tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 11, 2018 2:00am-3:01am +03
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when east and how does iraq. zero. zero zero and welcome to the al-jazeera news out lie from my headquarters in doha the product coming up in the next sixty minutes president everyone calls on turks to support their currency as the value of the lira plunges amid a widening valve of the united states. chemical company monsanto has had to the two hundred eighty five million dollars damages for failing to warn about the health risks of a wheat. the u.n. calls for a credible and transparent investigation into
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a sound the led coalition air strike that killed school children in yemen. a delay and emma said man in god was in all the ration legal challenges postponed the crown the moment those involved ways president. and dozens were injured during protests and book arrest as tens of thousands returned from the cities to demand the resignation of romania's government. the us president has escalated a feud with turkey doubling steel and added many in tariffs as a monetary crisis pushes ancora towards the economic brink at the heart of turkey's failing finances as its volatile currency which is now fall into a record low since the start of the year the turkish lira has lost thirty five percent of its value against the dollar much of that decline has happened since president of egypt five at the on rita office with hugely expanded powers
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a month ago well at the un has now urged citizens to sell their dollars and buy lira instead to prop up the currency of reports from istanbul. turkey as president. yes this large rally and have this massive for his citizens yes. if there is anyone who has dollars euros or gold under their pillows as you go exchange for lirot our banks this is the national domestic battle this will be my people's response to those who have wage an economic war against us turkey's currency has lost more than thirty per cent of its value so far this year at least fifteen percent of that was just on thursday night the turkish going to be has been struggling for a few years of recombination of several financial and political factors the lira tumbled even faster after just presidential election which gave all executive powers to president our john i wish that. or mr r.
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and his you know eighteen would be very really ready to hear a robust economic program today after they had been elected are fortunate with a little bit later on that as a growing about fragile economy the lira was not protected against any current suspect lation especially after the two thousand and sixteen failed coup and turkey's continuing dispute with the united states over a variety of issues has not made things easy the most urgent disagreement has been is the tension of an american pastor named andrew branson who is on trial on terrorism charges there is a currency crisis kind of promoted by the geopolitical risks which is obviously used by the american foreign policy decision makers another factor is turkey's unwillingness to join the recent u.s. sanctions against iran turkey buys energy from iran along with russia and azerbaijan now the crisis is being felt approach with the master selling of shares
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in european banks would generally have bigger exposure to the turkish ganymede the dispute was supposed to ease as delegates from both sides gathered in washington this week but it didn't and it went to went further turks say they you know. states is trying to beat them with a financial stick and some even believe it's just a political move by president trump head off november's critical election now it's a question of how turkey will handle all these pressures while its currency is at ten all time scene up to solo al-jazeera a stumble. but it's got more on this now we're joined by the chief market economist at spartan capital securities and he's joining us live from new york very good to have you with us on al-jazeera so what steps could president of the one take now to help the economy seems to be ruling out you know the obvious ones whether they're economic or political he says he won't raise interest rates release the american
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pastor. well i think the first to begin with i think you know if the release is the american past that would show some sign of goodwill and perhaps maybe you know the trumpet ministration might back off somewhat on these heavy duties that were imposed on then and of course the other thing is that the central bank is probably going to have the raise rates. you know maybe two or three fold in the present levels if that doesn't happen the speculation against the turkish lira will continue and that means that. we could see crises developing then you're old and as you know some of the banks in the southern region of euro land have exposure to turkish that debt.
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this speculation continues and turkey should implode then we could see a renewed crises on the european banks especially in countries like spain france and italy at the despite all this president and the law on maintaining that he is not going to take any of the steps that we have talked about how long can he and take you to take a check on a me would stand this sort of fresh air well you know it all depends and obviously the speculation is not going to let up i would be a bit surprised if we come in monday morning and we see a renewed attack on the turkish lira and if that continues then the markets will probably force him to do something or he's at risk of being toppled or are we going to see the sort of you know economic crisis in that we saw two thousand and one.
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oh no question about it i think you know that will happen i said a few moments ago that the. going through. mean the crises. will extend over into europe and you do think mr gardener that this could cost this president politically so much of his success has been due to the economic prosperity tikki had seen under his rule so the declining economy could cost him to. say look we work no matter where you are when you have a decline in your car or me or a car to me that's about. you know implode. those are always that element of political risk it's no different. than any other country.
