tv Death and Decline Al Jazeera July 21, 2018 8:33am-9:00am +03
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and at first it was amazed that they are going to roll given out many times you've been in a prison exploring the dark side of american justice system with joe ballenger on al-jazeera. al jazeera is a very important thought of information for many people around the world when all the cameras have gone i'm still here go into areas that nobody else is going to talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront. in one thousand nine hundred forty eight the state of israel was proclaimed. palestine was lost. sixteen years later in one thousand nine hundred sixty four the palestine liberation organization or the p.l.o. was founded. made up of different factions the p.l.o. has been at the heart of the struggle to regain palestine ever since.
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with the prospect of a new order in the region the p.l.o. needed to shift emphasis from revolution to negotiation. but the new political forces were making their presence felt within palestinian society. threatening the role and relevancy of the p.l.o. . people following the one nine hundred ninety one gulf war u.s. president george bush and his secretary of state james baker decided it was high time to resolve the problems in the middle east they devised a formula to bring the reluctant israel to the negotiating table i think bush was was really annoyed and he he and baker came up with this idea which i thought was
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actually quite quite smart and said you can have the loans but only if you agree to a complete freeze on settlements because we are not going to subsidize policies in the west bank that we oppose in the u.s. congress baker increase the pressure on the israelis goading them to call it's going to take some really good faith affirmative effort on the part of our good friends in israel and if we don't get it and if we can't get it quickly i have to tell you mr levine that that. everybody over there should know that the telephone number is one two zero two four five six fourteen fourteen when you're serious about peace call us. the american strategy worked and israeli and arab delegations attended the peace conference in the spanish capital madrid in october one thousand nine hundred one. although p.l.o.
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leader yasser arafat was not invited he was well represented by palestinian negotiators from gaza and the west bank. kept a tight rein on the palestinian negotiators and they made sure they told the party line and a shot of fifty thousand. well that the shuttle it was shot at that is when i came out of madrid the speech delivered by hyde that obvious chef in madrid was written by hand and i strongly and the bill. and i come honey it contributed to it but in the end it was faxed to tunis and we waited till morning until by return facts we got arafat's blessing with notes and amendments in his handwriting. the americans and the spanish new place after the madrid conference further negotiations continued in washington away from the media spotlight secret talks were also held between israeli and palestinian officials. in april one thousand nine hundred two a
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plane carrying yes an artifact crashed in the new view as. artifacts survived. but the crash highlighted the lack of any clear successor to the palestinian leader but. the transition of power was becoming an increasingly important matter in the palestinian territories islamist factions which were not members of the p.l.o. were steadily building a solid base of support. they were vocally opposed to the negotiations artifact was conducting with israel. of the failure of the the physical system that is the enemy of the ideas in madrid if you would wouldn't if one of the at least there were many were also violent as well as these them. many palestinians shared such views unconvinced that negotiations with israel would lead to a breakthrough aware of the skepticism on a fad gave the go ahead to
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a secret channel of talks in the norwegian capital oslo. yes it out of five women to fuck it all out of strategy was to open many channels and that many people try to achieve something there he keeps his windows open and they waits the incoming when the end result is what's important not the person or persons delivering the goods. on august twentieth one thousand nine hundred three israeli and palestinian negotiators reached accord in also agreeing to a framework for resolving their decades long conflict the oslo accords were announced to the world. hamas was quick to condemn the accords. it was the first sign of a growing divide between hamas and the p.l.o. . on september thirteenth one thousand nine hundred three israeli prime minister yitzhak rabin and p.l.o. leader yasser arafat shook hands and sealed the deal at the white house. the children of abraham the descendants of isaac and ishmael have embarked to gather on
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down not just. to sell a meal i had it was share my it was the first time this street and christ meters had come face to face was. condemnation of the most oh accord spread like wildfire throughout the. my. feel that you know me as well. on this block day hello betrays the blood of the martyrs who fell for their homeland. today the p.l.o. is harmed beyond belief its own people and sold out there right in their homeland palestine today the p.l.o. recognizes israel and acknowledges this really sovereignty over the whole of
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historical palestine. notwithstanding these criticisms law school boards found supporters of the past such a lovely place a lot of heaven mostly with. the. faisel hussein and god rest his soul used to say that he had reservations about the all slow codes but he called it out child and that it was better for us to defend jerusalem from ramallah next door than defend it from far away trueness. but the peace process initiated by the oslo accord soon began to fall. on february twenty fifth one thousand nine hundred forty goldstein a jewish extremist opened fire on palestinian worshippers in the main mosque of hebron killing twenty nine and wounding one hundred fifty.
