tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 15, 2018 12:00am-1:01am +03
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they related to turkey or if it has more to do with india's internal economic issues but of both perhaps contrast with say the japanese yen which is what people are putting money into now because it's being seen as more of a safe bet and that as you see in the same one month and upward trend the thoughts of a valley can satcher who is a financial analyst we spoke to regularly on al-jazeera he says as well this falling there it is one factor definitely hurting emerging markets what we're seeing is the reduction of dollars being supplied into the system the end of the quantity of easing when the markets the global markets were flooded with cheap and free dollars everybody got terribly excited and particularly across emerging in front of markets and we've see lash of the. dollar has been weaponized whether it's deliberate or by design it's not clear to me but it's become a very very powerful financial instrument to coerce
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a financial instrument in the hands of president trump and essentially did the reprice in turkey has spilled over into other markets as you said the rand more than ten percent yesterday that's an extraordinary popping drop unprecedented in the last decade and essentially we're seeing this sort of. spillover contagion effect yet the indian rupee it the south african rand and other markets and unfortunately i think that is an extreme example of a policy maker. that he's going to have to raise interest rates by now it might be five hundred basis points if we go he's going to have to raise it by seven hundred fifty to bring the situation under control i'm afraid. just a few days ago the inside story was asking if the us turkey crisis was already beyond repair that was off the tariffs were imposed in turkey said it was happy to
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find some new allies fair to say things have not improved in the past three days so this is still a very relevant watch inside story as you say with hoda abdel-hamid this particular episode is the us turkey crisis beyond repair it's in the show's section about zero dot com if you want to catch up with that one looking at yemen there has been a roadside bomb attack it has targeted the governor of. mahmoud who did survive the blast it happened in aden province several other people injured in these attacks and shootings have been escalating in that area in recent days we're covering yemen from djibouti with mohammed mohammed tell us more of what you know welcome all come on the governor i mean a mood was of autonomy from a series of meetings with officials of president of the rebel most sort of his government which of course is basis in other cities two thousand and fifteen. when
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he's home but was passing through that in my neighborhood where immediately after the blast as rush then security for the lord there he escaped unharmed but some of his security guards and aides was killed in that tug no group has yet claimed responsibility for the local officials blaming. there's been an increase in the number of drive by shootings and roadside bombs in and around been in recent weeks something officials us saying indicates an uptick in activity in the area that's mohammed with an update on the situation in aden he's reporting from today thanks mom. on this day five years ago at least a thousand people were killed by security forces in square and egypt's capital cairo human rights watch describes it as one of the world's largest killings of
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demonstrators in a single day in recent history history the protests against the crew which deposed the democratically elected president mohamed morsi the effects that are still being felt across egypt bernard smith has our report. thank you thank. you wise and you'll sit in warms the voice from egypt's ministry of interior thank everyone wants to avoid any bloodshed. but by now hundreds of people had already been killed by the country's security forces as they moved in and the last of the major protests by supporters of president mohamed morsy had been deposed in a military coup. for forty seven days they'd occupied a square outside. we'll have someone from care kill us just a kid arse just to kill our president is more sick that's according to legitimacy
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this is all going to fuel that's why no killing because. this is this is moot. this is mostly you know are they out and they are not in the war. most of the protestors had little to defend themselves with the security forces said that some of them were probably big trouble yes yes look look. everyone in the square including journalists covering the protest came under a hail of apparently indiscriminate gun find this was a team from al-jazeera was five years later more than seven hundred people arrested at rabaa a standing trial together the cases of seventy five of them have been referred to egypt's top religious all party to decide whether they should be sentenced to death . among those on trial is photojournalist mahmoud known as shall count he was
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arrested for taking pictures of the security forces as they broke up the protest. god willing the trial is fair with no injustice he's a man has been wronged at the end of the day journalism isn't an insult or a crime. more than a thousand people were likely killed on august fourteenth two thousand and thirteen that's according to human rights watch. no one from the egyptian security forces has ever been charged with any offenses relating to the massacre. al-jazeera . over a thousand people killed ten thousand injured twenty one thousand arrested massacre in rabat takes you back to that day through the eyes of the survivors the medical staff the journalists who were all there kenneth roth from human rights watch called it in that court a violent crackdown planned at the highest levels of the egyptian government this
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is an al jazeera world documentary. quite a difficult watch i will say that there are graphic images all the way through so to take care for you find those images distressing it's called massacre in robots in the documentary section at al jazeera dot com now heavy rain and flash floods in the philippines a force will be fifty thousand people from their homes and at least three people have died in the country's northern islands there's an online element to this as well we're going to be talking to regather about that in a moment first this report from amman khan. slowly picking through the rubble to recover what's left of their lives the mary keenan river burst its banks at the weekend leaving behind huge mounds of garbage and sludge. disaster management officials said in just eight hours the river rose from sixteen to twenty one meters . just shy of the record of twenty three meters nine years ago when seven hundred people were killed this calm account of his trying to rescue his tools. all our
