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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  August 21, 2018 11:00am-11:34am +03

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we accept this type of event. rockets fall close to afghanistan's presidential palaces the president delivers and either message. alone or robert you're watching out of their life one headquarters here in doha coming up in the next thirty minutes making it official turkey complains to the world trade organization about u.s. tariffs sansa president one labels them an attack on his country. also venezuela's latest attempt to curb hyper inflation leaves people feeling confused and a little shortchanged. and struggling to celebrate inside the camp where hundreds of thousands of syrians are marking be unsure what they were turned home.
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on to the program afghanistan's presidential palace has come under attack just a day after president danny pushed for a new cease fire he was delivering an aide message on tuesday morning when rockets were fired towards the building in kabul they did not hit the palace but several shells fell in the surrounding diplomatic quarter that we know reports of any injuries afghan military helicopters did fire at a house where they suspect the rockets may have come from she come down is a former adviser to nato he says little he will now he says it will now be hard to push ahead with a cease fire. one touches the this is something unexpected enough on its own and this is a big you know to do fuse fire and our call it's a disaster because taliban have months to come a truth the company tells charge
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a clean green zone one the government have offered this team and cease fire so other than big mo for the future this also shows willingness of color to continue to fight and to keep up with case civilians and targeted cities certainly our company is not secure as it was probably two two years ago because the war is surrounded kabul like for example in gaza luke and unmanned are hot in other part of the living provinces of the kabul we expect incentives the toll of on the lives but it's transpired that the big hope for the afghan people but now i think this spawns from the part of on the way on fortunately should the least have to expect mid fighting there a lot more. depicts taliban as in
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a civilian and watch the national security forces. now turkey is taking its complaints against the u.s. terrorists to another level it's lost a case with the world trade organization wanting it to rule now donald trump doubled the tariffs on steel allen williams earlier this month after taking refused to release an american pastor who's been detained for nearly two years the turkish government retaliated with levees on some u.s. products. there's no difference between the direct attacks on our call to prayer in our flag and the attack on our economy the goal is the same the goal is to bring to heel turkey and the turkish nation to hold a captive we are nation that prefers to be shot in the nick rather than to be chained at the knee. better bonnie is a professor of political science at the university of waterloo in canada she says it was the right move for turkey to take the dispute to the w t o. the united states is claiming that there is some sort of national security imperative and
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putting on these tariffs and i supply i've been to many countries as you said including canada which really finds its absurd so that's probably the right to move to take but of course that's going to be very painful for turkey and i would also point out this hits turkey specifically america won and his political base because they're very much dependent on economic growth in the building sector in the construction sector so this is of course a very important but good having steel in construction is very important so it's going to hurt definitely many of those very close to early one himself we can't really blame the united states for all of economic troubles of turkey because certainly it's been in high debt situation increasingly amounting allowing interest rates to rise enough to sort of combat some of the lowest a lot of dollar denominated debt i mean it's very much i think a home grown problem some of which is early ones are making but certainly the announcements of tariffs on turkey and just the overall sort of you know
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instability brought into the the currency market is definitely enough to rattle a lot of people and this is going to cause turkey more headache and grief economically for sure. to the americas now in the bank it's a vent and circulation in venezuela has part of a terms by president nicolas maduro to curb hyper inflation the changes include devaluing the bhagavad by ninety five percent and linking the new money to a government backed crypto currency but it's wayland's reacted cautiously to the changes with most shops remaining closed on monday is assuming it's a trick to make over the government is doing to the national economy it's a terrible deception removing five zero doesn't improve the economy at all but it will improve the theft people are going to be confused there's no posters explaining how to convert the old currency to the new one people have to take money out of their accounts and divide everything by ten thousand to this they tell you look at this it costs five all of ours the people are going to have to take out
