tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera July 26, 2018 12:00pm-12:33pm +03
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the problem with world trade china became a member of the world trade organization on legal january one two thousand and one they started cheating on january killed but what president trump did not suspend our recent steel and aluminum tariffs against the european union instead for now he offered a promise not to impose more can really help get al-jazeera the white house the chinese president has said they'll be no winner and global trade will. need as of developing economies to work together in the face of threats of tariffs by the us president which also reports from the brics summit. leaders from brazil russia india china and south africa say they are united in fighting protectionism and promoting global trade it's the first time presidents on the brics trade bloc are meeting since donald trump's administration said it was ready to impose tariffs on all chinese imports a movie karima say could also hurt smaller countries like south africa we are
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meeting here ladies and gentlemen. at a time when the multilateral trading system is facing unprecedented challenges. we are concerned by the rise unilateral measures that are incompatible with world trade organization. and. we are worried about the impact of these measures especially as the impacts developing countries and economies. the five countries in the brics block represent some of the world's biggest emerging economies more than forty percent of the global population china has a world second largest economy off to the united states but i've always found very little or nothing for the markets to buy and sell their products the countries of the planet have become privatized. community activists feel the scrabble
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for resources could undermine human rights and good governance in perspective of india and for the many infrastructure projects that are coming which are causing a lot of human rights widely shared so we have found most who are fighting against the language. there's a project called industrial cargo dogs coming which will acquire forty percent of the india's line and so we are just concerned about the amount of displacement that when having some economists say improving and increasing trade among brics countries could make the emerging economies more competitive and perhaps challenge the u.s. it was some insist is an attempt to stoke tension and start a global trade. algis or gender split. still ahead here on out of there there's a move underway to impeach the official overseeing the investigation into president trump and russia how serious is this. and rescue efforts in greece after wildfires killed dozens of people and damaged property.
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hello again we've seen some violent thunderstorms over parts of the u.s. recently it's been in the southwest that's where we've seen the worst of the weather in fact for some of us in colorado that has brought us to some flooding there and a few mudflows as well now as we head through the next few days there are likely to be more showers here there's also going to be more wet weather across the eastern coast as well and this is a region that's been incredibly wet this month for some of us a c. all wettest july all records we haven't even finished the month yet looks like things will eventually begin to dry out as we head through into friday though so it does look like an improving picture here the showers they for the southwest will continue to further towards the south and for many of us here we will see some showers get going during the day as you'd expect so cuba has manolo of course jamaica or at risk of seeing one or two showers but we should see some sunshine as
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well is further south where there's more persistent cloud of more persistent rain through parts of panama on up through costa rica so generally hit looking pretty wet and that's really the way it's going to stay as we head through friday we need even into saturday meanwhile for the south and for many of us here it's been pretty cool recently the temperatures have been below average it still looks quite cool for us on thursday morning as areason here there's a good deal of cloud around that stretches through your require as well where there's also some rain. when people think of cuba they think revolution but a bonus is undergoing a revolution and believe. me it's an. we're here to discover if those changes are reflected in the plea but this is a few of us to. russia only i'm trying to read more
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to believe me. it's on belgium's or. again you're watching al-jazeera has a reminder of our top stories saudi arabia says it will temporarily stop oil shipments through straight off to attacks on two tank is carrying crude oil say they attacked warship belonging to the saudi m.r.c. coalition not a commercial ship. or celebrations in pakistan is only an action results but retired cricket saw among khan's posse ahead in the polls the tightly contested general elections being overshadowed by a suicide bomb blast in the baluchistan region that killed thousands. and the
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united states and the european union have agreed to work together to lower trade barriers announcement follows a meeting at the white house between president trump and european commission president john claudio. president donald trump has perced back has proposed meeting with president putin on u.s. soil until two thousand and nineteen at the white house says the summit's been delayed because of the ongoing investigation into russian interference in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. election trump invited putin to washington after their controversial talks in healthy on the sixteenth of july many members of congress that objected to the two leaders meeting again and said putin would not be welcome. and a group of republican politicians has moved to impeach the man overseeing the russia investigation of the u.s. department of justice the group's accusing deputy attorney general rod rosenstein of withholding information from congress isn't science been a frequent republican target because he appointed robert mueller
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a special counsel for the inquiry and some in his party have been criticized for trying to undermine the and best occasion. as a political analyst and author of standoff how america became ungovernable he joins us now from los angeles good to have you with us how far are these republican politicians going to get with trying to impeach rosenstein not very far for one thing they did not force a vote on them on the impeachment measure before the record the house of representatives goes into recess with the end of this week so the result is it won't be acted on until they get back in september and more than likely it will be referred to a committee which will simply sit on it and nothing much will happen so why are they doing this. well that's a good question a lot of people are asking that because it can't possibly go all the way to the result that they're looking for which is the removal of rosenstein that would have