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belongings were washed away including the supplies in my shop everything is destroyed now all that is left are good for nothing just scrap metal and here we are trying to clean them up. his case is typical of the region's poorest who are living day to day before the floods and their struggle even more officials are asking the international community for help they want to strengthen and build up the flood control infrastructure. bremer was in we are now we will be in already image. networks and as the typhoon season continues mariquita city and other low lying parts of the philippines bracing for more flooding in wrong cause which is a. philippines president rodrigo to terror not usually short on a word and yet he's being quiet around this issue and now they hash tag pungo which means where is the president has been trending on twitter thousands of tweets are coming out of the philippines and they're criticizing president were to
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go to territory for being absent as the country recovers from massive floods caused by its rental rains over the weekend and many online are saying that they didn't expect him to do much but his public presence would have boosted morale and we seen some of these tweets one of them is from horan he says that tragedies require a presence that's a minimum requirement of leadership and then aaron adds that the people need to know what concrete action points are being taken to prevent the problem from occurring in the future also they need a message of hope now at the same time this hash tag was used back in twenty fifteen after the former president but you know a queen oh was the side had decided to attend the inauguration of a car manufacturing plant this was instead of attending a military ceremony for special forces killed in combat now others are retreating this post by a reporter in the philippines he also wanted to touch his aides where is the
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president the aide then responded saying that the president is closely monitoring the situation. well the floods caused the waterways to overflow leaving tons of garbage on the streets and shoals of coastal cities and students in manila have been helping with that cleanup process sharing videos like this one showing the extent of the damage and the massive amounts of day prix left behind by monsoon rains in the city and if you are currently in the philippines or have been affected by these floods we do want to hear from me so send us your stories get in touch with us is the hash tag. regular thank you for that just having a look at some of the comments coming through a lot of your busy very concerned about the situation in italy at the moment jennifer is still getting a live picture from the but let's have a quick look this is in genoa in northern italy and it's just goodness gracious that is two hundred meters worth of moshe why
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a bridge that has collapsed for no apparent reason at this point. and that is just an extraordinary sight we don't have official word on casualties there's talk of dozens as a loose term of people being killed but that's just extraordinary to look at genoa nor the nation much way viaduct if you like which crosses crosses a railway line and where houses and it's just collapsed out of nowhere keeping a close eye on that one who is waiting to hear anything more telling transport minister has said that it is an immense tragedy and he is on his way to genoa in the north west of italy. we are going to return to one of our earlier stories and that is the five year anniversary of the attacks in which killed a thousand or so demonstrators in the egyptian capital cairo we've got some these with us now professor of law at rutgers university law school director of the
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center for security at rice and rights joining us via skype from newark new jersey thank you so much for your time. and. i hate to put it this way but what's different five years later has anything changed has anything with regards to an investigation for all those people who died for their families for people who are injured for people who have a risk that has anything developed for them. no it has not in fact the state has become much more of a police state and a surveillance state most egyptians now have completely given up on trying to defend the rights of the victims much less the rights of civil society human rights advocates and others who are languishing in jail and in fact the state has very successfully creating a created a chilling environment where anyone who questions is genesee could be disappeared could be arrested and could be indefinitely detained under the law where they can
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be renewed detention for fifteen days at a time to two years without even being charge so at this point it's hit rock bottom in terms of political freedom in egypt but the do they pretend that it just didn't happen or that it doesn't matter what happened it was such i mean the scale of it not just us saying this human rights watch that is all the scale of this as far as one single day of attacks against demonstrators is almost unprecedented in recent history. well it's not discussed at all in egypt in the media and anyone who attempts to discuss it again could find themselves arrested so it's not at all in the public discourse to the extent that people are concerned about it it's in private it's underground and most egyptians are right now very focused on the economic hardships that are coming with the austerity measures they are starting to express grievances about their increasing impoverishment particularly the middle class and even the upper middle class and the government is purposely not allowing
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them to talk about the january twenty fifth revolution and more any little freedoms in the country and it's funny he said that if he said all the things that they were starting to talk about and starting to show unrest about but everything that gave rise to that back in was a two thousand and eleven now isn't it i mean how. i suspect something like that couldn't happen again in twenty eight egypt. i think the police force and the military force of learned a lesson which is don't give egypt sions any space because they have plenty of grievances which revolt against and so that's why you have this harsh security environment surveillance environment because unfortunately two thousand and eleven . taught them a lesson taught the state a lesson where they're much more of a stude at repressing revolution that being said i think within a generation if not before there will probably be another mass uprising perhaps triggered by the economic hardships and the impoverishment but it could then expand
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into calls for more political freedom so harder these i'm glad we could talk to you about this today an important thing to. not forget about isn't it so hard as he's joining us from new jersey thank you and before we take a break on the news good we are going to look back briefly not some of the images the sounds from that day five years ago just a warning some of you may find some of these pictures distressing. i think. i'll let him know when all. i know at.