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was. just weeks later hamas responded with two suicide bombings inside israel killing fifteen survives. suicide attacks were to become a trademark tactic of. the mosque massacre and the suicide attacks did not preclude the signing of the gaza jirga agreement may nine hundred ninety four in which israel agreed to undertake group withdrawals from those areas . in july nine hundred ninety four at a fat return to gaza. he received a hero's welcome. it was the first time in twenty seven years that the p.l.o. leader returned to the homeland he had devoted his life to reading. the return
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heralded the establishment of the palestinian national authority for p n a set up to fulfill the terms of the oslo accords and administered the palestinians are. other artifacts found it difficult to make the transition from the. the liberation . chairman had a fan built his authority on a totally teria bases the criteria for admission to the instruments of state was contention upon being a member of his fed the movement and recommendation of one of his security apparatus it was single party old with no accountability. as i
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refer to try to build the foundations of state he also needed to continue negotiations final status issues such as the status of jerusalem security borders and refugees remained on brazil. but the prime minister of israel at the time binyamin netanyahu maintained a hardline negotiating stance. it did not endure him to u.s. president bill clinton. well initially i mean he actually said after this first set of me it's one that you know ok. he left the room i said what is i think the superpowers he is and we're not. final status issues came back on the negotiating table following the election of a who'd back as israeli prime minister in one thousand nine hundred but i quickly gained the ear of the u.s. president and brock's logic is. what do i need and what do i want i want to get to a final status agreement with the palestinians by the time you president clinton evolves that's what he tells them in august ninety nine when he visits but ox offer
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was for israel to withdraw from much of the west bank while keeping sovereignty over key parts of jerusalem in two thousand he convinced clinton of the need to convene a meeting with on a fact in the united states to resolve the final issues one and he couldn't say no to the president he came with a profound suspicion and resentment suspicion that the americans and the israelis were going to present him with a fait accompli that he couldn't accept and resentment a day who'd brock who he believed had chased these really serious negotiation for the preceding seven months ignoring him and israel's commitments and who was prepared to give to our side ninety nine point nine percent of the golan heights minus four hundred yards off the northeastern portion of the lake and yet mr barak's offer to our friend camp david was ninety percent but not confused to meet alone without a fact that camp david now at camp david brock took this position i don't want to
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meet on the on our phone i don't want to build that kind of personal connection because again once i'm with arafat's alone he will write down everything and barack would say he always says it's not our photos as it's notepad and he writes on everything that people say keep it in his pocket and one day will come out and say barack has agreed to divide jerusalem and so i can't accept that. they felt they did not have david. well and. how do you want to go to camp david and end the conflict without getting a written offer from barack i'm certain that if he had been presented with a written offer he would have asked to have had it an issue and put it in his pocket i'm certain of that. before agreeing to attend the camp david summit on a fact sort of assurances that he would not be made the scapegoat if the talks fail . on a fact rejected the next proposals at camp david he concluded the palestinian state in visaged would not be viable made up of count on and completely surrounded by
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territory to be the next to israel it. should be all the house and then what the clinton do he breaks his promise and blames out of fatah the failure of calm day with the man so out of five it is made out to be a liar that's plain shameful. much of the western media criticized on a fact that the time for rejecting the proposals. but today former u.s. administration officials acknowledge that artifact had little choice. what was presented at camp david i think if you ask any american negotiator today any of us do we think the palestinians could have accepted the ideas that president should could have accepted the idea that president clinton put on the table or already briefed our fight on in july two thousand i think they would all say they would have to say in hindsight now you couldn't accept it could accept them because there
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was no way you could defend a nine to one swap there's no way you could accept the sovereignty over the higher and there's no way you could accept. this patchwork of sovereignty over jerusalem etc etc in fact the proof of the matter is. the palace in need us for today are lauded as the most moderate. and most of us about mao's and yes a bit rebel they all rejected what was on the table and not on the table at camp david in terms that were even more harsh than our fight him self they were adamant against that so that tells you something about whether these were the kind of proposals that that a palace in could accept should he have taken the deal and. public. a last ditch attempt by clinton at the end of his presidency failed to produce an agreement and out a vote was playing i blame it partly on on. clinton denis they told the incoming.
