tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 13, 2018 5:00am-6:01am +03
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words indeed independent post-war britain had not had to deal with the mind the food onto its calm. there was massive demonstrations across india and there was. an awareness that the leaders the film struggle could call strikes and protests which would paralyze the country. seizing the moment of british weakness three leaders spearheaded the push for independence. you are allowed me ruth mohammad ali jinnah and one hundred k. gandhi. at first they shared the goal of a free and united india one country one people regardless of religion. the great chance to hear that message of gandhi leader of the demands for india's independence. was marred by gun you mobilize the masses who gave them the language
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of things like civil disobedience and nonviolence who spoke of the national the struggle is a struggle for truth he gave it a strong modesty fervor and he completely inspired the masses to rise up behind him a gandhi himself a lifelong preacher of nonviolence and gandhi when tom fairly quickly to establish himself as the spiritual leader of the indian national congress led freedom struggle. the indian national congress was a political party made up of the elite of indu and muslim society. it had been pushing for self rule since the turn of the twentieth century. with gandhi's mobilization of the masses the party transformed into a populist movement and attracted new leaders with new ambitions men like to warlow new never was very attracted to mouth mug on the and go. he was very impressed with
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him and he was gone these hand-picked provision to lead be the sort of political part of the national movement gumby himself never took any political position didn't want one and nearly everything from leading the international congress as one of its youngest ever presidents to becoming eventually the first prime minister of independent india and mr nader presided over the first cabinet meeting both name rue and gandhi were hindus but the third member of the influential trio was a muslim or more harm it generally one of the legion or was an extremely interesting man educated very anglo file in fact culturally far more on your file than the new the new rule gandhi. over his dressed in western clothes had western habits and joy to scotland and his source agism as ham sandwiches he wasn't particularly strongly observant muslim and a man who was hailed. as the ambassador of hindu muslim youth. a lawyer
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sheena began his political life within the hindu dominated indian national congress . later on he also joined the muslim mean a group protecting the muslim minority. both parties were fighting for an independent india which at the time was gina's ultimate goal. jinnah in strongly opposed to the idea of a separate muslim nation and indeed he is saying this is british divide and rule they want us to be divided we've got to stand together we've got to fight for our freedom if we don't fight for our freedom to get that we will never be free but he increasingly gets sidelined by a new younger generation of leadership among whom particularly there is there is never who is his nemesis handed now who calls for an indian republic is accused by the league of working for domination over the muslim minority but are making everyone with britain's grip on. in india we can name route and the indian national
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congress grew in power. never wanted a new india to have a strong central government run by his party. this alarmed general who argued muslim majority regions should govern themselves it was a losing battle winner realized that given the imbalance in political support between the league and the congress the only way the league was ever going to actually come to any significant power was by advocating a separatist plan. thousands of kilometers away in london records reveal deep insights into the fall between geno and neighbor and this is one of the repository to which the number in the at the national archives private letters jinnah sent to british officials shows
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a relationship beyond repair at this point is extremely suspicious of the congress and he feels assets propose it would be prepared to seize power by force that the may have been infiltrated the indian national army. and that's he regrets that's the muslim league hasn't organized in the same way so we're talking a serious mistrust at this point yet i think this indicates complete breakdown in trust between between the two poles season and that you know it's the leadership of those policies new delhi and although the scene looks much gina any route had first come together to fight the british now they were fighting each other disturbances against the muslim league to reach the end of life by nine hundred forty six any hope of a united india had about bringing order over to god but i believe that there is enmity between muslim and the breakdown and the time of the indian politics was mirrored on the streets as tension spilled over into violence. chaos erupted in
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major cities first because of a grim audio post by british and indian probes during the worst drought in the history of calcutta. road vantec in many places higher pitched battles continued between muslims and limbo for muslims the fear of being ruled by hindus convinced them they needed their own separate nation. even jr the man once hailed as the symbol of in do muslim unity now demanded an independent pakistan. after a century of british power in the empires was finally force. charged with overseeing the withdrawal was a decorated while officer one who would go down in infamy louis now battered. new delhi airfield and the arrival of the viceroy designate mo button is
