tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera August 14, 2018 10:00am-10:34am +03
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and don't you saw there on head of the citrus growers in the mexican state of veracruz recalls how nafta's promises turned sour. each one of. them on. nafta inflicted two blows to mexico's farmers. cheap subsidized u.s. produce flooding the market. and the rise of the supermarkets paying rock bottom prices to mexican farmers. the outcome of a handful of growers controlling production and the loss of more than two million agricultural jobs.
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for those who remain and still work to land like orange grove terrorist alive has become a struggle for survival. love and love one another totally real commercial the heart of been a good on this part of the daughters or a lot of men terabit are there to provoke thought. darrius think of darkness. in the woman he's you are that are you. he must be to they said. does your mother must see. your problem or choice of venue address on locus of denial of and none of that of guns are part of the set. ok the important.
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thing don't be the way it's all. all of the in one of those up was. this until well one of the. nafta has widened the gap between rich and poor. for most mexicans free trade with foreign companies has come at a heavy price. the prospect of more of the same under the new energy reforms looks like history repeating itself. this country has been right many times every nigerian has and the role that the spaniards sprain had here and the americans and other foreign businesspeople who have come here our person as being a potential rapist in the mind of the average mexican citizen you need to keep that in mind oil is the symbol of that potential right. mexico's president and be giving and yet there is waiting
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a publicity campaign claiming his reforms will usher in a new era of prosperity. is that reform blitz in the middle of must go on this report to me that this but i'm a he could. separate channels to be secure and simple zimmy listen we will simply else equal mccourty saleratus see about motor car with a form of. evil yes it was meant behind it but it was for this consequence here mr mass ah but i must sell him into your mccourty space use. and there is something for the multinational companies to. share in the profit bonanza from sixty billion barrels of mexican oil. it's a black gold rush that has companies beating a path to the door of consulting firms like control risks it's the last frontier that has been opened for private investment basically every other country in the
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world including countries like cuba. have allowed foreign investment in their oil reserves mexico had not and potentially mexico has enormous reserves particularly in deep water place that will require investment by private companies and to be exploited. antonio guterres a former u.s. ambassador to mexico now legal adviser to u.s. oil companies is selling a bright future in mexico to his clients obviously energy companies are very excited about the prospect of investing in mexico they see the risk return is very attractive they've done business in foreign markets they recognize that this is one proximate to the u.s. there's a very real sense that mexico's a rocket about to lift. as foreign oil companies prepared to celebrate the profits still make from the reforms mexican economics and justice expert in the guide that
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was goglia doubts that ordinary mexicans will get a share of the spoils and you need to make sure that all this investment in older returns from those investments to some degree will provide. a remedy to those sectors within lexical that have never experienced any benefits from nafta or cultural sector or the small farmer but i haven't seen any kind of government plan or strategy indicating that they will go that way so far considering the precedence of mexico's opening to the world i would say that the privatization of the oil sector in the hands of all you all police will bring more corruption more unequal distribution of income and more social instability. but corruption isn't always considered a bad thing by big business. where there is corruption there's no accountability. the oil industry has a track record of thriving in places with poor regulatory regimes they pollute and
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get away with it. mexico's state owned oil company pemex has been accused of this. reporter and got his committee has been following the trail of oil investigating cases of corporate impunity. be boring on average he. said that they were there i might. say last. count they had i did see a lawyer was kind of maybe it was going to be bad this. makes little but i. don't like up there. because i was kind of. edgar is on his way to major oil spill which has polluted abidal water supply side the point they've been there
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but upset about a little. more than a million liters of crude oil poured from a broken pemex pipeline and spread into the truck on his creeper that supplies water to thousands of people. entire communities had to be evacuated because of the toxic fumes. with a man that. was just barely mass. like out of the full gas of those they ask oh maybe anarchy. that i live in a. movie cement their thoughts about all that i could buy that. in two thousand and thirteen alone pemex was responsible for two hundred fifty environmental emergencies. every oil disaster he's witnessed and there has approached local residents for an interview. they often
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won't talk to people living next to despair. are no exception. but he can last yes i want to. see him. but if you're ok yeah. the cow is a little bit. of a mass there but i want to. give up i'm out of a sea of medical if i use the bottom out. and makes me scared the consequences because is the backbone of the country's economy. panics profits for nearly forty percent of the federal budget. in the oil rich state of tabasco on mexico's gulf coast it's the largest employer providing forty thousand jobs bandmates in lay still makes me. premix is such an integral part of life in tabasco that from an early age children
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are taught the story of oil their reality. and be assured them of the more you. do in your own syria. libya that. there. may be you know not where i live. but for the communities where pemex drills the relationship is a troubled one. group we say look has got to see i was the head of the local issue he the our land council got a small tabasco bill each of fifteen hundred indigenous people. they have the money in the us you know how the how the border is instead of the them but of the lord the v.c. on the move on but on the appropriate amount of in the in the. yellow bit about it a little ball in the balls given that you're not on the result of.
