tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera September 23, 2018 2:00pm-2:34pm +03
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say the passengers are meant to wear life jackets even given some to ride in this boat although not in brilliant condition you can see them or over here but often there aren't enough to go around it's difficult for the authorities to enforce the rules the lakes passed down three hundred kilometers long it's waterways a crucial for trade and everyone here is working on a tight budget he kept running for decades before they retired. stopped running after it collided with another in two thousand and five. back in tanzania his wait for the bodies of loved ones the whole community deeply traumatised the president ordered the operators to be arrested but even if they face justice it won't bring loved ones back malcolm webb al-jazeera uganda. i have an al-jazeera choice between starvation and sickness families leaves to battle hunger. plus capturing the past with the present talk of facts of visions of
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the violence against african-americans. hello again welcome back we're here across parts of the we are looking at some relatively quiet weather where we have seen some of the clouds is up here towards parts of turkey that is going to continue just to the north east of that area heavier showers there before on korea we do expect you to be clearing out twenty eight degrees but still quite warm as we make our way down towards aleppo beirut twenty nine degrees over the next few days that's expected to maybe go up one degree as we go towards monday but quite city a high temperature if you of about thirty nine degrees here across the gulf while the immunity is still a factor in the early morning as well as the late evening there but i thought thirty eight degrees for
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a high here on sunday and then as we go towards maybe monday forty degrees with abu dhabi seeing thirty eight more clouds along the coast here but muscat you'll be out of that more the temperature few about thirty two degrees and then very quickly i want to say down here towards africa we had some unsettled weather across parts of durban that's going to continue over the next few days clouds down here towards cape town we don't expect them to be too thick at times but maybe eighteen degrees is going to be forecast high and then on monday things clear out we expect to see about one thousand degrees there up torture harrisburg a partly cloudy day for you and then over here towards medic aska we're looking quite nice with the temperature across the region about twenty seven degrees. the russian orthodox church is deep pockets and the rapid expansion may bear its crucial role in putin's grip on power with some elevating the former k.g.b. officer to saying to president putin as our leader that given twelve people in
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power investigates how after the attempted elimination by the soviet union religion has returned to the heart of the russian state the orthodox connection on al-jazeera. back you're watching out to zero time to recap our headlines iran has summoned envoys of the u.k. netherlands and denmark accusing the countries of harboring opposition groups early a gun will attack the military parade in a vast killing twenty five people the iranian military says the attackers were trained by two gulf countries with ties to the u.s.
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and israel. the woman who's accused the supreme court nominee of sexually is of sexual assault rather will testify before the senate on thursday fred cavanagh will give his side of the story to a judiciary committee to that day he denies assaulting christie for that party in one thousand nine hundred two rescuers in tanzania have found a survivor inside a ferry which capsized two days ago the man who was trapped in an air pocket becomes one of only forty one people who survived at least two hundred nine others drowned when the ferry tipped over in lake victoria. the u.n. humanitarian chief says yemen is approaching a tipping point famine threatens a large chunk of the population. three quarters of yemenis that twenty two million people are in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance or protection and rescissions is in our buck refugee camp in djibouti when nearly two thousand yemeni refugees are struggling to survive their hungry like millions of fellow
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yemenis they've left behind these men have just arrived in old book huddled together in some shade having being smuggled out of yemen for two hundred dollars each. it was a it's a war we don't want to be part of says this man explaining that he and the others fear they'd be conscripted to join who three rebel forces. this is where they'll end up with families who may have refuge but little else this man has fresh drinking water but can't afford to buy food so his family has to get by soley on emergency aid learn and get lots all are less but there was a lot we don't receive anything but enough to survive from the u.n. we don't have been through she needed for our children the elderly even us it's a grim existence here in the sweltering heat of such
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a dry arid and infertile place. the natural focus of aid agencies is across the water in yemen where by the day the situation for the people is getting more and more critical. in a remote yemeni village they continue to pick leaves from trees is their only means of survival these two brothers know that cooking and eating the leaves will lead to sickness but it provides one member day for their extended family and it's a choice between malnutrition or eating leaves. you know none of the children are suffering from constant diarrhea drowsiness and fever we don't know how and where we can treat them we get no help no one there is no relief organization in our area when we go asking for help we get nothing. some of the children and babies from the village of. the province have ended up here in this medical clinic. you can see what aid agencies warn is
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a crisis for the young weak and hungry it's growing bigger. than. the one the famine has caused a spike in the number of those who eat the vine leaves which is leading to an increase of malnutrition cases the vine leaves a highly acidic substance that reduces absorption in the intestines and the stomach is a very dangerous condition less than a week ago when i was there are reported on the clinics work this little girl's a fish shoaib or mohammed was waiting for treatment she has since died the medical staff are fighting against one of the consequences of. the losses are higher now than ever before. landry simmons has more for us now from och refugee camp in djibouti are they prepared are they expecting more numbers to come in as the situation deteriorates there in yemen.
