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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 15, 2018 10:00am-10:34am +03

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they're in down here. in the black car fall along side us. and we didn't know it was that sign. the driver said they were right there. and said no we didn't know where they were. we kept on walking and they kept face of us in this car. and they kept training at us to get in. and we refused her. a hundred yards that way. and they offered us some way screaming jello at the restaurant intent. and i had a screen there too we finished we all loaded back up in the car but they never went back the way they came they went around away from the reason i fell asleep and i never will go up until we are coming up to the moon against you. when after a good old not by relays i was kidnapped like is that my dad didn't know. very many
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new fears new jersey they didn't geared how are they not the children here. i believe it was february two years ago i was on the board of sessions that are to choose a united church chism township is about five miles already here. and my first
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set were the sessions meeting effect in there was two other members and the minister and myself and the minister was going through the agenda that we were to talk about in she mentioned the residential school system and all of a sudden i started to shake and broke down crying i had no idea why. i didn't know what this was about at all. and from that i ended up going to my doctor and for some depressed help for depression and he referred me to a psychologist in north he and the courier probably twenty minutes to determine that they just part of my problem was from that incident fifty years earlier. i was to a station there in the r.c.m.p. and we had a territorial jail there which most times i was in jail guarded night and in this
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day shift i happened to be the same to whatever came on through the door it would be sometime between november of sixty four and april of sixty five on a day shift i was assigned to assist an agent from the residential school system to pick up two children from a family in fort smith northwest territories i went to the door of this home and the woman who lived there knew why we were there to know she know that there are two two daughters were being sent to residential schools the mother was crying both children were crying probably six and eight years old. and i took the six year old from her arms actually and turned them over to the agent. he jumped in his car and car took off to the airport in aerospace and the end of that night i saw i never saw him i don't remember the children's names but i'll never forget the price.
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at the time i didn't like the idea of taking kids away from their family bothered me in person being in the r.c.m.p. had no alternative who couldn't complain about it. the only thing i knew about the in the uterus a dental schools was a place where the good formal education and i didn't see any problems. since then i've come to realize what they were both. heard no differently now and that's part of the story that i want to tell. it took up maybe tried minutes of my life. and i buried it back in sixty four sixty five. and both fifty years later it came back to haunt me here and of course.
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we were sitting at this at this very spot i'm not sure if it was exactly the same table we're sitting at this very spot. at a board meeting. you remember ron you were on the board at the time and and the board at that time had decided that they wanted to study this book called a healing journey for us all and part of that took us into residential schools well let me let me say first clearly that i think the residential school
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history within canada is one of the the the greatest tragedies if not the greatest tragedy in our whole. history as a country. it's it's the damage that's been done to so many lives and. the damage that it continues to be done and that will be felt it generationally. is is just it's beyond one that we it's hard to even take it in. feel. presidential schools are schools that were set up by the government of canada and there are other countries that have the same thing but it was a policy that was put into place to bring all as many indigenous people as possible
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into these schools to educate them into the european way of life to take you away from your culture your language all your traditions and that's what it's about. in order to sever those ties in your culture in your language they had to separate children from families and communities we wore uniforms you all dress the same you had your hair cut the same you were all one and it was to assimilate us and make sure we didn't have an indian left in us when we left here.
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they took us as a church or recently we had say prayers and things like that we weren't allowed to talk in our language we had to speak english but it wasn't indoctrination like you didn't put us in one room and you just indoctrinate us all day long or anything like that just the way the routine of the place it was in it was in the routine. that in in speak anything but english where you went to the white man's school. you know the way miniature you are the way with clothes is all those are built in was in the classroom lecture thing it was it was in green in the system. there's a live in yours the. it was taken from them there was no
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mother no father figures nobody said good night or come and see you if you're sick personal didn't know me look empty except that they put is in a big player room similar to this dining room. and we sort of loot looked after ourselves. what was going on across this country that so many children were being taken so many children are being put into residential schools and my thing is if if they were such a wonderful school they were models everybody should i had him now i may have
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europeans everybody should i had a residential school not just one race of people is a very racist policy you know but that's what the intent was is to kill the indian in the child i'm pretty much they've done it. so you get punished for being who you are. it's a school where you're punished where the third least of interaction say. the the punishments were were severe. and punishment for things you never did you never did. i and i i don't think i ever did anything wrong that would deserve a strap never. and you got it. you never knew it. when you went over the line they let you know they give you your d.d.
