tv newsgrid Al Jazeera October 5, 2018 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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just because of this senate vote so there is a possibility that this vote could be delayed but of course it really does come down to the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell whether he decides that there is enough pressure on those swing voters to actually conduct the final vote without needing the senator from montana but that is where we are at this point there is just one big vote and that's the one that counts right one to decide whether or not brett kavanaugh can be confirmed by the u.s. senate to join the u.s. supreme court if you're just joining us on al-jazeera it's fifteen hundred hours g.m.t. and we are live in washington this hour where there's been an important vote in the u.s. senate with the republican controlled senate voting fifty one to forty nine to set up a likely final vote on brett kavanaugh sconce from ation as the next u.s. supreme court an important development happening right now that was in jordan has been updating us about. this first floor vote today an important to as we've said
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and it came a day after the republicans and democrats reviewed the f.b.i. report detailing interviews about sexual abuse allegations by two women against brett kavanaugh what was the outcome of that investigation. well we have not actually seen the report mitch mcconnell the senate majority leader says the report will not be made public and law enforcement experts say that this kind of background document typically isn't made public anyway but senators have been coming out and depending on whether they support brett kavanaugh they have either said that the report basically confirms their suspicions that the allegations brought forward by christian blogs you forward were not substantial were not corroborated or if they oppose brett kavanaugh this nomination they're saying that the investigation didn't take long enough that not all of the witnesses who had information to offer were actually interviewed and so the report itself is an incomplete one not one that anyone should be relying on conclusively if they want
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to support brett kavanaugh this nomination it is worth pointing out that late on thursday evening susan collins one of the swing voters did have an opportunity to review the document again they're doing this in a secret room where people can only go in by themselves look at the information they can't take notes their aides can't take notes but they can certainly come out and discuss what they have read joe manchin another swing senator apparently took some time this morning friday morning to also review the f.b.i. report one more time it is possible that people will continue doing that during the day as they continue making their final statements on whether they're going to vote for or against barack cavanaugh and again as early as on saturday this confirmation process ross and kavanagh's confirmation has it seems intensified the pot a resumption between republicans and democrats in the u.s.
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just looking ahead now to after the vote tally could this affect next month's midterm elections. well it certainly has energized people on both sides of the political aisle is it a question of people lot of running for office. certainly we have seen that in the wake of the of the me to move which really broke open a year ago we also seeing more people getting energized to register people to vote organize our get out the vote campaigns and it's not just on the democratic party side or on the progressive side you're also seeing more people who support for a couple of small the nation becoming similarly energized because this is a big term election for them for congress typically you see more older voters coming out more conservative voters coming out you see more liberal or progressive voters coming out during presidential elections but because of the debate in the
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united states in the past year about such will harassment about sexual abuse about the abuse of power and the numbers of women coming out to say that this is happened to them or to someone they know and that the power structure needs to be changed you're going to see a lot of activity now in the nets for the house weeks by both parties by activists from both sides because of what has been happening around the count all the nomination. was in jordan on capitol hill in washington thank you very much and we've just had reaction from president donald trump who has said he is very proud to have the senate has said it is set to vote on brett kavanaugh nomination but hundreds of people have been protesting against breast cancer now and this nomination and hundreds have been arrested in washington d.c. in fact thousands have been protesting against this nomination this weekend that's right funny so that's just break down what's happened in the lead up to what's happened recently thousands of people protested on the say deiced outside the
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supreme court in washington d.c. and trump tower in new york many hoping to put pressure on senators who were undecided on that cavernous nomination most of them were women pushing for one message which was we believe survivor has many more t. shirts with phrases like love over war and holdings. signs that said unfit to serve and make integrity great again but around three hundred of them were arrested by police including the actress amy schumer and also the model anywhere to koski u.s. capitol police said they were unlawfully demonstrating and were arrested and charged for crowding and obstructing the hart senate office building. or soon after her arrest this saying brett's kavanah is a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power. well the conversation continued online many using the hash tag council cavanagh and the u.s.
