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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  July 7, 2018 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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it's a pretty front ation limited through this camp in the dry parking lot really the johnson city government on behalf of a foreign mining business to land a lucrative and controversial deal for them despite a clear paper trail linking brought parker to greater picture from they showed them the birds she and johnson sitting for denied any knowledge of the company which should any editors interest but not necessarily bear it. in with a few hours to go to the publication of the story. after not wanting. thanks formation former editor and historian who'll be publishing the news newspaper. my editor. asked not. as plain to me why he can of publish this story but from my reading. is because of the people watching this story. the news by many newspapers in which
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the africa is owned by a politician in this case wilson cato play the country's minister of commerce the paper is quietly seen as taking an editorial in soft approach to the current government and by the looks of things to the friends of former government says well . we dropped the largess off at the news newspaper about five hours of an hour just waiting on his call to find out whether or not says it is going to publish the story he said it's a guise of the story then great if not then there is a plan b. in the way. moments later david confirms that he's editor has rejected the story so we head across town to meet. rush hour traffic means that we reach our destination of the night for the offices of the day we observe. to ensure that he gets coverage david has a not for the first time he says taken history to the competition. a last minute editorial meeting this cold in the story gets the green light it moves
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through layout and into print within twelve hours a four month investigation built for one use paper winds up in the front page of and. the news feeds of the far less antagonistic story about calls for war tripe you know we asked the paper's editor in chief for an interview you griese to speak with us when we arrived at the newsroom has left the building and won't take our calls. choose that may twenty second and across west africa the investigation. have started to go. maksim domini story about the dealings of business men patrice. is on the front page of loud tentative it gets picked up by radio with the supporters of the government presumably circulated on social media front page of loud tentative calling the paper's editor in chief of the. media. in the.
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investigation into what he calls the phantom slaughterhouse makes national news in liberia the daily observant leads with david story into caravan the bright pocket however literacy rates in the country radio is where most liberians get their news and for this story to hit it will need to transition from print to pork rinds in the days after publication this investigation it seems has failed to do that. it is the bank that helps clients break the law. now h.s.b.c. secrets around. the political impact of pasta media collaboration's coordinated by the i.c.r.c. was almost immune to the bank in the news from the public and often simply from tax authorities including its engine the panama papers investigation of two thousand and sixteen made headlines across the globe mr prime minister what can you tell me
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about a company called implants so now i'm starting to feel a bit strange about this question because it's like you were accusing me of something in iceland the prime minister was confronted on about his feelings he resigned a few days later the founders of the law firm. vested amongst others money has been you came down and there was a healthy dose of public outrage in many countries this forest of documents basically has been dubbed the paradise and it cost us paradise papers had less impact. few headlines there sadri but even by those standards the reaction to the west african leaks has seen mutant wise. it could be the geographical focus of the stories the stubborn silence of many of those investigated or even the lack of evident public and. my question after west africa lakes is where is all that outrage where are those
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public demonstrations what we do know is that it's not because the communities in the countries in the citizens don't care about these stories all the have to do is speak to the reporters go on facebook to say that every single story from west africa legs was followed very closely and really great local by. case in point the king of where journalists sandrine serve a dagger of lacanian mr fastow reported on two leading businessmen and a possible case of tax evasion on a prison most doctors on the stand he couldn't get they didn't want to cause them to plunder vantine a prisoner lector decision on. what. your point specific prisoner is you need after day to all the press corps so mr last i see people in the world will. not wash intellectual you put me in missions one hundred regime
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also interest and. see in this it's. been gone and nearly a month after emanuel got very published his story the ministry of foreign affairs finally got back to him about his questions with questions of it sir. be rude to ask me to tell them specific cases i was investigated there was no need to tell them what i was getting i just wanted to move clearly what the general rules were for the conduct of diplomacy duty for me issues at the religion of duty which shows a lack of understanding of the rule of journalist and they are running away from being held accountable. the ministry disagrees with in a statement said the church's quote failure to disclose vital information it was unable to put the matter into context and therefore could not provide any
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additional information. that governments have been slow to respond to the revelations in the west african leaks or ignore them completely has come as no surprise what's been more concerning has been the lack of response from other news outlets in the region one would expect stories of high level corruption and financial irregularities to top the news agenda are the subjects of these investigations of the very people who in large part control what gets reported in west africa and what does not. clearly there's some political pressures there's generators that are our press not to publish. their think kind of things and we can understand that we're working in that environment so we can we can never tell. all the variables have more effect on the impact oh or the lack of every population i remember one example from ivory coast where the day after the publication of a really strong west africa leak story into the underclass offshore company of
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a very senior politician. a newspaper associated with the political party of that politician the next day carried a headline that said. something along the lines of troublemaking journalists just out to settle a score so to my mind the fact that we haven't seen a global or even regional outcry from west africa is not indicative in and of itself of the quality but rather of significant work that remains in terms of free press and in terms of investigative journalism what no one can take away from the west africa league says the frog that is his story is the first time you how this number of journalists and we didn't. lose it and went into production of the project which itself to the value of the web. and be that in the long. run will save us this period she had for. four hours.
