tv Rebels to Politicians Al Jazeera August 3, 2018 10:32pm-11:00pm +03
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i doubt it were not for me someone got in my nickel and in the midlands with heads to see more horse than that is that what and their problem is that we had a much smaller number of what a spare polling station which was supposed to be a thousand and you know that when you plan around with these things you end up massaging into a menacing that is out beyond the limits of what is known and what is common and this is what they did for ten hour discrepancies are common cause is senseless that you would say that they turned out it but i mean there was seventy five percent ziggy's nobody putting an end to five percent turnout for the presidential fare in five fun it might be that people did not vote for the permit but then you must show and revealed that in the parliamentary election what happened to the discrepancy of those ten percent was where this point what then happened to those ports so that is consistent or did they return that we got forty so that it would then appreciate in terms of the election yes what is the way forward we
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are not accepting second results we are not accepting this fiction we want the properties out to be announced we will pursue all means necessary legal and constitutional to make sure that we protect the people is what the people have what head they have cheated their people of one they are subverting that we do not allow it and will not accept mr non-god was it may you all remember. your liberation bow and commitment to the liberation. of one man one. people do not use that power do not sit on the run with those who employ the citizens they do not believe in you they believe in us you can see even by their what don't even know the nation is divided with all their been sent with all their
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guns but we have only even gone further with. so we have been listening there to the opposition leader nelson chamisa addressing journalists following of course the electoral commission and announcing on the day that the ruling was out of p.s. mom and dad what is the president as expected. chamisa reaffirming what he's been saying over the past few days saying that he believes the opposition m.d.c. believes the election was fraudulent and illegitimate again saying that they won the selection and are ready to form the next government will go to our correspondent and now she is joining us live from head adi and passion and. again as i said you know just again reaffirming that they will not accept these results and that they are going to pursue the process is to fulfill the will of the
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people they're going to challenge and number of results chat to try and nullify it so how do they go about doing this now. it sounds like he's planning to go to court with the evidence that he says the party has collected now that could be a slow and long process his officials even himself he said that he doesn't trust some of the judges in the courts who he says arledge the lying to the ruling party so that avenue doesn't work what next he says that his people are entitled to protest is a democratic country but if they do that how will the security forces react given what we saw on wednesday when the army was deployed some analysts are saying maybe he wants international community to follow the story of these developments very very closely and maybe intervene in some way maybe some kind of dialogue between him and president. even saying maybe nelson chamisa once power sharing government
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formed once himself and some of his officials to be given jobs in the government he hasn't said that it's just on the streets so right now of course people have heard what he said. quietly and wait for them to reveal the evidence or some of them become impatient and take to the streets. thank you very much for that who of course be following this situation closely as we have being. the opposition zimbabwe and opposition addressing journalists. we will move on from there for now. a new report by an israeli ngo documents how the israeli government quote controls nearly every aspect of life within gaza researches with the geisha organization obtain information from the government and conducted interviews with people living in the gaza strip they detailed how at least one hundred sixty six people were killed between two thousand and ten and two
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thousand and seventeen by the israeli military while inside a palestinian buffer zone those deaths predate the ones during the recent protests they include farmers herders and scrap collectors the researchers concluded that israel's military often illegally opens fire without warning which results in the deaths and injuries of innocent civilians he also has criticized the israeli imposed limits on fishing off gaza saying it creates insecurity and uncertainty there have been a thousand incidents of life five reported since two thousand and ten while boats and equipment have been confiscated two hundred fifty times the report also documents the regular practice of spraying herbicide on palestinian farmland from the air and it says it's preventing residents from growing profitable crops and utilizing the natural resources that they own well let's get more on the situation
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in gaza now we're joined by michael lang he's the un special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the palestinian territories occupied since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and he's joining us on skype from london in the canadian province of ontario very good to have you with us on al-jazeera so what do you make of this report that you know once again just highlights the near impossible living conditions for people in gaza. well it is as the report indicates and as those who pay attention to get as in the middle east no old guys is going to be one of the most for alone places in the world electricity at most they get eight hours a day for most residents water ninety seven percent of the coastal aqua far in gaza which is the sole drinking source for for gazans is contaminated by either sea water or sewage and unfit for a human consumption suit each because of the lots of electricity the sewage plants can't treat the roughly eight hundred million liters of so each
