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tv   Samoas Rugby Super Women  Al Jazeera  August 27, 2018 1:32am-2:00am +03

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where he lives under twenty four hour police protection. fire. i'm firing. on my father this is related. uncial is preparing for yet another hearing in his father's murder trial the state has charged singh with two murders including that of uncial father but the case has dragged on for over fifteen years and there's still no verdict it truth is what's giving us strength but if we've taken on such a powerful empire what are we in front of them with nothing until says the guru and his followers tried every trick in the book to prevent him from testifying. they never directly threaten me but indirectly they tried really hard through my relatives through a local administrator through
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a former state chief minister they tried to get me to compromise. my reply was what more can they do to us. there's nothing more valuable than life and that they've already taken. for the past eleven years the central bureau of investigation has assigned an armed bodyguard the threat he says is real the gurus devote on just followers they fanatics. this fanaticism spilled onto the streets last august when good meat rather he was seeing was convicted of sexually assaulting two of his female disciples. by all esteem it was listing rivers of all ordered powell three hundred thousand people were present and in and around the openness of at the time of the war dick.
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sumeet go while is one of the prosecutors responsible for sings conviction in my career as a lawyer i have never there were even harder for many people gathering at the time award so there were a lot of tension at that border and everybody had a sense of fear inside that anything could happen. what happened was an all out riotous hundreds of thousands of sing supposes rampage through several cities burning media vans train carriages and petrol stations. was a move markets were closed everything was so the city shut down but practically shut down for three days. the government imposed a curfew and deployed the army electricity supplies mobile internet and cable television what cost to prevent crowds from gathering. almost forty people were
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killed and hundreds injured in the mayhem. hunts trudged on says he watched with horror as the carnage unfolded on t.v. . for thirteen years he was one of could meet ron where he sings most fervent followers until the am think it will happen. i meet joe han at a secret location with his bodyguard. he too is on a hit list the big. winner would arrive to go anywhere i can't tell anyone where i'm going i need to change god. i need to call a friend to come with me even today i had to do this. john says his parents sent him to live and work for saying when he was just a teenager one day the guru summoned him living with in the service.
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he called a meeting of his closest male duties there were about four hundred five hundred people he said we're going to remove your reality after that your mind isn't going to want to. come closer to god. chohan says he didn't understand that the guru was talking about castration he said it's just a small operation you won't feel any pain or discomfort no one knew what castration was. chohan says he was sent to the dare is own hospital and instructed to tell the doctors that the guru had blessed him. dimmick something in the pepsi and gave it to me to drink after that i didn't know what they were doing to me or where they were taking me i fell unconscious and woke up three days later. john says he was in agony and his growing was bandaged the month i was in pain for two months
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i couldn't walk properly i was on bedrest my bandages what changed every two or three days in but. before and even after the operation chohan says he was made to sign a number of blank documents. to have a lot of property under the memes of castree to do he knew that we would never get married or have children when we die we leave the property here and he would put his name on our power of attorney. he says hundreds of men and boys were castrated he is now helping investigators prosecute his former guru. could meet romber him saying is already serving a twenty year sentence for his rape convictions but he continues to deny all
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charges of rape and castration we tried to speak with him but the indian courts would not give us permission we did however interview his spokesman. and from the beginning to the end i have tried to understand and investigate these allegations i never saw anything that indicated that a crime had been committed. is not only a devoted if the group he's also a relative he says men volunteered to be castrated but are now blaming saying. whoever has had this done it was their choice. he also dismisses the multiple allegations of rape and murder against his guru saying they are politically motivated. mechanism our system is being used by people who are communal corrupt and liars. he refuses to identify
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which people instead he quickly moves on blaming a conspiracy by drug dealers. whenever a man tries to clean a bad things in our society he will be opposed by people who profit from these bad things but still wara saves his most passionate attacks for the press and the investigators who put his guru behind bars indian media a large part of the indian media is making a fool out of people it's not journalism looking. good the court itself admitted that the media's coverage is influencing judges as far as the central bureau of investigation goes it has been called a puppet. believes his group is a victim and will soon be exonerated. the truth hasn't been
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completely better and i believe that someday it will come out. and his face is shared by many other defo teas even now despite saying languishing in jail he says saw shrimp is packed with followers. it's more than forty degrees in the peak of summer and still thousands of people have come to hear recorded speeches by the group. we were banned from filming inside the room but we listened to the dare is own film crew interviewing disciples lording it over to who he wanted to. set out to a daughter or extra daughter both got in doing the longer business for years as the mafia there gretel is the only one but the local residents love this part and the. utils will be down there be a political. will. to do so it is hard to see if we're going to take in
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the. a because really we are not going to get out of it was a model no mother should watch it progress from on her remark but are you shocked. the whole lot of a lot of us run. these devotedly say they will never believe the allegations against a guru but would they believe one of his most trusted confidant. fall from the city from we've tracked down a man who was once willing to die for the guru today it's his life that's in danger . i believe that he was going. that he was a great soul i never knew about the evil in him. for ten years