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a calculator how many are five ball of ours are they five hundred thousand or five million the government has to better explain to the public there are lots of america to lucien human has more from caracas. confusion concern and especially uncertainty of the only way to describe how most winners wayland's are receiving their new currency these are ten new until friday they were worth a million of the old body that is there the maximum amount that you can take out of a cash machine at one time but they are not worth more they just have five less heroes than the old bills faced with the world's highest hyperinflation the government has not just shaved and zeroes off the bills but is raising corporate and sales taxes and increasing the minimum wage several thousand percent venezuelans the largest private business association says that this is not the way to save the economy. although it's necessary to raise salaries raising the minimum wage by thirty five hundred percent makes it impossible for businesses to meet
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these new increases in an economy that is underwater because of a severe depression if hyperinflation is not the impact of this increase will be totally counterproductive. president nicolas maduro says he'll subsidize small and medium sized companies for ninety days here in caracas almost everything was closed on the first day of the new currency the government had declared monday a public holiday. letting is open complained this man not even the many supermarkets were waiting to see what happened and. indeed people are confused and with very good reason they don't know how to calculate what they're spending especially since the new salaries don't go into effect until next month in the meantime at least part of the opposition is calling for a general strike on tuesday to protest against the reforms which many economists say do not address the real issues the real causes of the crisis that is sending millions of venezuelans fleeing to other countries and which is the workers in the
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indian state of tara who have been handing out medicine and doesn't act to prevent water borne diseases well the one point two. a million people are living in temporary camps after the worst flooding in a century under thomas has more for but in kerala. and still it rains the downpours all less heavy less frequent and shorter than they were but in kara they are still coming to people here fresh rain lengthens the time they'll have to stay in a camp. for more than five thousand frost carola although really camp is to ground the words there simply community halls and schools which have opened their doors and quickly filled with people and each evacuee has a similarly harrowing story. that not the water has destroyed everything we had it was up to my neck it even took my cows.
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everything at home is lost and here there is nothing to do what can we do. it's hot in this hole with no privacy or dignity some here were evacuated on thursday and i've now spent four days living this public school of life others were rescued only on sunday having spent four days and nights on the roofs of floors of the flooded homes both parents are equally exhausted. the exhaustion shows. but there is enough food here enough drinking water and medicines. volunteer doctors at the center so they haven't yet seen outbreaks of disease as of now that on the world thankfully and thanks to that are not many communicable disease or something like that we've just. been spreading because we're also getting
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prophylactic medicines acids so that they let us know if we can make it something like that of that sort so we are really working hard for that. but. people's mental health is suffering everybody is simply sat. in his airforce on monday distributed dramatic video of a toddler's rescue but most americans evacuations are over and after the drama reality hits and littleness al jazeera. carol. it is supposed to be a time of celebrations of muslims worldwide but tens of thousands of families in northern syria are market in camps waiting and hoping that one day they may be able to return home cinema consumer reports from the province. is one of the camps in northern syria at least eight hundred fifty thousand displaced syrians have taken refuge here since the civil war began more than seventy years ago by an alley
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left the town of the north in hama five years ago ahmed opened the small wholesale business in the camp and ali sells the goods he buys from his tent. when we ask how he and his family prepared for the biggest feast in the muslim world words failed him. it is not much different for allie who used to be a farmer back home he was hit by a rocket two years ago while driving his motorbike. he lost a leg and now i feel he hasn't felt like celebrating heat for the last seven years . he thinks there is no joy of a feast but only death pain and war which makes it impossible to be happy. while others surface aim opinion fabricator at night it doesn't feel like a feast we are away from home and family we hope it is over soon there are thousands of people here but loneliness is the one thing they share
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a refugee camp resembles a giant city just meters from the turkish border or crowding is a major problem and there's a distinct lack of basic facilities and services most of the people here do not have an a jobs but despite all the disincentives they try to maintain as normal a life as possible mainly for the sake of their children and i bought new clothes i will play with my friends this feast requires muslims to share the meat of us across animal with the poor have over the camel manager tells us no we're going to say shin has promised them any meat and he doesn't know if they will receive any. al-jazeera refugee camp in northern syria well still ahead here on al-jazeera taiwan no longer exists for another country el salvador drops its diplomatic recognition as a sign the deal with china. also underscored the battlefield children are caught up in the front lines of yemen's civil war those stories after the break.
