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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 9, 2018 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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we're in for you. exit polls in sweden selection show the center left and center by blocks neck and neck and almost one in five of voters choosing to fall right. barbara sorry you're watching out to see are live from london also coming up on the program fighting flares again around killing eighty four people after talks to end the yemen's a civil war collapse. barrel bombs and their strikes continue to fall on a blip in hama provinces in syria taking another hospital out of action.
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and load some flags but no missiles as north korea marks its seventieth anniversary with a huge military parade. we begin the program in sweden where polls have just closed and they exist polls are giving us an idea of what the next government might look like they show the center left bloc led by the prime minister stay fun lovin on just over thirty nine percent of the vote he's a social democratic party has traditionally had the biggest vote share but as it stands now exit polls suggest that they're trailing slightly behind the center right alliance led by the moderates well significantly the far right immigration anti e.u. sweden democrats led by jimmy ocus and are on track for more than nineteen percent of the vote that's up from twelve point nine percent in the last election. well
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john a whole is live in stockholm a forest jonah you know leading up to this election we had all been talking about the possibility of the far right doing incredibly well they obviously have done a lot better than they did in previous elections but do you think this result is the success they were hoping for. well look let's sound a little note of caution barbara exit polls are no exact science as we all know and some questions might be asked about them in particular the extent to which people who voted for the far right sweden democrats might have been reluctant to reveal that to the pollsters but on the whole they're considered to be pretty accurate here and they do reveal as you say that sweden democrats these far right party of guard something like sixty to ninety percent of the vote and that it has to be said is not what their best case scenario was they were in the middle i should tell you know the social democrats headquarters here the ruling party where they're
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celebrating a bit behind me as you can see but the stream democrats have not done as well as their best case scenario prediction which is twenty to thirty percent would have what and potentially first place while they vie now for second place with the center right moderates there a long way off pulling off for what many swedes would have been the unthinkable as a coming in first place with relief for those swedes on the one hand relief here as well at the center left headquarters of the social democrats they've been the biggest force in swedish politics for a century throughout the history of sweden's democracy and while this is their worst result in all of that time around twenty six percent they do remain the biggest course in sweden part swedish politics so really for them look overall this is an election that has redrawn the political landscape here in sweden has drawn support away from the center ground the center left in the center right the extremes have done well the extremes on the left and of course on the far right
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immigration not unusual in europe today has been a real centerpiece but i think in the end the big story of the night is that the unthinkable as i said for many swedes the far right sweden democrats coming in potentially first but that hasn't happened. i mean you mention the celebration. behind you does it look like forming a coalition government now will be easier than predicted or is it just too soon to tell because that boils down to the exact numbers and we simply don't have them. well i mean unless the exit polls are dramatically wrong on that score which eighty's unlikely that they are they indicate that the center left bloc and the center right alliance remember that coalition politics here are pretty common very common in fact are in a dead heat there is simply nothing between them which indicates that coalition building is going to be tough and lengthy people i've spoken to you know what
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they're talking about talk about weeks so i think we're not going to know the shape of a swedish government for quite some time to come but what we can say with reasonable certainty is that the far right won't have a place in it because no party at this stage is willing even to talk to them that doesn't mean that whoever comes into government won't have to have perhaps some sort of tacit arrangement where they're more understanding. but they won't have a dyed direct say in policy making in this country and how with the latest there from stockholm jonas thank you. eighty four people have been killed in renewed fighting in yemen sports data a day after peace talks in geneva collapsed when the rebel delegation failed to show up ospital sources say that there include dozens of who the rebel fighters and at least seventeen government troops well data has seen heavy fighting between
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saudi backed government troops and rebels for several months this placing tens of thousands of civilians. living in fear shrouded in night in fear squadrons of forty five warplanes are frequently hovering above our hats. are not crypt with fear we cannot sleep at night yes to the shelling we're living in fear night and day the sound the coalition warplanes up on to go home as if the single day. a shell hit my neighbor's house it destroyed the wall where my neighbor was sleeping it just missed him by few inches. well under simmons's in neighboring djibouti and has the latest for us. now this is undoubtedly a major escalation in this offensive which started back in june and then lulled ahead of the geneva peace talks now the sorry u.s. led coalition has bombarded areas. and also other parts of the province
