tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 18, 2018 2:00am-3:01am +03
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believe removing st hilda's is one way to contain the disease right now we. have it but for them to be able to consume some of them for them. still in place is. constructed from other vending stalls designated selling points near public toilets have been proposed in and around the city this is where the government wants some of the bindis to go it's a market in downtown harare it's still being built but some people say the rentals are too high. a market stall in here can cost a few hundred dollars depending on the size some vendors prefer selling on the street so they don't pay rent. but selling on the street means dodging right police who have been arresting people and confiscating merchandise health workers say the show will force won't stop the spread of cholera if the political will to deal with a crisis once and for all isn't the. ethiopian police have detained two hundred people in connection with ethnic violence in iran mia state which includes
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the capital addis ababa after twenty three people were killed on saturday the clashes escalated after the once exiled leaders of the or on the liberation front welcome back to ethiopia local reports say groups of aroma used looted shops and attacked people from ethnic minorities the international criminal court has given the former vice president of the democratic republic of congo a twelve month sentence for witness tampering but will not go back to prison because of time already served if bach has more now from brussels is currently staying with his family. the international criminal court has sentenced. to twelve months in jail and fined him three hundred fifty thousand dollars but the court said that this sentence should be considered already served after bamber spent ten years in jail in the hague on earlier charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out by his movement for the liberation of congo in the central african republic in the early two thousand that earlier conviction was quashed in
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june allowing him to be able to return back to the d r c to mount a presidential bid but the electoral committee of the d r c said that he should be prevented from standing as president while this particular verdict was pending well now that the verdict has been given now that it has been considered already served there is in theory nothing stopping bemba from returning to the d r c to be able to mount a presidential bid but he is one of four opposition leaders who have been prevented from challenging the current leadership the possibility for violence should he be prevented from standing is very high indeed ever since the country gain independence from belgium in one thousand nine hundred sixty there has not been a single peaceful transfer of power. now the head of the international monetary fund has warned that a no deal breaks it will have dire consequences for the u.k.
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christine legarde also called the range of issues still to be resolved daunting and she warned that u.k. growth will be less than half the global average even if a smooth transition is a great or brennan reports. at one point in her news conference christine legarde described herself as a desperate optimist but delivering the i.m.f. latest assessment of the u.k. economy her tone was repeatedly downbeat about britain post rex it so whatever the deal is will not be as good as it is at the moment and asked about the seemingly growing prospect of britain crashing out without a break to deal now clearly we've got worse to happen our assessment is that it would have very dear economy consequences it would be a shock to supply. and it would inevitably have a series of consequences in terms of. reduced growth going forward. increased deficit most likely depreciation of the currency and. you
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know in reasonably short order mean a reduction of the size of the u.k. economy the bracket deadlines are approaching fast for britain to depart the european union in an orderly manner next march they really need to agree the e.u. divorce bill by the end of this year and a u. leaders are braced for an emergency summit mid november but the british prime minister theresa may is facing considerable opposition to her compromise proposal the so-called checkers plan and if that is rejected by the u.k. parliament then the very real prospect of a no deal bracks it looms boris johnson resigned from the government over bracks it and has taken to sniping from his regular newspaper column the whole thing is a constitutional abomination he writes and if checkers were adopted it would mean that for the first time since ten sixty six our leaders were deliberately
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acquiescing in foreign rule the presidency of the e.u. is currently with austria and its leader is visiting paris for talks with the french president. i think there we agree that we have to do everything possible to avoid the heartbreaks it to make possible that there will be strong cooperation between the u.k. and the european union even after the u.k. leaving the e.u. the e.u. chief negotiator michel barnier is in madrid with little to add i don't want to ask how sorry i don't want to answer the question of. this week. a spirit of good cooperation with the final words there mr ban a we'll give a fuller assessment when he brings ministers from the remaining twenty seven member states back in brussels on tuesday. al-jazeera london.
