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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 13, 2018 12:00am-1:00am +03

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the secretary made a sort of a passionate argument on c.m.t. see the domestic broadcaster here in the united states essentially making the argument that saudi arabia remains a good partner especially when it comes to the terrorism financing center that was set up to to stop terrorism financing when the president went over his first foreign trip in may of twenty seventeen to riyadh so. making the argument that in fact he has made a pledge to go there at least once a year and that is what he is doing the major focus of his trip being a visit to that center he says that saudi arabia's been a terrific partner combating terror finance many people finding that a little bit ironic though in light of the accusations saudi arabia now finds itself defending against the other reason that he says he's going there is because he says you know look at we haven't had a conclusive information come out just yet in terms of a concrete report if that happens i may change my plans but as of now i still plan on going but i can tell you that as you mentioned the groundswell of pushback from
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the business community many feeling that it is not the time to go in fact the world bank president one of the latest also adding to that list jim yong kim saying he will not go to the saudi investment conference on october twenty third citing that is just not the appropriate time a mission saying you know that if the information is new information and if it changes then he will reconsider but what do we know about the u.s. role and getting to that new information can believe they we know about the magnitsky now way the u.s. investigators are going to look at whether there's been a gross violation of human rights but apart from that u.s. investigators going to be taking part in what's happening in istanbul in between the turkish sound the delegation. well the president seems to indicate that is the case and we've heard even from steve minutia they're saying that you know we are
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awaiting information that will likely get next week we heard something similar from the state department spokeswoman heather nauert it appears that something is happening in terms of shared intelligence cooperation but there hasn't been any specific announcement from the white house what i can tell you though in all of this is that while the white house still remains sort of keeping its cards close to its chest that's not the case on capitol hill in fact just the opposite there is a lot of frustration that this white house is not using its leverage particularly when it comes to the power to deny arms sales fact we saw donald trump in that same riyadh meeting when he went over and may have twenty seventeen talking about the hundred ten billion in new arms deals and weapons sales to saudi arabia the president defending that saying he doesn't want to pull that back because he believes if if they stop selling to saudi arabia saudi arabia will then go and buy from russia or from china well that's not necessarily true because we know that right now the saudi led coalition very active in yemen it would be very difficult
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for them when they're already invested in u.s. systems to suddenly switch to another nation so the united states does have the power to use that leverage members of congress urging as you pointed out through the magnitsky act to try and do that to to eventually after one hundred twenty days potentially put in place sanctions if it's found conclusively the saudi arabia was behind the disappearance of potential murder. hutchinson committee thank you very much for the finale that is can really help it live in washington d.c. we're going to take you to lawn slee he's live and london studio to talk us through the reactions from europe we have heard from french president emmanuel back home lawns what's he been saying. well he said it was very serious and that the french to model answers which frankly is about the minimum you could expect subserve someone like a liberal western leader to say this many days after the events he suggests it clearly wasn't serious enough for him to have yet spoken so either the turkish or
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the saudi authorities and said he'd do it in a few days' time and then elucidate a bit more about his position and you know if as as complete was suggesting there if you speak to people rights activists or opponents of the arms trade to saudi arabia they will say well the french won't say anything else because they sell half a billion dollars worth of arms to the saudis every year have resisted legal attempts in france to block those things i suppose just like justin trudeau the canadian premier said today the front the french would argue that even though they're selling weapons to the saudis they want to ensure that they use that so transparent and accountable way even though that seems impossible to police in a situation like yemen but these countries are in a bit of a cleft stick really because the these these arms sales do limits it's appears the the the severity of their response and could that be part of the reason why the response to this has been so different so far lines from what we saw from european countries after sergey square pulse poisoning earlier this year when you know e.u.