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the pressure points lead towards the airport which is the main target of the forces using planes and helicopter gunships to launch their attacks and also the port if that is cut off the port is absolutely and of course as well but there's a cut off between the choke point. this city. capital the rebel capital then it's going to be chaos because humanitarian situation is critical right now will it lead to talks well the negotiation table does not seem to be the favorite place for either side of the moment perhaps but of course the. rebels are insisting that they did not get the right of passage to the geneva talks martin group has himself did say that they were really upset they couldn't make it and he took some responsibility for not actually making it happen but these questions are
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all irrelevant when it comes to the point of the civilians where. it's reported that one family was running out of data and actually ran into mines and that's what killed them there is every angle. a totally awful situation facing the civilians of yemen. syria's government has resumed its heavy bombardment of rebel positions in the province observer groups say helicopters dropped more than sixty barrel bombs on the village in southern italy and russian jets reportedly carried out more than ten strikes in neighboring hama province stephanie decker reports now from the turkey syrian border. death comes from the sky here. it's a second day of an escalated air campaign targeting the southern part of syria's province and north and how. some people are fleeing their homes to the so far safer
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north. we came from the south of italy we're leaving because of the bombing the jets and the artillery they're hitting us with all kinds of weapons we're heading to the north now. we expect everything at this stage fortunately there is no other place for us to go to because it will get worse so we are heading to the turkish border at the moment there aren't large amounts of people fleeing the bombardment and that's because the areas targeted are in the countryside and they are less populated now turkey fears if the military offensive moves closer towards the cities that huge numbers could flee towards its closed borders in that situation it's working hard to avoid turkey's interior minister visited the border with syria on sunday and warned against a possible new wave of refugees all of them washed away with migration that will start here will not be our responsibility along turkey's been increasing its military presence along its border has also sent reinforcements into italy the turkish government is the opposition's guarantor in the astonished process and has
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twelve observer posts inside the province if there is an all out conflict the presence of its soldiers could complicate matters there are around through a half million people in the provinces come to represent the symbolic last stand of the opposition inside syria around a million of those who live here now have already been displaced several times during the seven and a half year war and damascus backed by russia and iran has made it clear that it will not remain in opposition hands stephanie decker al-jazeera and taqiyya. russia has accused the united states of dropping phosphorous bombs over barrels or province on saturday it's get more now from jordan who joins us in d.c. for this what exactly and more can you tell us about the psyche zation roles. well first off barbara there's no response as of now from the pentagon about these allegations from the russian ministry of defense but it is worth pointing out that
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in recent weeks the russians have been making noises that they want to come into far eastern syria where the americans happened to have a garrison set up an off in order to pursue what the russians call terrorists well the americans have said repeatedly that the russians are not welcome that they should not come into darrow's or or anywhere near the syrian iraqi border where the u.s. has this garrison in fact they say that they have set up a thirty five mile de confliction zone around their post and that no one else not the syrians even though this is on syrian territory certainly not the russians nor the iranians or anyone else should enter that zone that they don't need any assistance from the russians or the syrians to try to go after members of eisel and that's why the americans are in far eastern syria in the first place of course it does lead to well perhaps some speculation about why the russians would be talking
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about this especially in light of the fact that the u.s. held a live fire training exercise near on saturday in on friday excuse me in order to reinforce the message that other. militaries are not welcome in that part of the country is this a diversion from the first reports of russian and syrian bombing of targets in southern province again it's speculation but you have to question the timing especially given that the u.s. has said that if you're so focused on trying to fight rebels against the government of president bashar al assad your fight is in the far north western part of syria it's not in the far eastern part of the country which the russians have not. in for the past two years it's been the americans and kurdish fighters and local rebels who have been fighting against so when there is
