tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera October 6, 2018 11:00am-11:34am +03
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war. belongs to the minority yazidi group among thousands of women and girls subjected to a systematic campaign of sexual violence by i soon fighters in two thousand and fourteen she's now an activist who speaks out for those women who can't or won't for. the fact he humiliated me every day he forced me to wear clothes that didn't cover my body i was tortured i tried to flee but one of the gods stopped me all those who commit crimes of human trafficking and genocide need to be brought to justice so that women and children can live in peace they are joint winners of the two thousand and eighteen nobel peace prize both laureates have made a crucial contribution to focusing attention on and combating such war crimes in its citation the committee described macweb is enduring dedicated and selfless efforts to end the use of mass rape as
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a weapon of war the more this prize has a big meaning that although it took time for the world to recognize us the world has started listening to women and not just listening to getting to know the problems that you face understanding our problems is not enough they must realize that when you commit a crime against anyone it's not right both mourad and move quicker the committee said have endured personal risk and cost to combat war crimes and seek justice for victims in a year in which controversy has touched the nobel name itself both with rape allegations against a member of the swedish academy that gives up a literature prize and with calls for me on mars me to understand shooty to be stripped of her peace prize the two winners of the two thousand and eighteen nobel peace prize are likely to be considered anything but controversial. i asked the chairwoman of the nobel committee with a she and her four fellow committee members had decided this year. to play it safe
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i ask to be believe that when i make our decision on the monday it will happen alfred nobel's well sometimes our decisions are very controversial sometimes they are not but being not controversial does not reduce the importance of the prize you know would them no. not in a mirror and sister says she couldn't be more proud of her for the. cute question and today we a very happy even if she were not my sister and this had been achieved by any it would still have raised our heads and made us happy any one of us receiving his prize is like shooting a bullet into the enemy's chest therefore today we have a very proud and pleased god willing she will always go forward and defeat the enemy we hope the rest of our women and girls who are still in the hands will be freed soon. lots more still to come on the news hour including. iraq
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syria border and. children. are stranded with no future prospects and who's behind the latest attack on the military and democratic republic of congo a region the tours for dozens of groups and it's called an ultimate pay day for the ultimate fighting championship khana mcgregor returns to the sport until they hear that a little bit later. now the president of interpol has been reported missing after traveling to his home country china nobody has been able to get in touch with monk ways since late last month the french police on a investigating the disappearance of french official says he arrived in china or went missing soon after well other prominent figures have gone missing in china recently found to have been under investigation by the authorities these include
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the actress found being being she disappeared three months ago and popped up again this week publicly expressing regret for allegedly dodging millions of dollars in taxes chinese billionaire. disappeared from a hong kong hotel in january last year this in submerge he was taken to the mainland during an investigation into the turmoil that affected china's stock market in twenty fifteen and there's also the ongoing case of hong kong bookseller . he was last attained watch traveling to beijing on a train in eastern china brown joins us live now from beijing adrian heads of interpol don't tend to go missing in this way so what's the chinese government been saying about his disappearance. well darren so far the chinese government has said absolutely nothing this case is not being reported in social media any mentions in fact on social media are being deleted the state controlled media t.v. radio newspapers not mentioned there either that is
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a reflection of the the sensitivity of this case now the south china morning post which is based in hong kong and has shall we say connections to the chinese government has been offering some interesting information the only information that we've been getting so far during the past twelve hours in fact and it reports that munn returned to china on the twenty six of september and that he was taken away by officials at the airport it's believed he landed to beijing airport and that he was now under investigation and they quote several unnamed officials as the sources for that information we also understand that his family who are in leone which is where interpol has its headquarters and now under police protection after receiving water being called unspecified threats now we don't know where the monk came back to china on his own volition or whether he was summoned to come back here interpol has
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issued a statement saying that this is a matter for the french and chinese authorities and are not offering any more comment at this stage they say that in fact interpol is actually run by the secretary general of that organization not by monk the the position of president of interpol which is the position mung held is largely ceremonial also of course he is the first chinese citizen ever to hold up pose down no one could monks disappearance be linked to president xi jinping ongoing anti corruption campaign. well yes it's important we get some context here because the man who was ultimately his boss three years ago joe young kung who was basically the j. edgar hoover of chinese politics was jailed for three years for life for corruption in two thousand and fifteen and another vice president of the public security bureau was jailed in two thousand and sixteen and mung of course was also