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love in their views you can also. get most of them were. by law the profits made by panics are supposed to be reinvested in social and economic development but how much of the profits filtered down to the people in two thousand and thirteen pemex made billions of dollars from oil into basket yet eighty six percent of the population live in poverty. it's typical of that inequality. easy unbearable. this. is normal it is absolute i mean the another series of oil disaster in the area has added to their problems the basket human rights lawyer. has taken up the bill it costs i mean as you know i mean.
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the kids of our. government. on terror york in the one. of. the fortified our money. they don't serve. it will. be but i think we can watch a movie. almost like a movie i love into each day so more explosions the toxic cloud of fire and smoke rose over the beach and nearby farms. the army cordoned off the area. first of all the other. one but. i don't know many come. close almost
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to me and i get on my knees there's a whole lot of that i want to. get out i'm out of. the well burned uncontrollably for fifty five to. ten weeks couldn't quail depletes. people would put suffering from skin and respiratory diseases and the death of their livestock. where loving went by the. good i'm good. i'm good i'm good there i'm a big cruel god. but all you do in my mind. going. out of work. but if you're both. saw them or even a movie. they're not. going to see on.
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when. they look at the are they always the better they're going to be able for you know. they came and made us. what. you know more last. month. in the years since the explosion bill richardson affected by the disaster have taken to the streets and blockaded pemex well sanaa physis. senior clerics officials complained it was costing them three million dollars a day lost production but refused to offer compensation. is the baby
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then the people. in the middle in the back. of. the company sin different turn to farmers of oxy cauchy on the a kilometer away from the well explosion into activists. and money. you know that worth another good today is the one year anniversary of the explosion and the community of folks back it has received no compensation for their suffering not to. see others doing it or easier to be in the moment when i was a member of a primary level none of them will. not yet be thought yeah they'll get well again look at the mom on let go their child. if it. would give it a. little bit he will put out the grievances are many including claims of a skyrocketing breed of health problems but i don't know margaret oh margaret you
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know my prince here i'll get in a settlement of it goes a. lawyer and framed with it he has come to report on his efforts to get them justice. she's demanding that the government releases studied conducted of this soil air and water contamination around the well but the government has so far refused to know as a single they really care. in their new our cave and on this is will be deliberate and impartial being the vandal it is one of my zero one do their thing for them as your own they've been in the lab either they've been there as a little bit up as well or you can have a job it will be a more valuable than being where to begin looking at bunch more eloquently than i can with with a human there as it was as though you easily value a lot of ellie's or. more care. than i can get him to be here.