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senator christian brand tweeted this saying this is a fight for every woman who has ever been disbelieved disregarded distrusted and devalued for coming forward and daring to speak the truth and the nominee kavanah himself has not been silent he wrote an op ed in the wall street journal way he said his testimony before the senate committee was too emotional the paper is backing his nomination and cabinet also promised to be an open minded and independent judge now to put things into perspective the timing of this article is important that's because three of the republican senators have not yet decided to support his confirmation when this was published and the paper is also owned by rupert murdoch who has frequently supported president at all times agenda counter-arguments are coming from the washington post this editorial a no vote on kavanah it's the first time they've done this since one thousand nine hundred eighty seven when they voted against robert bork his nomination was for the
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supreme court and this is the new cover of time magazine which has gone viral as well it features a portrait of christine blassie forward and it's not a photograph it's an illustration of the words and phrases from her testimony arranged into an image of her taking an oath. look at and touched us once know what you think of the story so connect us use the hash tag aging is correct and viewers are indeed letting us know what they think about this story a tweet here from a tree says i don't think anyone can reasonably expect that cavanagh would be an impartial voice on the supreme court thank you very much for your comments keep them coming on this and other stories we're covering on the news great today is hash tag eight years greats let's move on to other world news now and the twenty eighteen nobel peace prize winner as he has treated thousands of victims of sexual violence in the democratic republic of congo she is a survivor of sexual abuse and trafficking in iraq and they've both been campaigning against the use of rape as a weapon of war congolese doctor dentist. this human rights activist nadia murat
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this year's laureates we begin with this report from jonah hall who was at the announcement in oslo. to the to thousand and eighteen nobel peace prize awarded here in although this morning in part a surprising part of the house not a joint award given to dennis mccuaig of the congolese doctor and gynaecologist and nadia move rather member of the yazidi minority subject to sexual abuse by i still when it attacked and tried to wipe out a minority group in two thousand and four to dennis mccuaig a very well known he's been rumored to have been nominated before for the nobel peace prize because nominations were never made public so his name was certainly among those with two possible winners this year he founded clinic in the bukavu and has become famous for treating women victims of gang rape and other sexual abuse in the five rebel force the war torn country the democratic republic of congo not the
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move rather coarse less well known as described in this joint witness to help and the victim either help or she representing the victims so many of them are sexual violence where violence was sexual violence and used as a weapon. all the war you know idea morag only three thousand years eve the women alone who are held as sex slaves are subject to repeated rape gang rape and other forms of abuses the press conference that followed given by barrett rice i understand the chairperson of the nobel committee. seemed to illustrate that people were not entirely taken aback by this when there were lots of questions about the b. two movement the nobel committee the nobel foundation rather of course touched by the me to do it because of the postponement of the literature prize this year with one of the swedish academies members accused of sexual improprieties was this in any way to do with the decision to award the prize to those fighting sexual violence and she said well let me too movement and war crimes are not quite the same thing
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are they but she said they do have something in common the protection of women encouraging women to come out of the shadows and speak up for themselves john hall in oslo they're not demo ride is the second youngest nobel peace prize laureate and the first iraqi to receive the honor at such a good name takes a closer look at her life and work. nudge him a rod refused to be shamed and refused to be silenced four years ago i saw fighters attacked her village in northern iraq she was taken captive and sold repeatedly for sex. he humiliated me every day he forced me to wear clothes that didn't cover my body i was tortured i tried to flame but one of the gods stopped me and that night beat me he asked me to take my clothes off and put me in a room with gods then they proceeded to commit their crime and i thanked it. since
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she escaped from eisel controlled mosul she has fought to put the suffering of the persecuted minority in iraq in the global spotlight now and then you saw one of the enough there were thousands of his eighty families and children who were exchanged as gifts one of these people came up to me he wanted to take me i was absolutely petrified he looked like a monster i cried and said i am too young and you huge he beat me. the nobel peace prize for twenty eighteen to dennis mcrib and. on friday the twenty five year old became the first iraq to be awarded the nobel peace prize unimaginable four years ago a rod was living in the mountains of sin jar in the community of about half a million you see these practice and agent religion i saw deems them heretics
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when i saw fighters swept into mirage village she was kidnapped she and thousands of other girls and women were forced into sexual slavery after three months she escaped and made her way to germany where she now lives the family was not so lucky her mother and six of her brothers were killed. in how that has been about the. i implore you get rid of eisel completely i went through this terrible suffering because of them i've seen what they've done to boys and girls and all those who commit crimes of human trafficking and genocide not to be brought to justice so that women and children can live in peace. in iraq has spent the last four years forcing the world to reckon with rape as a weapon of war she has also spread awareness about the use e.t.s. and ensured no one forgets about the thousands who remain missing their talks are
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going to zero. the other joint winner dennis has been on those nobel shortlist for years now the pioneering surgeon has not just been treating survivors of gang rape and violence sexual assault in the democratic republic of congo but he's also been an advocate for rape survivors across the world has repeatedly condemned governments for not doing enough to stop sex abuse or has his story. see as. he's known among his colleagues and those whose lives he saved or helps to rebuild as dr miracle. this is congolese gynecologist denise mccuaig working at the puns a hospital which he established in the democratic republic of congo for two decades he has tirelessly works to treat and protect women who have suffered sexual violence and he has risked his life doing so in two thousand and twelve men stormed his home in south keep you province killing a member of his staff. who quit fled the country but returned in two thousand and
