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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 1, 2018 8:00am-8:34am +03

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a call for help off of the u.s. consul funding to a u.n. agency that helps palestinian refugees. well on down jordan this is a lawyer from doha also coming up brazil's former president lula da silva is back home from running in october the election even though he's considered the front runner. talks between the u.s. and canada on a new free trade agreement missed the deadline and we'll look at what happens next . and a pro russian separatist leader dies in a bomb blast in ukraine moscow in kiev blame each other for the killing.
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of nations as expressed surprise and regret at the u.s. decision to cut all funding to one of its agencies that helps palestinian refugees the trumpet ministration is cutting more than two hundred million dollars in aid to it will in effect and decades of financial support health education and food security the un's urging other countries to step up and fill the funding gap well the u.s. state department spokeswoman had the new it said when we made a u.s. contribution of sixty million dollars in january we made it clear that the united states was no longer willing to shoulder the very disproportionate share of the burden of un was costs that we had assumed for many years reynolds has more from washington d.c. . the u.s. contributes about thirty percent of his budget so this drastic cut could have significant effects on already dire living conditions in places like elsewhere where palestinian refugees live under a says there are five million palestinian red. g.'s these are people who are
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considered by the palestinian side to have the right to return that is the people who were removed or fled from palestinian territories when the state of israel was founded in one nine hundred forty eight and their descendants have the right according to the palestinian and side and according to un resolutions to eventually return israel of course has opposed this from the beginning saying that any such influx of palestinians would swamp and alter of completely the character of the jewish state so this appears to be an effort by the united states in tandem with israel to try to undermine that right of return by reducing the number of palestinians from five million who are eligible to actually return to only those who were really alive during the conflict in one thousand nine hundred forty eight
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those people number about five hundred thousand when mohamed away says a research who specializes in the us and the middle east he says he was one of the people the u.n. agency helped. i am one of the spell estonians who i was born in a tent in the refugee camp i was raised in that if he camp without the unadorned the help of the owner wow i would have not had clothes or food or a schooling or a college so if you take the palestinians who live only i'm talking about the two million palestinians who live in lebanon syria jordan egypt and iraq these are about two million people who have no safety net except the underwire including health care education housing and employment if he cuts that out for the palestinians yes it's going to be difficult on these palestinians but it is not going to change the fact that isabel still occupies palestine and israel it's refusing to allow the palestinians to the turn to palestine and then
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a few g.'s the internal refugees inside palestine proper also are not going to have a place to go brazil's former president lula da silva has been barred from running in october's election the majority of judges on the electoral court banned his candidacy he's serving a told year jail sentence for corruption people convicted of a crime can run for the presidency but louis party registered him anyway and says it will fight with all means to make sure he remains a candidate that was a terrorist from the woodrow wilson center as brazil institute he says he's not surprised by the decision. is a very popular leader. and part will you know use this fact to try to to use to there then there is a cut off date in brazilian law it is the seventeenth of september this year the part you will have this is the limit for
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a party truly place. candidate for president it's a political calculation that for a. president and his partners that the workers' party will have to make they may delay this decision. very end they may decide tomorrow after to replace. then we will know who will replace leno as the head of the ticket is the former mayor of. london but this is a this is the former president and his political party have to make the u.s. and canada have missed a deadline to revamp the north american free trade agreement talks on friday broke up without a deal but they'll resume next week don your lack reports from toronto. president trump has long said nafta was unfair to his country and he was visibly pleased when he announced last monday that u.s.
