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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 17, 2018 12:00am-1:00am +03

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counted because on al jazeera. this is zero. hello there i'm julie macdonald this is the al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up the saudi led coalition launches a new wave of air strikes on yemen targeting a key supply route as the u.n. envoy tries to kick start talks in the capital sundown. typhon manget smashes into china killing two people after blowing through hong kong forcing the city into shock. in the philippines its devastating wake leaves at least fifty three dead and a trail of destruction. in spore christiane on
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our schools whose first goals in its least shortly after three goalless games for your own sense were schools torn and it's. a very warm welcome to the news our fighting in yemen data province has intensified with the who sees it reporting more than thirty five airstrikes by the saudi and marotta coalition in the past twenty four hours they're targeting a main highway as have the port city which is a key supply route to the rebel held capital of sana coalition strikes are also hitting the north of the country several children were killed in an attack on saturday under simmons has been following the story from nearby djibouti and a warning you may find some of the images in his report disturbing. my.
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it's an airstrike by the saudi u.a.e. led coalition. whatever the target may have been this is the result civilians searching for missing children it isn't a rescue they find one dead child. i mean i know where i am what's his guilt why is he being killed says one of the men who rarely are rescued the child's mother the father wasn't in his home when the bomb hit the girl's name is mood cedar she's carried away by one of the helpers he knows it doesn't end here. and the evidence from. the searching continues and some moods brother neville has recovered and i was feeling that was what everyone had dreaded to do the children didn't. they're very proud of us are these are civilians the little kids are the only words this man can manage it happened on saturday in
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modern man inside a province which shares a border with saudi arabia these people are internally displaced having fled the fighting yemen's turmoil is a lethal mix of the tactics of warfare the tactics of diplomacy from negotiations that could be a touch with that and a humanitarian crisis the fighting isn't just on the battlefield the suffering goes right across yemen but it's getting worse. in the stillness of a remote village and how just province they're eating the leaves of trees to survive they're cooked and mashed into a paste and. i personally i don't you believe this is my cellar has been cut it's a main meal for my children even though this is causing them each of us and drowsiness why what can we do. we cook tree leaves we have no nutrition we will die here we have no one but god this is the nearest medical center to the village
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where they had to resort to eating leaves no nutrition could end up being the biggest killer in this conflict anyone trying to bring peace to yemen may not need reminding of what's at stake nevertheless those without a voice of influence a crying out for help now more than ever before. well the u.n. envoy to yemen martin griffiths has spent the day holding talks with the rebel leaders in the capital sana and andrew sent us this update. margaret is has a major job on his hands trying to convince the warring sides that now is the time to actually start talking about dialogue when there's been more than a week of really heavy fighting in the wake of those talks in geneva that never got off the ground the fighting obviously is most intense in the red sea ports in which
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cruises are trying to defend they say the huth is that they are repelled in some places. from these. to get control of the supply line to the capital so. the sixteenth is the biggest major focal point of the fighting but also further towards the port city in other points and there is a point such as kilo seven kilo ten there are also battles going on it certainly doesn't seem to be the case that things are at a point when you can say that this supply line is actually cut but certainly the coalition is putting every effort into trying to get full control of this area and control of the port city ahead of any possible dialogue with seem they are insisting that there has to be
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a success in taking her data to force as they say the who thing is to talks offer more in the middle east analyst. joins us live from washington d.c. sort of a warm welcome to the program any signs at this stage that the or the are in ready to engage in any sort of meaningful dialogue. absolutely we have seen that the u.n. special envoy. for yemen martin griffin has been engaging in the shuttle diplomacy over the past week last week he was in moscow for talks with the omani leadership where the part of the who think delegation that would represent the who to government for peace talks are located and they who chief negotiator. mohammed abdul saleh him located there he has also been in the regular contact with u.s. diplomats who are pushing behind the scenes to ensure the peace process on the u.n.
