tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 8, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm +03
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i'm waiting for solution yes we need to do something whoa wait on dear boy i'm not to you some are made he has sand goes head to head with jimmy i can't do anything else on the al-jazeera. this is zero. richelle carey this is the al-jazeera news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes sticking to the contract turkey says it will keep buying gas from iran for the next eighteen years despite donald trump's sanction pressure. scraping through the rubble of long box villages why internation rescue team said they don't have the equipment to cope with sunday's earthquake. israel's parliament in a special session as anger grows over its nation state law. once fertile lands now
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feels a dust a severe drought was declared in the australian state of new south wales on polar ice with the sports chelsea are on the verge of completing a world record transfer they've agreed to build ninety two million dollars i read the blog making him the most expensive goalkeeper of all time. turkey says it will keep buying gas from iran for another eighteen years the latest country to ignore the u.s. sanctions pressure that has a supply contract until two thousand and twenty six and the energy minister says they are sticking to it ron foreign minister has rejected donald trump's sanctions push saying washington won't be able to stop this country from exporting jobs the reef was quoted in iranian media saying it was impossible to cut iran off go live to istanbul to look at what turkey's response could mean first though patika hain
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and washington. the u.s. plan when it comes to iran hurt the economy hurt the people forced the government to agree to change much of its foreign policy the policy is not regime change but we definitely want to put maximum pressure on the government and it's not just to come back to discuss fixing a deal that's basically not fixable dealing with the nuclear weapons aspect we want to see a much broader retreat by iran from there of support for international terrorism their belligerent military activity in the middle east and their ballistic missile nuclear related programs all things around is unlikely to agree to still the partners in the nuclear deal are urging dialogue we really just encourage me united states to start talking to its partners in iran in order to be able to find a route forward the european union is trying to protect its companies taking the unusual step of issuing
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a blocking. statement that says european companies should ignore u.s. sanctions but still car companies drug manufacturers and many other big names are leaving iran the reason if a company does business in the united states and then chooses to do business in iran well the u.s. government can basically cut them out of the u.s. market that is a much more important economic one government officials here say they will be watching closely and they plan to aggressively enforce the sanctions that have been put in place. still the u.s. is going this alone unlike last time the other major economies like china are vowing to continue to do business with iran and even though they technically will not be able to use the u.s. dollar the world's currency former state department official jared blank says they will find a way to work around that and that will hurt the u.s. in the long term the world's banking system is like a sewer and all of the plumbing runs to new york there's no law of physics there's new laws that says that has to be true it's just the way things have developed
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since world war two right now you've got the e.u. which is their economy is as large as ours you've got china growing to the point that they will soon be larger than us and if we abuse the power that we get from that central role if we could preciously apply sanctions without taking into account the national security concerns of our closest allies and partners we're going to lose the position of the target ministration is betting the power of the u.s. dollars key to all economic growth all around the world around hoping that by the u.s. going it alone that will no longer be the case al-jazeera washington. and director of european studies at the foundation for political economic and social research joins us on skype from istanbul appreciate your time we're talking about a deal that goes through twenty twenty six just how connected how interdependent are turkey and iran specifically when it comes to oil. i mean why you
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can't work on it specially when you crude oil almost forty five per cent of very cute imports are coming from iran so there's an almost top of crude oil that using . all four. percent of its natural gas is also important wrong. we know our trade will never stand billion euros and explode your only is about two. to three hundred. billion dollars so. there are there is a white strong. economy in iran or. certain issues in foreign policy that they don't agree on talking issues which are these equivocal yours are going on preferred long time so it is there and that those are good those are good big numbers but is there more to why turkey is snubbing these
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c.e.o.'s sanctions it how does that line up with the fact that the european union is also not paying attention to these sanctions does that sort of give turkey a little back up. i mean this is you know there's a you know unilateral decision that you know. there is no u.n. decision there is no international agreement on this issue european countries are opposing these sanctions and that make it easier for turkey to alter local distinctions and at the same time there are other tensions between turkey and the united states and turkey. resisting many demands from the united nations has no start of its vision after. a little. bit of terrorist organization ministers organization. is uniting the united states and there are other issues and that's why i think we're not going. to
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thank you how would you characterize the relationship between the u.s. and turkey can parrot what it has been in the past i mean as you said the u.s. and i mean start talking and iran don't agree on a lot when it comes to foreign policy but they're still able to build bridges in other ways how would you characterize the relationship now between the u.s. in turkey. i mean it's quite kinds specially the alleged need to go to the united states has also. ministers because of the. past three turkey has been arrested and he was imprisoned. and they demand his release immediately but. to say about this but on the other hand as i said. one of the i mean the leader of this terrorist organization that lucky that is in you know city torch has asked many times that he should be there. but you know.
