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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 21, 2018 12:00am-1:00am +03

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that he needs we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. al-jazeera news hour live from london coming up. forty four dead and hundreds more fear drowned after a ferry sinks in tanzania's lake victoria. migration tops the agenda at an e.u. summit in austria or the leaders looking to egypt and north africa for help. i pop star turned politician bobby wine makes a triumphant return to uganda as he promises to continue fighting against the government. and i'm. position grows the
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decision by the world anti-doping agency to reinstate russia paving the way for three to compete at international events one small. at least forty four people have died and more than two hundred others are feared drowned after a ferry sank in tanzania it happened in lake victoria near carry away island witnesses say the boat was overloaded when it was hit by bad weather there is catherine sawyer has more from nairobi. i've just spoken to the home affairs minister who says this rescue operation has been suspended till friday it's been very difficult for the rescuers to work in that back also i spoke to a journalist based in the capital the rest alarm and he's been talking to people on
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the ground including a fisherman who told him that he saw many bodies being retrieved from the lake president mughal fully has also issued a statement condoling with the be removed asking tanzanians to keep calm as a rescue operations continue through the coming days and also as you know investigations into what exactly happened up and begin but what we do know from witnesses is that this ferry appears to have been overloaded it has a capacity of about a hundred people we're told it was carrying way more than that including many bags of cement and goods as well and it seems to have been toppled over by the very bad weather now this is the fast serious incident in many years to happen in that lake the last time there was a major incident was back in one thousand nine hundred six when another ferry capsized killing up to a thousand people it was also say to have been overloaded time is running out the
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warning from e.u. leaders to british prime minister to resign may over brics it with just six months to go european council president don't want to risk says may's proposal undermines the single market and is unworkable may insists her deal the so-called checkers plan is the only one on the table lawrence lee has more. if the reason may the british prime minister thought that by coming here and looking european leaders in the eyes she might have more chance of persuading them that her so-called checkers deal was worth thinking about she'll be going home i think really disappointed at the final press conference the head of the european council donald tusk said in no uncertain terms that there was complete unity among the e.u. twenty seven that checkers would not work but only that he said they all had complete faith in michel barnier the european the ghost who the british side doesn't really like and worst of all for the british he poured cold water on the
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idea that there was definitely going to be especially use summit in the event to hammer out the final terms for braggs the deal he said that the european twenty seven would go away and decide by their own summit in october which the british no longer invited to if there was any point having a summit in the vendor. then moment of truth for bridget to go through asians will be d. october european council. in october we expect much more progress and results in their budget talks. then we will decide whether conditions are there to call an extra summit in november to finalize and formulation the deal. all of which places to reason may in the most invidious position you can possibly imagine this plan was hers abates in movements of goods freely across e.u. borders but everything else leaving it breaks all the european union's own rules and led by france and germany the e.u. are basically saying come up with something else they don't like
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a plan her own political party the conservatives are split down the middle about it all the polling in the u.k. suggest that eighty percent of british people remain as as well as leavers don't like the plan either but it's all she's got so what did she say as a final news conference well she said exactly what she always says. yes concerns have been raised i want to know what those concerns are there's a lot of hard work to be done but i believe that there is a willingness to do a deal but let nobody be in any doubt that as i've always said you know we are preparing for no deal so where it leaves the u.k. now for surely all the pressure is on the u.k. that they have to find some sort of new plan between now and the middle of october and it's really difficult to see what that is it seems to me that overwhelmingly this makes the chance of a bespoke deal for the u.k. much less likely the chance of the u.k. crashing out completely of the european union in late autumn very likely but perhaps just as likely the idea that the british government could even collapse at
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some point in the autumn of the might even need to be fresh elections at this point still it's impossible to say whether bracks it will even happen or the e.u. could soon be turning to egypt to help solve its migration crisis a subject which has divided many nations within the block was high on the agenda that leaders meeting in south austria's chancellor want egypt to stop refugees and migrants from leaving north africa and plans are underway for further summits on the issue is lawrence lee again but his report from south bend this is the man to whom the european union is now looking to solve its migration issue president sisi of egypt. it was the surprise development at the salzburg summit the idea was driven by the rightwing austrian chancellor sebastian could who visited c.c. last weekend he's come back full of praise at how good egypt is at stopping refugees from leaving your comment yet still on the phone there are bits with egypt
