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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  September 26, 2018 3:00am-3:34am +03

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being too flimsy excuse us and in open violation of its commitments finally they withdrew from their court the united nations should not allow its the citizens to fall victim to the domestic collection and propaganda games of some of its members and should not allow any member states to dog the execution of its international commitments if. you're. shot on by law this generally the united states also pressures other countries to violate the nuclear accord. and more dangerously the united states is threatening all countries and international organizations with punishment if they comply with security council resolution twenty two thirty one one. more job. it is the first time in the history of the united nations oh yes
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that such a general invitation to violation of the law is coupled with threatening law abiders with punishment this is not just a peculiar to the j. c.p.o. a it for me or but a pattern that even applies to the us approach to the international criminal court. of. law we appreciate the efforts of the international community the european union russia and china in supporting the implementation of the j c p o a n consider a default of realisation of the commitments stipulated in it a precondition for the survival of this significant accomplishment of diplomacy.
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harder than gentleman on lawful uni lateral sanctions in themselves constitute a form of economic terrorism and a breach of the right to development act the economic war that the united states has initiated under the rubric of new sanctions. that not only targets the iranian people but also entails harmful europe for cautions for the people of other countries. and that the war has caused a disruption in the state of global trade and the iranian people have demonstrated their unwavering resilience during the past forty years. by the difficulties and constraints caused by sanctions and have shown that they can overcome this difficulties as well one of. the multi millennial history of our country it demonstrates that iran and iranians have never broken in the face of
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a storm of events not even been baldin. that. i state here in clear on ambiguous terms that the united states' policy visa v. days lawmaker republic of iran has been wrong from the beginning and its approach resisting the wishes of the iranian people as manifested in numerous elections is doomed to failure. the iran with its historical and civilizational longevity the rich cultural heritage and foremost geopolitical position is an undeniable reality of it and caught. the policy of engagement and cooperation with iran has produced positive outcomes for other nations. he has been best reflected in
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iran's cooperation with friendly countries in the fight against terrorism not a good look at what the united states understanding of international relations is all for tarion in its estimation might makes right how about its understanding of power not of legal and legitimate authority is reflected the bullying and imposition of you know maybe taiwan no state and nation can be brought to the negotiating table by force and if so what follows is the accumulation in the grapes of wrath of those nations to be reaped later by the oppressors. we concur that at the end of the day there is no better way by dialogue would you not. however we dialogue is two ways
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about how it should be based on equality justice and human integrity and on earth and conducted in accordance with the rules and norms of international law the united nations security council resolution twenty two thirty one is not a piece of paper we invite you to return to that council resolution. which invites you to come back to the negotiating table you left hold on that bug out of the if you dislike the j c p o a because it is the legacy of your domestic political rivals then we invite you to come back to the security council resolution. we invite you to remain in do international institutions. do not engage in imposing sanctions
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sanctions and extremism are two sides of the same coin extremism involves negating the thinking of others and sanctions negates the life and prosperity of people that. for dialogue to take place there is no need for a photo opportunity. the two sides can listen to each other right here in this is somebody yet. i am starting the dialogue right here and state in on equivocal terms that the question of international security is not in american domestic politics the united nations is not a part of the united states administration and would. dialogue can resume in this assembly from the same point and by the same person who left the dialogue table and walked away from the accord. beginning the
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dialogue starts with ending threats and unjust sanctions that negate the principles of ethics and international law so. our proposal is clear commitment for commitment not a violation for violation threat or threat and step for step. instead of talk about for talk. what iran says is clear no war no sanction assad no threats no bullying just acting according to the law and the fulfillment of obligations and we support peace and democracy in the entire middle east. because we consider nuclear knowledge and imperative and nuclear weapons prohibited
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as victims of terrorism in the past and today we have always been and will always remain in the forefront of genuine confrontation with the terrorism today we mourn the martyrdom of tens of innocent people. who were recently murdered on saturday in cold blood by terrorists whose shame we shamelessly accepted responsibility from a number of western capitals for their heinous crimes in interviews with some western movie based on broadcasting outfits that are financed by petro dollars. and iran we have condemn all acts of terrorism without equivocation.
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who got it and will continue to do so we welcome the strong statement from the security council on this issue. that. if you want. but bud why can the leaders of these terrorist operations including the organisation that has publically claimed responsibility for saturday's crime live in operate freely in western countries and even openly solicit funds. are these activities not in violation of international counter-terrorism norms. why have the officials when an official state financier's of anti iranian terrorist organizations with a record of financing. isis and all nostra not only been spared any punishment but are supported and armed here but. how.