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to thank you very much for your time on those that's joining us live from new york thank you. let's move on to other news now and a u.s. jury has ordered that the makers of a controversial weed killer to pay two hundred and eighty five million dollars in damages a california groundskeeper who's dying of cancer accuse monsanto of ignoring the health risks of its product round up to wayne lee johnson's lawyers of the company's product gave him a form of cancer called non hotchkin lymphoma monsanto since it will appeal the ruling let's go live to our correspondent mike hanna in washington d.c. for more on the story so tell us more mike about the judge's ruling and what he had to say here. well this is very much a landmark judgement and one most notice world that there are thousands of cases pending against the company in particular against the weed killer roundup so now you are likely to see these cases occurring in courts throughout the united states
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following this judgment now of significance to is that off that two hundred eighteen million dollars awarded two hundred fifty million dollars were described as punitive damages now in order for that to be achieved the jury had obviously thought that the company had acted with malice and oppression against the plaintive this is a very significant point because it indicates that the jury believe the company did know that the we did contain a carcinogenic and despite a request for further information from those who use it it continued to insist that the roundup itself that we've killer is not a cancer course that's despite the w.h.o. classifying life os eight that's the ingredient in round up as a probable human carcinogen why does it remain legal in the us and will it remain legal in the us do you think following this ruling. well this has been
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a massive debate going on for years within the us the environmental protection agency within the us found a couple of years ago that it is not necessarily gleiser genic basically carcinogenic basically kicking the can down the road as it were however the evidence in this case is centered around this particular point for four weeks a jury heard expert after expert arguing this particular issue now what emerged during the process as well is that the company itself had got a lot of academic research written every time a report came out saying that this element did cause cancer the company would brief an academic work denying that this was the case so this is something that has been going on for a long period of time whether the e.p.a. is mind is now focused on the fact given that
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a jury one jury at the moment has found that the substance does cause cancer maybe the e.p.a. will be forced into a review but before that you are going to have as i said thousands of case cummings before us courts in the months and years ahead and we also have that monsanto saying that they're going to appeal mike very much so very clearly they argue that the jury were wrong they continue to insist that the weed killer did not cause cancer they continue to insist that they do not inform people who actually use it they are going to argue to have higher court if they possibly can against this verdict because as i said it could open the gate of millions and millions of damages being paid out and eventually lead to the complete ruin of the company itself mike thank you very much for that for now that is mike hanna live and washington d.c. thank you. now the sollie
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a morality coalition says it will investigate an air strike in yemen that had a boss full of schoolchildren killing fifty people the united nations is calling for an independent probe after holding a special session on the strikes a saudi led coalition insists it struck legitimate targets mohamad though is following those developments from neighboring djibouti as report begins with images that some viewers may find disturbing. it's hard to imagine a more disturbing and sickening image of the futility of war in the year. of the seattle one as strike by the sodium about equalisation body parts us through. a man holds up the whole body of a child. what is his guilt what is his crime he wonders why target these students this is the walk of the american soda coalition as strike they are schoolchildren why we will seek revenge no matter what he says. is children why in
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a minibus full of students heading back from a school summer come in yemen. but does their boss drove through a busy market in. the probe is it was thought that by the airstrike they do what they can here at the hospital which is under resourced and overwhelmed. and what effect will it have on these young minds dozens of their classmates were killed in the strike there's now a growing chorus of condemnation a real thing in the i'm as the. it took the images of these children branch and blood and reeling from shock to move the world we deplore thursday's attack in yemen where a coalition air strike is a bass carrying children in die on market in sabah reportedly killing forty people and injuring another sixty eight the u.n. secretary general and tony. investigation into the talk the secretary general emphasizes that mistake constant care to spare civilians and civilian objects in
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the conduct of military operations and he calls for an independent and prompt investigation into this incident the conflict in yemen pits the richest countries in the region so that is beyond the united arab emirates against the poorest the sodium about equalisation has been reported in the criticised for targeting civilian areas in their war against the whole of the fords the fighting has killed thousands and left millions of us on the brink of starvation coming all the while jazeera djibouti. well the un security council says any investigation into the airstrike and must be transparent. i think as with all these things the important thing is the word credible if there is an acceptable credible investigation then the council will want to consider next steps in the light that if any investigation held is not credible the council will obviously want to review that and want to