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least. hello again we began our forecast in the levant and western parts of asia where the weather picture is looking pretty settled at the moment much as you'd expect fine conditions for toronto thirty six back that up at forty three so a bit of a fairly brisk wind given the risk of some lifted dust otherwise we've got fine conditions around the eastern side of the mediterranean and as he had on through into thursday is also fine across the caucasus recent days we've seen the threat of showers there but they've all gone so fine conditions across the bulk of this region so let's move on to the rhodian potential here weather conditions looking fairly quite low forty's across the western side the potential for medina and mecca
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but a hot one here in doha with the wind still fairly brisk in the humidity nice and low so forty four degrees is better than you might think so head on through into thursday again a forty four degree maximum here in qatar elsewhere the risk of a few shows down through the mountains of saudi arabia into yemen some of the watch out for that could be some flooding in santa heading down into southern portions of africa weather conditions here are looking much is expected a bit of cloud around from a weak frontal system but basically it's sunshine all the way across the region we're looking at temperatures of fifteen there in cape town was ahead on through into thursday not much change expected it should be a fine one in johannesburg with a high of twenty three. some journeys are tougher than others. but this road trip is even tougher than the conflict the truck there it's dangerous there's al-jazeera the world follows the moroccan truck drivers in danger of their lives. just to make
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a living if you crash they might break your mirror even kill you because a proof is known for. the magazine cover announces the era. capturing a moment in time snapshots of other lives other stories. provide an eclipse into someone else's work out inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers everybody's going to know well what we did sacrifice me. to go be so. old all. witness on al-jazeera. plan.
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a story you can see coming up on the grid as well about the ongoing fight four thousand eight. hundred people killed there civilians feiss security forces as well a lot of news it's all what's trending today at al jazeera dot com. have another quick look at it really is well i mean i know it's a still picture with saying there but it just says so much doesn't it that whole span from there right across it was two hundred meters worth of mud to a bridge which is collapsed as i said earlier for no apparent reason and the latest numbers we have of it twenty two people have been killed there but they were still trying to rescue many more from the rubble and today keeping a close eye on that one of course in italy let's go to lauren tyler in london now for some more international headlines an eventful morning in london as well today lauren. yes came out police in london say they've they're treating a crash outside the british parliament as a terror incident two people were injured when a man drove a car through
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a group of cyclists and pedestrians before crashing into security barriers now and the report the palace of westminster is a sleepy place in august as the politicians are on holiday here during rush hour this was the scene as heavily armed police swooped on a car which had apparently been driven deliberately into the crash barriers surrounding the parliament the force of the collision clearly seemed to have crumpled the whole front of the small car its only occupant showing no resistance as officers calmly took him out and led him away the question is who is he and what was his motivation and why put it was deliberate it wasn't there it was no over for you it was a direct hit. as he crossed lanes on accelerated to point his car of parliament the driver plowed through a group of cyclists at least one was injured though not seriously. by now the full security operates agree there were no weapons in the car but the incident was soon
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treated as a terrorist related the driver's refusing to answer questions from the police and they didn't know anything about him a priority now is to formally establish the identity of the suspect and establish his motivation if we can. he is not currently cooperating but the morning wore on it became clear there was no further threats though the government's full counterterrorism unit met to discuss what they didn't know about the matter if the aim of this was to repeat last year's attack on westminster bridge that it was more or less a complete failure but if the point was to prove that it is still possible to hit an emblematic targets like the houses of parliament then clearly it succeeded this was of the same time not a major incident but something that the security services are taking very seriously indeed. of course there are strong reasons for the security services to be worried last year a car attack on westminster killed six people including