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we have for the first time a country in north africa that is willing to intensify talks with the european union egypt has proven that it can be efficient since two thousand and sixteen it has managed boats that leave egypt for europe and when ever they have lived it took them back to. the thousands of men women and children who have drowned in the mediterranean bear witness to the total lack of a strategy from the e.u. either to help rescue them or to find a reliable partner in libya to help instead europe now has many leaders whose biggest priority is to keep asylum seekers out egypt c.c. looks to be in the. european union has found it absolutely impossible to persuade individual member states to share out asylum seekers between them but if you ask those same countries would you pay somebody else to do it then they all reach for their wallets in terms the new european migration plan is to outsource the whole thing to egypt and they see no moral hazard in getting a country with such
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a poor human rights records to do it. also the e.u. if it means that egypt's will run migrant detention centers or other asylum claims for europe will in future be done in cairo and they say it's still early days but more summits focusing on egypt's are being planned for the center of february indeed if it is the case that there is good migration management in egypt now it seems to be the case well and good but that does not mean that it's automatic is a solution for libya where there's a very very completely different set of circumstances different issues of governance in fact almost no government in many cases if there was unity about the need to keep asylum seekers out there was just as much on trying to stop the u.k. from leaving the e.u. or at least to continue the flat rejection of the british prime minister's proposed plan she now has under a month to come up with something new lawrence li al jazeera salzberg you know speak to rafael oxfam international the migration policy advisor who's in brussels
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thanks very much for being with us so what's your reaction to this e.u. plan to involve egypt in the in the in the migration issue more we're very concerned about the direction players are growing the last three years since q part and fifteen in your. research for reach agreements on how to host asylum seekers repeated and the captives were persecuted. down the line to point out some of the. more some of. that would be really awesome . people. and we see the impact that this policy hard on people. struggling. with. here. really living that are all trying to push them out to press them somewhere else and i mean that in this instance how do you see this
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being different from the deal that the e.u. did for instance with turkey. we're not sure that it is the print of course the situation is not exact because the search continues and between the number of people arriving today has dropped significantly since then but the motivation behind these two ideas it's their completeness a motivation of trying. to push away people rather than seeing what european countries can do what are their own responsibilities. there is definitely a situation here that is. that is completely ignoring the situation on the ground these are political agreements between european leaders that are and at the top level in order to show some kind of progress without a lot of details with either understanding of what exactly europe would like to see
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how an ng in the mediterranean rather than finding solutions from the ground up rather than seeing what asylum seekers and riff g.'s needs when they're rescued see what's europeans actually expertly seeing especially the ones thought or do we need countries better dealing with this type of situation and what type of agreements could be reached across the mediterranean that are focused on protecting human rights on finding you know solutions that are answering to the needs of the people who are just being rescued and promoting respect for international law all across them of the three story across the mediterranean thank you very much indeed to feel thoughts and apologies for the sound quality i'm not. now north korea's leader kim jong un wants a second summit with u.s. president donald trump to speed up denuclearization south korean president when jane has just wrapped up three days of negotiations with kim where discussed how to
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restart nuclear talks between pyongyang and washington but macbride reports from sell. this summit ended as it began rich in symbolism president moon j.n. of south korea and his north korean host kim jong un top of mt peck to the highest peak of the korean peninsula spiritually significant to all koreans into korean relations have seen many false starts with attempts at reconciliation often returning to threats of war but there's a strong sense moon and kim want to forge a bond so strong that they can never slip back to the acrimony of the past. two inches of the we adopted a military pact to end a history of brutal and tragic confrontation and hostility. some weapons facilities will be closed but there's little detail on how to fulfill them or they promise to make the peninsula you clear free it's enough though to breathe new life back into
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the stalled negotiations between north korea and the united states and could lead to a second summit between kim and u.s. president donald trump but many believe to make real progress it's now time for the photo ops to give way to detailed discussion i mean it's going to be really really difficult and the president and kim jong un don't know these things any kind of detail which is why we keep getting these some of declarations that are very short because the detail has to be worked out by the experts. more skeptical observers suspect north korea now with south korean support may have other reasons for pushing for a summit and this is another significant diplomatic success for moscow area because in a few months the two will disband told make preparations was a summit and during the summit itself they are not going to see any confrontation and this is exceptionally. technics their major goal is to wait donald trump