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countries call for sanctions. yeah i mean i think i think all of these countries have themselves in a bit of a hole because what happened after the that the british determined that it was the russian security services who they regard as responsible for the poisoning soulsby tourism a the british prime minister came out very clearly and said we dumond's the countries abide by what they call the international rules based system of behavior and then go around trying to assassinate people on in other people's countries and treason they would then once the united nations and got the buy in of countries like the french and canada and others and they all said yes we absolutely agree that needs to be a rules based system and yet here clearly you have a country like saudi arabia apparently flailing disobeys that rules based system and the response is very very different entirely there's been no talk at all from the british about things like imposing sanctions on the saudis in the way that
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they've been pressing on the russians and in the end it does look a bit hypocritical in very many people having draw a straight line back from that apparently hypocritical position to the enormous amounts of money these countries make out of selling arms to saudi arabia alliance thank you very much for that as lauren flee live in london we are going to get more on this we're joined by another hashmi director of the center for middle east audience at the university of denver and he is joining us live from istanbul mr hashmi always good to have you with us on al-jazeera so how much pressure would you say crown prince muhammad bin salmaan is under right now. well i think he's probably facing a nightmare that he never could dream of before this is the complete i think undermining of everything that he has stood for and pursued as the effective ruler of saudi arabia he's now become you know
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a pariah figure in the international community saudi arabia has spent billions of dollars trying to build up his reputation as a new visionary leader and now all of that has effectively been flushed down the toilet by this apparent assassination attempt that he has overseen so he's under tremendous pressure pressure not just globally but i expect within the house of saud right now there must be deep divisions in debates over exactly whether he can be the future leader of saudi arabia given given given the role that he has played in generating this crisis that has put saudi arabia under a spotlight that we haven't seen since nine eleven but does that matter to you know the pressure that he's under that when spoken about what would lead to the saying what they might not say how many people companies of this investment event if the u.s. government doesn't if it stands by him. well i think that's what he's hoping for and i think that's what he calculated on that
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he could get away with this crime and the u.s. government would stand behind him we have to remember that the u.s. government is not simply donald trump and jared cushion or the congress has a lot of say in terms of u.s. foreign policy in terms of arms expenditures there is an important role that's you know civil society plays in shaping american foreign policy i think that's what's what's really driving the global outrage toward this event so donald trump is under a lot of pressure himself and i don't think he's going to be able to bail. the crown prince of saudi arabia out of this one i think this is simply viewed by many people around the world as a bridge too far saudi arabia is now viewed as a rogue nation that is generating global instability and so i don't think you know trump despite his preference to try and save the crown prince will be able to rescue him and what about turkey and president of the one given the happen on to so they do have leverage they have an order of recording and video recording i mean
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what will they want out of this delegation that survived and. i suspect they're going to try and leverage the information that they have that incriminates the crown prince of saudi arabia the government saudi arabia to you know get concessions on a whole host of regional issues i think number one the question of the deep financial crisis that turkey is facing right now they'll try and leverage. the information they have to get concessions on that front but also i think the blockade that saudi arabia has imposed on us are i suspect that is going to be subject of negotiations and he's going to demand that it's if saudi arabia wants to find a way out of this that they have to lift the siege on gaza. so i think those are two issues that immediately are going to be on the bargaining table and it remains to be seen whether an agreement can be reached and so hashmi thank you very much that is not the hashmi live and as we're going to go to india now that was your
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monitoring reaction online what are people saying on day ten via i know well the conversation certainly has not tapered off for much for such a complicated story though it is being told by cartoons being simplified by cartoons and they each seem to speak for themselves take for example this one by andy marlette showing it to shoji and a pool of blood at the bottom of the saudi crown prince there with a pen and paper at the bottom as well and then this one by author sabina showing the possible truth about what happened or could have happened inside the saudi consulate with their agreement saying it's customer service and then this one with a markup of the saudi flag now the washington post is arguably leading the front on demanding answers from saudi arabia showbizzy as we know used to work there and starting on friday the post will start to print ads to push for more information on jamal khashoggi the poster this one here showing the saudi consulate doors cracked
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open just a little bit and that the bottom it says that he's been not seen since october. second and we demand answers now twitter page as we know has been untouched since the day before he went missing but ironically this candle his backdrop there in black now stephanie decker is reporting for us outside the consulate in istanbul and she's been posting some really interesting behind the scenes footage of our coverage on both instagram and on twitter and she's sharing those latest updates for you as well her profile stephanie decker both on instagram and twitter and if you're following along do let us know what you think of this investigation and how it's played out so far and who you think needs to act or hash tag as always a.j. news was thank you very much and now the online team will be updating all the latest developments in the story on our special page called jamal khashoggi where you will see also find plenty of analysis including from those who knew the