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thirteen to my decision my decision to come back to because it was motivated by the fact that i was determined to pursue the fight against sexual violence which is taking place in eastern congo the second reason was the determination of the congolese women whether it's women in the d.s. bar or women of the country that a band and their cause were too strong for me to resist. the war the d.l.c. officially ended in two thousand and three but violence between government troops and rebels with foreign backing continues particularly in the mineral rich east of the country. quigg a history chief tens of thousands of rape victims women children and even babies only have an i don't know what he said the rebels proceeded to rape me in front of my children after they shot my husband there were four of them and after that they started a gun inside my vagina and that's how i got this condition. who has described rape
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as a weapon of mass destruction the norwegian nobel committee praised macwhich for repeatedly condemning impunity for mass rape and criticizing the congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop sexual violence against women as a strategy and weapon of war. and have been celebrations that located ways panzi hospital in the eastern congo city of kabul. dr mackay gray was in surgery when the announcement was made and says he could hear people reacting to the on tenure with his colleagues and patients dancing in chairing he says the prize shows the voices of women are being heard and another picture of the staff celebrating has been shared on twitter it says outbursts of joy in panzi hospital it's not every day one receives a nobel prize but no time to stop dentist is in the operating theatre
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a patient is waiting continues well it's now speak to a certain who's the director of international policy and partnerships at physicians for human rights and she's worked with dr mccuaig in the d.r. see she's via skype from iceland thank you very much for being with us on a first you know you've worked with dr mackay go as we said to help here women who are victims of sexual violence tell us about your reaction when you heard the news that has finally been awarded the nobel peace prize why do you think they chose him finally this year. well you are absolutely overjoyed as if anyone has ever known or worked with him or especially those who have been treated by him the many many thousands of patients that he's literally brought back to normal life or at least as much as can be expected following the kinds of trauma that you've just heard about but i think this year is particularly profound given. what has gone on around the world in terms of women who have suffered the shame and
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stigma and silencing of sexual assaults sexual violence mass rape in conflict these voices are being heard now more than ever all over the world women and not only women but male survivors of sexual violence have a platform through this prize not only to dr mccuaig but also to nadia murat who has been such an outspoken voice for the u.c.d. community and especially the women and girls where it's very very difficult to talk about this crime yeah i comment here from one of our viewers who says i think the me too movement inspired those getting this award this year which you seem to agree with now dennis mcrae has spent a big part of his life helping victims of rape he's treated thousands of patients what do you think this award is going to change for him and for the struggle against sexual violence in conflict zones. well views as you see him today was
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a normal day until the announcer of the prize dr macwhich is incredible because not only does he continue to treat survivors where rape continues to be used as a weapon of conflict in the congo he's a surgeon he works in his clinic but he also is incredibly outspoken globally on behalf of survivors of sexual violence bringing global attention to this so the nobel prize is an additional very important global platform that allows this message that he carries which is about the needs of survivors but also the access to justice and the incredible and profound impunity that is dominant around the world we still do not have justice for the masses of victims of sexual violence in the d.r.s. see dr mcwade this country nor is there a platform for the prosecutions in iraq not to mention in myanmar where the
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rohingya women have been violated and of course as you've we've all seen today sexual assault victims are also disrespected. in the united states and elsewhere as well tell us more about the work that he's done that panzi hospital in because of where you've worked with him there what is the approach to healing survivors it's not just about the physical wounds isn't. absolutely you know. rape in war and rape on a massive scale but also each and every individual case affect the human body and mind profoundly dr mcwade he describes what has happened in the. as which basically using women as on the battlefield trampling women as a weapon to instill fear in communities and society etc and the survivors
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have extreme physical trauma as we have seen they have traumatic fistula because the this kind of rape often involves not only the extreme violation of rape itself but also the insertion of weapons beatings incredible physical harm and then the trauma and the silencing can go on forever for an entire woman's or man a boy's life and so dr mcwade is really a pioneer in the holistic support giving voice to the survivors first and foremost giving them agency giving them support economic support social support working with my organization physicians for human rights in achieving justice because we work with lawyers and judges for prosecuting these criminals as well as you know in the medical side bringing medical evidence to bear in these cases which is a sometimes difficult and also then speaking
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a round the world about this crisis so that we don't turn away from it and is on a finally as madame ra dr mccuaig has put his own personal security at risk hasn't he. absolutely. unfortunately i was one of the first people called when in front of his house in bukavu. his car was violently attacked by armed gunmen his longtime colleague and driver was killed in front of his eyes and he narrowly escaped with his life and you know dr mcwade constantly risking not only physical violence but also attacks verbal attacks within his country because of his outspokenness he's incredibly courageous and everyone not he also has taken great risks to be so outspoken thank you so much as ana for speaking to us was on a second from physicians for human rights joining us there from reykjavik in
