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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  October 5, 2018 12:00pm-12:34pm +03

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innovative solutions to global health problems. this may be all the world is worth get a cure for some of the cure. algis are. welcome to al-jazeera this is the scene live in the norwegian capital as we await the announcement of this year's nobel peace prize. good morning. in the region nobel committee has decided to award the nobel peace prize for
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twenty eighteen to dennis mcrib yeah and now down the road for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and conflict. both florio have made a crucial contribution to focusing attention on and come back to such war crimes. dennis mcrib to is the hill who has devoted his life to defending these victims. the rod is the witness who tales of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others each of them in their own way. has him to give greater visibility to war time sexual violence so that the perpetrators can be held accountable for
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their actions. the physician then is mccreary again has spent large parts of his i don't life helping victims of sexual violence in the democratic republic of congo since the pouncey hospital was established in but kabul in two thousand and eight dr mccoy and his staff have treated thousands of patients who have four victims to such assaults. most of the abuses have been committed in the context of a long lasting civil war that has cost the lives of more than six million congolese. dennis mcqueary is the foremost most unifying symbol both nationally and internationally of the struggle to end sexual violence in or an armed conflict his basic principle is that
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justice is everyone's business. men and women offices and soldiers local national and international authorities ally all have a shared responsibility for reporting and combat ing this type of war crime. the importance of denis macwhich is and during dedicated and selfless efforts in this field cannot be overrated he has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticized the congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop the use of sexual violence against women as a strategy weapon of war.
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nadia rod is herself a victim of war crimes she refused to accept the social codes that are required for women to remain silent and the shame of the abuses to which they have been subjected she has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own suffering and speaking up on behalf of the victims are not the only rod is a member of the cd minority in north and iraq where she lived with her family in the remote village of court show in organizations twenty fourteen the islamic state isis launched a brutal systematic attack on the villages of the same char region aimed
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at exterminating the city for collation. in the. village several hundred people were massacred the younger women including under-age children were abducted and held as sex slaves. while the captive of the isis nadia on the road was repeatedly subjected to rape and other abuses her assault is threatened to execute her if she did not convert to their hateful in the human version of islam not the i'm a rod is just one of an estimated three thousand u.s. cd girls and women who were victims of rape and other abuses by the isis army. that abuses were systematic and part of
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a military strategy. thus they served as a weapon in the fight against us cd's and of the religious minorities. after a three month nightmare not the on the rug managed to flee following her escape she chose to speak openly about what she had endured and in twenty sixteen at the age of just twenty three she was named the un's first goodwill ambassador for the dignity of survivors of human trafficking. this year marks educate since the u.n. secretary count so scuse me un security council adopted resolution eight hundred twenty which determined that the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war an armed conflict constitutes both a war crime and
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a threat to international peace and security. this is also set out in the rome statute of nineteen ninety eight which governs the work of the international criminal court the statue establishes that sexual violence in war an armed conflict is a grave violation of international law. and more peaceful world can only be achieved if women and their fundamental rights and security are recognized protected in war. this year is noble price peace price is firmly embedded in the criteria spelled out in alfred nobel's will then is. both put
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their personal security at risk by courageously combating war crimes and seeking justice for victims they have thereby promoted the fraternity of nations souse that application of principles of international law. thank you very much among them leader of the committee one of the most four messages you will go up it will all these years is. we want to send a message of awareness that women who constitute half of the population in most communities. are used as a weapon of war and that they need protection and that the perpetrators. have to be prosecuted and held responsible for their actions we believe that this
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is a fundamental prerequisite for lasting peace to also include their rights and then when this of women. congratulations you're supposed to give the prize to the ones who have contributed the most to peace in the last year why this prize this year. this year. has spoken off all abuses against women it is a prize where one cannot single out that it is one particular event this year it has been a continuous development. in efforts from the united nations efforts by brave individuals and as we stand here in the year of twenty eighteen we see that dr dennis mckechnie again.
