pm-5:34pm +03

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well they could repel down and try the rescue effort that way the seat seal team members we know now that there are forty one on site other army troops have been marching through the jungle around this area also trying to find any way in you know something that happened on wednesday morning you know this is a football team a youth football team from a local area here some of the other members of that team came here to talk to rescue officials this is a facility that they have used as a team as a training facility but also as recreation in fact when they came here on saturday afternoon it was after a practice met the team members here coming to talk to the rescue workers to give them any information they can but also to sit with the other family members who are here still and have been here since saturday afternoon. taking the united arab emirates to the un's international court of justice for violating human rights it's been prompted by the blockade of cats by four countries which has ended its second day lawyers for both sides will sit out the arguments june herring's at the hague over the next three days until he can be has. saudi arabia the u.a.e.
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behind an egypt cut diplomatic relations with cattle last june imposed a blockade and expel qatar ease catalog denies its neighbors accusations of supporting terrorism cattles national human rights committee estimates the blockade affected thirteen thousand people more than four thousand cases of human rights violations have been reported in the past year and it's affected all aspects of daily life in cattle education health the right to perform religious rituals own property or freedom to travel abroad and perhaps most crucially the right to family reunification in a region where family ties go beyond borders the blockading nations forcibly deported qataris and separated children from their parents rashid mother is qatari and his father is bahraini and gulf countries children take the citizenship of their father he believes if he continues to defy an order by bahrain to leave
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cattle he'll lose his bahraini passport and be stateless once my passport expires what do i do do i stay here and not pursue my future because i don't have a passport because i did not want to go to the country that i hold the citizenship nothing else but the citizenship and that's some sort of leverage that they have against me the blockade in countries also cracked down on the nationals for expressing sympathy for cattle with jail terms and fines catulus for ministry says the u.a.e. is violating international law prohibiting racial and national discrimination and the back of picks up the story from the hague. this is a three day hearing here the international court of justice cats are has begun setting forth its opening remarks and arguments judges representing the country are explaining exactly what cutoff point of view is on all of this catch of course
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accuses the u.a.e. of discrimination of violating human rights and also violating its obligation under the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination of which the u.a.e. is a key signature e to that nine hundred sixty five convention it is the only one of the four countries to introduce a blockade on cattle to be a signatory of that convention hence it is the only country that has been brought here by qatar to the international court of justice the case itself will focus on the decision by the u.a.e. to expel qatari nationals from the country to prevent them from passing through the country for closing the u.e.s. airspace to qatari traffic. argues that individuals and companies were prevented access to assets from proper teacher in this period but also access to education justice and health care too we haven't heard too much from the u.a.e.
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on this although at least one amorality minister has referred to this court case as a stunt but it's being taken very seriously by cats are who say that serious human rights issues have been violated by the u.s. a three day hearing is underway will know more about what the u.a.e. is perspective is on thursday nights more still ahead to on al-jazeera the u.s. defense secretary is in china as tensions between the two sides cup and not in the south china sea region. i. meet the spanish woman at the center of a standard babies court cases been searching for her real mother. i. mean the weather sponsored by cattle i always
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had our same pictures this morning of people putting blankets over their cows in turkey yes it's hail still talking about this massive revolving white has been of a turkey the more especially of a greece the bulk area remain in these just figures this is captured rainfall over the last twenty four hour so they're not particularly heavy but they are quite big downpours and yes some do contain hail the potential for the rest of the day extends up beyond into austria probably southern poland as well anywhere in this area is relatively warm and certainly sundry to the west things warming up nicely madrid's up into the middle thirty's quite easily producing want to thunderstorms i think over the play which will drift over the baby skip towards a very warm british isles temperatures here hovering around the thirty mark maybe dropping a little bit to twenty six in london on thursday with the aussies further west where as warm as the same is true for france dancer's whitson but look at this area rather than the thunderstorms becoming fewer because they may be concentrating on
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the potential for rainfall in austria was nineteen in vienna is quite surprising that's all happening of course in greece and further north there's a tucker i'm up bring a few showers further south in the trade otherwise looking fine that's true through north africa. the weather sponsored by cateye always. the i.m.f. said riyadh's a brief even all price for twenty eighteen is likely to be around eighty eight dollars a barrel why is argentina again turning to the i.m.f. for help now we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera.
