tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 24, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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but what is senegal getting out of it look. at all the bloody china in two thousand five hundred thousand but ever since beijing. green investment incentive up to the border all the time to reprint we have been building a computer that's called the big the other way or most of the cultural activities are the own urgency no doubt this is a busy i'm. just instilling you have. not been doing the very important high wave that is causing we're lost hundred million dollars going to a very important just start but. before that journey started to visit of prison did you think the commissioning. bristling which is a bit top of the sport isn't it so overall it's being in financial muscle and it's
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got us if you could build the infrastructure just in sydney that this is the most visible thing you just go parisian on the other hand is to put it to the ties that tries to build the senate up only in the goodness of senate are indeed just coming here provides a diplomatic clout that other countries like america like france and the heat and all the emerging nations of the world clearly looking at you know that she said and i also work for themselves as partners but china is clearly taking the lead in this relationship and that's really what this will be construed to just drop this visit of president if you beat the living incident up ok let me bring in now dan one in beijing dan she says china sees africa as its natural ally i guess it's no coincidence that it's on this time offensive now given. this looming trade war with
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america but i wonder will this relationship with this increased relationship with africa make up for the shortfall will it give china a boost a more dominant position these of the america and the rest of the west. who in the short term i don't see to strengthen the china africa relation would have a big impact on the china u.s. relations and in fact this is a critical moment for china to strengthen its relation with africa with europe in the backdrop of this escalated trade war with the u.s. but overall in terms of trading partners in terms of global influence the u.s. is not replaceable but at this point it is actually pretty sensitive point for xi jinping to visit africa since the vote on the road initiative is the president she's a legacy and africa is playing a key role in it and as she tries this time to visit is also at a very critical sensitive political moment domestically because in about one week
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the bit i heard meeting which is a top secretive closed door meeting in china the coming year agenda with all of the important chinese politicians together right so if she has any doubt over the domestic political stability who wouldn't have gone for this long tor in africa let me ask you about that the choices the countries each owes to visit at first look at wanda in senegal appear to be unusual choices for president she's visit given that they don't receive a large amount of investment from china whole. day large countries in terms of population why did he choose these countries specifically what is he trying to get from them. this is the carefully true isn't true isn't set of the countries for sure because for china its largest investment actually is set in eastern african countries where the political environment is more stable in a lot of resources. tanzania was actually the first country that she visited
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a while he took office but in recent years relations with those countries hasn't been the most smooth especially with tanzania china didn't get a few of the most the key infrastructure projects including the ten's and real way so there's a need for china to set an example of what kind of relationship it wants in fact the smaller countries like rwanda like senegal would be a better choice for china at this point all right let's bring in andrea's to the conversation andres what do you see as china as short and long term agenda in africa. sure i think in the short term it's mostly a public relations exercise you know these grandiose projects these part projects of they certainly make great headlines and it's actually an easy sell to when you know the african. population to say we'll bring infrastructure will improve into
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connectivity between these for example east african countries but you see the devil is in the detail and many of these development projects are actually loan based and for example for these east african countries like you theo south sudan kenya you mentioned rwanda also ballooned in tanzania they have actually borrowed close to ten billion u.s. dollars through for example develop these railways which will link up to very cities in east africa but about eighty percent of the funding comes from china and these are loans and not grants so at one point they will have to service their loans and they will have to pay them back and so if you have chinese bankers to deal with this can be become an issue in the future let me bring in adam on that
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particular point as that address says he is a lot of these projects projects in africa where whether it's incentive gallow guinea or elsewhere based projects what happens if senate all guinea or tanzania i'm not able to pay back these loans. so this is a very serious issue if you look at what happened recently in bangladesh where. was he captured because the country couldn't be. that bad that the that part from that from china. that i brought from other countries because. most of these loans i don't think we should get under the rug you know informed about the decision probably i want to share that with the decision making but the system so i did end of the day at a time when even the international financial institutions couldn't meet in. the g twenty summit. i didn't give up i don't mean that this is stuff i don't want in
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depth in this. country so this is seriously a burden that must be addressed and unfortunately our people now i think that they're just they look at the chinese restaurant what it is did you think not whether it was two thousand light would you doubt the place of the kind of visit to the god they look at them as if they had the same fears i think incomplete they're not they come to think that it will be this they want to hear it in the time when they had this thought that if they only came up with a candidate that i think of the sussex. country. did you meet. up with in a sense done when he said did it be. that perfect that this go or do one prove one bent and trying to overcome the least of being. hit by america under my roof i think i think it got its start negotiating better conditions of work being
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done sometimes when the other to come up to me but those kind of go back. up again sometime unfortunately tend to see as if they had given back a friend from the. look right. there they are conditions indeed i just wanted to ask you before i bring back down into the conversation about how local african populations are benefiting from these chinese investments i mean beijing invested for instance one hundred million dollars incentive got in twenty seventeen and as you say a lot of these african governments tend to go directly to china now to get loans and so on but is it trickling down to the local communities. no it's not too green down really because most of these big infrastructure projects built by chinese companies that big it even was from china to the jobs so they're not really.
