tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera August 21, 2018 7:00pm-7:34pm +03
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on al-jazeera. television. strikes in kabul after rockets are far in the diplomatic district interrupting president message. hello and welcome i'm watching out is there live from london coming up. venezuela's opposition calls for a national strike a day after president by the surprises the crisis hit country with a new currency. greece's prime minister declares tuesday
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a day of liberation the nation emerges from my nearest bailout. russia denies microsoft's accusations that hackers linked to its government targeted the u.s. senate. and a show of support for all a sense of as the ukrainian filmmaker answers the hundredth day of his hunger strike in a russian prison. we begin in afghanistan where afghan forces have launched a furious air assault in kabul after rockets were fired at the presidential palace during its celebrations president ashraf ghani was giving a holiday message to the nation in a live broadcast when he was interrupted by the boom off rockets i thought it was behind the attack bernard smith has this report. afghanistan's president might have been hoping for a quiet start to the holiday but as i'm sure afghani reviewed his troops and
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officials gathered for they were all reminded that there are fewer and fewer peaceful days here. that was the sound of one of two rockets fired towards the presidential palace. if they think that with rocket attacks this nation will surrender they have to think again this is a brave nation is always ready to defend its independence and islamic tradition. eyesores says its fighters were behind the attack group's numbers are growing in afghanistan although it's the taliban that remains the greatest threat. that was made clear in a recent attack on the nearby city of gas that exposed the government's fragile grip on security thousands of taliban fighters stormed the city cutting communications and access to the highway to kabul at least one hundred fifty soldiers and more than one hundred civilians were killed in the five day battle to regain control of the city the government says hundreds of taliban fighters were
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killed. the taliban has been at war with the us backed afghan government for nearly seventeen years but one analyst has told al jazeera the while the taliban leadership believes it's doing well on the battlefield many foot soldiers see things differently most of them never see an american for all you know one month to the next so they're on the convince that they're actually fighting against an occupation but they don't have a way out so i mean they're stuck the war continues the leadership are resisting serious peace talks those inside the movement who are actually broadly in favor of it because they're in a in a centralized top down movement have no way of affecting the decisions of the leadership. tuesday's attack on the presidential compound ended when an afghan helicopter gunship targeted the house where the rockets were apparently fired from bernard smith al jazeera.
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then as well as opposition has called for a national strike against the government's new economic policies president nicolas maduro has introduced a new currency and knocked five zeros off prices in a desperate bid to boost the devastated economy but critics say the measures don't go far enough the international monetary fund has warned that venezuela's inflation could exceed one million percent by the end of the year well our latin america editor lizzie newman has more details from caracas. this is the first day that banks and shops are supposed to be open since the new currency regulations went into effect and quite frankly there are far more questions than answers at this point many shops are closed not only because a part of the opposition has called for a nationwide strike but simply because they don't know what to charge and people don't have any money because the new currency hasn't really hit the streets yet it's very difficult to get it you can get up to ten of the new billy believe it is
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which are worth one million of the old believe it is but with that you can barely buy a cup of coffee at this point so that is not enough to go shopping many but in a shop just saying that they don't open at all because they don't want to operate at a loss doing that probably in a couple of weeks' time everything will cost one hundred two hundred three hundred percent more than it does today in the meantime many people are trying to leave the country rushing to the bus stations that got a web buses go to the border but those are now closed because the company says it doesn't know what to charge for the tickets president nicol asked my little will be holding his first public address since he said he was the victim of an assassination attempt on all this to fourth he will be a trying to answer some of these questions when he does. there's about an hour joins me live from the brazilian border town of parker imo where thousands of venezuelans are still seeking refuge despite the violence against them on saturday so there is a there have been efforts to close the borders there from what i understand can you
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tell us about them and whether they're working. the border between brazil and venezuela and what's been happening years. hate the. cold hate of emergency between hundred and seven hundred minutes women have been crossing the border every day and on the other side there is a very small. and the. thing that they cannot afford to take care could be for the medicines that they need. and the latest information we had is that the state has requested the supreme court to allow them to shut down business border at least temporarily but for what we know right now is that the federal government has said that it would be illegal and that's why they've a point of entry continues to be open and what happened basically left saturday is that a group of brazilian upset because