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and mexican negotiators had reached a deal to replace it canada was left out and trump said the canadians had until friday to given to u.s. demands so it could join the new pact that deadline has passed with no deal and trump is keeping up the pressure because i love canada but they've taken advantage of our country for many years they have tremendous tremendous trade barriers and they have tremendous tariffs. the sticking points remain what they've been for months u.s. demands for access to canada's highly protected dairy industry and auto was desire to keep independent trade dispute resolution part of a new nafta something the u.s. opposes canadian negotiators say they're still hopeful they can reach a deal on an agreement that doesn't leave canada out we know that a win win win agreement is within reach and now it's what we're working towards with goodwill and flexibility on all sides i know we can get there canada's economy
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is highly dependent on trade with the u.s. more than a billion dollars a day in business flows between the two countries president trumps threats to slap high tariffs on canadian by. cars would be disastrous for the country's workers and manufacturers both the u.s. and mexico say canada can be part of a deal to replace nafta many members of the u.s. congress some of them from donald trump's republican party agree but a protectionist trump administration has so far been demanding far more than canada's negotiators have been prepared to give daniel lak al-jazeera toronto russia has accused ukraine of assassinating prominent separatist leader alexander in eastern ukraine the russian backed leader rebels in donetsk was killed in a blast in a cafe in the city center really chalons reports from moscow. this is the aftermath of the blast that killed at xander as a car chink or a blackened body can be seen lying on a stretcher outside the cafe don't yet squints into lockdown after the killing with
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moscow and the russian backed breakaway republic itself calling this an act of international terrorism the last pictures of her life were from thursday laying flowers for the donbass born singer of cubs one who died earlier in the day so how much inca had been the prime minister of done yet since november two thousand and fourteen he was shuffled into the position at a time when attempts were being made to make the war in ukraine's east look less like a foreign operation run from moscow more like a homegrown independence movement as it in its good native and rebel military commander would fit the bill second was present both peace summits in minsk and negotiator of the first the d.n.r. representative and signatory had the second three potential theory springs to mind for who might have been behind this killing it could have been ukraine secret service the s.b.u.
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perhaps it was separatist infighting or maybe it was moscow doing some extreme housekeeping amongst the rebels. plenty of other separatist commanders have met similar fates like the man with a nod to get killed last year and motorola who died in two thousand and sixteen but this ukraine analyst thinks one theory of a psychotic is death stands out as the most likely to me it looks like this was an internal our operation for the past few weeks and months. has been critical of some of its colleagues other deputies and that's all the n.r.o. meant i.e. control that t.v. station which pretty much humiliated and their colleagues so i think come kind of the writing was on the wall that perhaps these days or were numbered moscow and kiev a both accusing each other of having a hand in second chicas death the most significant yet of the many deaths that have been ongoing feature in this murky war very challenge zero mosque or the queen of
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soul aretha franklin has been interred in a cemetery in the us city of detroit the musical legends coffin was placed in her family's plot where she now lives alongside her father and siblings and as she was on of the funeral service that lasted almost eight hours it was the fourth day of remembrance for detroit's most famous resident john hendren was that. it was a requiem fit for a queen. paying tribute risk or of political civil rights in hollywood luminaries r. and b. royalty. a political runner up in a one time head of state came to remember and pay their respects to aretha franklin the queen of soul. i think. the secret of her greatness was he took
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his massive talent. and this perfect culture razor and decided to be the composer of her own life so. it turned out to be outside stood a line of pink cadillacs a tribute to the current freeway of luck perhaps the luckiest people are members of the general public more than a thousand of them. they would get a chance to see the queen these are the people. who give one last chance to see the queen of soul. one after another the speakers and performers paid tribute. she was a preacher's daughter raised by a single parent she had two sons by the age of fifteen and got her start in her
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father's choir. with the people of the motor city remember a legend who always stayed true to her hometown. john hendren detroit. and u.s. politicians have been paying their last respects to the late senator john mccain a military god of on a carriage his casket to lie in state in the u.s. capitol in washington where the republicans for thirty five years vice president mike pence and speak of paul ryan to live attributes his funeral services on saturday and be buried at a later. time for a short break here not just iraq when we come back and go back home people escaping venezuela's economic crisis receive a cold welcome in the room thus. i'm wayne hay in northeast thailand where we'll tell you why some are blaming the emergence of a flesh eating disease on a big increase in sugarcane plantations.