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a reaction from the us government we will certainly pass it along but it is very curious the timing of this russian delegation it is with the latest there from d.c. thank you we're going to russia itself now rights groups there say police have detained more than eight hundred people protesting against plans to raise the retirement age thousands of supporters of jailed opposition leader and they. marched in towns and cities across russia the protests coincided with regional elections under the proposals both men and women would wait an extra five years to start receiving a pension plans which are currently going through parliament every president putin's popularity rating by fifty percent. well still to come in this half hour. block roads to towns and villages to stop the serbian president visiting last. week. selena williams's find the seventeen thousand dollars for clashing with the
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umpire in the u.s. open final one by the japanese player now the sack. how i was still got plenty of sunshine across central parts of year or prefer the cloud over towards ukraine up towards the black sea there you go with swathes of fine weather right the way down across the balkans just pushing up into an old policy of italy twenty eight celsius for some we're looking at highs of around thirty four rome getting up to twenty six in paris on monday off there but at twenty one in london a fair amount of cloud had a fair amount of cloud to just around that western side of the mediterranean still eastern parts asparagus right about we are still seeing some lively showers but it brightens up is fine and dry here as we go want to choose i say more sunshine
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coming back in and buy shoes day we could touch twenty eight degrees paris so a fair few showers around the black sea towards ukraine but south of that is formed dry sunny thirty celsius there for athens and lots of sunshine to on the other side of the med center the case into egypt into libya and a bit of cloud there just spinning out of the western side of the mediterranean into algeria at all since the northern parts of china here will brighten up here as you go on into cheese or by chief they notice more the way a cat it's a western part of algeria maybe a few spots of right possibility of some rain to into morocco. brazil's constitution grants its people the right to and since but it's been a long struggle and the system is constantly challenge to fight big. stuff i know that nine someone medical treatment could lead to good death but on the other hand
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i also know that because of providing that treatment will have a negative impact on the rest of society. brazil's real drugs war on the people's health on al-jazeera. welcome back here's a reminder of the top stories on al-jazeera and the exhibit hall in sweden suggests the major a center left and center right blogs are neck and neck the far right sweet and democrats look set to be the second biggest party with nineteen point two percent of the vote up from twelve point nine percent in the last election eighty four
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people have been killed in renewed fighting in yemen supporting of the data hospital sources say the dead include thousands of who the of rebel fighters and syria's government and russia have resumed their heavy bombardment of rebel positions in hama province ahead of a possible ground defense. iran's revolutionary guard says it was behind artillery attacks on kurdish positions in northern iraq on saturday that democratic party of iranian kurdistan says fifteen of its fighters were killed and around forty others injured kurdish military sources said it was the first such attack iranian forces in more than twenty years matheson reports now from like that . this was the moment on saturday when iran launched an attack against fighters in the northern kurdish region of neighboring iraq the target was a camp run by a group calling itself the kurdish democratic party of iran several fighters were
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killed dozens more injured. this attack in particular was very well orchestrated very well timed it was an attack on. its opposition while the leadership was a meeting on one hand it also demonstrates military prowess the missile that hit the targets were very precise they head the very room where the meeting was taken place and there was drone surveillance to take picture of this so this also sending a message that this iran of today is more powerful than the iran of a couple of years ago when they try to attack some targets in syria and the missiles were subject for ridicule. the group is iran's oldest kurdish movement it's been fighting for more autonomy for kurds in iran iranian government says it carried out the attacks because of what it calls terrorist teams attacking revolutionary guards in towns inside iran's own kurdish region iran says leaders of
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the group attacked on saturday have been ignoring its warnings to dismantle their camps this is a rainy an attack comes just a couple of days after violence on the streets of the southern city of basra which the iranian consulate was one of several buildings that were attacked and burned now there's no evidence to suggest that that incident is in any way connected with this latest attack but iraqis are speculating here that this is iran's way of showing it can strike back and strike back powerfully iran's missile attack has been condemned by muscle the former kurdish president he says he's urging all sites not to use the kurdish region to settle their confrontations iraq's foreign ministry has also criticized what it's calling a violation of iraq's sovereignty but it didn't mention iran by name in its statement this is a sensitive time in iraq with protests over corruption and lack of jobs on the streets as well as i'm in a stalled parliament and iran has
