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tv   Bone Hunter  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2018 9:00am-10:01am +03

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we'll bring you the news and current events that matter to al-jazeera. i'm sammy's a than in with a look at the headlines here al-jazeera now venezuela's president nicolas maduro has survived what he's calling an attempted assassination while speaking at a military parade the incident was caught on state television showing the duty of being whisked away to safety just a few hours later the accusations began mike hanna reports there's a live broadcast of the ceremony on national television the camera begins to shake and president maduro looks into the air alongside his wife sylvia flinches as explosion sound before the feed is cut. soldiers who had been on parade are seeing the in panic number reported to be injured in the blasts north democracy only
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investigation as evidence that shows those who had entered the constitution and for good are doing his will in the public. a group calling itself the last day for and their last claimed responsibility in a series of tweets this one with the phrase time is running out a few hours after the attack president maduro addressed the nation saying right wing groups within the country were responsible but also accusing the colombian president one manual son course of involvement in looking for a mark and i have to inform you that some of those who carried out the attack against me today have already been apprehended and they are now being processed in not tingled although they tried to assassinate me and i have no doubt that everything points to the right the venezuelan ultra right in alliance with the colombian ultra right and that the name of one man well santos is behind this attempt of president maduro playing to victory in the elections earlier this year but his political opponents insisted the process was rigged many venezuelans hold
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him accountable for a major economic collapse that could see the inflation rate hit one billion percent by the end of the year mike hanna. the druze community in israel is led a huge protest against the controversial nation state law it defines israel as a jewish state and downgrades the arabic language the troops are considered loyal to the state it's the first time in recent history they've staged a large protest. families in garza held funerals for two palestinians killed by israeli forces on friday the fifteen year old and twenty five year old died during clashes along the gaza border which wounded two hundred twenty others palestinians have been staging weekly protests for more than four months now demanding better living conditions and a right to return hundred fifty seven palestinians have been killed since the protests began students in bangladesh are taking to the streets for
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a seventh day in a row as they rally for better road safety standards dozens were injured on saturday in fighting with police the demonstrations began after two students were killed by a speeding bus. brazil's workers' party has nominated jailed former president louise then are still lula da silva for october's election lula is currently serving twelve years in prison for money laundering and corruption poll suggests he still remains the most popular leader in brazil police in the u.s. state of oregon have broken up a right wing rally in the city of portland. flashbang devices were used to disperse hundreds of protesters and counter-demonstrators police say the crowds were ordered to leave after throwing rocks and bottles at officers it's the third rally to be organized in the city this summer by the right wing patriot
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prayer group. carter is beefing up its air force with thirty six f. fifteen fighter jets the deputy prime minister and minister of state for defense shield the twelve billion dollars deal during a trip to the u.s. this follows agreements between the u.s. and carter earlier this year for guided missiles and equipment upgrades. the health ministry in the democratic republic of congo says three more people have died from the latest outbreak of ebola virus the number of confirmed cases has risen to thirteen it's bone hunter next stay with us here on al-jazeera.
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more than twenty years after the bosnian war one man mr ching for the bones of his piece of the world your visual soul for floor. not you all just said i'm going to all your. truth. bones are all that families have to lay their loved ones to rest. he does he. know it until his wife.
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flew. all over the world to speak. every day since two thousand and two rama's new catch has been scouring the forest
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for the remains of victims of genocide although they themselves have disappeared their memory lives on and they haunt the minds of their friends and families. he roams these words with the sole purpose of finding human bones which can be identified and finally two arrests. the breakup of yugoslavia began in one nine hundred ninety one when the republics of slovenia and croatia declared independence six bitter wars followed by the republic of bosnia-herzegovina paid the high price for independence memory of the misery for the magic pill that washington can figure out i'm a free market out of more of the mess but i'm not a member of the program got it without. the bosnian war started in the spring of one nine hundred ninety two and lasted for three and a half months.