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review if more is this. well for more than three years the saudi amorality led coalition has been bombing what the rebels and we have in the campaign is in support of the exiled yemeni president. hadi as had devastating consequences and has led to calls for arms sales to saudi arabia and its allies to be suspended in march the us state department approved the sale of six hundred seventy million dollars worth of anti-tank missiles to solve the arabia the u.a.e. is the second biggest test. nation for american arms exports britain exports nearly half of all arms to saudi arabia since twenty fifteen london has license five point eight billion dollars worth of arms thirty yards from a city and spain also supply the saudis and the u.a.e. with weapons some european states have reduced their arms sales and protest against the war in yemen belgium the netherlands norway and germany have suspended licenses for arms sales to those countries in the sale of the emirates he led coalition well
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anderson with us from the campaign against the arms trade and he said specialist government has hypocritical policies towards heaven i think it exposes the rank hypocrisy at the heart of u.k. foreign policy where the u.k. ambassador has rightly talked the humanitarian concerns in yemen and yet u.k. government has licensed billions of pounds worth of arms that are being used in yemen i think what lies behind it is the geo political strategy but also frankly money and money talks macedo regime spends billions of pounds and arms miyuki every year unfortunately many of whose weapons are being used in yemen right now is the u.k. fighter jets are flying over yemen or the u.k. bombs in the u.k. missiles that should be dropped from the sky pool after paul has shown the overwhelming majority of few public or firmly opposed to these arms exports in fact polling done in march this year a phone but only six percent of people in view key believe these arms sales to are
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acceptable and they are having a catastrophic and we have seen we've seen the way it is calm from is the u.k. politics as well where when the saudi crown prince was visiting london in february he was given the fool red carpet treatment and yet no matter how many terrible devastating attacks have happened no matter how many homes have been destroyed how many lives have been lost was arms sales of continues. we have plenty more ahead on the news hour including the dreaming of college some u.s. states step in to help undocumented young people barred from accessing financial aid and. victory for manchester united as they kick off a new premier league season against leicester. the inauguration of the president has been delayed because of a legal challenge to his electoral victory earlier lawyers for the opposition
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movement for democratic change alliance follow their case for the supreme court and they say they have evidence of fraud and election breaking out of the toss has more . this is the first time in zimbabwe's history an inauguration has been stopped the m.d.c. alliance party say they want the election results overturned they say they have evidence forms that show that the results were tampered with the judges could meet quickly if they think this evidence is weak they could throw the case out if they want more time to look at the evidence that could take a couple of days if they don't meet over the weekend monday and choose their public holidays here which means they'll meet on wednesday they'll fourteen a day to make a decision and i can do is wait president elect city respects the court's supporters aren't thrilled with us opposition supporters are static but most above wins think are concerned about the economy this election was different from other
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elections regardless of who people voted for a lot of people we spoke to whether the opposition would say it's the first election on the ballot they hope for a fresh start especially when it comes to the economy they're worried because they're so that you can business community has warned you don't get your house in order we can come and invest we can come and create jobs people are concerned the longer this political stalemate drags on the more negative effect it's going to have on the economy. now cameron's government says it will investigate a video apparently showing the military shooting at people and this to international says it's verify the video through what was testimony and analysis of weapons and uniforms a spokesman for president poor be a says the video was released to undermine the government ahead of elections. let's get more on this knowledge oin by the advocacy director for africa at amnesty international and he's joining us on scott from washington d.c. very good to have you with us on algis they are so firstly tell us more about this
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video and what was seeing it yes thank you very much for having me that video documents. cameroonian soldiers basically lining up men women and in the far north and basically committing actually judicial executions the soldiers and can be heard on the t.v. saying that they're committing it coming cause the type of operation it seems like the footage was by one of their own soldiers so it is very clear and as you said we've been able to confirm that these are indeed cameroonian soldiers and that there are no. operation based on the fact that this has happened before and that this seems to be a pattern of operation by the security forces in the country well that's right amnesty has said that this is more credible evidence to support the allegations that cameron's forces have committed grave crimes against civilians. that is
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correct. in twenty seventeen we released a report that documented incidences of torture by the korean security forces the elite forces known as the her who had been operating in a camp call sound like these kinds of. treatment beatings and action for executions even proceed those kinds of incidents there's years a culture of impunity the government has been fairly dismissive calling the concerns raised by both domestic and international human rights group says. not credible so today's announcement that they're going to actually investigate as an incredibly important positive step but of course a single incident is not going to address all of the incidents of abuses that have been documented prior and mr al queda given everything you've said do you believe
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the investigation into this incident will be credible especially because they've also said that this video has been released to discredit the government ahead of those upcoming elections i think we have concerns we're going to wait to see what the membership and the formats of the investigation is and we're hoping that the international community in particular the countries that support cameroon in providing security assistance insist. impartial independent best a geisha because not only do they need to get to the truth of this and hold those people accountable they need to hold themselves accountable for the cameroonian population that is now increasingly worried that their own security forces may be their greatest threat stockwell thank you very much for your time annual and sides of the situation that is amnesty international's though they are quickly joining us live from washington d.c. thank you. right to remain here now where dozens of people have been injured after