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cut us sing worked as a personal bodyguard driver and manager for good me to run for him say. he says he was present when they grew older the assassination of journalist ramchandra to property after he published the anonymous lessa. a quad or local or around in the field what they thought he was shown the local paper that. the party published to call the whole truth the minute he saw the report he was livid he said silence him forever. in front of me christian love went and got a revolver and a walkie talkie set. in front of me he gave these to government singh who then gave them to nirmal singh in. and told them take this and kill him as soon as possible. qatar has given a detailed account to the courts of what happened that day he says he also know
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about the sexual assaults. there were a lot of girls who were ready to come forward but the problem is with our society to morrow if she wants to get married people will point fingers at her and say she is this kind of go because she's been abused so these poor girls just swallow their pain like poison the either kept silent or went home by two thousand and five qatar singh says he'd had enough. when i stopped going to dura i send photos to my home when i leave the house they'd spit on me i said if you say anything we are ready for you. i went to the police once or twice and gave them my written statement. instead the police threaten me that's what i thought if the police themselves are not listening to me then what's the point. when word spread that
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he'd gone to the authorities he received a letter stained with blood. or . the only. saw. him go and rest in google did just really have been a woman to. be. the only governor is really isn't going to. cutter has no doubt that his former guru is behind these threats. this guy is no saint he is using spirituality as a smokescreen to conceal murders. but in india singh is not the only
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self-proclaimed saint accused of serious crimes others include assault on bapu a popular guru recently convicted of raping a sixteen year old girl. and swami nityananda who is facing a space of charges including rape and criminal conspiracy. while tens of thousands of swarmings here a devoted to serving their communities spiritual denies ations are alarmed by these controversies. not only are they dangerous toying with us mean those in the giddy heads an umbrella group representing hindu holy men he is urging devoted to be cautious and sensible his organization has taken the un preset into step of releasing a list of fake groups including good meat romber him say. these
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days any time. there's a guru sitting there with a laptop people call in saying i'm not married. i'm getting sick. if you are sick go see a doctor if you're not getting married go look for a partner and you get married what's concerning for us is how to break this kind of blind faith that people have in today's world there's no astrologer all guru who can solve problems with the press of a button all of this is just to make fools out of people. it's age advice but in india belief runs deep.
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even. despite his father's middle and his struggle for justice he says his faith remains unshakable. god is in the truth whoever is with the truth of god is with him. he is a self-proclaimed messenger of god painting millions of devoted but his path to enlightenment involve the rape and abuse of his followers when east investigates the fall of one of india's most powerful spiritual gurus on al-jazeera.
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the secret. of. pope francis denounces forced adoption and his trip to ireland. hello this is al jazeera live from my headquarters in doha. also ahead.
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m.m.'s. zimbabwe gets its second president after a closely contested election and a legal challenge colombians vote in an anti-corruption referendum that could change the face of the nation's politics and from a prisoner of war to presidential candidates tributes from around the world to u.s. senator john mccain whose side at the age of eighty one. pope francis has apologized for crimes committed by catholic clergy against islands of women and children while the song bullies beat he asks for forgiveness in front of nearly half a million people during a public mass in dublin the issues of child sexual abuse and assault by members of
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the church has dominated the pontiffs first visit to the once deeply catholic country live to all ages there is need of baka who is in dublin for is covering the pope's visit so the final engagement today need was a meeting with bishops which wrapped up a short time ago do we know what came out of that. as a boy down in liverpool the final piece of work would be here with a little golden key to lead the bishops obama early because it will be the bishops that will carry on the work of the most when he goes and opposes eventually led me to attempt to tackle the legacy of the police still a long shadow over irish society but he's left them with something to think about he says if you speech to them that they must set up a stringent set of norms aimed at ensuring the safety of young persons he said it is important for the church to be the example for others within society it's a picture all the wrongs of the sins of the possible replicate. i get
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a little bit out there on what are you dressed crowds here i'm feeding. into his homily or his servant about low asking for forgiveness for a long list of the parts wrongs committed by the church here in ireland here's what the pontiff had to say to those gathered here. the muppet alone. shows we ask forgiveness for the abuses an island the abuses of power of conscience and sick child abuse is perpetrated by members with rows of responsibility in the church in a special way we ask pardon for only abuses committed in various types of institutions run by my all female religious and by other members of the church and we ask for forgiveness for those cases of exploiting and through manual work that so many young women and men was subjected to we ask forgiveness so naïve how is a pope's visit to island been received overall. the
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overall the way it's going to be here there's always going to be a mixed response here a knowledge of the issue is that this visit of course is a source of make great joy a great comfort to a bus number of people to all members of the people of kools a recent survey back into business six things that seventy percent of the population like tentacle is catholic although church numbers of children twenty below forty percent many still cool themselves culturally like anybody to get seven like to leave the d.n.a. they were told there's a whole lot of anger here as well it's a massive demonstration taking place in the center of dublin to happen simply taking his lead to the gathering here for the next month they gathered up the cash not telling the truth along the put to go a little bit. that apologizing a little bit further than asking for forgiveness they want concrete steps for the vatican to initiate going forward they want the bans