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out as soon as moon returned to seoul he broadcast live to south korea. he revealed that kim has offered a number of unspecified steps towards denuclearization but would be expecting concessions from the u.s. in return. the detail measures or the appropriate measures are things that must be agreed upon between north korea and the u.s. . it underlines moon's vital role now as go between the north koreas negotiations with the u.s. as he prepares for a meeting next week with trump whatever the outcome this summit with kim has revealed to leaders building a home grown momentum for change that may be difficult to stop robert bright al-jazeera so. and much more to come on the al-jazeera news hour including fears for syria's last rebel stronghold as world powers try to hammer out a deal to avoid a brutal battle. identity baba off the coast of wales where complainers
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say that's potentially radioactive sediment from a nuclear plants in england is being dumped by ships like this. and joshua and bob it can trade verbal blows one more time ahead of saturday's big heavyweight title fight find out what they said and sport. began and pop star turned politician bobby wine has promised to continue fighting against the government or die trying he made the comments while greeting crowds of supporters outside his home near the capital kampala one is returned from the united states where he was receiving treatment after allegedly being tortured in custody he faces charges of treason and is a vocal critic of president you're a seventy. the company you tell me to keep us slaves in our own country
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i found out as i say not in a way i'm not you know i mean run down thinking that i'm the only right my freedom i don't get that freedom under fire don't get that freedom in my life that i just make sure that you get the freedom that the south. malcolm webb has more from bali lined hometown of my gary kampala. as soon as the plane that got the wind was in touch down on the tarmac up in to the international airport he left the aircraft people traveling with him say he was bundled into a police car arrested and taken away police deny he was arrested they just say he was escorting him home and then they are going to be brought in here to his house and there are still hundreds of supporters gathered outside they were waiting here for him to arrive we spoke to him a short while ago he said very tired and that he's still in pain from the injuries that he sustained when he's was saying when he says he was tortured just a couple of weeks ago although the government denies that his soldiers tortured him
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while he was in detention be crucially the security agencies today were trying to involve trying to avoid the embarrassment of having a procession all the way from the international airport down the forty kilometer road that leads to the capital it's a built up area it's probably why not many supporters there said they wanted to avoid a parade with thousands of people out on the streets cheering him on they managed to do that by picking him up and bring him here. joining me now is x. fine just the head of the africa program at think tank chatham house thanks for coming in so how do you think the general parties will treat bobby why now some sort of just discussion about whether or not he was detained to take him home when he's under house arrest that's one thing. they're not going to back down i mean president seventy of uganda sees himself as the liberationists of uganda he sees himself as the father figure and bobby wine represents a challenge to his thirty two years in office so there will be continued intimidation and harassment maybe
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a bit more subtle hopefully not torture but poppy one's going to find himself having a difficult time coming i think in terms of his is support me knots of young people support him and so on but does he have any build on that to sort of to make a political base and actually challenge the president was that not only ease that is such a brilliant question i'm glad you asked me because yes i mean the ugandan yoof and urban ugandans many of them are very sympathetic to bobby wine but if you look at the electoral pattern uganda is still a very rural society and so the president must seventy the incumbent leader still has quite a significant amount of support in the rule areas think the challenge for bobby wine is how to translate this now into rural support and also to unite the opposition to become a true figurehead there's no doubt he's won the argument in the urban areas in amongst youth but he hasn't done that yet in the rule there is and what about any kind of international pressure that might aid his cause well there's tremendous
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concern about how he's been treated he went to the states he's had medical treatment he's walking a bit better from what i can see from your footage so you know he obviously a bit more healthy than when he left a few weeks ago for treatment but it's going to be very difficult for him and in terms of i mean body mind sort of he's a big figure head in uganda does he represent more. across africa i mean he is he a sort of a face of a kind of changing all generation in f.l. . he does represent more and more you feel challenge to incumbents who have been from very month long time like mr mousavi has been in power as president of uganda for thirty two yes. longstanding african leaders are on the decline i mean last year we saw mr mugabe leaving we saw zimbabwe we sold the president of angola leaving office off to thirty seven years almost in office so increasingly these
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longstanding leaders are on their way out. very useful replacement song happening too often so we don't see that yet but there is a change in the air and to do it to get back to what we want him self and their treason charges do you think that will be a court case that could play out for a long time while they could well do and of course the treason charges do carry a death penalty also for and so there will be tremendous international scrutiny on this there's no doubt that mr mustafa nie and the ugandan government are under significant pressure at the moment and there's some fragmentation going on in their security forces poppy wine is just one of number of headaches you gundry's facing just now a mission to security services and the way they handle the heat of getting him back home they're trying to avoid a big sort of procession on the main roads i mean is that potential for violence if if people are stopped from supporting it we could well see more violence and protests because one thing that mr missed seventy seems to have left is violence is