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police used tear gas and water cannon at an anti-government rally in book arist. thousands of romanian ex-pats have been demonstration calling for the government to resign the protesters many of whom drove across europe to attend are angry about the waiver manias being governed by the social democrats they blame the party for corruption and a lack of opportunities. as a journalist who has been at the demonstrations in bucharest and spoke to some of the protesters. people i talked to were very motivated they would have been angry about many of the steps that the government has been taking in the last eighteen months that they see that they feel will weaken the rule of law you know these are steps that basically would decriminalize low level corruption or reduce and weaken the fight against fight against corruption which has been corruption has been
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a big problem in romania for a long time and people are angry about that and feel that the system needs to change so tonight's protests there were an estimated one hundred thousand in bucharest and maybe another thirty thousand in other cities so it was a large protest it wasn't as large as the half million people we saw last february in february two thousand and seventy when the government first tried to pass. some legislation that would have weaken the rule of law but it's the largest protests we have seen in its eight nine months so it was large anyway but then what happened tonight it was shocking it was very surprising in the parts of the protests have been have been peaceful i have been covering remaining now for five years and tonight was the first night i've ever been tear gassed it's the first night i've ever seeing the use of water cannons by the security forces it's the first night seeing large scale clashes. now for the twentieth week in succession
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palestinian protesters gathered along the border fence between israel and gaza that they demanded the right to return to their ancestral lands from where their families were expelled seventy years ago this fight is a demonstration of us preceded by forty eight hours of intense cross border violence between the israeli military and hamas andersen's reports from gaza. there's a truce just here on gaza's border with israel there's no such thing as calm you see an. soon followed by life sniper rounds. finding their targets schools of life changing injuries mainly young people while near rafa a middle aged man and a medic died. here those wanting to express themselves with words not actions families with children risking their lives mixing
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with activists do they believe that the fighting can end it who do we use a truce will hold for long the protesters have an objective until they get what they want there's going to be no call and. a cease fire called last because we have learned here the occupation has taken on by force we will get it back. not far away another rush with no couple protection it's evident the numbers turning out having crease compared with last week's demonstrations the toxic mix of black smoke and tear gas remains much the same as previous protests that also follow this demonstration is freedom and life but this isn't the only form of protest in gaza today. in the inside gaza city behind the rubble comes a different sound. peaceful protest on top of what remains of a cultural center crushed by bombing on thursday israel had said that the five
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story building was owned by hamas and it had a presence here these people on four isis. think. about it we have lost our coach to office but gaza loses more than this if it's a help hundreds of artists skewness go in the international community to immediately open an investigation into the israeli crime. passive resistance to life under siege. hundreds symons gaza city. still ahead on the news our pollution qana change and tourism take a toll on the mediterranean sea and its fish. to travel plans of thousands of people have disrupted as ryanair pilots go on strike and its president trunk
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criticizes plans to continue their anthem protests and the n.f.l. page i will have the latest in sports. hello there is still dry for most of us in the western parts of north america the satellite picture isn't picking up a great deal of cloud here we're told so unfortunately there's nothing weather wise that's going to help us in the fight against the fires elsewhere and towards the east there are more showers here and they stretch all the way up towards the northeastern part of the u.s. and the eastern parts of canada under that cloud and rain will see the temperatures drop a little bit for new york so no high that around twenty five degrees as we head through saturday and on sunday we might just get a touch higher but they'll still be one or two showers around a bit further towards the south and the wettest weather here has been over parts of panama and stretching further northwards recently in this area is still going to
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see some very heavy rains as we head through the next few days we'll also be seeing more showers for the east though for saturday i think for some of us in cuba jamaica and hispania there will be quite a few showers and a few more of them will be with us as we head through sunday as well the south america we've had some very strong winds and heavy rains in the south but that's pulling away now and behind it we're seeing the winds swing round come up from the south so it's been quite cool for some of us in argentina through europe why and into power and it's going to stay all the fresh as we head through the next couple of days fifteen degrees in one is ours and twenty two innocent should. full of struggles. full of pleasure. going to an intimate
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look at life in cuba today as it was young warning. about money q on al-jazeera. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else. is that it turns in the valley but because you have a lot of people that are deployed their own political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story just mended is to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe.