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. beating so it's a symbol but it was more than that it was terrorist that accompanied each beating. for tell me when you have children put in an electric chair for entertainment or for punishment what are crimes against humanity and yet different things and i've heard of other guys have an electric currents and they brought us into a place they called a press room where most of the beatings were no name. and we were near one of the time and it got a good chalak and with the litters leather strap and. everybody. was afraid of good but. everybody knew they were going to get it sooner or later just remember them crying there was a lot of crying in this place a lot of tears. and yet we find out it was like. thousands upon thousands of children that were being abused despite the beatings and the ferocity of some in
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the beginning we still defied the authority to run away. the boy say how he's over sixty boys displayed this number each of us are lonely beyond a spear from within we each had our own battles to fight. we were lost lonely scared and confused her biggest battle was to keep her secrets. are laser shrouded in secrecy no one could know that leo clicked to the new kids are being raped and will they see it in large numbers suddenly the babies. no one could know no one would ever known. saddam in the learn had to be a nicer place so he tried to escape.
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the colonel scene when ironing those cut were ferocious they'd been relentlessly beaten with the other machine or belts carried by all the staff including the principal the cane beaten until liz beamed echoed out to the urgent need money in the burns down the lean way up the city streets beaten until there was silence that was the scariest despite this we ran away i believe each of us tried to least once to escape that worries prison the halley's plays with demons all over. ethel and there's
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a boy others. at that far end as raw unless it time and time again day after day and boy and i are aware some that come live there from you and miss me somehow. another error came. just came out of there feeling so dirty rotten low as you can imagine and i thought every kid over there knew that i had but haven't any. but i think it all and then because none ever bothered me none ever asked me what i had been in there i think we all got it on fire. but it is a nasty dirty they. were. it's like here's where i got him a lesson here. saying against the wall here and he had his way with me.
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i was his mother i. see the time in my life and i felt so dirty and so so. bad we don't in the boiler room he took my clothes off. and they just stand here a little guy just discussed where he was doing things i think it's
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very very possible that children did die here but we'll never know all assist i've heard too many different stories for it to be all lies if they're not buried here they're probably buried somewhere on the property and it's just one of those things that in time we may come across it but this this we can investigate if there's any truth to it if there is anything in there just just from the people that i know from the survivors that i know that say that yeah they remember this being something and you don't just put a window at the bottom of a basement for any for no reason. capturing a moment in time snapshots of other lives other stories. providing a glimpse into some. inspiring documentaries passionate filmmakers everybody.
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on al-jazeera. challenge your perception ethiopia's economy is growing at a faster rate than any other african country famous journalist look at sirens were heard here is that gives indication of just how close the fighting groundbreaking documentary is debates and discussion just six months ago we were at the brink of a whole al-jazeera show board winning for graham's take you on a journey around the globe. on al-jazeera the then there's nothing they set sail for gold. but discover their resorts worth more than its wants him and be. driven by commerce
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enabled through politics and religion executed with brutality. in episode one slavery roots charge the burthen rise of the african slave trade nothing in history that there's going to humanity. for all the gold in the world i want to just go. hello i'm don jordan in doha with a quick reminder of the headlines here on al-jazeera at least twenty five people have been killed and many more injured after a highly a bridge collapsed in the italian city of genoa it came down during heavy rains sending vehicles plunging around one hundred meters to the ground rescue workers are still searching for survivors. after days of heavy losses the turkish lira recovered some ground on tuesday president russian type one has called for
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a boycott of u.s. electronic goods in retaliation for what he says is an economic attack on his country on friday washington impose new sanctions and response to the detention of a u.s. pasta. the largest and most comprehensive report into child sex abuse by catholic priests in the u.s. state of pennsylvania has been released it details allegations of assaults on minors by so-called predator priests and suggests there could be thousands of victims spanning a seventy year period. you see church officials routinely and purposefully described the abuse as forcefully and wrestling and inappropriate contact it was none of those things it was child sexual abuse including rape. committed by grown men priests against children. above all else they protected their
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institution and all cost police in london are treating a crash outside the british parliament as a terror incident three people were injured when a man drove through pedestrians and cyclists before running into security barriers the suspect is that twenty nine year old foreign born british citizen. the former white house a month ago newman says president donald trump is trying to silence he's just released a tell all book which accuses trump of racism in the his twenty twenty lection campaign us follow the lawsuit saying newman breached a confidentiality agreement she wrote the book after she was fired last december. five e.u. countries agreed to take in some of the one hundred forty one migrants on board a rescue ship malta says it will now allow the m.v. aquarius to dock it is a four day standoff during which time spain. i will refuse the ship and treat the migrants and i go to france germany luxembourg space those are the headlines the
