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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2018 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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saying is accurate and we have a need for narrative plentitude the mirror he doesn't purport to represent all asians or even all people from singapore gossip girl t.v. show didn't represent all new yorkers the difference being the number of stories representing people so nancy when we talk about the number of stories i know that you've studied this you look back over the history of film in america what's your take on the. yeah absolutely we're at such a dearth of representation and i think for our for asian american actors who are studied this is a huge opening because usually you know you start off as a supporting role and then you build your resume up right i think with ghost in the shell when all the white washing people were saying oh we don't have a list actor and now we have two actors that are in the variety ten ten actors to watch anime golding and gemma chan and so that's huge right to be able to have these faces and to be able to have this again and this launching pad to be able to
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do so much more and so hopefully more projects will come up and that also hollywood will be like oh look asians actually make money and unfortunately they can't tell us apart really well so that it actually does mean that hopefully more asians including saudis actually want to do it with what's your evidence for that. experience ok so should i say kimberly what is your evidence for that slight ok i know you've been trying to get aid that was a joke by the way everybody does treat me all right kimberly go ahead yeah i mean i'm kind of going back to you know what nancy said this is just a jumping off point and i think that if we kind of look to this movie and say that crazy rich agent has sold the racism problem in hollywood that would be completely false and then this this whole movement would have failed and so hopefully going forward there's going to be a diversity of stories and a diversity of people represented and
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a lot of these criticisms around the movie i do i absolutely feel they're valid i think you know i don't think the realities of single poor are completely portrayed on screen but the same time we know that with the success of this film that means that you know hopefully hollywood is listening and that we're going to see other other people other stories other faces other types of asian. i mean the asian community is so big and so diverse and hopefully you know more will be represented there was a lot riding on this movie and you know we you know if we wait twenty five years. you know people are going to want to see themselves their own stories on screen and so i think that's where a lot of the criticisms come from but yeah hopefully there's going to be a lot more to get i'm just looking at crazy rich asians movie dot com every day you look at it with me and you can see the speedo for the scenes it's rich and oh my goodness the men we have you know kind of like here no i can't stop watching
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thought i'm not so different kinds of men and styles and shapes think out does a pass now he's that's a big deal can be right yeah i mean i i think the important thing to remember about this movie is that because the cast is so large and because there are so many different types of people portrayed on screen you're not you know you're not fitting anyone into a box and so you can show people that are funny dude they're really hot dude's asians can have really nice abs you know you're going to say that if you give me a ride i'll. you know chris paying is you know not heinously ugly and so you know. but yeah there's just a diversity of people so you know we're not that into this really you know. autumn of talk nerdy science something that i'm coming it's really i mean from
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a man's perspective i mean my growing up in new jersey the only asian that i saw on the big screen was long duk dong and that was pretty much it right so when i was you know people would bring up asians on television or movies there was nothing to really point to it was really jackie chan or long duk dong and the screening that i went to the moment that the men were brought home a camp. i mean women were literally howling if you. it was awesome you know as a man you know asian american men we haven't had our moment there hasn't been an asian american leading man probably in hollywood's history other than a jackie chan or a jet li more martial artists and so for me to see men to just point sexy cool sophisticated is extremely powerful thinking a back to my twelve year old self to see myself and think i don't need to be white
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right i don't need to be something other than myself i can be cool i can be hot i can go get some apps i think that that is a powerful thing for for both men and women to see that keeping that my i want to bring in this who for my they see she says moments when rachel and make those of the two main characters were in bed or being physical they stuck out to me asians have been either do sexualized or fetish eyes by hollywood and i felt like those were very humanizing moments and these are also very p.g. moments there's nothing really explicit there i've got a little picture. came bad i just happened to have my laptop because editorial reasons. so men talk about you men historically there is. actually go i'll go back to the silent era. was a matinee idol so he was seen as sexy as. forbidden and white women will
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come and flock to the movies to see him but then after him for a while there just wasn't anyone there was a gator in flower drum song which was actually a movie that was probably one of the first cass's predating joy luck club that was a musical set in chinatown and it also had a lot of a couple of asian men that were romantically but it's like we can market these like . you can you how do you hear that. wow. there was really. i mean everybody's been asking is you know are responding we going to have a momentum where we don't have to wait another twenty five or thirty years and i think that with different platforms with streaming with just more content i think it's possible let me show you something i guess this is kitty you guys rational go second you go deep ok i think personally i feel like that theme was really powerful because i don't know if you know you remember ever seeing an asian couples together showing emotion on screen and i know you know i always cite this because nancy