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in the summer of one nine hundred ninety five one of the worst atrocities in europe since the second world war was committed here. bosnian serb forces under the command of general rights common law ditch occupied sort of beneath on the eleventh of july one thousand nine hundred ninety five in the following days twenty five thousand women and children were forcibly removed from the town. and eight thousand men and boys were systematically killed. thank you thank you thank you journalist mean a child to church pointed from seventy on the tenth of july nine hundred ninety
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five. the next day was the last that his mother hieron saw him alive. those surely are done is the root of the couch or the. fire goes wrong on a. dollar on just as when they lose too much because for many years incidents of governments balls under the laws of the news good looking years are not good. but i go in medium so. they would be just memories that still haunts survivors. but on is the law so large that they got all these denoted in. very long as opposed to through the. machine to haze us your nose in on the at that time were any other the reply which your no less at the end that ana or does that mean that
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same law that nikken me or are. you telling me at the news about after the war the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia prosecuted those responsible for the atrocities committed in srebrenica bosnian serb civilian and military leaders were tried for genocide rape and the mass execution of bosnian muslims the tribunals handed down over one hundred sixty indictments for crimes against humanity the bosnian serb forces were aware when they embarked on this genocidal venture the heart of the cause would continue to plague the bosnian muslims zippier schoenberger states are no quickly judged zilog condemns in appropriate terms the deep and lasting injury inflicted and caused the massacre at srebrenica by its proper name genocide. the remains of seven thousand
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civilians were found after the war in mass graves and scattered through the woods surroundings every need. thousand more have yet to be found. a native of these quiet hamlets but his new catch survived the genocides his father and two brothers did not see. of his own will and unpaid his devoted sixteen years to unearthing and providing the authorities with thousands of bones for d.n.a. analysis. don is throwing things. as he does a good thing. nonsmoker
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a little. local but. wargamers. damas lives near common each could better toe in the days leading up to the genocide people fleeing. refuge in the woods around this village after the bosnian serb army attack elderly women and children fled to the un base and put a child but the army pursued them. found us a butcher sustenance shot. via. discards that so that. some are slower than sounds good are the harley boys that. cause that years very school august glorious day and as i reckon it is going to create
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you still cannot simply because iraqi. men fit for military service and older boys who had come from stab units are formed a column and escaped through the woods toward what was known as the free territory of tuzla. the column was constantly fired upon. the first mass killings took place in the forest surrounding come into birdo. house it belkin asked. us that you would be done in an earth or you would be put somewhere last the lots of fields tonight it's a little east near those many that are the only one who should while. they. yell through a difficult spot is what it is there was a sequel in a poll is that you. among those killed in common each car better still near the house where ram is was born where his father and two brothers one of whom was
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seventeen. or locally did. neil poignant stuff and have done an artist. is not many of. us will only. want us to look at the any of your sunday or daily if you need. not. be. no school. for. it's. not worth it and i'm going to
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be able to deal with. the. but only say most of it will. at. least until after six days of walking in july one thousand nine hundred five rama's in a small group found a way through the bosnian serb forces cordon and reached his long after the war and six years as a refugee rama's returned to his family home in style with a notable journey. not least both on. the north. hey man this is not a continual o'keeffe. bugging the news rambis first found bones while clearing land near his home in two thousand and one. just doesn't create they don't. actually have
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a knowledge in broad day you're. just. not he good with only when you. might want to do most often on most all of national all it's i think you know you know some would only deals with a video nobody is open to a one on their goodies lol what do you niggas on. this week we're going to. die not a. goal will be and there's no. you believe me we'll do it. all starts with boredom one in which no matter if you're not. even. someone not to. be not too nice i'm going to post when you know that i don't know it's not. hundred on the siberian no noticable law i read the.
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i want your d.h. old you're being last so long or floor you don't dawdle of course again according. to you all just said i'm your end of the world if you will. want to fuck with us so imma your aunt out. there loaded any more. costello feeds off of.
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would you would you really. and why you will go. toward your dollar. the lady oracle. or. yoga canard you have not read nandu my post you don't import to me course to talk to any. talk we didn't offer. all your ducks in one or governmental body or why do you here below me estonia view of course who are from. don't you know it or don't we're not to benefit going to focus no ideal.
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the first exhumations and processing of remains found in the city beneath the area were led by international forensics teams among them was ever kind of a polish anthropologist in one thousand nine hundred six she had worked in areas near come in each called birdo it took me maybe but it's away when they go when they go to seattle because we came with a convoy of cars so we were walking in narrows you know pass
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up to the hill. and on the boat site movies pass in peace thank you both face and between three s. . where the main piece of clothes. our troops. open and. the luggage smart get some smart backs. and it was even one place a book open book and. when the wind was flying pages so i came and so betty discipline. and then we came on top and the world remains but the bits way up. with the supply. is thrown away and with their open pieces of like it. was a made the big biggest impression for me because it meant
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a bit some of the between draining to fight and september and the six was that it. interrupt zip code this from to close from a b. fing switch but since took busying from sort of blue and with saying. it's where not usable but still the way. it was the biggest impression of the graves before the bodies before because it was already used but it's but it's that it's in the artifacts of the people who were yet to go or even person trying to sort of by. and to find their way through. through this what happened and it was they would be dead but this would.
