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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  July 15, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03

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crossing the desert to avoid these steel and concrete pools which mark the border in areas where we were on a main road like this we look for people. anybody out here they could be standing on the side of the road if they have made it this far need help. little the. volunteer catherine ferguson and physician norma price are samaritans. rescuing those who are in desperate need of help illegals you've been physically and mentally defeated by the deadly conditions people walk not only trails but they walk in circles because they're lost so you could have a child walking out here you could have a man a grandmother or you could have a group of people and all i'm doing is looking for anything that looks like a human being. but katherine and norma the only ones on the lookout.
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and then. tell bush to move to help us the united states government has. as many border patrol and border patrol backup as there are stars in the sky. in an attempt to secure its borders the current administration is spending billions of dollars on enforcement money many argue is doing little to stop the human traffic merely rebooting it since they've closed the ports it forces people out into the secured. desert and people are dying so. it is supposed to send a message back to the villages in mexico that if you come here you'll die out of the desert it's a policy of death. and they really don't know what they're facing i mean they don't know how hot and dry to most of them if they haven't been here before they don't know about the desert and mostly women in high heel shoes. wage shoes
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and they'll have one bottle of water and in this environment that is so hot and dry and death or. if they need if they have any degree of exhaustion illness they need to be in techno hospital me and the heat literally just coax them or the brain the heart the kidney will see a lot of pregnant women and that also. increases the risk that they'll get into trouble. that the worst saddest of all course is the children and we see a situation where children. bob for those making the passage it's a terrible choice a gamble really face death and avoid capture or seek help even if that means deportation order. ahead in the distance emerging from the scrub stands a solitary figure. his decision has been made paying with his life is too high
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a price for passage to the promised land. but does this in your. so much somebody saw as the night. frightened disorientated and exhausted his story is like so many of those left behind when he couldn't keep up with the group. at the specialist what an integral part of the think tank is. one of the things that go with. what could be an iraqi. face. what it.
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don't you feel that all. within. me that. i found myself in a white boy in. the hood and they know that i had committed you know we all need toward a little bit more chief and. just been. they want to thank you for you before you. move. through woodruff. and saw the media you. know.
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the samaritans presenting him with his options but his face betrays the. peers who simply. play the fed up and. he's off to a see us nor means the samaritans can do nothing but call border patrol placing an illegal in their own car would mean a possible jail sentence anybody that gives them a ride would be arrested if they're caught we can't do that they could spend five years in prison for transporting. and ten years for conspiring against the united states government. with little time to collect his thoughts and belongings he's arrested by the border patrol. and this is the first time blow up the will not stand back and really like god. i. i apologize for america there are really nice americans here
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those guys were nice. but if the old thora g.'s appeared to be taking a hard line there's a reason for their lack of hospitality the truth is many who attempt to cross illegally will do so again and again until they succeed. means zero tolerance. your. life. for. your well ok. they have a warrant oh my goodness these are human beings we're dealing with intelligent feelings since you know beans and we can't give them socks or water there's something very wrong with that. we have a schizo friend sign at the border where this big sign that says keep out and at the same time metaphorically we have the sign that says help wanted we have there's
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a tremendous number of jobs we have significant sectors of the economy that need large numbers of low skilled workers that we're not producing in the native born population and there are no legal channels for those workers to command and therefore the only way those workers can enter in large numbers it's illegally. judas is an academic and an immigration expert she knows the statistics speak for themselves since two thousand people have been entering at the rate of about eight hundred fifty thousand a year there are currently an estimated twelve million people in the country illegally and that's a huge number but the other thing is happening is that immigrants are going to what we call nontraditional states communities all over the country are suddenly waking up to find large foreign born populations in their midst and their schools i mean it seemed like it happened overnight in felicitous and wait a minute what's going on and there's a feeling that the system. out of control which in fact there are serious problems