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so you have sent many. players to united states but there was not progress on this issue and also united states has. to or if the senate wants to. preserve the liberty or don't you buy fighter jets to turkey and also you know your brother wanted to buy a four hundred. russia so there are many other issues and these sanctions is just another burden on to each. u.s. relations and i mean don't you hope that these can be solved through negotiations all these issues at all i bet met the sun so green but as you said i mean you had also people. differences with the israeli. shoes but still economy relations are going on. it all remains to be seen how they worked out my apologies for going after and leave it there n.s.a.
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rockley i thank you so much for joining us from istanbul they appreciate it. saying with iran and its parliament they have voted to impeach the labor minister. president hassan rouhani is under pressure from politicians to reshuffle his economic team unemployment remains high despite sanctions really after the two thousand and fifteen nuclear deal then as are obvious live for us in tehran says this is something that was anticipated inspector. yes absolutely this isn't the first time that the specific minister who has faced impeachment proceedings and a no confidence vote now last month iranian members of parliament some into president hassan rouhani himself they said that they wanted him to come in answer some difficult questions about the about the current state of iran's economy in parliament in front of them at the same time these told him in a letter that he needs to reshuffle his economic team on his federal cabinet to try and fix the country's financial crisis feeling like he was taking too long to do
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that they've gone ahead and started for him by impeaching his minister of labor and social welfare this is the third impeachment attempt for the specific minister another of the it's the second time during this presidency of hassan rouhani is that the specific minister has faced an impeachment attempt and this is the first minister during this presidency to go ahead and be impeached by members of parliament during president rouhani his previous presidency he also lost a few ministers in the same sort of way now we have to keep in mind that the president the iranian president is expected to attend a session of parliament for a q. and a sometime this month he's going to face off with these very parliamentarians who voted off one of his ministers and it seems as though. even the iranian protesters in the last week have certainly bruce the government in the fight to fix the economy it is these elected and he's that have drawn first blood all right samus ravi live in tehran zain thank you. bizarrely knesset is holding
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a special session on the new controversial nation state wall the law formally affirms israel's jewish character and makes hebrew the country sole official language status previously shared by arabic it's provoked widespread protests stephanie decker has more from lester islam. the debate happening inside the knesset inside the israeli parliament isn't going to change anything to the law today but it highlights the controversy that this law has caused debate going on inside the knesset heated debate you heard from my t.v. he's a palace soon israeli member of knesset saying that this is an apartheid rule this is what m.k. said voted for he said that this is a policy that has been inherent over the years when it comes to treating the palestinian citizens of israel and others but it is now ingrained in its lord he said only by standing together jewish people and the arabs wouldn't be able to be overturned it highlights the concern not only from within here from within the citizens of israel also jews have said that this is a is
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a threat to what israel says is its democratic and equal basis of the establishment of the state it is also called prompted a lot of criticism when it comes to the international community and we've also seen tens of thousands of people come to the streets last saturday tens of thousands of citizens of druze also israelis packed would be in square in tel aviv we are expecting similar size this saturday in tel aviv called for by israeli citizens palestinian citizens of israel and also many others israelis we've been speaking to say that this is a law that is discriminatory and they do not agree with it the president of the democratic republic of congo has just announced his decision rather take a third term in office there had long been speculation that joseph kabila would would attempt to do this and that would actually define term limits are catherine soy joins us from kinshasa on the phone so what have you heard catherine. rachele candidate to replace joseph is rama's and should just
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out of a press conference couples addressed by the government spokesperson lumber men they say that this. is the man who's going to be presenting his documents to the electoral commission ahead of the registry closing of registration this afternoon now the issue is this the name around this is really comes as a surprise that over the days there have been several names that have been floating around by his name never really featured she is a secretary of the ruling party p.p.r. and was a minister for in syria. december see is also a former governor of my normal province which is also the president province we're told of the military that is very influential in democratic republic of congo is somewhat comfortable with him and this obviously has come of. long lengthy court
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consultations between the president and members of his coalition as well yesterday tuesday there was a long meeting the president from not too far from here. as you know they discussed some of the kind of date that had already been submitted by the different parties within the coalition but then a name more than pointed there's a lot of concern a lot of and zajac. yesterday in the days before because it was unclear what president could be less intentions were people were saying perhaps he's planning to run again which would be against the constitution but now that has been cleared a lot of analysts also telling us that these tensions that have been in the country could deescalate. catherine soil with the latest out of. the kabila will not seek an additional term which would have violated term limits catherine thank you. but more head of the news hour including a malaysia's former prime minister in court accused of money laundering as the