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and to have you with us on the al-jazeera news our top stories. has fallen to a record low it's lost fifteen percent of its value in the last day and a total of thirty five percent since the start of the year much of the decline has happened since president. we took office a month ago he's urged people to sell their dollars and buy more lira. a u.s. jury has ordered the makers of a controversial pay two hundred eighty five million dollars in damages california groundskeeper duany johnson who's dying of cancer appears months. and of ignoring the health risks of its product monsanto's says it will appeal the ruling and cameroon's government is investigating a video that apparently shows the military shooting at unarmed people on the street a national says it's verified the video through witness testimony
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a spokesman for president for beer says the video was released to undermine the government ahead of elections in the toilet. now heavily armed taliban fighters have attacked the central afghan city of the targeting police checkpoints and the government buildings the fighters tried to overrun the city setting off a day long clashes with the u.s. backed afghan forces at least fourteen afghan police officers were killed and twenty wounded in the u.s. solved charlotte ballasts has the latest from kabul. this is attack began at about two am local time here in afghanistan the taliban is launching a heavy assault on the place headquarters in the city the capital of the province residents saying that they heard rockets hitting the police headquarters just after two o'clock this morning the taliban then moved in took up positions around the police headquarters and from there they moved out throughout the city there were heavy gun battles through the morning between taliban and afghan police and afghan
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security forces the taliban then moved into a residential area where they remained for most of the day that's where they'd watch a lot of their assault from a centrally taking human shields in people there terrified as they heard gun battles outside they saw bodies on the streets they were hearing rockets at one point the u.s. seem to be one bomber of a hit and cell phone towers are down so they really had no way to figure out what was going on in the city the taliban however was sitting out statements throughout the day claiming various successes saying that they killed one hundred forty afghan soldiers and police officers the government steered fastly denying that throughout the day saying it's simply not true we are in control of the city yes there is an attack but we are in control and have been throughout the day we maintained control of the government ministries and buildings they said this in a statement earlier that. there has been fighting in gaza the province for
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a long time in the entire province of gaza as well as gaza need we have defeated the taliban and our enemy has sustained significant casualties last night the storm from packed. in my den wardak province as you know unprecedented attack on gaza. it's very important for the government to maintain an air of confidence for the public here in afghanistan make sure that people feel secure because we have elections coming up here on october the twenty years. to iraq now where mokhtar the other remains the one after a manual recount of maize parliamentary vote but the shia cleric will need coalition partners to form a government so reports that it's taken nearly three months and as many iraqis predicted the result remains unchanged. populist my father will continue to play a central role in forming the next government was a vote recount was ordered in june over allegations of fraud barks iraqis have been
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unhappy how long the process took. we live in allusion of democracy we thought the results would be announced within twenty four hours just like developed countries get more than three months later including the burning of ballots we hear the same results we could have formed the government during this time had we known it's a mockery. with fifty four seats in parliament and suggs election win means his party would choose the next prime minister say everyone alliance is made up of religious nationalists and secular communists but the shia cleric is also looking beyond his base for coalition partners. the political uncertainty has raised tensions across the country thousands of people protested last month from the south to the capital against poor basic services unemployment and the slow pace of rebuilding iraq after years of war.