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state violence is intimidation is a sort of thing that we've been seeing in the past with presidential godmothers that's very worrying basically if there isn't any other options left to keep his grip on power and expands thank you very much indeed i'd like to thank you. high stakes standoff is underway in washington a woman who is accused donald trump's supreme court nominee of sexual assault says she's willing to testify before senators but only under terms that are quote fair and ensure her safety christine lacy ford's lawyer says she's been receiving death threats after she went public with the accusations against brett kavanaugh party guy and has more from washington d.c. . where the testimony you're about because confirmation seems certain brett kavanaugh poised to cement a conservative supreme court for a generation i do until this woman went public with an allegation she says cavanagh
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sexually assaulted her in high school christine blasi forward said she would testify before the senate the house to confirm him but first she wants the federal bureau of investigation to look into the matter any witness who lied to them would be committing a serious crime but republicans said no this is this is a good about six times more. that's not true the f.b.i. could investigate if president donald trump told them to he won't have the floor republicans had demanded that she testified next monday her lawyer responded she'll testify next week just not on monday where i'm focused right now is doing everything that we can to make dr ford comfortable with coming before our committee democrats say this is just simply unfair and charge republicans don't actually want to know the truth someone who is lying does not ask the f.b.i. to investigate their claims we have to get to the bottom of this as americans
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before we put someone on the supreme court for life this is high stakes and not just because of what it will mean to the highest court in the land right that. women took to the streets in record numbers after trump became president angry at his treatment of women but republicans are seen to be mistreating a woman now with less than two months until the congressional elections they risk this year showing up next at the ballot box the way. a point brought home thursday by a fresh round of protests and arrests over this controversial nomination political hand al-jazeera washington. the white house says it's authorized new cyber. creations against foreign countries ahead of november's midterm elections national security adviser john bolton who made the announcement did not say which nations would be targeted or specify the nature of the operations u.s. intelligence officials say they expect
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a flurry of digital attacks in the lead up to the november sixth vote malaysia's former prime minister najib razak has pleaded not guilty to dozens of new corruption charges prosecutors accuse najib razak of illegally transferring hundreds of millions of dollars from a state fund into his personal account where is louis has the latest from quantum. arrived in court to face twenty five new charges including money laundering and abuse of power he's pleading not guilty to receiving hundreds of millions of dollars prosecutors say the money in his bank account came from the state investment fund one be set up by not eight years ago. billion ringgit the issue up to two point six billion ringgit has been used to store lender an assault on today's charges will give me an opportunity to clear my name and prove that i am not
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a thief. the new charges are in addition to seven others for allegedly receiving ten million dollars from another state owned entity police in at least six countries are investigating transactions involving one m. d. b. the us department of justice alleges not gyp and his associates stole at least four and a half billion dollars from the fund and go over the corruption scandal helped defeat not jobs coalition government in the general election in may and during the sixty year rule of the bar as a national party a new government led by former veteran prime minister mahathir mohamad wasted no time in reopening the investigation into one m. d. b. which is not to pay stopped police in malaysia issued an arrest warrant last month for a man named lowered take joe investigators say the fugitive is an important suspect in the one and corruption scandal. the malaysian government recently seized a multi-million dollar yacht that they say was bought with money stolen from one m
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d be an anti corruption detectives have questioned not tips wife ross more months or and his stepson result is the court has set bail at eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars has till the end of the month to make full payment florence lee. lupul. israel's air force chief has flown to moscow to brief president vladimir putin over the downing of a russian warplane in syria fifteen crew members were killed when the surveillance plane was shot down by syrian missiles over an attack here russia's defense ministry blames israel for the crash saying israeli fighter jets pushed the russian plane into the line of fire or a chance has more from moscow. this israeli military delegation headed by the commander of the air force major general ham occam nor can has come to moscow essentially to argue israel's case following the downing of this russian plane and
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in addition to say to the russians that iran is continuing to attempts to transfer strategic weaponry to hezbollah and establish a military presence in syria now regarding the downing of the plane what israel says is that it wasn't their fault their points are that it was extensive and inaccurate air defense fire from the syrian anti-aircraft batteries that down the plane that when these missiles were launched at the russian plane actually the israeli jets were already back in israeli airspace during the strike that the is ready jets were engaged in the russian plane wasn't actually in the area of operations and that the syrians didn't even try to determine that there were no russian planes in the air so essentially what they're doing is saying to the russians we aren't to blame and also and this is important they're also trying