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are you watching our. top stories the u.s. supreme court has upheld donald trump's travel ban on people from five muslim majority countries the justices narrowly voted to accept that the u.s. president was acting legally when he bought people from iran yemen somalia libya and syria from entering the united states. u.s. federal judges ruled that migrant families crossing the us mexico border should no longer be separated the same judge also ordered authorities to reunite parents and children within thirty days sooner for children under five years old the ruling can be appealed by the white house. and khadr has taken the united arab emirates to the un's international court of justice for violating human rights the case was
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prompted by the blockade of cattle by four countries which has not entered its second year. rebels in the syrian province of dare i have vowed to fight on until the end as pro-government forces continue their violence to retake the area that's despite the u.s. telling. opposition fighters not expect its backing to stay in control of the city where the syrian uprising began in twenty eleven and jordan is vying to keep its border with syria close to an estimated forty five thousand people fleeing the fighting not a genuine has more. as the battle for dead intensifies pro series and government forces say they've taken control of the two towns above sort of how dear and. in the eastern that are countryside videos like this one purport to show troops many of whom are believed to be iranian backed militia members entering will sort of how do you on tuesday the town has come under heavy bombardment and its capture is the first major government advance in this offensive that will allow the syrian
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army to advance more southwards though of. the city of that i take it i think that connecting so wide with that and occupying the valleys of which we have full of. groups from forget that the group that will allow. me to advance first that first sort of towards the city of that out by cutting off a key rebel supply line in our province more pro-government troops will be able to move in retaking the entire province of that i would give the government control over its border with jordan all the way to the israeli occupied golan heights. and in the extremely complicated terrain of syria's war analysts believe deals have already been made i believe that. the americans that we have
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a good deal with the russians now they are out of this of this of this anyhow and the city of beijing will take control and that will be good for everybody what is a need for the russians for jordan because jordan also although the jordanians actually but it concerned about and he knew it. influx of refugees inside jordan but they want very much i've she to open the border crossing with syria because economically this is a buddy i'm born until i fly in port the jordanian economy according to the united nations forty five thousand people have so far fled the violence and headed toward the border with jordan concerns are growing about the humanitarian situation no matter the regime's recent advances rebel say they will continue to fight even as many wonder if this fight may be coming to an end. the u.s. has sent a third aircraft carrier this year to patrol the south china sea the ronald reagan docked in manila as part of what analysts say is
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a mission to reassure regional allies washington has been critical of china's growing military presence in disputed areas of the south china sea china has installed anti ship and surface to air missiles on the disputed spratly islands us despite declaring it had no intention of militarizing the island back in twenty fifteen. this continued presence in the indo-pacific. has the support of our ability to defend our nation. but it also promotes our ability to safeguard freedom of the sea but indeed commerce to deter conflict and coercion and to promote it here is to rules based international order and the u.s. defense secretary has begun his visit to beijing the first from a pentagon chief in four years james mattis described his talks with these chinese counterpart as quote open and honest ahead of
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a meeting with president xi jinping earlier this year matters called china's rapidly expanding military power a bigger national security threat than terrorism. malaysian police say former prime minister najib razak and his wife are to be questioned over money laundering and corruption allegations comes after items seized from property linked to the couple were valued at more than two hundred fifty million dollars among the goods were training three million dollars worth of luxury handbags and twelve thousand pieces of jewelry is being investigated for allegedly stealing billions from a state fund during his nine years in office a vote count is underway in indonesia after regional elections people voted for new governors mayors and district chiefs and what is seen as a litmus test for president joker dawdles coalition ahead of next year's presidential elections step us and reports. but the mere offend the is running for
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reelection after campaign dominated by religious issues opponents of the mir a muslim destined against the permit issued to build a church and accused him of not supporting muslims the city of nearly three million that is predominantly muslim but also home to more than three hundred thousand christians there but someone has the legal right to build a church people can protest against me. but it won't change anything i told them to just shoot me in the head i won't permit only when a judge orders me to do so. soldiers guarded church which is still under construction because of fears it will be attacked governor elections last year in jakarta were dominated by large protests and the jailing of christian gov. for blasphemy many in indonesia were worried that a similar scenario could be repeated this time around. in vocal hardline groups have helped protest against churches for years. to
