tv Francesco Sisci Al Jazeera October 1, 2018 5:32pm-6:01pm +03
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in government is it any wonder then that his critics are saying he's the new some others are the new dinar stick leader that is that is bringing back the whole idea of polarization number one and number two i don't see anyone on the children's and the government that is i do i don't see that. his daughters are advisors this is what they are not one of these are mentally ill and we're not going to get the discussion because you know you're going to go to who pays to go there government and they have now but they have the power but more power now let's go back to our the example. the vice president of the country for many reasons constitutional reasons he has a right to run. for political reason she has been in the senate is the movement historically and we have a large the what we call a fifty fifty law you have to hear how of the candidate for president the vice president has to be is one is a man the other one has but what you're telling me is that because of the gender balance is the reason she's the vice president cheney other women in the. good but
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what i'm saying is you have a card that has been historically a part of this and it is the movement yes there may be other people of course there are let's talk about the son of a mentor let's talk about the sundanese to move with the president's own brother who was in charge of the armed forces for many years he says quote this is not a dictatorship but it's very authoritarian family dominated style of governing is he part of a coup a conspiracy against his brother but i'm saying is he has his own position and. he's on his hands and he has his own position and he has a right to his old position i don't ask but i got a lot of same position i am not saying the part of the conspiracy i don't see is by the only comparison is all. that's his opinion of the government of his own brother so when i look at so many high profile figures who were supporters of yours in the one nine hundred eighty s. supported the sandinista struggle who are now shocked at what your government are doing the philosopher noam chomsky says there's been a lot of corruption a lot of repression your government is autocratic the celebrity activists bianca jagger says daniel ortega may be worse than some others say he's a war criminal conduct barely the nicaraguan poet former sundanese to activists
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joined your movement in one nine hundred seventy she says or take his wife have turned into a land of terror why are all these people who spend their lives supporting you supporting your party your government why they are now saying the start of a conspiracy did shifted the shifted when we lost the elections in one thousand ninety. one scene the shifted when we lost the election we talk about this and it is going to get your government is autocratic just good ones understanding supporters of the family harmony who in the western world chomsky who is the cleaner. whole this whole media manipulation system happens can have his opinion but of you talking to me about how much genius opinions let me ask you this you have a situation where as you say you what you call a coup others of calling you know protests legitimate protests what is the solution to this crisis what are you going to do about these people who are taking to the streets just carry on shooting at them no we're not carrying on shooting of them since july fifteenth when we recaptured the streets when we move there we go
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and we remove the barricades the hasn't been one single person died one last question as you deepen roxy will you be supporting president take if he runs again in twenty twenty one that's a decision of the congress of the party or you're in favor of it personally. i would support to go to the president for life i am not saying prison for life i am saying this and the mr is evolving movement a very strong nationalist movement who is dear to strengthen democracy and to strengthen the development of the country that is what was being destroyed in this property the vice foreign minister thanks for joining me on that front thank you very much. the u.k. labor party has been hit by accusations of anti semitism in recent months especially against its leader jeremy corbyn his fellow labor m.p. margaret hodge who lost members of our family in the holocaust said corbin was an
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anti semitic racist while three of the main jewish newspapers in the u.k. described him as an existential threat to british jews the labor leader has been accused of sharing platforms in the holocaust deniers and making offensive remarks about british zionists his supporters though argue that coburn is a lifelong anti racist and that the attacks against him are slim is designed to discredit his strong support for palestinians and prevent criticism of israel so is the labor leader really guilty of anti semitism or even of turning a blind eye to it joining me from london to debate this are michael rosen an award winning novelist and poet. at the jewish cauldron supporter and danielle a playwright too and contributor to the israeli newspaper ha'aretz a former foreign editor of the jewish chronicle and the jewish corben critic thank you both for joining me in the arena. speaking on wednesday at his party's annual conference in liverpool germany called and said we will work with the jewish communities to eradicate anti semitism both from our party and wider society he says there's