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to persuade russians that the current arrangement between russia and israel to allow israel to operate against iranian and hezbollah targets inside syria is mutually beneficial for both countries and should be jettisoned then outside despite the anger of the russian defense ministry over all of this there's no sign yet from vladimir putin that he is willing to tear up that deal over this incident . russia and turkey say they're still working out the details of their plan to avert a major battle in syria's italy problems but they're optimistic a fifteen to twenty kilometer wide demilitarized corridor or is to be set up to keep government troops and rebels apart they remain calls for certain groups to be removed from the area and it lived this concern and confusion about how that will be done stephanie decker has more fun takio nato syria border the demilitarized
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zone agreed on by turkey and russia is due to be established around fifteen kilometers from here it's a topic on everyone's mind among the clinton ones who are in the demilitarized zone will be a separate zone between or send the regime turkey will ensure our side and russia will ensure their regimes in order to prevent any battle i think all the factions will accept this because turkey is pushing forward and we are with turkey. but these fighters a coalition called the national liberation front are believed to be backed by turkey and getting them to fall in line will be easy the problem may be with groups that have been deemed terrorist organizations like the hill formerly known as the nostra front and accused of having links to al qaeda. i don't think hyatt to reality will disappear they will break up and join the other factions there is no way that turkey will accept them staying in a loop so what if the s. and other groups refuse to abide by this deal their positions remain unclear what
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will turkey do and what happens next will government forces be taking over these areas over time there are many more questions than answers that confusion is also felt in medicine man city about ten kilometers away from the agreed demilitarized zone i gave that i feel i don't have any congo or what's happening a lot of foreign states are involved and we don't know anything so. this is not the end of the revolution there are twenty million people who wanted the region to fall that twenty million wanted to liberate syria there are twenty million who want to see the victory flag on the presidential palace but it is seen to be the last stand of the armed opposition how much of it lives future will be decided militarily and how much will be decided politically remains unclear what is clear damascus is adamant it will take it back stephanie decker or jazeera. you're watching our zero still ahead millions of shia muslims around the world commemorate the shura but
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find out why u.s. sanctions have made it harder for iranians to take part. goes undercover in china's incredibly popular marine parks and discovers how some of the world's most majestic sea creatures are being abused. us went out why rugby players be arsed to cover up better to use it to explain in sports. the in. and out there we've had some very stormy weather across europe recently particularly in the northwest we had one storm called alley they hit parts of the british isles that made things very very stormy it was the winds that caused most of the damage here we had a lot of trees down a lot of power outages as well and people fighting with their brollies was
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a regular sight to be seen now that system is moving away but now we've got plenty of cloud over us and that's going to give us another weather system that's going to turn increasingly serious as we head through the next twenty four hours i'll say so on friday the worst of that will be over the northern parts of denmark through parts of norway as well very very strong winds here and some heavy rain and you can see dangling from that is this area of cloud here this area of wet weather and that's going to be bring a real contrast to the temperatures so the couple in thirty degrees the maximum temperature there on friday by saturday down to seventeen suddenly we're in autumn and that cooler weather then continues its journey towards the east as another very serious weather system works its way into the northwest so a very walled weather there for the other side of the mediterranean and across parts of the mediterranean we've got this system here this is a little area of low pressure it's generating lots of very active thunderstorms there's more to come for friday and saturday to.
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marine theme parks are making a big splash in china. but are they a death sentence for the ocean's most majestic and. when an east investigates. on al-jazeera. al-jazeera where every. city hospitals to community health and to change is happening across china. and for one six year old boy there is now hope. from the born just saw it is from the countryside he came to a big hospital and experienced doctors before me operation for him. how to care for one point four billion people china's unique challenge on the people's health
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on al-jazeera. and are going to the top stories here. at least forty four people have died and two hundred others a feared drowned after a ferry sank in tanzania's lake victoria rescue operations have been halted until dawn on friday. to egypt to help solve its migration crisis with a divisive subject topping the agenda at a summit insults both leaders also dismissed the u.k. prime minister's bricks that plan is unworkable saying it risks mining the single market. and ugandan pop star turned politician bobby wine has promised to continue
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his anti-government movement after returning home from the us hundreds of supporters defied a band to greet him outside his home near kampala. the mental campaign is in the u.k. say they'll keep fighting to stop it from a nuclear facility being dumped into the sea the work has already begun with waste from the hinkley point plant being drenched and released into the bristol channel there's no reports of legal challenges on the way. not far from the welsh coast environmental activists keep a close saw on a huge belgian registered ship we make in six to four feet outside the. it's come from a nuclear plant that's being built on the coast of somerset in england and campaigners say the mud it's dumping at sea could contain dangerous radioactive materials they also say it's dropping its load outside a designated dumping area which lies less than two kilometers off shore the