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a sort of vaguely comic character looking back. prancing peacock who loved his roads and costumes and love to appear as the viceroy not particularly. a man of some christmas. of great sort of personal self worth he was received i think he you know whatever little homework he did was fairly modest and when he got to india i think it was a crash course he started meeting the various leaders and had his own likes and dislikes inevitably but very quickly decided that this thing had to be this hot potato had to be dropped as quickly as possible and mr byrd his hands and those of his or those of his masters as his in the english government lauder led him on battle have taken their place is on the ground because we now know that it became viceroy of india in march one nine hundred forty seven britain had originally planned to leave india more than a year later in june one thousand nine hundred eighty eight but mountbatten wasn't
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going to wait that long number in a certain to accelerate even faster partly because he found his control on the control of the british soldiers over india slipping and so here celebrated to august fifteenth one hundred forty seven and with that headlong rush into disaster happens with the british unable and unwilling to prevent some of the horrors of who are unfolding before their very eyes horrors unleashed by hastily drawn lines on a map the northwest state of punjab was home to hindus sikhs but mostly muslims it was split with one side forming the bulk of pakistan. in the northeast of india the state of bengal was cut into the predominantly muslim eastern half made up another part of pakistan. separated by nearly two thousand kilometers of indian territory it would eventually become the independent country of bangladesh was
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a well thought out was an ill thought out. when the british had to draw a line they pulled in a civil servant who had never been to india before and was sitting in his cotswold garden when he was told that he had to fly next week to india and divide the country into. and no one was pleased with the line he drew inevitably. the stage was set for british road again in august one thousand forty seven as the flags of india and pakistan were raised ordinary citizens were left in the dark as to what this meant for them. on that day of partition in august that show boundary had been unsuccessful to know whether they were in india or pakistan where they could stay where they lived for centuries where they'd have to move and it's only after the people tune into their ideas to hear whether they will now be part of pakistan or india everyone.
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suddenly people found themselves on the wrong side of a new border muslims in india hindus and sikhs in pakistan. there had been ethnic fighting between muslims hindus and sikhs before the partition set off an unimaginable massacre out of the horrors of fires like the blitz the the villages are all burning hayricks are all the platforms are literally washed with blood because hello to hindus waiting on the platform to travel to india to be massacred on another platform was covered in blood because the training just arrived from india full of dead muslims. total chaos. in the rural areas hideous scenes of pregnant women lying with their bellies ripped open
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babies literally resident on spits and journalists in ninety four to seven who had covered the opening of the nazi concentration camps there were two or three journalists who had covered that and then ended up covering partition and they said that they saw more gruesome things in the punjab punches side than they ever did in the concentration camps muggle born white the photographer writes a graphic description and she says you know i saw i shares but what i saw the punjab was a million times. at the time the british estimated two hundred thousand died in the violence the consensus today among most historians is that the death toll was at least a million and the british had lost control long before production and that became clearly evident and visible in nine hundred forty seven but in a way more terrible than anyone had ever expected it was a complete and utter mess total mirth. some suggest that britain was aware of the
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impending horrors that would come with dividing up the indian subcontinent it was a mess made worse by britain abandoning its colonies so quickly in the stockmen which is which is a telegram from the foreign office to its evidence in the national archives suggests british leaders knew months before that ethnic violence was spiralling dangerously out of control they say a bit over ten thousand persons have been killed and many more injured over the last six months of the previous year had been extensive communal violence to be actually used the words civil war yes yes they mention here. widespread recrudescence a man single most an organized and spontaneous civil war. the british were pretty much aware well through the forty's that the communities were all me but they didn't want to get involved in what they regarded as the. pretty arctic descent into communal frenzy. famously goes on hunger strike begging for peace and mary was
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weeping and broken but. there are no images i think about banks and head bowed in the shade. history is sold in told to the eyes of the. but it time with india just thirty kilometers from the border with pakistan. this building has been transformed into an easy keeping alive the memory of those who suffered the most partition is not about the political events that led up to partition it's about the impact on each person who went through it and what it might have felt like for them to leave
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behind their homes to leave behind their friends to leave behind a life that unknown and to move to a new land you know and to have to rebuild afresh it was less migration of people of partition of assets it was this collective migration of sorrow. you've done a lot in just a few short months america. is the driving force behind armored sars partition museum seven it's really shocking because if you think about the fact that within a few years of nine eleven happening and nine eleven museum was there and there are now numerous holocaust museums an up beautiful apartheid museum so countries around the world have walked memorialize these. events that have shaped them and i think it's it's very sad that. you know this hasn't happened so far in the subcontinent. and survivors want to tell their stories. here.