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out to the dentist companies don't have really think implementations of this such a corporate sponsor bit at the time that could be talking a lot about the document head local content being implemented to get african countries benefit from this relationship you have big numbers two billion dollars have been. rejected because it does since they have been restarted out of five but we have not seen you see those rude highways of others being done and unfortunately the corruption. of distance and desist that extent destroying the substance of the oak knows that he. then says we have made them of the democratic norms so we have a serious situation and i believe one way to address it just a little bit to the truth by the dinner but even better through the first thirty
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september meeting with china i think that they need to gain in china through the form of corporate can be. difficult now donna in beijing as you hear that a lot of people in many african countries have a problem with the way china does business and several african countries have pointed to problems with large building contracts awarded to chinese companies having allegations of shoddy construction of a lack of respect for labor laws and local laws by china you know at the end of the day i guess the question is does china really care about africa. short answer is yes but not in the same way as they care about chinese people so what chinese government want is to create jobs to sell its domestic overcapacity to africa and also to get market access in this large continent and for chinese companies it wants to
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make money. i would i would have to say that a lot of those. issues will gather tension sorry for china it's about making money at all. you know what happens locally i think it depends on the industry it depends on the company for the many company i've talked to some of them did break the local law of violating the labor law environmental law but most of them i think are good followers to abide by the local law so before serving industries like mining it's very easy to break the law and got into conflict with the locals but i don't think it's a universal thing for all projects and all countries or what about the issue of loans a lot of these countries have taken up huge loans and there is concern that you know if some of these countries whether it's senate gado guinea are unable to pay their debts towards china that they might have to turn over some of their assets to
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beijing is that what's going to happen you know at the end. this is indeed a dilemma for both countries actually for china many of those projects are not profitable but he has to lend the loans in order to use up some of his productivities and also export of some of the products but for the local government also wants a developer wants a beaut of transport infrastructure and so on but then the model has become it gradually involve into this resource in exchange for infrastructure model in the end there can be some conflict in a few years one a lot of those countries default on different projects. what is your thought on this do you think china has a paternalistic attitude towards africa as the former colonial powers like britain and france stead and you know they claim they were bringing civilisation to africa is it different when it comes to china is it more subtle in that i think it's
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actually slightly different but what seems to be happening here is the use of finance to actually gain access to important assets so for example the example given on the port in sri lanka. that port didn't make any sense from a commercial standpoint but the chinese managed to convince the sri lankan government that this would be a good idea it wasn't it was a very costly affair the government couldn't service that that had to kind of. give the port chinese control and it doesn't have much commercial value but of course it will be extremely valuable for. a navy for example in the future so i think there is actually a nexus between commerce and security and more importantly the military and in areas which are close to the south china sea there is actually quite concerning.
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how dependent is china on african resources andrus. sure i mean in places like south sudan for example china made very considerable investments in the infrastructure in terms of oil extraction and so it had also to think about transportation links and to protect those investments by engaging in un peacekeeping which is actually quite interesting given china's take on sovereignty and on intervention. but having said that much of the resource extraction required is good transportation ling's and this may also drive the chinese investment in railway projects in east africa for example right out of my gate into cars i want to talk about the politics of this all a lot of african governments will say to you today that they like doing business with china because there are no political strains attached china doesn't demand good governance in the countries that it does business with is that necessarily a good thing for africa. look this is that something you need to need to get
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a little bit. of the entire china if not politically should energies if dealing with the rest of the world that said look i. think this is the most important so you know. kind of what if you don't they're not going to pretend that you get rid of it we cannot cut it terribly you saw today only one after the country had snapped it on every issue. that i want to write and you get that candidate all the pressure on african countries you can google but i think i'm going to be problematic because. we have really bent on the democratic problem with actually getting we that we don't know what. we don't want we're going to continue that our great country that we're either going to need or want to be dealing with. that pretty good product and you know if you have more important in the line up
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a little bit and not people who got that big ring we can all go on but in the book but i'm going to china so it's a blessing and we think up a computer well what the this week he says because of democratic challenging they're getting within their budget so you know i think that we need to accept that jan i want to understand if that is the one point in a bigger cut rate then why oh it was the biggest debt they said but on the other hand because we asked for the mistake they need to accept we asked and do we just don't trust the dentist. just once i do because he. didn't just start sticking to the so that there is a i think it was good it is it that this the thing that we cannot negotiate. stimulus is the best interest of balancing risk. if you saw the limo call in your.