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always does so such a good research on. in the industry but you know the the comment the casting director made to you about how are difficult to cast because we're emotionless or expressionless or whatever i think that that scene was powerful because they're you know love is just our love is very normal regular love and it's not really different from other people but there's also you know the flair of our own asian culture in there and so i think you know that scene personally for me was kind of revolutionary because you never seen an asian couple just being really really regular on screen. not in the expressions of different engines on on cranes which are johns i think i was on a call with john m. to the director and he mentioned that the men like michelle you know who is like one look basically. we know you and know you don't think emotions
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that culturally asians are not necessarily expressing emotions with like you know big gold screens or anything just one very very subtle look but really kind of all the stirs up her luck it's really interesting to think about how there are so many different ways so awkward is really kind of over the top expressions and young we have such a kind of bridey and maybe multiple generations like the immigrant generation or people in asia to people who have been more americanised but all those expressions are legitimate so now i'm really i want to i want to interject here because another way to show a motion was the soundtrack the music is beautiful have a look at my laptop here this headline really sums up what i'm about to show you this is from glamour this singer audition for crazy rich asians through you tube and got the job she sent us
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a video common her name is cheryl and this is what she told the stream honestly this is my first big break in home production and i've never been happy in my race for such a huge not just a movie but of movement i need to have a head all even costs and twenty five years ago and the soundtrack of this film is just amazing i've seen ha ha. and it's i feel like it's so authentic because i also bought movies from the genre and the floor and just being a part of it is i've never been proud i've never had a problem. never been prouder to be eaten by me all right so you haven't seen this film yet it is opening around the world between now and october bethany is a reporter at the for the enquirer she wrote this story here my favorite part of crazy rich asians was the credits why would that be there's
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a little secret in the credits but that's not the reason why it's my favorite part having this is what bethany had to say they have. my favorite part of crazy rich asians actually came at the very end when the credits rolled because that was when i got to see all of the names of the asian americans who made this movie happen but weren't necessarily on screen people who worked in costume design and music and set design because i knew that they were going to be the people who were going to hold hollywood accountable from now on even though they're not necessarily actors or actresses they were the ones who worked behind the scenes to make this movie happen so obviously asian american narratives are important to them and i'm so excited to see what work comes out of that whole movement. inspiring credits and also a little top tip if you haven't seen the film stay to the end of the credits don't rush off early as a little extra special thing in there rat nancy kimberly thank you for joining us
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today really enjoyed your conversation but he kept on with my understand i'm not asian or even american but this film meant a lot to me thanks for joining us on this train you can see as always online at a.j. stream take everybody. in an instantly shifting news cycle the listening post takes pools and questions the world's media exposing how the press operates and why certain stories take precedence while others are ignored the listening post on al-jazeera. al-jazeera with every. desperate for
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a better life millions of people have sought refuge in europe sometimes their dreams of century are realized but sometimes disenchantment drive them home. in the second of two films on these contrasting experiences people and meets the returning migrants now determined to discourage others from following the same. gambia back home on al-jazeera.
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optimism has faded. blue counties elected leaders are divided attention as fears that a crackdown is imminent the targets the activists who fought for democracy divide and conquer. part five of a six part series filmed over five years. china's democracy experiment on al-jazeera. as it breaks. holding on to this right as the bug. off in that direction we've. never before seen such a factory for refugees leaving one country from around the world the project raised questions right from the very start that this entrance cost two hundred thousand dollars to build.
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the debate of a genocide in the range of crisis in me and ma moves to the un security council. this is. also coming up another grim report on the war in yemen this time from the u.n. accuses all sides of carrying out a possible war crimes i think google is really take it as then if you've a lot of people and i think that's a very serious thing and it's a very serious donald trump goes after some of the internet's biggest names. in american governments meet to discuss the growing crisis of migrants fleeing venezuela.