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iceland thank you very much for your time now the d r c has often been described as the rape capital of the world check out this page on al jazeera dot com which takes a look at the issue in death and in pictures. traveled to east india r.c. last year reporting on the slow road to recovery for rape survivors he spoke to victims who often ostracized and isolated by their communities heartbreaking stories of survival on al-jazeera dot com. now it was exactly one week ago today that an earthquake and tsunami tore through the indonesian island of so no way see in the days since the scale of the catastrophe has only grown more than sixteen hundred people have been killed and almost seventy one thousand have been left without a home many ona sleeping in the open and as wayne here reports from palo they still don't have basic surprise let alone any idea of where they will go next. people here escaped the earthquake and tsunami but the fight for survival goes on in palo parks have become refugee camps for those who have nowhere else to go their houses
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were destroyed many family members killed. yan now they use whatever they can find to build shelters while still struggling to comprehend what's happened to them . a lot of my sister was trapped and they're all they managed to get her out but she died my mother in law is still missing. after i mean there is some food being given out by on but it's well short of what's needed there's still a lack of basic supplies around the affected areas including here in the heart of parlors city where people have been camping for a week despite all the money from the indonesian government and all the offers of assistance from foreign governments no one's been able to supply the people here with temporary toilets or adequate shelter and. part of this camp is on the grounds of the mayor's office those sheltering here say he's only been to see them once when the indonesian president was in town we asked the mayor for an interview but
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his staff declined the refugees say they're grateful for the land to sleep on but they need more help than i ate the plant i can tell you there are some toilets over there but they are full of excrement so i eat only once a day so i don't have to go maybe everyone is ok at the moment but if they don't sort it out we will have to hear some people are waiting for space on military flights out others say they have nowhere to fly to everyone is scared of more earthquakes and wondering when or if they'll be able to go home when hey al-jazeera palu indonesia indonesian officials say more than a thousand people could still be missing a week after the disaster and with the hope of finding survivors fading there is growing anger that rescue operations didn't start sooner andrew thomas reports on that. what was the row row hotel they're still digging and still finding bodies after a horn sounds the machinery briefly stops and that is carried out but it's not it's
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the one side as husband. is still somewhere inside last friday he was staying at the hotel on business the couple spoke to in the afternoon three hours later their worlds collapsed. and his son drove eighteen hours straight here. when we arrived there was nothing going on even though we could hear people crying for help some local people tried to help using their hands but they couldn't do much without machinery like a new song and have now spent six days sitting by the hotel waiting while we were talking the horn sounded again another body had been found but it was another leighton's mother and a very disappointing from the government of little us or so very late about how more lives could have been saved if they'd go ahead yes i'm sure.
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indonesia's government says it brought in twenty one heavy machines to the loo on friday forty six in total since last friday when it's running this operation seems unprofessional but the search started lights and even now it starts each night at nine but what i was but the next day we hope that we have more. water in the professionals here not just the first to be saying lessons must be learnt after thomas al-jazeera paul the indonesia. and we've got a special page up at al-jazeera dot com on the disaster in indonesia with all the latest updates we've got several teams on the ground covering this story take a look at this powerful piece by ted on the rescue operations in indonesia at al jazeera dot com and if you're watching us on facebook live we've got a bonus story for you about the poet leading peaceful resistance in gaza and still
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ahead on the grid just days away from a presidential election in cameroon the opposition says there is massive fraud underway to ensure poll b.-a wins a seventh term in office we report from the capital to stay with us. to. the the in. hello again we're here across the levant we are seeing some showers here across the southern portions of the caspian sea notice the clouds pushing across that region as well as for baquba down here towards the southern coastline we are seeing some heavy rain showers and that will also be affecting possibly the northern area just to the north of tehran of the next few days so let's take a look at your map as we go towards sunday as well we are getting a little bit better but temperatures are cooling off as that system starts to bring some air in from the north there down here towards quite city will finally below forty degrees were defective see about thirty nine degrees as your high there on
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sunday as you make a way down here across the gulf well not looking too bad for most areas we are seeing some of course that storm system out here in the arabian sea will be watching very carefully over the next five to seven days as it makes its way towards the northwest but till then we are looking quite nice across parts of oman miska attempt a few of thirty three maybe seeing about thirty two clouds starting to filter in by the time we get towards sunday and then very quickly across parts of south africa we are going to be seeing some showers down here towards the south making their way towards cape town over the next few days we do expect to see attempt a few about twenty four degrees getting a little better in johannesburg partly cloudy conditions with a temperature of twenty six. we're. i have dedicated almost my entire professional life
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to the bench and fight against corruption and what i have learned is that we need champions we need also to shine the light on those shampoos and this award bridges that gap that existed in this. nominate your own version here all shined a light on what they do and do it not shine a light on your hero with your nomination for the international space award two thousand and eighteen for more information go to isa war dot com.