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denied citizenship. health can and education. forced from their homes to live in camps. subject to devastating physical cruelty. al-jazeera world investigates one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. through hinge. silent abuse. al jazeera where every. this was wrong to teach children away from the appearance and herd them into a school home against their will there was no mother no father figures they put is
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in the big player and we sort of look there are so high i don't remember the children's names but i'll never forget the count it is dark secret on al-jazeera. and i'm down jordan in doha with a quick recap of the top stories here on al-jazeera turkey central bank has stepped in to try to end the currency crisis restrictions on how much lira and foreign currency banks need to hold have been eased down they have also been guaranteed loans turkey's president accuse the united states and nato ally of betrayal and deepening the crisis by imposing sanctions huge crowds are gathered in northern
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yemen for the funerals of people killed in a saudi and erotic coalition air strike well than fifty people died in last week's attack forty of them were children on a school bus sparked an international outcry and led to calls for an independent investigation iran's supreme leader has refused u.s. president donald trump's offer for direct talks a lot of common a says he's bound iranian leaders from meeting trump saying the u.s. never follows through on promises it makes during talks how many also ruled out the possibility of war with the u.s. . in an exclusive interview with al jazeera iran's foreign minister mohammed javert zarif said the u.s. has proven not to be trustworthy he says president trumps decision to pull out of the twenty fifty nuclear deal has further strain ties between washington and tehran . that we have no problem with dialogue but is mr trump really serious about talks if he is serious about talks without preconditions well the secretary of
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state put some conditions for talks two hours after trump's comments impossible conditions the first question is if they themselves have reached an agreement inside the u.s. about talks with or without preconditions our policies in the region are totally clear it's the us who needs to be accountable for policies in the region and. one of the fires scorching california is threatening a retirement community a prompting evacuation orders for thousands of senior citizens the so-called holy fire has already destroyed sixteen structures near lake elsinore in southern california police say a fifty one year old man is under arrest on multiple assman related charges and the former australian archbishop phillip wilson has avoided jail for covering up child sex abuse a catholic cleric will serve his twelve month sentence at home detention after the court was told he suffered from the early stages of alzheimer's disease he's the highest ranking official in the roman catholic church to be sentenced for covering up child abuse. well those are the headlines. after crude harvest selling
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mexico's or such and that's. in two thousand and thirteen the mexican state of tabasco suffered the biggest oil disaster in its history. a well exploded in flames and placed uncontrollably for fifty five days sending clouds of toxic smoke over surrounding villages. mexico's state owned oil company panics denied there was a problem. that was the word equal as. you know as you know. but communities closest to the site have complained of widespread health problems and loss of life stock. to rounding land have been contaminated and water supplies poisoned. the villagers have fought to have their grievances heard but to date excess paid no compensation nor accepted any wrongdoing in mexico impunity rules
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the fear is that if this is how ben exists allowed to treat the big teams of disasters foreign companies are even less likely to be held accountable led to a lot of women there have been if they interpret what i've said from nationality of . their salary there have been powerball there by the morning all the laws. if you would permit. or they mostly were in there. for you were at a multi-millionaire the impetus of. the indigenous communities in the neighboring state of veracruz are about to find out. they or a church of the eastern state of better crews have made mexico the fourth largest orange producer in the world. but nafta trade agreements have hampered small growers efforts. to export their crops. farmers are leaving the land fruit
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processors are going out of business. the trade is dying. but riches are still to be found here better close has oil. in fact it's sitting on seventeen billion barrels the largest all insurers served in the country but parents claims it has in the capital to exploit what's there. so on the mexico's new energy reforms the prize has been offered up to private companies in the hope that foreign investment will get pipelines and profits flowing. this map shows the reserves the government has opened up for exploitation. i could talk or fair with the nonprofit project to critique. is taking a close look on behalf of the communities who are sitting on oil. looking simple most of it is the heat of oneness and i think that us that are most loyal for the
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most of it give us a little mother wanted out of this god almost of complete total horse so far as we have the money. to them is thing for most young cedar i live by them and their friends are laid out of this with you. while the government has been keen to identify oil reach areas to private companies mexico's farmers have been told nothing. else maps really at least let them know if their land is up for grabs you a little map of the cutoff us embassy and army and the political one i mean that's your own or not i mean the fans so give us our. money well it's packing to go to bed a goose to besiege one of the committees most in need of his research. lengthens your own is sort of well not on their on their menu in. the last on by more than obvious thought and i think he thought and then there were many laws affect us here on.