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from dusky sunsets over the sprawling savannah. to sunrise atop an asian metropolis. hello good welcome back to your international weather forecast well yesterday we did see some deadly flooding here in the southern reaches of italy with some thunderstorms that caused ten people's deaths in when flash flooding really started to occur with those heavy thunderstorms so we could watch in that area because we do expect to see more activity down here not just on tuesday but in the overnight hours from tuesday night as well as into wednesday very active weather down towards the south as well as into sicily up towards the north though we are watching one funnel system push through parts of moscow that's going to be some heavy rain with it as well as well some heavy rain pushing across parts of the northern u.k. in that region also some storms are a problem here across algiers and tunis we have seen those coastal storms really
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stay in the forecast as the areas circulation right there just into the med we don't expect to see too much of a change from tuesday as well as into wednesday before it's cairo it's going to be a parlor car day for you with the temperature there of about thirty six degrees making our way down here towards the south we are going to be seeing more heavy rain showers over the next few days across parts of lagos as well as across those storms are going to be even heavier as you make your way inland time to the cross area into the high twenty's but up towards obama co it's going to be a right rainy day for you with the temps there at thirty one degrees. the wind sponsored by qatar airways. weather on line this isn't some abstract issue we need to pay attention to their stops or if you join us on sat rather than stopping terrorism is creating it they say is a dialogue and just the community is want to add to this conversation we need a president who's willing to be and believe it or a short while everyone has a voice and part of civil society i need to tell you i never get listened to by
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those in the corridors of both joining the colobus conversation. announces iraq. welcome back you're watching of zero zero rob the remind of our top stories afghanistan's presidential palace has come under attack after president garvey pushed for a new cease fire with the taliban but he was delivering a message when rockets were fired towards a building they landed in the surrounding streets no injuries have been reported turkey has filed a complaint with the world trade organization over u.s. tariffs on steel an element of imports donald trump doubled levies earlier this month after turkey refused to release an american pastor accused of links to the
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failed coup in twenty sixteen. and you back those have added circulation of venezuela as part of attempts by president woodrow to curb hyperinflation the bolivar has been devalued by ninety five percent and is linked to a government backed cryptocurrency. taiwan says it will not bow to pressure from china after yet another country cut diplomatic ties president citing way and criticized el salvador's decision to establish relations with beijing instead the nation to do so this year china has been pressuring countries and companies to recognize taiwan as part of its territory side call china's behavior out of control kinda don't work with us to today's china is not only a menace to cross straight relations what china is doing right now all over the world no matter if it's interfering in the n f e s of countries or destroying the order of international markets it has already caused
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a high degree of global instability and we need to remind the international community that this is not only related to taiwan that we will not tolerate the serious situation in a more. only seventeen countries have diplomatic ties with taiwan most of them are impoverished nations of the pacific region or latin america such as haiti honduras and nicaragua taiwan's only diplomatic ally left in africa is swaziland both taiwan and beijing have engaged in years of diplomatic tug of war in developing countries china has offers economic support from the world's second largest economy to smaller the nations as a bargaining chip taiwan is not recognized as an independent country by much of the world nor the united nations brown has more from beijing. well this is another important symbolic diplomatic victory for china as it seeks to pick off one by one those countries that still have diplomatic relations with taiwan since zion when
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became president of taiwan in january two thousand and sixteen five countries have severed ties with taiwan el salvador now joining that lengthening list on choose day taiwan's foreign ministry reacted angrily taiwan's foreign minister joseph who said that china was luring away taiwan's allies with promises of vast financial aid he said this was a game that taiwan was not prepared to play well of course this all comes just as zion when has been on a stopover in the united states she'd been visiting billie's and paragliding two of the seventeen countries that still recognize taiwan she made a speech in the united states the first time a taiwanese leader has done that in ten years that upset the chinese and then lo and behold literally just a day later we learned that el salvador has decided to sever ties with taiwan now taiwan said that it knew what el salvador was planning to do in fact it had an idea
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this was going to happen back in june it a try to persuade el salvador not to do this but of course in the end it simply lost out in the inevitable bidding war with china there is now just one country in africa that has ties with taiwan that is swaziland and i think china would very much like swaziland to come into its orbit before early september because that's when president xi jinping will be hosting an africa china summit here in beijing. australia's prime minister malcolm turnbull has survived a leadership challenge by his home affairs minister peter dutton turnbull won the vote forty eight to thirty five resigned as a minister shortly afterwards turnbull's leadership had been under pressure but he was forced to make changes to his energy policy this week after members of his own party threatened to vote against it that today the liberal party room has confirmed my leadership and julies deputy leadership of the liberal party