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supervision is moving forward what about these reports of airstrikes and ever closer to home data what can we read from from reports of those. what we saw just last week was that the united states government spearheaded by secretary of state mike brown pale and certified the united arab emirates and saudi arabia are meeting. the required steps to ensure that civilian casualties are not increasing or and that they are being dealt with was a compromise most likely what the american congress was pushing and increasing pressure on the administration to ensure a political solution is moving forward for yemen and that message has also been received in dhabi and in riyadh so all the indications are clear the
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united states wants this war to end the united states is engaging with the leadership through the mediation and helping accelerate the u.n. peace process for yemen i suppose one of the big difficulties here secret is of course they want to expedite a solution to help the humanitarian side of things but all of this they want to step carefully and potentially will need to do that slowly in order to get some sort of political compromise or a. absolutely some of the talks that are under way to establish a transitional government and what we have also seen this that the united states as essentially without naming the word red line but has essentially for all practical purposes declared that taking the a red sea port of who are they would be a red line not just for the united states but for the international community. precisely so that humanitarian supplies can continue to enter into yemen so i think
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that all everything considered including as you reported in your segment that the u.n. envoy was today and sana for talks with the who is the foreign minister these are all signs that things are finally coming together of course it's a treacherous process and there are many variables to it so we don't quite know how it will play out but all the signs that the united states is supporting in a peace process are there at the see good what about what about the denial dynamic with oh man here and of course these reports from the hooty the who the leadership and all men saying that they've actually been prevented from leaving the country. oman is say trust a party of both for saudi arabia and forty united states and even for iran so it is in a unique position to help spearhead a political process and support the u.n. in this regard what we have seen there who things have demanded that some of their
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voted fighter should receive medical treatments either in oman or in europe we also know that oman has provided. medical treatment to fighters fighting to who the so this is a humanitarian gesture from oman to all of yemen citizens regardless of their political affiliations so oman is a really a trusted broker there and that is. regarded as such both by the u.n. by the united states including. by saudi arabia so so there are duress a lot of momentum there. sigurd new buyer there joining me from washington d.c. star thanks very much for joining us thank you well the two million people have been forced to evacuate as typhoon mungo tears through china's wind province at least two people have been killed in the storm nearly fifty thousand fishing boats have been called back to port as part of an effort to minimize damage the typhoon is carrying winds of two hundred kilometers per hour
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and tarantula wings well before reaching china the storm pushed huge waves into hong kong bringing the city to a standstill the terror she was put on the highest alert level for only the fourth time in twenty years cranes collapsed and windows shattered in many high rise buildings several kark reports from hong kong. the eye of the typhoon hurtle towards hong kong bringing with it gal force winds of up to two hundred kilometers an hour grooves were blown off and windows in some high rise buildings were blown out trees were sent flying this crime was ripped from a building and collapsed this is amazing never seen the like this. it's. nobody walking around roads were closed and businesses locked up hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes in low lying areas with nine hundred flights were canceled interrupting travel plans for thousands of passengers most people bunkered down and study some of those who braved the with was swept off their feet the city
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was paralyzed and forced into lockdown while the worst storm in hong kong for more than a decade old home is prone to still events and things but this one has caught many by surprise the strength of the winds has triggered shoot swells across the harbor inundated areas in the central parts of the city. these waterfront hotels were flooded as waves pounded the coastline the only movement on the harbor was this ship adrift all schools will be closed on monday the typhoon is now headed towards mainland china the province directly in its path. al-jazeera hong kong. and a nearby macau the government has shut down all of its casinos due to the extreme weather a first for the region former portuguese colony also issued its highest storm of are officials in macau have been criticized for their handling of a typhoon last year which left widespread damage and killed twelve people. store in
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the philippines the death toll from types in mind it has risen to fifty three and that number is expected to grow dozens of others still missing and feared buried in a landslide including thirty minus in good guy and province alan dorgan traveled through the area to see the destruction left behind. to witness for ourselves the strength and skill of the food bank which devastation it could be a province which your doors this is the town of island where hundreds of civilians were evacuated from their gold teeth before the typhoon hit landfall the end of the year at thirty three year old grant but their plastic down to their house of forty eight hours before the storm struck the survival now they're free to go home we have not. made it out to be or is to suffer we're just corn farmers and now we've lost our income to do we have to borrow from creditors now just so we can start over. farmlands and now submerged in flood waters schools used as
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evacuation centers are also damaged. we drove further to reach the town of get around this is what's left of cornfields here a few hours of a thai food took a year of their earnings. for farmers here. with a battered much of northern and so on leaving a trail of tift and destruction. across the gun power and communication lines have been destroyed leaving many farming communities isolated after several hours we reached the town. he took two years and. then to build just the frame of their home but it's all gone in an instant and again it hurts us to see this to recover what we lost we have to make painful sacrifices again indigenous comanches