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campaign is legal bottle in the courts is still going on but they failed to get an injunction imposed on that means that ships like this can carry on the dredging and dumping off the wells coast on an almost daily basis. french energy giant e.t.f. along with a chinese partner is building a nuclear power plant known as hinchliffe point c next to two existing facilities the new plant should begin generating electricity in twenty twenty five and the company says the dredging will allow six huge vertical shelfs to be drilled for the cooling water system an e.t.f. spokesperson told our jazeera all the permissions needed for dredging a hinckley point c. are in place and the money is no different to sediment found anywhere else up and down the coast they think the point c. project team welcomes public discussion and has been open and transparent about the facts around this activity. but this independent member of the welsh assembly argues that it's not clear a thorough environmental impact assessment was ever done it only done one kind of
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testing and so identify the uranium and the plutonium particles which may or may not be in the mud they need three types of testing yell for the muskets on the tree they only get gamma so therefore they just don't know and that in that building over there is a huge amounts of ignorance as i say they've allowed this country to bitch treat it like a colony the welsh government says international standards have been met but in recent weeks hundreds of people have demonstrated outside the assembly one hundred thousand signed petitions calling for the mud dumping to stop. absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. there is no argument. there for precautionary principle so i think to be fair. the government in this case and the people think most people for granted. the people behind the protests say they have the law and increasingly public opinion saw eat
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their legal challenge is set to resume next week. cardiff. turkey has slashed its growth forecasts as it grapples with a currency crisis growth is expected to be three point eight percent in twenty eighteen and two point three percent in twenty nineteen. and previous forecasts of more than five percent downgrade follows a fall in the value of the lira by forty percent since the start of twenty eighteen the government insists international sanctions are to blame by the stones former prime minister is holding talks with his party of a crucial by elections after he was released from prison and wednesday's ahmed's high court ordered no us sheriff along with his daughter and son in law to be released on bail until their appeals were heard shareef was serving a ten year prison sentence for corruption. shia muslims worldwide are commemorating assurer the annual mourning of the prophet mohammed's grandson emem hussein was killed in the battle of color in what's now iraq thirteen hundred years ago they
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believe hussein's death was a major factor in the split into two main sects of islam sunni and shia anniversaries commemorated worldwide on the tenth day of the first month in the islamic calendar some shear beat themselves every year to express their grief for the pain hussein suffered but many iranians say u.s. sanctions have made it too expensive for them to travel to iraq to mark the assure a day of remembrance from matheson reports from baghdad the. intense and vibrant assura in the iraqi city of kabul. the crowds which used to pack the shrine of a man who's seen are smaller because thousands of iranians can't afford to be here . we came to iraq because we love to visit the holy shrines but the economy crunch means many iranians called a forward to visit karbala on ashura day. iranian shia worshippers usually travel
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to kabul at this time of year but iran's been hit by u.s. sanctions since august the value of its currency the reaal has plunged for the iranians getting to college is expensive now and for some even the price of a hotel room is simply too much of in their cars off the hotel business in karbala in previous years was booming and now we can only make ends meet last year we had more than two hundred seventy big iranian religious groups staying at my hotel alone now there are just seven small groups. from the economic point of view the u.s. economic sanctions on iran have really affected iraq's religious tourism when iranians come to my shop to buy souvenirs most of them can't pay for sure is marred by prayers perceptions and food handed out at stores like this one all over iraq itself on the tenth day of the holy one of the heart of march the death of a mom to say one of the grandsons of prophet muhammad who many see almost as the
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third. he died thirteen hundred years ago in a battle where the city of karbala now stands for mine here put him on a year ago iran's currency was in good shape and now we have financial problems but ryan's will strive to come here during the holy month i'm hot around. for shia muslims are sure there is a time of reflection and remember so. many iranian worshippers may also the members this is a show that is a time of financial hardship matheson algis is back to. dancing dolphins jumping whales and performing seals have made china's marine theme parks a multi-billion dollar industry but an investigation by al-jazeera is one i want east has discovered that many of the animals are being abused on a shocking scale they went undercover for two years and found six seal was left to die in dirty water and phrases full of animal carcasses steve chiles report.
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i. to the public aquarium performances in china are an entertaining mix of high defying tricks i supposed and more humorous. with some displays of apparent affection thrown in. but exclusive behind the scenes video obtained by one of one east reviews a much darker picture little telling president or joe your union border c.n.r. . workers who asked not to be identified say animals such as seals sick with skin diseases and cataracts are abandoned in places called dining rooms left to swim in their own urine and feces for. those who don't you are warm and. i don't want to be. a warm bench or you just don't know you.