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in an attempt to quash public anger prime minister head that i bedi who seeking a second term in office sack several people in the electricity ministry over power cuts is the other has threatened to join the opposition if his rivals fail. to return a list of forty demands including those of the protestors and preconditions for choosing the next prime minister. of the head that i must remember that all solder has a strong support base and this could play an instrumental role in objecting to the formation and delay of the next government if his conditions are not met. once the recount results is ratified the process of forming a new government should begin and while it will have to balance a relationship with both the united states and iran it's the iraqis it will ultimately have to answer to see if their demands on its meant. al-jazeera. to china now with a planned demolition of
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a mosque has been halted after protests by members of the muslim ethnic minority. mosque was said to be destroyed for what the government said was a violation of planning and regulations the top official in the local county says no action will go ahead without the agreement of members of the predominantly muslim who have complained of restrictions on their religion and the united nations says it's received credible reports that two million members of my large groups are being held in secret internment camps in china estimates say at least half a week of muslims they have been reportedly forced into political indoctrination camps in the region the chinese government has launched a security crackdown in the area targeting religious expression. a special tribunal in columbia is examining more than two thousand cases of extrajudicial killings between two thousand and eight and twenty fourteen that look into the false positive scandal as part of the historic peace deal between the colombian
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government and left us government forces alone as the fark critics however said the court lacks the powers to hold the culprits accountable. manuel de parle reports. is a grieving mother her son who was murdered by members of the colombian military in two thousand and eight. she was told her son was the leader of an enemy insurgency you know says that's impossible as her son lived with both severe physical and intellectual disability but i mean. it was hard for me to be told that a boy with such an innocence. as being a member of an armed group. over a period of six years thousands of young men between the ages of eighteen and thirty were falsely accused of being anti-government insurgents. while the colombian government was fighting a war against disk or as innocent colombian civilians were being rounded up by the
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hundreds some were tortured killed and dumped in mass graves. the families of the victims appeared before a special tribunal recently established in. fourteen members of the military prison sentences of upwards of forty years were in attendance by testifying before the special tribunal these soldiers were allowed to carry out their sentences at a military prison. two thousand and two and two thousand and nine assassinations grew exponentially and they happened to coincide with former president counter-insurgency director which gave members of the military incentives for positive results in combat. human rights organizations have registered more than five thousand seven hundred victims that means that these false positives occurred throughout the region which leads us to believe there was a policy behind the killings. the mandate of the tribunals was recently amended by
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the colombian congress and exempts and former president one man with santos from being forced to testify the special tribunal is facing a lot of criticism the office of the prosecutor for the international criminal court is observing the series if it determines that. willing to really investigate and prosecute these cases the i.c.c. could open its own investigation. going over old photographs of her son says her story is that of thousands of families in colombia. that my son was very considerate every day who would come up to stay with his hands behind his back and hand me a rose he would say mom i thought of you i think that's what i miss the most and that's what they owe me. this money no says her hope is that through this special tribunal what happened to her son will never happen to anyone ever again and. over to. the u.s.
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filemon a building barriers to try and contain. still raging and southern california more than twenty one thousand people have been told to leave their homes the state of emergency has been declared so that more ways. to flood fight the flames police have arrested and charged a fifty one year old man for deliberately starting the so-called holy fire in lake elsinore. now u.s. president donald trump has repeatedly threatened to end the so-called dreamers program which gives temporary protection to undocumented young people who came to the u.s. with their parents but even if they stay the dream eligible for the loans many of them need to attend college but now some states to help them with that as gabriel is on the reports from new jersey. was yet the chance of teenagers wanting the opportunity to go to college in america who can't afford it there the so-called dreamers from the dhaka program started by
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barack obama in two thousand and twelve it gave temporary protection from deportation to undocumented migrants who arrived in the u.s. as children but dreamers are barred from getting government aid for college most coming from working class families it means college is out of reach such as for this teenager whose mom couldn't afford the college fees she barely makes it now with all the bills so i think a college tuition on to that is unthinkable. while president donald trump is into the dreamers program altogether new jersey's newly elected democratic governor of signing a law that expands rights to the dreamers allowing them to apply for financial aid to attend college and state. it's a direct rebuke to trump president trump and many of his republican enablers and congress have cast the worst aspersions on our dreamers but we did do jersey go
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better we know that economic progress could not be achieved without social progress new jersey now becomes the tenth state in america to offer financial aid to undocumented immigrants or dreamers just here in the state of new jersey it's expected to benefit over six hundred people but critics say the new law will be expensive and encourage undocumented immigrants from other states to move to new jersey interests he was ranked number one in the entire country for him plucks of new on documented immigrants within the state we're already spending in excess of i believe two hundred twenty million dollars per year in public education funds just on the e.s.l. programs so it has a financially detrimental impact on the state to have. supporters say it's a matter of fairness and i was there we believe firmly believe that all students