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charges pile up over a state scandal. that are destruction caused by the wildfires sweeping california and sport the wimbledon champion steps at this preparations tony there are entire. rescue teams in indonesia say they are struggling with the lack of equipment as they search for survivors from sunday's powerful earthquake on the island of lombok at least one hundred thirty one people are confirmed dead in a port some remote village in the west of lombok. the road to the remote village. is impassable by car. has come down from the hills to look for help. he shows us destruction that government officials have yet to see. along with what i see now is that all the help is focused in the north of lombok but here in this
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remote area away from the main road we also need help. on the third day after a powerful quake struck the island so vive us are growing increasingly impatient. hungry and thirsty. for us living in the mountains it's very difficult to find clean water and it's impossible for us to take the sick to a doctor says food is also hard to find them because we're not earning any money everyone is still in shock this is. how daptone and provide he had only just moved into their new home after getting married a month ago it took more than seven years to build their house while going into the mountains to share extend of the damage of sunday's earthquake becomes clear in isolated villages like this one away from the epicenter many have been left homeless as well while aid is now entering the island of lombok many here fear they
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would be forgotten. while many people in the room ote areas are still waiting for help some aid is arriving at improvised shelters further down the mountain and officials say most donated goods have yet to be distributed and getting to work at a. there's only very little aid but if we distribute it now it won't be enough for everyone so we're gathering it first and then we'll hand it out. but people can't wait much longer that little food they had this running out fast and many are in need of medical treatment they feel they're being ignored step fasten al-jazeera up with ike but west. paul baxter is stephanie operations director of international rescue corps he joins us from edinburgh thank you so much for your time and a part of the world where that is very earthquake prone why would they not have the proper equipment at the ready should the worst happen but what we need to first
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understand is this is the third significant earthquake in a matter of these that area so what resource they have what facilities and equipment is probably working at capacity at the moment also the actual ground sail . through alon slade's making it virtually impossible to get into some of them what villages ok so having said that what what type of equipment can realistically get fair to make a difference at this point with the equipment they would need to get into the villages to start with would be heavy plant. shovel quitman that you've seen on the news already there may be in short supply with the earthquake there may have been some of that plant have been damaged as well but to get through the roads they've got to make the clearing first of all so that to tell you could quit meat first once they get into the villages it would be more hands on type equipment lake
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pearson looking at those thermal imaging to see out the buildings that collapsed buildings and rubble to see if there's any potential survivors tell us more about that about how delicate of an operation this is it's not just a matter of having the equipment and just going full steam ahead this is this is a process. correct once an event like this happens the first phase is what's called the rescue phase that's where we have the search teams that would go into the areas to systematically search the buildings of collapsed and the general location of the those buildings to see if there's any potential survivors if there is anyone that's been located then it's a again as i say a delicate process in which to try and create a space in order to get in and extract the casualties later on when the relief is kicks in this is more always what we're into now you where you see the shelters being provided in the food and water being transported in the buildings need them
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to be cleared in order to make them safe make the roads and so on that bit more clear so they can actually get more pliant and get humanity in need and how do you balance states wayne trying to want to get people there that may be alive under the rubble because time is of the essence and knowing that you also have to look at the big picture and go through those steps in this process that you've decided that you just laid out rather well there's a command and control is set up that they determine the areas obviously need to be searched the teams that need to go into the particular areas and after the people take five to six hours to sort of mean golden window as it were which to get them to try and catch or to help as many people as possible but you what you have to appreciate as all the people that don't become displaced the they need to be looked after is also absolutely uncivilly it's
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a really good point in there so many of those baxter thank you so much for your insight we appreciate it. the entire australian state of miss out from a severe drought they described as the worst in living memory the government is stepping in to help stricken farmers survive the dire conditions. reports. it's an overwhelming drought cattle swarm around a harder truck in new south wales looking for relief from the devastating dryness the ground has become to bear for the grass to grow and the weather too extreme to predict farmers in eastern australia say the drought has taken over turning one's fertile lands into dust bowls would run raw and in a way they have got a plan on private ryan that to keep cattle alive some farmers have been forced to ship in haiti and grain from other parts of the country that is expensive the national government is pledging nearly one hundred fifty million additional dollars
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to help offset the cost this winter has been particularly cruel you have to go back to knowledge in sixty five to see another winter like this one and you've got to remember that some of our farmers haven't really recovered from the last route. some farms are doing better than others but stories of desperation are repeated across new south wales nearly eighty thousand people in the state to depend on the agriculture industry contributing more than ten billion dollars to its annual economy the drought is affecting more than farming the government says it's concerned about farmers mental health and the isolation of those who live in remote areas is a real worry all want more boys to come out of the farm what they need to be for generation on this farm. and oh i just all i really worry about the future. a dry spell with no signs of ending with entire farming communities welcoming support from local leaders but hoping for help from mother nature katia loper so the young