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but the standard here. among look swanny remembers the day find the right in the doors on the dinner to mental disturbance she know. they need the other side of the plate and even it's about fifty made a funny little play. mama. that i feel a son different better states and i live in the. league easy to believe in. what they see in the me. back door and it might just maybe my dad knew. it because done that but they live in the wild they need to see plainly needing not believe that nothing. can be even be compared to other things and. when i look at it. it's stories like these museums curator is hoping to capture
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before it's too late my grandad's ninety three now and we've seen over the last decade so many of his friends leave us you know and so there's a realize ation that within a few years all these stories will unfortunately last. but they are tales not just a form. we're also like to find where muslims sikhs and hindus protected each other. most of the leads of the recounting of what happened in partition. and it's all been a trip between pakistan and india that exist today. i think it's really important that we highlight the stories. of humanity and we highlight the stories of you know friend helping friend neighbor helping neighbor but also a stranger helping strangers. and the that those narratives shouldn't get lost because i think
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a lot of people who did make it to safety made it through the help. of someone they knew. hopefully one outcome on this would be that we remember our shared humanity. the shed history. three jobs and now i only have one but i'm soo providing for my family. the first time i was admitted to hospital that i didn't show any signs of imus. and all that but at about my opinion i mean i have become very passed on stop thinking about the negative sides from. al-jazeera. he is from those living with them and us in egypt. journeys of possible discovery more american here and then more air in the al-jazeera spur spondon style they're
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passing the stories that have marked their lives i feel sad that they have to endure a difficult time i was going right to your town like my family status and wealth has benefited from their choice to enslave people. al-jazeera correspondent coming soon. hello i'm. in london a quick look at top stories a saudi delegation is arrived in turkey as international pressure mounts on the kingdom following the disappearance of journalist jamal khashoggi he was last filmed entering the saudi consulate in istanbul on october second and has never been seen again turkish security forces say they now have proof to show g.
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was killed inside the building amnesty international says the kingdom must reveal the journalists fate this is a crime reason it is a crime that it is during one of his appearances it's not going to happen and the killings. at minimum and one of the reasons i did it if it's true that he was assassinated inside the embassy and they would also be responsible for extradition that. the responsibility is clear for the kingdom of saudi arabia it is for them to review his speeds and his word since time. the u.s. military is flying home an evangelical pastor after a turkish court freed him earlier on friday andrew bronson was sentenced to three years in prison on terrorism charges but was released for time served his detention led to a major diplomatic route between the u.s. and turkey. rescue teams in eastern uganda is searching for survivors from a landslide that killed at least thirty four people in the region close to the border with kenya a river burst its banks on thursday sending mud and debris down
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a hillside at least seven palestinians have been killed by israeli security forces during a protest along the gaza israel border gaza's health ministry says fifty others were injured when soldiers targeted protest as with tear gas and gunfire palestinians have been holding weekly protests calling for the right to return to their homes and land that their families were expelled from seventy years ago. the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is accusing the us of backing a ukrainian split from the orthodox church calling it a provocation it comes less than twenty four hours after ukraine secured approval to establish an independent church. spain has marked its national day with rallies both in support of and against catalan independence thousands marched through the center of the catalan capital boss alona with riot police alongside under the catalan parliament passed emotional first day calling for the abolition of the monarchy. erupted
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a lot of our top stories all have much more on everything we're covering for you in the news hour that's coming up in twenty five minutes time i'll see that. i. every evening here read the blog the border soldiers from india and pakistan put on a display of showmanship nationalism and hostility. i. seventy years ago the british drew a line on a map dividing their self asian empire into tunisia. it led to the biggest most violent migration in human history a million people. for
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survivors like joginder seen called forgiveness is the only way for over a million little. girl who. will go for me or go through to. get a group would regard your would we go we were all very vulnerable. remarkable. argue towards them or were they good or bad we're going to. we're not going to look. good in the blog over we hear only. we're not in a giggle irregularities. but politicians on both sides haven't forgiven or forgotten. seventy years on the face the division of britain's empire continues to drive