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a reminder of the need for political parties and for governments to be united and determined to keep delivering for the people for whom they work twenty five million australians now we know that disunity undermines the ability of any government to get its job done and unity is absolutely critical we cannot allow as i said in the party room today internal issues to undermine our work survivors of sex abuse by catholic clergy say a letter of apology from pope francis doesn't go far enough the head of the roman catholic church has to spare no effort to root out sex abuse and attempts to cover it up paul to dirge and has more tim was just twelve when he says he was raped by his catholic parish priest he believes the pope's letter of apology is not
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enough words words words thoughts and prayers does not make a child safer. he could with the stroke of a pen demand that every diocese in the world release the records no more secret files to him another survivors also want the pope to punish bishops who have covered up abuse the pope's letter comes days after a u.s. state of pennsylvania report estimated that three hundred roman catholic priests in their state alone molested at least one thousand children over the past eight decades what are prayers in penance going to do for folks who are now abusing alcohol and drugs to self medicate because a priest raped down. at three. what are prison tenants going to do the pope is dealing with similar cases of abuse and cover up around the world in south america chilean authorities raided catholic church headquarters as part of
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their investigation of sex abuse by members of the marist brothers order and head of the pope's visit to ireland this weekend bishop accountability dot org has added a new database of names of irish priests and church employees accused of child abuse if the vatican was approaching this issue with integrity a pope would have come here and not just kissed the ground when he landed but got moneys nice and acknowledge the truth of what's happened in this country in the vatican's role in us fifteen years ago and people need to the top of this is nice and far. any acknowledgment of the abuse issue to be a mere afterthought i think is reprehensible. but this isn't the first time the pope has acknowledged sex abuse and asked for forgiveness and to us. before god and his people i express my sorrow if it seems in a grave crimes of clerical sexual abuse committed against you and i haven't really asked for forgiveness. the vatican says the pope's new letter is another wake up
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call and a plea for catholics to help through prayer and penitence in the what it calls an attempt to fight evil this is about ireland this is about the united states and this is about chile but not only pope francis has written to the people of god and that means everyone. and as the pennsylvania grand jury concluded the real number of victimized shilled and abusive priests might be higher around the world since some secret church records have been lost and some victims have never come forward paul chowder john al jazeera now the united nations is blaming the coalition for most of the child casualties from yemen's war this year it's been calling for an investigation into a missile attack that killed forty children earlier this month most of them on a school bus but many children of also being recruited as soldiers particularly by who threw rebels said a heavy it was more. and he's colored and his family are safe and now. the
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school in ties has become their refuge since they were forced to flee her date weeks ago. they want to fountains of yemeni families who fled the key port city after the assault by the saudi the coalition but unlike many others his age niece has managed to avoid being forcibly recruited as a child soldier by the horsey rebels. they turned up at my house and forced themselves in me in three friends were kidnapped drugged and beaten up the commander told us they needed us to fight and sunnah but we managed to escape. and he says story is not an unusual one after more than three years of war and thousands of deaths the warring parties have turned to children to boost their ranks the united nations report documented the recruitment of more than eight hundred child soldiers in twenty seventeen in yemen some as young as eleven but the geneva base human rights group says the number of child soldiers fighting in the
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conflict is much higher than. the who these are taking advantage of the severe poverty families are living in children are being brainwashed to fight and some forcefully sent to training camps who for years are going to schools in orphanages to recruit children we know of one thousand eight hundred cases but i think the figure is much higher. the u.n. report also found that nearly two thirds of child soldiers in yemen are fighting for the healthy in june human rights watch called on all parties in the conflict to ensure that no children were taking part in the fighting in her data and to investigate and punish officers who allowed children in their units. and i will never forget one of the young children. we describe a young writer. in the areas that yet yet despite the testimonies and witness accounts prove the rebels have denied the accusations. we completely deny reports that we use child
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soldiers and those on frontlines are men of age the law prevents children from being recruited to fight they are still unable to hold a gun. under international law it's considered a war crime to recruit those under the age of eighteen conflict even yemeni nor sets eighteen as the minimum age for military service. as yemen suffers from the world's worst humanitarian crisis with unimaginable poverty and famine thousands of children are bearing the brunt of the conflict. al-jazeera police in the russian republic of chechnya have shot and killed five men who targeted them the attackers tried to run over two police officers attempted to stab another and failed to set off a suicide bomb eisel says it was behind their souls but chechen investigators say the group doesn't have any support in the region it's good to look at that