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like this one have been living in abject poverty for generations and they are held back even further by natural disasters that is because the government assistance they need to start over is barely enough. farming is their livelihood now they don't know how the can survive their story is one that's repeated a hundred times in wars. the damage into province is extensive. what we've just seen so far is just a fraction of the devastation. has caused the full extent. in the coming. in al-jazeera the province northern philippines. where coming up on this news hour the worst is yet to come residents in the u.s. state of north carolina are warned about the flooding threat posed by storm florence. sick and starving really report on the plight of the tens of thousands of
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side sidney's children suffering from malnutrition. and in sport we'll hear from the kenyan running great who set a new world record at the berlin marathon. well the u.s. has ordered the palestinian mission in washington d.c. to close the bank accounts of vacate their offices within a month it has also revoked the visas of the family of the head of the p.l.o. delegation to the u.s. was comes a week after the trump administration and i was the closure of the palestinian liberation organization office in washington d.c. palestinian leaders have called the move indictive and cruel well for more on this that speak to mohammed away say he's a palestinian american political analyst and he joins me live from washington d.c. sort of a warm welcome to the program what do these latest moves tell us about the current
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u.s. strategy. you a strategy if you put your strategy after donald trump became president that means nothing because this president does have any strategy he became the mouthpiece for occupation so what he's doing he's just putting the last cough and it chance for peace in the middle east and by kicking out the two children of the p.l.o. representative to washington he added them to the hundreds of thousands of palestinian children who depend on the honor the united nations work and the relief agency that helps of palestinian children the schools and health care for the palestinians this president has put himself in the camp of israelis one hundred percent and all the actions unilateral actions he's taking he's taking against the palestinians and for occupation and for ending any chance of one sit solution or two sit solution in
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the middle east mohamed i want to read to you a comment i saw regarding this story on line and i want to get your view this and it said by insulting the most moderate palestinian faction trumpets open doors to the radicals and i just wonder where you think this could potentially lead. let me say first of all there is no radical or not radical or moderate palestinian we all are patient or we are all refugees outside palestine we want a solution we want the solution like we agreed in two thousand nine hundred ninety three the also accord there was an agreement to reach an agreement within five years now we are twenty five years and three days after that agreement was signed and we are we have lost more land more lives and gaza with two million people are
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being. punished for being palestinian and now he is punishing the palestinian the refuses so you cannot put us into categories of this is violent palestinian or this is a mother of pearl a city and or this is. palestinian or sugar free palestinian we all are for since we all are asking for the right of return for independence from occupation and our land back if they do not want to talk about along these lines there is nothing to talk about let me say there's something here that many people maybe people they are not going to like what they say i think with doing all these things against the palestinian people it's very good for us because if the palestinians accept to come and talk to the israelis talk to the people the settlers i call them the settlers that his son in law and. his representative to the peace process if we talk to them if anybody in the palestinian talks so then that means we are
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capitulating and giving in to israel's demands and the american demands by dissolving the policy then issue without giving the palestinians and the land or dignity or identity or anything they want to dissolve the issue without solving the core of the issue which is occupation that started in one thousand nine hundred eight so i think what is happening now it's good for us let's wait maybe america will vote for another president who will come back and bring real peace to the middle east or otherwise let it stay like that mohammad away said joining me live from washington d.c. sir thank you. thank you now the woman accusing thomas u.s. supreme court nominee of sexual assault has come forward christine ford has given interview to the washington post she says that brett kavanaugh assaulted her in one thousand nine hundred eighty two when they were teenagers ford says the common i'll pin her to a bed and try to remove her clothes whilst at
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a party he though has denied any wrongdoing white house says is still standing with judge cowen us. the death toll from storm florence in the united states has risen to fifteen with residents of carolina's being warned the worst is yet to come bronze made landfall as a hurricane on friday before downgrading to a tropical depression overnight catastrophic flooding has spread across north and south carolina on sunday swamping entire neighborhoods fall several reverse are all projected to burst their banks hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses also been left with power. we're doing as much as you can as an organization but now we need to participate in a bubble and so we are impressing upon them not to be complacent not a thing to the worst is behind is in fact the worst is in front of us we're seeing roads in downtown areas float away and all of those tributaries imprints feed into the river so we have a problem so we're hoping for the best but prepare for the worst and we and we sit in a strong message to people if you decide to stay and not by about
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a mandatory evacuation order by three pm today will not be available to you and so we encourage you to do things like notify legal next of kin and let people know what your choices are. christians let me joins us live from fayetteville north carolina hi there kristen so just times serious is the situation where you are right now. with julie it remains incredibly serious even though the rain has let up in the last hour giving everyone a little bit of a sense of relief the rivers continue to rise and that's what people are concerned about flash flooding mudslides going forward the mayor was talking about roads being washed away and if you take a look behind me you see exactly what he was worried about we are in downtown fayetteville a tributary of the cape fear river has overflowed its banks and is washing right through the town and just take a look at how quickly that water is moving that's a real risk for people whether they're walking or in their vehicles there have been