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are i or. an uncommon. for over two years one of many stock you mended many more sick and dying in a more. this beluga whale looks like it's playing with some young visitors now see that's aggression but iommi rose one of the world's best known marine scientists says far from being happy this behavior indicates it's overstressed by captivity. if you see the same animals consistently responding in an aggressive open mount threat way to the people of the underwater viewing window then that starts telling you a bigger story that maybe this whale in particular is under stress she says conditions in china are the worst she's ever seen anywhere with dolphins and belugas swallowing debris and display areas far too cramped. tank for use prebuilt lugo's is so small it's hard for them even just to turn around. roll says
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not only is there widespread abuse but animals are dying prematurely this is just one way conveyor belt and ends in death at the other end premature death and this is supposed to be entertaining managers of the marine park didn't respond to our requests to discuss mistreatment the parks are now so popular there are more than sixty in china with a dozen more being built there appears nowhere in china's aquarium park and for their captives no wind to their misery steve al-jazeera china and you watch steve chiles program china caging the oceans wild this thursday at twenty two thirty g.m.t. that's just under an hour's time here on to syria at least twenty one people have been killed in the philippines after a landslide buried dozens of homes in two villages in cebu province the landslide
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was triggered by heavy monsoon rain it happened just days after northern philippines was battered by super typhoon one cooch storm left more than eighty people dead or dozens remain missing still ahead on the program. i'm jessica baldwin in london at a brand new science gallery where artists and scientists are looking at addiction. for what happened at a private plane and electric cars a formula one car and. the phone. business updates to you by. going places together.
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business updates. going places together.
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so much sugar for others it's cocaine alcohol gambling even shopping and all addictions are the subject of a new exhibition in london jessica baldwin has been to get hooked at king's college a table made of sugar by the dutch artist known as a tell ye old one oh he's making a point about our dictions to consumer products just like sugar having the latest phone can make us feel good for a short time but when it fails. daniel regan's art is very personal and looks of his addiction to self harming that coping strategy regardless of what it is it's self destructive and then be off the mark to dealing with kind of the guilt and shame that leads to more overwhelming feelings which links back to guilt and shame the show spans art and science contemporary artists using the expertise of neuroscientists psychologists to get
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a better understanding of all addictions including new obsessions like social media and screens. gallery visitors are taking part in further research for t.v. this is where the coffee begins to have its effect of an encounter with the sentence to find out if. it's a blind test of caffeinated versus decaf to study the placebo effect it's an important component in drug studies. technological innovations like detailed brain scans are helping scientists to figure out why some people get addicted and eventually even predict who's at risk there were children scattered in their adolescence before stall to zero we had a look at their brain reward system and in fact you can predict who is going to use alcohol more and who's going to become who's going to use alcohol less. than.
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a creepy video considers how we calculate our self-worth does our social media feed truly reflect us or is it a fabrication of happiness. artist catriona beals video game looks at how we are enticed to engage as long as possible rewards are drip fed. the online experiences can be enjoyable but like all addictions the brain's chemicals react respond and at some point want more. jessica baldwin al-jazeera london thomas for his picture laura thank you very much the world anti doping agency is facing mounting criticism over its decision to end russia's three year ban for state sponsored doping. what is executive committee voted overwhelmingly to end the suspension at a meeting in the seychelles it paves the way for russian athletes to once again compete under the flag at international events this used in flies in the face of
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several athletes and anti doping bodies who feel russia have not done enough to earn reinstatement namely preventing access to their labs and refusing to publicly accept the mclaren report which on covered the government backed doping of more than a thousand athletes the water presidency craig reedie said today the great majority of waters exco decided to reinstate to solder as compliance with the code subject to strict conditions this decision provides a clear timeline by which water must be given access to the former moscow to bar a tree data and samples or he says they will reinforce the ban so russia's lair but must still allow access but as you can imagine over in moscow the chief of risotto welcomed their reinstatement by water. purpura sure it's the first step in a significant one it opens the way to international competitions for athletes and
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federations moreover opens the possibility of competitions to be nominated in the russian federation in fact this is a result of very very hard work broussard are happy but there is widespread dismay among many athletes and in te doping bodies who before the vote urged water to stand firm against russia in fact they were to no votes within the water itself including its vice president to linda hello and she said it was wrong and so welcome restart a back until they had fully and transparently met the roadmap today we failed the clean athletes of the world. there's a similar feeling from the chief of the u.s. anti-doping agency travis tygart who says water put the wishes of a handful of sports administrators above the rights of millions of clean athletes and the dreams of billions of sports fans and more strong words from the whistleblower who exposed the russia doping program in the first place dr gregory chink of through his lawyer jim walden he described what is decision as the