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come. we will worry that what happened in jakarta could happen here because many people from because he had joined protests in jakarta and our church is still rejected so we were very worried especially because we hear rumors that messes would come here always made us more alert. but so far the elections have seen little violence and religion has not played a leading role in campaigns nationwide less than one year before presidential elections millions of indonesian are not only electing their local leaders they're also deciding on the country's political future provisional results show that president has a good sense of being reelected next year but a year politics can be long and unpredictable. we don't know is the first indonesian president who did not come from the political elite he has gained popularity mainly because of his infrastructure projects and cheap health care and education but not unbeatable. number one if
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economy is going worse it is very easy to being bitten his is going to be very easy to be bitten. especially when there is a candidate who can be an alternative. indonesia's economy has not grown as much as we dawdle had promised and unemployment is still high but mayor fenty a supporter of the president is optimistic that we don't a government can continue to work next year and he himself can continue to turn that into a city of tolerance and peace with churches don't need to be protected anymore step fasten al-jazeera but cassie. inspan the first trial of so-called stolen baby scandal has begun thousands of children are believed to be taken from their mothers over several decades and eighty five year old doctor is now on trial accused of stealing a baby girl in one thousand nine hundred sixty nine as pieces shop reports. are now
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. they call themselves the stolen babysitter sociate each of them horribly scarred by the loss of the newborn and each of them could tell an all too familiar story. you know doing my baby was with me for the first day i fed her she was fine then they took her away to wash her but they didn't bring her back three days later they told me she was dead they gathered outside the municipal courthouse in madrid but they were denied a confrontation with the gynecologist standing trial you know know the most famous eighty five year old eduardo valle m. is accused of abduction and the illegal adoption of an infant off a century ago he's the first person to appear in court charged with involvement in a secret practice that saw hundreds of thousands of baby stolen was sold under the dictatorship of general franco. in spain there was
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a mafia talk network of baby boy right up to the early ninety's when democracy was already well established and it dates back to the fifteen's of the franco dictatorship. it took newborns from their mothers who had just given birth and sold them for the equivalent of three hundred euros in the fifty's which is six thousand years in the ninety nine season many of the babies were from single mothers and they were placed with families that supported the franco regime and now there's a determination to pursue those responsible despite any statute of limitations let everybody know. i'm fifty years old i was stolen and i have not expired here i am look at me i'm fifty years old i want to expire no money is enough for any of us they have stolen our lives. in a smattering gal who brought the case to court says for sixty years spain was the baby supermarket for europe and south america. she's now forty nine has been
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searching for her real mother all her life. the trial is only due to last two days and magical says it's unlikely to provide her with the answer is that she's been looking for but she hasn't given up when it was this was the leg and i wanted out what it is possible that in some way it will open a road to reduce the great gap between the two thousand planes that have been for now and the one that has gone to trial but more importantly she says it offers the potential for similar actions to thousands of cases to be reopened peter shop al jazeera. and again i'm jane death in the headlines on al-jazeera the u.s. supreme court has upheld donald trump's travel ban on people from five muslim majority countries the justices now only voted to accept that the u.s. president was acting legally when people from iran yemen somalia libya and syria
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from entering the united states. this is a great critically for our constitution. we have to be choppered we have to be safe and we have to be secure. at a minimum we have to make sure that we vet people coming into the country we go coming and we know where they're coming from we just have to go coming here a u.s. federal judge has ruled that migrant families crossing the us mexico border should no longer be separated the same judge also ordered authorities to reunite parents and children within thirty days sooner for children under five years old the ruling can be appealed by the white house risk is remain confident they'll find twelve missing footballers and they coach alive four days after the group got stuck in a flooded cave in northern thailand they believed to be several kilometers from the entrance they've been stranded since saturday when heavy rain blocked the only exit
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cattle taking the united arab emirates to the un's international court of justice for violating human rights the case was prompted by the blockade of cattle by four countries which is now entered its second year the third u.s. aircraft carrier to patrol the south china sea this year is not docked in the philippines and the say this is part of a mission to reassure u.s. allies in the region washington has been critical of china's growing military presence in disputed areas of the south china sea china has installed and the ship and surface to air missiles on the disputed spratly islands malaysian police say former prime minister najib razak and his wife are to be questioned over money laundering and corruption allegations comes after i tim says from property linked to the couple were valued at more than two hundred fifty million dollars among the goods were twenty three million dollars worth of luxury handbags and twelve thousand pieces of jewelry those are the headlines the stream is coming up next.