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about if you want the. public to take your claim of fighting terrorism seriously it is imperative to start a joint global campaign to fight this scourge irrespective of the victims are called prudes or on the. what distinguished colleagues in the same vein from the very beginning of the crisis in syria we have warned against any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of this country and the use of unlawful means including supporting extremist and terrorist groups in order to exert pressure on the government of syria and have consistently emphasized that the crisis can only be resolved through interest syria on dialogue. to these and the presence of our military advisers in syria has been at the request
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of the syrian government and consistent with international law and has a at assisting the syrian government in combat the extremist terrorists of iran russia and turkey in cooperation with the government of syria and other syrian parties have succeeded through the astana process the third summit meeting of which took place in tehran earlier this month. in playing a positive role in reducing tensions in syria and in their last common efforts have prevented escalation and bloodshed in that region are. going to. that we have witnessed a tragic humanitarian catastrophe in yemen over the past three years which has caused the destruction of infrastructure and the killing and injury of hundreds of thousands of displacement of millions of innocent people and the occurrence of the
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widespread famine in chronic disease in these areas in human acts represent clear examples of crimes against humanity and war crimes the crisis in yemen can be resolved through intra yemeni talks without foreign interference. and to this end we are ready to assist in any possible way out of their most pressing crisis in the middle east however is the question of palestine was that the passage of time cannot and must not justify occupation. the innumerable crimes of israel. against the palestinians would not have been possible without the material in military assistance and political and propaganda
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support of the united states that israel equipped with a nuclear arsenal latently threatening others with nuclear annihilation presents the most daunting threat to regional and global peace and stability the up horon to u.s. decision to transfer its embassy in israel to jerusalem and the recent enact many of the racist jewish state law or violations of international law and norms. and unmistakable manifestations of apartheid. holiday madam president that is the expansion of the relations with neighbors and the creation of a more secure and more developed region are among the main priorities of iran's foreign policy a few weeks ago iran along with the other four coastal states. signed the combustion on the legal status of the caspian sea
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it which will strengthening good neighborliness and bring prosperity and progress for all of the coastal states. we also desire the same relations with our southern neighbors in the persian gulf we believe in the formation of a collective mechanism for the persian gulf region. with the presence of participation of all regional countries this you curity of the persian gulf and the strait of hormones. has always been important for us and just as we defended this security as one had during the war imposed on us by iraq we will continue to confront any and all destructive efforts in this critical waterway in the future we espouse a peaceful view in political and international issues and have not sought nor do we
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seek. any contrary not. iran does not need an empire iran is an empire in terms of its civilization and its culture not through political domination on iran has served as the link between east and west and will continue to do so remaining a meticulous guardian for a world free from violence the mic republic of iran is the same state that understood the freshest the nature of the bath this regime in iraq before anyone else in the world and bravely persisted its aggression against us we fought against the bass party of iraq before kuwait was occupied by it the islamic republic of iran is the same state that was on the forefront of the struggle against taliban terrorism and gave up martyrs in that struggle. we fought against al qaida
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and the taliban before the attacks on new york and washington d.c. these lawmakers republic of iran is the same state that fought against. a fake distorted representation of islam. we were engaged in the fight against shop before their operations in paris london and brussels appreciate these historical realities of body iran. quit imposing sanctions and extremism job that world will not have a better friend than iran if peace is what you seek. i thank you for your attention. hasan rouhani is the president of iran has just finished his speech at the united nations
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on behalf of general assembly speaking obviously about things which are severely a by the u.s. president donald trump but then at the end saying you would not have a friend a better iran if democracy and peace is what you seek we've got james spays our diplomatic editor it's been a busy day hasn't it james and as i said earlier it was almost we were waiting for how her son rouhani would choose to handle what donald trump said earlier take us through it. and the answer is with great restraint i think in many ways the most important lines of the iranian president's speech were the last ones that was the message he was trying to get across quit imposing sanctions and then extremism the world will not have a better friend than iran if peace is what you seek an impassioned defense of the iran deal which of course the other countries that signed up to that iran deal are sticking with with the exception of the united states there really wasn't very
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strong condemnation of the u.s. in that speech as we've heard sometimes in the past from iranian speeches and the u.s. delegation didn't seem to walk out from the shots i saw they were sitting in their seats remember in the past when we had ahmadinejad giving speeches in the past when iran was not friendly with the u.s. the u.s. would always walk out of a speech an interesting i think also that although we have heard some tough words from president trump we have to judge that on the trump scale because we know what trump is now willing to say in the general assembly because a year ago he said he would totally destroy another country in that case it was north korea a threat to north korea made in the general assembly we had nothing like that today from president trump we even had an olive branch on twitter saying he thought that perhaps. rouhani was a wonderful man but he wouldn't be meeting him at this stage until iran changed its
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position so if you were expecting very strong comments from the u.s. and iran denouncing each other threatening each other i think we didn't quite go that far which is probably a good thing and here it is james what do you take us back a little bit earlier in the day and we're going to see your report in a moment but to set that up for us i'm starting the day with of course the secretary general and then a delayed appearance by donald trump. you know he was late for his appearance but we did hear the secretary general first making as the secretary of the united nations words a plea for cooperation for the rules based system of the united nations and then later on after president trump spoke we heard a much more impassioned version of that speech from emmanuelle mackerel who said that the world system wasn't working right now no one was playing by those international rules and it really couldn't go on like this he said that the u.n.