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with their immigration system. a series of fences dotted along the three thousand kilometer border between the united states and mexico were designed to stem the flow of illegal movement in urban areas based on current estimates the system is a failure. the walls have not been an effective deterrent they've changed their way and the costs and getting at the time of the fences put up in california the assumption was that the desert was too difficult environment in the desert which itself would be an effective wall and people would come in through the desert and that that has turned out to be false people have come into the desert and as you know a lot of people are back trying to cross. despite this the walls will continue to go up with president bush signing off on the secure fence act in two thousand and six approving the construction of
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a war stretching one thousand kilometers on the other side of the fence the lure of the american dollar appeals to both citizens the mexican government like mexico benefits tremendously by having its workers here. remittances money being sent home by mexican citizens working in the united states to their families in mexico is the second largest source of foreign currency in mexico it lessens the social pressure within the country so mexico in a real way doesn't have a huge incentive to stop this. over door all she can see is a separation barrier which has divided her family. by only a bookkeeper. but
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without legal status one can move between the two countries so for the past fourteen years he hasn't seen his family in mexico. but i want to tell me i mean a. lot imo and. you know that. well i want to. it's a sacrifice millions have been willing to make and many more seem certain to follow . their. mexico a country of more than one hundred million people but more than forty percent live below the poverty line. so many that the poverty line here of the border with the united states. on the other side stands
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opportunity employment and dreams of earning a high old way. but standing in their way through such as this. this is american border patrol u.s. citizens doing their bit to keep illegals out of. the organization is led by glenn spencer his arizona ranch sits directly on the border thanks to glenn anyone can patrol it via the internet. this is one of american border patrols remotely operated border cams this camera is wireless and operated by solar power. so really you could run this camera from your
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home in new york to watch the border so that we can have thousands of americans watching the border was real vigilance twenty four hours a day seven days a week. glenn says the u.s. government secure border initiative is a disastrous failure and he's compiled hours of video footage to prove it this is the most highly policed area in the country right and we can walk through even in daylight right with a huge atomic bomb on our back. and they would know it they could stop it if they wanted to but they don't i will bet you there are at least sixty illegal aliens holed up moving through the river in the washington right now you have to understand this goes on four. hundred miles of the united states border. all along you're now people say well i don't see anybody well little
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want to be seen and to make sure they are being seen american border patrol is spending millions of donated dollars on surveillance equipment this is our border hawk you avi u.a.b. stands for unmanned aerial vehicle and basically it's not a lot different than a remote control airplane except this has a computer inside of it if eyes by itself. and underneath it down here this is our little pan and tilt system here this is one we designed it had built for us and this allows us to look around three sixty and i interrogate a target as it would be called where you can look at some and stay on it as the plane is moving a former military man mike king knows how to catch the enemy so when the federal aviation authorities stopped him flying on mind aircraft he simply changed tactics plan b. was to buy real airplanes and so we did we purchased a cessna two to
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a six and we get a lot of video that way it's been a extremely effective tool for us to gather intelligence on what's happening on the border what you train your eye to see in the bush is you start picking out pretty easily as you fly along or especially the south side as they're staging. there are aspiring illegal aliens at that point there is a lot of it you don't see it because they don't want to be seen but they're everywhere and we first got a thermal camera put on the house and i turned in i swung into the south just looking into mexico for people down there and the next day there were people down there and the next day there were people down there and that every night i was catching groups of twenty thirty walking just west of the property here for like three weeks straight for in three weeks i caught like five hundred people i don't pretend like i'm not involved you know my i think my conscience will allow me i see it happening you know getting into my country today and i call the border patrol so let them deal with that we don't go out and tackle anybody. this all may seem
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a little excessive obsessive or even slightly odd but considering that more than three billion u.s. dollars is being spent on border security glenn showed al-jazeera exactly when that money isn't going project now that. international border between the united states and mexico i'm now going to step into mexico. and here we are. self of the border. down mexico way. this is the first line of defense for the united states against an invasion from the rest of the world it may stop some but not many come much money we're spending on offending the borders of iraq. and our borders are wide open and the government knows it wide open to drugs
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terrorists and we've proven there. and they know it. but there were being sacrificed on the altar of globalism and longer believe in the nation state they want to merge mexico the united states and canada together and if a few thousand people are sacrificed in the process as just price. for many who have tried to cross and failed they rest receive medical treatment for cuts and blisters and then get ready to do it all again and here in the gallus in mexico people smuggling is big business for. me. i stay as the theme of this man is a. he won't show his face because he imports goods from the united states but it's human exportation and exploitation where the real money is