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journal we think our resources. into the if we quote so many. prisoners and other neighborhoods. really good day the really. we originated not just in the ridiculous. but. it is because we're going to the leaders we did you know they seem to be at peace with the journey so you want the religion where you live to be just a bit. so you think a more unified voice from africa when it comes to dealing with china dan wang on the issue of politics it's a very delicate issue when it comes to the relationship between africa and china how long can china stay. removed from the noninterference policy that it has
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towards africa especially if it needs to protect some of its assets on the african continent. i think it will keep the status quo like this with no strings attached but just infrastructure for a long time on one single reason is that china has its own problems are right now to solve its own problems the best strategy for it just is actually to build africa instead of export ng is a values especially in present time china doesn't have a sort of power or unified value on to to give like a democracy or things like that on some people are talking about how money is development or confucius but not all of those concepts are strong enough to actually make china to stand in africa. all right your thoughts on this andrea's fold or do you think that china can maintain this policy of non interference in the politics of the countries that it deals with. well i think
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whenever you engage financially or canonically with another country you do actually interfere in to a like the political structure you know the economic structure the power structure so in that sense any kind of engagement is kind of disturbing the status quo but that said at one point there will be conflicts in the chinese african relationship in one way to mitigate those coming conflicts would be for china to become part of the o.e.c.d. development assistance committee so that actually china has a new donor abides by international standards when it comes to development assistance when it comes to financial corporation technical cooperation etc because right now china is not part of the o.e.c.d. it means that there's very little coordination without it the onus there's very little kind of learning from other donors or sharing of good practice and i think if china was to up its game learn from other donors what has worked in the past what hasn't learned also from many of the mistakes that western governments have
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actually made in terms of providing development assistance in a nine hundred seventy s. and eighty's then i think many of the coming problems could be of art that give the last word to adam again in that car briefly adam how do you see this relationship between africa and china evolving is china the next colonial superpower on the african continent. didn't do who didn't exclude it can't wait so says the vision. you know what you can do you want the ruled it will be better but it's one thousand billion dollars that it was good was. there that needed the look this is clear the planet can become a coca-cola at the top of the book that's a good book a book ok. we'll leave it there because your line is breaking up unfortunately
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thank you so much we get the gist of your message thank you so much for a very interesting conversation don juan my gay and andreas fault and thank you too for watching it can always watch this program again any time by the setting our website at al-jazeera dot com for further discussion go to our facebook page that's facebook dot com for stash a.j. inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a.j. inside story for me for me back to one whole team thanks for watching my friend.