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hello again welcome back to international weather forecasts were here across the lavonne we are looking at still very hot temperatures here across much of central portions of iraq over the next few days so baghdad forty five degrees there kuwait city forty eight degrees is going to be high on saturday we do expect that number to come down but it's coming down for a reason being humidity and when you have more moisture in the air it's hard to get the temperature up so forty five degrees but very uncomfortable conditions as we go towards the beginning of the week that number's going to come down even more and it's going to be even more humid across that region well doha is pretty much the same thing thirty nine degrees is going to be a high here on saturday it we're going to have some higher clouds so a little bit less sun but still the mid it is going to be in the air over towards the forty two mostly cloudy conditions but down along the coast of somalia we do expect to see maybe twenty seven degrees for you there here across the southern reaches of africa well we did see quite
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a bit of activity in terms of rain previously a little bit of a break here a lot of clouds along the south cape town eighteen degrees over towards durban twenty four but things get a little bit worse as we go towards sunday very heavy rain. one is expected in the forecast of windy conditions as well notice that area of circulation just off the coast so sixteen degrees in your forecast with an over the low down into the teens . when you're from a neighborhood known as a hotbed of radicalism. you have to fight to defy stereotypes. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them in all my. books and survived the initial. sound of the box set. on al-jazeera.
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welcome back a quick reminder of the top stories here on al-jazeera the united nations is urging all countries to donate more money to the u.n. agency that helps palestinian refugees the u.s. which is the biggest contributor has decided to stop all funding palestinian president mahmoud abbas says it's a flagrant assault on his people. brazil's electoral court has barred former president of the silver from october's election he's serving twelve years and jail for corruption his party register him is a scam that even the people convicted of a crime cannot run for the presidency. and the u.s. and canada have missed a deadline to revamp the north american free trade agreement talks ended on friday without a deal but then resume on wednesday president trump told congress he will press
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ahead for the new agreement with mexico. venezuelans leaving their country are finding life problematic in neighboring peru racial slurs and hate speech that made it hard for many of them to feel safe but some say the anti immigrant attitude is easier to deal with than conditions back home marianna sanchez reports from lima peru. thirty eight year old the bush man keeps an eye on municipal police will selling a traditional rice string from venezuela he still doesn't have a street vendor permit trying to make a living far away from home is hard he says but worse is here in slurs against ghana swain's a signal for more than the especially to people like me a street vendor people tell me move get out of here go back to your country. an armed assault mainly perpetrated by even a fearless and coddled security cameras sparked
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a wave of untied ministry and feeling in. this honest compatriots are paying the price think of the negative people have to understand we are not all the same the great majority is here to work and send money to our families to get them out of the inferno that venezuela has become in business many to do stop textile employee and say the number of in a swill is working here a school where they peruvians save in a sweet lunch are taking their jobs and the baby though some businessmen here have laid off peruvians because they say venezuelans charge them less the anti immigration sentiment among many was fueled by a conservative candidate illness mayoral race in october he gained popularity by same venice will answer threatening security and jobs and the government officials have condemned sin of for the next nurse but also open border policy has let more than four hundred thousand in a swim in the country nearly seventy thousand have already been granted work
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permits were again official say the press is over this way let's just have it in fact there was health and education says that there are nearly thirty thousand as well and children in schools but they also say the impact is positive and it is workforce for many even as well as i do in the charts or else don't want to take. any peruvians reacted against growing scene a father. sentiment by opening their homes to shelter migrants and refugees twenty one year old alexander torrealba is sleeping with fifteen other venezuelans in one room. i feel lucky to have been offered this shelter but it's a pity many compatriots have been mistreated we know we're here because we want to be but because we need to be. however the majority of in sweden say they feel will come in escaping from inflation and food and medicine shortages back home make them choose to endure almost anything for
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a better future and the innocent just so just see that they do. what amount as president to shut down a un anticorruption commission in the country president jim rollyson as he won't renew the bodies mandate when it expires next year the commission has been behind many high profile corruption probes and often politicians and business people. make iraq was government is expelling a u.n. human rights team investigating abuse allegations president daniel ortega dismissed in your report accusing him and his government of ignoring human rights violations during anti-government protests the report said he was ministrations responsible for illegal arrests torture and close trials. argentina's government says it will discuss a fifty billion dollar bailout loan with the international monetary fund on monday the pacers lost half of its value against the u.s. dollar this year and it's raising concerns about even more hardships for people are latin america editor on the scene human reports from one of ours. all eyes were on