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journalist middle east analyst or gives his point insight into a man he says was not afraid to push the envelope. and you can get in touch with us too we want to hear from you you can send your comments to any of our online platforms on twitter just use the hash tag a.j. news go to handle is a.j. english also on facebook slash algis facebook dot com slash zero send us a message on whatsapp or telegram at plus mind seven four five one triple one four nine and i just want to go to one comment that we do have on whatsapp which is representative of the kind of things that people are saying too was it's high time saudi arabia should come out and tell the world that kushal ji was killed in the consulate his murder is a threat to media freedom and saudi arabia deserves serious sanctions now we are
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going to stay in turkey because an american pastor has been freed from house arrest and is on his way home to the u.s. ties between washington and ancora have worsened in the past five months all over the rest of andhra bronson the court convicted him of terror charges and ordered a three year jail term but suspended his sentence for the time already served as go to our correspondents and of course he is covering that case is live in is near he has been under house arrest for two years son and what do you make of the timing of his release. well elizabeth of course timing is very important i must tell that the court ruling of bronson's release is welcome buyable to charity and united states office shows the timing is important for both the states and turkey because turkey believes that by his release they will gain support from washington as mr donald trump is also heading to an election and he
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will need everyone jealous votes over bronson's for his will of course. the bigger part is for turkey because there are some topics that turkey is experienced as a nation and the latest one is as you know by a little tension diplomatic tension between it with saudi arabia over journos to mouth a ship just mysterious disappearance or maybe killing according to the official sources as media states now turkey believes that as washington give support to ancora over this issue turkey will have the leverage to create a public opinion in international arena and will have a chance to create international pressure over saudi arabia especially regarding demolish it just case because there are lots of rumors there are lotsof that is suspicious on the other hand the gain for turkey is that turkey turkish lira has
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lost forty percent since the beginning of this year especially following the dispute between washington and uncorrupt over bronson's house arrest decision so this is also good news for the turkish markets and international markets but of course and other thing is the military corporation that turkey and united states are handling in syria as men bridge on the side of the euphrates river and the corporation and the joint military petrol ng has been awaiting for two and a half months there was a delay because of the tension over bronson's troyer so now. this is both good news for turkey and united states elizabeth thank you very much for that medicine and. man let's go to shihab rattansi for the reaction from washington d.c. the u.s. administration and president trump especially shihab have been calling for pasta bronson's release of what you know what could this mean for the strained
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relationship what will the u.s. be willing to concede to turkey now why do we need to be very careful here we first heard that a deal had been struck at the end of last month so proceeding because shoji disappearance we've heard the negotiations around top on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly secretary of state mike pompei or the national security advisor john bolton having talks on the sidelines with turkish officials the parameters of a deal were suggested to be first of all the u.s. had to back off in its language emphatic language about bronson because the turks didn't want it to be seen that they were doing the u.s. his bidding if brunson was released today but we did hear that he would be released today at the end of last month of the wall street journal broke that story so we need to be careful about perhaps explicitly tying it to the current issues between the u.s. and turkey and saudi arabia they certainly can't hurt the turkish u.s.
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relation relationship as turkey confronts saudi arabia to goodwill beyond that though it's not entirely clear whether this is part of any major geo strategic realignment or about the fate of one man i was we just heard. brunson has become key to the republican strategy for the november midterms it's a big public huge issue for christian evangelicals if christian evangelicals really fired up for trump and don't come out to vote than the republicans are facing huge losses and this is going to do you a great deal of good for the republicans if they say look once again you may have reservations about trump but he always has your back n.b.c. reported on thursday that maybe some easing of the economic pressure that the u.s. has imposed on turkey and trump did apparently he was it was personal for trump trump thought a deal had been done at the end of july for the release of brunson in return for the release of a turkish woman from israeli custody in the turkish the turks apparently reneged on
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that deal so he was completely rather irate about this he doubled the steel and aluminum tariffs so at the very least it's conceivable that the steel and aluminum tires will go back to the same level as they are for many other countries around the world but still it's not clear whether this is part of any big chess game of geopolitics or whether it's simply about the fate of one man the us dearly wanted to be released thank you very much that to see how live. now if you're watching on facebook we have a bonus story for you from. the movie alliance. devastating. course. we'll explore that story next.
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a hint of change of season maybe there have been a few share is every country from saudi arabia up towards turkey and across to iran as well so the levant in effect has seen a few showers with reports on the disappointing side just a few millimeters here or there but it's a hint of a change temperatures down to the low twenty's to jerusalem the high twenty's up in syria and turkey very frankly and that's where we see more showers build will get the same further east woods probably far north of iraq and then running down through the mountains of western side of iran a good selection of thunderstorms the next two or three maybe four or five days i suspect but if you're not there that is probably dry throughout the arabian peninsula until you get down towards the south pretty obvious he was going on this tropical cyclone lee bonny's very slow moving it's brought rain to the amati coast is still reading as far as i know and in the next twenty four hours the thing moves a couple hundred kilometers so significant heavy rain is going to be the problem in oman and probably yemen and eventually even the n.t.