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a police officer and injured fifty what this was isn't yet clear but it is at least a reminder that no security can protect everything lawrence lee al jazeera london. afghan civilians in the city of galle are running out of food and water as the battle between government forces and the taliban continues for a fifth day at least four hundred people have died in the violence raising new questions about the afghan government's ability to assure security in the country show at best reports. residents of gaza a flee from afghanistan's new front line in the war between the taliban and the military. the taliban was stationed at the building inside gaza in the city near the office of the provincial reconstruction team and government forces were firing mortars towards them but the mortars were hitting the residential houses. the assault started with a taliban attack on the police headquarters early friday morning over five days it
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is morphed into a city under siege a well stocked taliban against the afghan military which has us is support two hundred seventy thousand people shelter in their homes running out of food and water without power or communications. rather sit in a corner the government is not able to transfer the dead bodies some of them have swollen up i want the government to transfer the dead and move the injured to a safer place. the people of gaza knew a largely on their own the u.n. has no presence in the city the main hospital is overwhelmed and running out of supplies the red cross is fearing fuel body bags and bandages to its doctors our focus have been the local hospital as well as as of today we had also trying to help to to get their view to our colleagues strong via the constant red crescent to collect bodies and to transport them back to their families the taliban post victories on the twitter account of chick points of iran and soldiers killed on
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monday the military deployed one thousand more troops to gaza and. the government is defiant that it's still under their control with every day comes a new declaration of victory but. if the harsher the with the measures they have been taken by the government i can say with courage that within twenty four hours there will be a remarkable change to the situation in gaza a province of the heart on. but another day has come and girls nice people report nor change other than diminishing rations of food and water both sides are entrenched disparate to are in the city. is just one hundred fifty kilometers from kabul lies on the motorway connecting the capital to southern afghanistan it's a high value assets with thousands of afghans trapped inside charlotte ballasts zero five european union countries have agreed to take in one hundred forty one migrants on board the mediterranean rescue ship the aquarius as
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a result malta has agreed to allow a ship to dock it and a four day standoff in which spain to nokia and malta at all refused to ship entry arguing that it should instead be taken to libya tunisia or the nearby island of lampedusa or one hundred forty one people will now be distributed among france germany luxemburg portugal and spain and he's twenty four people have died in another nineteen have been injured in a bus crash west of ecuador's capital quito the colombian registered bus was traveling along a road known as the dead man's curve when it hit another vehicle at high speed from georgia passengers were colombian though a few venezuelans but also on board turkey and russia say they want to find a solution to stop the fighting in syria is a live province the foreign ministers from both countries are meeting in ankara turkey opposes the syrian government's offensive to retake it live with the opposition's last major stronghold if it a full scale offensive by the syrian government which is backed by russia could
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cause a humanitarian crisis. leader of a party advocating independence for hong kong has accused china of suppressing freedom of speech rival protest president and the channels he arrived at the foreign correspondents club to give a speech with the chinese and hong kong government wanted the event cancelled last month the police put forward an unprecedented proposal to ban at chalons party for national security reasons. let me for a moment back to come on day thank you so much we're going to look at the annual global livability index now it is out and we have a new winner vienna the capital of austria is now considered the most livable city in the world by the economist intelligence unit which puts out that index each year are in fact here is a quick clip from them with some more details. yeah
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so vienna at the top of the list beautiful skyline that we see there as well and here is the rest of the top ten now aside from vienna and copenhagen and i've been on those being two european cities this top ten is entirely canadian japanese and australian melbourne in second place had been number one for seven years toronto in
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tokyo tied for seventh place these cities all make the list because they score highly on stability health care culture education infrastructure those sorts of things here's the bottom ten and of the one hundred forty cities it is damascus in syria which is considered the worst which is actually interesting because damascus has been largely protected from the brunt of syria's war if i can put it that way other places down here in bangladesh lagos nigeria kharaj the port moresby as in papa new guinea all these places it is crime civil unrest and war which play a part in pretty much every one of them we wondered though also about the world's big cities you know the ones that people traditionally dream of living in chose three of them paris at nineteen london a lot further down to forty eight new york in fifty seventh place all round as cultural hubs and exciting vibrant places to live but they all suffer from high levels of crime congestion chest pain really expensive what we've got rocks on it's