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al-jazeera. our senior weather presenter staff culture joins us now steph what are the conditions that are causing this why this is happening well in a way it's one of those things that happens you know sometimes you get less rain than others but also there is a reason because the oceans to the northwest of australia are slightly cooler than they would be slightly cooler than average and that often gives us rainfall that's below average across the southeastern parts of australia so even though the different ends of the country it does influence the weather down there how much worse is it going to get well it does look like the drought is going to get worse i've got a map that shows where the deficiency in rain is at the moment and that's basically shows you where new south wales and victoria and some of those a record deficiency the worst we've ever seen in seven months and the real really bad and then if we fast forward to what we're expecting then that this so the
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brighter colors again aware were expecting the worst deficiencies and that's because el ninos developing el nino is the water over the pacific changing becoming slightly warmer than usual and that has a massive effect on australian weather particularly as you can see from that chart in the east it brings increased around the result of climate change climb a tree change is expected to make things drier and hotter over parts of australia particularly heat waves will become more intense rain will become even worse and more extreme weather events in that way but you can never say that one particular event is due to climate change though is what we're expecting in the trends but we can't definitely say that this one is at the moment really tough time for that stuff thanks for your expertise for appreciate it. ighly anticipated race for a seat in the u.s. congress is too close to call just under one percent of votes separate the democratic and republican candidates for the seat in ohio they lection is being seen as a test of donald trump's presidency as he won the district resoundingly in two
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thousand and sixteen the result could offer clues to how november's midterm elections could go john hendren as more from westerville ohio the vote count showed republican troy balders in ahead by nearly a percentage point with democrat danny o'connor came out smiling he says this is a time ballgame and he did not concede i am so grateful i am so grateful for all of your support you believed in us. in a race that the pundits said we had no chance even being in you proved them wrong. this was really just a warm up race in a heavily republican district that's because whoever wins here is only going to continue their term until january there will be a new election in november and these same two candidates will be up for election bill color. and i look forward to campaigning against him again this fall. was running in a district that was literally carved to favor republicans by republican state
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legislators who redrew the district in two thousand. donald trump won this district by percentage points and he came here on saturday to back truly boehner said he has already taken credit for boulders and leading me and this race will go on in november and danny o'connor says he now can perform boulder's there will be plenty of money thrown into this race as there already has been you can expect much more in the coming months instead joins us again with a complete outlook on whether you're looking at somewhere else where it's hotter and drier than usual namely the u.s. and in the west is where we've seen the worst of the wildfires over the past weeks or so and it is usually at this time of year we have a fair amount of moisture down towards the southwest that does help with combat these fires but instead the moisture is all being pushed a little bit further towards the east you can see the showers that over colorado but nothing is on the satellite picture towards the west and that's really what
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we're expecting over the next few days are staying incredibly dry here. strong gusty winds and that's only going to help to fuel those fires instead the what's the weather is out towards the east you can see it over the gulf states for the northeast though actually a little bit drier force as we head through friday new york caught up at thirty degrees if we go over to another place where it's been incredibly hot recently about is year up of things here a fire. only beginning to change it looks like good news for us we're seeing some slightly fresher work its way in from the northwest and things will become far more bearable for many of us as we head through the next few days it certainly hasn't been pleasant travelling on the choose in london with the temperatures over thirty degrees but look at that thursday nineteen degrees will be our maximum temperature there in london more familiar rain up there and that will be spreading its way through parts of france as well and then pushing eastwards bringing that cooler air with it staff thank you still ahead on al-jazeera protest in tbilisi is georgia marks the tenth anniversary of russia's invasion. and its sport tiger woods lined
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up as late as shot at ending a ten year major title rout. where were you when this idea. whether online it's undoubtedly chief. of opinion equality in our society today or if you join the sunset criminal justice system is dysfunctional right now this is a dialogue what does it feel like bring you to go back for the first time everyone has a voice of allow refugees to be the speakers for a change join the conversation on our and his era. when mexico's leaders implemented drastic and controversial energy reforms the country's oil owned by the mexican peoples for seventy five years was to be sold to private international companies. but to what extent is the country exposed to
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exploitation by profit driven multinational corporations. who target our knowledge of zero. watching al-jazeera let's take a look at the top stories this hour the president of the democratic republic of congo says he will not seek a third term or been long speculation that joseph kabila would attempt to defy term limits and run again the governing coalition says the current interior minister will be their candidate and december elections turkey will keep buying gas from