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the end. the end. the end. the end. that lines on al-jazeera and the stories trending on on to c.n.n. dot com at number one india signing a five billion dollars deal with russia for missile systems that ties angered the u.s. and risks u.s. ties i'll have more on that later in the show also trending liquified earth
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swallows two part of neighborhoods the rescue efforts underway in indonesia still a week after the earthquake and tsunami that's now kills more than sixteen hundred people at number three the u.s. city of chicago bracing for a verdict in the trial of a police officer who killed a black teenager mourn those stories and much more on our website at al-jazeera dot com. now it's an unusual attack on a close ally but u.s. president donald trump has been taking on saudi arabia for not doing enough to pay for american military support he made the remarks at least two times in a week on the campaign trail ahead of the midterm elections. we defend countries that are very rich they don't buy us or they pay us a small percentage like saudi arabia which you say they have so money so we defend them. and they pay a small percentage i said excuse me king solomon is my friend do you mind paying for the military. was.
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their parents or thirty percent i said you my bank. we protect saudi arabia would you say the rich. and i love the king solomon but as a king we're protecting you you might not be there for two weeks without us you have to pay for your military. as. was and japan is going also contributor japan we protect japan there is a small percentage we protect south korea they are by the way we're doing great on korea but south korea they're going to reimburse and they're going to. and the country that's watching trump's rhetoric closely is saudi arabia's regional wyvil iran iran's foreign minister tweeted this earlier saying president trump
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repeatedly humiliate the saudis by saying they can't last two weeks without his support this is a recompense for the delusion that one security can be outsourced we again extend our hand to our neighbors he says as build a strong region and stop this concedes of manas let's speak to her on who is the executive director of the arab center in washington d.c. his life from washington thank you very much for being with us so for the second time this week if not the third president trump speaking out about saudi arabia's king saying that he wouldn't last without u.s. support who is his message intended for really is it for the saudis or more for his base. i would say both i mean welcome to the age of donald trump an age that's short on diplomacy and big on humiliating particularly allies this is not new we have seen a similar language used against saudi arabia as far back as during the twenty
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sixteen campaign but this seems to be escalating and it's based on false information apparently you know the president of the united states is not fully aware of what the relationship is between washington. and riyadh what is shocking is the fact that there has been no solid response from the saudi side to this humiliating language that the president used what does he want from the saudis right now. what he wants basically is to increase the flow of oil to the west in order to bring down the prices he's concerned about the impact of rising oil prices on the economy of the united states and the west and he's afraid that opec under the leadership of saudi arabia and probably in coordination with russia is not cooperating enough to do that to increase
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production and to bring down prices but why don't we hear him use such language against other countries in this region like the u.s. also have u.s. bases here and count on u.s. military support. i don't think the person that can interpret. mentality or mindset has been born and it's very difficult for me to analyze what he means and why he's doing that particularly in terms of the level of insults that he levels or uses against is that he claims to be in love with as he said in the statement if you are in love with saudi arabia you do not humiliate its king or humiliate. its people the man is very inconsistent there is no. doubt about it aside from the usual kind of historic conventional double
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standards of u.s. policy he adds his own dimension to that as we have witnessed lately does he have allies i mean who does he consider his true allies. well i mean you know he talks about alliances or love relationships with. his harshest enemies right now he's talking about a love affair with the north korean dictator he's talking about a special relationship with putin and yet at the same time countries that are very close traditionally to the united states including the e.u. european allies that have been allied with the united states for for ever and some arab allies that have proven their alliance with the united states for decades he tends to treat them and his usual friends action all manner as if it's you know you pay we are your friends you don't pay we're not your friends definitely saudi
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arabia unlike other countries like israel for example does not cost the american taxpayer millions or billions of dollars actually a year to that you know of maybe three to two four to five billion dollars a year saudi arabia traditionally have paid for every penny in arms or weapons it has purchased from the united states so i really don't know what mr trump is talking about thank you for sharing your views with we've your views with us. from the absent or in washington joining us there on the news great some breaking news to bring you now out of gaza where we're hearing that israeli forces have killed two palestinians at the gaza border one of those is a child we understand these are live pictures from the gaza israel border as you can see ongoing protests have been protests at that border fence since march now and hundreds of palestinians killed over one hundred killed since march in these