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gain their. margin don't know not all. fully get it in the clear it's very possible for the bottom of the not to sleep if i'm not for even if a few normal of not. one can as know not to nipples on
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the wrong at least once and not today do we missed all seriously got to where we want to be. on not in the period we had to go to mobilization. actually got the movie think you need not both minutes long. not just to go on woman on your thrill newmont least i don't when i'm in a little market and you start. because a woman only didn't. call norful know full well meaning.
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booming really give me a little beautiful treat to put what i'm told want you to know so not true but maybe you don't mean a little daily be defeatist and not treat a single neutral of your monthly good lord work as a no. no no treats mean little or. no new all knowledge and not seem to don't know you or don't will only know what you know to all will be simple do not you could creampie knowledge a thing you'll need to know to go good in the northeast lobbying. she will need to know on the show not what do. you want of a news on arsenal and if you know it did you know julie wasn't going to do what you
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. did in your. old age to draw anything launching oakwood out minimum to get it going to therapy once. yeah thing. you're through.
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with. dostinex it done we had when we had moved from auditing to some nice folks an awful from vocalist one of the. two from modoc we. came to thump with. and you may not need that of us rumored with just a month to talk with some people called nice you e.p. little dog owner of course the name little bunny so not. you know. doing a local guys with a kernel no strong and little thumb boom. and us little plushy little piece will not be on the list off.
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as i'm done with. soon you were in this meeting and she's going to get a. government to innocent what i need i have no money muck with you and the team still name up with a lot of. eliminating much of vocal drunkenness a thorny issue of north korean conduct on. my daughter and you will the throw. the star style bonus so no one else for not will she knew the answer via gardner but him and. you both in your smash the next the new most of the news for buick because you need to cause moving by not your money but you have to go. to
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that media that mom. did not get money how people act. and act will give them to me and they need to do would. boycott it. it's very senior night going to. discover the world of al-jazeera. the best films from across all that work of. the law and this is to be good but i'm about to be fresh perspectives and new insights. to challenge and change the way we look. i'll just feel a lot of this time on i just. i
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remember the first time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the general assembly of the united nations because it was so many nationalities. it's just that we all come to different places but it's one that gives us and gives us the ability to identify the way or the other side of the world but we can understand what it's like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for al-jazeera. this was wrong to teach children away from their appearance and herd them into a school against their will there was no mother no father figures they put is big. and we sort of look there are so i don't remember the children's names. canada's dark secret on al-jazeera.
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i'm sam is a damn and with a look at the headlines here in al-jazeera now venezuela's president nicolas maduro is accusing colombia and a group of finances in the u.s. of attempting to assassinate him do is speaking as a military parade in caracas when an explosion interrupted the event he was not hurt but seven national guards were do address the nation shortly after the attack in a tangle though the i have no doubt that everything points to the right to the venezuelan ultra right and alliance with the colombian ultra right and that the name of one of manuel santos is behind this attack the druze community in israel is that a huge protest against the controversial nation state law it defines israel as a jewish state and downgrades the arabic language the druze are considered loyal to
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the state for the first time in recent history they've staged a launch protest. families in garza held funerals for two palestinians killed by israeli forces on friday the fifteen year old and twenty five year old died during clashes along the gaza border fence with two hundred and twenty two others wounded palestinians have been staging weekly protests for more than four months there demanding better living conditions and a right to return to their homes one hundred fifty seven palestinians have been killed since the protests began brazil's workers' party has nominated jailed former president luisa now saluted the silver for october's election lunar is currently serving twelve years in prison for money laundering and corruption poll suggests he still remains the most popular leader in brazil police in the u.s. state of oregon a broken up a right wing rally in the city of portland flashbang devices were used to disperse
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hundreds of demonstrators and counter protesters police say the crowds were ordered to leave after throwing rocks and bottles at officers. qatar is beefing up its air force with thirty six f. fifteen fighter jets the deputy prime minister and minister of state for defense sealed the twelve billion dollars deal during a trip to the u.s. this follows agreements between the u.s. and carter earlier this year for guided missiles and equipment upgrades both countries have a close military relationship with carter playing host to a major u.s. air base it's back to bone hunter now stay with us. the remains of rama's new coaches father and brothers were finally found
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a couple of years ago in a mass grave not far from nearby stepped in need some. years after he began searching for his family he could finally lay them to rest. but there were more bones to be found and he continued scouring these woods to help others also find closure. local government vehicles all of these old. but what if it was woken up with bullets a bird will both work. nor want to move on the knowledge of. the dog will bleed longer nebulous looking more equal to the local both. local both who'll but i. was in and i'm not. seeing i move away from the little garden will cause my board to last me when i'm lucky i'm going to eat but i've got a dog well guarded cluck sodomy along with us was he.