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a bitter i'll still be between india. and nowhere is animosity as fierce as you catch me. a picture rest territory turned around. today it's one of the most militarized regions in the world. where pakistani and indian troops face off. the. border and sleep about it here in pakistani administered kashmir and few foreigners are allowed in. but we've been granted special permission. to keep. this mountainous region looks peaceful but it's
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a highly volatile area where fighting can break out at any time. over the last seven decades up to one hundred thousand people from saudi have been killed. on the deadly violence began from the moment the two nations of india and pakistan were creating. the accession of kashmir is the unfinished business of politicians. the feeling was part of his song that kashmir would naturally sheet to pakistan. kashmir was a muslim majority state ruled by a hindu maharajah had troubles in kashmir where india supported the project in many ways it should have gone to pakistan because it had a muslim majority but it hindu my raja chose for it to come to it it was
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a choice forced on the maharajah when weeks after partition pakistan sent in fighters already the rebel forces have left a trail of bloated and burning villages on the way the pakistanis simply sent in a large number of troops in fact many of them were so quote irregulars armed tribesmen from the northwest into kashmir to seize the territory and overthrow the . rampage and eventually that prompted the maharajah to call upon the indian government to send in the troops reinforcements continual to pardon as the indian troops consolidate. india are promptly paratroop to the soldiers. they beat back some of the invasion but a ceasefire was called leaving pakistan in control of roughly one third of the western side of kashmir. and leaving the rest to me. that
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ceasefire in one nine hundred forty eight has resulted in what is now known as the line of control today's front line up it remains the big hole in. the bone that neither dog. india and pakistan have fought to brutal wars over kashmir and the battle rages on troops against troops. and civilians again soon. to pakistan india is a ruthless occupying force in a muslim majority blame. for india pakistan and its military. the intelligence service the i.s.i. are have been carrying out a campaign of terror on its territory for decades the indian face. determined intelligence effort to. send militants across the border
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into kashmir to train up. many of them have been armed trained financed equipped and occasionally even offset by the pakistani military the pakistani i.s.i. has embarked upon what has been described in pakistani literature as a war of death by a thousand cuts we learned never to underestimate the enemy for general assad to ronnie the former head of pakistan intelligence using any means to defeat the enemy is justified for me any yes it can be used for a particular purpose. served in the military for four decades and as the intelligence chief he was responsible for pakistan's strategy against india. every yes. if you do not have enough
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conventional a suit because of a lot of your enemy. you do not rely on a conventional response. and among those assets mujahideen fighters allies of pakistan who in one thousand nine hundred eighty s. had been waging war in neighboring afghanistan when the soviets pulled out of afghanistan a lot of the would have been with nothing else to do were diverted by their pakistani handlers to for meant violence in kashmir and they principally are the ones responsible for the destruction of kashmir. armed by pakistan the battle hardened muslim fighters poured into indian administered kashmir. india hit back hard crushing the armed movement and anyone thought to be supporting it kashmir is remained pretty neutral until the one nine hundred ninety s. when excessive violence by indian security forces which in many cases raped
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kashmiri women behaved in a terrible man and they were terrible torture chambers set up in kashmir with electric shocks being used on the genitals of young kashmiri kids thoughts and lots of horrors took place and kashmir is today of a very alienated very very elated from india not all of them want to be part of pakistan either. i certainly would not suggest that indian forces have been. always shall we say of the most that followed diplomatic in the way in which they've conducted their or their operations historian shushu to rule is also an indian opposition member of parliament you can imagine the enormous pressure they're under in a conflict in which. a hostile neighboring state is funneling armed people weapons bombs counterfeit money all sorts of resources that's very very hard
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to to maintain self-restraint in the face of all of that in the mean. innocent ordinary human beings are suffering at both ends the suffering terrorist violence intimidation and menace of the one and the inevitable repression that comes on the other side. seventy years on kashmir is no closer to peace it's been. a worsening spiral of pakistan encouraging militancy indian state cracking down the crackdown then creating more resentment some of the ones or resentful going often and and getting training and equipment coming back to the militants on the cycle keeps going.