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iran for another eighteen years just the latest country to ignore the u.s. sanctions pressure iran's foreign minister has rejected donald trump sanctions push saying washington won't be able to stop this country from exporting oil israeli knesset is holding a special session on the controversial new nation state law the law formally affirms israel's jewish character and makes hebrew the country sole official language language that is established that had previously been shared by arabic and it's provoked widespread protests. malaysia's former prime minister has been back in court facing money laundering charges as a corruption probe intensifies he denies moving millions of dollars into his own personal account it's all part of a wider investigation into the disappearance of billions of dollars from estate investment funds set up by jeep florence italy reports from kuala lumpur. back in court to face more charges not your former prime minister of malaysia has pleaded not guilty to receiving proceeds that stem from unlawful activities he's alleged to
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have received ten and a half million dollars from a state company called s r c international these three additional. meanings and the money laundering now and the money laundering is a big it's a big wood but strictly mean proceeds of crime. they are in addition to the. largest brought against him last month for criminal breach of trust and abuse of power s.r.c. international is a former unit of one and the state investment fund set up by not yet when he was both prime minister and finance minister the us department of justice alleges four and a half billion dollars has been stolen from the fund for one m. d. b. it isn't just being investigated in malaysia at least six other countries including singapore and switzerland on vesta gazing at the fund over alleged corruption and money laundering. is alleged to have covered up irregularities at the fund when he
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was still in power sacking his deputy prime minister and replacing the attorney general with another officer who subsequently cleared him of any wrongdoing but since coming into power following a general election in may the new administration led by mahathir mohamad has moved swiftly to uncover the true extent of the corruption scandal surrounding one and. the government recently took possession of a two hundred fifty million dollars it was handed over by indonesian authorities who had seized the vessel on behalf of u.s. officials who allege the yacht was bought with money stolen from one and florence al-jazeera. opposition groups in pakistan are holding protests and several provinces against alleged vote rigging during last month's elections the tearing party of former cricketer imran khan has declared the winner there two leading opposition parties accuse it and the military of orchestrating widespread electoral fraud has more from islamabad. eleven parties
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grand a line launched a day off. some of the religious. leading traffic and causing difficulties for. now the opposition aligned leadership. of the election commission of. where they really lord. allegations of corruption i have you can see behind me a good character a few hundred people who have been able to gather. vision were calling for but the ground in line by the opposition. that day will continue their broad day board in card and outside parliament in georgia has accused russia of aggression and occupation ten years after their war over south a set they have been anti moscow protests in the capital tbilisi to mark the
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anniversary of the beginning of the six day conflict in two thousand and eight the continued military presence in the breakaway region violates international law the russian warns there could be another war if georgia joins nato and a whole joins us from the georgian capital tbilisi on this anniversary jonah. well that's right as the rhetoric appears to hot up again ten years since that war many of the factors that lead to war are still in place many of them have indeed hardened the breakaway regions of still breakaway regions but they've also become self declared republics their security guaranteed by russian troops on the ground who should of course of withdrawing under the two thousand and eight peace deal but have not let's talk more about this i'm joined by david crises a former georgian foreign minister he's also a leading presidential candidate in the upcoming elections in october thanks for joining us thanks very much what do you make of dimitri medvedev so warning shall
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we call it possibly even a threat that if georgia continues down the line towards nato membership a new more terrible war maybe in the offing well that's the best explanation of what happened ten years ago and why to me that sounds like the best for all that georgia should continue its way to european union and nato membership because it's not mr magoo is a who decides where georgia should be storage and people in georgian people have decided that georgia will be a european democracy member of european union and nato so these kind of threats clearly demonstrate that russia will not stop threatening georgia and blackmailing georgia like he did with other neighboring countries whose baltic states was the eastern europeans and look today baltic countries are safe because they joined europe because they joined nato and there that's exactly the past for georgia we should join e.u. and nato there is the way to making georgia a prosperous european democracy in the more threats come from russia the more
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assured we will be that that's exactly what we need to do what we know of course that these aren't empty threats russia has acted on these sorts of things before not just here in georgia but in ukraine as well are you prepared to accept then the possibility that war may come if georgia continues to be to nato i don't believe that today russia is in a shape to start a new large scale war in georgia because russia's position is international. they are very damaged damaged because of syria because of ukraine because of u.s. and european issues so i don't believe i think these are threats and these threats should just make us more determined you know to move because we are now in the middle of the river and there is no sense to stand in the middle of the river when we should go and the sooner we reach the other bank of the river the safer this country will be so there is no stop we should move ahead and there's the way what's to be done about the breakaway region south of. there now self declared independent russia recognizes them is nato membership even possible under those circumstances. while the last ten years old that russia completely failed in achieving the