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a group of venezuelans had attacked the brazilian fifth and basically destroyed a refugee camp using both been putting it on fire and then they pushed the refugees the venezuelan refugees. the words they are countries and of course generated a lot of fears among refugees and the federal government has that were true you can see them right behind me that they're taking care of the border right now and yet there is a people who are still coming across the border despite the violence they've faced or maybe the fact that they do feel unwelcome there can you tell us why can you tell us what they're saying. but what people basically are telling us that they're desperate that they're continue to come that even though there was an incident of violence overall the situation in brazil is much better than the situation that they've been going through in venezuela other hardship they're facing lack of food medicines among other thing i just met
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a couple that's right not far away from where i'm standing they have been waiting for their children for eight months they already went to one other thing. they haven't seen their children and eight months and they're coming here today and they're saying that they'd rather be on the. we would than remain. and shortages of almost everything. thank you very much there is a bow there and apologies for the technical disruptions we've had good to speak to thank you. the greek prime minister has officially declared an end to an era of austerity as a nation exit exits the biggest international bailout in history. to process the greece says greece called it a day of liberation and insisted that pos mistakes will not be repeated since twenty ten voided bankruptcy through three hundred billion dollars in loans from the international monetary fund and the european union and return it had to impose
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punishing austerity measures to balance its budget. she must above the law must see medicine like in the bailouts that carried with them austerity and recession and turned their country into a social desert over our country's regaining its right to define its own fortunes and its future like a normal european country without being compelled to do things from abroad with no more blackmail no more sacrifices for our people. a man suspected of being a former nazi concentration camp guard has been deported from the united states to germany the does justice department says the poly served at a camp in nazi occupied poland during world war two polly lied about his job when he entered the us in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine pictures obtained by a.b.c. news show the ninety five year old being wheeled from his new york home on a stretcher protesters have been calling for his deportation since he was tracked down by federal officers twenty five years ago. global software giant microsoft says it's foiled
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a plot by russian hackers to attack political institutions in the u.s. now the company says it took control of six web domains created to mimic mimic websites belonging to the u.s. senate and two republican think tanks users who visited the fake sites were also asked to enter logon credentials we can get more on this from she had britain's he joins us live from washington d.c. so she had tell us more about these microsoft accusations. right well in fact they took down these domain names last week microsoft is just announcing it all today because part of some marketing push to the cyber security now is a big business a very profitable business for these companies out there it's in their interest really to talk up the threat but what they say is that there were these several domain names which were part of a spear phishing campaign that is they look like web sites that people are familiar with but are in fact set up by hackers and then you end users unwittingly click on
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to these links and potentially put in their credentials however microsoft says they took them down almost immediately no no no damage was done but as you said that the sort of dumaine names we're talking about had the word senate in the senate group senate build services senate email and hudson org which is which would presumably refer to the hudson institute a right wing think tank and my dash ira right. dot org international republican institute another right wing think tank we have this response from the from from the kremlin microsoft this is evidence of a crime then widening its attacks ahead of the twenty eighteen mid-term elections although didn't provide any further evidence for that this is what the kremlin said we do not know what hackers they are talking about we don't know what is meant by influence of elections we hear confirmations from america that there was no influence on elections who exactly are they talking about we don't understand what the proof of the basis for them drawing these kind of conclusions such information proved is it lacking there is one interesting irony here is that institute think
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tank whose name i couldn't pronounce the international republican institute is a great reminder of how the u.s. pioneered election of difference because they the international public attitude is a think tank that was really owns of dollars tens of millions of dollars into elections around the world quite overtly supporting usually right wing opposition parties mounting social media campaigns in order to influence elections so it's there is a bit of irony that i am and it's another reminder perhaps that the us did. most of these techniques of spearfishing social media campaigns and so on on the internet and so it's quite interesting to see now all these weapons being used against america very much so and she has separately although not so far from this issue is the fact that the u.s. is set to impose more sanctions on russia despite just their last ones only starting to come into effect can you tell us about the latest ones and what's behind them several bits of sanctions news. today and