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that's quite a complicated. question before i i try to go through it let me just take you around this camp behind me capacity for two thousand there are not that sort of number here right now and i'll explain why later but let me just take you to what's just taking place right now and that's the start of school all of these tents back here our classrooms effectively in these hot harsh conditions they need shade and that's what's happening here learning in that shade youngsters who have come all the way from yemen trying to get back into some sort of education after the fighting and all of the trauma involved in terms of numbers sami answering that question the numbers are varying we as you saw in that report saw a small number coming in these were fighters mixed motivations for coming across the water mainly because of escaping the fighting but also escaping conscription as
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you saw their families desperate for food but they don't have much money so these are the obstacles to crossing from yemen if you are in the government held area in the south there is the complete blockade of all shipping coming in to the the held areas to the north that is affecting the flow of refugees furthermore obviously that fighting into data around the airports and affecting the sea ports as well is stopping people from getting through go further north along the coastline the held coastline and there are smugglers that work there charging as you heard in that report two hundred dollars plus plus plus now most people can't afford that those who want to try to get out to get aid which they can't get inside yemen itself so it is a critical situation and the numbers really waver but it's more alarming to hear
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that overall large numbers coming. we hear that it is that there are so this is a situation that is indicative of how critical the situation is for the civilians in need of more help when aid agencies are so massively stretched in yemen right across the border now andrew critical u.n. officials are saying countries at a tipping point in fact what does the u.n. fear will happen if the situation doesn't improve soon. well the u.n. oh it's already revising its figures i think that was alluded to in the graphic earlier yes it's it's it is critical and the reason it's critical is that the aid agencies simply can't reach areas like the province that village you saw where they were picking leaves they haven't been able to reach it now we are hearing that there's a local initiative now after the publicity involved from from al jazeera and some
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others that they are now trying to get some local aid to those people some food some medicine some extra hope but the bottom line is that as the fighting goes on in her data it is going to cut off it would seem totally any aid supply in would towards santa and other parts of the country the fighting is not only in her data as well of course there is a lot of fighting right the way around the country and that is all the facts aid supplies and the ability to actually get food in and to get medicine to people to get help where it's needed the aid agencies are absolutely up against it and they're losing this battle now to save lives in the area that had a province we know of twenty children who've died recently in the past few months from malnutrition and so that is one tiny area when you consider the whole country and the pressure it's up against in terms of food supplies then there is
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a really enormous picture developing it's not exaggerated by the aid agencies in order to get funding it is a critical situation no doubt whatsoever and it's costing lives as we saw in that report that poor little girl who had she been in sana'a she could well have survived with the right sort of help the right sort of treatment but no she died under simmons' there with a tragic picture of humanitarian suffering thanks for that. voting has just begun him all these presidential election incumbent president i mean has been in office since two thousand and thirteen but he's being accused of silencing opposition voices saturday the campaign office of the main opposition candidate was raided by police and it's got topless has more. it's famous as a holiday islands destination popular with newlyweds on their honeymoon but in the run up to the presidential election in the maldives on sunday there are allegations by the opposition or voter intimidation and security crackdowns we keep saying they
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are going to be here. but we take part in them believing that our support is so overwhelming that we will be able to overcome that. despite the alleged intimidation opposition challenger ibrahim mohammad saleem has been campaigning for votes. president delay yemenis aiming for a second term he declared a fifteen day state of emergency earlier this year provoking concerns the country is sliding towards authoritarianism i would like to call it an undemocratic dictatorship now the current regime president whatever you are doing of course it is like kind of authoritarian thing. but then what are you doing doing through you know. like he is changing though amending the constitution. as well his.