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demonstrations along the gaza border another friday of protests and news that at least two palestinians including one child has been killed or bring you more on this as and when we have more information. in the meantime let's head to cameron way of voters will head to the polls in just two days for a presidential election president paul b.-a has been in power for more than thirty five years and i asked him organ reports in the capital yeah one day a fewer than half of cameroonians have registered to vote in this election because many feel that they won't make a difference seventy one year old kenny more research members the day cameroon gained independence he also remembers the day the current president first came to power thirty six years ago and with the presidential elections just days away he says he knows who he will vote for and. what. i want to vote for president paul be because he's a man of peace and also because i want my children to have
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a stable future i want them to win because i want my children to have jobs. but more research is one of less than seven million out of thirteen million voters who have registered to vote in the october seventh elections cameroon gained independence from france in one thousand nine hundred sixty and in late one nine hundred sixty one it's united with anguish cameroon to become one country with a population of roughly twenty four million the country relies on agriculture and service provision for its g.d.p. the upcoming elections are the step with under president paul b. who has been ruling since one nine hundred eighty two and amended the constitution in two thousand and eight to remove the mutations on the number of times a president can run for office it's kind of it's a running against him some say they're not sure who to vote for or if to vote at all many people. will cease i noticed. that's why i'm not sure i don't know what to do what to get. from one of the things the rotten camera we want change we are fed up with all that is happening i'm from the far
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north and our present never goes to see what is happening cameroon is ranked as one of the most corrupt on the african continent according to transparency international but it isn't the only issue the country's dealing with security has become a crucial issue for cameroon government the country is facing threats on multiple fronts and the north it's participating in the fight against boko haram along with eastern border this conflict in neighboring central african republic and its west an english speaking region fighters have been battling the government for independence. the fighting in the western region which started in twenty seventeen has killed hundreds and displaced a quarter of a million people the english speaking fighters who have called themselves. say the elections want to be held in their regions but the government disagrees with the blues or the. security is guaranteed
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to all citizens of this nation. this is their images military. to prevent this from disturbing this more who committed this was going to serve the president a little most cameroonians are just hopeful the elections remain peaceful regardless of who wins people are going to al-jazeera you know nding. and us in cameroon have been contacting us on a what number past nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine a resident here from by men in the northwest region who says that due to the tent. he had to relocate to a nearby village the situation he says is deteriorating every day internet access has been slowed down as the election draws closer another comment on what's up also there gross violations of human rights and crimes against humanity going on here in cameroon every young boy or man is
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a risk of getting shot is at risk of getting shot by the military thank you very much for your comments from cameron and we look forward to hearing and seeing more of them in the next few days as election nears all different ways to get in touch with us on your screen right now don't forget use a hash tag eighty news great social media has become an important part of this election for better or worse. thankfully now cameron's presidential elections are expected to take place this weekend as we said and pull bia is expected to stay in power as he has for the past thirty six years but if there is a wildcard this time around that's all about the internet the country has experienced a digital revolution over the past decade now according to the world bank twenty percent of cameroonians have internet access and that might not sonic very much but that's four times mall than the last election in twenty eleven and sixty percent of the population is under twenty five which of course also feels. autons of access to the internet for this year's vote. you know today social media is the main
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source for news so even for us we have to give it one hundred percent and ensure that young people can see what our candidate is doing something to make. it allows us to judge the relevance of what the different candidates are offering it also allows the voters have access to information even if it's at the last minute. and the president knows this be a shock to citizens and also political pundits in july by announcing that he'll be running on twitter and the number of retreats and likes as we can see here is unprecedented for page also notably he tweeted in french and also in english which is also very interesting language has become an important part of politics in cameroon in recent years that most of the country speaks french but the people here in the northwest and southwest region speak english and they say they've been marginalised for that and even the cameron elections page has been called out for