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in islamabad pakistan's capital we come to a rally condemning india's presence in kashmir. it's run by a group india and the us consider a terrorist organization. firing up the crowd is how feast of dual brenden morrow leader of. a group the un says is a front for lashkar e tayyiba responsible for deadly attacks in india something the group has always denied. is. up. as the rally breaks up we make our way back stay there to try and speak with ninety . five
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the u.s. has put a two million dollar price on his head. it's not surprising then that he's well guarded can you truly say you're not sending fighters weapons into kashmir or beyond into india can you truly say that. yes a home. big secret neighborhood bought it. heavy equipment nor not for just for example done. many get back i'm done i'm into. but indian officials say mac used group is far from peaceful. they accuse them of masterminding the deadly attacks on indian soil. in two thousand and eight heavily armed gunman entered the city of mumbai killing one hundred sixty four people and injuring more than three hundred. after initial
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denials pakistani officials confirmed the attackers were all from pakistan and all linked to lashkar e tayyiba. even then it took almost a decade before pakistan put a piece saif the group's leader and mackie's boss under house arrest has your group not sent fighters into india. yes you know. your war. will hamlet who will strikes will you in your capacity. every day in school to use more me your country to our people ahead. of me. instead mackie blames hindu nationalists for carrying out a campaign of violence against most but. in india over the past twenty five years there have been major outbreaks of religious violence that have killed
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thousands mostly muslim. american in fact a lot and in some places there might be a couple of. stray. ram medevac is the general secretary of the ruling party the hindu nationalist b j p he's also a former spokesman for the r.s.s. a right wing group often accused of encouraging violence against muslims nor heard from our government. from the government. and the country committed to maintaining the i'm going to harmony because. rights groups say since the b.j. p. came into power in twenty fourteen the attacks on muslims have served. it's a charge rejects totally false in fact that black three of how been the war to be would be here when it comes.
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but for some the reality is starkly different. we've come to the region the main water which is predominantly muslim it's communities like these that are starting to feel the heat from the more violent elements of hindu nationalists. you know news. and. dairy farmers you shout car his father and some neighbors were returning home from a cattle market with two cows they got. suddenly they were attacked by hamada
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vast being by. the embargo i would like very guarded local. noons of all of a sudden hum milissa lake i see that her heart upand. go to. go. home which is only. for hindus cows are secret recently there's been a spate of attacks by hindu vigilantes targeting those they suspect of slaughtering cattle. marty marty pete. or margaret got there so many. jackie yes somebody there to be a poncho logan. or catch cancer or. they got better get a car boiling away. or. managed to
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escape with his life he was lucky his father died from his injuries two days later devastating the family. was going to look at a couple. years shot not only lost his father he says he also lost his old way of life one where muslims and hindus live together in peace is god. they were not can go. in come out for the incubi when the cup i'm going to be in the muslim monica. are going to be very clear. but it is going to the money from other going to them nor have they knew. about it.
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despite the government's assurance the confound is still waiting for justice. months after your shots father done his alleged killers are yet to face trial. increasingly hardliners in both india and pakistan are still going really just and political division. in mumbai we find these prejudices alive in the younger generation. i go to some. distance.