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carried this message in the most efficient way in the previous. house committee and there were in the record libyan inspired also by didn't need to learn to sexual assaults on the women in general. well i believe there is that me too and war crimes is not quite the same thing but they do have ever have that in common that it is important for to see the suffering of women to see the abuses and to achieve that it is also important that women. leave the concept of shame and speak up how you've been in contact with any of the winners and what were your reactions we have tried to contact the windows we haven't managed to get through on the phone if they are watching this my
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heartfelt congratulations. is my name is here and i represent the norwegian use agency. dennis mcquade has been on the nobel shortlist for about ten years why is there a reason he made the time and in choosing between three hundred thirty one candidates almost record high number what were the main challenges in finding a unifying decision. well first of all i cannot comment on who has been on the committees shortlist we are instructed by the will of alfred nobel not to speak about our deliberations we only communicate to you who has actually been found worth of receiving the prize each year. and then i can really just reply your question by stating again that. taking this
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subject into consideration highlighting the poor of the subject we found that these two individuals in a most significant way have actually been vocal on this subject that is of course not to say that there are. other individuals other efforts who also address this subject and they also need they deserve thanks and recognition with this prize we recognize the two individuals that we believe have been in front of this chorus. madam chair and then tom i work for a gentle way on but i would rather not again. sexual violence has been debated a lot of the past year how important has that been in your decision. about sexual violence has been debated the last in the past year in the context of what shall we say civil society and how men and women interact in our society and particularly in
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the workplace because this is i understand moralists need to question but as i have highlighted in the reasons i already have given already in the rome start use of nine hundred ninety eight. both genocide and crimes against humanity is defined can take place by using. women and sexual abuse or for that matter sexual abuse against men as an instrument so this is not a new concept in international thinking however not so very old. the year unsecure the un has followed by several resolutions on this area and we can say it has been a development to. abuse against women sexual abuse against women at war
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time is a well known phenomenon. it's not a phenomenon of our time but it has been a development to made kit an issue of politics and the business of the international. community to recognize it and take responsibility for the issue. not that well so there is perhaps a surprise to many is the nobel peace prize or twenty eighteen given jointly to dennis mccuaig a gynecologist a doctor who operates in the democratic republic of congo of course or a vast country that has been in a state of of war or conflict for very many years maybe six million people have died but the issue of sexual violence as a weapon of war is what the nobel committee is trying to highlight also added to
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this prize is nadia morag a year's e.-d. woman who bravely spoke out about the abuse that she and so many others had suffered had endured at the hands of i saw in iraq jonah hill is our correspondent he's there in oslo and it did seem didn't it jonah as though many of the norwegian press assembled were taken a little bit by surprise by this year's award. well i don't know did it i mean it has been on the list before he's been touted as a possible winner in the past. it didn't come completely out of the blue now do move out of course perhaps not the joint when perhaps a surprise but look at the questioning of. rice imus and afterwards reflects very much as he made two movement but has already cast its shadow rather over the nobel foundation itself the literature prize don't forget postponed for the first time in
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decades this year because of alleged improprieties by one of the academy members that gives out the prize so the need to movement for the bunch in the forefront this year the questioning of anderson there reflecting that was that in any way part of the committee's decision to focus on sexual violence to focus on violence aimed at women she said look at me too and war crimes of very different things but they do have something in common which is the protection of women which is promoting the idea that women should come out of the shadows and speak up for themselves so there was cross over there there is currency there is an issue here which is very much at the heart of nobel peace year but of course a wider issue venison dominated before now you're more of a joint when that helper and the victim they are described and they represent a wide number of other people who work on the helping side and of course who are victims now they were on one of three thousand young women and girls subject to create a very torture and other abuses during the ice or attack on the years it was in two
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thousand and fourteen the press conference i think is just is just ending right jane it's interesting isn't it that they're trying to get a hold of both of the winners and they they haven't actually managed to get hold of them they've been trying to get them by phone and have managed to so therefore they don't even know they have one presuming. well i mean i think you know i don't know whether those were they've managed to get in. to them by some other means of course perhaps we'll find out because i think we've got people in the region who can talk about it you know these are not people who would have been sitting on the edges of their seat want to imagine is watching a live feed from oslo of the new nobel peace prize announcement i'm sure it will be very well received by communities involved in the fight against sexual violence i'm sure it will be very gratefully received by dr denis in the quaker and his institute his hospital in bukavu where he treats victims of gun gang rape and has become world famous for doing that indeed and remind us of what actually comes with
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the nobel peace prize as a considerable sum of money. yes a differing sum of money so i understand year on year and i'm not sure even whether that sum is eventually disclosed it's not a fixed sum of money but there is an indictment that comes of course from the. will and the legacy of alfred nobel that will issue written in one thousand nine hundred five he died in nine hundred ninety six and the will stipulating the five nobel prizes that are awarded each year. the peace prize often the most controversial among them and most of mental disorder and as i say the amount of money which is given out as well all right joe now jenna hall our correspondent live at that nobel peace prize ceremony taking place in all slow no way thank you very much indeed for now. now we're going to look at some other news in the trumpet administration has