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tomorrow tuesday on wednesday on tuesday we understood from the department of treasury that two companies and two individuals were being sanctioned in russia who are accused of trying to help previous companies who were sanctioned for alleged activities trying to get around the sanctions so that's one set of sanctions announced today and then on wednesday we're expecting a whole raft of sanctions to be imposed as a result of the law basically once the u.s. decided it agreed with the british allegations that russia was behind the poisoning of a russian you double agent in britain and his daughter a russian british double agent and his daughter then the u.s. had to act against russia under their chemical and weapons chemical weapons and biological weapons legislation so they are putting in various sanctions which automatically kick in tomorrow jewel used technology things that might have national security implications we think those are electronic components and turbines and things like that but much more seriously perhaps as part of that same legislation in ninety days of russia hasn't satisfied the state department on
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various criteria that it isn't using chemical weapons or has opened up its facilities to inspections both of which it's very unlikely to do and far more serious economic and diplomatic sanctions might kick in and things will get even worse between the u.s. and russia she have written c. there demystifying the complicated world in relations between the u.s. and russia thank you so much. and fell to common objects era. the new report maturity of the immense scale of atrocities committed against range of people and me and my psychiatrist ain't. the floodwaters recede in the indian state of carolina but the track that day is now beginning to emerge. hello again welcome back to international weather forecast where we are watching a little tropical disturbance right here just in the south china sea this is not
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going to develop into anything big but we do have a little bit of circulation just to the east of hong kong what that is going to do is over the next few days make its way over here towards taiwan and we could be seeing some heavier rain showers in the forecast as we go towards thursday so some heavy rain in the forecast for showers as well and for hong kong we do expect to see a tempered few entering the day on thursday of thirty five degrees while here across india we are watching what is happening across india very carefully because of the very heavy monsoon rain that we had seen across parts of carolina people are now getting out as those waters are beginning to recede getting some much needed supplies and relief across the region but the big problem we're watching that that could potentially develop is disease so as long as those rain showers continue to recede and also the rain recedes that will hopefully stay at bay but over the next few days though rain continues anywhere from all the way down across that central part of the western coast but heavy rain is going to be a problem here on wednesday as well as into thursday across much of the north down
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towards the south though it is going to be most cloudy tonight going to see a temperature of thirty five degrees at colombo about twenty nine. sound the economic angst beat of a thriving brazil but boom times mean rising rents and the lack of public housing isabella's just one of thousands looking for a place to call home was no choice but one of the city's many vacant buildings facing an uncertain future. do you find a latin america occupying brazil. hello
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again here's a reminder for our top stories and their afghan forces have launched a furious air assault and couple after rockets were fired towards the presidential palace during celebrations i self said it was behind the attack. in israel as opposition has called for a national strike ofter president nicolas maduro introduced a new currency and increase the minimum wage to prop up the collapsed economy. and the kremlin has denied accusations by global software giant microsoft and hackers linked to the russian government tried to attack political institutions in the u.s. . iran has been a major target of u.s. sanctions unemployment there now stands at about twelve percent with more than three million people unable to find jobs there is also
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a number of growing poor who are growing number of working poor who are struggling to cope with rising living costs then as robbie has this report from tehran. the busy birds of a factory floor where business suits and boardrooms are left behind for overalls and dangerous work mirabeau makes industrial scale water valves and employs hundreds of people around the country and if things go to plan the intend to hire hundreds more wow this time that they offer some industries inside iran more development in the more export we can do the more factories will be brought online so we could employ some new workers business leaders and industry chiefs want to shift iran away from an agriculture based economy and develop its ability to make and sell manufactured goods it's in big factories like this that iran sees its financial future heavy machinery being worked by a skilled labor force making important things but if you were to drive by this
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industrial park on the outskirts of the capital to run you might not notice these buildings or a hive of activity and that's part of the problem to say is sanity i mean vesting an industry needs financial resources one of the solutions is foreign investment where providing some incentives to attract foreign investors definitely foreign investment speeds up industrial development and consoled the issue of unemployment . iranian manufacturers boast about cheaper labor costs than china but foreign investors point to problems of scale and quality control factors holding a run back from taking on a production powerhouse that's been called the world's factory american sanctions also hangs like a question mark over iranian factories. the government hopes offering free land and tax breaks will make it easier to convince people that iran might be their cup of tea. away from the factory floors some three million iranians are still looking for