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quarter and beyond flooding inevitable in southern africa is also developing cloud this thing here is sort of frontal system and as it moves through the eastern cape i think we'll see rain develop useful and probably flooding right. we're. i have dedicated almost my entire professional life to the bench and fight against corruption and what i have heard is that we need champions we need also to shine the light on those shampoos and this award bridges the gap that existed in this. nominate your own version of your own child to light on what they do and to
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have not shine a light on your hero with your nomination for the international space award two thousand and eighteen for more information go to isa war dot com.
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a look now at what is trending on our website www dot com the disappearance of the saudi journalist jamal khashoggi remains one of the most feared and trending the recordings the recordings proving that he was killed we also have more news on the u.s. china trade will china the other story out of turkey american pasta and bronson who's been freed as. the peace deal between ethiopia and eritrea all that and much more on our website. over the past weeks there have been
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a series of natural disasters spanning across continents killing hundreds of people and up rooting millions of lives in indonesia more than two people have died off an earthquake followed by a tsunami hit the island of so the way see what to makes off of the last as the search for the missing people has officially come to an end in nigeria. rising floodwaters have killed at least two hundred people and left hundreds of thousands of people homeless and at least in uganda a month slide following to wrenshaw downpour has killed at least thirty eight people or malcolm webb is on the way to the areas affected and he sent us this report. to the district. you can. take a look. out the window in my sleep. and as you make our way along this road in the distance we can see the hills in the foothills of tel gone.
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well landslides are very common even for the. many people that survived by going there and. keep going up countries and vegetation. station three. little together all very close to everything during the rainy season ways landslides. and occasionally. run through villages and everything to meet communities and sometimes doesn't even hundreds of people can. and to nigeria now where floodwaters have destroyed crops just farmers were getting ready for harvest what address visited some of the worst hit areas for three long weeks floodwaters have covered large parts of
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gigo with state in the north of nigeria farmlands and damaged roads have become temporary fishing grounds. with their crops rotting under water some farmers salvage what they can more than one hundred thousand of them have seen this year's harvest wiped out. from best in. to process in is the whole chain has broken down and it is it is it is muscle lost of money to the economy and they do have a multiplier effect in the on the general economy of the state it is the only huge huge loss for us only a few of the states rights farms escaped the flood waters more than a thousand hectares of this rice sam has been under water for more than three weeks now the owners say the crop is rotten and lost he like many other farmers would have to find a way of feeding their families before the next harvest that is if the floodwaters
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don't return sure i could borrow money to expand his farm here in the head age of rally in the hopes of more crops and bigger profits. musical million with i started last year and made a lot of money this year a trickle in of two thousand five hundred dollars to increase output and lost everything experts blaming climate change for the floods and i warning of long term consequences it is weren't returned in the first place the right if for food security. and ultimately government may have to take very serious and my this is just to meet the immediate needs of the old the victims that have been affected this is disaster came when nigeria's borders are still closed to rise imports are staple for most families. in one of the states
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most affected of issues a helping to use the pain of some farmers by giving out seat. we are now in the process of given them hybrid seeds mature in seeds so that they will use it a siege a must at least two to get something out of that land but that may not be enough to save the farmers from economic ruin across eighteen states in nigeria more than two hundred thousand hectares of crops have been destroyed in addition to lives crops and homes there's been a significant damage to infrastructure. forced right can use where highways existed these villages not only escaped death when they wouldn't build capsize a reminder to do the flood has receded the threat to live remains committed drees. we're joined now geria. and we're going to end the nation now when
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a ninety thousand people are living in makeshift evacuation centers after last month's earthquake and tsunami aid workers say a lack of clean drinking water and medicines are making life even more difficult for people scott high live reports from the island of bali. it was one extra day search teams were given another twenty four hours to continue looking for bodies after the earthquake and tsunami on the island two weeks ago before the search officially ended on friday thousands of people are still missing buried in mounds of mud and rubble or swept out to sea. u.n. secretary general antonio good ted has visited some of the communities flattened by the earthquake or stripped bare by the massive wave that followed it it's important that the the leadership must be the only the ship it's indonesian government that can lead these efforts the international community should be here to support not to complicate seems sometimes too many people tried to get involved in scenes and then
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of course the support of the populations is not as effective as it should be the u.n. had said he thought the indonesian government has been doing a good job extending his solidarity and support early in the search and rescue operations the government was criticized for slow aid distribution and the lack of heavy equipment here in bali global financial chiefs have been meeting now the twin disasters in similar ways he had been brought up in the context of the need for disaster preparedness but also as an example of just how critical swift transition from search and rescue operations to rebuilding is for the communities involved. during those meetings the world bank with germany and the u.k. set up a one hundred forty five million dollar fund for vulnerable countries managing the financial fallout from natural disasters and climate change the world bank's chief executive also visited the city apollo on sort of way sea island we came up today with our rapid damage assessment he says that the physical damage you see your