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fifteen deaths attributed to this storm so far at least five of them have been related to the it to people being in their cars either being washed away by flash flooding or crashing into trees or other things as a result of the severe conditions and that's why officials are advising people to stay inside they've also called for evacuations mandatory evacuations along the cape fear river and the little river that affects some couple thousand people and that's because the river just simply has not reached its peak yet there have been nine hundred rescues statewide so far some of them by boat some of them by helicopter but we just heard what the mayor was saying if you live in one of those mandatory evacuation zones and you didn't get out when the flooding is really bad you're not going to be able to count on rescue workers to get in there and help you you're on your own they're warning people not to be complacent and christian what
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is the damage how much damage has already been done. very rough estimates at this point. the governor of north carolina roy cooper said that they put it in the tens of thousands in terms of damage to homes and buildings and the like whether it's you know roofs being blown away doors being blown away flooding and so on really hard to say right now but this is going to be a very expensive and very costly storm a lot of the people whose homes have been damaged haven't even been able to go back and take a look yet we've got about fifteen thousand people staying in shelters about one hundred fifty shelters here in north carolina that are open now and. many more people of course staying with family going to hotels and things like that seven hundred thousand people in the state at last count without power and again the rivers are going to keep rising the rain may be tapering off in places like this
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but elsewhere it's continuing to fall it's continuing to feed those rivers the rivers are just picking up steam and taking everything away in its path we were on the banks of the cape fear river earlier and it was still a long way to go before the river reached a nearby building and people told us who had lived there that you know that building had been underwater in a storm two years ago and this storm is forecast to be much worse than that one my point being. as the governor has said as the mare has said the worst is yet to come and people here are not out of the woods yet kristen looming there live from fayetteville and kristen thank you. well it's much more to come on the news hour including a latin america struggles with its worst migration crisis in decades we meet the peruvian businessmen setting up shell says to help venezuelans feed the chaos back
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home because. they call themselves the gypsies of pelting you and they've lived in this neighborhood for centuries and now they say local authorities want to throw. i'm out on a fashion partner reporting from southern france. well in sports action from the singapore hong craigslist hamilton aims to stay on course for formula one title. how the actions by the kick up in the northwest the of europe at the moment the action is still just on the eastern edges to go some big stones holes wandering around but all that prior looping in really from the atlantic is its contents of the quite interesting actually of the next twenty four more likely forty eight hours are going to spinning top in here now it's not really a tropical storm because it's outside the tropics but it is named it has been of
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these all of the tropical storm called ellen and it will turn up as a very wet and windy thing over arlington probably the british isles more generally in the six to three days that usually is the sign of a real change in the fortunes of the weather the season becomes autumnal not immediately so still twenty two in london twenty six in paris so things run north but it has taken the energy away from the rest proper a few showers in italy maybe around the swiss alps we are more or less shower free was temperatures still in the twenty's even the high twenty's for some but the late summer seems more likely now are still run about the third to market a very hot two nice and a hot and humid out is for the suggestion of all the clouds and still twenty eight rebut that cloud streak going to goes right down through western sahara will more time you're at least down towards the tropics interesting.
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cape town's water running out city all sorts you see people should use no more than fifty liters of time water per person per day. about a third of the city's residents live in informal settlements like this one and only consume about four percent of the water for generations they've already been collecting it through communal taps all sources say the city will reach day zero on the ninth of july that's when they'll turn off the water in the hopes to have it only the communal times will stay on. the city's taps of fed by reservoirs this is one of the largest. because they'll gallop where four years ago they would have been on the twenty five meters of water since then the provinces suffered the worst drought on record. water saving measures have already postponed a zero bytes three months everyone here is hoping the winter will soon bring enough rainfall to make sure the road never comes.
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to remind our top stories here on al-jazeera. data province has intensified with the who thing rebels are forcing more than thirty five airstrikes by the saudi m.r. asa coalition in the past twenty four hours to people have been killed and more than two million others evacuees is typhoon mangled barrels across southern china earlier gare force winds tore through hong kong forcing the city into a shop that. while the cleanup from the typhoon is underway in the philippines fifty three people there have been confirmed dead but that number is expected to rise. south korea's president is preparing to play chief negotiator between
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washington and pyongyang at a summit with the north korean leader then j.n. will travel to pyongyang on tuesday to hold talks of kim jong un is said to be the third meeting between the two leaders and the first since ken summit with u.s. president donald trump in chin and is also looking to improve economic ties with the north will be accompanied by a large business delegation robin wright has more now from seoul this is a large delegation that number some two hundred people when you include all of the journalists who will be accompanying moon j.n. as he goes for this third summit in pyongyang with a heavy emphasis on business a number of very senior executives from south korea including from companies like oen day and also samsung reflects a moon jane's optimism about where this dialogue might lead to in terms of future economic cooperation across the d.m.z.