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love with us now who's head of city practices an editor of the livability index at the economist intelligence unit and she's with us on skype from london nice to have you with us rosanna what is the end of doing this are right i just personally i would say i lived in melbourne for three years i know why it's so good i know why it stayed there for seven years and wondered what the end is doing that put it a little bit higher. yes well thank you for having me and perhaps it's time to visit the ana and find out exactly what is doing right and you mentioned we're looking across a broad spectrum of categories and in venice case it's been trailing behind melbourne for the past decade or so it's been in the top three of top five that was in a surprise that it came up on top however in the security category is the one where the other was performing quite well and it has improved in the past couple of years pacifically lower threat of terrorism and also improving in terms of the prevalence of petty crime which is very low compared to other western european cities
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standards ok so security is important for starters and i'm interested to know about and this is not just with vienna but with other places in that top ten especially house prices because you know that something in here which is going up in so many cities and people are being completely priced out now that's an important thing for livability. as this is a big factor for these top him. it's actually a small factor and we have a sister survey that focuses on cost of living in particular. however we mainly focus on more of the the softer factors in looking into the overall infrastructure and how well ryan how smoothly the place is run really from that perspective but of course affordability definitely plays a role in terms of whether people choose to move to a second location or not ok i noticed. a notice and you and terry understand. it in terms of the end of affordability actually it doesn't rank that high on our
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cost of living index so that's something to consider that it's actually a lot cheaper than paris go ahead in london ok something i noticed and we pointed it out just before we came to you was canada australia and what was the other japan wasn't it with the three countries which made up that's quite interesting that three specific countries would make up the bulk of that talked in those governments you know not to support a government here but they must be doing something right across the board. yes i mean that's definitely reflected in the categories that we surveyed and as was mentioned the fact that we look across health care and education in particular is a look at policies and if we look at the quality of public and private education the availability of a good private education as well and quality those are things that are usually set on a national level so in a lot of the cases the cities will score the same or similar on those categories
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you have to be back to tell us about the other end of the list we were quite a few of us in our newsroom surprise that damascus was ranked last obviously syria has been it will for eight years but damascus as a city is it just because of its relation to the country because damascus as a city itself has been largely insulated. it has and that's also a reflection of the fact that that's why it was included in the survey to begin with. you know libya and syria so secure the country for example in tripoli and damascus to the example of cities that have been featured in the survey for a long time while we do not focus for example on kabul in afghanistan or died in iraq we focused on cities that used to be considered quite well developed and doing quite well just relatively recently perhaps before the arab spring and before the war the ongoing conflict and syria however in damascus case it has improved slightly over the course of the past year but not enough to to make you know
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considerably better off conflict is still the one thing that really ties be the lowest scoring city of course fascinating to talk to you about this for a clown a subject of from the economist intelligence unit thank you for your time thank you for having me and i've had a message on facebook live from allie who said thank you for telling us about this news good now we can all prices be reincarnated in vienna nice idea a political kind of place looks nice we're going to colombia now where the government is blocking treasury hunters from salvaging what they are calling the holy grail of shipwrecks when the spanish san jose dalliance sang for them three hundred years ago it was said to be laden with gold and precious stones the congo that today would be worth billions but as money will reap other reports it's unclear who will own the treasure once it's actually brought ashore.