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the city when a site is his financial center. after losing another fifteen percent of its value thursday the government managed a modest recovery after infusing almost seven hundred million dollars into the currency market to stop the hemorrhaging but that didn't diminish the long queues of people seeking refuge in the u.s. dollar. these abrupt and deep. explosions in the currency such strong valuations concern me because they symbolize an unstable country an unstable economy. arjen times think and save in dollars and with good reason given their economies history of boom and bust and when the dollar goes up so do prices while the value of people's wages starts tunneling down and that is exactly what is happening today a waitress for example told me that back in april she was making the equivalent of six hundred dollars a month today she is making three hundred or only half that much and that's just in
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the last four months. the devaluation of the pistol increases inflation already one of the world's highest the government says it will announce new economic measures on monday before going to the i.m.f. to negotiate terms for speeding up the release of a fifty billion dollar bailout loan they include further austerity measures there but many economists warn that the cost of turning to the i.m.f. is too high the i.m.f. lends money but as we all know there are a series of very stringent conditions which end up sinking the economy explain to me how you come out of that on top. and you don't basically so we're headed for another crisis i mean we are in a crisis but we're heading for another major crisis. and if that's true not only could south america's second largest economy risk a new default but also major social unrest like the kind that brought down the
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government in two thousand in one. scene mulan al jazeera when a site. rebels in syria ziggler province of blown up two bridges in an attempt to hinder any government assault on the area people protested against moves to retake the rebels last stronghold but russia's foreign minister says the syrian government has every right to chase what he called terrorists out of their lives three million people live there including around ten thousand rebel fighters unicef is urging the warring sides in the village to specify any and we think it's particularly important when we're having all this military rhetoric that we start hearing that we don't forget that there's more than a million children inside there are children who in some cases have been displaced two three four five six times from different cities in they are children who've coping mechanism has been very much eroded by all these displacement and you are particular risk so that's that's what's happening at the moment it's the risk we're facing qatar is calling for action as the united arab emirates is accused of using
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israeli spy technology on leaders in qatar saudi arabia and lebanon the new york times obtained leaked e-mails from lawsuits against an israeli spy with they reveal attempts to listen to the phone calls of lebanon's prime minister qatar's amir and the saudi prince sami humvees editor in chief of international interest that's a current affairs news magazine he says the emirate spying is part of its wider ambition in the region. so i think it's been one of those was the worst kept secret in the middle east that there are these underhand dealing with israel particularly does the emirates i think what is quite profound is that idea that you were you were spying on some of the saudi princes there is often this belief that the saudi and the u.a.e. are partners in crime or partners in war the plan is whatever probably not the best expression to use but the idea that they are very much bound together as close as possible whereas in reality there is this undercurrent of a power struggle struggle going on the u.e.c.
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self is trying to expand itself as a key major force in the region and using these type of underhanded techniques when in line for it i think it's very interesting that the report brings that there was spying of the likes of prince miss have been abdullah who is a rival of mohammed bin said a man who is a very good friend of all that we had been they had no idea that they had my eye on . lebanon as well so i think with regard to eat these kind of tactics are possible why their ambitions that they had in order to adopt rather a more sinister style since the version of cutler's project in which the spread of influence across the region uganda's pop star turned opposition politician bobby wine is now on his way to amsterdam he boarded a flight in crutches on friday after the government allowed him to leave the country why no seeking medical care of the seas for injuries he says he suffered wanted to tension he's been charged with treason. so the thai government is
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reconsidering the use of three toxic weed killers one of the chemicals para caps is already banned in more than thirty countries it's been linked to flesh eating bacteria diseases in farmers in northern thailand although there was rain hail or false. in parts of rural thailand red marks the spot it's an indicator that farmers used to show that sprayed paraquat a toxic weed killer banned in many countries and the european union and its use is blamed on a number of illnesses including a flesh eating bacteria disease which is emerged in northern thailand some farmers have died others have lost limbs in the province of. where researchers say contamination from agric emma cools is severe. i really want to see people stop using the chemicals last time i went to the provincial hospital the staff told me there were a lot of patients with similar symptoms as i had thailand's become one of the world's biggest uses of paraquat partly because of its effectiveness on sugarcane
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plantations as the price of rice fell the government encouraged farmers to grow other crops like sugar which in turn increased demand for paraquat the health ministry recommended that it be banned along with two other chemicals but that was ignored and they continued use approved by a government appointed committee there are now allegations that some members of that committee had conflicts of interest with companies involved in importing the chemicals. to look at the members of the committee their position is not groundless but so far we have no imperial evidence to accuse any of them thailand wants to become known as the so-called kitchen of the world but the largely unregulated use of toxic sprays is leading to concerns about food safety most of the world's paraquat is made in china which has also decided to ban its use in thailand it's important mainly by foreign companies the biggest thai company dealing in its is c.p.