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quick recap of the top stories now syria's state media says its ad offense forces have intercepted a number of missiles fired at the coastal city of latakia the reported attack came hours after the leaders of russia and turkey agreed to set up the demilitarized zone in neighboring ellipse province government forces and rebel fighters apart. russia's defense minister says that means there will be no military assault. so we decided to create a demilitarized zone between the rebels and the government by the fifteenth of october this year it will be fifteen to twenty kilometers wide rebels must withdraw from there including al nusra front according to our proposal by the tenth of october heavy artillery must be removed from the tanks of the machinery guns all removed from the stone by opposition forces. some news from yemen now pro-government forces backed by the united arab emirates say they've launched
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a new phase of that offensive against the who's the rebels in the strategic port city of the data fighting fled again in the red sea port city last week off to fail to turn up for peace talks in geneva the future of the highest court in the u.s. hangs in the balance because a sexual assault allegations christine blasi forward says president trump supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh tried to assault when they were in high school she's willing to testify publicly against him but trump says brett kavanaugh his nomination is still on trial. judge kavanagh is one of the finest people that i've ever known. he's an outstanding intellect an outstanding judge respected by everybody never had even a little below average of his record the f.b.i. has i think got through a process six times with him over the years where he went to higher and higher positions. he is somebody very special at the same time we want to go through a process we want to make sure everything is perfect everything is just right and
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moving one hundred people have been killed off to two major rivers bust that banks in central nigeria heavy seasonal rains cause the new sharon benny rivers to overflow floods have spread across the country over the last two weeks prompting the nigerian government to approve twenty one million dollars for medical and relief support well you're up to date with the headlines there will be much more on everything we're covering in the news hour that is in twenty five minutes time i'll see then what i want east is next. thank.
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fic it's all on steve cho on this up sort of one on one east we reveal how organized crime is making millions in the philippines. it's the business hub of the philippines where multinational corporations turnover millions in annual profits but then the country district of manila has a dark underbelly a sun news the making a fortune in duty cash by trading fake shares. just a lot of surveillance report. in secrecy destroy them private investigators in cyber crime expert can gamble is in the final days of an operation to blow open an organized crime ring run by expect roots in the city. we want to document all the people that they're talking to whoever they have contact with to take photos of
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them we need to figure out who all the associated members of the syndicate lives. the fraudsters have juked investors around the world is why selling them shares the don't exist then stealing their money so who obvious goss what are their nationalities. they're americans i come from. from new york area new jersey. for almost two years can gamble has been watching them he has the only males their bank account details and recordings of their voices he knows everything about them. to have any idea that you're on to them not now and you're the stone that stays like that for a walk. oblivious to this towboat attention the gang operates business as usual the scam is pretend to be from investment houses in america in real life they call manila. some have filipino wives and children into have lived here for twenty years
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. well a very clever at at what they do at the securities fraud but they're not very clever covering the tracks. the crime ring is about to be exposed because one of their own his taking a courageous calls informant x. will call him is about to turn on his associates except they don't know it i meet him in a discreet location on the edge of manila. a. good first. informant x. is a man with friends an influence on both sides of the law. and the little guy i'm a freak sort of that's what i do for these guys they have some problems they come to me a try and accommodate it also thought i memorable to do. but now informant takes is planning to help engineer the downfall of the organized crime gang he works fall
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and along the why he'll reveal to me the in a workings of an international fraud syndicate it begins with him secretly recording gang members discussing their cut of profits from the scam. then his decision to inform on the gang takes an extraordinary new dimension so his suitcase what's in a whole heap of documents is most damning evidence is here x. is uncovered a trove of hundreds of documents belonging to one of the fraudsters it exposes every aspect of a criminal operation evidence of transactions even the
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logs or whatever money comes even though the documents name the victims investors from the netherlands south africa hong kong singapore papua new guinea new zealand and australia. one stood out the most where he got scammed for a whole lot of. store windows and say what. we. found from the bustle of manila the provincial center of rockhampton in the australian state of queensland. it's here i find wine brown a hardworking coal mine electrician who should be enjoying financial rewards. right about home on going and that whole every die is hard work i don't see any family for four died out of seven. in early twenty feet.