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work. be dell is a forty six year old air conditioning technician he's been out of work for a month or two it is a the job situation is not good opportunities are taken by people with connections have no university degree so my resume doesn't register anyway when i lose my job i have to start again from zero unfortunately there is no way for people like me to have job security. basic necessities are so expensive having fun is something most in his wife no longer think about he'd be willing to do anything to earn an honest living but says the job market is saturated with young people also looking for work most and says he's too old for the government to care about him and that he's putting his faith in god but he admits being unemployed is destroying him same bus robbie old zero. bahrain has announced that it will stop issuing new visas to
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qatari nationals escalating measures against qatar more than a year into a diplomatic route of bahrain's interior ministry says students studying in the country and other qatari sist citizens with existing visas will not be affected are a saudi arabia the united arab emirates and egypt cut diplomatic transport and trade ties with qatar last year in june. the muslim around the world celebrating prayers food and the exchange of gifts also known as the festival of sacrifice the face marks the end of the hodge pilgrimage to mecca overnight thousands of worshippers climbed the mountain and arafat's east of the saudi city that's where the prophet muhammad delivered his final sermon. and tens of thousands of families in northern syria are celebrating displacement camps driven from their homes by the government offensives and they have been maimed or lost
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family members in the seven years of fighting sin and cos he has this report from province that serious last rebel stronghold. is one of the camps in northern syria at these eight hundred fifty thousand displaced syrians have taken refuge here since the civil war began more than seventy years ago it was. only left the town of latam the north in hama five years ago ahmed opened the small wholesale business in the camp and leaf sells a good sci fi's from his ten. year old when we asked how he and his family prepared for the biggest feast in the muslim world words failed him. it is not much different for allie who used to be a former back home he was hit by a rocket two years ago while driving his motorbike. he lost a leg and an hour he hasn't felt like celebrating heat for the last seven years. he thinks there is no joy for fees but only death pain and war which makes it
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impossible to be happy. to serve the same opinion fabric at night it doesn't feel like a feast we are away from home and family we hope it is over soon there are thousands of people here but this is the one thing they share at the refugee camp resembles a giant city just meters from the turkish border or were crowding is a major problem and there's a distinct lack basic facilities and services most of the people here do not have an a job spot despite all this incentives they try to maintain as normal a life as possible mainly for the sake of their children and i bought you clothes i will play with my friends this feast requires muslims to share the meat of us have preferred animal with the poor have over the can manage it tells us no we're going to say shin has promised them any meat and he doesn't know if they will receive any . al-jazeera refugee camp in northern syria. the u.n.
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says it's being still being denied access to parts of me and mara seven hundred thousand muslims have been driven out in a brutal crackdown that's despite the government promising to let u.n. officials visit and allow refugees to return nearly one year since the violence began and your report has revealed the immense scale of atrocities against the ranger researchers found an estimated one hundred sixteen thousand are injured were beaten by members of me and maurice armed forces forty three thousand have suffered gunshot wounds around nineteen thousand women and teenagers were raped and an estimated twenty five thousand were murdered or the crackdown a year ago was initially in response to what the man maher government called terrorist activity by a ranger group in marci leader aung san suu kyi says that the threat is still present in rakhine state she addressed there were an issue in a speech in singapore looking back at her two years of leadership. the danger of
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terrorist activities which was initial cause of cause of the events leading to the humanitarian crisis in rakhine remains real and prisons today and this is security challenges address the risk of intercommunal violence will remain it is a threat that could have grave consequences not just for myanmar but also for other countries in our region and beyond what's up as a shared indian authorities that it what develop tools to tackle fake messages and recent months more than twenty people have been killed in mob attacks inspired by fake news spreads on the messaging app the government wants the facebook owned app to work out ways to trace sinister messages india is what's up the biggest market with more than two hundred million users. floodwaters are receding in the indian state of carola but emergency crews are continuing to find bodies of more victims almost four hundred people have been confirmed dead in the worst floods in
