tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 2, 2018 12:00am-1:00am +03
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by airing advertisements that were paid for by the government of saudi arabia what's the story there and it relates to the visit of saudi crown prince mohammed bin sell mom to the u.k. five months ago during his three day visit a minute long t.v. ad for saudi arabia's vision twenty thirty project appeared fifty six times on the british t.v. channels sky one the ad was a polished presentation of a country ushering in big changes in the fields of culture society and the economy and the takeaway message was that partnership with britain brings benefits to both countries but the u.k. broadcast regulator ofcom ruled this week that the adviser lated regulations on paid political advertising stating that it was a quote intended to influence public opinion in the u.k. on matters of public control the city and at the time of been some months visit there were protests and questions in parliament regarding britain's strong support for saudi arabia despite its poor human rights record and the devastating saudi led war in yemen so that's the ruling what about the consequences though will there be
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lasting repercussions from this decision it would seem not the ad was cleared by the advertising industry screening service clear cost which disagreed with off comes ruling on doing that the ad was promoting trade with saudi arabia which they said was in line with british foreign policy that saudi arabia and other countries will have to think twice before running similar ads in the future and sky will have to do the same before airing them thanks will it's been more than fifteen years now since the conflict in darfur in western sudan began but there's no end in sight to the fighting the government continues its attacks on insurgents and the region's non arab and african civilians a campaign that the united nations has called a genocide one that has led to the international criminal court's indictment of sudanese president omar al bashir however with the authorities preventing journalists going in and information coming out darfur has turned into a black hole for a new. as
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a result one broadcaster has proven to be critically important radio back beaming in from amsterdam to remain beyond the reach of government censors the station has become a rare source of independent news for what it says are its more than three million daily listeners but the broadcasters funding is drying up meaning that that bank i could soon see its doors closed for good listening posts joanna who's now from amsterdam on the role of radio de bangor in a region that has seen its media environment blacked out by this are. enormous. for a family on the run in darfur unsure of whether the next village will be any safer than the one they just fled. radio. difference between life and death.
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we. lost. new york but i don't know what. the small station run like acts out thousands of miles away has been trying to keep those back on safe as well as providing listeners with much needed insight into one of the most sealed off regions in the world editor in chief. says the bunga has become much more than just a short wave radio station. it's become the lungs with which sudanese people breathe by reporting on security safety displacement health issues fundamental to the survival of sudanese people for example there was a cholera outbreak count which the government denied it claiming it was severe diarrhea debunker didn't just create awareness and also offered advice.
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when the war was raging in darfur we were informing people where the fighting was taking place so they had information on how to get to safety technically debunker has saved their lives when. other media outlets in sudan a sense that the bank is location in amsterdam allows its journalists to report freely the government and its state media outlets the darfur crisis is over but the bank tells a different story they report on the absence of security the poor conditions in the camps the number of victims casualties the number of those displaced the government doesn't want that side of the crisis to come out. here with my little while and now it's a known fact that they've created a total media blackout but millions of darfur we want to know what's happening around them unfortunately none of the mainstream media here will cover the conflict
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but because radio to bangor operates from outside and those providing the station with information are unknown to the authorities it makes it much safer for them to do that work. that network of citizen journalists often on the cover as well as ordinary civilians i want to bang on to produce its reports for their phones and social media they send information back to the bankers headquarters in holland shedding light on a region that the government prefers to keep in the dark. gloomy and we receive more than one hundred calls a day and are to bungle what zob can get up to one thousand messages that it's all preliminary information that our wide network of reporters on the ground in verifies and authenticates only after careful investigation do we publish stories this is what gives to bangor its credibility and fame when we report to the people in sudan we support our news with evidence. from the ground most of the.