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to cash to what he believed was a new york based investment broker he thought he was buying shares. what i do other ma don't want to keep doing with. apple shells so they're all honest all the time. but. never bought in wang's money was pocketed the so called broker went by the name of john paulson . didn't know it at the time but was not a licensed trader even his name was an alias in real life he was an american criminal living in manila. this is the frauds to talking recorded on wind brown's voicemail. by the way a child died a short break here because. geoffrey carr i talked to him as far as our ship like
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outerwear. so that's john polson john polson bring up there was no one on the world or thought and it was wrong because. but our remote on our seven or no reason to think it was a scam. the man who calls himself john polson is sticking to a script scammers like emus well proven psychological techniques to entrap the victim's investigator can gamble has seen it all before they're required to get the investor on the hook so the very first calls that mike designed to get that potential investor to to make a small investment. there's the fear script to reassure nervous investors and one code you need to know who i am i'm going to make you very very rich you need to know who i am because on the man that's going to change your life and that of
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course you know are coming with someone who's very well spoken with an american accent that sounds like he's calling it a wall straight. then you know the average person is going to believe that. the swindler john paulson is stealing not only money but an identity there is a real john polson he's a successful multi billionaire investor and philanthropist from new york. but the imposter to those who know him is a thief and a thug he's a heavy drug use and. when you see him in you think. i better get out of discourse face or else because it's one of those intimidating guys who say one role something bad will happen to you. over the next few months sitting at his computer in manila the fight john polson works on his victim whine brown the astrologist persuaded to buy more bogus shares to the value of seven hundred thousand us
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dollars his portfolio apiece to do well there however is legit gentleman. that old knowledge of the market any given you put forward to me was a good case in the case of wine he. he was led to believe that these shares were valuable and that they went up in value and then that leads into another deal which is even more lucrative and so on and so on a lot of these guys have worked as brokers they have worked for my defense some of the biggest firms in the world and that come out of those firms and they've gone to the dark side. to bolster his image is a corporate heavyweight the pertains john polson makes up another company name with a grand tied to the lease seem global partners its headquarters supposedly on wall street it's another lie concealed behind a fake website. so this is the police here website correct at least and go out of
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all those oh i thought it was legitimate it was narrative a way to do that they used this nine because alyse m. is the same name of the number of other organizations as well so again when you google the nine you actually come up with all these legitimate companies then this scamming of australian wine brown steps up a notch after john polson hooks him into the scam and now the gang member takes over he's job to keep wind spending money polson was just the start of the the scam is that contacted me. john paul's disappeared probably twelve to eighteen months after i first started talking to him and then again. you know according he came on the scene. there is now a new broker in the picture going by the alias of daniel johnson but he too is an
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american criminal living in manila not the us. going. for nothing what. johnson calls constantly to pry more money from one brown. that will never be bought shop interest cost might. not be shall we. and when i might be able to get my hair talks a little shirish so tell me about this man. scrub a few blocks whistle for he still probably a member of it also into us is there are certain arrogance about him you know does he think he's a big shot in the philippines. only a certain urgency he thinks who rules the philippines it's like. well he's american he lives here with his wife and has children to her he's been in the philippines for years and he's probably one of the mind characters who who plied probably
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one of the logic pots in this for. the crime syndicates victims from around the world were instructed to make payments to bank accounts in hong kong. for the money is sent to the philippines and within a very short period of time on the money is usually taken out in cash here in the philippines by. like a bank account holders who have control of the accounts on behalf of the fraud gangs the for the syndicates and the money then laundered it ultimately into cash. by now wine brown believes his portfolio is valued at five million dollars and he wants to cash it in but there's a catch the scam is in manila tell him before he can sell his shares he needs to pay us tax the tax money was granted i'd hundred thousand u.s. dollars but i said i'd apply before you get that get this cash back from what will
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follow that once wind started to ask for money that i have to constantly come up with new why explaining why they're not i would buy the money it's just an ongoing . clever scheme to continue to g.p.m. by. the charade continues why news passed on to yet another mini based american criminal again pretending to be on wall street he's alias jeffrey cohen. jeffrey guy when all is close like every happen there is a cause it came out oh i can't get all my funds jeffrey said you can apply this pos money for example and it will give you. the funds we can release your funds to you . and. if we do have a shelter mention place for you a chance that you can get all the you know the amount that you need the product is forty seven thousand dollars carried up on finding. your
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body will be released. the scammers are trying to squeeze a final payment from wayne jeffers area it was very hard to deal with is very full on. it all aside from not going to do this tell whale and the fossil to sit there while they would get on. with wine browns lost now tell you the one million dollars informant x. moves against the gang. will sort of go ripple for this much sword for the i'll just resort can do something about it and i think this is my way of doing something about it. so inform schools private investigator can gamble he's willing to hand over the suitcase of evidence and. of the fraud against wine brown. the investigator is wearing gabble has spent years busting organized crime
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gangs in this region and has made many enemies. one of the steps necessary to get rid of a person not made it's going to cause a lot of trouble to the city get an operation so heavy now can. one group came to me and. they're rebuffed came to get rid of him if i have to kill and kill him you've done some pretty bad things haven't you already done a lot of bad things we regards to came. when i saw what he was doing i just knew i couldn't get rid of him for the simple fact that he's hoping out a lot of people in order to get very low spec in order what you make of the fact that informant x. the man he's helping you now was once played ninety thousand pesos to get rid of you it was certainly a strange feeling talking to the person who had been instructed to to get rid of me and it sort of reiterated my belief that there's a lot more good people in this world than there is bad. so you contacted whining to