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criminals tried to destabilize the situation but they failed thanks to the accurate and orchestrated efforts of law enforcement and security agencies their plan was foretold the situation in the territory of our republic is under control there are no reasons to worry there have been no losses among police personnel. and every challenge has more from moscow. well there are two notable things about this series of attacks the first is that it took place at all despite its warts on history these days attacks like this are a pretty rare event in chechnya the second was notable thing is the youth of these attackers or thirty's in chechnya say that the youngest was eleven years old and the oldest of them was almost seventeen teenagers kids basically now the attacks three of them happens over the course of a short span of time one of them was an attempted stabbing on police
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officers the second was an attempted suicide bombing which fails the attacker didn't kill himself nor anyone else and the third was a kind of hit and run in a car no police officers died in these attacks no civilians died in these attacks in the aftermath all but one of the attackers was killed by the security services so you could say that this was not particularly sophisticated in its execution and not particularly successful either the leader of chechnya rams and the dear of her said that they were. basically young people that had had their minds perverted by eisel and indeed in the art of march of this attack or these this series of attacks i still through its media channels has claims responsibility and come to visit has been freed from prison after receiving
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a royal pardon bernese spent two years in jail she was arrested in twenty sixteen for protesting against the forced removal of thousands of people from the capital phnom penh when he has more from the thai capital in neighboring bangkok. tip danny was released from prison along with three other protesters are they received royal pardons that were requested by cambodia's prime minister who in sindh vanny was originally sentenced to just six days in prison back in two thousand and sixteen but after she had served that was then given two and a half years for an offense that had taken place more than three years earlier the jailing and harassment of land rights workers human rights defenders and political figures is common in cambodia where the prime minister hun sen is been in power for thirty three years and in july general election his party won all one hundred twenty five seats in the national assembly and on wednesday in the capital phnom
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penh the case of former opposition leader kim is back before the courts he is appealing for bail after he was arrested in september last year on treason charges and he still awaiting trial. you're watching over their arms or rather a reminder of all top stories of presidential palaces come under a tonic after president garley push for a new ceasefire with the taliban but he was delivering either message when rockets were fired towards the building they landed in the surrounding streets no injuries have been reported afghan military helicopters fired at a house where they suspect the rockets came from turkey has filed a complaint with the world trade organization over u.s. tariffs on steel an element of imports donald trump doubled levies earlier this month to turkey refused to release an american pastore accused of links to the failed coup of twenty sixteen. taiwan's
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a little low bow to pressure from china after another country cut diplomatic ties president sighing when criticize old salvatore's decision to establish relations with beijing instead of the nation to do so only seventeen countries now recognize taiwan as a sovereign nation he ended the war which is the today's china is not only a menace to cross straight relations what china is doing right now all over the world no matter if it's interfering in the n f e s of countries or destroying the order of international markets it has already caused a high degree of global instability we need to remind the international community that this is not only related to taiwan that we will not tolerate the serious situation in the more you practice of entered circulation of venezuela as part of a terms by president nicolas maduro to curb hyper inflation the bolivar has been devalued by ninety five percent turned is linked to a government backed cryptocurrency the international monetary fund believes
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inflation could hit one million percent this year opposition politicians say the measure will not improve the economy emergency workers in the indian state of carol are are handing out medicine and disinfectants to prevent water borne diseases more than one point two million people are now living in temporary camps after the worst flooding in a century rescuers are finding more bodies as the water recedes. australia's prime minister malcolm turnbull has survived a leadership challenge by his home affairs minister peter dutton turnbull won the vote forty eight to thirty five those were the headlines and back with more news in half an hour next on al-jazeera it's the stream to stay with us. on the streets of greece violence is on the rise. and increasingly migrant farm workers of victims a vicious beating. is helping the pakistani community to find
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a voice the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live undocumented and under attack this is zero on al-jazeera. and here in the stream today a wave of african-americans are choosing to move to the african continent but why and what happens when they get there join the conversation using the hash tag a day story or if you're watching live on you tube you'll eventually see us in that box you can leave your comments in the chat box and you too could be in the string . right and i mean. in recent years thousands of african-americans have made the decision to quote return home to the african continent.


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