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international support in recognizing to occupied territories of georgia because no countries except some small island states or criminal regimes like bashar al assad nobody supported them in the recognizing these two will provide territory so we stand on the right side of history and when we stand on the right side of history i believe the truth will prevail so we need to work with local communities we need to build confidence and strengthen the believe that we are not enemies georgians are not enemies of our cause and we need to build confidence building measures we need to improve people to people and community to community relations tennis lee we need to work with the international community to make russia as it is for a scene by these six point cease fire agreement and we're not the unique ones we had russian troops in the barbed wires in east germany we had the russian troops on the wires in baltic countries in eastern europe all these countries today on the right side of history there we are and i believe we will be successful in that
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final question mr but crowds of the current government of which you of course are not a part seems to take a much softer line towards russia trying perhaps to rebuild ties is that a reflection of the reality that tiny georgia simply needs good relations with a giant russia on your border and that nato membership whilst they talk about. it isn't really a really realistic prospect world we clearly do need good relations with russia like with all our neighbors but good relations can be never achieved at the expense of your own stagecoach they can never achieve that the expense of you can free wheel of your people in your nation and through relations can be never be able to play you can or the future of your country and the future of our country is in europe full stop so we are right it will be all good relations with russia like with any other neighbor but these good relations should have a clear understanding that georgian unity and georgia's way to europe cannot be
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bargained and that's those are the red lines which will never give up the public opinion yes as an opposition leader i have a lot of question marks about government and about governments russian policy but the public opinion is overwhelmingly pro european in georgia so in an immediate future i see no threat of deviating from the european pass david because it thank you so much for your time i do appreciate it ten years on then from the war between georgia and russia here of the war certainly has not been forgotten even as some people look ahead to the possibility of a new one all right on a whole life or a sense of the georgia thank you israeli army has tweeted that it will be closing off roads surrounding gaza in light of what it says are threats from hamas this is how the tweet reads and a lot of hamas statements on the evacuation of hamas outpost the southern command decided to reinforce the causative it there isn't and close several israeli roads in the area surrounding the gaza strip for security reasons or interests and it is in gaza so andrew what are some are saying about this. well how do
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you hire he's the deputy leader of hamas has made a statement he's in cairo now with the rest of the senior delegation. long time well just over a week here in intense talks in gaza and he's saying that egypt and the united nations have made progress with hamas towards some deal on a cease fire reaching a settlement to ease the sea now watch those words because just lately all hamas spokespeople have been saying that they want the siege lifted completely before they'll do a deal that is possibly a concession perhaps it's a question of of posturing previously but we see an optimistic tone to what's being said by hamas but it does say the palestinian people will continue their popular protests until their demands are met to end this twelve year old see the
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issue. primarily in the sea to lift the blockades and lift all the supply blockages that israel is imposing and reach a deal the interesting aspect of it all should i say complicated aspect to it all is a shift in the way this is being approached because egypt is involved in this it's really the main broker right now it's listening to israel it's listening to how my ass and also it's been listening to and nichelle i'm not in awe of the u.n. does special envoy who's been hyperactive to keep that conflict bay he was in doha recently having talks he is really the chief money man in sums of trying to get all of the massive amount of money together to make a deal work to make some sort of move towards progress on lifting the siege that's one thing rebuilding gaza is the other colossal aspect these people living here old
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to million of them desperately need and what was so. possibly is stages with this first of all possibly and this is not definite nothing is is is definite until it's on the ink laid on paper and signed but one of those the central aspect to it is really getting together a prisoner swap deal that is whether that's a first stage a second stage of third stage isn't clear and that is what's sensitive in very much in terms of hamas and indeed israel israel that said very little about this it's keeping its cards close to its chest it's after a cabinet meeting on sunday it said it was ready for any scenario and those are the words of a military top brass so they were giving a military signal there to keep the pressure on but this just is does look at first sight optimistic but really never say never with this sort of thing and nothing is certain i would hasten to add into there is
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a final announcement and that could be some time away it could be a short time away and enter you alluded to this you touched side just a moment ago but has there been any progress made towards getting any type of finding any type of money for their rebuilding of gaza. well that's that's a very key point as i was just mentioning in terms of progress we're not entirely sure egypt is going to be playing a bigger role undoubtedly if this deal comes off and it wants money for that it's not prepared to go in with its own funding it started off with a three hundred million deal with the united states to which was pulled back and frozen from egypt because of human rights violations that could be freed up apparently that is not confirmed but that's the leak we've heard furthermore cats are is a key player in actually funding so many projects here but egypt was reportedly not keen on that idea because of a diplomatic crisis in the gulf whether that's now being sorted out it remains to