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a good job but it's fun to share with you and those agencies of the world what it knows about historical abuses married out for allegedly by busy own lives lose their church members in the lives of faith they also want to be close they will fill the frame of it to believe that change to lead the. city is full of something else and make sure that until the words. translated into action figure. out what we're looking at live pictures right now nave of the pope's plane i believe about to depart island after this thirty six hour visit. and of course we talked about this extensively over the last two days he's come to a country came to a country that's changed tremendously since the last pope visited back in one nine hundred seventy nine. that's trying to give out that we're francis took the stage here in the same place the same location went back in ninety nine children
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killed. it's like the old if you were to put the flame. to the lips a little something very very different to completely thinking that some of the list is. similar to the dream to be being dismantled it isn't leaving the fish in a marriage it's legal to be accepting it's legal we believe breached the modern world view in the only absolute also got it going the confidence they gain the gusto as it were to really challenge some of the ills of the church and it has been foreseen for pope francis to respond to that criticism and do what he sees as the right thing thank you for that neve block a life for us in dublin ireland. on to other world news and zimbabwe's new president has urged the country to unite and focus on helping the economy grow and mr nunn gaga has been sown in after weeks of political uncertainty over an election
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disputed by the main opposition coalition. has more from harare on the challenges the country faces. the president in a synagogue one knows he only now the one last month's election was just over fifty percent of the vote in his inauguration speech he try to unite a divided country. sort of us already on our service political. alarm of alert we are all the problems what tomorrow. is. that what every divide us.
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opposition leaders did attend send this inauguration but the main opposition leader nelson chamisa did not on friday zimbabwe's highest court rejected his claims of a training. mission. she just might meet on wings major planned in the late. one july selection international community to intervene when they got going as a daunting task of rebuilding a stagnant economy most importantly he has to address city a cash with edges and high unemployment. when he took over from longtime leader robert mugabe nine months ago he promised to turn around the economy tackle corruption and end human rights abuses all the work that was done ahead of the elections to try and show the elections being free and fair and that this was the start of the new dispensation that was all undone on august the first when the military moved in and gunned down seven people on the streets of harare this
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creates the perception that this is not a new dispensation the versus the same dispensation it has the the name of the leader has changed but it seems that they are going about governance and going about human rights in exactly the same way as happened under the mccarthy era some african leaders were at the celebrations they say they will work with somebody to help its economy recover but political analysts say others in the international community will need some convincing before sanctions can be lifted and investment can return millions of people here would have to wait and see if when they're going to live on his promise to be a president for. al-jazeera. haddie. colombians are voting in a referendum on tougher on thai corruption laws opposition politicians are supporting the vote which needs a third of the electorate to pass if it does go through the bill could see the salaries of congressmen lowered for spawn additions to declare their income and change the way public contracts are awarded and speak to our correspondent in
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bogota colombia. so what are the supporters of this initiative hoping to achieve exactly and it's under. well they're hoping to change politics as usual in the country and they are hoping to take advantage of the fact that corruption has been in the foreground now for quite a while many colombians are worried if you have any. corruption is a massive problem in the country and yet nothing has ever been done about it every time congress had an opportunity to vote on measures similar to the one that they're voting for in the referendum today they have always voted against their. former senator cloudy a lot places on a mission trying to convince colombians to vote in the country's first ever and take corruption initiative that's fully because in call of going to titian's in
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colombia are stealing fifty billion pesos here that's a quarter of colombia's wealth they still through illegal contracts three full spitting and contracting their friends this is citizen action to end it. volunteers gathered four million signatures for the referendum to reach the ballots but they now need twelve million colombians to vote on sunday for it to pass which like it says would be a turning point in the fight against graft i must get out on the scene one yes we have been waiting twenty five years for congress to act on these measures instead they voted them down every single time voters will weigh in on seven different measures that would affect politicians so. three term limits and introduce mandatory jail sentences for corruption but while some cases of recently made headlines the initiative success is far from certain congress is widely considered the most corrupt and inefficient in the country and he was surprised by many quote long b.s. but while lawmakers say things should choose of many of us assume it will pose this
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referendum. most parties in congress voted in favor of the referendum before the last presidential elections but i've seen some voided any promotion of the initiative president announced he will vote but many in this party say they will not let me just go to the floor and laws don't solve corruption columbia is full of codes and regulations but nothing changes we need to change the culture in the country and we need citizens to keep a close eye on politicians otherwise we are just throwing away public money in initiatives that will have little effect but on their seven man this have transparency international says the vote can have a major impact. if millions of citizens vote in favor for it less strong effort in the political class.


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