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stories of ship wrecks and sunken treasure have long captivated the imagination. but perhaps no wreck has fascinated underwater archaeologists and treasure hunters quite like the sun who say. attacked by britain's royal navy in seventeen zero eight during a battle off the coast of got the hannah columbia all but seven members of her crew went down with the ship. unfortunately the san jose was too heavy to maneuver itself against the attack and was sunk by the british. three years ago former colombian president juan manuel santos announced his government had found the fabled galleon. with the aid of unmanned submersibles three d. mapping technology state of the art robotics and an international team of experts the san jose was found the catch is a company called sea search armada claimed they had found the ship more than thirty five years ago and have been locked in a fierce legal battle with the colombian government over their share of the treasure
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a treasure that today is valued up to twenty billion dollars. in money if you think it had everything the cargo manifest lists gold silver precious stones piles all of the wealth from taxes collected over six years from colombia panama and through this is. literally wrote the book on the son who say he says there were several parties who have a legitimate claim to ownership over the treasure is the spain because it was a spanish ships through because most of the cargo was peruvian panama because part of the cargo was panamanian and colombia because the ship was founded on waters. recently a delegation from bolivia presented colombian officials with a two hundred page document claiming a percentage of the treasure should be given to them as reparations. it's believed there are more than one thousand sunken spanish galleons off the coast of colombia alone according to you know there's an estimated three million shipwrecks all
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around the world still waiting to be discovered apart from the treasure the cultural value of many of these vessels is a measurable. until you're in he for an expert in maritime law says the case of the san jose could set a precedent for future disputes over sunken treasure. all of the countries involved could set up an example of why start a cultural dialogue that would serve the world in similar situations. with so much at stake over the ownership of the treasure recovery efforts have been put on hold indefinitely leaving some here to wonder how much longer they'll have to wait before the treasure of the san jose surface is again. one with a disease that the hanna. just noticing on the live stream a lot of you commenting on the contrast of what you're seeing on our show tonight the fact that you say what was happening in gaza and afghanistan what happened in egypt five years ago and then some of these beautiful cities around the world places like vienna and melbourne the most livable cities in the world extraordinary
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also one comment i wanted to bring you on telling us about. where is president with these floods going on. the show president working he has a plan all presidents use to test for face as a p.r. opportunity thank you for your comments new questions the hashtag is a genius grid and here with your sports news. of africa's biggest football teams might not make it into the continental championships quick look at some international weather.
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turkey on the table to sports news today what's happening in african football controversy yes there is a lot of controversy thank you nice to see you come all two of african football's biggest names is being handed a deadline by while the governing body pfieffer will face a ban that could put their qualification for the africa cup of nations in doubt gone or nigeria carney due to play the second round of group matches on the eighth of september now this is all about what fifo calls government interference in fact the feds for gonna the government has been trying to dissolve the gone to an f.a.
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ironic ations of widespread corruption in the country's football system if the government doesn't drop the action by august twenty seventh fifa says gone out won't be able to play its matches well for nigeria that deadline is bogus twentieth which is a bit tricky as the us still a playing in the women's under twenty world cup in strong hit they are reaching the port of finals in a duel with china on monday she fell one the nigeria government to stop occupying f.b.i. offices in a region in a long running problems that good news for the women they've been given an exemption from any. well let's have a look at some of the social media reaction via twitter fastly michael auti r.j. said this you can post all you want your displeasure about fifty but you would conform or stick to your in-house gata to gutter it is that simple and you really trust the politicians who run for the any part of well in response to that tweet
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benedict tweeted this he said very disappointed in you so with all the evidence is a hand you're with the football people you still want to play the ostrich the old as well and good with the game if dead here and we must accept this very curious reforms is the only way and finally this one from yellow bang the handling of this football crisis has been prophetic to many people following populist agenda without really bringing a well thought out plan now to explain this whole situation to us is all wishing all calendula nigerian journalists who cover the african sport internationally thank you for joining us on news great now let's get the big questions out with how serious is the threat of two of africa's biggest teams not being able to qualify for the cup of nations it's a very bitter it's. absolutely true and indian nigeria and ghana the powers of africans will face in defensible crises and it will be
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a big blue for africans the world if good countries. participate in the two thousand and one thousand additional between amends and sheena garner is a bit of a fresh a development the nigeria what are the issues that. well basically there's been an issue concerning the head of the federation which is the president of the ghana for federation. a problem during production problems from an investigative journalist who's actually. you know found him. collecting cash in the name of the president all of that miss as actually resulted in the the the government this banned instable in the country so what the ghana government has done right now is to good to court and seek. additional began a football association something she for does not want fifty four probably beats court action as well as government interference so what if i actually come out to