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be seen because not enough has been talking at a high level in qatar furthermore we've now got palestinian president mahmoud abbas who is meeting king abdullah in jordan and leaving jordan to go to cats he's going to be having high level talks there that's another complex aspect of things because the palestinians feel they've been excluded to the p.a. i should say the palace in north already feels it's been excluded from this whole process it is engaged in a separate initiative altogether to get reconciliation with hamas now that really needs to happen to make this work but does it because it will may suit israel it may suit everyone if the if the palestinian authority was not part of this deal as far as getting the blockade lifted from gaza is concerned it's hard to work out really but this is a reality and biasses have been absolutely furious about the diplomatic maneuvering not passing his doorstep right answer salman's live in gaza thank you andrea. from
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what's controlling much of iraq in syria i saw has been pushed back into pockets in the region tens of thousands of fighters have been killed imprisoned in the process many left behind wives and children some of them are now unable to return to their hometowns two to four years of reprisals that's a name a ports from one camp for isolate families in mosul province. medallion is the new and says all she has left in this world are her four kids and god she's exhausted from this life xenu and is married to an eyesore fighter who's in prison or has if he doesn't come back home and work life will be so hard without him. she and her children ranging in age from one to ten were detained for seven months after they were released the family had no money no home and no other option but to seek shelter at this camp for the displaced fighting may have ended in the news home town of mosul last year but she says if you've been branded as an ice old family
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it's too dangerous to return i want security security is the most important thing inside the camp i'm alone but i'm safe inside mosul i'm not safe when other women returned they took them about thirty percent of the displaced at this camp here in mosul province are eisel families that's according to the manager of the people's council which represents all residents the majority of the camp population are women and children and that might be why the manager says there hasn't been any tension between eisel families and other residents here or delayed it goes back to the camp management everybody is equal they don't differentiate between this family and that family but outside the camp these families say they're confronting a very different mentality. i'm not ashamed and i will never be it's true or an eyeful family but we won't change i'm not afraid but we are afraid of
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the shia militia. i mean as says she's encouraging her two sons to study not to become a fighter like their deceased father when my son grows up i can't stop him from choosing this path that's why they don't want us to go back to our own tellme for now these families are stuck there too afraid to go home and people are too afraid to welcome them back as neighbors natasha game. mosel province china has announced tariffs on a range of u.s. products to match the latest from the us u.s. government had to tailed its own plans for sixteen billion dollars in tariffs that are set to take effect in fifteen days twenty five percent tariff will be applied to electronics chemicals and railway equipment china's response will cover or oil steel cars and medical equipment. still ahead and sports. fans there is a shot to win although. thousands
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of. french. anyone can perform with a three week celebration at one group that's been on the crowds. it was one of the biggest festivals of its kind anywhere in the world bringing together thousands of performers and performances in hundreds of very unique locations from dozens of countries where the stars of the future shoulders with today's stars it's also
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a place to come an experiment just what this is all about it's called the piano droom and it's made from dozens of up cycle pianos some of them beautifully chewed and here it's been turned into a one hundred seater auditorium deconstructing our ideas of what the theater is and what it can be or this is my he's one of the brains behind it when people think theater they think four walls they think velvet seats they possibly even think popcorn during the intermission but what we have here is something completely new completely different is that what this festival was all about the evolution of theater you think yeah i mean what is really exciting for us is breaking down the the long standing barrier between the audience and the performer we'd like people to feel inspired to play for themselves and to really believe that in themselves there's a bit performer a bit of audience a bit of everything you know we were kind of challenging this notion that there should be some people who are the genius amazing people who everyone else should
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watch you know it's more about everyone being a part of a creative process that we can all you know joyfully share with each other i think these around the applause and a bit of it over to you. all right time for sport thanks very much for shelf well chelsea are on the verge of completing a world record signing a day before the premier league's transfer window shuts they've agreed a fee of ninety two million dollars for athletic bilbao was kept out either by lager that's will be the most ever paid for a goalkeeper capper is twenty three and to one international caps for spain he set to replace. chelsea with the belgian keeper expected to join a realm of dreads. well the current world record for a caper was set by liverpool just last month the reds paying roma eighty four million dollars for brazilian allison becca that broke
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a seventeen year old record eventis paid palmer sixty two million for. he still going at forty the italian currently up p.s.g. and last year manchester city paid benfica forty six million dollars for brazilian addison heists chelsea boss marked zero sorry has indicated at an hour will not be leaving stamford bridge the belgian scored the winning penalty in the blues pre-season shootout win over. has been linked with a move to real madrid as well but i don't see this problem in this moment. and then. two three times in the last two days two. years book in. everything but. i think it is this problem. is not present. doris bell's good form is continuing at of the new league