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to be there would it first have to be a vote in the impeachment in the house then it would have to go to the senate two thirds of the senate would have to vote to convict him and the republicans have nothing close to that so what are they trying to do well here's a good guess what they're trying to do is give the president evidence for removing rosenstein because the fact is he doesn't have to be impeached president trump can remove rosenstein by firing him any time he wants to do that and replace him with someone else who then theoretically could end the miller investigation so that this could be laying out the justification for impeachment could be a way of giving the president a basis for getting rid of rosenstein himself ok then let's just take it back a step again and just remind our audience why president trump would want to end the miller investigation because it threatens his presidency he's got to run for reelection in two thousand and twenty could even if he can't indict the president which is a matter of legal dispute he could send the congress a letter or
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a report that indicates that the president may be guilty of a number of malfeasances even crimes that could be used as justification for impeachment and remember there's an election in november if the democrats win a majority of the house of representatives they will be under enormous pressure from their own supporters to impeach the president and muller could provide the evidence in the justification for doing precisely that and the investigation of course looks into alleged russian meddling in the u.s. election and what president trump knew about it what support is that for this investigation within the republican party. not a great deal there are some republicans who simply say let miller do his job he's a republican by tradition and they're saying let him do his job he should be able to conclude the investigation without interference by politicians or by the president and would be explosive for the president to try to get rid of more at
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this point just like it was for richard nixon who got rid of the special counsel and that was always a big problem for him and eventually he was faced with impeachment so yes it is a big problem for the republicans and at this point many republicans are just staying silent about the entire process bill schneider as always good speech he thanks very much for joining us there from the sounds of these pleasure now wildfires forcing thousands of people to evacuate their homes in the u.s. state of california that's threatening communities in the southern part of the state some homes have already been destroyed the virus is one of several across california due to a statewide heat wave no injuries have so far been reported that's known and now known that at least eighty people have died in greece following wildfires near athens rescue as a search in both the sea and on land as they try to track down missing people if reports. lifeguards scour the sea where hundreds fled for their lives many
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people are still missing including children. a relief efforts underway to get supplies to those in need two and a half thousand homes have been completely destroyed four thousand uninhabitable many survivors have been relocated to hotels in the capital as the search continues the death toll is expected to rise iris amazing is that where he. really didn't imagine that from mountain to the shore the time that the fire needed was about ten to fifteen minutes so it was not possible to. show that it was. some locals have returned to a town they scarcely recognize this is where twenty six people died their bodies were found locked together at the top of a cliff in a final embrace the owners of this land had opened their gates to allow people to flee down to the sea but the fire swept through here at such speed and such force
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had no chance of escape the place it was my paradise but now it's gone the owner's son saw everything the fire was in front of them so it was impossible even you think knew how to access the beach to go there because there was already a fire in front of them behind them they were trapped there were kids small kids taking them down the cliffs only a pregnant lady when i was helping them until a certain point. and then. we have lost everything everything. without rain the most effective defense greeks have is the sea water scooped from the a g. and is flown to fire still smoldering in the hills in this parched brittle landscape small fires can quickly become infernos. in the town of marty the cleanup
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has begun streets normally bustling with holiday makers are clogged with burnt out cars the blaze was so intense it turned metal into liquid many seaside businesses were relying on a profitable summer season now they're salvaging what they can grease is no stranger to wildfires but many public services including the fire service have been crippled by years of a stereotype the full scale of this disaster is still unfolding but your thirty's are investigating the possibility some of the fires were started deliberately whatever the cause is the consequences of ruined homes and destroyed lives need barca al-jazeera marty. at least twenty four people have been killed and more than one hundred a missing after a dam in laos collapsed on monday the state governor says around three thousand people still stranded in the floods thousands more have been forced from their homes teams from thailand and china helping with the rescue efforts south
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sudan's rival leaders have come to a new power sharing agreement three years after their previous deal collapsed sell the care and react michelle will sign the final accord on the fifth of august two men are attempting to bring a political end to a four year civil war tens of thousands of people have been killed and millions of others have been forced out of their homes. zimbabwe's main opposition leader is accusing the electoral authorities of bias just days before the first votes is rolling mcgarvey was forced out of office nelson chamisa says monday's presidential election will be fraudulent but he says his party will not boycott the vote he's up against the zanu p.f. party of president innocent man and god. what we have resolved to do is to make sure that we do want there are free and the player. must be defeated defeated in terms of the overwhelming sentiment in the country that we are not going to allow them to get away with murder literally and metaphorically what does
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it mean what it does mean is that on monday they said it will july it is independence day for the second republic we are going to be voting overwhelmingly a team of italian scientists say they've discovered a huge underground lake on mars that lies beneath the southern ice cap it's the first time a large stable body of liquid water has been discovered on the red planet reports. a stunning discovery is what they're calling it one that could help scientists know for sure whether life ever formed on mars or even exists today the study led by italian researches says they found what could be an underground lake it's a large body of liquid water twenty kilometers wide and one point five kilometers below the surface and it was found using radar instruments on board the european space agency's orbiter mars express scientists looked at radar readings from the