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say no it didn't want such an interference and the ghana government telling the footballers are to run affairs because they said the president is being investigated by five on its own. and your own country nigeria shayna how can you very quickly sum up the situation in there and is it now going to end with that deadline less than a week away. well we've been here before and we nigerian situation we've seen courts case court injunction you know the problem continue to evolve the character stays the same so the man who claimed to the position of the civil said mission of nigeria was election in august two thousand and fourteen was no recognized continues to fight in the law courts the money by a few for with election is a symbol two thousand and fourteen was a fever that is homage to pin it continues to order for so what is the ask that the nigerian government who is also back in just force minister backing and of such an a leader should lead the one recognized. and these but to actually wrongful
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ball on interrupted the given them a deadline august twentieth and they said this is not nigeria will be true and out of international football i think this matter will be resolved before the deadline thank you very much. thanks for having me. well as always you can keep in touch with us using the hash tag tweet me directly. and i'll hand you back to camille thank you so much for that thank you for joining us for this news group keep in touch with us once you have a. look out just before the show every day. you can apply to the thread. looking for your responses on facebook dot com slash the live stream is active there tells me we did have a few technical problems with that question a little bit earlier but we got back up so thank you for bearing with us on that and that number. doesn't just cover what's that telegram as well we have an active
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getting to the heart of the matter unless we have new generations growing up to better our relationship with the net for a while then soon there will be nothing left facing reality or our friends and allies the positive all the fun things and his commission for taking this here their story on talk to al-jazeera. dozens killed in italy as a bridge collapses with cars on it and under it we'll have the latest on the rescue effort. this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. president and one tells turks to boycott the u.s. and china goods and sell their dollars as the near
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a crisis continues to spread. police in london declare a terrorist incident after a man drives into cyclists and pedestrians outside parliament. and the community radio station in paris helping refugees to tell their stories. at least thirty people have been killed in a highway bridge collapse in the italian city of genoa many others were injured when the bridge came down during heavy rain sending vehicles plunging to the ground rescue workers searching for survivors in the rubble and the hayward reports. only from the air is it possible to see the scale of what has happened to long body bridge a huge section simply god. was. plunging
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more than eighteen meters up the road and the suspension tower. more than thirty cars trucks and other big holes were on the bridge. a major rescue operation from the ground. into action. two hundred five fighters with the focus on trying to reach any survivors still stranded in the daybreak the missing section of the bridge span roll way and industrial buildings in the port city of jeddah were to preach carried a boat away at this time of year the road is busy with tourists the many italians who are preparing for a national holiday it's unclear why the bridge collapsed it was built in the one nine hundred sixty s. of what was being carried out to shore up its foundations at the time of the incident. storm. your thought is have pulled there are likely to be
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badly casualties while the tally and minister has called to come out and events tragedy ever heywood al-jazeera. on the run to bridger came down an industrial area in the city of jenner and on a main highway that connects italy to france cause plunged all one hundred meters into a riverbed railway and buildings below which had been a custom franco's live from the telling town of tuscany. extraordinary scenes a motorway bridge collapsing in italy really in shock isnt it. absolutely it talents are just devastated by this disaster i mean the idea that our highways and bridges are not safe and that something like this can happen at the height of the summer season you know with obviously many tourists here but not only a lot of people were on that bridge because you know it was a major artery and a whole section of it collapsed as your pictures must have shown and you know
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there were as you said more than thirty vehicles some of them were large trucks and they just came crashing down on to a couple of where houses that were underneath unfortunately no homes unfortunately those warehouses appear to have been empty as i said you know this is the height of the summer season and today is a national holiday here in italy which is second to christmas so really the whole country comes to a standstill but i fear there will be much celebrations tomorrow not after this disaster certainly not in general and i don't think across italy it will be more morning here and we've had within the last few minutes on the wires and the direction of day which is the the the outfit that manages the motorways saying that
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it was the collapse was unexpected and unpredictable the bridge was constantly monitored even more than was foreseen by the law talk us through how it works in italy with the with the who runs the the motorway infrastructure and why there isn't necessarily kind of the government that's at stake here. well it is out of sight of goodly tahlia is the company that runs the entire. highway system in this country and the authorities and tomorrow tonight the italian prime minister is going up to genoa and the transport minister will be there tomorrow and italy's interior minister by person is also going out there now they're saying we will bring to justice whoever is responsible it appears and we know that this was a bridge that was built in the sixty's apparently maintenance has taken place constantly on this bridge so it really is very difficult to ascertain at the