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should have access to financial aid nobody should be rushing to a dilemma of whether to pay for college added i mean the cost of which are increasing year by here jerseys not only asking undocumented immigrants to stay and attend college but now also providing the money to do it gabriel is on doe. newark new jersey. the travel plans of fifty five thousand people across europe have been disrupted after ryan air pilots went on strike one six of the budget carriers flights have been canceled as harlots in germany sweden belgium and the netherlands walked off the job of pay and conditions on a cane reports from. sleeping on the airport floor rather than a holiday hotel all because of the strike that's hit ryanair for these passengers their vacation is beginning with uncertainty and lots of tricky questions like this couple fresh in from the states when we landed here in berlin right yeah i mean
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really they told us that the ryanair flight to athens that we had booked are being canceled because. pilots on strike so we just went through a couple different ways of getting that the. airline rebooked going that that's all we need tonight and then tomorrow morning bouncing from that's the only thing to athens so what's behind this industrial action ryanair employs about four hundred pilots here in germany they are members of the pilots union cockpit and for the union issue with ryanair is very clear they want improved terms and conditions and they say ryanair really needs to reform. will mean does. it is not about want to debate right now and it wouldn't be possible anyway against a transatlantic employer what it is about is to signal to management that there needs to be an end to them trying to beat their own staff today you want to send a clear message to dublin ryanair. so far at least the airline appears not to want
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to but his chief executive has accepted ryanair will take a financial hit it's hard to assess the damage of a new features from. what he said no quarter was sold is that her fears this summer we thought they would get their four percent you know it's fifty five percent so here's the damage that that's true. but not perhaps for those caught up in friday's strike action don it came out zero been shown a third airport. we have the sports news still ahead on the news. and the sun advances to the semifinals of.
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the mediterranean is affecting. the. french riviera. the mediterranean is now the most overfished sea in the world according to the latest report by the united nations. working the waters off the small portable. men like share are cut at darnall are counting the cost. more than a third of the seized total fish population has vanished over the last fifty years . pollution and climate change are taking a toll but the impact of tourism is not even being monitored. you more than your
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yuppie look is it to say there's no more fish when you see the pressure created by them a turkey every day four to five hundred sports leave last year to port imagine it's of them brings us a killer fish some less some more well that's a lot of fish taken away every day on it would. be back in the one nine hundred fifty s. just over this small stretch of the coastline in southern france there used to be something like seventy fishermen casting their nets in these waters and now they've gone down to just thirteen. there goodell is one of the shrinking band of artists and fishermen were being paid to take part in a unique project to restore the ecology of the coastline a company of marine biologists have deployed special traps that seek to catch juvenile fish and raise them in protected nurseries on shore. here we've got some sea bream mullets horse macro and
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a lot of plankton housed on the quay side in the port of must see the species are given the best start to their hazardous lives the odds are stacked against them in nature for every one million eggs coastal fish produce only one will make it through to becoming a reproductive adult and the press of humanity makes it even worse is a profile of this bookstore elephant mostly because of pollution caused the construction surrounding the ports the use of cement and the urban planning on the coastline. gerard has seven grandchildren he needs to help support and he's not lending enough fish to do it so now he raises red species themselves to sell to specialist aquaria across europe like many others in the fishing communities here he has nothing but contempt for the bureaucrats in brussels running the common fisheries policy he says if you want to help yourself david jay to al-jazeera. now ancient objects looted from iraq during the two thousand and
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three invasion have been returned to the country of the mesopotamian artifacts which a five thousand years old were uncovered in london by british police during a raid on an abstainer experts from the british museum were able to identify the exact archaeological site from where they're being stolen. right it is time for sport now is peter. thank you very much twenty time english champions manchester united are up and running for the new premier league season thanks to a two one win over leicester a third minute penalty was awarded at old trafford on friday to man united france's world cup winning midfielder paul pogba stepped up to take the spot kick sure they netted a late goal to double the lead for jos a marine years men less to pull one back through jamie vadi but it was too little too late earlier we spoke to james robson who is the man united and man city correspondent for the manchester evening news he says they are several interesting subplot to the new season or city one title so
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comfortably last season it's impossible not to see them leading the way again this year and they're not they're not all too many players but when you think that someone like mehndi is he didn't play last season the entire season with an injury they got him they got marez they've improved on the squad that were just too good for anyone else last season there is going to be and i would look them at liverpool the money they've spent your own club appears to address addressed just about every weak point in the squad i really think there are two going to challenge city i think united would expect to be in the mix for the title if they finish second again look united they want to win the title that's most important thing but only wanting us to do that manchester city again take some stopping if you look at what all of them the summer you take second place united again would be too as for leicester i think with the money they've spent they're going to be looking to be challenging but your six games in total being played in the premier league on