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a. good . value. by a good place was a pleasure said was as bored as it would get to god or. but there in lies the irony of the situation the legal route into the us is fraught with as many obstacles as a trek through the desert. regardless of one's political allegiance regardless of whether someone's an activist or humanitarian you can't. turn away from those and i hear often i hear people say well i like the migrants i just don't like the illegal migrant or like immigrants just those who come in legally and i think his people are either extremely naive or. stubborn
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or. you know turning their back on the situation because there's no way these people can come in legally. though as the saying goes do good fences make good neighbors many would argue it's merely the symptoms that are being addressed not because that is an issue for both sides of the fence i think a chain fall that a country as rich as mexico. is forcing poor people to come to another country to work i would suggest that it is shameful that the president and mexico calls people who go to other countries illegally to work heroes. and i think it's shameful that of both our countries that we can't get together and work out some sort of a sensible policy. melissa owens lives with the reality of
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illegal migration this is her backyard it stretches as far as the eye can see well basically mexico is about four and a half miles right over that ridge right there this is due south but she's seen enough of the problems and trespass as. i would say we would have at least one group of fifteen to twenty people at least every night sometimes groups of men but sometimes women with children in their arms. waking me up now they have no idea what to do that last they just need help. they've been told by their guides their call your days that it's six miles to wherever they're going to get up to the top of that ridge and there this is the view they get to look out across the valley obviously there's nothing. but within the picturesque landscape melissa's ranch resembles a fortified compound enclosed by rays
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a while to keep her safe and intruders out i had some men i don't know how many it was attempt to break in my house while i was here and they were actually kicking and door. and i was so i was here by myself and it was it was it was not a good experience so i think i'm pretty tough but i don't particularly want to have that happen again alone in such a remote environment melissa is prepared to defend herself and her property when i work away from the house i wear a small head and i have it on my belt almost all the time i wear it for protection i i hope to god i never have to use this gun i don't like having to wear it doesn't make me feel. powerful or important but on the other hand if i'm
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ever in a really bad situation i want to be able to defend myself. an emotionally charged issue that legal migration has polarized americans it's an issue debated by politicians thousands of kilometers away in washington d.c. but one which affects individuals at the border directly if i didn't have the greatest respect for hispanic culture i sure would. be on the euro zone in mexico border. i'm not talking about. race i'm not. king about nationality i'm talking about people who are on my land and in my country illegally i don't want. people i don't know walking across my land and i don't care whether they're from finland or togo or white amala. i don't want them
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here it's a small war zone. people don't know what it is i wish they would come here at the moment it's very quiet with beautiful big clouds but at certain times of day their helicopters out here their horse patrols their a.t.v.'s around their guys that look like darth vader they're completely covered in black and they carry guns and they're out here looking for people like the man we met today it's another way to instill fear in americans since this film first the u.s. continue to increase spending on border security at no other time in history has there been as many border patrol officers on duty as there are today and now the authorities are bracing for a new challenge children since twenty four the number of families and unaccompanied children apprehended at the border keeps skyrocketing young people are filling
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family detention centers having fled of a cheat or extreme violence in central america. today the border issue is taking center stage in u.s. politics as u.s. president donald trump gets serious about one of his biggest campaign promises we will build the i guess we'll. know. a lot though. where were you when this idea popped into it when they're on line it's undoubtedly chief cole. of opinion equality in our society today or if you join the sunset
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criminal justice system is dysfunctional right now this is a dialogue what does it feel like bring you to go back for the first time everyone has a voice and allow refugees to flee the speaker's first change join the conversation on our own. with a big breaking news story account be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. people shouting instructions and in your trying to provide the best most accurate up to date information as quickly as you can. it's when you come off air con things seem pinned to realize even witness history in the making. he has no pulse board yet he's politically active in two countries i was the only one who would stand up our peaceful transition when because the short term expired
