tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera July 17, 2018 3:00am-3:33am +03
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donald trump's discussion about russian election meddling ends with smiles in finland and outrage in the u.s. . i'm about this and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. promises of money and change from the government but protests go on in southern iraq now oil supplies are being threatened. european and chinese leaders to discuss their separate but growing trade wars with the united states. and party central in paris the victorious french football team gets an official
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welcome home after that extraordinary world cup. the white house says u.s. president donald trump will meet members of congress on tuesday the announcement comes amid swelling criticism of trump's summit with his russian counterpart vladimir putin speaking to reporters alongside putin trump defended russia against allegations it interfered in the twenty sixteen u.s. election we begin our coverage with diplomatic editor james bass. we face to face ahead of a solo meeting a meeting that lasted over two and a half hours but if you were hoping they would solve any of the world's problems you'll be sorely disappointed instead when they spoke to reporters their comments were dominated by their views on the most toxic political issue in the u.s. an issue that just got more controversial as they seemed mainly to agree on it
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during today's meeting i addressed directly with president putin the issue of russian interference in our elections i felt this was a message best delivered in person spend a great deal of time talking about it and president putin may very well want to address it and very strongly because he feels very strongly about it and here's an interesting idea putin then explained that idea he'd get russian authorities to interview the twelve hackers even though the allegation is they were working on behalf of those same or forces or he said they could set up a joint us russian investigation team with one condition north of the witness which we will this kind of reference should be unusual one and then we would expect that the americans would reciprocate and they've they would question officials including the officers of law enforcement and intelligence services of the united states whom
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we believe who have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of russia trump called that an incredible offer he was then asked a straight question at every u.s. intelligence agency has concluded that russia did. what hu my first question for you sir is who do you believe remarkably he answered by switching to a completely different subject which is not part of the investigation hillary clinton's e-mails what happened to hillary clinton's e-mails thirty three thousand e-mails gone just gone i think in russia they wouldn't be gone so easily twenty two months after the election he still seems determined to reaffirm the legitimacy of his win i beat hillary clinton easily the electoral college is much more advantageous for democrats as you know than it is to republicans we won the electoral college by a lot one last question was simple yes important. president putin did
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you want president trump to win the election. yes i did because he talked about bringing the right us relationship back to normal i've lost count of the number of times over the last eighteen months that i've described comments by president trump as extraordinary but this what was supposed to be a summit between the two most powerful leaders in the world is taking things to a new level the president may have been trying to robustly make his case about the twenty sixteen election but there seems little doubt that he's only made matters worse for himself james al-jazeera helsinki one during that news conference trump seemed to put at least equal weight behind both the u.s. intelligence community's assessment that russia meddled in the election and putin's denials shortly afterwards the top u.s. intelligence official dan coats issued a statement this seemed to push back against the president he says we have been
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clear in our assessments of russian meddling in the twenty sixteen election and their ongoing pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy and we will continue to provide unvarnished and objective intelligence in support of our national security . well on capitol hill u.s. politicians from both parties are condemning chung's remarks white house correspondent kimberly hawke it was the story. for a president who loves to talk about his ratings and reviews there was nearly universal criticism by members of the u.s. congress over his performance in helsinki and his apparent acceptance of russian president vladimir putin's denial that russia interfered in the twenty sixteen u.s. election president putin he just said it's not russian but more than a dozen u.s. law enforcement and intelligence agencies have concluded just the opposite leading some members of the president's own political party to rebuke his actions
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republican senator john mccain called the putin trust press conference disgraceful in a statement he said the damage inflicted by president trumps night even egotism false equivalence and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate many republicans are concerned that trump blamed both countries for the deteriorating u.s. russia relationship ject into giving what they call moral equivalence to a traditional u.s. adversary what many label a propaganda win for putin this was the primary objective of a lot of the putin was to sow permanent instability in american society and political culture so that we're so busy fighting each other we don't have time to take him on the threat opposition democrats not surprisingly were equally outraged at what the president did. side with our number one enemy who is attacking the united states daily in a variety of ways and be literally kneecapping our allies is just appalling