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a day in gaza that goes on treat it into the mediterranean israel's almost complete closure of gaza by the air land and sea from tears of gaza means that it has virtually no economy left if it cannot treat with the world it's very hard to import materials to begin the reconstruction of those neighborhoods that were devastated by the wars over the last decade again as it has among the highest unemployment rate in the world at around forty percent sixty percent if you consider the gazans under the age of thirty so this amounts in the international law to collective punishment and it's hard to imagine how things could get worse and now we've had as well you know essentially stopped most supplies from going across the kadam obviously lamb crossing is what israel doing and gaza is it violating international no agreements that it has with him off and what the united nations and if mr lincoln what can be done now. well you're right it
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is not as i was just mentioning a minute ago this amounts to collective punishment although israel withdrew its sutlers and its soldiers in two thousand and five because it continues to determine almost exclusively who enters and what enters and what he leaves gaza is considered by many of the international community to still be the occupying power which means that the fourth geneva convention applies before chiva convention is very clear that the occupying power cannot impose collective punishment on a protected population as an gaza so in the opinion of many international scholars who pay attention to this this amounts to illegal collective punishment and as you know and as you mentioned in the over the past month this already very tight walk on gaza has been tightened even further as a result of the burning sites that have been sent from gaza into southern israel
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israel announced three weeks ago that it was closing the only commercial crossing the tarim us alone crossing in southern gaza between israel and gaza and was only going to permit things like food or animal fodder or fuel or medical supplies into gaza and two days ago on the second of the first of august the defense minister of israel of a gore lieberman announced that both fuel and gas are going to be back from the gaza strip until further until further notice mr lang we thank you for your time unfortunately that is all the time we have with mike and then his joining us live from london ontario thank you but there. now the syrian government has been accused of faking the cause of death for thousands of prisoners it's in a report published by to human rights groups the syrian foundation's platform and the human rights and justice movement presented their findings in istanbul
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according to the syrian government eight thousand per person of died due to heart attacks or cancer or other health reasons in the past week alone the group condemns what they call fake death reports. the conflict in syria will soon come to an end and assad's government is trying to find new ways to avoid being judged at the international criminal court to justify their crimes to their supporters they have reported that thousands of people died because of health reasons it's clear these reports are fake. for more on those that go to our correspondents than him she is joining us live from istanbul so what more did these organizations have to say so them about the sudden rise in the issuing of death certificates of syria. well yes elizabeth these this sort of gets have been around for a while actually and al-jazeera correspondents reported there bob that what is
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interesting is about the timing because as you know the syrian regime forces have been advancing in southern syria and they have been a little bit early in declaring a victory especially by saying that they will be attacking in the northern syria so the syrian opposition and the syrian people who have suffered by this suppression of the regime are kind of in a panic and they believe that the syrian regime is kind of close to a political solution by the help of fresh air and other international players underground that's why they are afraid that bashar assad is trying to get away with with the crimes that his regime committed and he is trying to legitimize the situation as the turkish n.g.o.s said they courting to the number since the syrian uprising started two thousand two hundred thousand people have been detained in the syrian prisons and at least nine thousand of them are under the age of eighteen and
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four thousand five hundred of them are women and when we talk to the protesters the activists in the field today they have been telling us about the torture about the other crimes committed against the detainees and especially about the rape issue against women and a young and children as well as so right now the current the official number the ridge is what the regime gives as the number about the detainees is that three thousand seven hundred twenty three people in total are in a syrian prisons but there is no access there is no access to those prisons but we have the up syria who suffered who was a victim insignia most notorious jail of syria let's listen to him elizabeth. while i'm talking there are thousands of people being tortured without food and without medical care in the prisons the regime terms of the family that their
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relatives have died just to close this chapter of detention this is very dangerous and this is the reason why i came here today to tell the world of women children. tortured and lost their lives because of political activity. that was. let's move on now and more than one hundred thirty thousand people have been ordered to shelters around shanghai as. china has raised its alert level at least one hundred and fifty flights have already been cancelled and outdoor activities suspended and caused to thousands of homes in japan. but we're going to end this volatile with live pictures from the capital where it looks like opposition leader nelson is