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administration. bush and cheney literally on inauguration day that it was totally responsible for the failure of the peace process and that he was a liar and you couldn't count on you could try to deal with him. after the meeting at camp david on a plan to return to gaza and received a hero's welcome for refusing to accept what the palestinians viewed as unacceptable. he was by now however a pariah in washington unwelcome and on trust. just weeks later the second intifada erupted triggered by al shot owns visit to the temple mount or noble sanctuary in jerusalem. the palestinians had lost hope with a diplomatic approach. amid the death and violence of the new intifada and hamas increased its role and its power base in the occupied territories. in israel that are close the elections to the leader of the israeli opposition out of
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france called archrival carry out shut on shut on was in no mood for concession and following the september eleventh attacks on the united states he was quick to spot an opportunity to get the americans more on his side. edge about and then set. september eleventh allowed children to gain sympathy for israel's internal to cuti situation in effect what he was saying was that what you in america faced on september eleventh i faced on a daily basis and children was able to convince the world that yes i was the sense of terrorism. israeli military actions that kill children women and the elderly because palestinian will reactions to be emotional instead of political and therefore revenge became the source of justice for the weak israelis knew this i believe they are crushing of the palestinians political backbone is one of the great achievements of the israeli army during the intifada so in other words there
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was chaos. in the spring of two thousand and two at a.o.l. chat on decided to hold yasser arafat personally responsible for every act of violence perpetrated against israel. israeli forces quickly surrounded artifacts headquarters in ramallah and set out to systematically destroyed all the instruments of palestinian state for. the siege and with few remaining allies artifact turned down an offer from chad on to the point. he feared he would not be allowed to return instead on a fat and else that he would fight to the very end. under pressure on a father devolved some of his powers to the newly appointed prime minister mahmoud abbas also known as i will masm but in arafat's eyes our bass proved ineffective and i shall continue under obama. i was with arafat when prime minister abbas was in washington out of had received
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a phone call telling him it was no good sheria the white house had not agreed to him regaining his freedom at that point arafat's find out if the americans refused to grant abbas the freedom of yasser arafat will the democratically elected president of the palestinian people does he think they will give him the rights of the palestinian people in jerusalem and borders and the issue of refugees and if they will log out of it subsequently quickly move to engineer the fall of all muslims cabinet and he did it. surrounded in his ramallah headquarters out of fat held out on. till october of two thousand and four when he was struck down by a mysterious illness. israel said it would allow him to seek treatment abroad and return. on a father died in a paris hospital calls on. the
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the president on a fact. he was on my corner in the process of the world. it was not only a concept i was aleppo nation of the heart of it. off all the oppressed people throughout the lot. on ops and not our lives and to lose that none of that staci and thinking is that great go or are those off fighting against oppression and we regret that. and that we're gave all our conduct says it's five. and add up if i don't want to be like. i. want to same fool thing the way the world stood by and watched while out of fact was treated that way in the last years of his life it's absolutely shameful . following out of pat's death mahmoud abbas was elected president of the
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palestinian authority but he lacked the power base and hold over palestinian politics that on a fact had to stop which. soon face the challenge to his all for the from hamas the islamic movement which now commanded the loyalty of a large proportion of palestinians. in january two thousand and six hamas defeated the fact the movement obama asked in parliamentary elections. a power struggle ensued between the palestinian authority led by a bass and hamas. gun battles broke out between fatah and hamas come. in the summer of two thousand and seven comments fighters captured the fatah headquarters in gaza. securing control of the area gaza became the confirmed
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stronghold of hamas fatah had been supplanted. without a father of lost control of gaza the way. it's hard to believe that he would have for one simple reason that was an icon he lost a lot of support among palestinians i felt it even as time went by but he was an icon because he put the palestinian issue on the national the international map he established for the international community. a sense that somehow what he had in a fight is passing national aspirations had to be achieved so he put the palestinian movement on the world stage and he also unified the palestinians in a way that no other leader had i think what's happened since he has died. should tell us something about how central he was to the palestinian map and you know it's ironic that. even some of those who were
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most critical of arafat's among palestinians during his final days. are the most eager to to to to rally behind his name than his picture in his flag today. today the palestine liberation organization is no longer the force it once was. the emergence of new groups such as hamas has eroded support for the traditional people. rather than being good a unifying force the p.l.o. is now with retired dentist in intercom system you describe. the revolution started over forty years ago may have faded but the dreams of the palestinians for statehood live on as strong as ever. a remarkable portrait of
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a remote japanese in the in the aftermath of the two thousand and eleven earthquake and tsunami. seven years later how has the community of me akhil been able to move on and rebuild their lives. up to mouth of a catastrophe. volcano kill way it erupted explosively last thing boiling clouds of steam and ash and rock high into the atmosphere scientists say it's not unusual for eruptions to stop and start up again later as for kill the way it has been spilling lava continually for more than thirty years. they deploy and spiritual beliefs say eruptions reflect the mood of the god as they lay. for us as native hawaiians the family is always nice
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to us whether she thinks our home or not we accept this type of event. and new perspectives can change your world. for one chin is even what began as a hobby has grown into a passion own way of life. teaching the next generation to strive for a higher level. and in so instilling in his country and sense of freedom and strength. new heights my chin is yet on al-jazeera.
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i'm richelle carey these are the top stories on al-jazeera palestinian factions have agreed to overturn to call with israel after a day of violence along the fence separating gaza and israel hamas spokesperson says the agreement was mediated by egypt and the u.n. for palestinians and israeli soldier died in the latest violence on friday the following developments from west jerusalem after hours of escalation in gaza has a cease fire been reached well that very much depends on who you ask according to hamas a cessation of hostilities has actually been achieved.
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