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and demands some kind of explanation the senate intelligence committee has also concluded russia meddled in the us elections and fears it will happen again in twenty eighteen there are times in the senate when people have to stand up and see which side you mean those one of those times this is one of those times there may now be in the u.s. congress a renewed push for bipartisan legislation known as the deter act that would snap and severe sanctions against russia as a boil and banking sectors should it be found to interfere in any future u.s. election can really help al-jazeera washington who among leverage is a former white house national security official who she says trumps trying to play to his base back home i'm not sure i would say that he has sacrificed the united states here i think he has in fact he's really dealing with with reality in fact
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reality that the united states is no longer the sole superpower on the international stage that there are important powers that include russia and that the united states needs to in its own interests have a constructive relationship with russia and whoever is in charge of russia so i think you know we take a step back and a sober assessment of what's going on here looking at the substance i would say that having a constructive relationship with russia is really the grand prize here the theatricals not withstanding. these statements like many of his other statements are extraordinary in the american political context but i think they're quite deliberate and i think they are very carefully choreographed both in terms of strategy and in terms of social media and how how troubled approaches his campaign the fact that president trump is on the world stage taking on u.s. foreign policy elites and what they call the deep state here in the united states that is something that i think will benefit him in the in the mid-term elections in
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november and set him up very possibly for reelection victory in two thousand and twenty it's something that most political analysts here don't see coming but if you look carefully at president cut trump's constituencies these types of comments these type of theatrical plays well with them. protests have continued into a second week in southern iraq spreading to more cities despite at least eight people dying in confrontations with security forces they're angry at what they see as a government failure to address crumbling infrastructure and the like of basic services as a savage overhead reports some of the protesters are now threatening to destruct the region's oil production if their demands aren't met. that they want to make tricity clean water and jobs. protesters have continued to congregate in southern iraq for a second week these people say police stopped them from setting up a protest camp at the bus for governor office but my god did not remember that we
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were sitting peacefully in a long convoy from the army and golden division stormed our tent we said we are peaceful protesters and not terrorists they said you have to remove your tent or you will be arrested and. we are strong we are acting on our own free will we are not being from a leaky buddy we are simply raising own demands. on sunday the protest spread to many southern provinces including with an as similar city. at least two people were killed and dozens injured including security personnel watching it's an adequate security forces response was excessive it was disproportionate to the peaceful protest angry protesters meet a bad was but live ammunition was fired at protesters. some of been attacking offices of major political parties and bus rides main port and the airport in niger have reopened a novelty or have done a lot if we disrupt the oil production everyone will run to us including the us and respond to our demands do not push us to the limits so far we are peacefully
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demonstrating in these protests are merely a warning and without it. we have the residence of bajor and not infiltrators we're simply raising our demands which are clean water electricity basic services and jobs are peaceful protests are met with bullets. iraq senior cleric. has supported the demonstrators grand ayatollah sistani says people face an extreme lack of services. the leading contender to form the new government after a contested election earlier this year has sent a delegation to bus for people to protect public property. prime minister headed to his trying to offer ten thousand jobs in buster and pledged three billion dollars for education health water and other public areas but so far it's failed to convince people who say they don't trust any of the politicians some of the job it does their brilliant wagner fellow at the washington institute for near east policy he says resentment towards the government has been building for