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the un security council has been debating a report calling for senior offices in me and mas military to face genocide charges released on monday details mass killings and gang rapes of range of muslims investigators say at least ten thousand people were killed during the crackdown by the military which began last august mainmast government has rejected the report mike hanna has more from the u.s. . this meeting was shared before the release of the un report but it was the subject of discussion of many of the speakers in particular as the report held that the military leaders responsible for atrocities and recommend state acted it said with genocidal intent the secretary general did not give any specific direction to the security council as to how it should proceed however it did say that the report must form the basis of its negotiations i believe these reports findings and recommendations these are of serious consideration by all relevant
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united nations bodies effective international cooperation will be critical to ensure that they come to believe the mechanisms of credible transparent impartial independent and comply with myanmar's obligations and the international law but the british ambassador indicated that no immediate action is imminent she said it's likely that the report must first go to formal debate within the human rights council which commission the report in the first place before the security council takes a decision this is a report by the fact finding mission it will go in september for formal debate in the human rights council and then we hope we will debate it or deal with it in some suitable way in the security council but many members of the security council insistent that action must be taken sooner rather than later strong words from the u.s. ambassador we are now all armed with the devastating eyewitness accounts of the rohingya
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which lead us to the following conclusions children they be women and men suffered unspeakable crimes the attacks were planned premeditated and coordinated the perpetrator was the burmans military and security forces. the whole world is watching what we will do next and if we will at the one point of agreement that the security council must act in a united manner part of the issue the problem of china it is perceived as being against immediate action based on the un report earlier the chinese foreign ministry issued a statement saying that myanmar does not cope well with pressure. momma john jr has more now from cox as bizarre in bangladesh. the range of activities that we've been speaking with are certainly glad to hear that calls within the united
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nations action must be taken to protect the ranger community are getting louder but they're also telling me that that's not nearly enough in the last few days to mark the first year anniversary of the brutal crackdown that took place in rock kind state in myanmar last august there were these huge demonstrations that happened here includes a prolonged camp which is home to the largest refugee settlement in the world in those demonstrations we saw thousands of rodin jim in and women young and old coming out to demand the international community do more to protect and they were demanding that the international criminal court prosecute members of myanmar's military for crimes of genocide perpetrated against them in fact the remainder of the participated in those demonstrations called that day genocide remembrance day and that was two days before the release of the u.n. fact finding mission report which was calling on on members of myanmar's military
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to be prosecuted for crimes of genocide so what we're still seeing is a real frustration from the ranger community that the international community has not yet done enough they feel that perhaps things now are on the verge that that might change but still much more needs to be done now want to activists that i was speaking with. olaf he's the head of one of the row hinge a lead human rights groups here in the camp he said to me the genocide had been perpetrated against the regime just for decades the difference now is that it's only now that the international community has really woken up to that reality. the united nations says all sides fighting in yemen may have committed war crimes investigators describe saudi a morality airstrikes as the single most deadly element of the conflict but they also point to rampant sexual violence recruitment of child soldiers at attacks by who think. alan fischer reports from neighboring djibouti none have clean
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hands a u.n. panel three experts investigating and a damning conclusion individuals in the government of yemen and the coalition including saudi arabia and the united arab emirates may have conducted attacks in violation of the principles of distinction proportionality and all precautions which may amount to war crimes. the u.n. top human rights body commission the investigation into the ongoing fighting in yemen of war that has lasted almost four years the panel of experts meet fourteen fact finding missions spoke to victims and eyewitnesses and express concern about the targeting of civilians the use of child soldiers and the use of sexual abuse as a weapon which was described as horrendous conscripting or enlisting children
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under the age of fifteen or using them to participate actively in a still it is is a war crime. the panel called for an end to the fighting and without naming names or just the international community to stop providing weapons for the conflict. iran has been supplying hooty fighters or the u.s. and the u.k. has been backing the saudi led coalition the panel also criticized the hooty site in what was a strongly worded report they need to send investigators into yemen and which have been welcomed by the host the many many time so when they have a good evidence then they can bring anyone to justice either for all and solidarity movement or from the saudi led coalition. or in yemen erupted in march twenty fifteen saudi arabia and the united arab emirates and leading a western backed coalition trying to restore the internationally recognized
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government of exiled game any president who mansour hadi who was forced out of the capital sanaa by really impact the fighters it's the second report in twenty four hours criticizing the saudi led coalition on monday human rights watch cleaned it it failed to adequately investigate reports of human rights abuses and too often whitewash the results responding to the panel's findings the yes' minister of state for foreign affairs tweeted we should review and respond to the un experts report published today adding the coolish and is fulfilling a truly reclaiming the yemeni state and securing the future of the region from iranian interference in washington but the real briefing u.s. defense secretary mattis gave his response to the report and i think that what we have to look at here is probably can we get to the u.n. brokered peace table that that the u.n.