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had been created in a world war had been created by genocide on a mass scale that's why they set up the the u.n. and he seemed to suggest we're in danger of going back to that sort of world if we follow a survival of the fittest type for five of the strongest country type system and i think it was not very veiled that he was talking about the u.s. and some of those comments because he listed some of the things that were important to the u.n. and he listed things like the human rights council the international criminal court under the part of the u.n. that deals with the palestinians well guess what they're all parts that the president trump is either started to defund or is pulling out of so real pushback to president trump who of course we saw arrive here all the cameras trained on him early on in the day. president trumps second speech to the one hundred ninety three member countries of the united nations started with
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a bold claim and it was met with gusts and astonishment today i stand before the united nations general assembly. to share the extraordinary progress we've made. in less than two years my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. america is so true. i didn't expect that reaction but that's how. this was a speech that followed his america first theme he said the world would work best with strong nations working in their own national interest raising the question of whether the u.s. will now give up its moral leadership on issues like human rights every american will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance
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control and domination i honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs beliefs and traditions the united states will not tell you how to live or work or worship on north korea his tone was very different from a year ago he thanked kim jong un for his courage in meeting him iran was though once again targeted for condemnation iran's leaders so k.-s. death and destruction. they do not respect their neighbors or borders or the sovereign rights of nations instead iran's leaders plunder the nation's resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the middle east and far beyond. that was
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perhaps to an olive branch though to the iranian president has signed rouhani in a tweet trump said i'm sure he's an absolutely lovely man and when he arrived at the u.n. he added this we look forward to having a great relationship with the red but what happens now trump speech was markedly different from that of the u.n. secretary general antonio good terrorists he stressed the need to return to an international rules based order the u.n. will also be worried that the trumpet ministration is again talking about reassessing the amounts it gives in international aid and the money it pays to fund the united nations and the us the breaking well of course the general assembly continues leader of the leader this goes on right the way through and till monday although it's the president's first the heads of states first then the prime ministers then the foreign ministers and there are
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a few countries that only send their ambassadors they come at the very end of proceedings next monday come out just to give you who we are expecting his news where the president sisi of egypt. and prime minister of japan are to come in the next couple of hours also worth fast forwarding to events here on wednesday you've seen a lot from the u.n. today i can tell you you're probably going to see more because you have a double billing the speeches continue in the general assembly in that big hall where all hundred ninety three countries are represented but of course the other important chamber of the united nations is the security council in effect the final court of peace and security of the world that will also be meeting similar tenure slee the u.s. is the current president and guess what chairing that meeting will be president trump with prime ministers and presidents around the table so we'll be watching similar taney asli meetings with president speaking in the general. really and
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presidents prime ministers and foreign ministers in those fifteen seats around the security council table talking about nuclear biological and chemical weapons and we know the u.s. wants to raise iran again so that issue is not over or it will be fascinating when it happens when it thanks james james bases that diplomatic editor in new york in the studio with us still felt his director of the center for conflict and humanitarian studies at the doha institute you've got all the list of papers there i want to find your papers on king abdullah of jordan because we're going to have a little talk about him after we hear from him first how long has jerusalem a holy city to more than half of the world's people face dangers to its multi-faith heritage and identity. how can we accept a status quo of continuing crises and bigotry palestinians families displaced for generations their children's very identity tonight israeli families living in
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continuing national self isolation without the security of peaceful relationships worldwide and what could possibly be the future of what some propose a single binational state whose very foundation is a rejection of the quality of its own people that's the ugly undemocratic reality of the one state idea but. it is by no means an alternative to a two state peace settlement. so hold on i thought it was interesting that whilst most of the speeches we've heard today have been and i hate using this phrase but wide ranging right they've talked about lots and lots of things king abdullah spoke for a shorter amount of time and said i'm going to focus on the palestinian issue he seems like he wants to make sure that this is the thing which jordan is known for and jordan will push for well he spoke about a number of issues but all of them are directly related to jordan so he avoided the