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that separates north and south korea but of course there is only so much they can do a lot of the deals that they can talk about can only be talked about theoretically because of course south korea is hampered like the rest of the international community from doing any kind of deals with north korea because of sanctions but the group also includes people from other walks of life such as religious leaders women's rights and labor rights activists are included on the list as well as the odd sports star and musician even if it reflects i think the moon j.n. wants to engage with north korea on a number of different levels not just in terms of the economy but also possibly at a cultural level but also the hope is that this third summit between the leaders of north and south korea will help unblocked the stalled negotiations between north korea and the united states. to think isn't it. the president has explained the
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goal of the upcoming summit the first is to improve and develop into korea relations secondly to mediate and catalyze the dialogue between north korea and the u.s. for denuclearization the third is to end military tension and threats of war between south and north korea the big question of course is north korea's denuclearization commitment but south korean officials remain convinced about north korea's sincerity with officials saying only last week that kim jong un accepts the fact he will have to carry out this denuclearization during president donald trump's first term in office which presumably means within the next two years that does seem to be a very tall order given the extent of north korea's missile and nuclear programs are but then this whole dialogue back and forth has seen many twists and turns so nobody i think can rule out what the coming week might bring now years of conflict
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in south sudan has left more than half of its twelve million population in need of the day for survival many have been depleted displaced from their homes and farms and aid organizations say that fighting is making it hard to reach those in need had the morgan has before. this is a regular scene as of a hospital in south sudan's capital juba children suffering from severe malnutrition come to this world every day to be treated one of them is a russia's baby girl. she's been sick since she was six months old i try to feed her but where will i find food you have to buy food here you can't farm if his money i buy food to feed my kids if not we go to bed hungry agnes's daughter is just one of the hundreds of thousands of children unicef says are suffering from severe malnutrition here five years of civil war has left seven million south sudanese relying on relief supplies tens of thousands have been killed since
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president salva kiir accused his then vice president riek machar of attempting a coup the worried economy makes daily meals and affordable to many including millions of children says the outbreak of war in that we have never seen this number before in twenty eighteen was demitted two hundred seventy thousand children suffering from c.b.s. a good man this is a huge number and if we don't respond quickly we will lose all destroyed but aid groups have complained repeatedly to the government about being blocked from reaching those in need by the worrying sides. the latest peace deal has been signed to end the fighting and pledges made to allow humanitarian access. witnesses to the signing say much needs to be done to ensure that happen safely with a signing up of revitalize agreement we should publicly acknowledge it is but one spear on the road to peace but one which lies the plantation for all their
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followers. agnes hopes that the peace deal works so she doesn't lose her child to hunger a hope shared by many mothers whose children are starving he will morgan al-jazeera . the shock ladder jock is the executive director of the surge institute an independent research organization focusing on saturday and he says it's a dire situation for those most all. what we are seeing now is what has been experienced over the last five years of intense conflict and multiplicity of one party making it very difficult for a like number of people to maintain the normal way of life whether they are present farmers or cattle keepers and the result of this is that cities like cuba have now been receiving like number of children and women who are desperate for food and i saw all over the town of baquba children begging on the streets. clinics
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and hospitals full of kids who are minority and cannot afford food and cannot afford medicine it is a dire situation for an entire. population of children but also for all they are particularly women and pregnant women to be more specific what has been the main reason why people are so desperate for food and so they were the signing of this business lehman on the twelfth of september there is a renewed hope in the air all across us are done and people are tired and civil war so this hope this renewed calls use optimism. is definitely what a lot of acid and these are. will be implemented to be able to get these people back to their normal way of life it is not a. case where people have absolutely nothing it is a case of people not being able to exercise the normal economic activities for