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tell him he'd been scammed what was his reaction well he was pretty shocked. a little bit baffled at. what was going on but. he was also relates. he had suspicions that something wasn't right he just didn't know what was going on he didn't know who to talk to. when brown high's private investigator can gamble to track the scammers and recover the money he's lost or invested one point four million u.s. dollars. with these blocks of sickening actually addresses that much money into my future and then to follow it out there wasn't any cash the. it was real sitting. more than five thousand kilometers away in manila the criminals are unaware of the victim knows he's been combed. the
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tables are about to be turned. i said first thing the first in washington thing to do is not to let on to them that you know being scammed because i'm going to have to use you to continue to communicate with them together evidence that will be vital for the case. one keeps getting calls from the con men jeffrey cohen more appeals for him to pay money to three he is one plays along with him on a job there was to keep them on the hook as every don't want to pay for last three years or just trying to turn the tiles keep them in a conversation i tell em all is going to give them the cash to follow it says deals . oh. oh gosh we know you're right. it's so hard talking to people that you know this ripped you off and you got to talk just to keep them on the hook just so hard knowing that they're on the other so
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what. of the world wallace. said that. the fraudster jeffrey cohen is becoming desperate and aggressive to extract a final payment from his victim whine is giving him the runaround. you're not going to want. to say don't care you're going to enjoy your fun within seventy two hours . over the people being scope with their small amounts big amounts. that they have no mercy and have any syndicates to think would be one of the one time. and said this about sixty groups here in the or at least. have a need to vigils. hundreds or. i would cite that they would be tens of millions of dollars involved in these frauds we have found cole said as the rising
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money through securities fraud have been directly linked to terrorist organizations in indonesia. after almost two years of investigation can gamble leaves ready to take his one thousand page brief to the makati police chief so you know since you've done the detective work for them haven't you you both the break people the case to them yes we've done more than just call a compliant we've done investigation we've gathered evidence would probably fall the suspects they are not skilled in financial crimes particularly cross border crossings where where i bring where i bring expectations in the area of cross border forward and how to work my bridge or you're. going to see the police who need time to assign their own investigators and conduct their own surveillance but the case against a syndicate of foreign criminals is compelling. and we have identified a number of persons of interest actual suspects involved in dealing with mr brown
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as three nine guys that actually dealt with him on the telephone. the mccarty police chief is convinced it's to see this case and i think it's time for us. he says it will be trickle the in the bins to take on the talents. it will help. those of party to recover the money. not knowing the noose is tightening around them the crime group is still trying to draw more cash from mine brown he's paid them nothing for fifteen months but they persist in the manila police finalize their investigation. paranoid actually stop trying to rush action as we speak right now so or make a great sacrifice. on the wide but surely nobody published article. you don't expect your hard earned cash to be taken away from you or to sell my house
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and i've also got a bank lot of my back which i've given these people. i need that money back so i can have the last off. in manila he's hard earned cash is being spent by foods to friends don't you johnson in jeffrey county. jeffrey often posts on facebook where he's blames the prolific poster he's even got his on food blog. because you. expect. it to be filled operation is about to come to a crashing in. investigator came to get his final surveillance from police. in this high security gated community he searches for the home of the criminal who
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goes by the name is daniel johnson it is for you that. you. struck. before dawn a team of officers gather including specialists cyber crime police. it's the final briefing before a newly morning raid. we would had together enough intelligence to track down where the money what assets being purchased and and work out a strategy on how to recover the money. going to wipe them out. the moment because a right there at the house of daniel johnson's the man who allegedly scammed most
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of the money from way around. the way. this is the man who calls himself daniel johnson his real name is richard. he'll be junior and he's a fifty six year old new yorker. richard you left a message this morning last night for the white ground on the twentieth on his voice mile under the name of daniel johnson. you call that two of the main also live here one of them barry rosen is the brother of the alleged fraud stood known as jeffrey cohen what's been going on in this house is about to be exposed to stay . steady you guys work or you. want. abstain is the police find evidence of want to use to be
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a sophisticated food operation scripts to entice him best to use laptops and a list of dozens of names of investors most of whom i don't know they may be the victims of a scam. but there is one name can gamble needs to find hard. this is a page a executive office and this is day to day tax which is. the company that wind around investing the money here the a miles of wind brand name now is a right here on the computer. so there's the evidence right there there's this one of these e-mails was just sent lost not richard not a ship not a should be in touch with mr brown this morning a small loss not. on the a mile it's there but you don't know everything go off so yeah yeah i'm just gonna stand like yeah ok what good do you know that i caught this one i let out for my wife it's for richard recchi on the morning is getting worse by the minutes with
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strike out register oh boy i would but i only yeah there is so i mean action. up to so many months of investigation today is a very special weekend and why i'm broken up a lot at the end think of all the going to put him in prison. give me cash back. or at least let people out of it all people have a lot of. the now richard appears calm and co-operative so i want to thank all you guys look so cordial delight at respecting my house is that richard recchi opening into his two housemates a formally arrested accused of cyber crime. she doesn't know i wouldn't touch my teeth and comb my hair. the alleged chief fraudster is now in custody if you can gamble much work lies ahead. every pressure point that we can hit we will apply
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