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your level of a child part of american life but on ask is temporary i may live the hear of me live it but it's on us to stand for it i. put it up there for from the look i would of been thought of you. where you are you know what up until now he isn't in the castle with. the door going on out of the law he. hears because on the morning on the i'm in a common room is called. the hostess to phone a it's been thrown out here good luck this time around the area the more i listen but as a part of the full body that got aboard. the. about doing a lot of foreman and fifty one of those cameras. the american. middle class.
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the new law has teeth it gives companies the right to drill and occupy land wherever there is oil. even on archaeological sites like this one. that taught to not pyramid develop the heene did from six hundred fifty the surrounding jungle hides many more temples yet to be excavated. and these areas are to be auctioned for oil exploitation to foreign companies their ability is here to . do what their gonzales lives in san antonio he tell a tiny village of two hundred people. total are carried to each and a community leader he grows oranges and corn and these slopes which were allowed to meet the pyramids of. san antonio as to gaza. but that's
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because. there was land fall squarely inside the area being offered up to private oil companies. but there are a lot of us out of. it and when they. are gone from being only an unknown there one of them is us here on the stand their ground are most on the corner on camp rhino and past us in our. gov implemented not the subset of them. but mixed. messages and didn't mind giving them a. good amount of. when energy companies come to demote area they'll be able to drill where they want . orange groves and corn fields will give way to oil platforms and the people will have little power to resist. elsewhere in barrack lose big oil has
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arrived. except butter a small village of two thousand people is rich in symbolism and oil. it's named after the father of the mexican revolution a million us about the who fought for the people's right to land. a century later the land is once again in dispute and the people here are being forced to take a stand. or in the last year for us to hit artists. in their this process stop us on board and none of them will tell you that i was. there with all of those compass it was just almost all of the multiple properties of the earth. although small in size support those of major importance to the oil industry. it's home to the compass and in the ass field one of the
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richest aren't sure reserves in mexico with a potential yield of one hundred million barrels. many of the pipelines that snaked through the surrounding countryside converge here. but there are lurkers other than long island. but here. are just a. few. living cheek by jowl with the industry has exacted a heavy toll on her brother. over fifty major oil and gas leaks have occurred in the village in the last three years alone. existing. now specs to contract for an oil company's service providers. in two thousand and thirteen premix hired a venezuelan company to extract oil and gas into the. villagers say things haven't improved. what's going to be nice a lawyer an activist from the n.-g. o.
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united pre-human writes. to advisable that years about how best to defend themselves against threats posed by the energy industry. is that. that risk became a reality on november twenty fourth in two thousand and fourteen. a gas flare rachid of control for more than seven days sending flames eighty meters high. to private company and paramedics were alerted immediately create
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a sleeper the villagers were still waiting for help and. it's been a hard lesson in corporate difference for the ability of some but a ballyhoo one it's highlighted how powerless e r. under the energy reforms they may discover it that the law is not underside when it comes to negotiating with foreign oil companies for access to their land delayed but i. see that. because you know. when you then don't know me standing on the last embrace us. this is one of you that i would assume we do a lot but i wouldn't say i got there neither. by sitting. around for the.
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bayani was here. just that the bill meant to pull lady sarah protesters of all u.s. u.k. mass is that they seem for my lessons dramatic i mean look at almost i said is that there will first have to make a nice most of the middle says he would need that many as he wouldn't tell us but to meet them they can live without a book says that it could be without us but look at where they us. he could see the boards he needs most feel this here been there. is already made up his mind . he won't much no matter how much the companies offer him or how high the odds are stacked against him. but all the way your money will start within the state of the book or your nor your novel them or tell you when you look on most of it all this of them in a more just a minute other schemes serve in them mostly what i hear. people say all those who
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are the other humans force of their money for the people four percent comp or non-color no more. first this important get their way eleven million are your only your not get a lower. level given that the store. down the road from some butter or inch grower antonius of their own has come to a more pragmatic decision. oil is inevitable there's no future in farming. you're giving it. the middle. one of history's. most of. all your talk about the tsunami don't go in there don't give in they're going to. win that. while farmers in better clues are wrestling with tough choices there are communities in mexico where oil is their only hope.
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