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survival and they will be able to go back to that as soon as the peace agreement is implemented. he's activists and journalists have been protesting yang gong demanding the release of two reuters journalists. while moan and cry so were sentenced to seven years in prison earlier this month they were arrested last year whilst investigating the murder of a hinge amused him in a kind state last week mean was lead to aung sun suu kyi said they were not detained because their journalists said they've broken official secrets laws. london's mayor sadique khan has called for a second referendum on bricks it criticizing the government's handling of withdrawal negotiations com says the british public should have a say on a final deal including the option to hold a second vote in case due to leave the e.u. in march next year we've reached a position where there are two outcomes as a consequence of the governance to go sheesh ans a bad deal and by that i include
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a sleeve in the e.u. without knowing the terms of the future relationship sort of blindfold brooks or no deal and the independent research and taken for us shows the new deal would leads to five hundred thousand fewer jobs eighty seven thousand fewer jobs in london alone and fifty billion pounds less investment in a country that's bad for a country hugely damaging to london and the french city of fair ping no-i gypsy communities historic neighborhood is being threatened with demolition some shack is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the country and local officials say it's a need for new will but isn't tasha butler reports residents say they are being pushed act. the sanish act neighborhood is a maze of narrow streets and colorful buildings for more than one hundred fifty years it's been home to a unique catalan speaking people who call themselves the gypsies of pappy but now they say the city council is demolishing the area and trying to push them out the
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thug brutal rip why destroy our history this is our neighborhood we've always lived here together it's a beautiful district so why not make it like grenada seville some where the tourists could come and not be scared of us instead no one helps it's dismissed as a ghetto in the past three years local authorities have demolished more than fifty houses part of a hundred million dollar urban renewal plan they say many of the buildings are unsafe but people here disagree with the middle i've lived in this house all my life i was born in it and they want to destroy i'm scared because if this room in the street i wouldn't know what to do campbell is part of a group of residents who say the neighborhood needs to be regenerated not demolish he says the council's ignored the area for years providing few services or opportunities for people rubbish israeli collected there are no play areas for children three quarters of people are unemployed. what we want is to work with the
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council we want better homes it's a stay in the neighborhood a contractor back to whole community wants. some residents say city officials haven't consulted them about the plans but the deputy mayor says they've been dozens of meetings on the project. of wanted and there's never been a desire to gentrify the area chased out the poor population those who want to stay can and we will help those who want to move out we're not get away saying they're building homes that are clean and safe people here safe not only about breaking buildings it's also about breaking up our community tearing apart generations of family and friends. this woman says local officials are asked her to leave her house she thought she'd be gone a few days when she returned the home she'd lived in for forty years was gone and she's not been offered another. they demolish my whole house with all my furniture everything i thought was only living of a few days so i left all i have inside most here agree that science shack and its
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people are in need of attention it's one of the poorest neighborhoods in france but what they want is to hold on to their rich past and have a say in their future natasha butler al-jazeera. scuffles have broken out between police and protesters demonstrating against planned pension reforms in russia three people were detained during the rally and some petersburg which was attended by around five hundred people is the latest protest against the changes that have dented president vladimir putin's approval ratings he wants to lift the retirement age from sixty to sixty five for men and for fifty five to sixty four women. the crisis in venezuela is causing one of latin america's worst migration crises in decades really half a million refugees of sort shelter in peru are second only to colombia and the organization of american states in the u.s. president trump of threatened a military intervention in venezuela to ease the crisis
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a mass accident exodus hasn't stopped yet as mariana sanchez reports now from lima peru vans are forming their own ways to help the new arrivals. on the floor it's alongside each other more than one hundred seventy venezuelans sharing three big rooms two bathrooms and every single space there is left in this makeshift shelter on the outskirts of lima eating your old new google says he feels lucky to be here one of. our few blissed because a lot of people have to sleep on the street i don't have any through what these people here are doing it's great to see the war going on it's all free says clinical a peruvian businessman who says he spent nearly thirty thousand dollars to rent and set up this shelter i mean are used the money to buy the stove mattresses everything i was about to buy a car but decided to invest it here because in exchange you get happiness. in a few months giving us is nearly two thousand venus williams who learned of the