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given his boost to the economy using cheap chinese loans for large infrastructure projects such as the chinese maltese friendship bridge opened last month after four years of construction. the apparent reliance on large chinese loans has raised concerns about china's increasing influence as the chinese buy with india for a say in the strategically situated indian ocean archipelago alex a topless. u.s. cable giant comcast has out beds rupert murdoch's fox in a blind auction for u.k. broadcaster sky sky has twenty three million subscribers it owns the u.k. rights to broadcast premier league football and the entire h.b.o. catalogue that's made it one of europe's most profitable t.v. companies comcast period of twenty two dollars sixty cents a share gives sky a value of around forty billion dollars tara jackson otherwise known as madam money is
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a personal business finance specialist she says the takeover is part of comcast push to go international. fox they're trying to get the market share back with from all the giants from netflix amazon sticking with the live streaming and so they're . what is saying there's a big hit in their viewership and their customer base so in order to be able to compete with those they have to move international so this merger with sky is definitely going to help them get back on the playing field they're going to be able to get the market share and the resource is a definitional service is especially with all the money that's being poured into it going into the united states markets within that so it's going to be a win win for the viewership internationally as well as with the united states and set other precedents i'm sure but other major mergers within that so it now allows them to compete with the likes of amazon netflix and apple and i exhibit in the
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u.s. is trying to bring new perspective to an event that was turning a was a turning point in the struggle for civil rights fifty five years ago a black church in the southern city of birmingham was bombed killing four african-american girls she had pretense of reports the photographer had done would be a had been haunted since childhood by this photograph of the sister of one of the four girls killed in the bombing of birmingham alabama sixteenth street baptist church in one thousand nine hundred sixty three the dynamite was planted by white supremacists four girls were killed many were injured then as birmingham as white community celebrated the attack two black boys were killed one shot in the back by a police officer as bad tempered to commemorate the bombing and it's off to mark he was faced with a question how do you photograph the past here at the national gallery of art in washington d.c. we see his answer on the fifty fifth anniversary of the bombing barry initially
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photographed children from birmingham who were the same age as those killed on that sometimes a day but something was missing i began to think about the fact. never for one true however for a lot. what with. that move to. make and portraits. who were. that they were. the depicts already seen by an accompanying split screen video evoking the quiet sunday morning of the attack. on the left both the segregated and black communal spaces there were birmingham's normality on the right a trial the view from the back seat of a car on the journey to church it's difficult to escape another question at this exhibition how much has changed violence still directed at african americans today
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is once again an issue and something that is not nearly as storch of phenomena something that is very much happening in the united states today and folding the past and the present together is a way of making us think about our current situation in giving his subjects the complexity that are often denied in historical accounts disrupts both of them and the now. the al-jazeera washington. let's take you through some of the headlines here and al jazeera now iran has some and then voice of the u.k. netherlands and denmark accusing the countries of harboring opposition groups it comes hours after gunmen attacked a military parade enough ass killing twenty five people iran's military says the
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attackers were trained by two gulf countries with ties to the u.s. and israel. in the us the stage is set for a democratic confrontation between a supreme court nominee and the woman who's accused him of sexual assault both are expected to testify before the senate judiciary committee on thursday christine ford says brett kavanaugh salted her at a party in one thousand nine hundred two he denies the allegations but trumpeted ministration is continuing to offer him strong support but i honestly wish some democrats have conducted themselves during this process is a disgrace the president are confident that senate republicans will manage this confirmation properly with the ut most respect for all concerned and i believe the george brett kavanaugh will soon be just as brett kavanaugh and take his sheep
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i should thank you. for the. voting has just begun him all these presidential election him come been president of delhi i mean is seeking a five year term for the second time it means being accused of silencing opposition voices. the u.k.'s main opposition party is warning it will call a general election if the government's bragg's it deal falls short labor's the jeremy corbin says he'll challenge the prime minister on any deal day of the european union on friday to resume a said talks with the e.u. had reached an impasse britain is due to leave the block in march rescuers in tanzania have found a survivor inside a ferry which capsized two days ago the man was trapped in an air pocket making him one of only forty one people who survived at least two hundred nine others drowned when the ferry tipped over in lake victoria tanzania's president is blaming overloading and negligence for the disaster its people in power now.
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al-jazeera recounts the shocking story of the assassination of counts full cabana dot. tossed by the security council to mediate between arabs and israelis. his days would prove one of the darkest days in the quest for peace in the middle east. killing the count on al-jazeera. as paper reported in twenty seventeen a resurgent tool for all churches becomes central to president putin's ideas of russia i just an echo chamber to the kremlin's expansionist policies that. now has the orthodox church in pro west and they bring grain and seeks to break
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from the scourge over it despite warnings the tension in the region about greece where reshowing are episode on the significance of the ties between russia's church and state. the russian orthodox church claims the allegiance of three quarters of the population. so it's no surprise that blood to me of putin acknowledges its importance. all that its spiritual leader patriarch kirill returns the favor calling the president a miracle of god. but some say the relationship between
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putin states and the orthodox faith goes far beyond mere recognition and expediency but it's a much made in heaven. that christian october's church has made russian id. others see it as an unholy alliance blaming the all the dogs church for everything from the war in ukraine to providing cover for intolerance and repression. to squeal with a stolen. disc a crook or even a receipt so what lies behind these ever closer ties increasingly evocative of russia's pre-columbian ist imperial past. president putin's our leader that. given to us by good.