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accused china of trying to undermine american democracy by meddling in november's u.s. elections vice president my pen said beijing wants a different american president because of washington's tough trade policies china's foreign ministers responded rejecting the allegations saying pence's committed malicious his own white house correspondent kimberly halkett. in the very early days of the trumpet ministration the us president rolled out the red carpet to host chinese president xi at his mar-a lago resort. more than eighteen months later that warmth has been replaced by a trade war between beijing and washington and a strong warning by the u.s. vice president mike pence our message to china's rulers is this this president will not back down. in a fiery speech pence escalated u.s. rhetoric. broadly blaming china for everything from military aggression in the
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south china sea to intellectual property theft to advance its global interests chinese security agencies have masterminded the wholesale theft of american technology including cutting edge military blueprints and using their stolen technology the chinese communist party is turning plowshares into swords on a massive scale u.s. media is reporting that includes inserting microchips into servers used by apple and amazon to spy on u.s. companies. pence also accused china of religious persecution and human rights abuses cracking down on chinese christians buddhists and imprisoning more than a million muslim weekers in government camps and domestically while the u.s. special counsel robert muller continues his probe into russian meddling in the twenty sixteen u.s. election. pence reiterated president trogs claim made last week at the united
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nations about china and the upcoming elections to put it bluntly president trump's leadership is working and china wants a different american president hence accuse china of election meddling in the twenty eight team u.s. mid-term elections and the twenty twenty presidential vote with an elaborate december mation campaign to influence u.s. voters hence the trumpet ministration remains hopeful china will come around until then he says it will continue to address what it calls chinese aggression already there are terror of some place and more than two hundred fifty billion in chinese goods and more at the ready and could be implemented as early as next year kimberley health at al-jazeera the white house has a correspondent adrian brown now with reaction from the chinese capital beijing. well details of the vice president's speech had been leaked many days in advance so
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china knew what to expect a spokeswoman for the country's foreign ministry said that the vice president's accusations were groundless based on hearsay evidence she stressed that china was pursuing a peaceful path and wanted cooperation with the united states as well as mutual respect but there's no doubt the china now understands that the united states is both widening and intensifying its attacks on china mike pence's speech touched on the principal points of friction between china and the united states right now trade taiwan the south china sea religion human rights and cyber security and of course the rest of asia and the rest of the world is now watching on nervously wondering where this war of words is heading and it's not just a war of words because last weekend in the south china sea we almost had a collision between a u.s. warship and
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a chinese warship they came to within about forty meters of one another and there is a real concern that brinkmanship on the high seas is starting to get out of control now on monday the u.s. secretary straight mike pompei will be here in beijing he's paying visits to south korea north korea as well as japan he's here to brief china on what the united states is saying to north korea as it tries to breathe new life into its north korea policy but of course he'll be looking to try to ease tensions with china but that job has just been made more difficult it seems by what the vice president has said about china it's been a week since he india needs he an island of still a ways he was struck by a magnitude seven point five earthquake that triggered a tsunami the official death toll stands at almost sixteen hundred now the bodies are still being pulled out of the wreckage where the mosque completely destroyed by the six meter high tsunami waves friday prayers were held outside military planes from around twenty countries are flying in with much needed aid and supplies the
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u.n. has pledged fifteen million dollars to the relief effort jimmied allendale then has more from the main city of pounder. we've spoken to survivors who say friday prayers have never been more fervent some of those who attended and heard prayers all across a little here today are those who love been devastated by this tsunami some of them are still looking for their their loved ones hoping to at least find them alive they said it's not at the very least to be able to retrieve their bodies so they can give them a proper burial that is the situation that similar all across below and other neighboring district aid is starting to pour in operations are still go on growing and hundreds of personnel are being brought in to try to clear the debris to me we for clearing and rescue and he will operations that is expected to last many months that's something that the indonesian government promises it promises that for the
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next two months emergency operations will be relentless that the hope that school will be opened within the next month and that aid will still continue up until needed because in south korea has jailed former president lee myung bak for fifteen years for corruption he was found guilty of investing around twenty one million dollars and it sets bribes from samsung and on other companies he's also been fined live million dollars the seventy six year old has denied any wrongdoing saying the investigation was politically motivated. the president trump is urging what he calls rich countries around the world to cough up finances for american military support at a republican rally in minnesota president pointed the finger at saudi arabia saying the kingdom security is indebted to washington we defend countries that are very rich they don't buy us or they pay us a small percentage like saudi arabia would you say they have some money so we defend them and they pay
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a small percentage i said excuse me king solomon is my friend. do you mind paying for the military. their parents or thirty percent i said you my bank. the washington post has printed a blank column in the paper in solidarity with a saudi contributor who went missing in istanbul jamal khashoggi disappeared on tuesday after he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul saudi officials say he went missing after he left the building but the turkish government say he's still inside. brazil's presidential candidates have been taking part in their final debate before the first round of voting on sunday brazilians are frustrated over an increase in violent crime several high profile corruption scandals as well as
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a stuttering economy our correspondent today's a bow reports from the biggest city sao paolo. the last debate before the elections and sunday something dramatic that would end the lease he did not want to miss the first time i am worried about what is already happening in brazil we need to tackle fascist ideas there is a complex polarization of our society but we can't forget what's been happening in brazil over the last few years it's important we vote on sunday so we can keep its democracy. seven of the presidential candidates attended the debate in. the frontrunner former army captain john edwards a nat'l skipped the t.v. global citing doctor's orders after being stabbed during a campaign event one month ago instead he gave a recorded interview to a t.v. record own by and church at the same time that the debate was happening.