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a long time your reasons behind these protests are quite basic lack of services like of potable water the rampant corruption that the recent elections on july fifteenth did not present on may fifteenth i'm sorry did not present any road maps to solving them and the record temperatures in southern iraq basically were all contributing factors to some deep seated grievances that the iraqi society are facing and of course this is deep into the majority shia regions where on the one hand they see the oil that accounts for the majority ninety five percent of iraq's exports and therefore ninety nine percent of iraqi government revenue comes from oil right in front of them and yet they don't have a drink of water on one hand and then on the other this is their own government the old excuses of blaming a minority government like the sunnis or isis or the boss the return of the ba'ath
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party all of these excuses have been exhausted they are angry at their own government at their own representatives in baghdad who have failed them. israel says it will impose even stricter border measures on any cargo destined to go through the caramel was a lamb crossing to gaza it's planning to ban all fuel imports into the area until sunday food and mad symbol need permission to go through the southern crossing last week israel said it would halt exports of projects from gaza in response to what it described as continued aggressive from hamas european leaders have won china the united states and russia against a dangerous trade war as they met chinese counterparts in beijing this comes as the u.s. has followed cases against china the e.u. canada mexico and turkey or the world trade organization for retaliating against american tariffs more now from al-jazeera china correspondent erin brown. just ten
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days after the start of a trade war between china and the united states a timely summit in beijing china's leaders are hosting the european union's top officials one of whom had an urgent plea directed at china as well as the united states and russia does it come on duty. of europe and china. america and russia. not to destroy dissolve. much to improve it. not to start through a divorce. which turned into what the conflict is so often in our history china's leadership wants a united front against u.s. president donald trump's trade policies and is hoping for an ally in the e.u. which is also quarreling with trump over trade as well as defense to the u.s. trade friction is the problem between us china doesn't want to trade well with the u.s. we think there is no winner from a trade war any actions of violate the world trade organization rule serve the
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interests of no one. even though e.u. officials disagree with president trump they remain wary about being part of a coalition against him that's because many european business executives here also share trump's concerns about doing business in china china's leaders have promised to further open their economy to foreign investors the message from the e.u. officials on monday we hope you mean it this time china has made strong pleas to keep markets open and fight protectionism this is reassuring to the e.u. and its business community however we would like to see these encouraging words translated into more concrete action from china to further open up investment even before the trade war began ten days ago china's economy was starting to slow a monday figures showed the growth fell slightly from six point eight to six point seven percent in the last quarter factory output was at its lowest in two years
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most of what these factories produce are for export which for now underpins china's economy but a protracted trade war could slow growth by much more adrian brown al jazeera beijing still ahead on al-jazeera there were better photos just a few months ago but now that the best of friends at a trade reopens its embassy in heathy apia. calls for calm after days of violence in northern ireland. and it's. the weather sponsored by cattle. hello the floods are slowly subsiding in sichuan and the shouldn't be any more rain in the next couple days to speak of particularly because it's
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concentrating to the south there's a line that goes from luzon back to towards high nana north vietnam where you can see two little dark green dixie the tropical circulations one of which has been named non-spiritual turn into anything too significant from the point of view of wind but rain yes they will several hundred of these are potentially likely in repeated doses over the next couple days because it takes the emphasis away from the rest of china june to should see a dry picture on wednesday and that's true of virtually all of the rest of china and the wet weather extends further south as well into malaysia and probably just cuts off halfway through borneo into these years a fine sunny place at the moment but you can see the satellite picture that that cloud is concentrated covering thailand covering most of myanmar not reflected in the forecast again the next couple of days probably reflects the next couple of weeks to be honest and the south as well so it is covered all of india now is going to pakistan has produced some very useful rains kept temperatures were taken down
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a bit of course it's still humid and expect big downpours virtually anywhere in the next day or two. so whether it's sponsored by cattle i always say. about fifty thousand people were arrested under a policing strategy known as stop and frisk the car got a ball here it was a guy coming behind me he kicked me in my back and many of your children gotten caught in this trap i have seven sons and six of them have been arrested for drug charges though me against a wall may be taken plus think is one thoughts we've now created the atmosphere that the police is the bad guy exploring the dark side of american justice the system with job and engine on al-jazeera.