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dead body to the only. pakistani activist the car you want to change those negative attitudes. in many ways that thing that to this generation is far more hardline and antagonistic and more partitioned than the generation in one thousand forty seven because even though a lot of families you know who who migrated who suffered partition went through horrific tragedies there was also co-dependence was also coexistence for the younger children today there's no court system in pakistan you don't come across an indian let alone in the world of. according to a it's a situation made worse by governments censoring the story of what happened in nine hundred forty seven the state has emphasized and reinforce certain partition arthurs over other partition so much of the invading in textbooks or in the media narrative that that also state sanction is a lot of into going islam and hostility and only narratives of bloodshed and i have
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expenses of my own grandmother you know for twenty five years of my life only spoke of the last or did you have a hindu or a sick friend and all this story started come out and she said didn't you know you know a sick family helped save my sister partition so no i didn't know you know these stories have escaped generations. the absence of these stories from official history has come at great cost to young child who is hearing that you know hindus are responsible for genocide and hindus must never be trusted and must never be friends with how to expect their child to think anything else these are children that are going to school and i'm memorizing hatred. oh my god we've all become so tall and now i'm is now working with young people in both pakistan and india to help build bridges between the two countries. she invites us to an online chat between students in karate pakistan and mumbai india.
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so. it's i think we have some questions for you what is. this is the first time some of these teenagers have ever spoken to someone across the border mongolian gang is that even if you haven't spotted street food so you've all done just what they do you can find whatever you want anyway so what i'm trying to do now through our work is get them to talk to each other and get them to access these alternative history is that where the exchange is over those two through talking to me. you know and working through this you want to have some challenges. but we haven't heard that good things about this time. the other media is going on since for that vote to be honest it's the same on this
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site. we're not. good things about india there are. these casual chats may not seem like much but they have a big effect meeting people and realizing that they too are people just like us has been. really important in it shaping my view of what india is there are just as into our culture and they're just adding to our musicians our movie that is as we are into their. own now i know how they are just like us and there's no point in. here it was made in a spark but the thing to go to everyone cordell and we take a lot of time. i think it's very important to let them express that hatred you know because i don't think you can move on from partition because partition isn't a static over because it continues to shape us it will continue to. the nominees students are trying their best to reach across the divide. but
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me the guess that he didn't bring to me again. i know a big fan base. al-jazeera is investigative unit reveals explosive. documentary confirms to my analysis very hard profile figure in match fixing and question. this al-jazeera investigations cricket's match fixing the phone coming soon. on counting the cost this week the social cost of a carbon free future will look at what the un's deafening climate warning means for businesses and livelihoods africa's revolution plus how to stamp out trade in endangered wildlife. counting the cost on al-jazeera. hello again it's good to have you back what across australia particularly over here
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towards brisbane we saw some severe weather rumbling through that area those are the clouds right there with hail as well as thunder in fortune the next couple of days are going to remain quite wet and cool with brisbane seeing some rain showers in your forecast with attempts are only reaching to about eighteen degrees if you come down here towards melbourne well it is going to be much better twenty two degrees there going up to about twenty four degrees unfortunately we are going to continue to see those rain showers over here towards brisbane and over here across the west well another system is rolling across the bite and for perth that means seventeen degrees for you but those not only wins mean for adelaide you are going to be getting warmer with the tempter there of. seven across new zealand ah looking too bad over the next couple days because that one system is pushing out into the southern pacific where we're going to be seeing some brighter skies across auckland as well as into christ church that is document change to much as we go towards the next couple days but we are going to be watching this other system coming in off australia that will start to take place probably by the time we get towards the
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beginning of the week and then very quickly up here towards north asia we are going to be seeing some cooler weather across much of the region sendai one thousand degrees few in tokyo at eighteen. and ancient disease that continues to put half of the world's population risk if we do have a vaccine due to the speed of the process of moving the disease in many parts of the world al-jazeera travels to tanzania and follows medical professionals who are on the frontline of the battle against malaria and that case just a few thousand people in a mall trying to save fishing to do this lifeline the end game announces in. brother leader or brutal dictator. with discontent spreading through north africa