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still addressing journalists he has said that he does not accept the results of the election which have given the victory to president to the ruling zanu p.f. . we'll have much more. in the next news bulletin coming up in just a couple of minutes thank you very much for watching. corrupt officials have been ousted. and the activists of the chinese villager who can take center stage in on the precedented local elections. in the first of a remarkable series filmed of the five years out to see a document from bad of a need for in its commitment. rebels to politicians hot wanna be china's democracy experiment on al-jazeera. she's the
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head of four generations of family and the bearer of forty years of suffering. a heart or a hinge a refugee in her ninety's as fled persecution in myanmar three separate times in her life first in one thousand nine hundred seventy then one nine hundred ninety one and finally in two thousand and seventeen. when the war they'd be tez they kidnapped as they detained does. ghoul and her family span almost a century in age bonded through blood and displacement they now all live in a single hut located in the world's largest refugee camp in many ways what's happened to this particular extended family really mirrors what's happened to so many other rohinton who face decades of repression and abuse the range of aren't just the world's largest group of stateless people they're also among the world's
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most persecuted minorities. this was wrong to take children away from their parents and herd them into a school against their will there was no mother no father figures they put is a big player and we sort of them looked after ourselves i don't remember the children's names but i'll never forget that counted as doxie current on al-jazeera . zimbabwe's opposition the this has his party won the election and speaks of ongoing intimidation of his party and the people.
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welcome to al-jazeera live from my headquarters in doha with me elizabeth cohen i'm also ahead the new fear of cholera among yemen's malnourished the world health organization calls for a temporary ceasefire so thousands of people can be vaccinated a suicide bomb attack inside an afghan mosque kills at least twenty five people during friday prayers and a chair through the streets of congo's capital bought sean penn as bed for the presidency it's running into problems. zimbabwe's opposition leader is rejecting the results of the election and says it's his party that's ready to form a government he is still speaking at a news conference and had already but already he's accused the villains on a party of orchestrating recent clashes he's called the results that gave victory to m.f. and mum and dad were fortunate and legal and accuse the government of ongoing
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intimidation well the news conference was delayed for nearly an hour after rod please and to the venue and pressed journalists to leave they were eventually allowed to return the four chamisa. urging citizens to remain calm there's been an attempt to draw and link them to the disturbances that happened in the cities and we have nothing to do with that we did blow violence this is why we have been good citizens and we are encouraging citizens to make sure that you are calm. due to many vigilant to protect its one as we are concerned this election. there's a provisional result is fraudulent illegal illegitimate and got to dot eyes serious credibility gap and some serious. issues. we're going to move on to other news for now and our other top story the concern in
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yemen about the new color threat to tens of thousands of people the world health organization is urging an immediate cease fire in the north so it can carry out vaccinations we have requested as the u.n. three days is tranquility associated with the first or color of vaccine campaign across fourth fifth and sixth in the north of the country you recall that we were able to start to see the campaigns in the south of the country previously but we've never before been able to do it in the north and we are planning with almost three thousand health workers to vaccinate more than five hundred thousand individuals of the age of one year. we're joined now by our correspondent mohamad though he is live for us in neighboring djibouti and the a w.h.o. mohammed really underscoring the need for
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a portion of fighting here but all the warring parties likely to listen to them. well so far there's no sign of god the u.n. special envoy to yemen much english is has been shuttling between the. fight is on the saudi you and you coalition as well as their partners the pro-government militias are so far has not been able to obtain a cease fire agreement the last talks that's going to take place according to the u.n. special envoy is going to be on the sixth of september in geneva and that might be too late for many people if the violence continues this is the die a warning from the world health organization which says it needs three day cease fire to carry out the nation call it of of the nation of course yemen five hundred thousand people all to be covered they say another warning also from
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the you and. humanitarian coordinator and he said that on day she held a press conference earlier on today in which is said that there is a need to seize all four still if he's even i'm outside the city of the day that which. is home to the port west seventy percent of all imports imports into yemen are coming through aid that is needed by millions of yemenis to survive and hama you're near one of the main ports what chan crucial aid supplies to yemen should be delivered from but have they been able to do that because of the fighting. well they're struggling to do that and then the fia. what basically this is a ground and the other part is the aid agencies are saying is not. yemen