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heroes five hundred fifty million dollars this is how secure the structure is they should do things it doesn't know the loss of life because as the communities move from a rescue operation to rebuilding the key many feel is to restart the local economies so people can get back to work putting their villages and their lives back together it's got how to al-jazeera bali. now to wrap that segment live has more on the drought and australia right it's also generating quite a bit of content content online because it's been two years since new south wales had any decent rainfall at all it's home to big cities like sydney and newcastle and many of its farms are also suffering from the lowest rainfall on record in the region the entire state's been engulfed in the drought as of august but the farms are being hit particularly hard the growing of a drought gets to you and i like i'm not sign
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a diet as the winds dropped off that you get a fifty k. a wind blowing if i sold i was a bit of dust makes you still got a feed to stock on that and then what wind does but it gets everyone to be cranky for some reason and you tend to get that is just the fact that you're out there every die and and things go backwards not forwards. new south wales police are stepping in to help the farmers deal with the crisis they stuffed helicopters full of snack cereals noodle bowls and other nonperishable foods as part of the feed a farmer campaign the initiative is accepting donations from different communities up until december and this food convoy will then be the first to make its way to those who need it but the animals on these farms in need are also starving as the farmers struggle to pay for their food since there's been a drought they have no grass some of spent more than seven thousand dollars a week on hay for the cows sheep and other livestock australia as government is trying to help with that too with relief grants for farmers of up to almost twenty
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thousand dollars a year but that is just a fraction of the financial loss some people say these stopgap measures are not enough enough author quentin dempster posted this picture saying that argues that countries must rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to diminish extreme weather events like the australian drought and local reporter and of the doe she suggests that the government should have already had a national plan in place and said if it developing a new one now but as the government puts a strategy together we're seeing many community groups online putting together their own drought relief programs if you're taking part in any of those or if you're in new south wales do let us know as always we have telegram what's up facebook and twitter with their hash tag a.j. news grid thank you very much the amount taking a look at some of the stories making news around the world israeli forces have
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killed at least six palestinian protesters near the gaza israel border fence demonstrations were taking part in weekly friday protests demanding the right to return to their ancestral land nearly two hundred protesters have been killed and thousands and joined by israeli forces since the protests began in much. a un human rights group has called on saudi arabia to stop the carrying out air strikes in yemen the committee for children's rights say those responsible for attacks on children must be prosecuted it also accused a mechanism set up by saudi arabia to investigate the death of not being credible those who has more at first glance this is just another day at school for these children in yemen subtle province but these are survivors of a horrific attack which took place last august as they were making their way to school in a bus forty of their friends died it's their first day back since the attack
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happened fourteen year old. try to hold back tears recalling the friends he lost in the attack by is saudi led military alliance air strike on a market on august fourteenth we tell the enemy is the talk last night's blood won't be in volume and they will avenge them by getting an education we will avenge them by learning. thank god who saved me from this strike from the hands of this man described it. as these survivors resumed their morning routines joining morning exercise drills in the sand yard or attending classes in wheelchairs other students share their fears. with said after we lost our dearest schoolmates and we're worried that the enemies will strike our school saudi arabia accepted that the attack had killed civilians and that it was unjustified but the united nations committee for child rights says that is not enough now the problem and this is what we pointed out to them with this team is firstly it's set up by
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the coalition nereids essentially investigating themselves secondly it's a compromised of members of from coalition countries. so it doesn't involve any any known coalition countries the u.n. estimates at least one thousand two hundred children have been killed and nearly the same number injured in airstrikes since march of two thousand and fifteen twenty percent of all civilian deaths are children that's one in five civilians killed as a child nearly half a million children in yemen have dropped out of school since the start of the war bringing the total number of out of school children to two million according to unicef. all of those wounded continue to attend school without exception as long as it's ok for them to attend they come on crutches or wheelchairs but we've showed is that education for our children is paramount they attend in spite of their wounds
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and their fears. while the international community continues to increase pressure on saudi arabia the war in yemen goes on and the number of innocent victims continues to rise or such of al-jazeera. and now to pakistan where a renowned activist has been arrested as she arrived at the airport leah is following that story right her name is ismail and she had just touched down in the pakistani capital when police came and got her family says she was detained immediately for her role in the past two and a half movement also known as p t m if that rings a bell it's probably because of the protests there earlier this year thousands of people rallied across the country as part of a campaign for pashtoon rights they're an ethnic minority who mostly live in northwestern pakistan where the army has been fighting the taliban pashtoon activists accuse the military of abusing their rights and carrying out
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extrajudicial killings they also accuse the government of discrimination. smile is a supporter of and spoke out one of the movement rallies in august she's one of nineteen people named in a police report about the event and as she was about to be arrested a smile and a whatsapp note to friends and family members it was then later released on line. this is an example of how this day in string kingsley's is going to business like you are going to see in this space is shrinking this is not an attack on good mind this is an attack on people this isn't going to burden to speak of this is a time going to come. in the hours since her arrest a smile stories taken over social media the hash tag released a smiles been a top trend on pakistan's twitter for hours now and amnesty international they've responded saying this is an extremely worrying move the new government of prime