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time was running out for libya's self-styled king of kings. in the first of a two part series the big picture charts the rise and fall of one of the feet and the events that helped fuel the violence of his final hours. from lust for libya on al-jazeera food. zero. hello i maryam namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes international pressure mounts on saudi arabia as reports emerge that
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turkey has proved journalist jamal khashoggi was killed inside the consulate. homeward bound u.s. pastor andrew bronson is freed by a turkish course he was convicted to three years but was released four times. at least thirty four people are confirmed dead after heavy rains caused a landslide in eastern new ganda. with. police investigate a match fixing allegation concerning persons around six one champions league women will restore belgrade. in the program. story this hour u.s. president donald trump says he'll call saudi arabia's crown prince mohammed bin salmond to discuss the case of missing journalist jamal khashoggi turkish security sources say they have proof he was killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul
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ten days ago saudi arabia says these allegations are baseless and it has complete confidence in a joint team formed with turkey to investigate the disappearance stephanie decker reports now from istanbul. they are explosive allegations the washington post quotes turkish and u.s. officials confirming that turkey has or geo and video recordings that prove she was killed inside the saudi consulate you can hear his voice and the voices of men speaking arabic an anonymous source tells the paper you can hear how he was interrogated tortured and then murdered another source says men could be heard beating. this is a crime and the reason is the crimes that it is during one of his appearance is that going out and killing. so many of them and one of his appearance and if you if it's true that he was assassinated inside in the sea and they would also be
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responsible for extradition that he so there is a possibility is there in the kingdom of saudi arabia is going to hold his fate his were awesome this time saudi arabia has remained silent since its initial statement left the consulate shortly after he arrived and that the accusations of murder are basis but revelations that turkey has and video evidence of what is alleged to have happened is ramping up pressure on the kingdom if true it would explain why turkey was so quick to conclude that he was killed inside that consulate but it also raises questions as to how turkey had access to what exactly went on inside the diplomatic mission and has been using turkish and foreign media to get its message out feeding through a steady stream of leaks of what appears to have been an unprecedented sequence of events of a well known and well connected saudi journalist who returned to the consulate to finalize paperwork in order to get married never to reemerge and i was horrified
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because he assured me. when we were in london that there was nothing to be concerned about. he said on friday he had been to the consulate there to see them very well although they were initially surprised to see him. promised them if he came back again a few days later they would issue him with the papers he was off of so he felt. it was ok but apparently they prepared for him on thursday night turkey's presidential spokesman said they had agreed to set up a joint working group at the request of the saudis to investigate the disappearance of mr hersh the saudi delegation has arrived in turkey on friday for that purpose turkey's been waiting to search the consulate and also the home of the saudi consul general they need the saudis permission to do so but it seems if the latest reports
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are true that the turks already know exactly what happened to. stephanie decker al-jazeera istanbul. or jamal michelle is live for us now outside the saudi consulate in istanbul any more information about what saudi get delegation that's arrived in the country jamal. well mary much we've been reporting this delegation landed in ankara in the capital of ankara the political center of the country in knots in istanbul the scene of the crime and is the negation is headed by king said a man's one of the kids among the most senior advisors. founded in phase one prince faison is also the governor of mecca what we understand is actually that he had a long meeting with the turkish president rajapaksa you are the one we're not sure what was discussed exactly in that meeting however it is very indicative that this
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delegation went to ankara and is headed by a politician not by a police or an intelligence official and it shows maybe that the priority of this litigation is to try and find a way out of this crisis more than it is to try and establish what's happened because it seems that it's are it's already have established what's happened they have. conclusive evidence which many has have described is beyond doubt in terms of what's happened to jamal khashoggi when he entered the saudis it seems are now focusing on a way that would make them look not so bad but it's difficult to see how that's going to be when ultimately what went down is the murder of a journalist in a diplomatic mission in a foreign country obviously the turks now have a lot of leverage over this saudis and we'll see a lot of politicking and international diplomacy taking place we've already seen the u.s. weigh in commentators have pointed to the release of. the american process which