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planet's southern ice cap which provided ideal conditions ice is a very thin aspirant medium expression if the school the impurity the electromagnetic waves and so it's a good there they can make the applied to the the much simpler caps of course these and these cops. have some impute this magnetic the i.c. school there then the ice on. mars might be cold and dry now but we already know thanks to rovers on its surface and other probes examining it from orbit that it was once a warm place with plenty of liquid water and lakes the new study doesn't tell us how deep the reservoir is so research has can't say whether what they found resembles an underground pool or is simply a layer of sludge but they do believe it's potentially a huge breakthrough liquid water channeled exist on the surface it's simply not possible because of the yeah miscarry pressure on mars is still incredibly thin so
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how water to remain liquid you have to be buried underneath the surface and you'd also have to be very very. very of is also a huge you or because a stalled water lage is potentially exactly the sort of place you would go to look for life form the search for life on mars has been going on for decades scientists now have to find out whether this discovery can help them in that quest nadine barber al-jazeera. learned russia's science reporter at the technology news website she explained to us why the scientists were so cautious about revealing that discovery they took a long time to make sure that they got the measurements right they actually took measurements from i believe twenty twelve to twenty fifteen and then they spent extra years to make sure that they had ruled out all possible alternatives that could explain those that weren't water and all they came up with is water had to be the explanation for it because it matches the signatures of subglacial lakes here
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on earth it opens up the question if there is one are there more there could be a whole network of awkward furs on mars that we just haven't detected yet so if we could find more underwater pools or lakes like this that could potentially guide where we send humans in the future because we might want to land on one of them we can't land on this one it's on the polar icecap it's not the best place to go but maybe other places would be better for us to land and then we could send humans there to drill and see what's what's lurking inside. going to get going to. go with al jazeera these are all top stories saudi arabia says it will temporarily stop oil shipments through the strait after attacks on two time because carrying crude oil the ruthie's say they attacked a warship along the saudi coalition not a commercial ship there are celebrations in pakistan as election results put retard
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cricket's taught in long columns posse heads in the polls a tightly contested general election has been overshadowed by a suicide bomb in the baluchistan region which killed dozens. the last six members of a japanese culture sponsible for a deadly subway attack in the one nine hundred ninety s. have been executed thirteen people were killed and at least six thousand injured after the group released poisonous sarin gas in the subway in march two thousand nine hundred ninety five the group belong to the omission rico doomsday cult its founder was executed earlier this month the united states and the european union have agreed to work together to lower trade barriers and outspent follows a meeting at the white house between president trump and european commission president john claud younker. of course is on the understanding that as long as we are negotiating unless one party would stop the negotiations. for
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the tariffs and commuters reassess existing tariffs on steel and aluminum this will open markets for farmers and workers increase investment and lead to greater prosperity in both the united states and the european union it will also make trade fairer and more research. meanwhile chinese president xi jinping has said there will be no winner in a global trade war during the annual bric summit she has lead us from brazil india russia and south africa to join forces in the wake of threats of tariffs by the trumpet ministration rescuers in greece searching both land and sea for survivors from the wildfires in the capital athens at least eighty people and now confirmed dead and dozens more are still missing officials say they expect the death toll to rise state now with all that last we're back with more news here on al-jazeera after a j. havana
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the capital of communist cuba with this revolutionary past the city's often spoken often spoke frozen in time and associate it with classic objects but the father is the throes of a revolution the relaxation of state control is transforming the economy people's ability to make money with that their access to food. food a myriad of society it brings us together divergent histories and the future so. i'm on a journey to meet food lovers around the world and get the inside track of the city through the.
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today i need to allow. the author of the blog a taste of cuba which chronicles the food of his country. allotted. really good to meet you hello. thank you you've got the clothing memo yes we are full blower so we're used to uniform no right. here is a market oh ok. so. this first mark. goldman support mark all right so there is a big different market. for market price down the alders right you will see the other one big difference it's quite small actually yes that's the problem this is
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not a free market you know this is not offer and demand market so they have. less problems . you would see next so if a cuban came every day is it the same thinks it does it change. what it is in the season you know all. the supply guys with trucks coming in. you need get it you are not true to more and you will have it right here we have the basics right basics but you don't go hungry you know what is this this is the paste what do you make with it. we have this or this or will we call it. you miss this is the slice of this wall of pizza she's. really nice i remember this is one of my memories because since i was a boy in this. line took me to
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a commercial market nearby so i could see the difference. what is considered cheap affordable this is cheap. there's a special kind of paper what we call it. this is very important to make beans and you make of being soup this in q one you are not doing. a real human being to disagree. i mean is this if we use it. and it means maybe. what. it means for you. to defame. you now become the cuba use these this is more expensive here. the woman
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for me i see that now. i'm trying. to save routes. back to the people who put another route on there and make a new interpretation that we've experienced the internet in this country. running a blog with such limited access knowledge so we have more. needed. easily. maybe for years i. do have a blog and. this money to be made in key treat of foreignness someone building a solid business providing for
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