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a vice president of the public security bureau before he took up his position with interpol so you can see there is a pattern emerging here almost certainly daryn this is to do with politics i think it's possible the mung has found himself on the wrong side of the political divide president xi jinping has been carrying out an anti corruption campaign that began more than six years ago injuring that time more than a million low ranking and high ranking party officials have been detained interesting to note daryn that monks name still appears on the public security website today stating that he's still a vice minister but i think perhaps a clue to the fact that his days were perhaps numbered came in april when his name was removed from a key party committee linked to the public security bureau that was back in april
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and so i think that was an indication that perhaps he was in trouble or a danger in brown there in beijing agent thank you no questions are being raised about the future of press freedoms in hong kong after authorities there refused to renew a work visa for us financial times journalist it's a rare decision in a chinese city that takes pride on its freedoms and newspapers asia it is a big somali cerda taught by a pro independence activist at the city's foreign correspondents club in august mallett decided to go ahead with moderating the event despite objections from the hong kong government and china's foreign ministry. it's been a week since the indonesian island of sort of ways he was struck by a magnitude seven point five earthquake that triggered a tsunami the official death toll stands at almost sixteen hundred bodies are still being pulled from the rubble military planes from about twenty countries are flying in with much needed aid and supplies the u.n. has pledged fifty million dollars to the relief effort as wayne hale reports many are sleeping in the open waiting for help. people here escaped the earthquake and
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tsunami but the fight for survival goes on in palo parks have become refugee camps for those who have nowhere else to go their houses were destroyed many family members killed. yan and now they use whatever they can find to build shelters while still struggling to comprehend what's happened to them. a lot of my sister was trapped and they're all they managed to get her out but she died my mother in law is still missing. i mean there is some food being given out by our own but it's well short of what's needed there's still a lack of basic supplies around the affected areas including here in the heart of parlors city where people have been camping for a week despite all the money from the indonesian government and all the offers of assistance from foreign governments no one's been able to supply the people here with temporary toilets or adequate shelter and. part of this camp is on the grounds
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of the mayor's office those sheltering here say he's only been to see them once when the indonesian president was in town we asked the mayor for an interview but his staff declined the refugees say that grateful for the land to sleep on but they need more help than i ate the fat i can tell you there are some toilets over there but they are full of excrement so i eat only once a day so i don't have to go maybe everyone is ok at the moment but if they don't sort it out we will have disease here some people are waiting for space on military flights out others say they have nowhere to fly to everyone is scared of more earthquakes and wondering when or if they'll be able to go home when hey al jazeera indonesia. thomas joins us live now from palo city under is there any sense of normality returning to pollute just yet. well very very slow same with some of the infrastructure is being restored in the city.
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the local government tells us that this is a has been restored to the city well i know from experience that it's very hard to make it on the floor a few hours and then it drops up again some electricity might be restored to the if not yet reliable what is getting much better it's communication with my boat. across most of the city and i think now it's feticide of. most people but as you saw. many many thousands of people are still sleeping in tents or in the open air in part because they're destroyed in part because they are still getting off the shelf. that people are still afraid to go back in damaged buildings on a thirty. five. by six like our culture that. restored through them and they are at the abbey of what really is now of activity. in the distance there a big queue of people looking on that they're being evacuated out of the city and
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off still going on and i think you can probably see helicopters as well now bringing in injured people because of the problems that are still a problem if they figure the landslide and we think they will right mable then i can make up this but it's because politics now is that really having been on the ground there i mean now the rescue people are bankrolled there and those helicopters are taking i think. the things that you still think that this. city. now the. right time to thomas then part of the city under thank you. thousands of women and children who were captured along with isolate their defeat in iraq are being kept
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in detention facilities these women are from around forty countries human rights watch is urging those nations to repack treat them and hold fair trials where they had direct links with the group al jazeera solomon met some of them on the iraq is syrian border. the children an eye niece or camp in syria tease each other and play like most others their age but because their family members lived in the rifle they're not treated like ordinary children their movements are restricted just like their mothers who are married do i see fighters or supporters. for the ger is among them she was brought to syria by her husband now for the journey her children cannot go home and is here so that he can my husband used to fight in aleppo and he was killed there i saw brought us to a hostel which was run by cool woman one woman even gave birth in a toilet but she wasn't allowed medical help no one could go outside they were not married i married this injured man we need someone to take care of him we decided to flee but the trafficker took us to a kurdish area we were arrested the women in camps come from around forty countries