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we'll talk about later on this program and all of this it seems that there is some sort of discussions taking place to these limits the fallouts that's will occur as a result of this crisis right now the turks are keeping their cards close to their chest so to speak they are trying to. a way out of this and the way in which president erdogan has reacted is also indicative a man who doesn't shy away from confrontations like no one has actually been treating his words very selectively in recent days thank you very much jim with all the latest from istanbul let's head to washington now alan fischer is monitoring developments there allan president trump has been speaking what more is he had to say about this. well he's on a plane he's only a force one not just any plane on the plane as far as he's concerned on his way to a campaign event in ohio he didn't say anything when he left the white house a note or so ago he's come back to speak to journalists there the white house pool
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he said he's been talking about the brunson case saying it was very good news he was asked again specifically about the case and said they hadn't spoken to king solomon but it was intending to do at some point now whether that shed telling issue or whether it's a reluctance on behalf of the president to push this issue i'm sure they'll be people wanting to know because you'll remember that at the beginning of the week he said on a number of occasions we don't know anything we're trying to get information from saudi arabia we're trying to talk to them we know that mohammed bin solomon the crown prince's spoken to. who is of course the president's son in law but also a senior advisor also on the call was john bolton who is the national security advisor we know that the saudi ambassador to the united states is on his way back to riyadh and he's been asked for more information as well donald trump said that he would speak to the saudis themselves he's talked very often about how he's
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a good relationship with m.b.a.'s as he's known someone that an acronym that donald trump actually uses himself and he says he's also good friends and connected to king solomon so he expects that phone call to happen in the very near future but as he's discussing all this and how he's going to be in touch with the saudis as well there's a growing number of individuals who say that they're going to boycott so dear aby a particularly a conference that was planned to be held there towards the end of the month and they say that this is important they're doing this because they want the saudis to answer a number of important questions that have been raised in the last few days over the disappearance of jamal khashoggi. this seems to be more questions than answers we call it davos in the desert in a high profile investment conference to the track some of the biggest names in global finance only know several significant figures have announced they won't be
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attending and key media partners have withdrawn the site serious concerns over reports the journalist jamal khashoggi may have been murdered in the saudi consulate in istanbul among those canceling his trip the president of the world bank jim yong kim billionaire richard branson has announced he suspended all business relationships with the kingdom and questioned future involvement one of the most surprising withdrawals the head of the ride sharing service is significant sodium vestment and the saudi government representative sits on the board in a statement that of course he says i'm very troubled by the reports to date about jamal khashoggi we are following the situation closely and unless a substantially different set of fact emerges i won't be attending the f.i.a. conference in rio. also just like ours but the u.s. treasury secretary is among those still planning to attend for no i am planning on going at this point if more information comes out in changes. we could look at that
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but i am planning on going to the conferences part of saudi arabia's ambitious twenty thirty program a plan by koen prince mohammed bin salman to reshape the country's economy to become less reliant on oil because foreign investment is hugely important to the plan and this mini boycott could be alarming to many in saudi government circles we know that his twenty thirty vision is based on foreign investments and if peace foreign investment firms choose not to invest then it can put the entire project that he us champ get himself at risk and then the washington post on friday a fool page from the newspaper itself demanding answers from saudi arabia after the disappearing. of its columnist i would say the saudi embassy a number of groups calling for stronger action against the kingdom gathered for friday prayers the ambassador is come back in riyadh the u.s. government says when he returns he must bring some answers alan fischer al jazeera
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washington. let's head back to the saudi consulate in istanbul standing by for us and what further information do you have. well maria you know we've been talking about these recordings that apparently the different intelligence communities potentially the u.s. have been privy to and that the turks have shared it with them and the question was how did the turks get these recording there was rumors about them tapping the consulate or having some sort of informants inside and it appears and this was a story that had come a couple of days ago but was never really looked into that jamal official was wearing a smartwatch as he entered an apple watch and he had actually preprogrammed it to record before he entered he had sync that with his phone which he had left with. his fiance outside so apparently although he didn't know the true face of what waited or awaited him on the other side of the door.
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