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sort of why barrage of all the global issues and highlighted a number of issues palestine is obviously central to jordan and for the king himself and the issue of jerusalem is particularly sensitive the custodianship of the house from ice over jerusalem the precised that again and again and then decide the fact that you cannot have a unilateral agreement to one side only so and the agreements and you proposals that to tackle the issue of the policy israeli conflict has got to be agreed by all related parties so that he will spend quite a bit of time on the issue of palestine but he also referred to this to me is the underlying. really message. is the need for collective action and all of these issues jordan and its own kind all dissolve it i mean at least on its own cannot resolve it he was looking for collective action from the international community on
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issues related to countering terrorism. and dealing with the current crisis particularly relation to the conflict in syria and the refugee crisis that unfolded as a result he made a very important point to do with the role and the responsibility of other nations towards the coast of. looking after the millions of refugees not only in jordan but in other host host countries so reminding the international community of his responsibility was very important point i thought also the fact that he has highlighted the. the. the land confiscation and the south and the going back to the palestinian issue this is in contrast with what bolton said few few days ago when he referred to settlement as housing projects that you know this is a it's a bit trying to put it within context and explain that this is illegal we have so many united nations resolutions that stated the conditions in the policy
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no could buy territories and those have got to be respected ok let's also talk about turkey is about five minutes off the donald trump spot that we heard from egypt on the turkish president in fact let's have a listen to that. because you can imagine it's very easy to create chaos but it's difficult to really establish order and today unfortunately some countries are prisoners simply trying to create chaos there's no bigger danger than a world order that has lost mercy conscience truth and hope and that is the danger that we're facing now. some countries are trying to create chaos he said who's he referring to specifically because i know later on he went you know quite focused on turkish issues he talked about syria he talks about the guerrilla movement in the
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us as well well i think he is probably referring to the us plus others the economic war that has been launched against in the last few weeks is probably better much on his mind the devaluation of the turkish lira cetera that is leading to a degree of chaos as far as he's concerned he's worried about this but also possibly he's referring to other countries in the region that have started to develop agendas in. east africa where. a turkey is as well invested particularly in somalia and of course the reference to interventions in syria. ok then south america thank you so much for that taking us through jordan and turkey that we're also going to look at issues here in the gulf actually let's not have a whole bar one of our other correspondents covering the general assembly hashem will talk about qatar in fact let's hear from the emir of qatar first checked i mean been hammered out on me when he got to a new home invaded and
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a digital it is not reasonable that different views about how to handle regional issues should paralyze the effectiveness of an important regional organization like the gulf cooperation council. the blockade of qatar has harmed the reputation of the g.c.c. countries and the g.c.c. as paralysis has reflected negatively on its work towards regional and global issues we hope that we will all transform the council's current plight into an opportunity to reform it to put forward binding mechanisms to resolve the differences among its states through intrastate dialogue to avoid any similar occurrence in the future it is not sensible for arab region to remain hostage to some marginal differences which are fabricated in our case hashem the emir they're taking a more non-confrontational party didn't name any of the blockading nations and more decided to talk about the g.c.c. as a whole and the effect it's had on those six nations and
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did come out this was an interesting statement by the emir of qatar basically this was his second speech of the un since the start of the two thousand and seventeen quizes he's been blasting the. order saying how come we're facing one of the biggest crises in the region and the g.c.c. which is a gathering of six nations that has the potential that has a legislature and that has been formed to try to referee spots among. neighbors has failed to do so a warning. about further instability in the region describing the brocade imposed by saudi arabia the u.a.e. egypt and bahrain as a violation of international law the a mere reiterate of the position of his going to which is that the how the manes
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positively responsive to any push by the international community to broker a dialogue among the feuding countries to try to set aside their differences and solve the problem how. him attain that qatar won't accept anything seen as infringing on its sovereignty for the time being come out what's interesting yesterday there's been a meeting of the. foreign ministers of the arab league it's a it's a routine gathering that precedes the opening of the united nations general assembly summit and the ministers of foreign affairs of qatar saudi arabia and the united arab emirates were not there the meeting that gives you an indication that the the blockade has created a situation where it would be extremely impossible to see a way.


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