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almost all share similar stories thousands came to live in what i said called its caliphate after the group took control of large parts of syria and iraq but everyone who lived with the group is now seen as an accomplice. this integer says her first husband was killed by the syrian government and she remarried a moroccan man so her three children would be taken care of we have nothing to do in the nicest we don't care about them they are very bad people you know and they put my in prison my husband and one loss in prison and i don't know which prison he is all the time i was looking for him and they told me. just go back to home you are a woman it's forbidden to go i don't you know the reason why they imprison him is just for smoking you are thinking that you are feeling from hell to heaven and you know actually we are in another hell its miserable situation here. some iraqi and syrian women have been sentenced to death for their alleged crimes but rights workers say finding women guilty by association is not
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a fair process first and foremost trials should be fair there's no there's no way around that i mean we can start from the assumption that trials will be fair and examined about international rights you have a right to drive anywhere you walk us forces have trained fighters from the syrian democratic force on how to treat prisoners and some of which are under way to repair treat at least some of the women and children it's a difficult situation and very tragic expensive for the children i know a lot of countries have expressed interest in bringing the children back to their country depending on where the fighters are from but right now that problem still needs to be rather than just putting them in a camp but many countries do not want anything to do with the people who lived under rice and rights activists see injustice breeds contempt and instability and the danger from a lack of free trial and indifference from home countries is a continuing cycle of vengeance and not something that groups such as i still have
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taken advantage of some of the job they were on the iraq syria border. town for a short break here al-jazeera when we come back to india seals a multi-billion dollar missile deal with russia despite threats of sanctions from the company structure. greek police failed to prevent the killing of a rapper the hands of a hitman from a far right party and in sport to a persona one of those because sponsors voiced their concerns about rape allegations against the football or in spain. from the waves of the sound. to the contours of the east. hello again welcome back to your international weather forecast well this hour we're going to start here in china a lot of areas out here towards the east are really not looking too bad for shanghai because come ray is making its way to the north things are going to be getting better for you that means the winds are going to be dropping down and you
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could be seeing some clearer skies as well over here towards taipei same reason the storm is moving away and we are going to be looking at better weather so staying clear out here for much of the east but we are picking up some showers up here towards chengdu temperature a little bit cooler temps are there about eighteen degrees and then as we make our way down here towards the south of course over here towards polo we are watching the weather very carefully a lot of relief and recovery efforts are going on but we do expect to see some rain coming into the forecast over the next few days we don't expect it to be very heavy but because a lot of the roads are closed more rain in that region of course because of the tsunami means it is going to be more difficult in that area up towards the philippines it is going to be mostly cloudy to partly cloudy but not a lot of rain for you but a temperature minimal of thirty one degrees and we are watching happy what's happening down here across much of the southwestern part of india very carefully heavy rain showers could be causing localized flooding because of a tropical storm status forming in the arabian gulf and up here towards kokoda attempt a few of thirty five. the weather sponsored by qatar airways. she's
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seven years old she's a hard worker she's cool and i dad is the best friend. to get mad they whack cod to make their dreams come true. viewfinder kicks off its asia series with china's little rock star. at this time on al-jazeera. al-jazeera where every. every reclaim news cycle brings a series of breaking stories joining the listening post as we turn the cameras on
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the media and focus on how they were called on the stories that matter the most they're listening post on al-jazeera. welcome back a quick reminder of our top stories on the al-jazeera donald trump's pick for the u.s. supreme court is now a clear procedural vote in the senate a final vote on his confirmation as expected on sunday republicans say an f.b.i. investigation didn't find any evidence sexual misconduct allegations against. jurors of convicted a watch dog a police officer for the shooting of a black teenager the officer jason van dyke has been found guilty of the second degree murder of luck one mcdonald in twenty fourteen the police one shot mcdonnell
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six. times as a teenager held a knife by his side. and the president of interpol has been reported missing after traveling to his home country china in september a long way has not been heard from since he left the french city of lille where interpol has its headquarters the south china morning post newspaper is reporting his family is on a police protection. many syrians living in the last major rebel stronghold have taken to the streets in protest in previous weeks demonstrators of the model the release of detainees from government jails but this time their anger is directed at groups that represent the opposition so. the opposition has lost a lot of ground to the syrian government but they still have their voices and their refusing to remain silent every friday afternoon prayers they take to the streets in towns and villages across the province of the province of course under the control of the rebels in the northwest of the country every friday they have