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clues to the synchronicity between church and state can be found in most corners of putin's russia take the mike never sent by the ministry situated on an island in the middle of lakeland doga europe's largest despite its remoteness thousands of pilgrims come to the sacred monastery which according to legend stands on the site where st andrew planted a cross. but these days the island is also home to a private waterside dutch the. used by president putin strictly off limits. it's a sign of the times since the collapse of the ceviche union the russian orthodox church the scene a dramatic rise in its fortunes. twenty five thousand new build or restore churches eight hundred one of stories millions of them believe us
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we are on other way and now the trend you from europe to question is goes down in venice and goes down in russia we have moral trends back to christian roots. every week a staggering nineteen new orthodox churches are either built or restored in russian . many welcome this increase including president putin seen here opening a new church with patriarch kirill the primate of moscow and all russia. but not everyone is happy. you have kenny lebedev is part of a group of parents who oppose the churches illegal seizure and why frequent utilization of a mosque a park in order to build a new church not a little bit too much. which is. what it is it is not much and it shouldn't surprise you. that he should like almost
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a siege of the regime. that you would need it but he actually not but is ready. for you on your. most sundays he and dozens of other locals gather to share their position. i put it openly questions such developments carries a risk as yevgeny discovered in november two thousand and sixteen. his home along with eleven others was stormed by police often. as in much time raids across the capital. scheme to me and not of the whole what is done to the us what if you all know the breach of being my nation when you are going to go because many of the bullies what it knew was what it should have read some of it you know if you have the book that was the biggest book. with work
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easily still cover up whatever you did. they officers were investigating a possible violation of a relatively new russian law that makes it a criminal offense to insult the feelings of religious believes. the raids were broadcast on national t.v. but the patriarch denouncing lebedev and his friends as pay guinn's and cultists. special with their almost thought in a bit of a button and were to show me where put it from you and us because that last bit of process of six reading all really mean it was for the young is just saying it's not for the fun you took it was richard. puppet oking the youth of. three park why didn't. the new legislation was introduced in the wake of a now infamous anti putin protest by punk band pussy riot in moscow's christ the
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savior cathedral in two thousand and twelve. when members of the group mounted a older to such a rise the increasingly cozy relationship between the church and state. that. following the protest members of the burned served two years in penal colonies. this laws are based on fear and actually all this power all. follow are based on fear to lose this power. that's why they try to vent everything it means that he afraid of that. we wanted to talk to the russian government to get a response to these claims and find out why it feel so strongly that insults against religious sensibilities should be a criminal offense. blasphemy laws are still in place in
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some parts of the world europe and the west put more emphasis on protecting freedom of speech. and all of the officials we contacted were prepared to be interviewed. critics claim the wide scope of this law has given a green light to religious zealots bent on stifling any views they disagree with. it you're right you're. right your sphere of thought or see. the country is now a war with groups who hold back to pre-revolutionary russia and the monarchy. like the all the dogs by now barris whose motto is also dog see all day if. the russians are showing on children so show and i wish boys wish that sunless to
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do. don't crosspost me out. perhaps the most controversial and belligerent of these groups is soros cough funded by most gay businessmen on draco mukund which it was. you go on is was that i was surprised well that your ship would have us love me every also and the group holds this extraordinary event of. their own of muscular brand of orthodox christianity is very evident. it's. just the thought of it it's pretty. obvious they used to. so i still got that i need of the best i know aren't.
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sorel cough or frequently compared to near no one sees they are unashamedly nationalistic and say critics openly intolerant of other faiths. st. i see it. before mr aslaksen at low level the. address you. saw. or deployed to deter protesters as church construction sites. or see it. but the opposite slows book. about this which by the put the office laws book david david david brooks more liberal elements within the
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church feel uneasy about the patriarchs links to such groups. should go movement observer system when the bush recently launched the i mean they you. this is just new in the computer. world the question your. shows the other two are some of the swish of. the chemo kind it's a crown the harvest their. values who criticize wrong doing from within the church can face chilling consequences. the new kid scheme ministry is russia's oldest. when a former monk mikhail bottlenose explains how his superiors had encouraged a husband to abandon his wife and child in order to join the monasteries choir he was abducted and taken to
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a nearby forest hung upside down and beaten. to this because it was watching videos it look like you or you are very well i hear. the group that was there and millions of his earlier towards. what you're. now provides that yes the iraq story where the to go below one thing will create checks in the creech at least most of what the statute is not. one of the if you're just now it's you and me you know we're all thinking the same. now runs a website exposing the clerical eyes zation of russia and was he ses is the church is involvement with near fascist paramilitaries. or you see i want to limit it to. the former monk believes it is essential to raise public awareness.
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