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construction in the southeast of the country several people have been killed and more than a thousand families have lost their homes the region has been affected by severe floods triggered by a tropical storm a week ago. at least fifty people have been killed in forest fires that are burning in several areas near the greek capital athens the fires have destroyed homes and disrupted transport links officials have declared a state of emergency in two areas. yes despite the immediate and large scale mobilization of firefighters to ferry strong winds have led to a rapid spread of the flames into the war areas where residents and visitors don't have enough time to escape while they were a few meters away from the sea or the cars electricity supply to palestinians in gaza is to be cut further from eight hours a day to just six the sole power station on the strip can't get enough fuel to maintain its current output the amount of fuel entering girls there has been
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greatly reduced since thursday when israel impose restrictions on imports through the current crossing the israeli defense minister has now said the crossing is partially reopened. the syrian government does russian ally i'll talk of thing i saw groups in the battle for control of the southwestern region have been dozens of a strikes over the past few months the us still affiliated groups outside an evacuation deal that was struck with opposition fighters in neighboring areas rebel fighters and their families have been going to the northern province the area that still and opposition control iran's presence in syria seems to be the center of talks between russia and israel there are reports of moscow has offered to keep iranian forces one hundred kilometers away from the israeli occupied golan heights israel reportedly rejected the proposal and demanded a complete long term withdrawal from syria seventy deca has this update from the
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israeli occupied golan heights the syrian government and its russian ally are engaged in a very active campaign in this area which is the last opposition held pocket in southwestern syria is controlled by a group affiliated to eisele there's no negotiations with them now you can probably see another air strike just over my left shoulder this is been going on for a couple of day in days now really intensifying over the last forty eight hours airstrikes also intensive tank shelling on this area we've seen some civilians trying to shelter close to the border fence with the israeli occupied golan heights i can see another airstrike very far along it is terrifying for the people inside we can confirm exactly how many civilians are left but certainly it's a very difficult situation for them but certainly the interest here of the government is to take it back because it is the last as we mentioned area in
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southwestern series so once they take this back they'll be back in control really of most of southern syria. the emir of catarrh is in the u.k. where he's seeking international support in the face of the blockade he's been meeting the british prime minister to resume it downing street in the meantime a u.k. newspaper has reported a casting agency has been seeking actors to protest against his visit to pan's record breaking heat wave has been classified as a natural disaster officials say at least sixty five people have died from heat stroke over the past week more than twenty two thousand people were sent to hospital in some parts of the capital tokyo where the mercury has been hitting forty degrees celsius forecasters say high temperatures will remain until early next month. nicaragua as president daniel ortega has rejected demands to step down saying it would only lead to more instability in an interview with the us network
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would take a blamed paramilitary groups for the deaths of three hundred people since anti-government protests began in april but he denied allegations that he'd funded the groups instead he blamed opposition m.p.'s and drug cartels. you're up to date the news continues after snow of the andes. for over four decades has fought a war on drugs. with backing from the us tens of thousands of coca plants and hundreds of tons of
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cocaine have been destroyed. despite all these efforts they native nations claims peru has become the most important producer of cocaine in the world. would this have come levels of violence and corruption that threaten the very fabric of the country. over the past year much cruise drug battle has focused on the capital sport with criminal cartels fighting for control of the main route for cocaine. i don't or your money but which are. long over give a good deal whether the overabundant it means you believe you're missing child.
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undress not his real name used to be a dark worker at the port. or over here but you're going to get it. in the interim. well you know drew and everyone for the brain i'm a little difficult but a lot of what a little way of. as a darker he was also part of a criminal mafia smuggling hundreds of kilos of cocaine out of peru. i prefer. your example parker pearl government governor perry so money will. delay a metal monument you're going to see if it. might well have a political freefall pointed out bill. mary told you warm water at a major there's
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a lot what i want to. just give if we don't have. a lot of the tough love. this is a little it was a very little bow three folks over. the bar a little boy a little toward the look of the. sun. is just a cold just more of your little is a little. but it's not talking about a good night and i'm only one year old and while we've done it again he says you know maybe he was a little afraid that. over the past two decades the u.s. has concentrated on breaking the infamous colombian and mexican cartels. and. as a result cocaine production has shifted to peru. and. i
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don't need another day on the job for me as main drug prosecutor. for the last thirteen years sanju medina has struggled against the rising tide of drug trafficking and money laundering heavy. she's on her way to interrogate a person accused of drug trafficking. has seen the resealing the same control. they still must hasten the. committee that. they would only see the real case they have. done we'll see all mortals all mean this in the in the moment but in. this one of them is a seal we see the image of hundred innocent lebanese slowly in the sun at least. most of. us is still in the.
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stone. dig us a fake gun us a little bit. in the middle aisle and so this was the most i knew was the which almost was that instilled in the city boy you must listen enough when they need a. good dad always tell him to. get that one yes that the lady she's hearing from those that come with a. little bit of trivia. in this existence home what they'll see more something to someone from the us a woman will look up to them because they must minister because he pushed through and really says yeah they really get you nobody would really get in there in good shape to save you from
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being you know roland you know what you mean you are looking at are you believe me . medina is exploring inconsistencies from the suspect statements. at ground level drug gangs operate a small cells but she's hoping to try. context to the wider organization behind. you didn't put it in this kind of news putting thank god it is a city they live is it will see what they see what they live for the people the incentive. to face the seen but didn't seem to see it the. ills of those that were lost and don't really love it and they could see that they need to it doesn't it is it is it is safe knowing just when they say how is he is it what a book is a very risky world there's a. lot you never put so but i thought it said we let you live better than this into one of the but it was your call was it was you know that i own the middle going to
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