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a problem he says he's dealing with it that doesn't sound like it does it mr corbin has not won the confidence the support of the vast majority of british and although you can find it his supporters have cherrypicked people who are speaking out. in support of him i've never seen such a consensus amongst this very very diverse community feeling that labor is no longer a comfortable place for them and for a global audience who haven't been following the details of this how would you sum up in kind of if you can sum it up why the british jewish community has this consensus that labor is no longer a comfortable place for them. well mr colvin is part of the traditionally far left of labor who have quite a binary view of the world's divided up into nice and parry lists like iran russia satin syria the nasty western imperialists like america israel nice. as
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well and in this very binary reading of foreign affairs jews end up as white imperialists and i think this view has now become quite dominant in the party. that makes the jewish people people who are not really that bothered about israel one way or another feel that they are being sidelines and being discriminated against and most importantly that when they say this is anti semitism they call out instances. that tell that this is somehow a smear markku rosen it's not all a smear is it. well i think first we're going to have to run back to base and sort out some definitions here we talk about the jewish community as if there is just one community it's not really strictly speaking true and there are plenty of jews in the labor party i'm not in the labor party but i support jeremy colby and just to be clear do you at least recognize we could argue about the numbers but
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a big chunk of the british jewish community is unhappy with labor under coal bin because they perceive it as not a safe space or a comfortable space or a friendly space for british do you concede that is the perception even if you disagree with the reasoning behind it yes of course it is absolutely but then of course exactly as daniela says a large percentage of the jewish community if that's were going to call it a large percentage of jews are in favor of israel but not all jews for a moment and i have no attachment to that place over there but of course i understand that plenty of jews do plenty of jews are brought up to believe that israel is their homeland even if they don't make it their homeland it is there for them as they believe of course. but there are other people living there this is the crucial point about israel there are other people not recognized by the recent nation state law how much of this is to do with the israel palestine conflict with this thorny debate over zionism. when you do have the chief rabbi and the former chief rabbi of the u.k.
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both saying that there's a is a form of id semitism it doesn't muddy the water we're trying to work out what is bigotry what is hatred what is legitimate political criticism doesn't and i think the real problem here is this accusation that critics of corbin jewish critics of course been. criticizing him as part of a smear campaign because their real interests are in defending israel apparently or they're all conservative voters who are weaponized anti semitism as this political tour and that feed straight into was classic anti-semitic traipse that i've been exposed to as well as a reporter. writing about israel palestine that jews are more loyal to each other and by extension israel than the countries that they live in the countries that they're citizens of now this doesn't say jeremy corbin's comments about scientists not understanding irony a classic example of this kind of assets here that i've experienced over and over again and i think that is the most wounding and the mace damaging part of this
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whole thing. sort of drill down into labor in germany to get your sense of where you stand it is your position that jeremy corbyn that he's done nothing wrong and that this is a smear campaign from the right or from supporters of israel or is it your position that perhaps he's used bad language in the past or he's said the wrong thing or does he have a blind spot for this stuff maybe that's what some of suggested supporters of his where do you stand i think the basic mistake he has made mistakes is he hasn't been vocal enough in defying and picking back if you like because he's not a linguist he's not he's a politician and he thinks that he has a normal ball thing to do which is to support the rights of justice and peace in the middle east and justice for the palestinians and he thinks that has nothing to do directly with discrimination against jews discrimination against jews or indeed prejudice against jews in britain that's what he things are growing larger i agree with the other. why i would feel interesting today from you then what would be my motivations as a lifelong labor voters have a saying there is