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you're watching all of us here a reminder of our top stories this hour the u.s. president appears to have sided with russia instead of his own intelligence agencies over allegations of meddling in the twenty sixteen election donald trump max's russian counterpart vladimir putin in helsinki his comments have been condemned by both u.s. republicans and democrats. funerals are being held for some of the eight people killed in anti-government protests across southern iraq the protests which have knowledge of this second week over better access to basic services and jobs. tried to have so the focus of talks between the european union and china in beijing european leaders warn china the u.s. and russia against a dangerous trade war this comes as the u.s. falls cases against countries that the world trade organization for retaliating against its tyrus. yemeni island of so-called choice facing
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a major shortage of basic needs is the military standoff between the government and the u.a.e. sets back efforts to rebuild from a tropical storm cycle makoto slammed into the island in may devastating farmland and sinking ships carrying food supplies priyanka got reports the port was damaged to the boat site months ago when. this region but not much has changed in the yemeni occupy logo of the cauldron the u.n. says sixty thousand people were affected by the cycle in may when yemen's government declared a state of emergency and more than. we have shortages mostly of food supplies including flour sugar and oils these food items used to arrive aboard ships the ships used to carry food supplies to amman answer katra five of the ships loaded with food supplies to psychiatry were destroyed during the storm and it's called the most alien looking place on earth but its rare sokoto dragon trees are likely to be chopped down to be used for fuel people here rely on food imports and demand
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is expected to get bigger during the monsoon season which usually lasts for four months. due to the storm and low tide water level dropped three to four meters as a result of the large vessels cannot call it the port terminal vessels are transferred to another destination to offload. but no progress is because of the conflict between yemen's government and the united arab emirates over the presence of everybody troops on the island the u.a.e. insists it's strong it's a cold drive humanitarian but the local authorities seize the u.a.e. as an occupying force m.l.t. forces have agreed to leave but there is no clear plan and who will replace them the u.a.e. had promised to build housing for the families affected by another cycle on back in twenty fifteen. it's still under construction in the one hundred eighty when we can listen man no one knows why the project has not been completed we are after citizens attending to our cattle or fishing to earn our daily bread maybe the government officials know the reason or only god knows this was supposed to be part
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of the u.s. campaign to with hearts and minds of the people of sokoto but people prefer to state huts to see that both houses weren't built properly these are difficult conditions severe heat and extreme called every aspect of life is very hard so just looking means is likely to be hit by a harsh weather and people hope that those in power who fight over control can deliver on their promises of a better life. al-jazeera. other trail is reopening its embassy in ethiopia and another step towards friendlier links between the long time for that it is president as he is in the capital addis ababa for the opening ceremony is three day visit aims to cement ties after the neighbors declared their state of war over one hundred out of reports from addis ababa. embassy in addis ababa closed for the past twenty years is now open and workers have been giving it
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a facelift for most of the past week and it was opened by present size afford to offer to trade together with the prime minister of ethiopia at the. size of one case a visit was considered almost inconceivable just two weeks ago because he was the money blamed for the stalemate between the two countries for most of the past two decades but when he came he was warmly welcomed. thousands of ethiopia lining the streets wherever he went chanting his name and all these proximity and all your relationship between the two countries is definitely going to benefit the people of the two countries in eritrea there's been the force conscription on the streets and military allow something good since the whole thing will now ease in ethiopia a lot of rock the country needs to to course and a trailer house which has been its traditional ports and also the first flights from ethiopia. eritrea is planned for today so
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a lot of benefits for both sides of the border. senior members of northern ireland republican movement to being trying to calm their community following several days of rioting the violence included an attack on the home of former sinn fein leader gerry adams hard core dissidents inside the republican movement are being blamed on slieve reports from belfast. keeping a lid on violence in northern ireland it is always virtually impossible but here with the republican leadership calling for calm not between the two traditional sides in the conflict but inside its own community the points of the rally was an attempt by irish nationalists to prove they can police themselves against the rising tide of anger in fact come along with even to stand in solidarity and testimony to the king of hear about hans sommer always means trouble but this wasn't fighting between irish republicans and pro british loyalists in the city republicans called derry hardcore element sent children out to throw stones at the
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police apparently in the hope someone might get shot they're accused of wanting to bring down the peace process by their own side and restart the armed struggle but also explains the attempted attack on the home of gerry adams the full machine fein leader who brokered the peace process a powerful firework more an insult than a genuine attempt on his life irish republicans are prepared to hear leadership but nonetheless at a time of such political uncertainty in the province the last thing they need going to need will. be facts understand. that you will think. that we will prevail. then we will overpower them and then we will deny ever you know i think. that magic words you were you know i think. isolated maybe an act in the heat of