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was going to give. or take over more would be because you. feel.
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you know if anything you're cute dog needs be. but you know it's. ok on the theme of norgate.
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if. you all would not you would. you would do a few of them to. prove me wrong with an. emo. school you know two feet long oh you know if you want to know.
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the. other what you know that you bought the quest but. the bottom three questions don't i was out of the machine jig hide says an honest torch is still will pursue my. joke with those you know. don't keyboard. it does not start you know it was such as that the boarding. still couldn't be an echo it was rueful food check. all of it. when ramos finds a bone in the woods he contacts the missing persons institute of bosnia and herzegovina. dixon name of vets comes to help promise members of his family also perished in the genocide. what you want to view if you can but also to those are those will be
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a cause of all of will and more. so they want to remove their no removing you from all who don't fulfill no girl who can one not under. or it up but there were lots of us here at the overt if the through knowledge of will the . only human who know you know you must on. gosh a lot of little dorrit also to provide too large to do it was old will i sort of have to put the model set up publish it on a fourth order covered go to work with midwest region or more on what are you doing out here where i think it would if it were to do what it is clearly more a day thirty two whatever real purpose of sure. is to ready to be used to do it as a mystery also be sue the brush no less would be equally proud of it all as you saw
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not one quality from work i would see on. the east be to open a t.v. put hired kiddo i think we mice with all kind of non-police you see the hook up was there really was a high you want most of those studies octave to the last two. wish nicole re in there too she wants to push the have to liquidate heartlessness that are most worried for miller said team plead orderless unitarian keysar she sex much. the second order will through them which will show a drug deal with both of them but bundled up with her during. a more general flow knew full well that people didn't put a hold of her off. the
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. wall you know who pulled out of wood over there but. then where. will they be so story will push the government to build the wall a mystery when it can cost you a load i think little idiot if you w.d. without jello you'll be on a super ton of those to do cause rid it well it'll slow you do it be a good meal i throw i throw it up what are those stories with that but really got thought of elec i thought because he had to call the local relic a toast or. according to the missing persons institute the remains of nearly nine hundred men who fled bosnian serb forces instead he needs to have been found in these quotes.
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me. or nearly forced not seek with a lot of but. that's really funny it is not really why you would innit. order to do you have a good job but all those are not who saved me of course you thought you. cannot impose this and if you will go up the world of your yap on. the rules for you where you are for the opera for the whole day photos. will read you and i would think he. meant to type of you are on the road to avoid overdose drug or mobile poultry talk you know a cock everybody should live on the sun know if you've got car not three or four
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like to. go to. sleep in a cooler full o. ne a pool for third would go to the global cooling to the for the critters. but still. brought to us. today we were going to give a good. career choice here last resort of the book. hope for you our comments of coverage will be a little packet. of kindle thing. it will get a lot of the lot that was there was a little bit a little. many people know it was to see that in a building very fast. couple
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of moments ago all the snow. flowed. the one with the little village on the locals or the u.k. for the food you. brought the grosvenor g.-d's way below get you nice work the other to do you go to the both of the show and they both had words earlier today as we as the broader julia thirty third those you know that you. cooked were put to it that made you teaming up to do a dirty can do your day girlies the mr know the ability to sort it listed egg producers the cost of the. rest of your books and out of the tools that they were doing got only the remote it was that the welcome it's not about the cost to supposedly as we go to the destruction. after a criminal investigation and exhumation by local authorities the bones are center forensic medicine facility into.
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what we're in the fashion to me one are the most whatever and the citizen is our step basis actually so course a kid alone would equasym would be an act like what i like you a lot of esoteric at that what if they don't just want to start that and need based ok more on the knees this guy at the cost of a car and i put them on the water the more can you call somebody a lot i mean i don't slow try you try to multiple asking is my style you think you're awfully cochin was it a car was knocking are you supposed i think out. i thought they had in the net or the last one was a window open to me to get at us. i
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study a also useful if you force actual game ought to do this if you take it in one hand i was also against. her.
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yeah. every year on the eleventh of july newly identified remains of genocide victims are laid to rest in the same location where they once sought refuge in the un safe
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haven to try to. put the chary memorial center. in for it this is what. it was until the. thought of my feet that this should be it wasn't i you know you'll. see it a lot and it does not you. know lead to the. evil force ritual definitely nash. was not you know in park and then of course prone. to not you. know. and. there's not you know. and i wish. i had better luck to be washed out trashed. and going to and what i do we shall lengthen it losing.