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is just one that ike away from a flu. epidemic one which is going to have even more cause shorty's than the two other outbreaks witnessed before which had affected up to a million people they're saying now it could be worse because of the high level of malnutrition in different parts of they can treat people who are displaced within the country millions of them do not know where their next meal is coming from eight point four million of them so the torsion is timing out to be more and more diet by the day that. makes about what we saw. about four hours ago really giving the community. feels some songs mama thank you very much for that for now that's mohamad though with the latest live in djibouti thank you now a new brake of
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a ball in central africa is born doctors and international experts in the past few hours the world health organization has announced that it's found the trigger event for the outbreak the death of a sixty five year old woman in hospital in the democratic republic of congo that is now a new suspected case and now the province at least twenty people have died in the past two weeks and there's concern it could be hard to stop the spreading because of fighting between vettel groups and government forces and reports in the democratic republic of congo near the ugandan border un experts toward the city of beneath in the remote northeastern province of north kivu. scientists are worried fighting involving rebel groups on the government forces in both the d. r. c. and uganda may hinder their response to the new ebola outbreak. it was important for us to be here to come up with a good strategy against ebola and this will be the epicenter of our response we've
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taken measures to contain the outbreak and we appeal to the public not to panic we're deploying all necessary medication and resources to treat patients at home there's no need for the patients to be moved isolating the sick is vital to contain any outbreak ebola is carried long distances by bats and then can find its way into bush meat sold in markets people infected by bodily fluids die from hemorrhaging diarrhea and fever the united nations organization stabilization mission in the d.r. c called monusco is now on the ground on fit. what s. a tragedy a of it we've done it in past cases and we will together with the governments provide the help that is needed will also provide security as we seek to contain the bowlus situation. another outbreak two thousand kilometers to the west and me bundaberg two months ago prompted doctors without borders to inoculate thousands of
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people with an experimental vaccine at least thirty three people died there before doctors were able to contain the strain of the virus called zaire which is the former name of the d r c and we cannot rule out that this connected to the previous outbreak but we can say is that there is no evidence to suggest there is a concrete link we suspect that the strain he's here will know much more when we get the genetic sequencing results which should be as early as next tuesday of next week an outbreak that peak three years ago in west africa killed more than eleven thousand people and infected nearly thirty thousand the new outbreak is the tenth one in the d.r. sea since ebola first appeared in one thousand nine hundred six d.r. c. has also had more than twice as many outbreaks as any other country. on al-jazeera . to have gone to suicide bombers have blown themselves up during friday prayers
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and the country's east at least twenty five people were killed and sixty injured in the shia mosque and got this in the province of the capital province isolette is suspected of being behind the attack president says afghans be divided by sectarian attacks let's go to our correspondent shiela ballasts now she is joining us live from the capital kabul so what more are you hearing about this attack in the area in which it took place. this happened in the. mosque which is in god is the capital of. more than one hundred people were. inside this mosque for friday prayer is when two suicide attackers arrived and gunfire was heard and then they blew themselves up. and were due to be around sixty now president danny has come out he issued a statement
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a very really does bombings and attacks but this time with it being a shia mosque he has come out condemning the attack saying afghanistan will not be divided sunni shia we stand together and we unified against attacks of this nature . this is not they were i so to speak to they have targeted many times especially over the last year there were two attacks here in kabul in march thirty nine people who post suicide attacks last year there were quite significant attacks all in suicide attacks and more than one hundred people died again took responsibility shot at this attack is coming at a time when the government is trying to take more security measures right around the country ahead of local elections at the end of the year and just days after they announced the date for the presidential election next year. tree and district elections are coming up on october twentieth security is
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a big issue the presidential elections are announced for april next year and it is only everyone's mind not just day to day attacks we've had a couple of attacks on civilians and then. i saw ramping up its operations. and then she put a few attacks between the taliban and i saw them this summer so this is attacks across the country and civilians really taking the hit and being in the crossfire on those attacks in recent months and of course prison gone is mind he's really concerned about the suiting up to the elections to the point that he seemed in the national army to afghanistan's fifth biggest city in jalalabad to take control from the police to try and sure up security for civilians thank you very much for that that shot about us live and coupled with the very latest from. we're going to take you back to zimbabwe now an opposition leader nelson chamisa has just finished speaking.
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