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summer they hope so the backdrop of course all of this is a gigantic power vacuum in northern irish politics with no functioning local government for eighteen months and the british administration still in terrible trouble over breakfast which could still lead to the emergence of a hard border in islands it is assumed that the people who attacked gerry adams and set the riots might want to hold border as well as a sign of partition in the still divided islands. in the end this was a display of shielding gerry adams personally from harm as well as portraying him as a man both of peace and of the people the picture is aimed squarely at the republican community it has proved over the course of years its ability to move away from violence it seems it is now being goaded not by a traditional enemy the british but a section of its own selling lawrence lee of his era belfast. renowned palestinian photographer an era saeed has died in jail in syria nearly three years after he was
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arrested by government forces this is one of saeed's most famous photographs is one awards for documenting life in the yard or more correctly g. camp in southern damascus and he was reportedly tortured to death in prison and a tourist board has been hit by a blast of lava from the big island in hawaii i raised twenty two people have been injured the worst casualty rate since the volcano started erupting three months ago tour operators say there's been an increased demand from holiday makers wanting to witness one of the world's most active volcanoes. egypt's president now has the power to grant senior military officers immunity from investigation for certain crimes the new law applies to offenses committed between mohamed morsi as overthrow in july twenty third teen and president of the fatah house ceasing his first day in office a year later it includes that a bomb massacre in august twenty third scene when security forces raided two
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squares full of promising protesters more than one thousand people were killed. a long night of celebration on the most famous street in france has been replaced by a massive parade for the country's new heroes hundreds of thousands of people of packed the souls uneasy in paris to welcome home the french football team and the world cup in a repeat of scenes twenty years ago france beat croatia four two in sunday's final that is in paris. the colors of france's flag what aged into the sky above paris is shazam say avenue for the play is it was the coming they had to mean don't for the finance a joyful moment they would never forget the look what's happening it's
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a party we're united we had that twenty years ago and now again well champions league i was going to take you to see we had some difficulty is in france with the attacks so this is a moment of pure happiness to sample. the team or one of the youngest in the top of it thank you this touched people here and so has their diversity i would not. be happy because it shows you can be from the suburbs and sixteen i don't know what they represent as because they young like us and pays only one year older than us but i started seeing things like this since nineteen ninety eight when france both won the welcome back to. the multi. it is in the many minds that sense of unity. the squad is i should it really is similar to the wall from mention educates because as you said a lot off of play as i come from the suburbs whether they're from big cities and of the from the countryside from small villages and the players on the pitch show that you can come from several different backgrounds and still have good time together
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after the parade the french president welcome to play is to the palace for a golden party attended by hundreds of teenagers from france the hope is that this young team can inspire the next generation to. al-jazeera paris. this is all just zero these are the top stories the u.s. president has sided with russia instead of his own intelligence agency over allegations of meddling in the twenty sixteen election donald trump met his russian counterpart vladimir putin in helsinki his comments have been condemned by both of us republicans and democrats i do feel that we have both made some mistakes i think that the the probe is a disaster for our country i think it's kept us apart it's kept us separated there
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was no collusion at all everybody knows that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today and what he did is that in credible offer he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people i think that's an incredible idea but i didn't could you name a single fact that would definitively prove the collision but this is a lot of nonsense just like the president recently mentioned. funerals have been held for some of the eight people killed in antigovernment protests across southern iraq the demonstrations have now entered a second week there over better access to basic services and jobs trade tower of so the focus of talks between the european union and china in beijing european leaders warn china the u.s. and russia against a dangerous trade war the u.s. is fighting cases against countries that the world trade organization for retaliating against its tariffs renowned palestinian photographer anetta saeed has
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died in jail in syria nearly three years after he was arrested by government forces this is one of saeed's most famous photographs he's won awards for documenting life in the yarmouk refugee camp in southern damascus he was reportedly tortured to death in prison france's world cup winning football team have returned home to a hero's welcome huge crowds in paris have greeted the players who were crowned champions after beating croatia four to the incomes twenty years after france's first world cup triumph and those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after inside story by.
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a wave of joy in russia are all for a thrilling and to a successful world cup but off to the euphoria what's next for moscow on the many challenges it faces at home and abroad and what lessons because of the hosts of the next games in twenty twenty two this is the inside story. over and welcome to the program. for over a month people around the world were captivated by a single event football's world cup in russia the high.
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