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a century the government says it needs one point four billion dollars to rebuild the state under thomas has this report. the good news is it's been sunny almost all day on tuesday which means that the water level has gone down considerably over the course of the day we've spent to stay with a man who wants to return to the village chief lates was rescued from on friday and he knew that on saturday a huge wall of water had come through his village we want to go back and see how much damage has been done now early on to say we couldn't have done this we had to take a canoe to reach his village and when he got there he saw that while there was mud throughout the place and it was a mess in south at least was still standing and his grown up son who had left there to protect the property and also help out neighbors well he was ok now over the course of today the water has gone down to such an extent that a couple of relief trucks have been able to drive in they have very big wheels so they can get through this and they've brought rugs water and other essential
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supplies to the villages now we are able to walk out now because over the course of today the water level has dropped it's not yet been anywhere deeper than waist level that's the good news the water is going down here. it's his environment minister wants prosecutors to investigate whether negligence could have led to the deaths of ten people in a flood on monday or rescuers are still searching for survivors after the flash floods swept away hikers in accord in the southern calabria region all the people listed as missing have now been found but officials say there may have been more people in the gorge without a registered guide russia has denied that aid your cranium prisoner on hunger strike for one hundred days said critical condition filmmaker alexander saab is cerny serving a twenty year jail sentence for conspiracy to commit terrorism after being convicted in twenty fifteen is strongly oppose the russian annexation of his native crimea sense of family are now seriously worried about his health or
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a challenge as more details from moscow. alex and so it began his hunger strike back in may he said he would refuse food until all ukrainian nationals were released from russian jails now or he's only accepting a nutritional supplements to keep his organs functioning so far campaigning from human rights groups influential russians and international leaders like the french president macron have not achieved his release and speaking to us from kiev his cousin says she fears that vladimir putin is trying to make a point. to resist theory if that's not in one select to die to teach a lesson to other political prisoners so they see what kind of consequences as a bell and can have and sit quietly this is the most recent photo of a leg he's then certainly but it's difficult to tell quite how thin because of his prison overalls supporters those say that he's lost thirty kilos he has anemia and
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a slow heartbeat he's certainly much changed from these pictures filmed when he and alexander culture unco were convicted back in two thousand and fifteen on terrorism charges the trial linked to the russian and exhaustion of crimea has been condemned by the e.u. as a breach of international law however analyst maria lipman told me he doesn't have many legal avenues open to him since off was sentenced to a very long time of imprisonment put in has reiterated that a sense of is a terrorist so there is no way back there is no record no way to recognize anybody merely a mistake and that he was arrested tried and sentenced them fairly. for months there's been talk of a prisoner swap with ukraine though nothing concrete has happened that or a pardon is his best hope so the kremlin says he would have to ask for
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a pardon first something sense of refuses to do meanwhile he's slowly starving himself to death ok that's it for this news both and but do remember you can always get more on our website and the address for that is our jazeera dot com take a look. again these are the top stories and al-jazeera afghan forces have launched a furious air assault in kabul after rockets were fired at the presidential palace during each celebrations helicopters targeted a house in the afghan capital from where the fighters launched their assault eisel says it was behind the attack president ashraf ghani was speaking in a live broadcast when he was interrupted by the boom off rockets do you think it gave the if they think that with rocket attacks this nation will surrender they have to think again that this is a brave nation is always ready to defend its independence and islamic tradition
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when israel is opposition has called for a national strike against the government's new economic policies president nicolas maduro has introduced a new currency and knocked five zero prices it's a desperate effort to boost the devastated economy but critics say the measures don't go far enough the international monetary fund has warned that venezuela's inflation could exceed one million percent by the end of the year the greek prime minister has officially declared an end to us terra tia's the nation exits the biggest international bailout in history alexis to process calls it a day of liberation and insists past mistakes will not be repeated since two thousand and ten degrees avoided bankruptcy through three hundred billion dollars in loans from the international monetary fund and the e.u. . a man suspected of being former a former nazi concentration camp guard has been deported from think ited states to
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germany the justice department says the active pauli served at a camp in nazi occupied poland during world war two while he lied about his job when he entered the us in one thousand nine hundred nine pictures obtained by a.b.c. news show the ninety five year old being wheeled from his new york home on a stretcher to the kremlin has denied accusations by global software giant microsoft that hackers are linked to the russian government try to attack political institutions in the u.s. microsoft says it took control of six web manes created to mimic websites belonging to the senate and to republican think tanks users who visited the fake sites were also enter log in credentials i close off says it's for to dozens of hacking attempts in the on the us institutions the finder's next.
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