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the sam's in archaeology graduate from iraq he's also a part time going to pergamon museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous ishtar gate in most of the people he's showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several billion museums taking part in the project called most taco bell meeting point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasize the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture. because i've been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that mrs ford to me the great thing is it's not just about museums about forming a new life here part of life is culture. and i'm here in the stream live on al-jazeera and you tube today. i'm too
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government demonstrations have turned into the country protests. well look at the continued violence and ask whether human rights are being protected. in the two months since many nicaraguans began calling for president daniel ortega to step down parts of the country have to send it into heavy violence while peace talks have yielded little progress for an end to the crisis protests began in a poor in response to a proposed overhaul of the country's pension system grievances quickly turned to ortega himself as the people q stem of running a corrupt government some anti-government protesters armed with their own homemade weapons have clashed with police and pro or take up paramilitary groups more than two hundred people have been killed since april and despite the government's pledge to stop the violence human rights groups say protesters continue to be killed detained or even disappeared so to help us understand the situation in nicaragua
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joining us on the set we have latin america correspondent. he was covering the crisis in the last week for al-jazeera. the castro he is a human rights activist and a journalist in estella coahuila steven sefton he's a writer for to appear consol that's a new side that identifies with the sandinista national liberation front and we also have one sebastian john morrow he's a leader of the main civic alliance looking to negotiate peace with the government we also invited members of the nickel work in government to share their perspectives but they have not responded to us but gentlemen it's good to have you here stephen this idea of trying to get a government response or trying to get an idea of how the government is dealing with this crisis how would you sum it up from your perspective. well right from the start on april twenty first three days after the protests we took a legitimate for the first twenty four rounds they were peaceful as was correctly
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quoted in the in the end but after that they were taken over by extremely violent right wing activists who are very well armed and very well prepared but despite the violence of those first three days. president then you will take it on a p twenty schoolfriend national dialogue. which was accepted by the right wing business that was. also involved in protests and then the following day sunday april twenty second president to take a request it's the catholic church hierarchy want to mediate that so right from the start the dialogue has been committed to feast and from april twenty third they instructed the police not to use live grounds and to people very low profile. so i think from my point of view the role of the government from the start.
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and unfortunately money. the opposition has been resolutely opposed to taking. enormous. let me share this view this is on live from a non he's also a journalist and she summarizes this is i'm using the translation here from twitter a summary of the current situation in the coag although from june the twenty first to today there are already more dead injured imprisoned and disappeared two hundred twelve killed one thousand three hundred thirty seven wounded five hundred seven plus in prison. so many issues here sebastien stephen says that the government is trying to negotiate in good faith but how do you describe this list and it's not even the latest list of of what's been happening to some of the protesters in iraq are today. oh put a poll i would like to denounce that brutality of the day i dictatorship brutality
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and i have seen it with my own eyes peace violence and brutality against innocent civilians is the reason why the popular of price it is not going to stop and this is not. this is a popular all right. arising from any. woman or anything like that and i want to emphasize one thing the killing the extra u.d.c. or killing the started it but april nineteenth it is not true that the that. occur later the extra you the sherry killings started the various first day of the revolt the of the protestant right now as we speak there has been two hundred and eighty five people dead these are being denounced by human rights organizations one of them is precisely the into the american commission on human rights which says that there has brought responsibility of the state of our
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state of nick and our what to who have violated fundamental rights including life personally integrity health freedom assembly exploration and access to justice this is a the most important and relevant human rights commission by the organizations already and states and how. to i know very strong report blaming the state of me going to what i asked responsible for all these killings so the in addition to that i missed the international issue a report that says in the title here should the keel showing out evidence of the ex or unies yari killings committed by the naked eye one police force and. dogs are by the govt there is ample. human rights
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violations so in other words we are this woman living. next door deny or circumstances over humanitarian crisis i want to bash and i want to follow up and there was extraordinary circumstances of the the list really that you detailed with a couple of experiences from our community about what they are seeing this is one person on twitter who says we still don't know how many are detained or just missing or if they're still alive the numbers grow every day we have two hundred twelve plus dead including little kids and just this weekend they shot a fifteen month old in the head as a sniper and it was caught on camera and we got a video comment from someone who mentions that same incident and how it struck her this is deny she's a journalist and when i go on this is what she told the stream. that i think the most is about. who would. he was working with his parents mistreating when they happened they were a type mentors for police in the b.b.