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news continues here at al-jazeera of the kind of those doxie which. i like finding old friends and when he has what i know here by from the residential school the mohawk institute when we first went in there we were my sister and i were separated into groups and i had one older girl that took me under her wing and my sister don we need look after her well i don't you know when i was there i don't even remember going there i don't even remember the people picking me up but in my home i remember that. all i know i was just there so then i met this this older. person who on this show and the girl kind of took care of me when i was growing up. and she told me when
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she's ready to leave because she was in twelve thirteen maybe fourteen she said that she was going to ask her mother to come and get me and take she to take me home to be her little sister. but add didn't happen because. she she. gushy got hurt. hurt or hurt bad. i think. i think somebody hit her on a tree. and i don't know i think she died but i'm not really. sure but i don't know. but anyway i've been able to say in the last few years that they killed her
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and i was there. were happened to her. seems. sometimes a nice dream of hers she would come to me and dream by that because it hurts to talk about it. because i remember when she used to. piggyback we honor. her back and we run and play and. then when i got hurt she picked me up to. give me a hug and sending them to cry. like why we should we do remember you know. after they smashed or treat. you know that sound sometimes you
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can hear it on t.v. on the river shows that sound that's the sound. even if a glass breaks today or how it's green. and sometimes my family get mad and. i say. that it's the sound. good scares me and. for makes me would like. the scene is a drawing child who just surely reform was flailing away with his head above water in a raging river he can swim but there are risks with that unrelenting he
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slips under the surface is a reef the trying to catch and that leaf save breath but he knows he's going under for good what tears run upon this child's mind knowing can imagine those sites will go down with him the want to live as seen above in the light under surfaces of the river. as he slowly sinks his here is silky and wavy in the arms still lute ever removing so slowly and reaching for no purpose except as his will tells him to reach up. a lady's surface phase in his body has no more movement except that of the current he tumbles lay physically along the water line into oblivion.
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i left singing come back one day and attacked those people that had attacked me in the eye they didn't just attack me they i think they attacked everybody. but. i wrote a book called bird legacy and. since i wrote dead book they don't have this great desire to go back a morning and beat the wapping i. i haven't forgiven them but they're not around to forgive when i realize. the effect that this type of government administration had on thousand people in my time.
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it disgusts me that i'm a canadian and i always thought canada was the greatest country in the world and i'm ashamed to say i'm canadian because it weren't government it's not. the government wanted access to mineral rights mining lumbering fisheries all natural resources that canada has and they all are on his native land of course they were here first so the government i guess determined that rather than go to war with the natives they would eliminate them.
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and i know from my own experience people that i've norm they were raised by whites in the residential schools so when they were a finish their their parents didn't accept them if they weren't native and the white community did not accept them because they were native so these people news hundred fifty thousand children. grew up in limbo with no roots no background and no place they could call home. i knew had time when i believe i went to school that day in. and it was the last day of school in summer. everything seemed raider the grass seemed greener the sky was blue or. it was just
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a great day. he come home and they're like you're a stranger i'm a stranger to them but they're a stranger to me too so i had to go find who my relatives were how was i connected to this community i knew where i came from i didn't know that but i just didn't know holly fit in. hundred fifty thousand people children were taken from their families. and as role of a result of that seven generations of native people grew up with no roots. this is my friend carol croce whom i've known for a few years and appreciate her friendship and and what kind of things she can tell us about her first nations so. having my father my
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aunt and my uncles. gone to residential school my father never discussed his upbringing he was silent the home that we lived in. was silent around who he was and how he was raised so prior to the age of thirty i had no idea or no understanding of what had happened to my family and i knew that there was something up like there was something wrong but i didn't know what that was when i was finding all of these things about residential school when i was thirty and my father had already passed away my mother was still alive and i started asking michael my aunt questions it began to i began to realize how strange everything was and it began to see
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what those schools did and what the effect that we had and why my brothers and i had struggled so much with our emotional life this was wrong to teach children away from their parents and heard them into a school against their will it just blew me away and then when ron when you had the courage to stand up and say that this was wrong and that you knew it was wrong when it happened instead of standing up and said i witnessed this in it didn't look that bad that. i can't tell you what that does for people. i really can't.
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and i don't care what bad things you might have done in your life or one i know it was a whole lot because you're good birds of a. they were raised by that. they were completely your race. but what you don't hear about is what happens to adult people when their kids are ripped away. and those kids come back broken but they come back broken to two adults that are insane and that's the other half. so nobody is ok.
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but thanks and ask for the survivors to stand up for a moment and be here with us survivors we stand. with children in the grandchildren or survivors we stand up as things began to change when the survivors of the residential school experience went to court beginning in the one nine hundred eighty s. but not really successful until the mid one nine hundred ninety s. when the courts finally ruled that they could sue the government for the abuses it went on in schools and the churches as well the root of the t r c as in survivors
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themselves survivors said we.


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