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special envoy. is trying to get it to that that is the goal that doesn't change no matter what tragedy happened on the battlefield all the governments named in the forty one page report received an advance copy of the panel says it has compiled a list of the names of people it believes may be responsible for war crimes and passed it on to the appropriate authorities and there are those who hope that this report will put pressure on both sides as we approach u.n. sponsored peace talks starting on september the sixth. alan fischer. djibouti what jeff stacy is a former state department official who served in the obama administration he says the increasing number of civilian deaths must force the u.s. to tone down its support for the saudi that coalition well it shouldn't be surprised that at this point in the conflict both the u.k. and the u.s. are beginning to have some serious concerns that they're actually very publicly in a slightly new way of course speaking privately to the saudis and the iraqis for
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some time these concerns have been expressed or so these are strong allies in the gulf and in the west with each other and cross these regions and they have been for years and of course the u.k. and the u.s. support their intelligence logistics weapons and things have been in place for some time but what the u.s. and the u.k. can no longer continue to support is the ongoing full of civilian deaths and human rights violations which of course is happening on both sides but i think what we're hearing both from secretary mess and from the u.k. as well is that the modest unconditional support for this at least publicly is now changed to modest conditional support for the time the u.s. military drills look set to resume on the korean peninsula the exercises had been suspended since the landmark agreement between donald trump and north korea's leader kim jong un as part of that deal north korea committed to end its nuclear
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weapons development but the u.s. is frustrated by a lack of progress towards denuclearization sect of defense james mattis has now said there are no plans to suspend upcoming drills u.s. president donald trump has accused google of giving prominence to news articles that are negative about him tramples a says facebook on twitter and conservative voices he's vowed to address the situation a white house correspondent can be healthy as mine. you know i think google is really taking advantage of a lot of people in a allegations from u.s. president donald trump that tech giants like google and facebook are silencing conservative opinions we have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in and you just can't do that so i think. twitter and facebook they're really treading on very very troubled territory and they have to be careful it's not fair to large portions of the population trumps comments follow
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a tuesday morning tweet we're trying to claim to google the search term trump news with negative results he says online searches are rigged by liberal owned media groups to shadow ban or silence conservative viewpoints that's why trump economic advisor larry kudlow says the administration isn't ruling out action even regulation you know we're taking a look at it in a statement google denies it searches are selective it says that when a user types a query into the google search bar its goal is to make sure they receive the most relevant alzheimer's in a matter of seconds search is not used to set a political agenda we don't bias our results toward any political ideology is not accurate this tech industry analyst says trump's allegation that tech giants are systematically biased against conservatives is nothing new if trump is google searching himself in finding that a lot of people don't like him that's because
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a lot of people don't like him to be clear that would also been true if barack obama had googled himself but conservatives in the us are pushing back it's basically an intergalactic invasion. people they point to the recent removal of controversy all right wing radio host alex jones from facebook you tube and spotify private tech companies say they're legally within their rights to ban offensive content critics said. there's silencing dissent some republican members of congress are even arguing today's big tech companies are monopolies in the marketplace and should be regulated to foster political debate from all sides a move the white house now appears to be considering kimberly healthy at al-jazeera washington time for a short break here on al-jazeera when we come back with trillions of dollars in trade on the line canada dispatches its top diplomat to washington lobbying for a place in a revamped nafta and a manmade god in south africa draws crowds in the continent's rain forests face
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destruction and that stay with us. hello we're still hitting nearly fifty degrees in the iraqi plane parts of southwestern iran there's nothing in the sky to prevent it and it's not generating any showers any way for even as far north as the caspian sea nothing in the skies that was still very much the late summer phase forty three in baghdad is probably on the conservative side that's true in kuwait you can probably add three or four degrees to that certainly if you're inside the city itself is clearly cooler further west but again we just talk about sunny skies in lebanon dancer is around in northern parts of society the breeze is maybe telling not doing very much for the most part the way it tends to blow down the gulf it changes how the weather