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di i think every week no one wants to see justice not only for disturbed but more than two hundred that's that have occurred these two months. so many that the incident that she mentions i pulled up on my screen here this is from al jazeera nicaraguan rest baby among five killed in fresh protests that's from june twenty fourth it doesn't seem to gel with what we heard earlier from stephen who mentioned that the police were told to keep a low profile i know you just returned from nicaragua but what can you make sense of those two things for us so i made two trips within the last couple of months and a good one to visiting messiah which were a lot of the most brutal fighting has been concentrated between anti-government demonstrators and the government and also most of my time spent in when i was the incident that you were learning about right now is not that different than another one that we heard about a week and a half ago where a house with a family of six was set on fire and two children of the age of two were killed
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inside that house the government has repeatedly denied any responsibility in both that incident as well as in the ongoing conflict saying that they're not using lie browne's that they're not to do you know participating in these claims of human rights abuse but the evidence compiled by human rights observers both from amnesty international from the inner american human rights commission which prepared preliminary reports of the organization of american states just last week and all point to something completely different which is an ongoing systematic repression against peaceful demonstrators and one of the conditions set by the catholic church the catholic church is very influential in that get out what the they have been hosting this ongoing national dialogue that for better or for wishes is the only thing that's truly mediating this conflict the main condition of the catholic church for this dialogue to continue has been for the government of president or to go to stop the heavy handed to use the light term approach to anti-government
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demonstrators something that the government has failed to do which is why we've seen a continuation of the violence which is why we see very little progress being made in way of these peace talks. stephen when one sebastian was showing the shoot to kill you said something i didn't quite hear what it was can you repeat it what did you want to say. you know and what i want to say is that. it's true that there are plenty of human rights organizations making these denunciations none of those cases have been investigated and the internet the internet or can commission for human rights. based on information that they just accepted. from human rights organizations in my career with the long track record over a couple. being sent to government. and the lot of a lot of the cases are as you are reports of pointed out many points down disputed by the government but something many said that was very interesting was he talked
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about peaceful protest now i have a question from that manny could you please explain how the. result of peaceful protests ten police officers. and over two hundred injured don't you think a little strange it doesn't rattle him on allegedly answer that question i'm not saying that there are not elements of criminal organizations that have infiltrated the peaceful protests but overwhelmingly from my experience from my observation the people that are on the ground there are armed with slingshots are armed with rocks and they are or if you want to say that rocks are weapons sure they are armed and they're armed with homemade mortars which may be a less than lethal weapon i think that at the very best they are there are fireworks launchers. and these people are up against automatic weapons live rounds and snipers on mother's day on may thirtieth we were on the ground during one of the largest demonstrations that you could i would had seen up until that point half
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a million people marching on the streets of managua at the very end of that march i actually don't remember how many were killed somewhere around a dozen people were killed when snipers opened fired on it grew out of civilians i want to point to the initial comment by you even. need. to talk about the will. you know all this it is regretful that he the new ground almond for years has labeled everybody who disagrees with and as extreme right wing. as part of an extreme wrangling conspiracy if you are on the streets to talk to people and see who's out there on the barricades in the universities who is protesting we're talking about people who are workers who are students who are. you know people generally. concerned about what is happening in the country and this is been part of a pattern over the over the years that this government been in power you know
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