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radio debunk us dependence on civilians as sources of information has been used by president omar al bashir as that ministration to discredit the station. ever since the launch in two thousand and eight khartoum has gone to great lengths to silence the broadcaster questioning its credibility or even cutting its signal the government body that regulates the media is the national council for press and publications according to its secretary general the bonga is in the business of spreading fake news for our men and women. it's fundamentally important for the credibility of news that all sources must be verified as well as objective void of any personal or ulterior motives sure maybe most of the mangos news items like such veracity this was most evident in two thousand and fourteen when they spread their own use news reports about the alleged massacre in the area of to. those alleged
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mass rapes cause widespread hysteria but when proper investigations were conducted by unbiased governmental organizations the information turned out to be false. there was a mass rape of girls and women over two hundred ordered by the regular army commander nearby. the story itself and the nature of this extraordinarily barbaric act and who ordered it that all came originally from radio to bangor. some of the details had to be corrected but human rights watch a number of months later would confirm everything that radio to bangor was reporting who is to say that a mistake if i may who is the who is the alternative source of information. there is one night nation's an african union joint peacekeeping mission in darfur you know mitt but there have been serious questions about the accuracy and
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credibility of its reports the operation was set up in two thousand and seven to protect civilians and monitor the situation on the ground but in two thousand and thirteen its former spokesperson i shall bust three blew the whistle saying that for years you know mit used every trick to conceal the truth about the liberal government bombings mass killings and forced displacement of unarmed civilians. on the day that he was that the un african union mission is an important source of information in for i don't believe it paints the complete picture because these very same organizations have interests that converged with the death of the sudanese government surely provides us with significant information because journalists can't access the area at all but there is agencies for short of giving us a comprehensive picture of the situation. the un african union mission in dar
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for its. almost worthless as a reporting source unum had just lied shamelessly claimed that they've been completely successful all their goals have been achieved there was no fighting just small arms banditry. this was nonsense and they knew it was nonsense but they couldn't afford to say publicly just how great the failure was they won't say anything that khartoum doesn't allow them to say and in that sense without the lifeline of radio to bang the news. that the lives and livelihoods of people in darfur are the people risk despite the critically important rule that radio de bunga place for sudanese audiences the broadcaster now finds its future under threat the station relies on funds from a consortium of e.u. states and n.g.o.s but european governments are now working with the sudanese authorities to fight terrorism and to stem the flow of refugees heading north and
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that is having serious effects on the station's funding it's drying up which could mean that radio debunk us days are numbered the old war are easy if they're lucky the crux of the issue is the collaboration between the sudanese government and the international community whose priorities have shifted substantially terrorism and immigration seem to be their only priority nowadays and issues like press freedom have taken a backseat if we do have to bangalore to close not only would citizens lose their daily dose of information it would be a great loss to press freedom in sudan so how to get us all done i think without regard to bangor we lose touch with. what's happening in darfur because there are no journalists because there's no human rights reporting presence we don't have any way of knowing where people are starving where malnutrition is exploding where rape is occurring where farmers are being driven off their lands and murdered by. her
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malicious cartoon school has always been to make it a black box to make it in an invisible place and they're very very close to success at this point if we lose radio debate we lose sight of darfur. and finally it was just a matter of time until the people or the person behind the you tube channel be a large gave white house spokesperson sarah huckabee sanders the bad lip reading treatment d.l.r. has been at this for years now the channel racks up huge numbers taking videos from the world of news and entertainment then overdubbing them with completely inappropriate words that somehow seem to match the lip movements to be clear ms huckabee sanders says none of the nasty things that she appears to say to the white house press corps in the following video but you get the feeling reading her body language that she wishes she could will see you next time you're at the listening post. any tranq.
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ok it's are you ready. i just can't stand the faces of the people those dead questioning. these don't matter credo hated the way you talk to be i mean do you need to talk evil do you need look like a stuffed baked potato in that walmart shirt because you said chocolate carol you know how i was part of the gang that made bed quilts sure ok so this one got benji pinkel me had this horrible breast problem so maybe we'll just wrap that up tart. what i really need is a craft table a magic wand and someone to feed me pickles. ok. do you feel you prefer ice sheets or maybe like summer rain or i could feed it to the polar bears are you janet gina said gina i'm sorry
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gina yeah i don't know chachi stink leg borke varicose can i'm crazy about you when can see you know never sounds like a good day i'm sensitive dangerous i mean not it's ok to be honest i think most people in the world find you disappointing what you see in this because you. this is life on the streets of l.a. . from riyadh good to scotty of the terror is an opportunity to escape and become some americans for the tuition of
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a plane and perhaps a life time. later princess part of the viewfinder of latin america. at this time. with bureaus spawning six continents across the globe. to. al-jazeera has correspondents living green the stories they tell. fluent in world news weather online this isn't some abstract fish can eat a bit of their stops or if you join us on sect rather than stopping terrorism is creating it this is a dialogue and just the community is want to add to this conversation we need