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minister emraan khan had said it would protect human rights and in gauge with members of the p.p.m. to address their concerns ismail's arrests severely test those commitments. now ismael is also a prominent women's rights activist she founded an organization called aware girls and has won international awards for her work there she also gave this ted talk last year about another one of her projects called seeds of peace if you're in pakistan we want to hear from you and what you think of good guys arrest and what you know about her you can connect with us as always with our hash tag a genius great list thank you and al jazeera has been following the passion protests this year so if you want more background a simple pocket pashtoon search we'll take you to an episode of inside story from earlier this year that is pakistan's rise up. coming up another story. this time about how banks. has the. main.
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goals but has he done enough to get the football club and. the returns to the world championships but the bank.
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joe is here to talk sports and it's all about comebacks and retirements joe that's right and if it isn't retirees coming back as something else the same bolts quest to become a professional footballer was given a boost on friday a time and then pick champion scored two goals in his first stop for straining team
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the central coast mariners andrew thomas is covering the story for us in sydney it was a pre-season friendly on the opposition same wasn't a lot good but nevertheless two goals for a professional team a pretty good start for usain bolt's now whether he'll get a contract or not for the club well we'll see over the coming weeks or months the a league season begins next weekend in australia but he doesn't necessarily have to have signed a contract by then he could continue training with the club for some weeks or months indeed a maybe even as late as january he could still sawing with the central coast mariners has been training now with that club for some months he is of course a celebrity time out to go do promos in other places and recently jetted off to france to take part in a zero gravity flight while drinking champagne will have to cut back on not if you want to become a serious professional footballer but on the evidence of this much is at least part of the way there. well another sports star who's preparing for
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a career change is lindsey vonn the most successful female skier of all time will retire at the end of the coming season she became the oldest woman to win a limb pick medal in south korea this year the thirty here it three year old american has eighty two world cup wins to her name that's the women's record and is just four behind the men one wants to break it but says even if she doesn't she's definitely higher up her boots when the season finishes from a pretty scary shimmy all cuts competed against vonn for many years and gave her reaction to al-jazeera physically she has gone through so much that i think she said you know what the rest of my life is a had me it's a very great decisions made especially because all the journalists in the hour who have please we are expecting her to send us regularly and i think that is just her way of saying whatever happens this season i'm going to go out and do my best then it's not. i mean many of these injuries have been career ending and it is quite
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tough to come back because physically you know you're not upset there but someone like lindsey is always mentally ready to win she pushes that stuck in whatever has happened in the past she knows that she can deliver i think that's part of the name what makes her one of the greatest of all time and that she also showed that you could be fast and then and when i started the sport was very much a match in order to be fast in a downhill or and ski at eighty ninety miles an hour you had to act like a man and she changed all of that she has now persevered with taking care of her parents taking confidence and how she looks and obviously she's not a lot you know deals and a lot of brands that come on board and one that image but it's for her she wants a little girl because she feels confident in herself and and to bring that to an adrenaline sport was really important for the future of the sport because a lot more of the girls are comfortable with with who they are and they don't have
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to try and the masculine even though it technically it's it's a very dangerous boy it's a story you have to push your boundaries a former olympic skier and commentator graeme bell told al-jazeera that if it would be a tough break to for one to break that men's record but if anyone can can she. never write off lindsey vonn i will say that but it's going to be very very difficult this season. favorite course is unlikely arrays and that thing actually gets things underway it's end of november beginning of december and there are three races that shoot out holes and a secret she she could potentially win all three she has done it in the past but competition i think is stronger than it than it ever has been certainly in the technical side mccain a shift for him has been doing some incredible things and she's also proving she can mix and battle as well so there are some you know there is already somebody
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waiting in the wings if you like and you know on the speed side there's got to this this to it's this and a fight there's laura goods so there's plenty of people out there and it will be fighting lindsay for all of those ways that that she's trying to get on this just time to tell you about simone biles from why she has been trending american gymnasts clinched the spots in the team for the well championships when she won the all around at selection camp on thursday while had the top schools on the floor and a hole where she got a sixteen point zero zero for a phone that no woman has performed in competition history that results the fourth time and then pick gold medalists field her place in the wilds in doha at the end of the month the rest of the sixteen team will be named on friday. all right well peace it will be back with more at eight hundred g.m.t. but for now i hand you back to elizabeth thank you very much joe and that will do
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it for this newsgroup remember to keep in touch with us on social media the hash tag as ever as a.j. news grid all the other ways to connect right there we will see you back here in studio fourteen at fifteen hundred g.m.t. on saturday. wish the world innovation summit for health one community of two thousand health care experts innovators and policymakers from one hundred countries. one experience sharing best practices and innovative ideas. one goal hopefully a world through global collaboration. apply now to attend the twenty eighteen wish summit.