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a real problem with anti-semitism in labor in my part of the smear a lie in the heart of a conservative being funded by the israeli embassy there are plenty of people who stand up for palestinian rights and say there is a problem you are tying yourself in knots to try and justify what's not justifiable when boris johnson made his really rather unpleasant comments about muslim women looking let's about this people dealt with those comments as they were on the merits or rather the lack of there is no missing this is part of a left wing conspiracy trying to derail a potential government led by boris johnson let's look at what he has said and judge it on its merits and those merits a very lacking well as it happens to any other i haven't said it's a right wing conspiracy or anybody's conspiracy sitting here if some people do well you know they've worked out that maybe there are some relationships between jews in britain and israel and israelis i'm not saying that though i what i would say is
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that the media in this country was very reluctant to know smear there's no allegations of a smear most vocal hang on most vocal about it had very important positions and recognize positions in the conservative party or right and so have those links and indeed the x. chief rabbi was a great great very fond of margaret thatcher so it's not as if the only agenda these people had in attacking called the chief rabbi of making accusations of anti-semitism is a story well all i'm saying is that just a not investigate of the reasons why people might want to attack a labor leader is quite important to remember the last labor leader we had was attacked for having a father who was a jewish traitor by a tory newspaper the daily mail ed miliband who was the first jewish leader of the labor party didn't win a majority of jews to support twenty fifteen and a lot of the anti semitism cases at a local level it did turn up on his leadership on his watch so it is some would say
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it is unfair to put this all at corbin's door the bad relationship between the labor party and british jewish communities would you concede. i think as i said i think it's possible to mattick of a wider issue in the fact that his leadership has emboldened a section of the far left that has always held these rating rather extreme views towards british jews as being wealthy as being part of the ruling class caps a lesson being in perry lists. covert has not taken significant action he hasn't spoken and hasn't apologized all made consultations it has any kind of idea that he has apologized to believe me i will not be hearing several times or has a need for making mistakes for not dealing with the soon enough and he's now come out this week in the conference and said we want to eradicate and seven as we won't tolerate this in the party he is and really shouldn't you know house or home and supported jews over twenty years he's partly supported early day motions as we call
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them in the house of commons here supported jews count to ten times over the last twenty five years so you know he's no. then tell me where is would have been i will say to you that of course there is a problem as there is in the whole society i'm repeating if you like exactly what john landsman the leader of one of the supporting groups but there are plenty of jews in the labor party i came from a left wing jewish tradition that thought that one of the ways we could madill with our problems and. values who are one of the ways was to join labor and socialist parties i was just on the issue of the problem then as i hear that you didn't hold on hold on it danielle are saying that europe you know you're denying the problem you're saying there's a problem in labor are there in as there is with the rest of society corben himself said in the statement recently anyone who denies that this is surfaced in our party is clearly actually wrong and contributing to the problem it's not enough to just say well everyone's got a disability and problem and therefore do a bit of what about islam is it i agree because obviously the labor party is
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founded on universalistic ideas of human rights it claims to be an anti racist party. so of course jeremy well we we do have a problem if we have any m.t.c. months in the labor party that maybe anti semites out there in society but it's our job to root it out of the labor party indeed so let me ask you has done it before we finish what is the solution moving forward for this for two relationship between british jews and the labor party on the call but is there a solution or is it too late i'm afraid i can't see one right now i think that there's been a lack of effort to show you could well a lack of communication and i think this extends to a wide range of issues i have passed a more problems of the labor party's view on syria on ukraine and other foreign affairs issues than i do on on israel palestine but i think the cast is just. trust has been rated how it's a long time to come michael trust has been eroded how does jeremy corbyn get it back or or can he not get it back and i don't know i'm no great crystal ball gazer
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but the interesting thing here is the question to ask is all those people who are opposed to jeremy coburn over this matter are they interested in eradicating anti semitism or are they interested in eradicating jeremy colby and that's what the plotting all this summer and before has been about let's get rid of call being michael rosen done the l a pledge we'll have to leave it there thank you very much for joining me in the arena that's our show up front we've got thanks tony. october on al jazeera. in a new season al-jazeera correspondent returns with more personal stories from our journalists from around the world. brazilians are getting ready for elections but the main presidential contender is barred from the polls as he serves time in jail for corruption. from the u.s.