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a president who's willing to be a villain or a short while everyone has a voice i'm part of civil society i do it all but i never get listened to by those illegal residents joining the global conversation for now does iraq. hello i'm devika palin and london and these are the top stories on. the saudi the iraqi led coalition fighting in yemen has admitted that last month's bombing of a school bus was unjustified fifty one people were killed in that attack including forty children an official investigation has ruled that those responsible want to
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be punished are just there as alan fischer has this report from neighboring djibouti. it was an attack which through international condemnation from the experience of forty children crying over their graves eleven others are also killed when we attack on a crowded market in who the hell diane in the north of yemen in early august initially the circulate coalition claimed the attack was a justified military operation it was targeting three leaders no it says it made mistakes. they are that the joint team based on the above information gathered is of the opinion that the coalition forces should take legal actions to try and penalize those responsible for these mistakes which cause collateral damage in that area these mistakes are as follows first delay in handling down the exaggeration order where the execution squadron should have been waiting for the target to approach a clear area free of civilians to avoid unjustified collateral damage in line with
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the approve rules of engagement in article fifty seven fifty eight of political one of the geneva convention and the standard norms seventeen and nineteen. the findings came just days after two reports critical of the saudi led efforts in yemen the u.n. panel of experts said that both sides in the conflict including the saudi coalition could be guilty of war crimes and human rights watch accused the sonia led coalition of feeling the best again allegations of possible war crimes it said too often that inquiries like transparency credibility and did little to stop strikes hitting civilians should be clear the report does not expressly condemn the killing of the children strike which targeted leaders didn't need to be carried out when it was because they pose no immediate threat to coalition forces and he says information was not passed to the pilot who fired the. thirty investigators say those responsible must be punished. the joint team is also of the
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opinion that the coalition forces should take necessary measures to immediately review and verify the rules of engagement approved by them to ensure the total compliance in all military operations in yemen. there are suggestions the cities and their allies have come under u.s. pressure to do more to cut the number of civilian casualties the surprise admission of mistakes because some way to improving relations and peace talks are still planned to be hosted by the un later this month alan fischer djibouti the u.s. has cut all funding to the un agency which supports five million palestinian refugees nearly a third of u.n. refugee agency is funding comes from the u.s. the trump administration says the agency's redeemability flawed and the decision and decades of support but palestinian president mahmoud abbas calls the cut a flagrant assault on his people the newly appointed u.s.
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representative to syria james jeffrey is making his first trip to the region and his visit comes as speculation grows that russia and syria are planning a military offensive in it live the u.s. italy france and the u.k. are all condemning growing violence in and around libya's capital tripoli has been renewed fighting between armed groups which has killed nearly forty people more than one hundred others have been injured the united nations has called for an end to the fighting a memorial service for senator john mccain has been held in washington d.c. former u.s. presidents barack obama and george w. bush led tributes to the career politician and vietnam war veteran again died of brain cancer on august twenty fifth pro and anti immigration protests have been held in the eastern german city of quetta nets thousands of demonstrators gathered for the second time in a week and the city left wing groups are also holding counter demonstrations and
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east. the west point of the great rift valley is here in the jordan valley. home to the world's oldest city jericho established over ten thousand years ago. farmers and shepherds have worked on this now and for thousands of years. in more recent times israel's continued occupation of the west bank since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven is threatening the existence of the people of this week. israel mistreats palestinian development through the use of military orders which often means destruction of property and livelihoods it's also encouraged the spread of settlements across the occupied west bank regarded illegal under international law for over five decades. this is the story of palestinians clinging to their right to live on and cultivate
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the man that they have inhabited for centuries. this is the story of the last shepherds of the jordan valley. that we have. the like and i did lament and some governments show are a right you see a lot more yeah. let them well how do you think. the minister said. when it is our city in baghdad with the little body and. our got a doctor that i never got i'm glad to get me out a month ago no more opinions that were you what he. was that i badly got that that is but the law. got him into going to said you know you got my little ma come out it's got a you. but i meant no matter who is it that you know about the woman i.
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thought it was gonna. you know how qualified you got up to the top of that to say i thought that i was getting a little quote again i. was sort of pentagon until you fought all. the battles and that manager who is the head of the there will be. at them at the let's see yes it had to be you think. about that c.i. system for had to be within the cent out of me you said about just being. in that. little office second. play in the corner and mouth that box. that it gets a how about that indicted out of and out of the and now we all three said that we're thugs bad it that that's at the heart of the things that on his defense. they easily had to move. what kind of bomb though i had to be at it
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with sobs little. who filled the room that was left out of that i am going to forgive them and saturday in my youth it could blow my you my career was set up to fall look at something my. sixty nine year old up was not that it is the patriarch of an arch comedy he's been campaigning to defend the rights of shepherds and farmers in the jordan valley for over three decades. for him his continued existence on the nine is a form of resistance. a lot of little. of that will come to. be able.