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this the top comments on this post is about the candidates and they say it would be nice if your profile pic and background could be bilingual right now the page posts almost exclusively in french. and the linguistic issues have led to violence and heavy military presence in the english speaking areas of the country people living there accuse soldiers of cracking down and shooting activists the government denies this and says separatists are causing the violence at least four hundred people have been killed in the past two years. but a separatist movement pushes on on monday they celebrated the one year anniversary of the clearing independence from cameroon the separatists call their proposed state's o'neill. and they say that the internet has been disrupted in cameron's english speaking areas in anticipation of sunday's election and we have received countless messages on what's up saying the same thing well the government has also
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been posting as well this is from the ministry of information from off camber and they've said that this is sheer manipulation and fake news well this is a story that we do continue to cover extensively on aging is good for the past year so if you're currently in cameron let us know get in touch here's the hash tag aging is good. thank you very much less now take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world this hour in the washington post has printed a blank column in its newspaper in solidarity with a saudi contributor who is missing in istanbul jamal khashoggi disappeared on tuesday after he entered the saudi consulate in the turkish city saudi official sake went missing after he left the building but the turkish government believes he is still inside or his fiance had told what happened at the saudi consulate on the day he disappeared. because it happened on the second of toben mean jamal went to the consulate in istanbul to get some paper wood for
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marriage jamal went into the consulate and i was waiting near the door for the appointment was at one pm after a few hours no one came to me they were supposed to come and get the phone from me but no one came i went to the door and security it was almost three pm security told me no one was inside and that maybe i didn't pay attention when jamal lift i called the consulate the saudi men sit and he told me they closed and that no one is inside and you shouldn't wait here. or jamal khashoggi spoke to al-jazeera as mehdi hasan on our front circe a few months ago in this discussion he criticizes saudi government's crackdown on intellectuals and journalists complaining that the kingdom will never become democratic under the crown prince mohammed bin salman you can watch the entire interview on our website at al-jazeera dot com in other news india has signed a five billion dollars deal to buy the russian s four hundred missile system that's despite the threat of u.s. sanctions on countries that trade with some russian defense firms the penalties are
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intended to punish russia for its annexation of crimea and allege interference in the twenty sixteen us election the president of interpol has been reported missing after traveling to china mang home way hasn't been heard from since he left the french city of leone last week french police are now investigating the disappearance of correspondent adrian brown has more from china's capital beijing. well so far this mysterious story is not being reported by state controlled media the reports we're getting about monk homei a coming from france that's where the international police organization has its headquarters in leon and that's where he lived with his wife now she apparently contacted police because she says she hasn't heard from her husband since he returned to china last week we don't know if he was summoned back to china because he's still a vice minister of public security and that was the position he held here in china
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before he was appointed president of interpol in two thousand and sixteen the first chinese person to hold that post he's also been a director of the counterterrorism office here in china a very senior law enforcement officer now interpol has issued a statement saying that this is a matter for the authorities in china and france and they will be commenting any further some important context a man who was ultimately mongst boss was jailed for corruption in two thousand and fifteen and then a nother man who was a vice minister of public security was also jailed for corruption in two thousand and sixteen and al jazeera has a stablished that his name was removed from a tea party committee in april two thousand and eighteen just a few months ago now it's not unusual for prominent figures to disappear here in
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china a tycoon from china disappeared from a hotel in hong kong twenty months ago he'd been wanted for questioning here in the mainland and hasn't been seen since and then in june a well known actress vanished she suddenly popped up just this week following an investigation into her tax affairs and then of course we had the cases of the hong kong booksellers who also vanished only to. reappear again after several months of being told on the mainland now there could be an innocent explanation for monks disappearance but if he hasn't appeared by monday then i think the chinese authorities will be. for some sort of explanation. again a reminder of the breaking news out of gaza where at least two palestinians have been killed by israeli forces as they protested along the gaza israel border since protests began at the end of march more than one hundred eighty palestinians have been killed protesting along the israeli friends demanding their right to return to
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the homes that they were expelled from more than seventy years ago when israel was created if you're watching us on facebook live a special story coming up about how scientists may be able to help the endangered whites why no survive and still ahead in sports where in las vegas where khana mcgregor is about to make his long awaited return to the ultimate fighting championship.