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moment what may have caused this huge disaster however we must we must also keep in mind the weather conditions were atrocious there had been a huge storm and this was one of these some a. massive thunderstorms that take place after days of heat some witnesses said that a bridge that the bridge was hit was struck by lightning but of course then there were engineers saying well you know a bridge doesn't collapse because of a little rain and you know because of lightning there was a serious structural problem that clearly had not been identified for such a bridge to come down these this was a concrete bridge and the traffic obviously on this bridge was very
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heavy and has obviously increase very much since the one nine hundred sixty s. so that could be also an issue to be considered it will be days and there will be major debate on on what really did cause this but again the government has said that those who are responsible if there are people responsible they will be held accountable here seven across africa thank you very much indeed for that update on that terrible collapse if we thank you. the turkish president richard the one who has called for a boycott of united states and tronic products in retaliation for what he says is an economic attack on his country the turkish lira has fallen more than forty five percent against the u.s. dollar this year with u.s. sanctions partly to blame the weakness of the currency is starting to affect other
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emerging markets india's rupee has hit a record low and currencies from argentina to south africa all fell on monday so i'm closer lou has more from istanbul. turkish government has taken some measures in order to stop to develop ration of the turkish care and still iraq the central bank increase the liquidity for the banking sector yesterday on the other hand today the industrial ministry announced that they activated one point two billion dollars for the turkish industrialists production along with some other measures taken by the finance ministry however the business world in turkey warns that immediate actions should be taken without getting late without being late and one of the steps that is the demanded by the markets and international markets is the high it is the increase of the interest rates by the turkish central bank however according to the school of thought that the present hour don and his economic team represents this is impossible for turkey because they see it as a pressure by the international markets by foreign powers and turkey and they
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wouldn't bowed down however to latest decline in the turkish euro had some impacts on the european countries as well along with some other markets the turkish private sector has a depth of at these two hundred twenty one billion dollars and most of those doubts are law and are actually to the european countries like how forfeit belongs to the european countries so a slight in the turkish economy and instead will it into turkish economic could also harm the european countries as well that's why european politicians including until america have shown some support to turkey along with the russian president and the iranian president and the prime minister of iraq however turkish president are danseuse sees it as an economic wage against the turkish. against turkish economy and he says a firm political stance is needed in order to deal with it a provincial governor in yemen is escaped a roadside bomb attack ties governor i mean the mood survived the blast in aden
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province several of those were injured attacks or shootings have been escalating in the province in recent days florida has more from djibouti. mean mahmoud was a tunning from a citizen of mit things with official president of the rebel masood hard this government which has base itself in the other and since two thousand and fifteen he escaped with minor injuries but some of his security guards and aides was said to have been killed in the us hark. to the scene and security forces were quickly deployed to the in my neighborhood of them where the talk or cotton or group claimed responsibility for the all the local officials are blaming. there's been an increase in the number of roadside bomb and drive by shootings in of them in present months something officials say signifies an uptick in al qaeda activity in the city. and he said london cheating a car crash outside the british parliament as a terror incident three people were injured when a man drove through
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a group of cyclists and pedestrians before crashing into security barriers florentine reports. the palace of westminster is a sleepy place in august as the politicians are on holiday here during rush hour this was the scene as heavily armed police swooped on a car which had apparently been driven deliberately into the crash barriers surrounding the parliament the force of the collision clearly seem to have crumpled the whole front of the small it's only occupant showing no resistance as officers calmly took him out and led him away the question is who is he and what was his motivation in my life and it was deliberate it wasn't it was no over dinner for you it was a direct hit this video taken from on high some distance away shows the car seeming to drive normally before swerving violently across the road and then veering again through the security barriers and coming to a stop to police officers had to jump clear to avoid being hit. as he crossed lanes
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on accelerated to point his car parliament the driver plowed through a group of cyclists at least one was injured though not seriously. by now the full security apparatus agree there were no weapons in the car but the incident was soon treated as a terrorist related the driver's refusing to answer questions from the police and they didn't know anything about him our priority now is to formally establish the identity of the suspect and establish his motivation if we can. he is not currently cooperating with the morning wore on it became clear there was no further threats though the government's full counterterrorism unit met to discuss what they didn't know about the matter if the aim of this was to repeat last year's attack almost been submerged that it was more or less a complete failure but if the point was to prove that it is still possible to hit an emblematic targets like the houses.
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