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to sell their tickets in the bed when homestead and had to. in twenty eleven sit in for bundy was a volunteer with the jordan valley solidarity campaign and network of grassroots community groups seeking to protect palestinian farming communities in the valley. where. my home. just a few hundred meters from home is the illegal israeli settlement of broadway. it was built on land confiscated from and had. after the construction of or
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away in the late one nine hundred seventy s. israel declared. a military zone this effectively prohibited palestinians in the area from building or even repairing structures on their own property the settlements became home to some one hundred sixty five israelis who created a fish breeding business asian laborers made up the workforce. the jordan valley has the potential to be the breadbasket of any future palestinian state bigger settlements further threatened the living conditions of palestinian communities in the jordan valley limiting their access to water their opportunities for economic growth and pushing the palestinians of the area further into poverty.
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it does good for the city for a good month to cut a lot of a lot of tall talk out of jenin maybe you. can yell at the one. that aren't going to school and that will be doing a walk see what i said yeah he had me at mission bus i wait til i want to miss that would be anyway and then my legend yeah my year the for that to be you back and welcome but among the cars that i am i would be among the catalog a lot of was have a while but then men have ten men up i'm having me yeah and i now when i am going to school and that would have been going to solve well i'm going to solve the left little theory of that all idea to talk to the money i'm sure i want to she think
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you know and she didn't want you to think we all thought. well you know that up there with me ten minutes and i will struggle i don't want to well i didn't i am going to school for the inevitable funded you know. everyone here had to store. up a kind of was no exception. then that i learned that another suit. going to get it done gaped in the mighty. well i can if that went in is it good to have my all to look like one a misfit i was there when i go out on the political walk a job also on the huddle sort on doing as he did the mid to going to was a lot in my face. down on the bottom of the conflict got
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the palestinian authority's limited power stems from the wording of the oslo accord signed in one thousand nine hundred three and one thousand nine hundred five the accords controversially divided the palestinian territories into three distinctive administrative areas known as a b. and c. area constitutes about eighteen percent of the west bank in theory the palestinian authority exercises full civil and security control here area b. constitutes twenty one percent of the west bank here the palestinian authority has civil control but shares security control with israel jewish settlers have taken control of land in area be in violation of the oslo accords. area c. constitutes approximately sixty one percent of the west bank it's under full israeli civil and security control and they felt he had to sell. the
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fucking. abu stockard and the meds both live in area c. to purchase supplies they have to travel through several israeli checkpoints. checkpoints are a frustrating feature of daily life for most palestinians. under the. following the one nine hundred sixty seven war many palestinians of the jordan valley were uprooted from their homes and became refugees in neighboring jordan. since then israel has refused their right of return or rights to pilates had by
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international law. only ten thousand were able to remain. today the total population is around sixty thousand with ten thousand of these in areas south where the settlements building is concentrated it's. shortly after the war israel began to build settlements on the land that had captured and occupied one such settlement is missing built on land confiscated from the villages of and i know in one nine hundred sixty seven. is a security officer in the settlements he agreed to be filmed but not to speak on camera we asked if he thought the jordan valley would be returned to the palestinian peace agreement. some of the troops was a look at the holes
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a lot everywhere skimmed over. with so little over the top dozens of those annoyed that because it shows up with whatever this is going to be the locus of the article is an article like in a girl in school at all uses for school. guns in oil. or lets us to live by stoic eaters a skin cell just regular letter from the locals of. the israeli palestinians building your own as house in the settlement also refused to speak on camera when. they knew they would be considered traitors for the work they do. with. this man david was an israeli soldier stationed here in the one nine hundred sixty seven war he decided to start acting that. he became an agricultural
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consultant in charge of exports and the settlements produce. moviemaker brianna not her mom the one who seemed up really cure all when we counted. you to. learn to call a man a call out sort. in. in the oven. italia in the ghetto money in yugoslavia. the limit but what mission amish and i. or the arts or vicky came without my name or hard little. thing. but if these dates were produced in an israeli settlement why did their packaging say they were made in jericho palestine after hardly anyone will buy as wrongly
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