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nike says they're deeply concerned about the right publications against him for now though he denies sexually assaulting catherine majorca in las vegas nine years ago nike have a lifetime deal with her now worth up to a billion dollars and say they are closely monitoring the situation that was also the message from videogame manufacturer a who have featured rinaldo on the front cover of their fee for game for two years they say they expect ambassadors to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with. or allowed as club the event as a broken mess silence they posted this video for now they're scoring in training on thursday he signed for the italian team from rail madrid in the summer for one hundred fifteen million dollars and they are backing him we saw another star bennett our door christiane i rebelled i was doing well in regards to the things that are happening this is a guy i've known for three months but i can say is there in his fifteen year career
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he has demonstrated great professionalism on and off the football pitch this is somebody that has dedicated himself to football and still dedicate himself to community work and that says everything because he was up with it cynical i went regarding the protection that event is giving him it is right for us to offer him this delicate time off but his shoulders a so broad that he is solely focused on tomorrow's game and he's ready to go out on the pitch and before while. meanwhile khana mcgregor is preparing to make his return to the usa this weekend and one of the biggest paper he's sporting events ever he say he on lightweight champion habeeb not my comment of but there was one important thing missing at the news conference on thursday and that was mcgregor himself. this competence is beginning i'm not wait for nobody is to go in there question i'm here i have schedule i have to make wade i have to worry about myself why i have to think about him he come on the road. if somebody who had this is not my problem you guys fifteen minutes fifteen minutes i'm here
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these guys he didn't come this is big business specs. have very clearly not impressed enough to holding his sorry no press conference he promptly left the stage with his lightweight belt but then a little later than planned mcgregor finally turned up he blamed it on vegas traffic. been this driving is a little heavy doubles be a mcgregor awfully gone on i don't know where did it feel is he doesn't want to be around me he doesn't want to be around these people thank you for the way i got you and filled with energy to see in my people come here and support me and i look forward to going to make every single one of us' proud on saturday night thank you so much truly from the bottom of my heart it's good to be back well the way it is today and we're joined now by you have seen journalist nick pete is that in las vegas nick let's focus traffic go with this regular attempt to rattle have be been
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did it work. it is absolutely a power play from cano was not let's be honest it was let the champion go with the money george is in this fight in him half an hour late while at standard colleague regular fact that's kind of a gag around as good behavior or could be pulled the power play was on by old in his own press conference he said what he wanted to say and so the couple of questions and he left as he said he's going to have an important way called last night i'm here at the official weigh ins right now we're expected to be on the scales pretty early on actually in the first five or ten minutes he's here he's on weights kind of could be any time in the next two hours but looks like we're set for a big fight here on saturday nights yeah it depends on the vegas traffic doesn't win he'll show up for that way in three million out of you guys predicted why is mcgregor such a big draw well he crossed over into boxing that need took on floyd mayweather he was the people who scored number one for so many years and he took that mantle often when floyd retired colonel macgregor people realize that he's been engaging character not only can we fight we can also talk of fights as well and you know he
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really is a once in a lifetime and a battle it's i think it's taken that mansell's from floyd now it was a battle which mixed martial arts the u.f.c. and as you say this thing's predicted to do double the numbers or the last record was the last record is kind of a drag of a snake the as to that was two years ago that they want point six five million buys it right now this thing's trying to do over three million phenomenal for mixed martial arts how could his head the plates talk about him for a while and how much of a challenge is he to cracka. well this is on paper this is the toughest challenge of mcgregor's korea guys twenty six oh no there's no blueprint to beat to be he's never lost the fights and is doing so out there in the highest possible level is in the u.f.c. is the u.f.c. champion doesn't get it so for the most you know mixed martial arts is an old saying that if you're on defeated you're fighting the wrong people who could be not fighting the wrong people is just that good but this is a real tale of the grappler bases a striker well could be because of very good sample fights very good grappling very
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good jujitsu submission fights it's. one of the greg is very much a stand up striker a south pole with heavy and heavy feats looking for the knockouts you know stylistically this is what makes martial arts is all about all about what's come the best grappler the best striker we're going to find out here tomorrow night yeah well that will certainly be standing by for that mick paint in las vegas thank you . thank you well peter will be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now i'll hand you back to fully joe thank you very much that we do it for today's news great remember to keep in touch with us on social media at all times hashtag as ever a.j. is great plenty more world news coming up on al-jazeera including the latest from gaza where again we're hearing that at least two palestinians have been killed by israeli forces as they protested along the gaza israel border my colleagues in london have more on that for you in just a few minutes for me for me back to when the holy is great team thank you for watching and we'll see here back as three fourteen tomorrow fifteen hundred g.m.t.
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for now. thank. you. october on al jazeera. in a new season al-jazeera correspondent returns with more personal stories from our journalists from around the world. brazilians are getting ready for elections but the main presidential contender is barred from the polls as he serves time in jail for corruption. from the u.s. and beyond faultlines investigate the story beyond the headlines after a three year delay afghanistan will finally hold its pollen and three elections
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what direction the country takes with a new two part series the big picture examines the legacy of monaco duckies and the effects of his demise october on al-jazeera that is a perfect formula for authoritarianism and any here any let me ask you straight up korea is the two state solution now that the lights are on and there's nowhere to hide up front for times on al-jazeera al-jazeera this is an opportunity to understand a very different way where there before something happens and we don't live after. this powerful social network is sculpting a global cyber society and regulation is playing catch up but as scandals begin to unfold they will witness is that we should not be in this position. they will live as much extreme content as they can get on the cover to gauge how ethics weigh
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against profits and how the rules are being written. and signed facebook on out is there. the a's are fifty one the nos are forty nine the motion is agreed to. brett kavanaugh is the first of two senate votes to confirm his controversial nomination to the u.s. supreme court. i know i'm maryam namazie and london you're with al-jazeera also coming on this year's nobel peace prize is awarded to yazidi campaign and a rod and congolese doctor dentist. to end sexual violence in war.
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