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and beyond faultlines investigate the stories beyond the headlines after a three year delay afghanistan will finally hold its parliamentary elections but what direction the country takes with a new two part series the big picture examines the negativity of mama kentucky's move and the effects of his demise october on al-jazeera. the full scale of disaster begins to emerge in the days as mass graves are prepared on sort of land for the tsunami and earthquake that. i'm sam is a dan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up iran launches missiles at
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sites in syria it says it's striking back for the attack on a military parade. deal sealed and friends again canada and mexico reach a new trade agreement with the u.s. donald trump dismissed the old one as a disaster. and much more than a competition swimming race in senegal that's as much about freedom and history. international help could soon be on its way into indonesia as it struggles with the aftermath of an earthquake and tsunami mass graves are being prepared in palo city for the final death toll is expected to number in the thousands officially the death toll has been updated to eight hundred and forty four a fourteen day state of emergency has been put in place across the island of sort
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of way sea where many remote areas are still cut off more than eight hundred of the dead have been in power lou only a handful from the region of dawn gallery which remains largely isolated there is no road access and no airport. it has a population of around two hundred seventy thousand people along the coast around the scene is of kilometers and kilometers of debris on the beach present joko widodo has visited paolo on sunday he upgraded the disaster announcing he would welcome international assistance people continue to flock to army hospitals those they desperately look for their loved ones. well the big need now is for heavy machinery with the reports of people still trapped in many buildings including a hotel in shopping center in palo but a twenty five year old woman was pulled out alive from beneath the rubble of a restaurant blocked roads and damaged airports and broken telecommunications have
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made it difficult to bring help in nobody lives to indonesia's capital jakarta and wayne hay in a moment but first to andrew thomas he's impulsive on his way to power and we understand you've been trying to get to pa to tell us a little bit about how difficult the journey is well the airport in palo is open to military flights bringing in a but it's not yet open to commercial passenger planes so we and others couldn't fly directly to that city we could get here also the nearest place with a functioning air for about two hundred kilometers to the southeast now they felt quite strongly here but there isn't much damage but getting from here it's apollo is extremely difficult as we've been finding out there is simply not enough fuel it's not what they've run out of fuel here it's just that the demand from people here in this city to try to get to that city to try and check up on friends and relatives and try and take in supplies is such that there are huge queues at every
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petrol station we have hired cars with drivers they've now been queuing for five hours to try and get fuel we think any of the front of that queue getting there but that gives you some idea of how many people are trying to get to pollute and when you drive around this city as well you keep getting snarled up in huge traffic jams because of those petrol stations very huge huge out of each thank you some idea of all the people trying to get even to. the same time of course thousands are trying to get out of that city. we'll hear in a minute from wayne andrew he'll tell us about the official version of what's going on there on the ground but from what you're hearing from how to what sort of picture is emerging to you. to be quite honest quite chaotic at the moment i'll give you an example the situation at the airport where as i say these military flights already built to bring united certainly were about four hours ago a giant hercules military plane flew in delivering aid it was approached take
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injured people out but so many people got through the perimeter of the airport and surrounded that aircraft but it couldn't take off many were trying to force their way on to the planes all those was sat in front of that plane not letting it go until they were able to get on now officially that came from snippets of information that the mobile phone signal in hollywood is very very cheap but you do get occasional messages out and you can speak to local journalists who are there on the phone very brief period so we were hearing little snippets of bass in the last fifteen minutes or so it seems in pictures on indonesian television that show that scene at the airport all these people rushing to the front of that plane to stop it taking off without their loved ones on board so a very chaotic scene we all told that situation has calmed down and that plane i believe has now been able to leave but that gives you a little idea of what's going on at the same time a few television crews that are there local installation television mainly many of the crowds have turned on them but we know of at least two possibly three cases
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where people were looting shops perhaps understandably given how little there is in terms of water and food looting shops they were being filled by these local t.v. crews and the crowd then turned on those crews so a pretty chaotic situation from what we're hearing. andrea give us a good idea a good snapshot of how things look on the ground closer to the disaster area let's thank you for that let's move to wayne hey he's in the capital jakarta and find out what the official picture looks like now a lot of criticism about the lack of heavy digging equipment one official saying. yes well that is always one of the biggest challenges in situations like this particularly when you have so many roads leading into an area affected as badly as the city appollo has been getting that heavy machinery and there is vital right now and certainly the authorities are aware of that they need to get that heavy machinery in there to speed up the search and rescue operation this is still very