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so you. could do is you two years could do could match you. good. in the world and scenarios too could go on the table in history so you would . merl each mission here the three minus three piece they do forced the emotional see this approach march of the night she bought him in the house. nigel was born i make a portal to. your surely there is useful history yes it too is only theory borneo she inside the throne asleep saying i'm still there i don't you. i mean we're sleep. on tonight she's a person that's when i call those that delta guy are going to me i will be tears
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very near not going to israel is that really got going in the thrall snowmen of all of them but a local to the nature of the original wasn't there still when is it and i already knew mr i was what they are mr talboys overture on each of those at the bottom don't book of moments. to ministry program to let go what is it on those of us ripples in all but a moment that's what the in the. does all those others a virgin voters if you go in there on the opponent next mom and. her.
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no the mud mike of twenty an awful. long honorable. walk. on on the do nothing but postal code. of yes and i can. not you will know if you didn't get out into court you know it up when you know what you need to or. knowing body and
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what they most know what you call us and i will lead you to a chick we said not to you in this way me being stupid who calls for kids from my notes here because he demanded to people who should come as you put it knew the sound you know on him but it would be in him and he could be snooty to go forwards. thank you they're going to die you go. put a chill pill is new the legion must feel the same body the last time you want to boredom do that through an easy and just the need my nine year you will deny it when you used to talk was his then the now too poor to mine one can clearly be this ridiculed. and to remind you surely. lost the last of course to quit through him. most of the time he's been conversant in what he worked on that only because of its sense of compassion and understanding for people that
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are for i understand that i'm yes he has wonderful compassion and understanding for as that families because he knows he's members feminity he knows he's been out there. and. he said if i can understand hebrew walking every day because it is like a nice one if he's a life nice and i believe he will go with them to that end of his life.
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i always told while roger you know that's a lot of the. national. front. door focus on it yet i'm going to want. us on this to stave off the. cost vs focal ponor. and on the full cost resentment. of the office forty or day with all of the meat on everything and where we are.
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and if. by the collective suffering of his people and the memory of his murdered family. his new coach continues to search for the last remaining bones. it's his resolution and bringing peace to the living.
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once considered a war criminal now an aspiring presidential candidate in the democratic republic of congo. after his conviction was overturned by the international criminal court in the hague jumpier told strauss's there. the first batch of u.s. sanctions against iran go into effect on august sixth. as iranians brace for the impact will be wrong. covering the story from their perspective looking at what sanctions mean for iran's economy and its people a special coverage on al-jazeera. on counting the costs pakistan's new leader is facing some tough financial questions will be taking a look at the economic and human cost of the extreme heat events plus china the
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u.s. and saudi. counting the cost. al it has been more thunder in the caucasus and there are still showers showing up further south in the caspian coast into iran but there's precious little in the way of rain for iran or iraq and you wouldn't expect it's b.s. middle of summer of course so it's breezy sometimes dusty and of course hot forty five a study for cross of baghdad fifteen degrees lower back on the coast of the mediterranean has no real change in the immediate future there's an increasing cloud in pakistan and may be coming cross to the southeast of iran a hint you've got some potential for rain coming out of that that's also reflected in the high ground in northern and eastern man and possibly the entocort of saudi salala cilla twenty six reflects this persistence of humid weather and drizzle and
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cloud by day and by night very pleasant and very different as well otherwise it's a hot breeze bringing forty five degrees back to doha probably dusty rather than hubert which is different in southern africa on the real tips from the western cape ra and towards durban we have seen clouds and rain i think we'll see more rain coming to cape town fourteen degrees with the most part of course is warmish by day and pretty cold by night. when diplomacy fails and fear sweeps then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists we've proven the barriers are built to impose division and its will to sixty's instead of being an obstacle or dorado wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a four part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts
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of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on al-jazeera. al-jazeera it's sweat every. every armed attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens where stories of loss go untold. as sweeping association of islam with the violence. in muslims facing the stock reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life. twice evict and on al-jazeera.
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struggling to quell nationwide anger bangladeshis government cuts internet services protests of a road safety enter an eighth day. of unwelcome my name's peter w. watching al-jazeera live from our headquarters here in doha also coming up scrambling to protect a president venezuela's leader claims an attempted assassination during a military rally. it's a jewish state until another jewish we ask the government and the over the name but members of the knesset good deal leader he's still tens of thousands protest against his.


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