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feels for places like qatar u.a.e. it's all humid as time of year which is the current state or is drier and often breezy when the schimmel brings dust down so it's a really humid phase that extends into the east side of saudi arabia the temperature is about the same or less for of you are with the exception of course the i'm on the coast still catching the edge of the monsoon which means crowded drizzly weather and occasionally gets under storms up in the mountains of amman as well that certainly looks the case in the next day also. and a significant rain for the capes of africa not really you're back to sunny skies once again. and ambitious health system restore that paid off the show quite a push ultimately we may build ten million of our ninety six million citizens to receive free health care without paying insurance premiums. in. the
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extraordinary story of turkeys monumental health care transformation and the people at the heart to fix the people's health on al-jazeera. welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera the un security council has been debating a report which calls for senior officers in myanmar's military to face genocide charges released on monday details mass killings and gang rapes of revenge on muslims investigators say at least ten thousand people were killed during the crackdown by the military which began last august and mass government has rejected the report. the u.s. has defended its support for the saudi and erotic coalition fighting in yemen
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defense secretary james mattis says washington's backing is constantly under review says he's hoping for u.n. brokered to go see action on the conflict. and american military drills look set to resume on the korean peninsula they have been suspended as a landmark agreement between donald trump and north korea's leader kim jong il the u.s. is frustrated by a lack of progress towards denuclearization in the north. now an urgent u.n. security council meeting has been considering the threat of a syrian government offensive in the country's last remaining rebel held province russia which is a large of president bashar al assad says rebels in the province may stage a chemical attack and blame it on government forces western governments say moscow is trying to sow confusion and to regain some reports this morning from russia called this emergency meeting of the un security council to warn syrian rebels the pooty by western governments might stage a chemical attack then blame it on syrian government forces western diplomats
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dismiss that idea as ridiculous i think even reach a stand of russian propaganda this is an extraordinary fake news story of course we are not going to do anything remotely a kin to a chemical weapons attack we take our chemical weapons pay bishan responsibility sixty me seriously western governments say russia's claims and. and to say confusion and pave the way for yet another chemical weapons massacre by syrian government forces russia's ambassador strongly denies this. we are seeing how some western countries are clearly supporting al nasra fighters the chemical topic is cruelly manipulated to put pressure on damascus just saber rattling to deal with internal domestic issues. you know the countryside of hama and provinces are the last remaining rebel held areas the syrian government is back to recapture
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so-called terrorist areas the us is down a strong reaction to any chemical biological attack that is a very credible threat the u.s. and its allies are making because they've already use force twice before after a chemical weapons attack and in fact that's the one. that has been used. for a major u.s. military strikes against the syrian government from the joint syrian russian command post the message is clear it label face the same attacks as all other rebel held areas liberated from what they call terrorism this is what that liberation looks like whether in homs or aleppo areas back under control of president bashar assad's forces backed by russia and iran victoria gate and be al jazeera colombia and peru have agreed to set up a joint database of venezuelan migrants the announcement was made after a two day meeting the countries are struggling to manage the rapidly growing number
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of venezuelans crossing their borders migrants fleeing a worsening political and economic crisis back home according to the u.n. more than two million fled venezuela since twenty fourteen listened around petit has the latest from bogota. columbia md the two countries that have so far received the highest number of venezuela migrants and are now agreeing that they need to cooperate more to confront this unprecedented exodus of people migration authorities met for two days in bogota and announced that they will begin sharing more information about the migrants they are receiving they plan to implement a shared database and new technology at the border to do so they also agreed that this crisis will continue to grow unless there's real change in many swear law and colombian officials insisted on the need to end unilateral entry restrictions imposed by some countries in recent weeks that it was good we need to do with this
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in a coordinated manner if it's a regional effort we can achieve good results handling it in a unilateral an individual way and he creates more illegal immigration and more problems not less. they're doing i hope that their agreement will be extended to the other countries affected and that they're really doing this time at the foreign ministers level has been announced for next week in ecuador venezuela and torrie have also been invited but.


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