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shelter through social media have come and gone the only way to make it work with so many is with discipline says supervisor wholesome order of physical space is already too small it's a challenge because people keep on coming on our model. as to never say no we open our doors to any woman. the shelter is now run with the help of private donations to colombia bid who has absorbed the largest number of the newest will and migrants and refugees more than four hundred twenty thousand says the government seventy thousand already have work permits but most are taking underpaid jobs such as street vending for many venezuelans starting a new life here has been much more difficult than they imagined so if you have taken up residence last mother also offer to be flown back home for free while body that there will still nearly two hundred venice williams have been airlifted in as well and precedent to just have been as williams were living and working in slave
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like conditions propaganda replied the peruvian government all of the majority of them as well as at the embassy are here to request document renewals to be able to apply for work permits nearly two million venezuelans are living abroad straining relations in the region and leading some countries to impose travel restrictions that's a shame says going in. hunger in the city don't have borders countries shouldn't impose restrictions to these people. the organization of american states says no country can face this wave of migrants and refugees on the road or governments and international organizations get together to think of a regional plan people like clinic are already making a difference in essential. still to come on the program. why a five century old language is battling extinction in malaysia. coming up in sports
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a landmark call for one of football's greatest show men and what's it all of us. overthrown and exiled their point again saying it will all miss me to give you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency he knows that the troops will change by and leave. nothing to do you think he is the king of the in the long winter to change this return of a president on al-jazeera. al-jazeera
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. where ever you are. malaysia's trying to revive the language only three thousand people can speak fluently black in portuguese came into existence during the sixteenth century florence liu reports from malacca. the ruins of a fortin malacca stand as a reminder of the portuguese presence in malaysia in fifteen eleven they captured
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the coastal city and ruled for over a century before the dutch defeated them when the portuguese left they left behind more than just buildings filomena singh who is descended from the portuguese she still speaks the language of her ancestors malaccan creole portuguese derived from the portuguese with words borat from other languages and a grammatical structure similar to the mill a language all here to do was in year zero two the second it's also known by its colloquial name poppea christan but it's in decline spoken mainly by the older generation so seeing host art and using social media to pass on her knowledge when i was a model for work. for in the same yonder. was then war crime bomb young soldiers good morning how are you all so giving. yourself courage
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to carry your new window to learn the simple pure words it is something her brother michael wrote a book together with other language experts to help people learn christan. formal instructions are rare it isn't taught in schools and exists mostly in oral form we have survived for many years culture elling greet each religion and identity and they saw we cannot lose in europe is elements. like many other malaysians of portuguese descent the singers have their roots in this neighborhood in malacca this is the portuguese settlement home to about one thousand eight hundred people descended from the portuguese academics say the community here has provided a haven for the language the children grow up hearing it being spoken if not at home then maybe at a neighbor's house. on weekends children come for classes at cerro santa maria is house. and brought up in the portuguese settlement.
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she teaches dance and cooking too with instructions in popular christian to preserve not just the language but other aspects of her culture the language has also caught the attention of academics we've got to think beyond we go to think about the perhaps they can only value but done by the people right the community can find ways to share their knowledge their leg with their own perspectives dest doris' i think a very important. the older generation of malaccan portuguese are counting on the younger generation to keep the language alive florence louis al-jazeera. malaysia. let's get all the day's sports news night with andy. thank you so much julie lewis hamilton has made a big move in his efforts to win a fifth of formula one world title he won the singapore grand prix and is now forty
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points clear of his main rival sebastian vettel who could only manage third place david stokes has the action. after a stunning performance in qualifying lewis hamilton still needed to have his wits about him going into the first few corners and he did well to emerge unscathed with his lead intact for the back esteban are called was not so lucky his race ended early having been shoved into the wall by his force india teammate sergio perez. that accident needed some clearing up but crucially just before the safety car came out sebastian vettel was able to pass max for stop and to take second place. he was now perfectly positioned to attack hamilton. that was until four robbie decided to bring him in early for a tire change. it proved a costly decision by the team many expected to dominate in singapore vettel ended up losing time and ultimately gave second place back to stop and i.