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demond is outstrips supply and inference of a commodity. adoption is a compassionate act for children but not against the whim of them it's. cruel uganda of the united states for klein's investigates how innocent lives have been court in a tug of war between biological and adoptive parents. through klein's on al jazeera. t.v. stand the differences. and the similarities of cultures across the world. al-jazeera
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. on counting the cost this week the social cost of a carbon free future we'll look at what the u.n. deafening climate warning means for businesses and livelihoods africa's revolution plus how to stamp out trade in endangered wildlife. counting the cost on al-jazeera . international pressure mounts on saudi arabia as reports emerge that turkey has proved jamal khashoggi was killed inside that consulate. hello i'm maryam namazie in london you're with us. zero also coming up us pass to
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andrew bronson is freed by a turkish court he was convicted to three years jail but was released for time served at least thirty four people are confirmed dead after heavy rains caused a landslide in eastern uganda. and who says lightning never strikes twice the same goals two goals on his first start australia's central coast mariners. a saudi delegation has arrived in turkey as international pressure mounts on saudi arabia to investigate the disappearance of journalist jamal khashoggi turkish security sources say they have proof he was killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul a french president emmanuel macron became the latest ally to demand all says on the fate of the veteran journalist last seen entering the consulate ten days ago and in
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the last few minutes saudi arabia has said it welcomes turkey's decision to approve a joint investigation team for the khashoggi case stephanie decker has more from istanbul. they are explosive allegations the washington post quotes turkish and u.s. officials confirming that turkey has or geo and video recordings that prove he was killed inside the saudi consulate you can hear his voice and the voices of men speaking arabic an anonymous source tells the paper you can hear how he was interrogated tortured and then murdered another source says men could be heard beating. this is a crime the reason is the crimes that it is joining forces appearance is that going out and killing. so many of them and one of his appearance and if the if it's true that he was assassinated inside in the sea and they would also be responsible for extradition. so the responsibility is clear for the kingdom of
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saudi arabia it is for them to review his fate is where this time saudi arabia has remained silent since its initial statement left the consulate shortly after he arrived and that the accusations of murder are basis but revelations that turkey has video evidence of what is alleged to have happened is ramping up pressure on the kingdom if true it would explain why turkey was so quick to conclude that he was killed inside that consulate but it also raises questions as to how turkey had access to what exactly went on inside the diplomatic mission congress been using turkish and foreign media to get its message out feeding through a steady stream of leaks of what appears to have been an unprecedented sequence of events of a well known and well connected saudi journalist who returned to the consulate to finalize paperwork in order to get married never to reemerge and i was horrified
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because he assured me. when we were in london that there was nothing to be concerned about. he said on friday he had been to the consulate. they received them very well although they were initially surprised to see him. promise them if he came back again a few days later they would issue him with the papers he was off of so he felt. it was ok but apparently they prepared for him on thursday night turkey's presidential spokesman said they had agreed to set up a joint working group at the request of the saudis to investigate the disappearance of mr hersh the saudi delegation has arrived in turkey on friday for that purpose turkey's been waiting to search the consulate and also the home of the saudi consul general they need the saudis permission to do so but it seems if the latest reports are true that the turks already know exactly what happened to. stephanie decker
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al-jazeera istanbul. is live for us now outside the saudi consulate in istanbul jamal would we know about the saudi delegation that has now arrived in the country . well it's interesting that this delegation arrived in ankara which is the political capital of turkey and not to istanbul where the consulate is as you can see behind me this in itself as well as the makeup of this delegation which includes one of the top advisers to king. gives an indication that this delegation is probably more interested in trying to find a political way out of this for the saudis which isn't going to be as damaging as many expect it will be after the essentially killed a journalist in the consulate we expect that they are going to at some point come