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in our part of the world some people think you are stupid or crazy if you do that mikhail saakashvili former president of georgia and ex governor of the odessa region in ukraine talks to al-jazeera the nature of news as it breaks although thousands of women have reported rape and other sexual atrocities in south sudan so were threats are going to say that figure is likely much higher with detailed coverage nearly fifty schools took part in the drive each one responsible have her life in a different school supplies clothing from around the world sable focal is still very new here but these players are very confident they won't be able to leave gaza maybe it'll want to fight on the international study. i know i'm maryam namazie and london here's a quick look at the top stories a prime minister of haiti. has resigned after days of violent protest over his
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government's plan to eliminate fuel subsidies the on restaurant after authorities unveiled a proposal to hike fuel prices by fifty percent. in the haitian capital port au prince and joins us now what more do we know about the prime minister's resignation . well it just happened actually a few minutes ago it happened here at parliament parliament for over three hours had been debating the future of love on top they have been debating whether to give him a no confidence vote or not at one point during the session. took to the podium he started to defend his government and then said that he resigned that he wrote a letter to the president and the president accepted that resignation letter then left the premises essential right now what we know has resigned as prime minister the country of haiti now has no current functioning government because all of the ministers have also left with him who will be the next prime minister of haiti the
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next step will be that the president as well as a two heads of parliament will decide the next prime minister of haiti but right now prime minister who had been in office seventeen months has resigned abruptly after placing too much pressure after his failed attempt to raise gas prices here in this country ok for now thank you very much gabriel. on the headlines israel has launched its biggest attack on hamas in the gaza war in two thousand and fourteen two palestinian teenagers have been killed by as strikes as israeli jets targeted several neighborhoods in gaza but it's misreports. not since the twenty fourteen war has israel hits a target so close to the densely populated gaza city israel says this building was a hamas training facility with a tunnel underneath there were also civilians nearby israel says they were warned
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in advance of the strike means a smaller rocket was fired first at the roof a knock at school but the people said they didn't understand this warning instead some rushed to help someone have been injured these two teenagers were among that group they were killed when israel second the much more powerful strike came in. since friday evening israel's military has hit more than forty targets across gaza israel says it's aiming at hamas training facilities it also released a video of what it says was the destruction of a tunnel near the border with egypt israel has been frustrated for weeks now by century burning balloons and burning kites that drift over the border during friday protests and set fire to israeli crops prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been under enormous domestic pressure particularly from border communities to do something to stop them and israel has threatened hamas and said to hamas if you do not stop these kites we will get back in this seems to be that retaliation.
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dozens of rockets have been fired by armed groups from gaza towards israel a few have been intercepted by israel's iron dome system unusually hamas has claimed sole responsibility for some of the rockets fired by israel's air strikes follow friday's protests which are now in the fourth month a fifteen year old palestinian was shot dead when israel says he tried to climb the fence the mainly peaceful protests began as an attempt to persuade israel to lift its twelve year long blockade of gaza but israel has not made any concessions and that's led to enormous frustration amongst garza's almost two million people burn it's made out to zero gaza. well eritrea's president is saying history has been made on his first visit to neighboring ethiopia in more than two decades isaiah's of working received a warm welcome to the capital by the ethiopian prime minister and this is the latest step towards reconciliation and peace between the long time rivals last
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weekend the leaders signed a pact to restore diplomatic and trade ties and this brought to an end a twenty year military standoff we're going to bring you more on that story a little bit later on do stay with us yet today on our headlines coming up next it's al jazeera wealth a see a bit later on i have now. we
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are just getting initial word of breaking news coming out of mace in france. the
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attack in the south of france in nice which has killed at least sixty people will see that it could be the new video put it would be to feel guilty for not keeping it a little it's. some thirty six hours later after the attack it seems that islamic state has said yes it was awesome responsibility and that there was no apparent pledge of allegiance saw i still find the choosing to talk. to me like i need to get. to the phone talk to the least islamists do you know he did. to be going against on the soon genius. if you will be for some. good up close but then you want peace and most of the. will best known to the police no nevada is done in the beginning some demos who planned this is something i am also
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. nice to get here mercenary. the one out of all. of. that information that i'm. going to. name. but also fab a good democrat about. what office we became know what didn't at the time in the end. and what did different edward luttwak look at. what i'm gonna look it up to be the. very. very. specific group. q. you don't like so you don't need to be going to call so-called club
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homes. over the phone so sick if you will from the.
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