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a lot of influence here rob matheson. backed down and. a cleanup is underway in the southern iraqi city of where a week of protests has left at least twelve people dead at least fifteen government buildings have been attacked including the consulate which was torched on friday night protesters are angry at what they say is government corruption as well as contaminated water and the lack of jobs and basic services in iraq's second biggest city police and security forces remain on the streets. a palestinian official says the dozens of israeli settlers forced their way into the al aqsa mosque compound in east jerusalem earlier more than one hundred fifty settlers entered the compound accompanied by israeli policeman israel's agriculture minister lee area was among the group the site is sacred to muslims but is claimed by jews as the location of a former temple and has been
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a flashpoint of violence. at least seven thousand people have died in a plane crash by a river in south sudan the aircraft was traveling from juba's international airport two year old in the center of the country local reports say three children were among the twenty two passengers get ortiz of not yet released an official death toll. also was president is urging restraint as a serb counterpart visits the region alexander addressed a rally of thousands of people in retreats on sunday the serb dominated city in the north of kosovo could be part of a future territory swap to improve ties between the two countries so be as never recognized kosovo's two thousand and eight declaration of independence from me in kosovo reports. this was the message that these kosovo war veterans wanted to send to serbia's president aleksander of which each had been determined to visit a serbian habited village so rounded by nobody in population the local mayor
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a man who had lost his entire family in a crackdown by serb forces twenty years ago made it clear that he would not be welcomed. fifteen thousand people were killed here during the war and thousands are still missing the serbian president cannot pass through here without apologizing for the crimes that were committed by serbia the wounds run deep in this corner of the balkans. and patriotic fervor runs high serbia lost control of kosovo nearly twenty years ago after a bitter conflict with rebels fighting for an independent state nato as a defense and eventually bought the fighting to an end but the government in belgrade has never accepted kosovo's two thousand and eight declaration of independence addressing one of the most nationalist serve communities in the region was always going to be a challenge from east of which the community here has always railed against compromise but compromise is exactly what mr which has been urging saying that war
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and violence of any serve to isolate the serb community here. they're the structural national army the idea is to save our people our country our institutions to preserve peace and at least try to build bridges of trust through. the albanians to strive for an agreement even when we know it's nearly impossible because the alternative leads up to an abyss and catastrophe. the crowd may have listened and politely applauded but not quite prepared to let go of the past. we got the message that we should continue to stay here to fight for kosovo until we die even then our children will carry on. we have to continue our presence here and i believe better days are coming those hopes rest on how both serbs and albanians can not only live together but also thrive this is one of the poorest regions in
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europe and both communities are equally affected joining the european union would many here hope help financially but there is much that needs to be done for that to happen missing the only memory of the material we have no other alternative serbia cannot continue to talk of accession to the you approach a normalizing relations with kosovo and kosovo in turn needs to fulfill its obligations prior to the parliament elections in the coming spring and in a region where the effects of war are still felt so vividly the instability over this city has blown up into conflict its leaders must tread a careful path to ensure that a peaceful solution can be made strong enough to withstand any potential unrest. al-jazeera. north korea has marked it seventieth anniversary with a huge military parade but unlike previous occasions it didn't show off its intercontinental ballistic missiles it follows kim jong un's talks this year with
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the u.s. president donald trump on the denuclearization of korea rob mcbride reports from seoul. it had all the usual pomp of previous military displays but lacking much of the hardware especially the missiles compare this with this. particular bill looking at a military parade in april last year commemorating the birth date of north korea's founder kim il song. bristling with the medium and long range missiles it was provocatively testing on a regular basis. even at the start of the thaw in relations earlier this year north korea was showing off the intercontinental ballistic missiles that had taken it to what appeared to be the brink of conflict with the u.s. now you see them now you don't. this parade had far more emphasis on the development of the economy in line with leader kim jong un's promise to improve his