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greatest treachery against clean athletes in a limb pick history our sports correspondent lee wailings has more to help unpack the story of what's been one of waters toughest stays in its eighteen year history while his reputation is in a very difficult position hey you could say this is close to being the biggest crisis that ever had you remember that one doesn't sort of sit above all sports water is actually funded largely by the international olympic committee so they have to study in with the i.o.c. and have to try and get on with them and they have been under pressure from the i.o.c. over a very cozy relationship with russia at a high level to find a way to reinstate them and of course this goes against the incredible findings originally where there was over a thousand russian athletes in different sports were implicated so you can see people looking at this as usual the public that are watching these events and
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watching these sports wondering can i trust any of this now of course let's not make the mistake of talking just about russia it's only russia that has athletes who died be the first to say that this is a widespread problem throughout many nations and throughout such a large range of sports but i think what's happened here is that over the last few years so widespread so wide scale was the russian doping that if proper action could have been taken then to ban russia in these sports for a year is. can we trust anything we see in sport. doping has been a topic of conversation ahead of saturday's wooll heavyweight title fight between anthony joshua and alexander povetkin the russian fighter who failed to drug tests back in twenty sixteen after serving a short then he's got the chance to take all four of joshua's belts if he wins their fight in london joshua admits it's not good for the sport and wants tougher sanctions. you know if you're on drugs you get banned
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simple as that. and then number two it's not for me to make that decision are not part of committee just do you believe in a fair fight you know i mean it's not like. i'm just trying to prove my swing i'm going in there to. help me should be more severe. i've always been in the business in boxing. but worried about what the committees if they're not a judge's order referees it there and you know me so much as my opinion it should be a bit more civility. my job in this issue is to show. the known drug cheat is a strong word that's what i have to do to fight. they were so you know concerned about drug cheats and he would have been the president. obviously the powers that be have let it happen and he seems to be a man that she and i just have to. tiger woods has
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a share of the lead of the season ending p.g.a. to a charity be carded for birdies and an eagle on the way to an impressive five under par opening round of sixty five that was matched only by fellow american ricky fowler woods in with a great shot of ending a strong comeback season with that elusive eighteenth p.g.a. tour title and still technically has a chance of winning the fed ex cup a ten million dollars bonus over on the european tour sergio garcia also hit a five under par opening round of the portugal masters warming up nicely for next week's ryder cup we get a wildcard pick for europe but he's three shots behind the leader of stray and lukas herbert's who went eight under on thursday to lead outright shot clear of the field the ladies european tour paid an emotional tribute to spanish amateur player a kid who was murdered in the united states this week play was suspended for a minute's silence at the mediterranean open in spain twenty two year old berkin won the european ladies' amateur championship earlier this year on monday she was
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found dead on a golf course in iowa where she was studying at university a homeless man has been charged with first degree murder. it's exactly one years of the day until the rugby world cup kicks off in japan. the tournaments organizing committee held an event in turkey on thursday to mark the three hundred sixty five day countdown it'll be the first rugby world cup held in asia and the first hosted by a nation outside rugby traditional top tier it all kicks off with hosts japan against russia on september twentieth twenty nineteen. we begin our final countdown with confidence but not complacency every second counts and i know that the passion of the people the dedication of the government the cities and the organizers we can and will deliver a very special and a game changing rugby world cup arigato but bad news for any
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players heading to the world cup with tattoos world rugby is asking to cover them up in japan so as not to offend the japanese locals who have long associated tattoos with than the tortillas you're koos a crime syndicates. now in sport they often seems to be one team or player with an unfair advantage and you might think that this is the epitome of that take a look at this a race between a fighter jets private plane and electric car a formula one car and a super bike the five competitors faced off at an airport runway in turkey and it was not the jet or the plane that crossed the line first instead the superbike took first place. and that's all the sport thanks very much indeed danica when he has catch up with our website address that is our desire dot com watch us live on air as well. that's it for me to. be back in a minute with another full round of the day's news thanks for watching.
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the russian orthodox church is deep pockets and the rapid expansion may bear its crucial role in putting his grip on power with some elevating the former k.g.b. officer to sainthood president putin is our leader that with a given toss for good people in power investigates how often it's attempted elimination by the soviet union religion has returned to the hall to the russian state the orthodox connection on al-jazeera.
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with bureaus spawning six continents across the globe. to. al-jazeera is correspondents live in green the stories they tell. us about it. al-jazeera fluent in world news twenty five years after the signing of al-jazeera world tells a two part story of norway's role in the oslo accords but a salute to the government of more words or its remarkable role in nurturing discipline in the secret negotiations and why its promise of peace has remained unfulfilled a strong decided tone of the new ghost air shows no make and do as a show trial or go home the price of all is low on al-jazeera.
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and. forty four dead and hundreds more feared drowned after a ferry sinks in tanzania's lake victoria. and orange. live from london also coming up. migrations tops the agenda at an e.u. summit in austria with leaders looking to egypt and north africa for help. pop star turned politician bobby wine makes a triumphant return to you.


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