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a different message and this time around their message is not directed to the syrian government it's not directed to the international community but to their own leadership higher negotiations committee which has been negotiating on behalf of the opposition in peace talks in geneva in recent years the people of it lebar afraid. standing up for their rights because there they are singling out what happened in the southern province of where the people at the end were forced to accept so-called reconciliation the us to lay down their arms and to accept the return of state rule to that area and this is what people are afraid of yes there is now a turkey rush to create a demilitarized zone which really averted the possibility of a military offensive in that area but this is a temporary solution syrian government officials are talking about regaining state control gaming control over people are afraid if the state comes back what
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guarantees do they have that they won't be arrested or detained because these people engaged in opposition activities and for the government they are they are terrorists so people taking to the streets their anger directed towards their own leadership last week the syrian government they called on the international community not to engage with the damascus government but now directing their anger towards. india signed a five billion dollars deal to buy the russian four hundred missile defense system that's despite the threats of u.s. sanctions on countries the trade with russian defense firms. an indication that longstanding ties between russia and india are a strong as ever president vladimir putin is in new delhi to finalize a multi-billion dollar deal that includes india's riches of the russian is four hundred missile system it was delayed because of u.s. sanctions on russia but prime minister narendra modi has decided to forge ahead
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anyway with or he gets a sanctions waiver from washington or not is that aspiration member relives developing the strategic partnership with russia is the culmination of our common aspirations a lot of things have changed in this world but the friendship between russia and india will never change. these four hundred thirty is part of a major upgrade of india's military is demoted to cost as much as one hundred billion dollars and aimed at countering regional threats particularly pakistan and china india has been shopping around sourcing what it needs from a number of countries the us is it second biggest supplier but russia is number one india has some big budget items on that shopping list from russia the biggest and most contentious is the s four hundred its russia's most advanced a long range surface to air missile system capable of taking down bombers jets
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missiles and drones at a range of three hundred eighty kilometers it comes with a price tag of around five billion dollars india also wants naval ships and military helicopters three billion dollars with their new delhi has signed off on a second nuclear power plant to be built by russia and given the green light for indian esther notes to train and russia in preparation for india's first space mission sit for twenty twenty two. analysts believe the deal is important for mahdi's government ahead of next year's elections there. been a lot of. outcoming dream nearly every boat in they are. more the government deflecting people of the administration on this particular deal with that i should start they do not want to be seen as to more the best not to want to be seen as. giving in to the i made a good person i just want to the parliament reelections early next year the us also
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has a lot to lose if relations with india deteriorate american contracts with india are worth billions and the country is an important strategic ally as the us tries to counter china's influence in the region prime minister mahdi will have to find a balance between addressing his country's military needs and maintaining good relations with washington media on one hand al jazeera presidential hopefuls in brazil have wrapped up their campaigns ahead of sunday's vote supporters of workers party candidate and under her dad gathered in sao paolo to show their support for the left leaning candidate and adds trailing behind the far right nationalist jebel tomorrow in the polls supporters of both stood in front of his house in rio de janeiro isn't recovering from a stabbing attack. the people of venezuela are once again out on the streets protesting they have been pro and anti-government rallies many people are angry about the lack of food running water electricity and medicines tens of thousands of
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venezuelans have already fled to neighboring countries. a great police could have prevented the killing of a rapper at the hands of a hit man from the far right party golden dawn but i failed to do so that's the conclusion of a new forensic report the murder published faces and september twenty third teen ignited weeks of protests and led to the arrest and indictment of all eighteen of golden dawns members of parliament johnson reports. this is the security camera that recorded the arrival of eight police officers on motorcycles on the night of seventeenth september twenty third teen its time code was off so the precise time of the police arrival was unknown police have said they arrived after the killing of rapper. and too late to prevent it i witnesses for the prosecution said the police were present forensic architecture a research unit at goldsmiths university in london has now that question by