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people's living standards after years of hardship. but the large contingent of journalists allowed into north korea for this event has been shown apparent signs of success even if they are carefully stage managed to get it on to one continent you can because this is the seventieth anniversary of our country the workers enough actually here all coming together to do their best to produce more and to make the factory a success. but if kim is going to achieve real economic development he needs sanctions on his country to be lifted and the u.s. insists for that to happen he has to give up his nuclear arsenal not simply keep it hidden from view. with negotiations seemingly deadlocked kim jong un is not doing anything to further antagonize the u.s. seen here with v.i.p. guessed these young shoe from china's ruling politburo rather he is using the event to build on his developing links with the international community trying to emerge
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from the isolation of the past. robert bright al-jazeera soul. so we know williams has been fined seven hundred thousand dollars for code violations after a controversial u.s. open final on saturday twenty year old male male soccer became the first japanese player to win a grand slam but the match was overshadowed by a major argument between williams and the umpire david stokes reports. i say it was i stated i said i serino williams regularly produces a show on co but not like this this was a us open final like no other williams was going for a record equalling twenty fourth grand slam miami osaka sixteen years her junior was looking for her first and surprisingly it was a sucka who looked more comfortable winning the first set in little over half an
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hour i then the real drama started serena as coach was spotted offering advice from the stands something that's not allowed at grand slams on a ship collision warning this is what it was understand why you may have thought that was huge and that's when it was not and she to win it was as i sucked his lead grew so did serenus frustration and it wasn't long before the empire intervened again this time deducting her a point the smashing her racket tensions were running high it was easy to say it's a sucker's domination continued. and so did so in his argument with the umpire please . see. if. i. can't punish you i wasn't. going to he says that after having a game taken off serina got the match referee involved i. could do
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was despite all the destruction kept a cool and rough so a memorable maiden championship. one thing she's the first japanese by a male female to win a tennis crown slam serena embraced her and then stepped in when parts of the crowd booed at the trophy presentation was how i said she was i with everyone wishing her. five hundred some us to continue to go out and play here again i'm would be nice if she said i hate serina certainly stole the
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headlines but the trophy belongs to osaka and just twenty years old it could be the first of many they did start al-jazeera. amazing story more of that and everything else on the website. well there are a sarah here's a reminder of the headlines on al-jazeera an exit poll in sweden suggests the major center life center left and center right blocks are neck and neck the far right sweden democrats look set to be the second biggest party in sweden with nineteen point two percent of the vote and that's up from around twelve point nine percent in the last election john hall is unstoppable. we're not going to know the shape of a swedish government for quite some time to come but what we can say with reasonable certainty is that the far right won't have
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a place in it because no party at this stage is willing even to talk to them that doesn't mean that whoever comes into government won't have to have to have some sort of tacit arrangement with them or understanding. but they won't have a dive direct in policymaking in this country. syria's government has resumed its heavy bombardment of rebel positions in the province observer groups say helicopters dropped more than sixty barrel bombs on the villages of her bite in south russian jets reportedly carried out more than ten strikes in neighboring hama province. more than eighty people have been killed in renewed fighting in yemen support city of a day that a day after peace talks in geneva collapsed when the rebel delegation failed to show up hospital sources say the dead include dozens of who the rebel fighters and at least eleven government troops well data has seen heavy fighting between saudi backed government troops and rebels for several months displacing tens of thousands
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of civilians. a cleanup is underway in the southern iraqi city of basra where a week of protests as left at least twelve people dead at least fifteen government buildings have been attacked including the rainy and consulate which was torched on friday night protesters are angry at a lack of jobs and basic services in iraq's second biggest city at least one thousand people have died after their plane crashed into a lake in south sudan their craft was traveling from juba two year old in the middle of the country local reports say three children were among the twenty two passengers those are the headlines are going to have more news for you and the latest on that election in half an hour talk to al-jazeera is next.
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india is one of the most crowded countries on earth but not all who cool india home are india they're all says the government millions of infiltrators in the state of a south a sliver of it yes squeezed between bangladeshi who time those infiltrates is a big identifying. the state government has put together a list of those it views as legitimate citizens but full million of the state's thirty one million people on it could be filled with name has been dropped out of.
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