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group were johns among other things convenience stores it's also one of the world's largest food producers. al-jazeera contacted c.p. group and other companies involved but none would give an interview. and none have ever been to sea to chart sea to port to ask him what happened he says he can never farm again but hopes one day the fields here will be chemical free wayne hay al jazeera. thailand using bolt has made his debut for a professional football team sprint legend played briefly as a substitute for australia's central coast mariners in a pre-season game although he didn't score many of the ten thousand fans to watch them believe the jamaican can succeed in his new sport is under thomas' feet. a mine a pre-season friendly against a team of amateurs this was not the sort of match that would normally attract much attention or much of a crowd but this was different for one reason. the
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same. round. the same belt is a sports megastar just not seen this sport as an athlete he won gold medals and broke a limb pick records in beijing london and rio as a footballer his debut was here at the central coast stadium in gosford an australian city of fewer than two hundred thousand but eighty kilometers north of sydney i think he actually has a lot to live but i've really watched. the sexy have a guy put itself in. bolt has done previous trial periods with dortmund in germany and at clubs in norway and south africa he's also played in charity games with television chefs but this was his first match for a professional club even though he wasn't playing in a professional capacity the match was against a collection of alan to play has brought together to give the central coast mariners
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a stretch of their legs the mariners were as expected the much better team bolt was as expected perhaps their weakest player but also their biggest star i thought wonderful moment to actually get a chance to play a guy lived. playbook so. i think along the line when i start winning championships it seems about believing them then is the moment you get higher and higher for i know not to be. coming on a subject the same ball played just the last twenty three minutes of the game and although his team did win comfortably he didn't fight much part in the victory but this crowd's well they say it's all about votes people have big no i think he's prevented. this. right is very trying to present. a better way to beat. this thing. to the central coast mariners have said both can stay with them indefinitely but
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does not mean the two necessarily contrite cool graduate from andrew thomas counters their goals for a strike. or a time for a quick check of the headlines here in al-jazeera the united nations is all countries to donate more money to the u.n. agency that helps palestinian refugees the biggest contributor the u.s. has decided to stop all funding it will end decades of financial support for health education and food palestinian president mahmoud abbas says it's a flagrant assault on the people brazil's electoral court has bought a former president lula da silva from october's election the setting told he is in jail for corruption people convicted of a crime can't run for the presidency but louis party registered him anyway says it will fight with all means to make sure he remains a candidate. u.s. and canada have missed a deadline to revamp the north american free trade agreement talks ended on friday
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without a deal donald trump told congress he will press ahead with a new agreement with mexico canada's foreign minister is still optimistic a deal can be reached. it is going to take let's ability on all sides to get a deal in the end and what i can speak to is the canadian position and i really want to assure canadians that we're working hard to get a good deal we are confident that a win win win deal is possible and we're always going to stand up for the national interest and for canadian values russia and ukraine are accusing each other of killing a separatist rebels leader in eastern ukraine alexander go and die than a blast at a cafe in donetsk russia says ukraine's trying to destabilize the region the queen of soul aretha franklin has been on a bit of a marathon farewell ceremony in a home city detroit. musicians and politicians paid tribute to her in an eight hour ceremony featuring
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a most memorable songs she died two weeks ago from pancreatic cancer. and u.s. politicians have been paying their last respects to the late senator john mccain a military god of on account his casket to lie in state in the u.s. capitol in washington where the republican surf a thirty five years his funerals on saturday then have been buried a day later. nicaragua's governments expelling a u.n. human rights team investigating abuse allegations president daniel ortega dismissed a young reporter accusing him and his government of a normal human rights violations during until government protests. those were the headlines when news continues here on al-jazeera after this is europe statute that's a water buffalo off at night in a stall camps have burned somali moms patrolled streets police ski and not. for lack of money i mean tired of gang violence they use the maternal approach to prevent crime. they don't have. to do
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that but a bit by. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who live them mothers of rain could be this is europe on al-jazeera. i'm not going to slam as a country. and some think we're here to metal box to persuade our mugs.


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