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they cannot call me corrupt i have always fought for the union of all brazilians however the leftists divided us the workers' party did not work and they betrayed workers into country second place candidate for man the head that was handpicked by jailed former president. has been trying to prove that his party is the solution for brazil. the workers' party has been trying to turn things around by posting a video comparing. with adolf hitler but the strategy so far has failed to turn polls around even though there are thirteen candidates this election has become a two man race. out on federal. support for most and i think creased in recent days but some analysts say that he could win in the first round ballots and the reasons why are many analysts say brazilians are voting against corruption and against the
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workers' party whose image has been tarnished by the largest corruption scandal in brazil's history. it can only be explained by the abandonment of the state these are the people who suffered most in brazil's crisis in the last three years with violence unemployment and corruption so maybe they prefer to have a little bit of hope of getting jobs even if that means producing democracy. south america's largest democracy is heading to the polls on sunday the results will indicate which path brazil chooses to take that is how will. now going back to the breaking news and of the joint recipient of the nobel peace prize nadia mourad a u.c.d. woman who comes from northern iraq we can go live to our correspondent mohammed who is in the iraqi capital baghdad and the nobel committee mohammed they they said that not here more out has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own
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sufferings and speaking up on behalf of other victims remind us of exactly what the years e.d. women and girls went three well martin that was in august of two thousand and four team in the village of cordial which is of police when. was abducted by ice or fighters who also killed six of her brothers and brothers she was among six thousand seven hundred. girls from the years the minority community in northern iraq who are ducted and she first give her first testimony to journalist in february two thousand and fifteen where she recounted how they were tortured bond with cigarettes and repeatedly raped by fighters something that was seen as really brave because many of the victims were not coming forth to speak and she got the lead to go to resettlement
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to germany where she continued her advocacy and. her campaign against sexual violence point of war and what has happened to the year three the population as a. result of that i saw. sweep on their villages in the northern part of iraq i mean have they managed to reassemble and find some peace. well it's still a struggle for the izzy these of north america but they are their condition now is a far cry from the top and they went through. were the children who are doctors boys and men what killed point blank in front of their families today they're living in the areas with realty of peace they are more or less like the other community around them but then those centuries of magenta and being
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considered less by the communities living around them still exists mohamed giving us the very latest from the iraqi capital baghdad thank you very much indeed so just to recap then this year twenty eighteen the nobel peace prize has been awarded to two recipients both advocates against sexual violence against women particularly in conflict and in war and they are as you've just heard from mohammed no idea morag a u.c.d. woman from northern iraq but her coat recipient has been denis mccuaig a he of course is a doctor from democratic republic of congo gynecologists actually these were very very closely with those who've been affected by sexual violence you know with al jazeera. on counting the cost this week why people in brazil fear that their next president can't save the economy and what that means for the rest of latin america and drugs and money why the world's big drug
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companies charge such high prices for their prescription pharmaceuticals counting the cost on al-jazeera. built his empire laundering billions of dollars for the world's biggest drug cartels and armed groups his clients include and the taliban are australian law enforcers teamed up with four other countries in an undercover operation to lure him out and take him down. on this episode of one when we go inside the year long manhunt to bring down the world's most wanted money laundering. suburban runaway station in six ways. to the platforms oblivious to the undercover police who are taking.


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