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saturday the early game scenes newcastle host tottenham remember spurs did not make a single signing during the transfer window another game of note sees chelsea who had a successful transfer window kick of a campaign with an away game against hundreds field town u.s. president donald trump has criticized football players who refuse to suspend during the national anthem on the n.f.l. opening night threatening. then with suspension the players say their actions are meant to draw attention to social injustices in f.l. is under pressure to rein in the protests which some see as disrespectful but as salumi reports the players on not backing down taking a knee raising a fist these gestures made during the national anthem proved more controversial than any play made on the field during the n.f.l. is opening night the n.f.l. players are added again president trunked tweeted making his disapproval known he
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described the players as showing outrage at something that most of them are unable to define stand proudly for your national anthem he added or be suspended without pay we believe. everyone should stand for the national anthem but league official said the players would not be punished as they continue negotiating the league wide policy we remain committed to working with the players to identify solutions and to continue making progress on important social issues affecting our communities the n.f.l. said in a statement players say they want to call attention to social injustices not show disrespect for the flag or the military i just think it's important that we can to . keep this conversation. going to you into the regular season. but american athletes continue to take heat with one conservative commentator stoking racial tensions by calling on basketball
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star le bron james to shut up and. james who has donated millions to educate underprivileged children has taken that as the title of a new docu series looking at the role of athletes and today's politically charged environment we will definitely not shut up or dribble. would definitely not do that too to much. to society i mean to my city youth i mean. so many kids there feel like they don't have a. they don't have a way out and they need someone to help lead them out of the situation turn our guts highlighting what now may be the biggest rivalry in professional sports the players versus the president kristen salumi al-jazeera washington open champion alexander very been knocked out of the rogers cup the german was beaten by greek teen stephan ostrich moves on to the semifinals in toronto six three six seven six
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four the school meanwhile wimbledon finalist south africa's kevin anderson has knocked number four seed google dimitroff out of the rogers cup at the quarter final stage to advance to the sameas a straight sets win for anderson six two six two. women's u.s. open champion sloane stephens progresses to the semifinals in montreal the american beat latvian and a star c.r. service stover in straight sets a comfortable victory six two six to the school in that match. and number fifteen seed ashley barty beat a woman but eighteen kiki bosons of belgium a six three six one to reach the semifinals in montreal you're straining took just fifty five minutes to dispatcher. former through to france champion young already has been released from detention with german police following accusations he attacked and injured a prostitute in a hotel in frankfurt the forty four year old who won the tour de france in one nine
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hundred ninety seven is said to have been under the influence of alcohol and drugs when police caught him the incident is reported to have happened in the early hours of friday morning german police also say they're investigating a case of manslaughter and grievous bodily harm the investigation is still ongoing . england are on top after a rain affected second day of the second test match against india at the home of cricket lords in london england won the toss and same the visitors into bat in conditions favorable to bowling the decision immediately paid off as james anderson bowled moderately veejay with just the first ball of the match anderson then struck again to claim india's other opener the thirty six year old showing no signs of stopping as he took five for twenty ravichandran ashwin after scoring twenty nine while he was the top scorers the indians were skittled out for just one hundred seven and that's all the support from us for now we'll have another update for you again later thank you very much peter and that does it for this al-jazeera news
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hour but i will be back in just a couple of minutes without a full days on the stand. getting to the heart of the matter and unless we have new generations growing up to understand better our nation chip with the natural world then soon there will be nothing left facing reality or our friends and allies played a positive role in the end of fencing and his condition from taking place here this story on talk to al-jazeera. volcano kill way erupted
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explosively last thing boiling clouds of steam and ash and rock high into the atmosphere scientists say it's not unusual for eruptions to stop and start up again later as for kill away a it has been spilling lava continually for more than thirty years native hawaiian spiritual beliefs say eruptions reflect the mood so of the goddess pale a. arses native hawaiians to the family is always nice to us whether she takes our home or not we accept this type of event. counting the cost of the first wave of u.s. sanctions on iran means. companies doing business with the world's biggest oil producers am climate change.
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president and the long calls on turks to support their currency is the value of the . amid a widening the united states. i don't welcome to live from my headquarters in doha the prado also ahead a u.s. court orders chemical company monsanto to pay two hundred eighty nine million dollars to a man who says it's. cost him cancer. cameroon's government says it will investigate a video allegedly showing extrajudicial killings by the army and.
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