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a season which kicks off in less than ten days' time new rail coach ewen is expecting the welshman to step up following christiane iran all those parts are to use a male first play provider for marco asensio second minute goal and shortly after he got on to the score sheet as well he's now scoring consecutive pre-season games rail going on to win two one. kenya's former four hundred meter hurdles world champion nicholas bet has been killed in a road accident at the age of twenty eight the father of two was travelling on the road between caps a bet on the famous distance running center of eldoret when his car hit a bump and rolled into a ditch betts had just come back from the african championships in nigeria where his twin brother aaron was also competing betts made history in twenty fifteen becoming the first kenyan to win gold at the distance shorter than eight hundred meters tiger woods is getting ready to take his resurgent form into the
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final major of the golf season the forty two year old is in missouri head of the u.s. p.g.a. championship woods lead on the final day of last month's open championship before finishing in six he's a four time p.g.a. winner but hasn't claimed any of the major titles in more than a decade just for me to build how this opportunity again is. it is a dream come true you know i. said this many times this year i didn't know what if i could do this again ball here i am so. just coming back able to play at this level and compete i've had my share of chances to win the sure as well. get it done this week. jordan speight hopes to become only the six golfer in history to win all four majors during his career spaeth won the open championship last year adding to the masters and us open titles he secured in twenty fifteen. this tournament was always be circled in until i'm able to hopefully want it
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someday it always be circled to complete their career grand slam which will ultimately. you know achieve a lifelong goal for me so certainly emphasis in my head on it but nothing overpowering nothing that takes over once i start on the first tee just more. going into the week england's cricketers are heading into the second test of their series against india without one of their key players or round up ben stokes is instead a pain in courts charged with affright chris works has been called up as a replacement while twenty year old sorry but simon ali pope is set to make his debut at lord's on thursday england won the first test of the five match series by thirty one runs if someone told me i would be in the squad for the second test at lord's to start the season when of really believe them. this is and then likewise lossie if someone told me i was going to make much of his ship debut that year i want to believe him if they told me i would have played to the t twenty s.
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last year again it's sort of it's just one of those sports that things happen so quickly tennis world number one rafael nadal will face ben wall pair in the second round of the rogers cup in toronto on wednesday wimbledon champion novak djokovic was up against a lucky loser in the first round on tuesday his opponent mers that passage had failed to qualify for the tournament but then replaced chung who withdrew from the match with a back injury going down swinging in the second set with a rally against the serb but eventually no match for a job which the bosnian losing six three seven six. two time wimbledon champion patrick christopher is safely through to round two in the women's drop the event taking place in montreal for its were one this title in two thousand and twelve this time out she was a straight sets win a stone is on that counts of eight. former world number one maria hsia is in the second round in montreal after a straight sets victory over both gary and qualifier cecille. the russian who is
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making her first appearance here since twenty fourteen came three six one six two. australia's central coast mariners say they are taking the task of turning to saying bolt into a professional footballer very seriously jamaica's eight time olympic champion sprinter has trained with several clubs since retiring from athletics the stint with. didn't work out but the mariners say bolt housemate progress. there's been research we've heard from those clubs we've heard that every time that he's been trying with them he's my dramatic improvements is this the first question will be iran he's physical abilities and capabilities so our strength and conditioning department will be getting their hands on the first and then there'll be the first question have any minutes we know what's the physically capable of that is oh yes both and i will have more lighter topic you very much thank you for joining me for
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the news hour keep it here on the other side of break. it is when you look abducted and forced into sexual slavery by the japanese imperial army. the so-called comfort women of the second world war decades have passed but the trauma lives on. witness follows the story of the women who campaigned with unwavering resolve for an official apology for this appalling chapter in history. the apology on al-jazeera. travel often. by tranquil waters and purple forests in a broad wild war. hawks of orange. cities. and sundry ancestors. in the middle of everything. is the song.
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by icons landmarks valleys and scotland's. made place of glass. on top of two. it's the places you've trained off and what dreams come true. when you live for adventure. and discover hidden chops when you're warm inside when it's warm on the outside because moments make memories of following places are closer than you think. going to gather these cats are always. lead their lives out. there and created the modern world. the slave trade into the language of geography and the very fabric of human civilization upon its were built the great western powers and was constructed and hierarchy of races but how did it come about
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and what became of it. seem a very ruthless coming soon on al-jazeera. and the democratic republic of congo there will be no third term for president joseph kabila. and we shall carry this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up turkey becomes the latest u.s. ally to reject washington state sanctions on iran. israel's parliament convenes a special session as anger grows over its so-called nation state law and militias former prime minister is in court accused of money laundering as the charges pile up over a state run scandal. the
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