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matching material from eleven security cameras to precisely time coded police dispatch recordings they corroborated what prosecution witnesses said they were saying from the very beginning that the police was present on the scene and not intervening indeed we found that we found out that they arrived at this thing about five minutes before the murder took place the defense tried to have the analysis thrown out but the courts deemed it admirable we can see. groups of people attacking somebody who is obviously was at the time of the of the stabbing or. policeman. being at the ceiling five to ten meters away the room so the killer passes right through them right in front of the two police officers who stood here evidently hadn't realized what happened because of the stabbing they tried to arrest the victim rather than the killer it's only because told them he'd been
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stabbed showed them his wounds and pointed to his killer but the killer was a rest of the tall golden dawn's leader and members of parliament were indicted on charges of running a criminal organization under the guise of a political party and faeces family lawyers say the precise time coding now proves the organized nature of the crime were there with what the video confirms is a simple tiniest arrival of the golden dawn members because we see eight motorcycles with two riders on each and three cars with passages arriving as a convoy all of them turn down the street where faces his friends are except for the killers car which circles the block and then returns to kill face us the video proves the arrival of dawn was coordinated they had a plan which suggests a party conspiracy you can set this up in twenty minutes police won't comment on the new analysis because the trial is ongoing but there is now powerful evidence that this killing was carefully orchestrated and politically motivated and that police were unprepared for violence of this kind jumps out opal us al-jazeera
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athens final campaign rallies in bosnia-herzegovina being held ahead of sunday's presidential elections concerns have been raised about the divisive rhetoric used by political parties in the run up to the vote the balkan nation suffers from high unemployment it has one of the most complex political structures in the world where three presidents once one kratom one bosniak share equal. also voting on sunday are coming rooney and who have seen only one president the last thirty six years two opposition parties have agreed on a common candidate in an effort to dislodge long term president. but as he morgan reports in the capital down day fewer than half of cameroonians are registered as many feel their votes won't make a difference seventy one year old kenny more research members the day cameroon gained independence he also remembers the day the current president first came to power thirty six years ago and with the presidential elections just days the way he says he knows who he will vote for. live what. i want to vote for
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president paul b. because he's a man of peace and also because i want my children to have a stable future i want them to win because i want my children to have jobs. but more research is one of less than seven million out of thirteen million voters who have registered to vote in the october seventh elections cameroon gained independence from france in one thousand nine hundred sixty and in late one nine hundred sixty one it's united with anguish cameroon to become one country with a population of roughly twenty four million the country relies on agriculture and service provision for its g.d.p. the upcoming elections are disturbing and to president paul who has been ruling since one thousand nine hundred two and amended the constitution in two thousand and eight to remove mutations on the number of times a president can run for office eight candidates are running against him some say they're not sure who to vote for or if to vote at all too many people. will see this guy noticed. i'm not sure i don't know what to say here.
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i'm one of the things a rotten and we want change we are fed up with all that is happening i'm from the far north and our present never goes to see what is happening cameroon is ranked as one of the most corrupt on the african continent according to transparency international but it isn't the only issue the country is dealing with security has become a crucial issue for cameroon government the country is facing threats on multiple fronts and the north it's participating in the fight against boko haram along with eastern border this conflict in neighboring central african republic and its west an english speaking region fighters have been battling the government for independence. the fighting in the western region which started in twenty seventeen has killed hundreds and displaced a quarter of a million people the english speaking fighters who have called themselves. say the elections want to be held in their regions but the government disagrees election
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will lose. the. security is guarantee to all citizens of this nation all necessary measures military speaking are taken to prevent decision this from disturbing this more organization there's more going on this in the presidential election most cameroonians are just hopeful the elections remain peaceful regardless of who wins people are going to al-jazeera you know nding a rebel attack on an army post in eastern democratic republic of congo has left six people dead the government says four soldiers and two civilians were killed in the city of beni that's near the border with. reports. the relatives of those killed in the day the brother of one of the victims was caught up in the attack. on the bus we heard heavy gunfire we ran for cover behind
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the house who took out eight armed fighters told us to lie on the ground he said if we refused they will kill us all but the city of beni is in north keep the province dozens of armed groups operating in the area including the allied democratic forces which is believed to be behind this latest attack originally a uganda rebel group they've been routed in the d.l.c. through a national park the twentieth they retreated that after a failed bid to turn uganda into an islamic state. the a.d.f. has a brutal reputation it's blamed for hundreds of civilian deaths in beni of the last three years as well as mass rape and recruiting child soldiers people living there say president joseph kabila the government has abandoned them. we are tired of this if the government has all.
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