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african generally do you know sit in the seats n newsroom with nothing to. go on and. this reform in. your lap. the. resume would. be only through anything meant to show for mr and i think. he was just democracy. you know c.d.c. . if you want. the. poor you have here could one of the he's. on the issue of legal briefs you are beautiful minus one as you feel like you feel. there's a misconception about journalism one that many reporters still hold that once you expose corruption or wrongdoing the problem then comes to an end but that's not always the case journalism is just one step on the road to accountability and
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unless civil society gets behind the story the political will to take action will not be there journalists in short cannot do with a long you've been watching a special edition of our program on the west africa leeks we'll see you next time you're listening. and this is different not just whether someone is going for something that's very red. meat you think it's how you approach and enough it is a certain way of doing it you can't just. go out. well there on line. chief called. over to. the side today or if you join the sunset criminal justice system is dysfunctional right now this is a dialogue what does it feel like to go back for the first time everyone has
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a voice. refugee. change joining the. rebels in southern syria reach a deal with government forces two weeks of intense fighting. coming up on these twenty three people are dead and dozens are missing after heavy rainfall floods. messages of hope the teenage football players trapped in a cave and write letters to their family but. the world cup in russia with the fifth time in history only. in the semifinals.
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let's begin with some breaking news out of the somali capital mogadishu gun battle taking place two explosions we understand the fighting is happening near the ministry of interior building. here is in mogadishu let's speak to them live now on the phone what more can you tell us about this gun battle on the explosions. much around around eleven parties local time in the condition. a couple of explosions just exploded out diminishes in syria. a city exploded a minute later. full of lunch about members from the building and started shooting and it's a bit different to me and after the second try exploded outside just can right now
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is still inside and using negative committees. and the military and intelligence services on the ministry of interior trying to flush out the al shabaab members. held inside the building and know what's the current security situation there what's been the response to this gun battle. i mean if you if you try to cuba a month back to the interim of the. country to relatively it's peaceful it we haven't had any incidents throughout from a gun and that is unique because the plus some of and there's a lot of incidents and this is due to the security checkpoints throughout the condition and i think the reason one. of the explosions to the. relatives is the security issue has been tracked to be. just about you could
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bunches this day. and this is that it sounds. as if they can try to now i. mean nobody holds you can shut down can see. the gun but it's been going on both sides are using a b. . and we find out more information on the crisis he came over to have a in the somali capital mogadishu thank you very much for the update. now the syrian government is back in control of the southern province after rebels agreed to surrender as part of a ceasefire deal there are four villages that will remain under local control meaning the government has agreed to not go into them it is more than two weeks of fighting that's forced at least three hundred thirty thousand people to flee many to the border with jordan for the deal was brokered by russia which has been supporting the syrian government in its offensive in that are been smith as more from the syria jordan border some of the thousands of displaced syrians who've been camped for up to two weeks along the syrian jordan border just behind me they
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started going home last night according to the jordanian military not long after the cease fire and surrender was agreed with the rebel groups here across the border in southern syria the jordanians hope that the rest of those refugees in the coming hours and days will feel safe enough to go home on one of the most important things about making them feel safe enough is security guarantees that they'll be given bodies that the russian military police maintain overall control of security along the border area because many people have been living under rebel control fear rebel fear reprisals from the syrian regime also important for the jordanians is that there are no iranian backed hezbollah fighters along this border side that was one of the major jordanian concerns they are expecting only to see syrians and russian forces along this area no involvement from the hezbollah fighters who were part of the initial campaign to retake the dead up province the world's chemical
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weapons watchdog has found evidence that proving gas was used in an attack in syria earlier this year a preliminary report by the o.p.c. w. says various chlorinated chemicals were found at the site dozens of people were killed in the attack on duma which was under rebel control of the time the assad government has denied carrying out any chemical weapons attacks. flooding has killed at least twenty three people in japan and dozens more are still missing heavy rainfall triggered landslides and pushed river levels to rise more than one point six million people in japan's western and central regions have been ordered to leave their homes almost fifty thousand rescue workers are responding to the crisis. whenever there is no other. i offer my deepest condolences to the victims and my sympathies to all people who have been affected the. heavy rain will continue in the area from western to eastern japan and it will be historic during
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fall which could be the heaviest rain ever recorded well michael pen is president of the shin gets a news agency he says it may take days before emergency services reach all those affected. well the part that some press of it it is the intensity of the rainfall i believe that it's been recorded like something more than half a meter of rain water falling and one hour so what's happening is that there's just massive amounts of rain and water hitting the land before it can adjust and so that's that's the unprecedented part of this rainfall is hitting basically everywhere at once so there's no it's difficult for the emergency services to prioritize where they should go first because there's so many things happening all at once and obviously if a road is washed out or bridges destroyed even if you have a nice fire engine or ambulance you can't get to some of the places that you need to go to so it's probably going to take
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a matter of days last year there were similar floods in q shu which which did take a week or more before all of the places had been reached by by emergency services the football coach who led a group of young players into a cave complex in thailand has apologized to the parents a couple of chantal will wrote a letter which was handed to the families by rescue divers along with other notes from the trapped boys they've now been stuck inside the cave for fourteen days more than one hundred holes are being drilled into the ground in the latest attempt to reach them the head of the rescue mission says it's too risky for them to try to dive through the submerged pits of the cave because of potential flooding scott idli has more from china right. there are concerns about the oxygen levels in the cave system coming out from the commander of this rescue operation now they're not a dangerous levels yet but what they're doing is they're taking out non-essential personnel that are now rescue personnel that are now inside the cave you know there are the divers going back and forth to the spot where the coach and the his players
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are there's a chamber where the kind of pre staging tanks and things and supplies they bring to the boys so they're taking out the people who are non-essential and only keeping those in there who are absolutely essential because the fewer people in there the less oxygen that will be used in the boy's area that is the same case too for divers seal divers will be with them still at all times but all non-essential people will be taken out other options are being explored but there's nothing that's really coming forward as another viable option just yet they're still looking through these chimneys or downward tunnels in the mass of mountain range that houses this case system that's behind me nothing yet they say that there are one hundred chimneys that they have explored there focusing on a team but again no real find yet that that's giving them hope that they could use this is in the.


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