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much as a search and rescue operation semi it has moved into simply a recovery operation because they believe there are still many people that could be trapped alive in the rubble particularly in palos city but also in dongola the city to the north of poly which has been largely cut off in terms of communication almost three hundred thousand people living in that area very close to the epicenter of the earthquake at the moment search and rescue workers are really having to use their hands and hand tools to pick through the rubble in both pilar and other areas that have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami while they wait for that heavy machinery to get in there now people have been found alive how long the rescuers have there before the sort of window of survival begins to close. well i think it's very much a race against time as it always is in these situations as you mentioned the
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official death toll has gone up slightly with that media conference that media briefing given by the national disaster agency in the last few hours eight hundred forty four now confirmed dead they also gave me the official number of missing as ninety a fairly low figure in reality we expect that that figure is a lot higher because there are simply many areas that they haven't been able to get to they highlighted in that same media conference for example one particular housing estate in pa lose city called follow up there are nine hundred houses in that particular area and many of them and it's not all of them have sunk several meters into the mud some of them dropping some five meters into the mud and they simply can't get into that area to try to work out if many people were able to leave before the area was subjected to such great liquefaction before those howard houses sunk into the mud or indeed if there are more casualties in that area they
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simply don't know they simply haven't been able to get in there to verify that figure so we expect the actual number of missing to be well above ninety the number of ninety is just the official number that people have gone to register their friends or family members as being missing being able to simply do that process get to the author of these to register names of the missing is difficult in itself so again we expect that number to be quite quite a bit higher than ninety seven are when hey they're from jakarta. iran's military says its positions in syria linked to a group it's the suspect was behind last week's attack on a military parade in the city of avaaz several missiles struck the come out region of eastern syria last week twenty five people were killed when a gunman opened fire on a military parade many of the victims were members of the elite iranian revolutionary guard them bus ravi joins us now live from tehran so who exactly
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do iranian officials say they targeted in this attack. well some of the iranian government leaders here civilian and military as well as with religious clerics have all been rather vague about it be exact identity of these attackers but if you dig a little deeper than what many iranian leaders and those who influence them will tell you is that there's a broader conspiracy and that yes the separatist groups may have been behind it but there were other hands at play backing them up in a question asked of the foreign ministry spokesman at a briefing just about an hour ago a journalist asked him you know was this a signal was this attack a signal to to to enemies of iran in the region and his response again vague but poignant he said that if there was any message that the i.r.g.c. the iranian revolutionary guard corps had to sent any specific group actor or
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country then they would do so by name but if there was a message to be taken from this morning's missile attack then that would be that iran is prepared to carry on a permanent and serious fight he said against anyone that iran considers as backing or supporting so-called terror groups in the region and he also said that more a similar message are like more similar messages are likely to come in the future so certainly a worrying sign coming from this region for the future stability or security of this region and for the ongoing conflict in syria as well. thanks so much. canada the u.s. and mexico reached a new trade deal to replace the north america free trade agreement the us president blame the twenty four year old nafta for the loss of american manufacturing jobs than your lack reports from toronto. a good day for his country says canadian prime minister justin trudeau in the absence of detailed analysis his officials insist
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canada didn't have to give up as much as it feared to an overtly protectionist us president it took more than a year of often acrimonious talks to get here canada u.s. relations once closer than almost any other bilateral ties in the world sunk to new lows mexico made its own deal with the u.s. in august and it took canadian and u.s. negotiators another month to reach agreement just two hours before a deadline that could have excluded canada a key sticking point was canada's protected dairy industry under the new deal canadian farmers will face competition from u.s. milk imports they're a powerful lobby group and can be expected to push back canada's automakers will be relieved that the deal means they're not facing the tariffs on car exports that president trump threatened as recently as last week cross border u.s. duties on steel and illumine.
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