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say the strategy on the other hand it was working perfectly there was a brief scare when hamilton was held up by a group of back markers to stop and try to lock up the inside but the championship leader had it covered and accelerated into the distance to claim victory it's the fourth time he's won the singapore grand prix. to watch the match. strokes. how to describe it is a monumental moment and it's hard to argue he finished nearly forty seconds clear of vettel and now leads his main rival by forty points in the drive the standings we had a great start the team just never given up faith and belief in me in an invalid's three and in our ability and is a real blessing with a long race yeah i mean it wasn't looking too bad we had a good first lap and then we tried something being aggressive but it didn't work and we ended up finishing third finishing where we started well but i was it's
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cool wins in the last try for hamilton and with only six races remaining vettel needs to start beating him and fast david stokes al-jazeera. john l. they scored his first goals for you events as the italian champions continued their perfect starts of the season when alan had failed to find the net in his first three games to uva but a second tasks happened against the swallow got him off the mark the thirty three year old didn't have to wait too long for his second event is going on when the gang see wants maintain a position of the top of sorry they looked out to be said to be without douglas costa for the forseeable future the brazilian sense of first head butting. and spitting in upon his face. gonzalo higuaín scored his first goal for a similar instances longman from eventis alondra one one with calorie. slots on a brim of it is one of football's biggest show many brought sufis five hundred career
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goal in spectacular style have been many memorable ones but not too many karate kicks like this one playing for the l.a. galaxy against france where see the thirty six year old joins ronaldo in a no messi is the only active players to score five hundred for club and country the game will be remembered for that goal but the galaxy did go on salusa five three. and me for my personal objective is fantastic chairmen probably have more goals than the guys on the field of games together and then of course is huge i don't know many scored five goals in their career but i am one of them it came middle aged came in a try to do what i'm good at putting him behind the line and this week said it. was good to know compliments to toronto because they'll be remembered for my five hundred goal. well one of the athens former teammates wayne rooney also scoring in the m.l.s. his fifth goal for d.c. united putting them ahead against the new york red bulls but bradley wright slips
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one trick the new york ensured this game finished three three. now kenya's elliott keep charity has broken the world marathon record taking more than a minute's of the previous mark the kenyan won the berlin marathon in a time of two hours one minutes and thirty nine seconds the thirty three year old record attempt looks in doubt when his pacemaker has dropped sounds early left him to run the last seventeen kilometers alone but the olympic champion still able to break the previous record that was set by his compatriot dennis can i say four years ago it's the second consecutive time that the birth in cost of its flight profile has been the venue for a new record and i could show you has a stylish himself as the greatest distance runner in history he's competed in eleven marathons and wants one of them prior to his first marathon in twenty thirteen he had a successful track career winning the five thousand meter world title is that same agency thousand and three last year he attempted to run the first subzero marathon in a special event at the monza racetrack in italy the unofficial race was paced by
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a car with support runners joining in for short stages he missed his target then by just twenty five seconds but does not have the official world record i am. always on the legacy i'm a bit of the disposable it is. now it's thought so but i think it's possible. canelo alvarez has inflicted a first career defeat on going on a goal of kin to become world middleweight champion the last can it be undefeated in thirty nine fights but was on the wrong end of a majority points decision the pair all give me the best pound for pound fighters in the world their first meeting last year had ended in a draw seriously. i did everything i did to complete my objective unfortunately we didn't get the knockout but thank god we walked away with a victory italy would still need i don't think you really demonstrate some super great makes a good boxing style yes he was not running away from me or running around this time
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but it doesn't mean that you wanted this fight he didn't do anything special but most importantly i would like to congratulate him with a with you in cycling british reuters now hold all three grand sword titles up to simon the eights rights of the spanish world so he safely completed some processional stage in madrid early this year guaranteed almost won the tour de france and chris froome the jarrett it's. really unbelievable experience. you know is even nervous today coming to surrogates is an issue we could have been but no i really find it pull it off unbelievable angela stanford has won her first major golf title after eighteen years on the protests or stanford's big moment came at the evian championship in france the forty year old american carded a final round of sixty eight which put her on twelve under for the tournament she'd then watched four of her rivals missed chances to fall supply off. the train. now the tennis some part and get serena williams by giving her three code violations
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during the u.s. open final how to different player in his sights of the davis cup colace ramos was back in the chair for the semifinal between croatia and the usa and here is giving crazy violation for smashing his racket chillis going on to lose this contest with sam querrey. that cya vengefully went down to the fifth sets of the fifty. much caray she's going to court basing francis to a far end i decided to set up a final with defending champions france the same two countries of course the flight in football's world cup final ok that is just for fanatics get back to chile in london. andy thank you so much well that's it for me cheating with all of this news hour i will be back in just a moment with much more of the day's news thanks for your company i'll see in a couple minutes but by.
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whether online this isn't some abstract fish we need to pay attention to their stops or if you join us on sect rather than stopping terrorism is creating a base is a dialogue i'm just here a community as want to add to this conversation we need a president who's willing to be a villain or a short while everyone has a voice i'm part of civil society i need golf but i never get listened to by those illegal resident about joining the global conversation. on out is iraq. we understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. so
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no matter where you call home al-jazeera will bring you the news and current of friends that matter to you. al-jazeera. is a popular filming location in france when it comes to stories about drugs crime and radicalization tired of negative stereotypes youth worker it's managerial it's reclaiming its image by putting its young residents behind the camera. the stories we don't often hear told by the people who the put them in the news what this is you wrote on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera where ever you are. the saudi led coalition launches a new wave of airstrikes on yemen targeting a key supply route as the u.n. envoy tries to kick start talks in the capital son did you. know that i'm getting my tunnel this is al jazeera live from london also coming up typhon mind that smashes into china killing two people after going through hong kong forcing the city and to shut down while in the philippines it's.


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