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to istanbul that they are now discussing names and titles of who would form this joint inspection force if we can call it that that will be searching the consulates behind me as well as obviously are in gallup's the details of whether the turks will be given access to the consul general home which is a point of interest as well as other vehicles but the most important thing about it because it will come on to this in a bit is that it seems beyond doubt that the turks have the evidence that's proves unequivocally that jamal kushal she went inside that building as we've been saying and was murdered by a kill team sends by the saudis and therefore this delegation is probably trusted and intitled to or rather entrusted to look at a political way out of this more than it is really to try and investigate what's happened because based on the evidence it is very clear what that and of course it's not evidence that's crucial isn't it any indication as to when we will learn more about the prove takesh security forces they say that they have the question
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she was killed. so a few i mean this all started last saturday or last friday last saturday was when we started reporting that the trucks had concluded jamal official to have been killed in the ensuing twenty four hours forty eight hours we started speaking to our contacts and security sources and we were given certain information about testimony for example that there was. some sort of. an argument a loud shouting and then a sound of a struggle and then sudden silence and so forth now we understand that this was this testimony that we were told about was in fact all your recordings of what took place inside and this corroborates one hundred percent with what american security officials as well as others have been saying on the other outlets where they talk of hearing this scream and shout and. actually being dragged out of the room where
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he was in and so forth and this information is what makes it very clear as to what happened and because of the clarity of it it shows that now the turks have a lot of leverage over saudi arabia because of the crime committed in its embassy by killing jamal commercial q for now thank you very much jim on the shell there in istanbul. disappearance has prompted business leaders to distance themselves from saudi arabia in the last hour bloomberg has become the latest media companies and pull out of a state sponsored business conference in the kingdom designed to revive investor confidence but u.s. treasury secretary steve new chin is still planning to go is narayana han with a look at who's in who's out. and spain down to the down boss of the day is it a who's who of the world's business leaders and vistas celebrities and media gathering in the saudi capital and all part of prince mohammed bin selma and grand plan to draw investment and global business talent to the kingdom but with the
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means just two weeks away. hey some of the big names have taken flight one of the first to pull out his billionaire richard branson he's also suspended to direct a ship some saudi tourism projects and talks over space fincher business leaders from viacom i.o.l. and h.p. ink are among those to follow suit from the media world the new york times has pulled out as a media sponsor and andrew ross sorkin the new york times columnist and see him b.c. anchor leads those either reconsidering or shunning the event completely davos in the days it is one thing but the development of saudi arabia's futuristic new city neon is quite another year to gain more big names backing away from involvement in the saudi myka city project at the business conference last year the crown prince reportedly took selfies with the team days given the serious questions surrounding
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jamal khashoggi is disappearance many recognize now isn't quite the time for photo opportunities in the kingdom. thanks. u.s. military is expected to fly on the evangelical pastor andrew bronson after a turkish court freed him earlier on friday bronson was sentenced to three years in prison on terrorism charges but was released for time served a pastor who is lived in turkey for over twenty years was arrested following the failed two thousand and sixteen coup he's been under house arrest since july bronson's detention led to a major diplomatic route between the u.s. and turkey so non-causal has been following events for us at the court in. possibly else's release was welcomed by both united states and turkey but it was a surprise for some after the trial after the. decision was announced his lawyer
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came out and he told us that he was expecting his release but not at the end of today's trial of course now he's on the way back home his lawyer told us that because he was facing some safety risks and security risk the risks he was planning to go back to united states and now he's on the way but of course the timing of this this is is very important very critical especially for turkey who has been having some diplomatic tension with saudi arabia over the a mysterious disappearance of journalists to malcolm's ship in istanbul general consulate building now turkey believes that washington will be able to support turkey after bronson's frillies and turkey will have the leverage to put some international pressure over saudi arabia regarding. this case of course it's not the only thing there are some economic issues that turkey needed support from washington plus the
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military corporation and member in northern syria now to eastern you ghana where rescue teams are searching for survivors from a landslide that killed at least thirty four people in the but did a region close to the border with kenya a river burst its banks on thursday sending large and debra down a hillside or a burden manoli has more. this is one of three villages destroyed by flooding its residents lament and lost with life and the death of loved ones the intensity of mudslides has left them with no time to bury the dead their only concern now is to find any survivors but so far only bodies are being pulled from the mud we have it is to be.


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